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blargh, sleep cycle so f*cked
rqou, feel the bleh flow through you young padawan
alright, i think today i'm going to prune some ff tabs and then look at my vhdl parser again
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blargh i really need to write more comments
i am really bad at that
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when something is nontrivial leave just enough to understand next time
also sublime text's vhdl syntax highlighter is shit
and if in doubt write more rather than less.
* qu1j0t3
does a lot of maintenance work on inscrutable systems and comments are usually neglected
and remember that what is trivial now isn't in a year, even if you're the one looking at it a year later :P
lain: Yeessssssss
humans are, by default, pretty awful at judging how well they will understand something N time units in the future
lain: I write them as much for myself as the next person to pick up the code
qu1j0t3: same
the last time i looked at this code was right before 33c3 and i already forgot a whole bunch of stuff
when working on large systems there's another aspect as well... even if you're just summarizing some trivial code, that summary can be really handy because in a large system I often don't care to read the entire function, trivial as it may be, just to see what it does
yeah. memory fades so quickly. i have to baby myself through things every time. comments make that easier.
I just want a quick comment saying what it is, what it does, what the side-effects are, etc.
lain: *nods vigorously*
lain: that's exactly what i am lacking in the thing i'm working on.
i should really fix "Error syntax error, unexpected $undefined on line 1"
this happens every time the lexer doesn't like your input :P
lain: also, the assumption that "somebody will document this before they hand it over... won't they?" is always wrong
qu1j0t3: lool yes, so much yes.
the problem with "lexer doesn't like your input" is that it includes nonobvious issues like "a__b"
lain: in this case, i got a big marketing/ecommerce site dropped on me when an outsourcing relationship went sour, so there was zero, zilch, nothing. Just an out of date backup and a panicked client.
which is a lexing error afaik
according to the spec
(and the code was awful)
qu1j0t3: wooo
so that was my New year! :)
* qu1j0t3
shuts off complain mode and goes to wash dishes
question: how do i insert comments in something like this? "[A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF](_?[A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF0-9])*"
lain: Do you have a twitter? I follow a couple of people here, wouldn't mind following you. You can pm if you like
I've been updating the hdl# codegen and my own vhdl codebase to 2008 and that sounded very familiar
the vhdl spec explicitly allows for mojibake-inducing "features"
"NOTE 2—Comments may contain characters that, according to 15.2, are non-printing characters. Implementations may interpret the characters of a comment as members of ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998, or of any other character set; for example, an implementation may interpret multiple consecutive characters within a comment as single characters of a multi-byte character set."
best character encoding: latin1-utf8 hybrid, with utf8 only in comments
now your encode/decode logic needs a parser
encode/decode logic?
the thing that python calls a "codec" that converts to/from bytes and the internal representation (usually codepoints)
Why would it need a parser for "utf only in comments"? I'm running at 10% capacity btw.
because the rest of vhdl is explicitly latin1
including for case folding
I don't see how that means your encoder/decoder needs a parser, but rather "your VHDL parser needs an encoder/decoder to swap between charsets on the fly"
sure, you can phrase it that way
except it's not just "your vhdl parser"
rqou: I note particularly his 'how brokenness becomes normalised' post
it also includes things like "your text editor"
Ahhh, I see now
rqou: one of many things i dislike about vhdl
do you know what verilog does? i havent checked the LRM
I dislike vhdl b/c it's unfamiliar to me. And unfamiliar things are bad.
iirc it allows any unspecified 8-bit extension to ascii
I wrote a bit of vhdl a while ago
never liked it
went back to verilog :p
verilog is also case sensitive
so it doesn't need to do case folding
I prefer to read verilog rather than write it
and have something else generate it for me
FSMs are a PITA in verilog. As is combinational always and forgetting to assign a default if no match
FSMs are quite easy, idk what you're talking about
re combinatorial always, that i agree could be handled better
easy solution is a lint rule that enforces a default
Once i write a linter :p
* cr1901_modern
doesn't know how to describe it, but FSMs are properly split into a combinational part that update a signal when a state transition is satisfied, which the sequential part then uses on the next clock to actually change state
You can do this in verilog
But i prefer to write it in one sequential block
its more concise and readable
The only time i use the 2-part form is when I need to use intermediate combinatorial values
a lot
which is rare
I don't actually know why the 2-part form is preferred in some contexts. Clifford suggested using it on a Stack Overflow answer (citation needed). Migen does it.
i think some old style guide :p
I learned to do it your way :P
Yeah i prefer it that way
But, the 2-part way is annoying, so I'
d rather some code generator do it for me :)
my solution: write them 1-part style and dont use 3rd party Ip :p
*what* third party IP ;)?
