<kyak> wolfspraul: hi! i just sent an e-mail to discussion list with attachment ~900Kb, but it was held due to 200Kb size limitation. Should i upload the attachment somewhere else and provide a link instead?
<wolfspraul> kyak: that would be more in line with general mailing list etiquette, yes
<wolfspraul> thanks for asking btw
<kyak> i will keep that in mind
<kyak> i'm not a power user of mailing lists :)
<kyak> i will resend it then
<wolfspraul> ok then I will discard the queued mail, so that nobody else approves it and we have it twice...
<kyak> sure, thanks
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: feeds.conf update packages revision to 25034 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/5844648
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: config.full_system include plplot-demo http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/a9fb79e
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: gottet: use maximum Ben's screen height for board http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/677918c
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: qball, gottet, Tile: added gmenu2x items http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/479a593
<wolfspraul> kyak: cool, are those games?
<kyak> wolfspraul: yup
<kyak> qt4-based games
<wolfspraul> nice
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: new port: zgv: a simple/leightweight image viewer + browser that uses svgalib http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/7fb69c0
<rjeffries> whoops wrong currency I assumed Yuan oh well
<kristianpaul> lekernel: oh yes :-)
<kristianpaul> I think are even more nanonote derivatives/clones as wolfspraul told me once
<wpwrak> i think that's the original from which the ben was derived
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> even i remenber the screenshots of the dictionary sofware somwhere in downloads.qi...
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Unrouted address pins, fixed http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/b5bb2d3
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: fix reg content for simulation porpuses http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/757a2f3
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Simulation enabled in Makefile http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/a0baeac
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: Code fixes for the dual-ported ram setup http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/33f0c2e
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: FPGA Memory sized fixed to max allowed http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/c856cd1
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: code snipets added to/as notes http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/c9d0f17
<kyak> xiangfu: hi!
<xiangfu> kyak: hi
<kyak> xiangfu: i think i found an issue in gmenu2x skins..
<kyak> when you change the skin to "backup" (and save) and then change back to "Default", gmenu2x won't start after restart
<kyak> i hunted it down to "messageBoxBg=#00080" line in /usr/share/gmenu2x/skins/Default/skin.conf.. this line is "messageBoxBg=#00000080" in default skin.conf
<kyak> so seems like gmenu2x is not saving its settings correctly
<kyak> so, after change "messageBoxBg=#00080" back to "messageBoxBg=#00000080", gmenu2x would start fine
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atben.brd: rearranged component references and values for printing/display http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/84278c8
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb.brd: some more cleanup after checking the gerbers http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/b0a5a0c
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atben, atusb: set solder mask and solder paste clearances to NXP's values http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/daaac58
<xiangfu> kyak: hmm... just grep the source code.  seems gmenu2x never using this "messageBoxBg" , there is one line, but it's in comment
<kyak> xiangfu: there are two of them..
<xiangfu> kyak: yes. one in comment, another in a static char*
<kyak> if you continue digging, you'll also find COLOR_MESSAGE_BOX_BG
<kyak> gmenu2x.cpp, line 99
<kyak> test,test
<kyak> i had > 100 s lag... thought i'd be disconnected :)
<kristianpaul> ping ping kyak
<kristianpaul> :-)
<kyak> xiangfu: i wanted to ask your opinion on something. There are packages in openwrt feeds explicitely linked against libncurses (non-wide version): irssi, for instance. How should we do if we want to have all those apps linked..
<kyak> ..against wide ncurses?
<kyak> kristianpaul: thanks ;)
<xiangfu> kyak: recently I have one idea about packages. let me explain first. (maybe this idea can work on this issue and libiconv (stub version) )
<xiangfu> let me start with libiconv-full libiconv-stub libiconv
<kyak> oh good
<kyak> i though about "conditional dependencies" mechanism, that is already there in openwrt
<kyak> something like DEPENDS:=+CONFIG_PACKAGE_libncursesw:libncursesw
<kyak> and then surround this "-lncurses" with if's (and link against lncursesw, if it's selected)
<xiangfu> there is on "/usr/lib/libiconv-full" anymore. both libiconv-full libiconv-stub install to same place. and they have their names, then libiconv have one line in DEPENDS
<xiangfu> just like you just wrote.
<xiangfu> s/there is on/there is no/
<kyak> i think this could work
<xiangfu> I plan to test this tomorrow.
<kyak> great!
<xiangfu> today, I testing David's commit about plplot.
