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<chadouming|m> Lol, awesome is not the word I'd use for xda
<Entropy512> chadouming|m: heh. It has its ups and downs
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<Entropy512> there is a lot of activity that doesn't exist anywhere else
<Entropy512> unfortunately
<Entropy512> there's a lot of derp
<Entropy512> the moderators and admins are getting more aggressive
<Entropy512> a lot of RDs got that status undeservedly back in the day
<Entropy512> there have been a few demotions lately
<chadouming|m> Eh finally something change
<chadouming|m> Sure that it is great, however it has too much drama/bullshit lately
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<Jiangyi> Welp, this isn't good.
<Jiangyi> My friend's got an American One X, currently stuck in fastboot mode
<Jiangyi> Interestingly enough, something like CWM takes like, 20 min to flash...............
<Jiangyi> o_o
<Jiangyi> And even after 20 min, it doesn't work.....
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<waratte> ....
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<ctcx> Hello. Before entering main topic, I have little doubt about Ace Plus S7500.
<ctcx> Some websites say it has 3 Gb internal memmory, but other say it has 4 Gb....
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<ibkanat> anyone been able to get photosphere working on p3110 or p3113
<ibkanat> im using cyanogenmod 10.1 4.2.2 which is amazing btw and lastest gapps and camera update .zip
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<Jiangyi> ibkanat: Neuxs proprietary feature, find hacked apks on XDA :-P
<ibkanat> thats what I have been trying is adding in the libs and the camera app I just wondered if there is something in the p3113(gyroscope) that wont let it work
<Jiangyi> Nah, it's just a piece of software.
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<ibkanat> I have followed the steps through several times and have two camera apps in the menu and two gallerys the gallerys work but the second camera app crashes on load
<ibkanat> even tried changing the ro.product.model and brand
<ibkanat> just wondered if its possible to run photosphere on it so I either keep trying more hrs :P or give up
<ibkanat> havent found anyone through google searches that has it working though I did have it partly working once
<ibkanat> this is what I have been using
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you around?
<frankdrey> Or anyone else with a n4 willing to test something stupid?
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<AndChat|596400> Hello?
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<frankdrey_> :/
<frankdrey_> Jiangyi, you there?:p
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<XDS2010> Is the XPERIA ZL 's IR sensor both TX and RX ? (the US model)
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<mech5243> hello
<mech5243> does anyone knows if the camera jb+ is working proerly with the cm10.1 rom?
<mech5243> *peroperly
<mech5243> *properly hehe
<mech5243> or it has the same problems as the stock camera that comes with the cm10.1 rom ? (autofocus with flash etc..)
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<Remie> !supported Samsung
<Remie> Hi Y'
<Remie> I've got a question
<Remie> I have got a Samsung Galaxy S2 (GT-I9100) running on 4.1.2 (samsung channel) on Baseband I9100XXLS8 Kernel 3.0.31-889555 dpi@DELL228#3 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 31 14:48:54 KST 2013 Buildnumber JZO54K.I9100XWLSD
<Remie> My eMMC version = VYL00M Revision 0X19
<Remie> was has a know brick bug
<Remie> And I want to flash CWM 10.1 onto it (safe) I know my warranty will void and it is on my own risk
<Remie> It says the following: - Make sure you're NOT RUNNING A KERNEL WITH THE MMC-SUPERBRICK-BUG. If you're unsure, flash this ClockworkMod-Recovery using Odin/Heimdall.
<Remie> I am sure i have the brickbug
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<Remie> Should I just flash CWM on it and assume the brickbug is gone?
<Remie> And just install it using the thread?
<Remie> !device
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<Kihokki> K
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<scook9> !supported Samsung
<scook9> < IRC Noob haha
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<scook9> quick question, got a Galaxy Note 2 with verizon yesterday and have been looking into the options for CM, looks like the GN2 is only at nightly stage where other devices have received M builds, is the delay due to issues with the exynos source and samsung?
<codeworkx> no exynos4 based device got m builds
<scook9> ya, noticed that :(
<scook9> is Samsung just being stingy with the needed source code?
<codeworkx> they refuse to cooperate
<codeworkx> they make a lot $$$$$$$$ out of smartphones, so why should they care about some custom rom users?
<codeworkx> they shit at us
<scook9> bastards...thought they were supposed to be all developer friendly from the GS2 release....guess that was short lived?
<codeworkx> lol, that was a big pr stunt
<scook9> they even hired cyanogen!
