<awygle> azonenberg, when you come back: i would be interested in that, and thus i urge you to consider providing a C API
<awygle> cyrozap: same
<cyrozap> awygle: That's the plan.
<awygle> cyrozap: i figured it would be but... you know. explicit is better than implicit :p
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<openfpga-bot> [jtaghal] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fN4me
<openfpga-bot> jtaghal/master aee303e Andrew Zonenberg: InitializeChain() now removes old instances so it can be called multiple times
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<azonenberg> awygle: i'll probably make it a separate library
<azonenberg> then have jtaghal link to it
<azonenberg> as far as API, i havent gone that far yet
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<rqou> azonenberg why do you _suck_ at APIs?
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<awygle> God dammit how did I buy the only portable air conditioner brand with a non standard hose diameter
<qu1j0t3> low tech drm
<Zorix> just build an adapter
<zkms> they don't call it duct tape for nothing
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<qu1j0t3> watch Apollo 13 for inspiration
<awygle> I might actually just duct tape it. I'm out of here in three weeks anyway.
<zkms> (masking tape leaves less residue and you can get heavy duty masking tape pretty easily)
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<awygle> i think i might just be doing something stupid. does anyone know how to attach the hose from a portable air conditioner to a hole/port in the wall of an apartment that is _clearly_ explicitly meant for such a thing?
<prpplague> awygle: usually the portable AC is intended to fit into a window
<awygle> na this is one of those upright ones with hoses
<prpplague> awygle: yea, even those
<awygle> it came with a window kit thing
<prpplague> awygle: usualy comes with a window kit
<awygle> but like, there's a 5" hole in my wall, with a plastic cover over it
<awygle> a removable plastic cover, and it leads to a vent hood thing
<prpplague> awygle: clothes dryer vent?
<awygle> maybe but there's a clothes dryer in the place already on the totally opposite side of the apartment, also that would put the dryer in my living room
<prpplague> awygle: ahh
<prpplague> awygle: i would think you just need a piece of flexible duct work and a circle clamp
<prpplague> awygle: that's what i use for my AC unit in my office
<awygle> so i'm trying to picture that, and the issue i have with it is that there's nothing extending beyond the wall to circle clamp to
<awygle> it's just a hole with a plastic sheathe, no extruding pipe
<prpplague> awygle: oh interesting
* awygle should just take a picture...
<prpplague> awygle: probably need one of those
<prpplague> awygle: you hammer that into the hole
<prpplague> awygle: please... no pictures... there are things we can't "unsee"
* prpplague jokes with awygle
<awygle> that looks reasonable as an approach
<rqou> azonenberg: so i just assembled a second board
<rqou> again no apparent issues with BGAs, 0% success on QFPs
<prpplague> rqou: pictures of the failures?
<prpplague> awygle: the window kit that comes with the AC unit might fit that
<prpplague> awygle: directly
<prpplague> awygle: i was just looking at mine
<prpplague> awygle: and it probably would fit
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<azonenberg> rqou: i do apis just fine
<azonenberg> But not ones you like :p
<awygle> prpplague: I ended up tapping the window attachy thing in with a hammer
<awygle> It's not a great deal but it's fine for now
<awygle> The ones at my new place actually stick out from the wall so should be much easier to use.
<prpplague> awygle: ahh dandy
<awygle> s/deal/seal/
<prpplague> awygle: mind if i ask where you are located?
<awygle> Redmond WA
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<prpplague> awygle: ahh dandy
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<rqou> third board assembled
<rqou> BGAs are reasonably forgiving, but QFPs just aren't working for me
<rqou> i actually had a slight offset while pasting this one and it still worked fine
<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark pushed 3 new commits to master: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/compare/d2227e3ac193...09c517101380
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 09c5171 whitequark: gateware.i2c: implement I2CMaster.
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master f68683b whitequark: device.GlasgowPort: explicitly convert data to bytes in write....
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master a52b0fd whitequark: applet: extract port voltage configuration code.
<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark pushed 3 new commits to master: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/compare/09c517101380...30d90fe65af3
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 30d90fe whitequark: applet.uart, gateware.uart: minor cleanup.
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 00130b2 whitequark: applet: check if applet is already registered when subclassing....
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master ac1fc0b whitequark: cli: move code that adds a TRACE log level to main package....
