<kristianpaul> morning wolfspraul :-)
<wolfspraul> morning
<kyak> it was a very interesting discussion yesterday about openwrt
<kristianpaul> yes
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: gnuplot-gfx: reworked truecolor fixes to upstream-submittable http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/52ae1d7
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: gnuplot-gfx: update to latest upstream version 4.4.2 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/c20e4cd
<kyak> actually, wolfspraul expressed many of my own concerns
<wolfspraul> hah, let's wait until the netsplit is over :-)
<kyak> yeah :)
<kyak> xMff: you were asking about the list of apps that require iconv/intl - should I just grep apps that DEPEND on iconv/intl from qi's openwrt-packages or you need something else?
<kyak> if you wanted to have a look at those apps, you could just add qi's openwrt feed and see it yourself
<bartbes> more interestingly, *your* failing packages
<bartbes> the efl feed has 'enlightenment'
<bartbes> it's upstream, and doesn't compile
<bartbes> I'm guessing there are more of those
<kyak> oh, ok
<bartbes> kyak: that was at xMff, I have no idea what he asked for
<bartbes> :P
<kyak> i think you got it right
<kyak> anyway, i got stuck at fbterm compilation
<kyak> with "tiny" libiconv
<kyak> maybe something else was affected, i don't know, because then i wanted "full" libiconv back
<kyak> now i'll try to build against tiny libiconv and see what else fails
<kyak> and i have to believe xMff that the tiny libiconv is a real replacement for libiconv, and if an app builds fine, there will be no problems during runtime
<kyak> but to tell the tryuth, i'm not sure about that
<kyak> speaking about communicatino issues, there is stil no reply to this ticker here https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/8603
<lekernel> wolfspraul: (mentor graphics) what free tools? :)
<kyak> i guess i should write to openwrt mailing list?
<lekernel> or you mean, free of charge?
<wolfspraul> lekernel: the fedora/free electronic lab
<lekernel> there isn't any free equivalent for leonardo spectrum, which is the most useful (and pirated) mentor product
<wolfspraul> kyak: what other openwrt tickets are open right now?
<kyak> 8413 from xiangfu
<kyak> 8594 about glib2 not able to build against libiconv-full
<kyak> 8282 - i also reported that (not very important, but still there was no feedback)
<kyak> and this ticket 8289 - is a perfect example of how things can go well
<kyak> report - check - fix :)
<kyak> quick fix of that helped a lot while porting netsurf
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: use ccache also for C++ compilation http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/fba4b71
<kyak> i think that's all from me, xiangfu might have other opened tickets
<wolfspraul> ok we have 4 open ones right now - 8603, 8413, 8594, 8282
<kyak> yes; btw, 8413 is what has been bugging bartbes for a while now
<kyak> bartbes: am i right?
<bartbes> no
<bartbes> I get a link error
<wolfspraul> kyak: can you build bootable/working images now? I was a little surprised that you and xiangfu said you could not build a working image since mid-December
<wolfspraul> my one and only focus is how we get to the next image, with improvements and all the stuff contributed in recent weeks, and without regressions
<kyak> yes, we can now that we've overriden libiconv, gettext and glib2
<wolfspraul> ok I see
<bartbes> but then again, I patched it to link against libiconv-full
<kyak> what's the error?
<bartbes> missing iconv_open, iconv_close and iconv symbols
<kyak> oh, pretty strange.. are your libiconv-full and gettext-full different from the ones in openwrt-packfges?
<kyak> because as i mentioned yesterday, libiconv-full and gettext-full are basically renamed to libiconv and gettext and now present in openwrt-packages (overriding the ones from openwrt feeds)
<bartbes> I heard it was some header issue probably
<bartbes> oh, I know
<bartbes> that might have been an error I did
<bartbes> anyway
<bartbes> still
<bartbes> since gettext creates no actual lib
<kyak> i just wonder, why you have this error
<bartbes> nothing can link against this
<kyak> hm, it created libintl
<bartbes> oh, I probably messed up, I'll try again later
<bartbes> it.. did?
<kyak> have a look into Makefile
<kyak> you should link against libintl
<bartbes> because I'm pretty sure the makefile doesn't install anything but headers and autoconf data
<kyak> as libintl is provided bby gettext package
<kyak> $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/libintl.{a,so*} $(1)/usr/lib/gettext-full/lib/
<kyak> looks like a real lib to me :)
<bartbes> also, as far as I can tell nothing is compiled eithr
<bartbes> but that's gettext-full
<kyak> paths are messed up, however
<bartbes> not gettext
<kyak> yes, so what?