<scook9> wtf
<scook9> lol
<codeworkx> we never received a single line of code or help
<codeworkx> just hot air
<scook9> i see
<codeworkx> samsung sucks
<scook9> that is a letdown
<scook9> the phones arent bad...but touchwiz is lol
<codeworkx> the phones are cheap
<scook9> but they have removable batteries and sd cards!
<codeworkx> lol
<scook9> lol
<scook9> i had a DNA for about 5 days then got paranoid about the battery....and now I have a GN2
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<scook9> Is it safe to assume there will be no effort to bring CM10 to the GN2? Is all development working on 10.1 now?
<codeworkx> cm10 is dead
<scook9> gotcha
<codeworkx> why not use 10.1?
<scook9> sucks for my TF201 (although it was kind of doomed at birth....)
<scook9> cuz it aint out yet!
<scook9> lol
<codeworkx> runs fine on note2
<scook9> the nightly?
<codeworkx> sure
<scook9> hmmm
<codeworkx> nightly doesn't mean that it's unstable
<scook9> then what do we need from samsung to get it past nightly? just curious....i am generally an idiot when it comes to deving...i just like flashing CM on my phones lol
<codeworkx> working mali libs
<codeworkx> tvout patches
<codeworkx> some camera fixes
<scook9> i see
<codeworkx> everything except tvout and fmradio is working
<scook9> wouldnt the libs be in the kernel source they have to release? (keep in mind - i am a dev noob :) )
<codeworkx> but you might face some minor issues
<codeworkx> open camera app -> touch2focus + flashlight = crash. but works the second time
<codeworkx> stuff like that
<codeworkx> and some 3d games don't run stable
<codeworkx> but no major issues
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<scook9> shit, i am using stock touchwiz and most 3d benchmarks are not running stable
<scook9> epic citadel, nope! artifacting all over GLBenchmark 2.5.1
<scook9> questions, since i have seen confliucting info on this, the exynos 4412 in the GN2, is it a mali 400 or a 600 series part?
<scook9> i thought it was 604 maybe but have been seeing 400 mp4 now online
<codeworkx> mali 400
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<Bert_> Some people wish that Samsung didn't supply any code... Look at what it did for the GS2 after 2013 02 17! Borked EFS. Nice one!
<angelsl> codeworkx: would the 4210 devices qualify for stable?
<angelsl> ..nope, no M2 snapshot
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<Bert_> Scook, IMO removable batteries are useless. Just get an external charger. Why are they useless? You still have to plug them in to the phone to recharge, you have to shut off the phone to replace it, Once replaced you can't charge the dead battery without putting it in to the phone. It's just all fail. In the quest to make ever thinner phones battery capacity take a hit. MicroSD should always be available though.
<angelsl> Bert_: GN4
<scook9> it is simple, swap out batteries, instantly full charge again, dont have to have an external battery tethered to the phone for hours
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<scook9> and 2nd batteries are much cheaper than external batteries
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<scook9> and clearly a thin phone can still have an external battery, I consider het GN2 and GS3 to be pretty thin....
<scook9> by external i meant removable
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<Bert_> Simple, sure. Hang up on whoever you are talking to or whatever you are doing. The trick is to keep the phone topped up all the time. Put it in your pocket and charge it. Buy a second battery, it is only good for that phone. USB charger, charges anything, including a tablet if it does 2.1A. I don't really care about the thickness of the phone. (though I don't want my old Nokia 3310).
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<wifi> no, the trick is to not call people
<scook9> i dont mind the relatively small expense of the 2nd battery that only works with the one phone, makes a nice extra when selling the phone later
<codeworkx> i never bought a 2nd battery
<pene_> hola
<codeworkx> charge at wall, charge at computer, charge at notebook, charge at car....
<wifi> codeworkx, you have like 8 devices, can switch easily :P
<codeworkx> i dont switch
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<codeworkx> switching to a samsung device would be a downgrade and kill me :-D
<wifi> lol
<wifi> well, i have a gnex
<codeworkx> google device
<wifi> i charge every night
<wifi> but last all the day
<codeworkx> every 2nd night on nexus 4 :-P
<wifi> with kinda heavy usage
<Kihokki> Same with S2 :p wifi
<wifi> codeworkx, i'll have that time when my fucking optimus G get back
<Kihokki> Also, about 2-3 days and my 3500 mAh battery arrives
<Bert_> Codework, I did, used it twice. Yep, you got it, charge everywhere. (or get an iPhone.... NOT)
<codeworkx> i dont even have a sd slot
<codeworkx> and i dont miss it
<wifi> neither do i on optimus G
<wifi> but i have 32GB
<Bert_> I agree you can get away without an SD, but it is nice to have.