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<azonenberg> rqou: please tweet about this effort
<azonenberg> we need more people to not be scared of bgas
<rqou> azonenberg: why are LEDs MSL-3?
<pie___> ball grid AAAAAAAAAArray
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<azonenberg> rqou: maybe the lenses absorb moisture and can popcorn? idk
<azonenberg> i've never observed a popcorn personally
<azonenberg> I dont worry about MSL for cheap parts, if something does fail one day i'll just rework it
<azonenberg> Things like FPGAs i follow moisture precautions religiously though
<rqou> the whole reason I'm assembling boards now is because of MSL time lol
<azonenberg> Basically i weigh the probability and cost of rework
<azonenberg> against the annoyances of following the precautions
<azonenberg> this isnt production, it's prototyping
<azonenberg> if i have to rework one board a year because a $1 part popcorned
<azonenberg> that is an acceptable risl
<azonenberg> risk*
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<whitequark> azonenberg: they absolutely do
<whitequark> this is a huge yield issue with WS2812s
<azonenberg> whitequark: interesting
<azonenberg> good to know if i ever work with them esp since i live in a humid climate
<azonenberg> But like, QFNs or QFPs or SOICs
<azonenberg> or normal like 0402 chip LEDs?
<azonenberg> never seen one fail due to soldering
<azonenberg> to be fair 90% of those parts were new in dry bags when i installed them
<whitequark> i recall some famous engineer like bunnie making a WS2812 board in prod and hitting that
<azonenberg> But LEDs i tend to open a reel of and just leaving them around
<whitequark> apparently it's a well known pitfall
<whitequark> but it still doens't matter very much in protoyping
<azonenberg> Does it rip out the bond wires? just destroy the lens and diffuse the light? or what
<whitequark> latter iirc
<whitequark> makes the device unsellable though
<azonenberg> yeah but its interesting that the failure mode is optical not electrical
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<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark pushed 2 new commits to master: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/compare/30d90fe65af3...a6f1f69c9685
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master a6f1f69 whitequark: target: make _SyncPort have a TSTriple .t, to make it usable via Pads.
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 926c50e whitequark: gateware.pads: accept and ignore None passed as an element....
<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark force-pushed master from a6f1f69 to 55e2e47: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/commits/master
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 55e2e47 whitequark: target: make _SyncPort have a TSTriple .t, to make it usable via Pads.
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<felix_> azonenberg: https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX22505.pdf might be worth a look for your starshipraider. haven't fully read the datasheet, but seemed interesting
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<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark pushed 3 new commits to master: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/compare/55e2e4793d5b...f5c6b68d7e17
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 7d294e2 whitequark: Abstract away multiplexing/demultiplexing of pin and FIFO access....
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master f5c6b68 whitequark: applet.i2c_master: new applet.
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 1ff2e7b whitequark: target: unbreak I2C after 09b23d65.
<whitequark> not fast enough I think
<whitequark> felix_: ^
<whitequark> awygle: finally, approaching bus pirate in usefulness
<whitequark> though the hacks i had to do to make i2c work with the current I/O buffers are atrocious
<awygle> I bet
<awygle> That won't be easy even on the new ones though
<awygle> Er
<awygle> I guess it'll be ok
<felix_> hmm, it's specified for 480mbit/s usb and i thought 500mbit/s was what the starshipraider should be capable of
* awygle has been awake for less than a minute
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<cr1901_modern> I forget how long I've been awake
<cr1901_modern> Good morning (UGT) everyone
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<keesj> TinyFPGA BX package arrived (Netherlands) with nice test report
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<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/commit/7408bf16b508c01fee1106914134c27a920a1875
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 7408bf1 whitequark: applet.i2c.eeprom: factor out of applet.i2c_master.
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<keesj> tinyfpga: thanks!
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<prpplague> keesj: i got box of three TinyFGPA BX on monday
<prpplague> real happy with them for prototyping
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<tinyfpga> Hey keesj, prpplague! Happy to hear you got your boards safely!
<awygle> daveshah has me thinking about my ideal ecp5 board
<awygle> and i think i really just want a compute module type of thing
<awygle> almost like the tinyfpga ex but with a better solution for board-to-board serdes
<awygle> i wonder what the SI would be like for high speed digital over castellated holes...