<bartbes> and yes, gettext-full fails all paths
<bartbes> hence nothing links to it without heavy, heavy patching
<bartbes> also, did it link against (stripped) libiconv?!
<kyak> oh, so you are spending your time trying to link against stub lib?
<bartbes> libiconv-full also uses insane paths
<kyak> yeah..
<bartbes> and I'm not sure gettext-full was patched
<kyak> not patched
<bartbes> in any case, the paths are one huge pile of suck
<kyak> yes :)
<kyak> like this one:
<bartbes> so, did gettext-full compile?
<bartbes> against stub libiconv?
<bartbes> or did you have to patch manually?
<kyak> again, both *full versions are fixed (paths) and renamed to libiconv and gettext
<kyak> then all build fine
<kyak> (except for glib2, which was changed upstream for the tiny libiconv)
<kyak> but it's overriden, too
<kyak> i still have a feeling you don't completely understand me
<bartbes> but you manually fixed all that?
<bartbes> or did somebody just revert all stubs?
<kyak> these packages have been added to openwrt-packages
<kyak> thus effectively overriding the ones from openwrt feeds
<kyak> you have to change the order of feeds in feeds.conf for that
<bartbes> ah
<kyak> this is temporary, until a switchable (between "tiny" and "full") solution is implemented
<kyak> like xMff mentioned, something like global $(LIBICONV)
<bartbes> so if I want to switch I simply change the order in feeds.conf
<bartbes> then update and install
<bartbes> (using scripts/feeds)?
<kyak> yes, should be easy like that
<kyak> change the order; rm -rf feeds tmp; make package/symlinks
<bartbes> alright
<kyak> then you will be using libiconv, gettext and glib2 from openwrt-packages
<bartbes> time to reboot then
<kyak> and these are full versions
<kyak> happy reboot then ;)
<bartbes> alright
<bartbes> put qipackages highest in the feeds.conf
<bartbes> rm completed
<bartbes> shit
<bartbes> I just rememberd
<bartbes> *remembered
<bartbes> I killed my patched efl libs as well :)
<bartbes> *:(
<kyak> oh!
<bartbes> alright, time to reapply some patches then..
<bartbes> I always wonder why the toolchain takes so long beforeit actually does something
<bartbes> tries compiling enlightenment
<bartbes> oh I would be so happy if I got e17 running..
<kyak> indeed would be cool
<kyak> what is your build host?
<kyak> i mean, is it powerful machine?
<bartbes> not really
<bartbes> still singlecore :(
<bartbes> at least I have hyperthreading
<kyak> it takes here a while, too.. but i don't feel like i have to wait too long
<bartbes> hmm I guess I have to manually recompile libiconv and gettext (aka libintl)
<bartbes> or not..
<bartbes> oh
<bartbes> nvm, my fault
<bartbes> I tried enabling ccache, well, it helps if it's installed
<bartbes> oh wow
<bartbes> the first bit of gettext is configure script after configure script
<bartbes> you see it configure for 10 mins, then 1 compile, then another configure (10 mins is a huge overstatement, don't worry)
<bartbes> well well well, that is one hell of a compile
<kyak> something has changed in tiny libinconv
<kyak> oh.. i think i should build from scratch.. perhaps fbterm is taking the older lib..
<bartbes> phew
<bartbes> finally gettext finished
<bartbes> yeah I needed to recompile libiconv and gettext manually as well
<kyak> it wasn't really necessary to make it manually, i think
<bartbes> maybe not, but I did it anyway
<bartbes> so now the efl is building again
<bartbes> kyak: hmm
<bartbes> same
<bartbes> I'll pastebin
<bartbes> I'm thinking it means I need to patch
<bartbes> ls
<bartbes> oops, wrong window
<bartbes> it can't find libiconv.so
<bartbes> *libiconv.so.2
<bartbes> so maybe it is in the makefile?
<kyak> that's maybe because InstallDev didn't take place
<bartbes> it did, it's there
<kyak> can you show more complete log?
<kyak> is it from efl?
