nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<cr4ck3r1996> h3ll0 3v3ry0n3
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<RossWell98> hello
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<DvineLord> any good apps to turn phone into webcam for pc?
<DvineLord> tried droidcam but not working well
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<Ruffing> i9300 latest nightly issues? The website is down.
<Ruffing> !changelog i9300
<clibot> Ruffing: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
<Ruffing> Anyone?
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<xplodwild> how is it down?
<xplodwild> it's totally up
<xplodwild> stupid users
<xplodwild> nebkat: put cm10.1 instead of cm10 though
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<clibot> [Link] Rollback values-zh-rCN/strings.xml by huawuxin �� Pull Request #141 �� koush/Superuser �� GitHub
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<Shiva> Hiya guys !! I need some help with gapps plz.. I am right now on cm-10.1-20130317-NIGHTLY-i9100g on my I9100G and I m unable to sync picasa web albums. It used to show up in my 'gallerly' earlier but now its gone. I tried installing Gapps and the photo album sync option is enabled in settings
<Shiva> plz hel
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<jethro> hi
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<dmApoc> has anyone run into the problem "ERROR claiming interface failed!" in
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9305 - CyanogenMod
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<dmApoc> -Trying to install CM10 on GTi9305 GS3 LTE version
<xplodwild> dmApoc: try another USB port, try to reboot phone/PC, sudo
<dmApoc> @xplodwild Thanks, will give it a shot
<RedShift> Aha! I've tracked down a GT-I9100G! Let the bidding war begin
<xplodwild> heh
<xplodwild> OMAP <3
<RedShift> you will be mine, my precious
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<cjuniot> Hi guys sorry for the dummy question is just that i can't get access to the change log or the issues, just want to know what is not working on the nightles... you know video out, nfc, pen? i am just asking because if the pen is working and the nfc i will donwload and install...
<cjuniot> thanks.
<cjuniot> like i said sorry is just that the page is not loading for me
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<cjuniot> anybody online?
<obiwahn> no
<xplodwild> not at all
<RedShift> what does it mean, "online"?
<xplodwild> my server keeps me always online
<obiwahn> my cient is all the time online but that does not necessarily mean that i am logged in or watching the channel - i guess most people use irc that way. cjuniot: your best option is just to ask and wait an hour or 3 - on small channels maybe even a day or two
<obiwahn> remember that irs is no payed help hotline and nobody must help or owns you anything ... i have heard the saddest things like: you wrote xyz therefor it is your duty to help me because i am not willing to read the docs ...
<cjuniot> sorry about that i am not used to use chennels this is actually my first or second time asking or using this tape of chat :(
<cjuniot> NO NO sorry i didn't mean anything like that
<obiwahn> np
<cjuniot> i was just wondering if it was working or not in anyway i mant anything bad sorry about that
<obiwahn> i guess it is hard for people who are used to msn, icq, google-talk :)
<obiwahn> so enjoy you stay and be patient:)
<cjuniot> thanks i appreciate, and sorry for any bad spelling
<obiwahn> <-- this is not meant to "troll" you .. maybe you read a few lines
<clibot> [Link] How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
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<diegoviola> hi
<diegoviola> could i flash a new nightly after i flashed m2?
<diegoviola> flash on top
<diegoviola> m2 is just another nightly, right?
<diegoviola> i9100g
<obiwahn> diegoviola: maybe you can update from the about phone dialogue.
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<obiwahn> i have installed cm on my phone just a few days ago and wonder myself if updating requires a factory reset or not
<obiwahn> i guess it does not when you use the option in hte menu
<diegoviola> ok ty
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<obiwahn> codeworkx: can surely give you an answer when he is around
<obiwahn> DON'T PING CODY -- what is that about
<diegoviola> ok ty
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<polarkreis> Hello
<polarkreis> I have some question about i9300 - does it make any sense to use SWAP in that device? I was trying to google it, but I found no answer :)
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<xdman> Hello Why is the page is down? Where can i read the cyanogenmod issues/bugs for the GT-I9100 ? thanks
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<diegoviola> anyone running latest nightly on i9100g? is the notification bug still present?