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<tinyfpga> awygle: I think it’s better than through-holes
<awygle> it'd almost have to be
<tinyfpga> But it would be tricky for really high speed SERDES
<awygle> but it's probably not a patch on like, SMP
<awygle> SMP is a nonstarter though due to cost
<awygle> and board area
<tinyfpga> I’m not familiar with SMP
<awygle> i don't really know how to figure it out though short of building something and measuring it
<awygle> tinyfpga: SMP is a board-to-board RF connector good for up to ~40 GHz
<awygle> there are also cables actually but originally it was for board-to-board
<tinyfpga> Gotchya
<tinyfpga> how many IOs do you need?
<tinyfpga> What’s your size constraint?
<daveshah> I would have thought one of the Samtec connectors would work
<tinyfpga> A large pitch BGA or LGA would be cool
<tinyfpga> FPGA, voltage regulators, decoupling caps, SPI flash all one one module
<awygle> not that many, really. on the order of 32 or 64 depending on the project.
<tinyfpga> I see
<awygle> daveshah: like a QSH? yeah those would definitely work. cost again though, depending on what you're doing.
<awygle> i don't really have a size constraint except "big multilayer boards on good processes cost money"
<awygle> hm, could do something like a SO-DIMM maybe
<tinyfpga> Yeah, that would be great
<tinyfpga> Like the rpi compute module
<awygle> but edge plating costs too... although ENIG is probably fine for a small number of mating cycles
<prpplague> tinyfpga: the boards are working out well, i did have to make a mod to them by removing the 3V3 regulator and also wiring up the reset signal to my main board
<awygle> so-dimm has the advantage of being a standard so less bikeshedding and potentially more interop
<prpplague> tinyfpga: other than that i've been very happy with them
<sorear> reasonable to use something like the 10ge physical layer?
<awygle> tinyfpga: what's your cost target for the EX, if you don't mind the question?
<daveshah> Yeah I'm curious too
<azonenberg> awygle: whats wrong with WTH?
<azonenberg> QTH*
<daveshah> I would like to see $70-80, but I don't know if that's doable
<azonenberg> how cheap of an fpga are you putting on this?
<awygle> azonenberg: the Lattice ECP5 LFE5UM-25F-6BG381C sells for $12.78 in QTY 1 on Mouser
<daveshah> Well, the cheapest ECP5 with serdes is $15 in one-off
<azonenberg> wow
<azonenberg> that is quite attractive for low cost designs
<awygle> indeed
<azonenberg> Any idea how far we are from an open toolchain for those? is anyone looking at that family yet?
<azonenberg> (sorry, too many projects going on lol)
<awygle> a single QSH is $6.28
<azonenberg> and how many / how fast serdes?
<daveshah> azonenberg: I will publish tools supporting LUTs, FFs and IOs imminently, given a bit of tidying up
<azonenberg> daveshah: so fabric is close to usable but nobody is touching serdes yet
<daveshah> A fully useful flow with SERDES, IOLOGIC, DSP, etc will hopefully be done by 2019
<awygle> azonenberg: the one i quoted you has 2 3.2G serdes
<awygle> you can get up to 5G by going up "speed grade"
<azonenberg> awygle: 86 cents a pop on digikey for a sata connector
<awygle> they're not fully independent though, they share clocking resources
<azonenberg> one gtp each
<azonenberg> It's a common low cost connector good to several gbps
<azonenberg> you could easily make a breakout from that to sma, sfp, or whatever
<awygle> azonenberg: nothing wrong with sata but it doesn't do board to board, does it?
<awygle> i'd rather avoid fussing with cables if possible
<azonenberg> Correct, it does not
<azonenberg> most board to board connectyors with controlled impedance are $$
<awygle> yep
<sorear> Is there no “SATA type B” connector?
<awygle> what does a so-dimm connector cost?
<awygle> looks like $2.45 on mouser
<azonenberg> sorear: no, sata is meant for cable to board exclusively
<azonenberg> awygle: the issue is the mating connector is a giant pain
<sorear> Oh I misunderstood the complaint
<awygle> azonenberg: you mean the card edge connector, or the connector on the board?