<bartbes> from e17
<kyak> --disable-rpath
<kyak> i think it's the problem
<bartbes> that'd be in the package makefile
<bartbes> I'll see if disabling that works
<kyak> should be something like TARGET_LDFLAGS+= -Wl,-rpath-link=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib
<bartbes> I just commented out the line and started a recompile
<bartbes> if it fails I'll try that
<bartbes> alright, added your LDFLAGS line
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: gnuplot-gfx: cleanup patches for 4.4.2 version http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/2343639
<qi-bot> [commit] David Kühling: plplot: adapt font size scaling to smaller nanonote display http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/a05abc9
<bartbes> alright, that's a lot better, now it fails on some configure options
<bartbes> or not..
<bartbes> anyway, something else now
<kyak> the round is won :)
<bartbes> I need to disable some X11 stuff
<wpwrak> zrafa: funny .. all the libs (ecore, edje, efreet, ...), but no e17 in jlime ?
<bartbes> wpwrak: in owrt it's called 'enlightenment' maybe same goes for jlime?
<wpwrak> bartbes: i searched for e17, enlightenment, Enlightenment ... nada
<wpwrak> bartbes: let see if i have more luck with qpkg :)
<bartbes> e16? :P
<wpwrak> that, too
<kyak> wpwrak: e-wm, perhaps
<bartbes> of course a single "e" isn't much of a search term :P
<wpwrak> there's some e-wm-* stuff, no e-wm per se, though
<bartbes> hmm
<bartbes> I'll have to go investigate on how to disable the X modules
<wpwrak> hmm, i think the qpkg parser needs a bit more work. packages "${IPKG_VARIANT}" and "(<1.0." :)
<kyak> wpwrak: maybe you can poke in here http://cgit.openembedded.org/cgit.cgi/openembedded/tree/recipes/e17 and find what could be it
<bartbes> dammit
<bartbes> apparently the wm needs X
<bartbes> :(
<wpwrak> kyak: ah, thanks. seems that e-wm could be the right name. but there's no e-wm package. well, i'll just wait for zrafa's comment :)
<wpwrak> bartbes: if you didn't have X, what windows would the window manager manage ?
<bartbes> true
<bartbes> but it could at least give you a desktop
<wpwrak> without windows ? hmm ...
<wpwrak> bartbes: zrafa's been doing a lot of work around e* lately, maybe he knows if what you have in mind is a perversion raster has already indulged in
<bartbes> hmm
<bartbes> edje can be used to create a launcher
<wpwrak> hmm. now why did i leave that 0R in the clock line atusd ? doesn't get any more useless ...
<xMff> #LO
<xMff> sorry
<xMff> 'lo
<bartbes> hi xMff
<kyak> xMff: http://pastebin.mandriva.com/21613 the build log of fbterm with tiny libiconv
<zrafa> wpwrak: I just checked.. Yes, it should be e-wm, and it is not there :P.. but.. I tried to build the packages with OE and it looks like it built the e-wm just fine :P
<kyak> there was this patch http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/openwrt-packages/source/commit/2d7e398567856d8953b9f64576928573aae2c991/ for this issue, but it was dropped when we enabled uClibc with locale support
<xMff> kyak: I'll take a look
<zrafa> wpwrak: because I think that jlime repo at qi is okey if we keep it stable (or frozen) I would prefer to upload these new packages on extra-packages. For opkg, jlime-pkg or qpkg would not have difference. So those packages would be there for installation
<zrafa> SO jlime-pkg update; jlime-pkg install e_wm (or whatever) would work
<zrafa> wpwrak: what do you think?
<xMff> kyak: they do really stupid stuff in their code :(
<kyak> xMff: thanks! i'll try to stop what else packages might have problems.. most of all i'm afraid of runtime problems
<kyak> *try to spot
<bartbes> great, jlime boot failed
<bartbes> *sigh*
<bartbes> it's never easy
<xMff> kyak: basically (void *)-1 must be changed to (iconv_t)(-1)
<xMff> kyak: in io.cpp
<kyak> xMff: i agree, the code might be out of date and stupid.. but rewriting libiconb from scratch is not good, too :)
<zrafa> bartbes: why it is never easy?
<wpwrak> zrafa: yeah, as long as it works, that's good :)
<kyak> xMff: thanks for the hint
<xMff> kyak: point is that it probably fail with other non-gnu iconv implementations too. iconv_t is not guaranteed to be void * (or a pointer at all)
<zrafa> wpwrak: yeah, that will work out of the box.. NO idea if e17 will work, we need to test :)
<wpwrak> zrafa: i think we ultimately should move the jlime repo at qi-hw from "stable" (= frozen) status to "alive". but that's work for another day ;-)
<bartbes> zrafa: I meant in general, not jlime
<kyak> xMff: yeah, i think fbterm is build with gnu iconv in 99% of cases...