<scook9> definitely nice to have
<scook9> used a gnex for almost a year with 32gb, was very doable
<scook9> although i strongly dislike mtp and prefer usbms
<wifi> eh, don't need mtp
<wifi> adb push/pull ftw
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<codeworkx> scook9: then show me how ext4 and ums and windows work together
<wifi> codeworkx : The only problem in that equation is windows xD
<codeworkx> ;-)
<scook9> given that the sd cards are not formatted ext4 afaik...non issue?
<wifi> external no, internal yes
<scook9> keep in mind, dev noob and very green on linux haha
<codeworkx> internal "sdcard" on new phones is ext4 formated
<codeworkx> it's part of data
<scook9> i meant physical sd card, not a nand chip
<wifi> you should put a bit of time in linux
<wifi> it will conquer the world
<scook9> phsyical sd card is only way to get usbms afaik now
<codeworkx> scook9: but cm supports ext4 sdcards since yesterday :-P
<wifi> gaming on linux = the end of windows
<codeworkx> HAIL VALVE
<scook9> i have a decent foundation on fedora/centos, just not anywhere near a dev or sysadmin level
<wifi> yup
<wifi> i want gmod on linux
<wifi> i already have css tho :D
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<wifi> eww
<wifi> centos
<codeworkx> resident evil 6, new sim city, battlefield 3, planetside 2 and i'm happy
<wifi> eww red hat
<wifi> xD
<wifi> codeworkx, i would love that but you know like me it wont happen xD
<codeworkx> yep
<scook9> gpu drivers are still less than ideal on linux
<wifi> true
<scook9> which will hinder gaming progress
<codeworkx> wifi: solution? only buy games avail on linux
<scook9> sadly
<wifi> open source driver are getting better and better
<wifi> codeworkx : That would force game developer working more on porting game to linux
<wifi> could work but would require the whole community
<scook9> but they should be open source from the vendors, not through a community effort
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<codeworkx> wifi: like always
<scook9> would work better if consoles were more linux based
<codeworkx> wifi: don't buy samsung phones -> samsung becomes dev friendly
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<scook9> not sure what the hell they use for underlying os there (although I assume something windows-ish for xbox)
<wifi> scook9, amd has already pushed readon hd 8000 code to open source
<wifi> that is a good step :D
<scook9> yes it is
<scook9> their windows support needs some touch up though haha
<scook9> i had amd for a while and went nvidia this gen, drivers drove me crazy with amd
<scook9> broke as much as they fixed with each release
<wifi> codeworkx, you mean Samsung start making people believe they are dev friendly ?
<scook9> they convinced me....
<scook9> lol
<wifi> eh, i have a radeon hd 6850 and i can throw it mostly what i want
<wifi> sure it would not run crysis 3 at max settings
<wifi> but it run all the game i play decently
<scook9> had dual 5870s then went laptop only for a year and a half with dual 6990m's
<scook9> drivers were not fun
<scook9> not got dual gtx 670s
<scook9> now got*
<scook9> back on desktop
<wifi> brb
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<scook9> question on exynos and mali stuff, is the 4212 single channel memory but the 4412 is dual channel?
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<wifi> stupid windows cp
<wifi> update
<scook9> disable automatic updates?
<scook9> lol
<wifi> i had to install visual studio 2012 update so i can make program for windows xp with visual studio
<scook9> i see
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<getstring> hello I have a question: I am running cm 10.1 on i9100 and in the past two days the phone is shutting down by itself and when I turn it on battery is 0%. When I looked at the battery stats I can see a big drop... is the hardware failing?!?
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<getstring> is SOD = Sleep of Death?
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<DDave> jup
<getstring> ok thanks DDave & codeworkx will keep an eye. I just updated to the latest nightly I was running the one from 24th
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<getstring> @codeworkx was SOD always there (CM 10.1) or is it something collateral after the nightly of the 24th?
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<Choopchik> hello
<Choopchik> i want to install CyanogenMod 10.1
<Choopchik> i have i9100 gingerbread
<Flumdahl> hi, whats the special about
<Flumdahl> instead of the regular nightly ?