<azonenberg> The board connector
<sorear> awygle wants PCB-PCB connections, like PCI or sodimm
<azonenberg> Honestly if you want a cheap card edge connector pcie is an option
<azonenberg> you can get them push-in, no soldering required
<azonenberg> just friction fit with spring loaded pins
<awygle> really? interesting
<awygle> i was considering M.2
<azonenberg> it's slightly rougher on the mating PCB than sodimm, you can get sodimm ZIF and pcie is going to scrape the board a bit
<awygle> or mPCIe, things like that
<azonenberg> so cheap ENIG may not last too many mating cycles
<azonenberg> possible fix: make the card edge connector on the peripheral board and give the fpga a pcie socket instead
<azonenberg> that way the (presumably cheaper) io board gets the brunt of the wear
<awygle> just for completeness, if you want 4 3.2 Gbps transceivers it's $25.40, if you want 2 5 Gbps transceivers it's $18.20, if you want 4 5Gbps it's $30.95
* awygle bbl to continue this discussion
<rqou> whitequark: that's not the issue that i was told would happen to the ws2812s
<rqou> i heard from bunnie that too long at high temperatures causes the die attach for the red led die to come apart
<rqou> and then your led no longer has red
<sorear> I’m imagining that awygle is putting N fpga boards in a cheap backplane?
<prpplague> rqou: that happens very often with convection style ovens
<prpplague> rqou: you don't see it as much with a good IR oven
<rqou> idk, I've never experienced it
<rqou> and i don't use too many ws2812s anyways
<prpplague> rqou: what you do see in high humidity situations is the water vapor in the component explode
<azonenberg> prpplague: why more with convection?
<azonenberg> convection normally has more even heating than IR
<rqou> anyways, protip to avoid hours and hours of frustrating rework: it turns out that 0402 pads are larger than BGA pads
<azonenberg> sorear: that sounds like marblewalrus
<azonenberg> rqou: meaning?
<azonenberg> (and it depends on what bga)
<rqou> and my "clever" decoupling capacitor placement can cause impossible to see shorts
<azonenberg> lol
<prpplague> azonenberg: good question, i never dug into the reason, it was more of an observed effect
<azonenberg> did you not do DRC?
<rqou> especially when the soldermask registration is maximally offset like in this batch
<rqou> i did and figured it would be fine
<azonenberg> So you were violating oshpark design rules and got bit? :p
<azonenberg> also in a 1mm pitch bga there's a trick, you can use octagonal 0402 pads to clear vias better
<rqou> i was focusing too much on the drc complaining that i overlapped the courtyard on the 45 degree rotated caps
<rqou> it's not violating oshpark rules
<azonenberg> oh so whats the issue?
<azonenberg> got a pic?
<rqou> essentially you can end up with a tiny bit of a via not covered by soldermask
<rqou> which is right next to a pad for a passive
<azonenberg> what soldermask expansion did you use
<prpplague> azonenberg: i've just seen a lot more issues with LEDs and devices with exposed die have much more issues with convection ovens than with IR
<rqou> no pic, it can only really be seen on a blank board
<rqou> i don't remember what expansion
<azonenberg> kicad's default is massive, i do 50 um
<prpplague> azonenberg: time wise, IR oven heating cycles are much shorter, so i am assume that is the reason
<azonenberg> (the defaults were set decades ago and pcb tech has moved on)
<rqou> i think i did the oshpark recommended expansion for _2_ layer
<rqou> which is slightly larger
<azonenberg> idk i've just had really bad experiences with ir ovens and uneven heating, shadowing, etc
<azonenberg> especially in batch ovens w/o conveyors
<azonenberg> my convection oven will reflow big SMA connectors only a few seconds after 0402 passives
<rqou> anyways, I'll probably switch to octagonal pads on future designs
<rqou> which will definitely avoid this issue
<prpplague> azonenberg: which over are you using?