's open source)
opensores? :p
*This FIFO is free software. It comes without warranty if it eats your dog*
fusesoc seems to be a nifty way to unite a bunch of FOSS IP, btw. It'd be a shame if it didn't work on non-free operating sys- oh wait
i wonder if this is in the fpga clock tree or something?
that looks like the scope itself :P
Yeah thats more likely
given that i am triggering on the clock
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and the clock cycle that initiates the trigger is shown jittery
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that shoul not be possible
Conclusion: Current IO stage performs well out to 100 Mbps
Data is inconclusive at higher rates
Sound about right?
So while i know my current stage is way too capacitive
I wont be able to see the difference with this scope anyway
I'll build it, then test it out to 100 Mbps just to make sure it isnt worse (as well as to test the protection still works)
but anything beyond there will have to be done with PRBSes blind just measuring BER on an FPGA etc
i need one more of those SMA-to-0.1" headers and i'll be able to actually do a full BERT loopback on the zybo
oh, and on top of all that i have done zero testing on the *output* side of it
All of this work so far has been input characterization
lain: So based on what you've seen so in this data
there's no obvious evidence of comparator jitter, right?
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hmm i found a typo in the vhdl spec
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wow wtf chipwhisperer shipping costs are ridiculous
their store is showing $57 for shipping
where the heck are they shipping from?
also $50 for a cable assortment wtf
america's hat.
oh wtf shipping is cheaper for the non-broken-apart board
it's so much cheaper to get that one and then get some sma connectors/cables from digikey
they still want $35 for shipping though
i hope this is at least "fast mode" shipping
i'm so used to "USPS first class package" shipping costs
do they say what shipping method it is?
"Courier Flat Rate"
woot i didn't get a cc decline :P
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all the CC security mechanisms that they keep inventing seem pretty useless because nobody figured out how to secure online transactions
rqou: 3DSecure?
never heard of that
"Analysis of the protocol by academia has shown it to have many security issues that affect the consumer, including greater surface area for phishing and a shift of liability in the case of fraudulent payments.[3]"
rqou: basically SMS 2FA for payments
enabled by pretty much every bank in RU
i have never heard of this being implemented anywhere
maybe the US is just behind as usual
"a shift of liability" that's true
but also chipped cards have the same issue
yeah lol
heh, chipped cards had the liability shift happen how long ago?
like when chip first hit the US and banks were denying fraud claims because "chip can't be hacked"
they finally backed off when they realized how wrong they were
by brute legal force :P
to be fair, most large brick and mortar retailers finally have chip readers now
rqou: many are still disabled though
because "It's confusing"
I tried to use mine the other day at several major retailers
and they all HAD the chip readers
I can actually order a card with no chip still, I believe
most of the retailers i've seen around here have it enabled
it's weird
but the machine wouldn't read mine, and the cashiers all said "management won't turn those on because they slow down the line"
yeah idk why the heck they're so slow
and I wanted to respond "then you can tell management where to shove it" and walk out without paying :P
but you know, priorities.
rqou: because of online verification
my yubikey ssh auth isn't nearly as slow
it's a round trip or two probably
ssh auth is probably several round trips too, why is it still so much faster?
I've seen readers that actually establish a new ppp session every time
fortunately those are dying out
I think they actually repurposed the ones that were supposed to connect over GPRS, for mobile terminals
one of my local stores has a reader so out of sync with the PoS
but... the mobile terminals we have *today* here are bloody fast
you insert the card
it says "approved"
after maybe 500 ms
then a second later "processing, do not remove card"
I don't really know, I just assume it's the usual embedded device clusterfuck
so here is me doing ssh with a yubikey:
$ time ssh rqou@robertou.com "date"
Sun Feb 5 06:48:40 UTC 2017
so <2s
why does my chip card take like 10+ seconds to authorize?
rqou: does it establish a new ppp session?
because people are stupid.