<xiangfu> kyak: I guess our config.full_system have make rootfs > 512M :)
<kyak> oh!!
<kyak> i'm still living in 256 M :)
<kyak> maybe we should consider and remove some rarely used packages.. build them is "modules"
<kyak> *as
<xiangfu> I have create a rootfs, (only without emacs), the ubi file is  ~ 429M.
<kristianpaul> (i'm still living in 256 M ) oh, i could not agree better  :-)
<xiangfu> after reflash it's using 470M
<xiangfu> kyak: yes. agree, but we don't need build them as 'modules'. because we have 'config.all_packages' now.
<xiangfu> now we can success build ~ 1700 packages.
<kyak> xiangfu: when you build a release image, how do you know which packages to include withing the image and which to build as "modules"?
<xiangfu> kyak: we always using "config.full_system", so all the packages in "config.full_system" will included,
<kyak> xiangfu: ok, why do you need the config.all_packages then?
<xiangfu> kyak: talk about modules, we have another place to keep those modules packages: http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/packages/NanoNote/Ben/latest/
<kyak> yeah
<xiangfu> kyak: all_packages try to build all ~1700 packages.
<kyak> does it mean that you build two times? first, you build config.all_packages and put them in downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/packages/NanoNote/Ben/latest/, and then you build config.full_system to make the release image?
<xiangfu> kyak: yes.
<kyak> hm, ok.. i thought it could be done in a single build process
<xiangfu> kyak: in fact I build a lot. debug, xbboot, minimal ... :)
<kyak> nice :)
<xiangfu> kyak: yes. I think if we have "ImageBuilder" in config.all_packages, then we can just using the config.all_packages.
<xiangfu> then using the "ImageBuilder" for select the packages we want then create a rootfs.ubi
<xiangfu> kyak: (BTW, don't know why. the buildhost become very slow. you can see this : http://fidelio.qi-hardware.com/~xiangfu/compile-log/openwrt-xburst.all_packages-01212011-2200/"
<kyak> yeah, is it empty because it is still building?
<xiangfu> (this build start at : (21-Jan-2011 22:02) check the VERSIONS file, and today it's still building ...)
<kyak> not good, i think you could bug wolfspraul about that
<xiangfu> kyak: yes. you can see the BUILDLOG time changes every minute.
<kyak> right
<xiangfu> kyak: this time , we want release "mirror sources" "all packages" and "images"
<xiangfu> "mirror sources" is the "dl" folder.
<xiangfu> kyak: also maybe next time we can usinig 'opkg update' for update the rootfs. but first we need keep all files in package.
<xiangfu> there are still some files under "data/qi_lb60/files"
<kyak> yeah, right, very good idea
<kyak> this could take a while
<kyak> (upgrading via opkg)
<xiangfu> kyak: yes. maybe we also need create packages for u-boot and kernel.
<kyak> xiangfu: btw, did you get a feedback about building monolythic kernel?
<kyak> i.e. not having sound as modules
<xiangfu> kyak: someone reply email, said they using the monolythic  kernel for long time.
<kyak> $ grep "Package:" tmp/.packageinfo |wc -l
<kyak> 3348
<kyak> xiangfu: mean we only have around 50% packages build successfully?
<xiangfu> kyak: ./scripts/feeds list | wc -l
<xiangfu> 2629
<kyak> oh, much better :)
<xiangfu> I want release images at Wednesday or Friday. so this time the sound will still build as module.
<kyak> some packages are related to X, not to be counted.. and maybe some can't be built on mips
<kyak> and some are patented..
<kyak> xiangfu: when building config.all_packages, are there packages that fail to build?
<kristianpaul> ad astersik (*) in hexdump mean i avoid show this lines because are the same as the one i already showed up to address just before the asterisk (*), isnt ?
<kristianpaul> s/ad/an
<kristianpaul> oh yes
<kristianpaul> nv
<xiangfu> kyak: for now. the php5 fail,
<xiangfu> plplot-octave and plplot-tcl fail, but David have commit something, don't know if they are compile fine.
<kyak> ah, ok.. who need php :)
<kyak> xiangfu: btw, this page here http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Format_Data_Partition seems to be out of date.. when i decide to go to 512 Mb rootfs, how should i do with datafs?