<diegoviola> notification freeze
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<Svorax> !supported Samsung
<clibot> Svorax: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Svorax> !changelog n7100
<clibot> Svorax: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy Note 2:
<Svorax> !download n7100
<clibot> Svorax: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy Note 2: [df6bef]
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<Kihokki> diegoviola, Try
<diegoviola> Kihokki: but do you know if it's fixed?
<Kihokki> !changelog
<Kihokki> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> Kihokki: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<Kihokki> diegoviola, Look for changes ^ But I don't use nightlies
<Kihokki> or CM
<diegoviola> ty
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<Kihokki> diegoviola, I use Supernexus 2 build 3 for everyday use
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<diegoviola> nice
<diegoviola> is there a build that is stable enough for daily use, for i9100g?
<diegoviola> cm 10.1 has some bugs currently
<diegoviola> and i won't be using the phone... so it's not like i'll be able to flash it daily
<Kihokki> Supernexus 2 build 3
<diegoviola> i really like cm 10.1 though, i use it on a i9300
<diegoviola> Kihokki: is that more stable than cm 10.1?
<Kihokki> Yes
<diegoviola> ok
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][AOSP][JB][4.2.2][JDQ39] SuperNexus 2.0 - I9100 - BUILD 3 [17-02-13] - xda-developers
<Kihokki> Haven't flashed my phone since that for 3 weeks
<diegoviola> thanks
<diegoviola> do i use gapps-20130301 with it?
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Downloading
<Kihokki> They'll work with it
<diegoviola> ok ty
<Kihokki> Also, Google Now eats alot of battery
<Kihokki> disable it
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<Kihokki> And find a bigger battery, I have a 3500 mAh battery which lasts for about 14 hours in use
<Kihokki> stock used to be only 1650 mAh and lasted about 6 hours
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<RedShift> 6 hours on the 1650 mAh?
<RedShift> I find that hard to believe
<Kihokki> RedShift, On constant use, wifi on
<RedShift> I find that hard to believe
<Kihokki> What is should be then?
<RedShift> best I got was 4 hours
<RedShift> *ever*
<RedShift> right now I'm only at 3, and that's with the extended battery
<RedShift> the 2000 mAh one
<RedShift> i9100 or i9100G?
<Kihokki> RedShift, i9100
<RedShift> gah
<RedShift> Impossibru!
<Kihokki> btw this is how I usually use my battery
<Kihokki> with that 3500 mAh one
<diegoviola> i have a 2100 mAh battery but it last very little
<diegoviola> with constant use
<diegoviola> i9300
<diegoviola> cm10.1
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<Kihokki> I use SuperNexus still
<Kihokki> 57% charge left, has been on for 9h
<diegoviola> i see it drops from 100% to 80% in 1 hour
<Kihokki> This battery is totally epic
<diegoviola> battery
<RedShift> Kihokki on that latest supernexus - 4.2.2?
<Kihokki> RedShift, Yes
<Kihokki> diegoviola, If you flash everyday your battery doesn't have much time to settle down
<Kihokki> I've tested this rom for those 3 week
<Kihokki> s
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<diegoviola> Kihokki: what do you suggest in that case please?
<diegoviola> flash another rom, flash every 10-15 days? :D
<Kihokki> diegok, Choose one usually stable rom like SuperNexus ond update less often, yes :D
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<RedShift> hmm what issues could a non-matching RIL and baseband bring?