i have no idea
rqou: i dont see why they even have to do it online
it usually prints something to that extent
terminal: random transaction ID provided by store system
azonenberg: avoiding double-spend
card: signature(transaction ID, dollar amount)
the card doesn't know its balance
it's a credit card
uhm, no
CCs have limits
it's a plastic card
but also my debit has chip
it could be bound to a debit or a credit account
and a debit won't auth unless funds are available
which determines how it works
at least, in RU
Fine, but old style stripe readers did it online, no?
well, actually I lied, I had a Chase debit once that would auth no matter what
in the US most debit cards can be charged via the credit networks
that was fun, and by fun I mean awful.
i've been told that is uncommon elsewhere
rqou: yes but many won't auth even via credit unless the funds are available
maybe that's just been the cards I've used though
yeah sure
you can still double-spend since transactions often take time to process
i've over-drawn debit cards before by accident
but apparently i've heard in other countries credit/debit cards are very distinct
not processed via the same network
rqou: ah ok, interesting
in general the us banking system is dreadful
a major brokerage firm here still has passwords that are a max of 8 characters and are case insensitive
amazingly they do have optional 2fa
using some kind of hardware token (symantec VIP?)
lain: "Your ODFI will set you up with a secure FTP server"
that doesn't sound particularly well secured
My understanding is that the entire banking system is primarily secured by trust and an unwritten rule of governments to not mess with it
that's what i thought too
like, not siphoning money from one gov's treasury to another etc
by wire transfer etc
"It's important to note that ACH is not a real-time system. Rather, things are processed in batches at 6:30pm EST, 12:30am EST, and 3:00am EST. "
And this is why checks take forever to clear
And why when i pay my credit card off, the available balance on my card increments
then the balance drops
one happens earlier than the other, i forget the order
and then the money leaves my checking account
but for a day or so it looks like the money doubled
rqou: iirc it's SFTP
and I think it actually uses key auth? but I forget
it still feels very duct-taped together
yeah totally
um... "An ACH file is nothing more than a file with multiple lines of ASCII text, each line 94 characters in length."
duct tape
most of this originated in the mainframe days, and I'm sure nobody wants to propose a new system if there's a non-zero chance it would break :P
BTC is.. problematic :P
lol btc
but think about how many russians/ukrainians learned about asic design because of it! :P
maybe that was the plan all along
personally my favorite conspiracy theory is that bitcoin was a very clever way to flood the market with relatively cheap hashing ASICs :P
but that seems far-fetched
i thought those asics aren't very general purpose though?
they aren't afaik
but if you wanted to accelerate a specific hash in hardware
just design a cryptocurrency around it and hope it takes off?
sadly even the armies of asics some of the larger mining places have (had? is this still a thing?) wouldn't put a dent in anything real, I suspect
hmm so apparently ach can only move 10^8 dollars at once?
er, 10^9-1 actually
or, 10^9-0.01
math is hard :P
my bank limits my ACH to $10k per transaction, that's all I know
My bank also limits online check uploads to 10K
that's because you're not @realDonaldTrump :P
I had a problem once when i closed an account at another bank and tried to move here
I had to resort to wire transfers to pay for manufacturing at peak production
the check wouldn't clear
i had to physically mail the check to the bank (they don't have any branches near me) to deposit it
it's weird going from being totally broke to having to figure out how to move more money than you ever made previously in ONE TRANSACTION :P
I was moving like >1 year salary in one go
it was a brief but fascinating experience
Lol managing a business will do that to you
i think 12K is the largest single transaction i've ever had to make
yeah, so far i have no experience with having the monies :P
I think the largest I've made was close to $40k
well, outgoing.
if you count accepting the kickstarter money for my first product, that was $66k
but that was handled by amazon
also I learned the hard way: do not do a kickstarter at the end of the year
why not?
I mean, technically it's fine, but the paperwork is a bitch for taxes
so in my case what happened was
I suddenly had $66k in income
but that was technically product sales
for a product that hadn't begun production yet
and you havent spent the money yet
oh fun
so I had huge income and no expenses
Then the next year huge expenses and no income?
my tax lady figured it out though and made sure I didn't have to pay on it
she spent like a week
and found some obscure tax code
easy fix: form an LLC before your next kickstarter
funnel the money through that
azonenberg: no
I already did that
that wasn't the issue
the money was in your name?
my parents still have their tax person do my taxes
allows better optimizations
no the money was in the LLC
also, LLCs in CA cost $800/yr
but it's a uh... jeez it's been a while
minimum (franchise tax)
i think cash vs accrual accounting is the difference here?