<xiangfu> yes. needs update, hmm... I just mount the datafs to /root :)
<kyak> heh
<kristianpaul> will be nice is mediawiki support the update of some varibles from a certain file
<kristianpaul> s/varibles/variables
<kyak> would be nice if opkg could install by scp:// :)
<xiangfu> kyak: I more like the sshfs,
<xiangfu> but it's not working under 'dropbear'
<xiangfu> kyak: I think 'sshfs' is design for scp:// :)
<bartbes> xiangfu: you'd think it can't be too hard
<bartbes> something like fuse or lufs should do it
<rjeffries> idea for wolfgang & xiangfu: offer a service for $$ so a person can order Nanonote flashed to current image.
<xMff> shouldn't be too hard to make a wget wrapper that translates scp:// urls into actual scp commands
<xMff> opkg just calls "wget" to fetch stuff, it does not even verify schemes
<bartbes> nice
<bartbes> also, we could steal the jlime-pkg idea
<bartbes> it just downloads itself
<bartbes> then feeds the local packages to opkg
<bartbes> that way you could even switch to a faster download manager like aria2
<kristianpaul> In english when you put let said, 2 bits next to other 2 bits until you got a byte, how i do call that?
<kristianpaul> array? arrange?
<bartbes> maybe curl supports scp?
<kristianpaul> synonyms are killing me :-|
<Jay7> kristianpaul: padding?
<Jay7> i.e. fill bits until got a byte?
<kristianpaul> yay
<kristianpaul> damn, padding dint a direct equibalen neither on both wikipedia on wiktionary..
<kristianpaul> but the noun seems to be undestable
<kristianpaul> i 'll try with this Jay7 , thanks !
<xMff> bartbes: it does
<bartbes> xMff: curl has been ported already, hasn't it?
<xMff> bartbes: yes
<bartbes> well then
<bartbes> doesn't that mean we're set?
<xMff> you can compile opkg with curl support
<xMff> it will then use libcurl instead of calling wget
<xMff> probably worth a build variant
<xMff> opkg & opkg-curl
<xMff> but that can be toggled through configure
<kyak> xMff: is a very nice hint!
<xMff> I also have commit access to upstream opkg in case some fixing is needed
<bartbes> well then
<bartbes> what are you waiting for? :P
<xMff> spare time ;)
<Jay7> sshfs :)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: you think "GPS-SDR I/Q data avaliable for Analysis" is a good subject for an update mail about the status of gps-sdr project for the ben nanonote?
<wpwrak> sure. why not. any update is good :)
<kristianpaul> k
<xiangfu> kyak:  about all_pakcage and full_system, the better idea is move  "CONFIG_ALL=y" to config.full_system. then we can delete the all_packages.
<kyak> xiangfu: then all packages will be built as "modules", and those that explicitely enabled (i.e. "=y") will be build into image?
<xiangfu> kyak: yes.
<kyak> this is good
<kyak> we need to reduce the number of =y packages
<kyak> >512 Mb image is so insane :)
<kristianpaul> (finally some one listen to my toughts :-))
<kristianpaul> kyak: can you write that to mail list, i think this deserves to be discussed
<kristianpaul> s/list/list ?
<kyak> kristianpaul: i really wouldn't like to start this discussion :) there will be many argues what needs to stay in image, and what needs to go away
<xiangfu> kyak: yes. agree.
<kristianpaul> well at least i tried to convince you ;-)
<xiangfu> (I mean >512 Mb image is so insane :)
<kristianpaul> Just be prepared for the next resize :-)
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: merge all_package and full_system to one http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/ed2bf81
<kyak> xiangfu: do we need to disable all patented packages explicitely? maybe it can be done with "CONFIG_BUILD_PATENTED is not set"?
<xiangfu> kyak:  the 'ffmepg'  don't have the PATENTED variable in it's Makefile.
<kyak> hm.. very strange. definitely an overlook from ffmpeg's maintainer
<xiangfu> kyak: wait. there is a "Config.in" in ffmped and it's define some PATENTED.
<xMff> your stock image is >512M now? Sounds like I should try it again
<kyak> what an interesting trick using this Config.in...
<xMff> yes, unfortunately it only works if no vars have been set yet
<kyak> xMff: it's worth a try! do you own a Ben?
<xMff> yes
<kyak> xMff: btw, enabling curl support in opkg won't be easy -\
<xMff> it errors out?
<kyak> yep\
<kyak> mipsel-openwrt-linux-uclibc-ar: -L/home/bas/build/openwrt-xburst/staging_dir/target-mipsel_uClibc- No such file or directory
<xMff> grr
<xMff> can you provide more context?