<endstille> hey, i have a question concerning SGS2 Bootloader. i aleasy searched XDA-Forums, but i cannot find a thread with recent JB Bootloader + Howto Guide how to flash it. Can someone show me a link please? or is tghere nothing like this
<Kihokki> RedShift, Battery drain at least
<Kihokki> Weak signal
<RedShift> I'll try and get those synced up
<clibot> [Link] GetRIL - Android Apps auf Google Play
<Kihokki> It'll also tell you if they are mismatched of cource
<RedShift> they are mismatched
<RedShift> hmh
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<RedShift> uh, syncing them up just broke my phone, it's not getting any signal and it's not asking for my pin code anymore
<RedShift> could this be a ROM issue (I'm not running stock)? what is supposed to provide the RIL?
<Kihokki> I don't know, but I would restart the phone
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<RedShift> did that including battery pull
<Kihokki> Well, try to do so
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<Kihokki> wifi can answer to almost anything
<wifi> wut ?
<RedShift> it's saying baseband version unknown
<RedShift> going to try again
<a3Dman> immediate support for smoothing your galaxy phone
<a3Dman> specially exynos ones
<a3Dman> :)
<RedShift> baseband comes from modem.bin right?
<Jiangyi> zomg
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: remember the $10 unlimited browsing thing I was talking about yesterday?
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<Jiangyi> I just found out they don't block ports anymore :-DDD
<diegoviola> Kihokki: ok thanks
<Jiangyi> so basically, unlimited data for $10 xD
<RedShift> huh my /efs might be screwed
<RedShift> gah
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<RedShift> great
* RedShift makes 10 copies of his efs backup
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<codeworkx> pew pew
<wifi> QQ
<angelsl> is samsung's bootloader based on uboot?
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<codeworkx> angelsl: isn't uboot GPL?
<angelsl> yup
<angelsl> who knows, Samsung could be violating the GPL and no one knows
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<RedShift> ok now I'm scared, I've restored my /efs from backup and its still not working
<angelsl> define not working?
<RedShift> baseband shows up as "unknown" and I have no IMEI number
<angelsl> did your restore actually work?
<RedShift> yes
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<RedShift> it didn't restore the permissions though
<RedShift> just noticed that, maybe that's the problem
<RedShift> what are the perms supposed to be?
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<MickLH> !supported P3113
<clibot> MickLH: Unknown OEM P3113, supported:Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<frankdrey> RedShift, 777 always works :D
<RedShift> or maybe nothing is wrong with my /efs and I'm panicking. I should reflash my rom
<frankdrey> MickLH, p3113 is supported
<frankdrey> use p3110 files
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<frankdrey> p3113 was merged into p3110
<MickLH> Is there a mirror of the files I require to root this device?
<MickLH> I've found all 404s to
<frankdrey> MickLH, root or flash CM10.1?
<MickLH> xoomdev's profile
<MickLH> root
<frankdrey> xoomdev?
<MickLH> well if I can somehow flash without root ;) I'd love to
<MickLH> but I believe I want to root
<frankdrey> you flash cyanogenmod without root
<frankdrey> root is if you want stock+root
<RedShift> omg it was my ROM that was borked
<RedShift> screwed up my /efs for nothing
<frankdrey> MickLH, so choose: stock+root or Cyanogenmod 10.1?
<MickLH> does flashing cm conveniently provide root then?
<frankdrey> MickLH, it does
<MickLH> well that's just amazing
<RedShift> oh, sweet sweet pin code, I missed you
<MickLH> fuck motorola
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<frankdrey> MickLH, i don't see how Motorola or Xoom tie in?
<Frank__> Hello!
<frankdrey> o.o another frank :D
<MickLH> Since stock + root is obviously the inferior option, the files required have died
<frankdrey> MickLH, it's possible, but stock sucks
<Frank__> I got a Samsung Galaxy S3 and tried to install CM10.1 nightly. How can I keep all my installed apps after flashing?