* prpplague is curious
<rqou> azonenberg uses some food oven set to "cookies"
<rqou> :P
<prpplague> hehe
<prpplague> azonenberg: that is the one i current have
<azonenberg> yeah its a proctor-silex from walmart
<azonenberg> no modifications, no fancy profiles
<azonenberg> set to "cookies" / "425F"
<azonenberg> heat until solder melts, wait 15 sec above liquidus, turn off, wait 15 sec, open door
<awygle> I have a black and decker TO1675B which is working pretty well
<awygle> I bought a controleo kit
<prpplague> azonenberg: ahh
<azonenberg> after solder visibly solidifies, pull out rack and let it air cool
<azonenberg> at some point i want to set up my own controller on it, put in a thermocouple etc
<azonenberg> see if i can get it to go 10-15 degrees hotter since its a bit below the optimal sac305 process window
<prpplague> azonenberg: yea i did all that years ago, just wasn't real happy with the cost verses results
<azonenberg> and set up a hose barb and some aquarium tubing to do inert gas purging
<azonenberg> i have a fancy lab oven too but its not a soldering oven and doesnt go hot enough
<prpplague> ended up buying one of those cheap ovens on ebay, and ended up spending another $300 to get it usable
<prpplague> sold that and then purchased the lower end smtmax unit
<prpplague> that was the first one that really was worth the money
<azonenberg> mine was $50ish
<azonenberg> totally worth it :p
<prpplague> rqou: i do like to bake LEDs and some other components for 30 minutes prior to running them on the pnp
<prpplague> rqou: helps reduce the risk of vapor explosions
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<rqou> sure, but i definitely wouldn't run the full MSL-3 bake
<prpplague> rqou: yea, i usually just do 30 minutes at 125C
<azonenberg> i only bake expensive parts if they've been open
<azonenberg> cheap parts or stuff from sealed pakcs dont get baked
<prpplague> azonenberg: for qty builds or just for small prototype runs?
<azonenberg> Prototype runs, i dont do volume at home
<azonenberg> I do R&D, not production
<prpplague> ahh, makes sense
<prpplague> no real need to worry about it for small qty
<azonenberg> reworking one or two boards a year because one led died is NBD
<prpplague> yea
<azonenberg> Losing a $250 FPGA to a popocorn is
<prpplague> exactly
<azonenberg> if i was mass producing i'd also need to pick up a PnP :p
<azonenberg> serious idea... get a small benchtop PnP and use it to place decoupling caps or something from reels, then place low-quantity parts by hand from cut tape so i dont have to pay for reels/trays
<prpplague> that's what i have
<azonenberg> My last experience with a PnP was when i worked as a process engine for a PCBA company back in school
<azonenberg> it was a europlacer 928 :p
<azonenberg> And it was EOL when we *bought* it
<azonenberg> prpplague: how well does it work? Does it run on some pirate copy of coreldraw like the cheap laser cutters? :p
<prpplague> azonenberg: hehe, no, it takes a csv style file and has a pretty decent GUI software package
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<azonenberg> windows only i assume?
<prpplague> azonenberg: the format is well documented and there are scripts for generating the pnp data for kicad, eagle, and such
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<prpplague> azonenberg: yea, but openpnp is working on support
<azonenberg> oh awesome
<azonenberg> Will definitely have to look into that once i start bringing up my new lab
<prpplague> azonenberg: the openpnp support is coming along nicely, and probably will be robust enough to switch completely by this time next year
<azonenberg> That's probably about the time i'd have the budget to get one
<azonenberg> i have some higher priority stuff to do, but a full SMT line in the lab would be awesome
<azonenberg> i spend too much time hand assembling stuff now and commercial pcba is $$$$ for O(1) volume
<tinyfpga> awygle: I’m not sure exactly where they will end up, but I might offer a few variants from $60 to $120
<azonenberg> I figure if i could machine place passives then do the big ics and connectors by hand i could get stuff done pretty quick
<daveshah> tinyfpga: $60 would be amazing
<daveshah> Sounds good!
<tinyfpga> daveshah: $60 would be the 12k or 25k parts without serdes
<prpplague> azonenberg: well it has both upward and downward cameras
<prpplague> azonenberg: so i place just about everything
<tinyfpga> daveshah: I need to get some large quantity quotes and see how it is
<prpplague> azonenberg: i've only had a few items that were too big for the camera
<azonenberg> prpplague: can it handle like a loose component though?
<azonenberg> i assume you need tape with leaders and everything
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<prpplague> azonenberg: yea, there is a tray in the front
<azonenberg> i dont want to have to buy a whole digireel for one ic
<azonenberg> oh nice
<tinyfpga> daveshah: the 12k part is something like $5.50 just on mouser, so it’s promising
<daveshah> tinyfpga: yeah
<prpplague> azonenberg: some video of the unit running - https://youtu.be/r2PkpaFaZGk
<prpplague> azonenberg: you can see the tray in the front there
<prpplague> azonenberg: this guy machined a replacement tray - https://youtu.be/VsGQ3Gwg9xQ
<azonenberg> So it looks like it has one head with two nozzles?