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<getstring> Choopchik I followed the guide the cyanogen wiki
<getstring> and it went well
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<jomp16> Hello
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<a3Dman> Hello
<jomp16> Backing to the Arch question, I can install pure Arch with the beginner instructions
<jomp16> I have a question, if I have Arch installed, the first step is install a desktop environment?
<a3Dman> Yes, unless you're good with bash.
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<jomp16> i will install on a virtual pc, to know how to install and etc
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<a3Dman> if you're experienced with command line and linux go with the latter, if not then go beginner...
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<WickedMule> Good evening.
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<a3Dman> jomp16: Arch is great way of learning Linux
<jomp16> a3Dman: I'm a Ubuntu user (GUI install, and i don't have much experiences with bash), i want to move to Arch, so beginner?
<a3Dman> yeah
<WickedMule> If anyone with a bit of experience wants to help me for ~5 minutes send me a PM, greatly appreciated.
<jomp16> Yes, i want to learn Linux
<jomp16> I will install on VirtualBox
<a3Dman> Good idea, you don't want to mess with other partitions on your device...
<a3Dman> also, do regular snapshots, that would help you incase something fails
<jomp16> err, i will format all my HD of 1TB...
<jomp16> I have 3 HDs...
<a3Dman> for example, do a snapshot after basic install, then another one after installing DE, etc
<WickedMule> 3x 256 OCZ Vector Raid0 here:)
<jomp16> 2 of data, and one of system, yes, i know, is good for data move to 1TB and system to 250
<jomp16> move data *
<jomp16> a3Dman: huh? update the system?
<a3Dman> snapshot is like having backups
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<jomp16> Two HDs of data/backup...
<jomp16> and one for /system
<jomp16> for system *
<a3Dman> well, in linux it's just / :)
<jomp16> i need to create all partitions or i can create one of swap and one of /?
<a3Dman> / and swap should be enough as beginning
<jomp16> all partitions:/boot, /home, /etc, etc
<g_byers> hey codeworkx
<a3Dman> /boot is a must if you will use full system encryption
<a3Dman> /home is used if you want to separate home in another HD or if you want to completely encrypt it
<a3Dman> so I think you wont need to have them separated now...
<jomp16> so...i can create only / ?
<a3Dman> yes, / and swap only are good for a beginner installation...
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<Thiagovfar> swap is useless on a modern pc.
* Thiagovfar takes cover
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<a3Dman> I use it mainly for hibernation, and it's good when some apps goes crazy with ram
<DvineLord> i needa start installing autostarts again, to stop maps from starting on boot
* DvineLord has to get his 2cents in even if it's completely out of context
<DvineLord> =)
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<Thiagovfar> a3Dman: Hibernation is important, indeed.
<a3Dman> I think that's sarcasm, but I use it myself :P
<Thiagovfar> Nope, hibernation is a feature I miss on my linuxes
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<jomp16> I'm back
<DvineLord> POWER
<DvineLord> overclock 2ghz 24/7
<DvineLord> we got the power got the power
<DvineLord> excessive force
<jomp16> WAT!
<DvineLord> KMFDM
<jomp16> you overclocked?
<DvineLord> don't mind me i just got on 8 minutes ago
<XDS2010> are the bluetooth low energy bugs in the S3 fixed yet ?
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<nebkat> whothar?
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<Thiagovfar> who what?
<clibot> [Link] Koushik Dutta - Google+ - #pixelpushing When people bump into the method-count���
<Jiangyi> #failbook
<jomp16> a3Dman: i need to mkdir /home or the base-devel create it?
<Jiangyi> Who the hell modifies the Android framework to make a freaking app run!? -.-
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: if the app is just like that.
<a3Dman> jomp16: you don't need to
<Jiangyi> Fail Facebook app is fail :/
<a3Dman> D'oh
<nebkat> Jiangyi: hello
<nebkat> a3Dman: hello
<Jiangyi> Hai.
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: who is there?
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: what makes me mad, they has a menu that lacks two features, it's not holo and it's not legacy.
<a3Dman> also, they fuck up activity animations
<Jiangyi> +1
<Thiagovfar> nebkat: Me... I guess
<a3Dman> nebkat: hi d00d
<Jiangyi> They just tried to copy-pasta their iOS interface :/
<a3Dman> yes, the saga of all lame android apps...
<nebkat> why do the biggest companies have the worst android apps
<a3Dman> nebkat: they don't hire new people, they use the ones they have already which has no experience with mobile development
<a3Dman> or, they don't care about quality
<nebkat> i could do better
<a3Dman> whiny blonde could do better.