<frankdrey> CM10.1 is 1) faster 2) newer (4.2.2) 3) awesomer
<MickLH> I'd prefer to use it also
<frankdrey> Frank__, titanium backup
<frankdrey> MickLH, what do you mean? what is "it"
<Frank__> OK, I have to do an app restore with Titanium, right? :-)
<MickLH> good question
<MickLH> my mind is tripping on irc
<frankdrey> Frank__, if you backed them up with titanium, but even then the data might be buggy
<frankdrey> it's not garaunteed
<frankdrey> MickLH, I suggest CM10.1 ;) and I can walk you through getting that
<MickLH> that would be very helpful
<Frank__> I will give it a try! I thought I did something wrong during flashing, because all apps werde gone :-)
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<frankdrey> Frank__, well if you wiped data, the apps would be gone
<frankdrey> download that and put on internal storage
<Frank__> Don't I have to do a wipe? It is been told I have to do it to prevent a bootloop after flashing.
<frankdrey> Frank__, you do, because data is incompatible between stock and AOSP-based (like cyanogenmod)
<frankdrey> Frank__, so it's normal and necessary to delete all apps like that
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Downloading
<frankdrey> same for that ^
<MickLH> lol give me a moment I just filled my harddrive with the first 100MB of the other download
<frankdrey> haha
<frankdrey> k
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: congrats...
<MickLH> well I had to delete a clients disk image, back now
<MickLH> on the bright side, work will probably buy me a new hard drive if I nag
<frankdrey> MickLH, heh
<frankdrey> 200gb IDE here and it's dying :D
<wifi> eww
<wifi> IDE<
<MickLH> man that's ironically awesome
<MickLH> that was my last personal storage setup
<MickLH> until I accidentally slid it off my desk
<frankdrey> wifi, ikr
<frankdrey> haha
<frankdrey> I have a SATA drive but it gets too hot to touch after 10 seconds
<MickLH> overclock it
<frankdrey> hmm?
<MickLH> no I'm joking lol I think it's not gonna last long though
<wifi> dafuq
<MickLH> when you get magnets hot they become less of magnets
<wifi> overclock hdd ?
<frankdrey> wifi, quick google search is saying yes :o
<frankdrey> haha
<frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> never mind
<frankdrey> increase rotation speed
<frankdrey> close enough :D
<wifi> my quick google search tell me no
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> wait
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> increase rotation speed
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> close enough :D
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> never mind
<wifi> unless you have very high technical knowledge
<frankdrey> :p
<wifi> which you don't have
<frankdrey> define "high technical knowledge"
<wifi> shit, nvm
<clibot> [Link] Overclock Your Harddisk
<frankdrey> HA
<wifi> read it
<wifi> READ IT
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<frankdrey> LOL
<MickLH> I really like, Volume Controlmark 2000: Bass and Treble were both set to the centre values
<MickLH> Shows how they really went the extra mile to provide you with all the useful info
<wifi> solitaire 95 -_-
<MickLH> but in all actuality I don't see that guide working out
<RedShift> they should really make it possible to flash the internal memory by other means
<RedShift> they should make it boot from sdcard
<wifi> why ?
<RedShift> would have prevented a lot of returns to service points
<RedShift> it should boot more like a pc does
<wifi> you are not supposed to do what we do
<wifi> they don't have to support us
<wifi> eh there is a way more easier to do it
<wifi> you make the download system really read only
<MickLH> frankdrey: hey should I put it on store 1 or store 2?
<wifi> on a separate hw
<frankdrey> MickLH, store1/2? not understanding what you mean there
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<wifi> you could wipe to 0 all the sdcard and still be able to reinstall everything
<MickLH> so internal?
<frankdrey> MickLH, do you mean internal or sdcard?
<frankdrey> doesn't matter
<RedShift> wifi you can do that right now?
<wifi> no
<RedShift> because that was my point, the internal sdcard could be entirely empty - it should still be possible to recover the phone in a sane way
<wifi> wipe the bootloader and your phone is dead
<MickLH> I'm supposed to be this corporate programmer dude but I can't fucking figure out how to enable USB mass storage on a tablet....