<bartbes> ;)
<bartbes> in this case a reboot fixed it
<bartbes> 'fixed'
<kyak> xMff: thanks a lot for your explanations yesterday and patience, too
<zrafa> bartbes: ah :).. well, I remember that I failed to have the bootloader file.. and when I did the command for installation on NAND it did not install the bootloader.. so after that system did not boot (of course) but worse.. I was not able to have the usbboot again :P
<bartbes> there's always hardware usb boot
<zrafa> bartbes: yeah, but that was my first time trying that hardware usb boot.. so it took a lot of time I think
<wpwrak> gah. i solder like a spider on dope. that death-by-caffeine breakfast probably wasn't such a good idea. hmm, perhaps a bit of beer will sooth my itchy hands ...
<bartbes> right
<kyak> wpwrak: just for info, what's your time zone? you seem to be always active :)
<bartbes> zrafa: so when can we expext an e-wm package?
<kyak> wpwrak: or, you have that AI bot speaking instead of you, while you are sleeping :)
<wpwrak> kyak: WTZ, werner's time zone :) the external stimulus (that day star) would be buenos aires time
<kyak> heh
<zrafa> bartbes: those built just fine, I should upload but no remember exactly how to do that :P
<zrafa> bartbes: checking my notes..
<zrafa> wpwrak: do you remember the wiki page link explaining details about how to upload stuff to downloads.qi.. etc?
<wpwrak> www-data@downloads.qi-hardware.com ?
<zrafa> bartbes: I have other nice things to upload to extra packages yet, like emacs as well which was cross compiled (with the final binary dump, no the huge thing which takes a lot to run), but lazy or no time to make the proper ipk these days :(
<zrafa> wpwrak: is downloads.qi-hardware.com?.. I guessed that I used another server name
<zrafa> wpwrak: let me try..
<zrafa> wpwrak: yes.. works :)
<zrafa> bartbes: almost uploading..
<bartbes> alright
<zrafa> uploading..
<bartbes> powers on ben
<zrafa> E : well.. uploaded... And I tried to install. It installs, but you have to modify jlime-pkg. replace into /usr/bin/jlime-pkg the line  "opkg install *.ipk"  with  "opkg  --force-overwrite install *.ipk"
<zrafa> then: jlime-pkg update ; jlime-pkg install e-wm
<zrafa> Also, we should install the recommended packages that installation suggests. Those packages are on repo
<zrafa> export DISPLAY=:0 ; enlightenment_start
<zrafa> I guess that we need the recommended packages installed before.
<zrafa> wpwrak: bartbes: I modified /etc/muffinman-extras/startx, commented out matchbox lines.. and added enlightenment_start after Xfbdev line..
<zrafa> it runs..
<zrafa> now I do not know what to do :D
<bartbes> get proper keybinds? :P
<zrafa> (I installed the recommended packages suggested before)
<zrafa> bartbes: yeah
<zrafa> bartbes: let me check if I find some documentation useful
<bartbes> zrafa: I can't run update via jlime-pkg?
<zrafa> bartbes: which jlime version you have? the one from qi?
<bartbes> ehm..
<bartbes> one I saw announced in the mailing list..
<bartbes> I guess it's the one you introduced jlime-pkg in..
<bartbes> how do I get the version?
<zrafa> ah.. okey. You have the version under OE+jlime development. The current with the e-wm packages is the uploaded to downloads.qi
<zrafa> bartbes: let me give you the link
<bartbes> so.. what's the diff?
<wpwrak> bartbes: can your jlime'd ben see the intertubes, google, youporn, etc. ?
<zrafa> bartbes: several things. Mainly you have the version which is being merged with OE. The version at qi servers does not have packages with patented technologies.
<bartbes> wpwrak: of course
<bartbes> aww
<wpwrak> bartbes: just checking ;-)
<bartbes> wpwrak: why?
<zrafa> bartbes: that is the main link of the version with the e-wm packages I uploaded.
<bartbes> does it have an sd rootfs?
<bartbes> oh it does
<bartbes> yay
<zrafa> bartbes: mainly there are several jlime version because I did that version at qi for this project. But also B_Lizzard is working hard on merge his jlime version work for nn into OE. So there are some diffs. But more or less it is the same :)
<zrafa> bartbes: yes, there is a version for SD
<bartbes> what's the diff between the normal and the bootstrap version?