<Jiangyi> btw, who knows about HTC and Hboot crap here?
<nebkat> Jiangyi:
<a3Dman> every widget the freaking facebook app uses is in the SDK with decent animations...
<nebkat> !js event.getTarget().getName()
<clibot> #teamhacksung-support
<Jiangyi> lol just wondering :-P
<jomp16> a3Dman: now running pacstrap
<a3Dman> good
<jomp16> about fstab, i need to nano it?
<jomp16> edit what?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: wanna buy sam bbqd creditz?
<nebkat> so u can build?
<nebkat> and testz?
<nebkat> a3Dman: you too
<a3Dman> nebkat: I'm poor now sry
<a3Dman> jomp16: add root and swap partition to it as the guide says
<Jiangyi> nebkat: How much?
<jomp16> i created and mounted
<jomp16> i'm on Generate an fstab step
<nebkat> Jiangyi: for you, my friend, 5c per build
<Jiangyi> :o
<a3Dman> jomp16: pastie it so I can tell you
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<Jiangyi> Eh why not, I'll buy some just in case :-P
<Jiangyi> nebkat: How I buy?
<jomp16> a3Dman: the file generated by genfstab?
<a3Dman> yes, which is the fstab file in /etc/fstab :)
<jomp16> wait,pacstraping....
<jomp16> downloading the linkx kernel(i think)
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: by reading this facebook post, it shows how facebook devs are just lost and unqualified...
<Jiangyi> Yep
<nebkat> Jiangyi: paypal me the money
<nebkat> however much you send i'll convert to credits
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: in usd$ cents
<nebkat> so you got 20 builds per $
<a3Dman> "...but modifying the internals of the Dalvik VM while it was running our code is incredibly dangerous. But as we pored over the code, analyzing all the uses of LinearAlloc, we began to realize that it should be safe as long as we did it at the start of our program"
<nebkat> (hint buy 200 builds)
<a3Dman> iLOL'd
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Why 200?
<Jiangyi> ._>
<Jiangyi> ._.*
<nebkat> Jiangyi: $10?
<a3Dman> because $10 are good?
<Jiangyi> I'll probably only buy $3 or something heh
* Jiangyi only has a prepaid $5 AMEX card xD
<nebkat> THEN ITS 10C PER BILD
<Jiangyi> Aye yah D-:
<nebkat> buy 5$ at 5c/b
<Jiangyi> OK, fine
<nebkat> 100 builds
<clibot> [Link] Thiago Ribeiro - Google+ - Protip: Fix memory leaks by threatening your code
<Jiangyi> That's probably gonna last me into 2014 :-/
<a3Dman> Thiagovfar: heh
<Jiangyi> lol
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: dat ist u?
<nebkat> Jiangyi: dont forget inflation
<nebkat> :P
<Jiangyi> Bah :-/
<nebkat> Jiangyi: this is a gift... dont abuse
<Jiangyi> Please, I'm not gonna abuse it
<nebkat> u bettr
* Jiangyi will probably use maybe 4 times a month
<Thiagovfar> Yeah, I wrote that on the board. After fixing the leaks, of couse.
<nebkat> Thiagovfar: +1 to you
<nebkat> sir
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Gief Paypal pl0x
<a3Dman> omg, I didn't imagine that fb devs are like this, they made "crazy hack" just to start the app xD
<a3Dman> I don't want to live on this planet anymore...
<nebkat> Jiangyi:
<Jiangyi> lol
<nebkat> chad, your fellow kanadian
<Jiangyi> chadouming: Can I pay in CAD? xD
<nebkat> Jiangyi: pay as you wish
<Jiangyi> I don't think USD's gonna be of much use to you :p
<nebkat> just tell me how much you paid in the emd
<nebkat> end*
<nebkat> (hint: $5 or gtfo)
<Jiangyi> Will be $5 CAD + transaction fees :-P
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: hmk
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Do I do it under purchase or personal...? ._.
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: personal payment owed
<Jiangyi> k
<nebkat> Jiangyi: you have an account already dont you?
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<Jiangyi> Bah, fee's 10% of the money :/
<jomp16> a3Dman: installing
<jomp16> PMing you
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Done
<a3Dman> hahah, this made my day "I don't usually develop Android apps, but when I do, I hack the Dalvik"
<nebkat> Jiangyi: register with invite code FUKU
<Jiangyi> ..........
<nebkat> you arent in db for some reason
<Jiangyi> Where do I register? ._.
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Don't see a register button on BBQDroid. :/