<frankdrey> wifi, nvflash
<frankdrey> MickLH, there is no mass storage
<frankdrey> you need to use MTP :P
<MickLH> ewwww
<frankdrey> ikr
<MickLH> awh mhan
<frankdrey> or use adb
<MickLH> ghzhezerlhap
<MickLH> huggudeblegh
<MickLH> sorry
<frankdrey> :p
<wifi> never go full retard
<frankdrey> wifi, nvflash is all hardware. that's not a bad idea.
<frankdrey> and RedShift :p
<frankdrey> ^
<wifi> frankdrey, yeah, if you have a shitty tegra in your phone
<frankdrey> wifi, you're biased :p
<MickLH> will I screw myself if I change the filenames to /sdcard/
<wifi> anyone here have a tegra in his phone ?
<MickLH> and /sdcard/
<MickLH> wifi: I have a tegra in my heart
<wifi> sorry, you are about to die
<MickLH> yeah I know I've had a fever ever since I executed too many flops
<frankdrey> MickLH, go ahead and rename
<frankdrey> wifi, Nexus 4 is tegra isn't it?
<MickLH> frankdrey: you aren't saying that to troll me right? for bagging on nvidia?
<wifi> yeah right
<frankdrey> MickLH, no :p
<MickLH> I mean I've got a gtx 480 right now I love my greens
<MickLH> we coo nyga?
<frankdrey> lol
<wifi> eh, nvidia graphic card != tegra
<a3Dman> /facepalm
* wifi laugh.
<MickLH> no offence, I am very much black enough to say that
<wifi> to say wut ? nigga ?
<MickLH> yes sir
<wifi> don't need to be black to say nigga
<knix> especially on the internet :P
<MickLH> well I need some kind of compensation for having to hear my mother say "OHEZ a-LHAWDY!" at a spacetime point in the envelope of physical reality
<MickLH> also does adb accept any signal to output stats on the current operation?
<frankdrey> not that I know of
<a3Dman> knix: rap songs also
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<MickLH> so I've finally adb'd the files onto /sdcard
<frankdrey> MickLH, wonderful, now, what OS?
<MickLH> stock
<frankdrey> on PC :D
<MickLH> debian
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<frankdrey> fun
<frankdrey> 64 bit?
<RedShift> frankdrey: what?
<MickLH> yep
<RedShift> I'm missing context
<frankdrey> RedShift, what?
<codeworkx> WHAT
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<MickLH> damnit!
<MickLH> I knew this was just a ploy to root me the whole time
<frankdrey> MickLH, what?
<a3Dman> WAT????///??///????//
<RedShift> 18:34 <frankdrey>and RedShift :p
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<frankdrey> RedShift, Tegra has Nvflash which is pure hardware
<frankdrey> one good way to make something unbrickable
<diegoviola> how do you flash stock roms with heimdall in the cli?
<diegoviola> do you need to uncompress the stock rom files and flash each of the files in the tar file?
<diegoviola> modem, etc
<RedShift> ah
<frankdrey> diegoviola, dunno, who flashes stock?:p
<diegoviola> reason i ask this is, i don't have windows right now
<diegoviola> frankdrey: heh
<diegoviola> i flash stock to update bootloader sometimes
<diegoviola> baseband
<diegoviola> then i reflash cm again
<frankdrey> MickLH, you're not gonna root with heimdall. you're gonna flash ClockworkMod
<MickLH> frankdrey: I'm just paranoid I meant you wanted to root my debian system with a specially crafted .deb file disguised as a tool I want to use
<frankdrey> oh haha
<frankdrey> if you don't trust me
<frankdrey> google "heimdall"
<frankdrey> and go download yourself
<MickLH> I already inspected the package :P
<MickLH> sorry for being like that
<frankdrey> ok xD
<frankdrey> also download that
<MickLH> done
<frankdrey> heimdall flash --recovery recovery-blablahblah.img --no-reboot
<frankdrey> oh yeah, you know to flash CM you will need to wipe all data?