it's filed as a disregarded entity
the issue is... she had to find the tax code that let her declare it as payment for goods, without having goods on hand
which is a weird/obscure thing
because normally you have to like, sell people goods or services in exchange for the money and then you can claim the latter as expenses, but I didn't know what the expenses would be yet, etc
I dunno
it was a clusterfuck :P
but also, it's important to know the different types of LLCs
if you're a single person doing an LLC, you can /technically/ form a corporation, but that requires VERY SPECIFIC paperwork and recordkeeping
you need to log everything
if you have meetings (with yourself. yes really) you need to record the minutes for those meetings
(yes, really)
you need articles of incorporation or whatever
which have to be filed
Yeah i know i've been through some of that
as a 2-person partnership
it gets fucky with a single person lol
Not doing it again
OR you can be lazy
and file as a disregarded entity
meaning the money technically all goes through you, since you're the only one
but you accept it on behalf of the LLC
but there's some risk
I'm done with corporations and startups
i'm a lab rat
iirc if you file as disregarded entity you still get most of the protections, but it can get weird if you don't adequately separate the funds
ideally you want to keep separate personal and business accounts and pay yourself a salary
if you don't do that, you need to be able to account for every single transaction
in order to benefit from LLC protections
otherwise they can say you mingled personal and business funds and just appropriate it all
e.g. if you got sued and lost
business is hard
I'd rather just dick around in a lab, but I hate working for other people so here I am
but eh, I have a tax lady, she takes care of the confusing tax stuff for what I consider not nearly enough payment :P
both parents are self-employed, and dad is a banker, so I've got most of the consulting covered lol
i should work on convincing one of my high school friends who studied accounting to do my taxes :P
also, my mom is also an accountant, so there's that :P
honestly I don't even know how to decipher my taxes at this point
I'd be screwed if I didn't have an accountant
she has saved me SO much money
thousands lol
wow "dot" is really slow
there's so much weird crap, like I bought a laptop for work purposes, but a laptop lasts some amount of time and depreciates over that time and stuff, but you can't write it all off at once
rqou: which output
you have to write off bits of it over several years based on various depreciation things or something
ok need to send stuff to icestudio creator because I'm puzzled
side question is there any timing constraints in yosys tool suite ?
not really
so it's just placing stuff around without any timing analysis ?
it tries to get the critical path shorter
but it doesn't have *constraints* per se, it just gives you its best attempt
but it doesn't even take the clock speed input
maybe that's why my design doesn't run on it
like I said, it just tries to make the slowest part of the design as fast as possible
then you can figure out how fast is that with icetime
but that has no sense
the hold time is as important as setup time
you can make things fucking fast if you don't respect hold time
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so I have to install an external yosys and try to synthesis my design with it
because icestudio doesn't help much
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nats`: I think it assumes setup==hold?
How does it know the critical path without doing a timing analysis? Guess?
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was someone in here asking about analog computers recently?
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nats`: I do "shorten the longest path" placement in gp4par with no knowledge of actual frequencies right now
there is an open ticket for timing-driven placement
azonenberg so basically a design could be simply in timing error
because the module I made for icestudio doesn't work but this code is ok in simulation and on spartan/zynq/artix
a tiny led crontoller
azonenberg: recommended vendor for bnc/sma/etc cables?
rqou: i've been using crystek microwave hand-formable cables from digikey
DC-12GHz? nice
They're not cheap, i recall $10ish per cable, but they get the job done
I've also been using a few things from Zebax
and for crappy ones?
e.g. dc-2ghz or so?
in particular, 0.1" headers to SMA
Those are rated to 2 GHz but the big limit there is the 0.1" header
But i needed to get a PRBS out of a Pmod for testing b/c i didnt have any fpga boards w/ SMAs :p
I have some SMA to BNC adapters but forget who made them
my inline terminators came from amazon i think, dont recall vendor
i'm thinking i need a pile of crappy sma cables up to 3ghz or so
my attenuator is crystek as well
I bought good stuff because i didnt want to worry about it being a source of measurement error, plus i might be using it at higher speeds in the future
i dont want to try to remember what's what
for the chipwhisperer i just ordered and for the minivna that i got a while ago and never set up :P
these all cap out at around 3ghz
did the chip whisperer not have cables included? mine did
but i also got a starter kit w/ target board etc
the one that has cables included ends up costing like $100 more