<kyak> one sec
<xiangfu> kyak: ffmpeg Config.in: not work very well . we have "# CONFIG_FFMPEG_PATENTED is not set" in .config, we can still select the mp3:
<xiangfu> xiangfu@macbook:~/workspace/PanGu/openwrt-xburst$ grep FFMPEG.*mp3=y .config
<xiangfu> CONFIG_FFMPEG_MUXER_mp3=y
<xiangfu> xiangfu@macbook:~/workspace/PanGu/openwrt-xburst$ grep PATENTED .config
<xiangfu> # CONFIG_FFMPEG_PATENTED is not set
<xiangfu> need goto sleep. see you.
<kyak> xMff: the error: http://pastebin.mandriva.com/21789
<kyak> xiangfu: yep.. seems that Config.in trick is not working, perhaps for the reason xMff mentioned
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: zgv: fix crash from attempt to start browser in 8-bit videomode http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/0e75785
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: 0805-6.fpd: changed from package-based definition to follow Johanson's design http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/1c573d2
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atben.brd: updated balun footprint, some small touch-ups http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/e9be007
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb.brd: updated balun footprint http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/dda673e
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: congratulations ! was this still with the SIE or already with the MM1 ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: sie,
<kristianpaul> I will write a mail when have soemthing on MM1, wich to date is nothing :-)
<wpwrak> heh, kewl. step by step you're getting there. let's hope Fabrizio can find the codes :)
<wpwrak> even though you got his name wrong :)
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: zgv: basic truecolor support for the thumbnail browser http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/0e5906d
<kristianpaul> what?
<kristianpaul> no no
<wpwrak> isn't it this guy ? http://www.ctae.org/staff/fabrizio-tappero
<wpwrak> while you wrote "Now with help from Fabrizio Tapper from CTAE"
<kristianpaul> well, seems yes, i hope, but i just take his name from his mails
<kristianpaul> well he is italian, so mistakes with last names are usual, like trying to write/pronounce  my last name after from a enlgish native speaker ;-)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<Ornotermes> wpwrak: does atben only use SPI signals for control?
<kristianpaul> neat git with colors is awesome !
<wpwrak> Ornotermes: it also has SLP_TR and an IRQ line. http://projects.qi-hardware.com/schhist/atben/
<Ornotermes> wpwrak: could be interesting to build small gadgets that could interact with ben/pc wireless
<wpwrak> Ornotermes: indeed :)
<Ornotermes> a small breakoutbord for uSD-card holder is all that's needed, no point in build another version of the board really
<roh> http://www.intersil.com/data/an/an1325.pdf Choosing and Using Bypass Capacitors
<roh> nice document
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: iverilog simulation file missing http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/162723b
<qi-bot> [commit] Cristian Paul Peñaranda Rojas: .gitignore created and initialized http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-gps-sdr/bf88df0
<rjeffries> good idea
<rjeffries> this.. 12:26 <Ornotermes> wpwrak: could be interesting to build small gadgets that could interact with ben/pc wireless
<rjeffries> 12:28 <wpwrak> Ornotermes: indeed :)
<rjeffries> 12:30 <Ornotermes> a small breakoutbord for uSD-card holder is all that's needed, no point in build another version of the board really
<rjeffries> wprak what does the software for atusb look like? (before you add the 6LoWpan layers? just simple stream of bytes
<wpwrak> rjeffries: the idea for atusb is to just pass the basic accesses to the chip. maybe combine some low-level functions where convenient. nothing more. the bulk of the stack would be on the host.
<wpwrak> rjeffries: i.e., the atusb firmware wouldn't know how to send or receive a packet
<rjeffries> ok fine. can it ship byes to radio to be transmitted and read the stream that comes in
<steve|m> "usb -> spi interface" :)
<rjeffries> s/byes/bytes
<rjeffries> spi is on the radu chip correct
<rjeffries> s/radu/radio/
<wpwrak> steve|m: yup. a tiny bit higher-level, though. but not much.
<wpwrak> btw, all the code is there, you can easily read what it does yourself ;-)
<wpwrak> rjeffries: the transceiver has a few access commands: mainly registers and frame. i just map them to USB control transfers.