<MickLH> yeah I expected
<MickLH> it's a company tablet anyways ;)
<frankdrey> haha ok :p
<frankdrey> ok, after that's done (heimdall on PC says it's done)
<frankdrey> you'll need to reboot straight into recovery, not Android
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<frankdrey> do that by holding power and volume down (left on p5110, not sure about 3110, you should know by now :P)
<frankdrey> hold it until the samsung logo comes on, turns off, and when it comes back on let go of power until
<frankdrey> keep holding volume down until you see stuff
<MickLH> should I leave USB plugged in?
<frankdrey> nah
<MickLH> done
<MickLH> I feel I should reboot now, but it very excitedly is telling me not to
<MickLH> although, it's been telling me this before I even flashed clockworkmod
<frankdrey> do what I said
<frankdrey> reboot into recovery, not Android
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<MickLH> hey man, I trust you but jeez
<MickLH> you gotta treat me like a crazy guy
MickLH was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by wifi [that's what happen to crazy people]
<frankdrey> lol
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<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> wb MickLH
<MickLH> I honestly expected a ban
<MickLH> ty
<frankdrey> wifi banned me once :p
<MickLH> seriously is how crazy people get treated :/
<MickLH> like shit in general because hahaha trollolol the schizo fuck he doesnt know whats going on
<wifi> it's funnier to kick cause i can do it multiple time
<frankdrey> wifi, you sadist :(
<frankdrey> which reminds me of a joke a friend told me
<frankdrey> I used to be a sadist necropheliac with an equine fetish...but then I realized I was just beating a dead horse.
<MickLH> lol nothing wrong with that
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<MickLH> except that I don't know how to get into clockwork mod
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<frankdrey> MickLH, I posted up there
<frankdrey> how to
<frankdrey> hold volume down + power until samsung logos comes on, turns off, and then when it comes back a second time let go of power
<frankdrey> keep holding volume down until you get CWM
<MickLH> I get a cycle of the warning custom os screen with that key combo
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<a3Dman> volume up
<a3Dman> volume down is downloadm ode
<a3Dman> volume up is recovery
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<MickLH> holyfucksauce
<MickLH> so is everything easy from here on out? can I just install the gapps and cm (or reverse order?) now
<wifi> can't reverse the order
<a3Dman> cm then gapps
<a3Dman> then
<a3Dman> wipe data
<a3Dman> drop the phone into the ground two times
<Svorax> just curious: why doesnt cm come with gapps?
<a3Dman> then boot
<a3Dman> license
<wifi> Svorax, legal issue
<Svorax> oh
<Svorax> i can understand that thnx
<wifi> google asked aosp rom to remove Gapps as they were liscenced app made by google
<frankdrey> MickLH, yeah, what a3Dman said
<frankdrey> strange, volume down on p51xx is recovery
<frankdrey> #blamesamsung
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<MickLH> turns out I have more mundane questions I have become too lazy to google since you guys are so friendly
<MickLH> such as wipe everything? just data or just cache
<Svorax> both
<frankdrey> wipe data / factory reset
<MickLH> and how do I get around the wipe data having only 2 no options?
<frankdrey> will wipe data and cache
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<MickLH> so... bricked?
<Svorax> ?
<MickLH> I still haven't figured out how to wipe data / factory reset
<frankdrey> in clockworkmod
<frankdrey> literally an option saying "wipe data / factory reset"
<MickLH> do I have to mount something to make that work?
<MickLH> because when it asks if I am sure I want to use that tool, the only option is "No"
<MickLH> wipe cache works fine though
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<frankdrey> scroll down to get to yes
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<MickLH> lol fuck thanks
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<MickLH> I never would have found it without that nudge to scroll an extra few pages of 'No's
<MickLH> god this thing works so much better now
<MickLH> went from development nightmare to linux machine with a gig of ram
<RedShift> lol?