<azonenberg> definitely smaller / lower end than the 2 head / 8 nozzle setup on our EP928
<azonenberg> But that thing was also the size of a car
<azonenberg> (thats 2 heads / 4 nozzles per head)
<prpplague> yea, one head two nozzles
<prpplague> it's also 110V, so no heavy wiring required
<azonenberg> yeah this thing ran on 3 phase plus a significant volume of shop air
<prpplague> azonenberg: yea
<prpplague> azonenberg: i've got a unit in storage that i am waiting for a bigger shop to install
<azonenberg> This setup has to fit in a 400ft^2 former garage
<azonenberg> along with a rack of servers, a rackmount UPS
<azonenberg> my hand placement/rework/test bench
<azonenberg> some storage shelving
<azonenberg> a wet bench with fume hood
<azonenberg> etc
<azonenberg> So space will be tight
<azonenberg> I have the lab set up in a donut shape with a wall down the middle
<azonenberg> So you can have benches and storage on both exterior walls and around the middle
<prpplague> azonenberg: yep, i hear ya
<prpplague> azonenberg: that is basically my setup now
<azonenberg> Good news is i have another room to be office
<azonenberg> so i dont have to try to shove my big desktop computer and three monitors in it
<prpplague> yes but where will you store the dead hookers?
<azonenberg> in the sump pump maybe, or the secret closet under the steps
<azonenberg> Or maybe the woods in the backyard
<azonenberg> That would probably help keep the smell down
<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark pushed 1 new commit to master: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/commit/ff3f11f9bcfedb94be18f7053a8492be149aa897
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master ff3f11f whitequark: applet.bmp280: new applet.
<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark force-pushed master from ff3f11f to c7533cd: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/commits/master
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master c7533cd whitequark: applet.bmp280: new applet.
<openfpga-github> [Glasgow] whitequark force-pushed master from c7533cd to 8d8126c: https://github.com/whitequark/Glasgow/commits/master
<openfpga-github> Glasgow/master 8d8126c whitequark: applet.i2c.bmp280: new applet.
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<awygle> tinyfpga: sounds good! I was actually wondering about cost _to you_ but I can work backwards reasonably well :-P
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<awygle> sorear: I was actually picturing boards with mechanical constraints, so they need to be physically large, but much of the board is empty or very low density
<awygle> something like a PCIe NIC which is just a PCIe lane to an FPGA to an SFP or something but still has to be full length
<awygle> With a compute module you don't have to pay for e.g. 6 layers for the whole boadd
<awygle> tinyfpga: oh awesome, thanks!
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<azonenberg> awygle: yeah i had thought about doing an fpga/ram/bootflash/gbe sodimm or other module for a while
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<azonenberg> never got around to figuring out specifics
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<awygle> yup
<awygle> FPGA clusters are also awesome though
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<awygle> Isn't that approx. what mlabs does?
<awygle> In the specific context of instrument control?
<azonenberg> to some extent yeah
<azonenberg> re fpga clusters, marblewalrus
<azonenberg> is another backburnered project :p
<awygle> yup
<openfpga-bot> [jtaghal] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fNBiV
<openfpga-bot> jtaghal/master eed3e38 Andrew Zonenberg: Began adding Xilinx FPGA support for jtagsh. Moved some common APIs to XilinxFPGA class from derived classes
<openfpga-bot> [jtaghal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fNBir
<openfpga-bot> jtaghal-apps/master f1ec6ea Andrew Zonenberg: Initial version of jtagsh
<azonenberg_work> So, this is a very early WIP and not even remotely useable yet
<openfpga-bot> [jtaghal-cmake] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fNBiP
<openfpga-bot> jtaghal-cmake/master a825aee Andrew Zonenberg: Initial jtagsh implementation, updated to latest submodules
<azonenberg_work> I now have an interactive shell for jtaghal
<awygle> oh good, that's useful
<awygle> the combination of "i am deeply Side Project Motivated" and "work is full of tedious work" and "work is very busy" is... not good lol
<qu1j0t3> awygle: too right
<qu1j0t3> awygle: i have at least 2/3 of that problem
<qu1j0t3> especially the side-projects + tedious
<awygle> let's all quit our jobs
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<qu1j0t3> ^^^
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<azonenberg> awygle: yeah i finally managed to shoehorn jtaghal into a project work wanted me to do
<azonenberg> So now i'm doing it on company time and getting paid to contribute to it :D
<azonenberg> thats the only reason i have time to do stuff on it
<awygle> course
<awygle> get money get paid
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