<rjeffries> SCLK: Serial Clock (output from master);
<rjeffries> MOSI; SIMO: Master Output, Slave Input (output from master);
<rjeffries> MISO; SOMI: Master Input, Slave Output (output from slave);
<steve|m> wpwrak: I'm planning something similiar for that m8c rfid reader.. have to write as least as possible in m8c asm :)
<wpwrak> rjeffries: in the future, it may be convenient to combine some such commands into a single operation, though. but it would still be at the same level of abstraction.
<rjeffries> so I wiull admit I do not have git installed so I think I can not read your source is that correct
<wpwrak> steve|m: (avoid m8c) surprise, surprise ;-)
<wpwrak> rjeffries: but git helps. local browsing is always nicer than webbish interfaces
<rjeffries> unferstood
<wpwrak> the idea is to keep the device-specific code to a minimum (firmware and kernel driver). then go to some "generic" at86rf231 driver. and so on.
<rjeffries> that's A Goof Idea
<rjeffries> damn s/goof/good/
<wpwrak> nice typo ;-)
<rjeffries> *I* am goofy
<roh> wpwrak: how complex is 6lowpan?
<roh> hm. needs ipv6, enough ram, 802.15.4 + the at86rf231 driver
<roh> sounds more like a task for something bigger than a 8bit cpu
<kristianpaul> oh, MM1 RC/RUN 3 on the way...
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: are you making a kernel driver for atben? i tought it was just bitbanging
<rjeffries> does this mean a new softcpu is planned for MM? <kristianpaul> oh, MM1 RC/RUN 3 on the way...
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: no no, just other batch of Milkymist One boards i guess :-)
<rjeffries> i see
<rjeffries> are any users using MM for VJ gigs or is it a little too rough aroung the edges for now (understandable)
<Joelixny> Is this channel for electronic help like cuircuits and stuff? =)
<kristianpaul> Joelixny: nope, try #electronics
<Joelixny> ok thanks
<kristianpaul> rjeffries: for softcore Milkymist questions i think proper place is #milkymist
<rjeffries> I stad corrected
<rjeffries> s/stad/stand/
<rjeffries> MM is not relly on my radar yet. was just curious is all.
<kristianpaul> sure :-)
<wolfspraul> rjeffries: it's not too rough
<wolfspraul> it works like a charm, out of the box
<rjeffries> hi wolf. it is none of my beeswax as they used to say. it is a highly complex bundle of FRGAcode so I'd be totally amazed if there are not plenty of teething problems
<rjeffries> s/FRGAcode/FPGA code/ next topic . <g>
<kristianpaul> you should not care about FPGA actually. what Wolfgang points is true, i realized as one get my M1 and just pluged :-)
<wolfspraul> I'm not known for exaggerating about tech features I think.
<kristianpaul> and Milkydrop efects are wow, i got amazed watching/playing with some of that day
<wolfspraul> there is one bug left, a power-up bug
<wolfspraul> but it's rare and there is a workaround. We hope to track it down before rc3.
<wolfspraul> out to lunch guys, later...
<kristianpaul> he, i dint got that bug yet :-)
<kristianpaul> chao wolfspraul
<roh> wpwrak: just watching http://6lowpan.net/2010/02/16/seminar-video-released/ right now
<rjeffries> one last comment befor I apply duct tape to my lips: there is a difference between one bug you know of and all the ones nobody has found yet. I am DELIGHTED that the VJ app works, cool beans. I thought somebody had an issue with large enet frames.
<rjeffries> back to my project to make an IR dongle for Nanonote. Wolf, no, at this stage I do not yet need a Nanonote
<rjeffries> I have to learn how to make my own PCB (the 8:10 to breakout cable)
<rjeffries> then with a loy of study and possinly a little help from Samrt People get the schematic done and reviewed
<rjeffries> after I build one, borrow my friend's unused Nannote for a while
<rjeffries> But first I need to convince him to man up and update to latest image
<kristianpaul> In the meanwhile you can make your PCB and Schmatics :-)
<kristianpaul> Yes, i'm having issues with some networking support on the RTEMS port for MM1, but that dint affect Flickernoise or Vj Stuff
<kristianpaul> Is a requirement for my particular need.
<rjeffries> kristianpaul what is your use case (curiosity only)
<kristianpaul> I need transfer some files from the MM1 to my Desktop Computer using the ethernet
<kristianpaul> or in some _theorical_ case, stream the data
<rjeffries> ok. what's the a[[licayion or is this a secret that may earn you a gazillion Euros
<kristianpaul> no no
<kristianpaul> Did you read the last mail i sent to the list?
<kristianpaul> I'm off, read you later