<MickLH> only downside is I need to incorporate rooting into the manufacture process now for the product lol...
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<RedShift> MickLH which machine did you come from?
<MickLH> galaxy tab 2 7.0
<RedShift> IMNSHO all developers should get a pentium 3 with 128 MB of RAM
<RedShift> that'll teach them to develop efficient apps
<frankdrey> RedShift, I agree
<frankdrey> I AGREE
<MickLH> you guys are crazy
<frankdrey> RedShift, I love you no homo
<MickLH> 640kb is enough for anyone
<frankdrey> unless you're female
<frankdrey> then marry me
<a3Dman> RedShift: awesome :)
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<MickLH> but in reality I guess that would work in the modern age
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<MickLH> I think it doesn't matter the machine so much, just that everyone needs to come up through the demoscene
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<MickLH> god damn I'm so fucking happy to have this thing fixed
<frankdrey> xD
<MickLH> I don't understand why it's not common knowledge that lack of root on any personal computer is a broken design
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<frankdrey> I love how fixed = stock begone
<frankdrey> MickLH, eh you can get root on stock and it'll still suck
<frankdrey> laggy as shit
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<frankdrey> is "one, two, three = something;" even legal?:P
<MickLH> in many languages yes
<MickLH> like lua
<frankdrey> C
<a3Dman> multiple assigning is supported in a lot
<MickLH> I don't think it's valid C
<frankdrey> eh
<frankdrey> hmm
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<MickLH> I mean it's surely not valid as multiple assignment
<MickLH> but I wonder if the compiler would let you get away with it as function parameters
<MickLH> I think the ; kills that though
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<frankdrey> stupid C :p
<MickLH> awwwww
<a-st> heyho everybody :D
<MickLH> hey-o!
<a-st> :D
<MickLH> C isn't stupid man it's just more convenient assembly language
<RedShift> C is not assembly
<frankdrey> ^
<MickLH> lol it really is just more convenient assembly
<MickLH> that was the design goal
<MickLH> like extreme shorthand
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<RedShift> that doesn't make it assembly...
<MickLH> nobody said it's exactly assembly ;)
<wifi> .S is assembly
<MickLH> ewww
<MickLH> it's all about the intel syntax plz
* frankdrey is doing this ^
<MickLH> well on your way
<frankdrey> i'm trying to do the exercise on using as few = as possible
<MickLH> well feel free to ping me with anything, you've saved me a lot of time so feel free to ask for some
<frankdrey> haha I think i'll be fine but thanks :)
<frankdrey> this tutorial is much better than the cprogramming one :|
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<BHD> Guys
<BHD> I have a question
<BHD> Do you guys consider TouchWiz just the UI, or all the things that goes with it
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<BHD> Can you rid a device of TW completely
<a3Dman> by installing a new rom
<a3Dman> TW is a modification to android's framework, new theme and some lame apps
<BHD> so what about libs and all that stuff
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<MickLH> <3
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* wifi is away: dinner
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<xellos> hello first i wanna thanks codworx for his great work porting cyanogenmod on our I9305 device but i have a little problem i notice that the battery life isnt that good compared to other roms like ripper rom is that normal ?
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<MickLH> well if that's not the essence of patience man
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<timvdhoorn> Hi guys, if i open Battery stats window from settings it only shows me Android-OS with 100% usage someone knows how to fix?
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<MickLH> frankdrey-coffee: do you have paypal?
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<frankdrey-coffee> MickLH, nope
<MickLH> dude I really need this, pm? you helped before, keep helping sheesh!
<frankdrey-coffee> hmm? k, pm i guess?
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<frankdrey> does the minSdkVersion actually need to be installed?
* frankdrey is being VERY ambitious and set it to 1
<frankdrey> :D
<wifi> bad idea
<frankdrey> why?