<zrafa> bartbes: bootstrap is a minimal system.. it boots and lets you on a shell.. YOu can play to convert that version on your dreamed version for installing packages
<zrafa> you want and GUI you want, etc
<bartbes> hmm so that would be ideal for e17 ;)
<bartbes> I'll stick with stock for now
<zrafa> bartbes: maybe.. yes, but full version would be faster to run perhaps.
<zrafa> bartbes: but yes. bootstrap is nice to play :)
<bartbes> bart@bartbes:/media/jlime$ sudo rm -rf *
<bartbes> and then jlime was gone..
<bartbes> unpacking the new one now
<bartbes> opkg_prep_intercepts: mkdtemp: No space left on device
<bartbes> zrafa: that went well (see above)
<wpwrak> seems that the intercept was successful
<kristianpaul> zrafa: boostrap is nice for sie
<kristianpaul> e low-level software (ogusb-lite.exe) provided with the board takes the samples and dumps them to a file as 8 bit values...inefficient but easy to work with.
<kristianpaul> lol
<kristianpaul> easy  i guess then..
<zrafa> kristianpaul: yeah, I guess that it should be a good start point for sie
<zrafa> kristianpaul: and you can add just you need
<zrafa> bartbes: no space left?.. poor jlime :)
<bartbes> poor me
<bartbes> :P
<zrafa> haha :)
<zrafa> I have a new 2gb uSD card.. old one broke
<bartbes> mine is...
<kristianpaul> literally broke or just stop working?
<bartbes> 4gb
<bartbes> I just partitioned really well
<bartbes> ;)
<zrafa> ;-))
<wpwrak> roh, kristianpaul: for the "case", i was thinking of a U-shaped (in 3D) piece of silicone. slightly thicker but less wide than the board, so that one has to squeeze/tear it to make it fit, and it would stay in place mainly by friction
<roh> wpwrak: sounds like some experiments are needed
<wpwrak> roh, kristianpaul: this ought to be relatively simple to make, provided a two-component silicone preparation and a suitable release agent can be found. (the easily available acetone-based silicones used as bathroom/kitchen/etc. sealants may take a very long time to cure in this kind of mold, due to limited air flow.)
<wpwrak> roh: aren't they always ? ;-)
<wpwrak> "ten years of intensive research show that more research is needed" ;-)
<viric> hmm isn't there any bluetooth µsd device around?
<viric> I imagine wpan is the only way to go :)
<wpwrak> (BT) dunno. maybe, if there's wlan, there may be BT, too. but spectec themselves only have BT for mini-SDIO
<viric> ok
<viric> what is that 'io' after sd?
<viric> anything relevant?
<wpwrak> SDIO is an extension of the SD (memory card) protocol
<wpwrak> adds new commands to access registers and also introduces an interrupt signaling mechanism
<viric> ahh
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusd/Makefile: added targets "front", "back", "clean" http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/88b742b
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/Makefile: removed claim that zones have to be filled in the .brd file http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/766b575
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusd/Makefile: replaced board name by $(NAME) or pattern http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/cb2a30a
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusd/Makefile: remove long-obsolete dependency on dtc123je.mod http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/ff6703f
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atrf-rssi.c: unmask IRQ_PLL_LOCK, for 231 compatibility http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/4d2395e
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: tools/: renamed OpenWRT target from "ben" to "ben_openwrt" and added "ben_jlime" http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/45e55fe
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusd/cam/mkmk: updated for making the 20110104 prototypes http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/e8d7150
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atrf-txrx: updated for AT86RF231 interrupt handling http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/0c7146c
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: tools/lib/misctxrx.c: decode AMI and CCA_ED_DONE interrupts (231 only) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/1befc69
<viric> The SDIO-Linux project provides an open source SDIO-stack. The stack comes complete with drivers for the Host and Bus controllers, SD/MMC memory cards, SDIO-bluetooth and Atheros WLAN driver.
<viric> so some SDIO-bluetooth card should work
<viric> maybe not µsd
<wpwrak> dunno how compatible all the SDIO-BT cards are with respect to each other
<wpwrak> there's no difference in the protocol between SD, miniSD, and uSD
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atrf-txrx: small 231 continuous transmission mode cleanup (doesn't work yet) http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/9b498ae
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusd: removed resistor of futility http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/8d48773
<wpwrak> tataa ! atusd bom cost reduced by 6 deci-cents apiece :-)
<zrafa> wpwrak: :D