<frankdrey> ok, what's the lowest I can set it to that will allow me to fly text accross the screen?
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<frankdrey> meh
<frankdrey> Animator is a useful API
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> but I want to have at least 2.3 D:
<waratte> That's terrible.
<waratte> Oh no....
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<frankdrey> HA
<frankdrey> android.view.animation
<frankdrey> api level 1
<frankdrey> :D
<jomp16> I always use the latest SDK and set to min=10
<jomp16> And target to the latest (because I develop and test on latest Android in my p3110 and Gingerbread on my G5, to get the Holo interface I use HoloEverywhere)
<frankdrey> eh, i can test level 1 with my G1 :D :D
<jomp16> Because your Android is the first version?
<frankdrey> well, there are 1.0 roms
<jomp16> Bad ideia too, upgrade your device to at least Ginger
<frankdrey> it's a G1 :|
<frankdrey> the first android phone
<frankdrey> gingerbread is a pain
<frankdrey> froyo is usable
<jomp16> G1 don't run ICS? It will run Ginger
<frankdrey> o.o
<frankdrey> of course it doesn't run ICS
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> well, it can
<frankdrey> shit slow
<jomp16> OC? Swap?
<jomp16> Buy another phone? <-- I chose this
<frankdrey> OC and swapped like crazy
<frankdrey> no monies
<wifi> eww swap
<frankdrey> ikr
<frankdrey> Man, I have no idea what I'm doing
<jomp16> Err, why yu don't work to get money and buy a decent phone? Or pick the money of your pop/mom
<frankdrey> jomp16, rob my parents? D:
<jomp16> Borrow <-- Google
<frankdrey> lol
<jomp16> Or steal a bank
<jomp16> Or steal a old guy <-- WTF
<waratte> *an old guy
<jomp16> Yeah, forgot about a/an
<frankdrey> Yeah...
<frankdrey> I don't know enough Java
<frankdrey> this is not working out very well
<jomp16> Day in day I learn more Java
<jomp16> What's doing in your app?
<frankdrey> flys text accross the screen :p
<frankdrey> well, it should
* jomp16 wants to develop a 3D app in Android/PC
<frankdrey> right now I'm just reading up on where the heck I start
<frankdrey> I should probably start with a text provider
<jomp16> Best way to debug, put LOG.d
<frankdrey> that'll feed the text I want to show
<jomp16> To know what's happening
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<frankdrey> I don't have any code
<frankdrey> other than a set up manifest
<jomp16> WTF?
<frankdrey> and 2 lines of the text providor :p
<frankdrey> I just started this 15 min ago
<frankdrey> lol
<jomp16> Lol wat!
<jomp16> Kill me please
<frankdrey> dafuq is a Bundle?
<jomp16> !google bundle android developers
<clibot> jomp16: Bundle | Android Developers:
<jomp16> Here
<frankdrey> yeah, that's not very descriptive
<frankdrey> already read it
<jomp16> Read again? Meditate about it?
<frankdrey> :/
<frankdrey> apparently used for intents and crap
<frankdrey> might as well import it :p
<jomp16> " Bundle generally use for passing data between various Activities. It depends on you what type of values you want to pass but bundle can hold all types of values and pass to the new activity"
<jomp16> "It can be used to pass data between different Activity's"
<jomp16> Stack Overflow
<waratte> I wonder why they call it that.
<waratte> Nothing is flowing.
<jomp16> Because old Windows has much errors in stack overflow?
<waratte> Old Windows?
<jomp16> The first Windows
<waratte> Oh gosh.
<waratte> That's ancient.
<jomp16> I'm an 15 old guy...
<waratte> ¿Tienes quince años?
<jomp16> Tenho 15 anos <-- pt br
<waratte> pt br?
<jomp16> Yes, I have 15 years
<jomp16> PT-BR = Brazilian Portuguese
<waratte> Ah, sí, sí.
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