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<crave> !supported Samgsung
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<mattydawgsmith> Hi I"m pretty new to Modding phones and I just tried to install cyanogen onto my galaxy s2 skyrocket, but I'm unable to get past the cyanogen boot screen with the blue robot and my backup seems to not be working as well. at this point am I completely screwed?
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<saviii> can i delete "logcat_cp_boot_radio_201303161052_05.log" (about 10mb) or is it useful for the devs?
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<desmi> I have a Note 2 and run cyanogenmod 10.1 nightlys
<desmi> Works great
<desmi> but I would like to know is it possible to install a faster kernel?
<Bert__> Look in the developer options, you might be able to overclock your device.
<desmi> Not that the note is to slow, but I just like it if my phone runs as fast as possible :)
<desmi> I did that, and I do see performance but I cant change the min - max
<desmi> I thought it was because the default CM kernel does not allow it?
<desmi> Not sure though
<Bert__> Then you are probably limitted by what the CPU itself can do.
<desmi> ah oke than this is as fast as possible
<desmi> so I still have what I want ;-)
<desmi> thanks
<desmi> oh one more question, is it possible to get/install the samsung camera app on CM?
<desmi> it is the only thing I miss about the stock rom
<Bert__> You would have to find the APK and side-load it.
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<desmi> I found one on XDA in the S3 forums, someone took it from the note 2
<desmi> but I dont know if it is modified
<desmi> could I also download a stock rom and copy the APK from it?
<desmi> or is it more difficult
<Bert__> You may be able to return to stock ROM, use a backup / file explorer utility to backup / extract the APK, then return to CM and side-load it. No ideak if the APK does not check for a specific version of Android to run.
<Bert__> You may be able to rip open the stock firmware ZIP (what is the samsung firmware DL site) and get the APK from there.
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<desmi> cool thanks, I will try that
<desmi> :)
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<Bonscha> !changelog i9100
<Bonscha> !changelog galaxys2
<Bonscha> (uhm, doesn't work... also, can anyone give me max. five minutes regarding wifi bugs, usb mode bugs and google speech recog?)
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<nomida> hello everybody
<frankdrey> hi
<nomida> I installed cyanogenmod 10.1 for galaxy tab 7.0 p6210
<nomida> and it works fine
<nomida> but I have to modify some kernel module
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<nomida> where can I find the source code?
<nomida> the kernel sourcecode
* frankdrey is too lazy to find the specific repo
<frankdrey> first find your device repo, then find the kernel repo it links to
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<nomida> I have yet been there but I didn't find a repo for p6210
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<Dwark^> Baskey ;)
<Baskey> nebkat: datagutt:
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<nebkat> Dwark^: :D: :D:D:D :D: ::D :D:D :D :D: :D:D :D:D :D:D:D: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D:D:D ::D:D:D D:: D:D
<Dwark^> Hey guys. Good to see you again :D
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<nebkat> Dwark^: wer u bin?
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<nebkat> Dwark^: how is ireland?
<Dwark^> Cold gray and wet like always.. Just moved to city centre
<nebkat> Dwark^: where abouts?
<Dwark^> Been chilling. Talked a bit with mary jane.. Lol
<Dwark^> Steelworks
<nebkat> the snow is horrible
<nebkat> its not even sticking
<nebkat> just being asshole
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<nebkat> aww
<nebkat> Baskey: fixit
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<nebkat> Dwark^: do anything for paddys day?
<nebkat> hoep u smoeked teh p0tt3
<Dwark^> We went out for some beers then home and get hammered.. Didn't get any sleep between sunday and monday and went straight to work.. Lol
<nebkat> as i'd expect! :D
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<Dwark^> But just support for some customers.. Chilled job
<Dwark^> What are you guys up to today?
<clibot> [Link] [P6200/P6210/T869] CyanogenMod 10.1 (January 9) - xda-developers
<nomida> but I don't know the meaning of p6210 device tree
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_smdk4210 �� GitHub
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<Dwark^> xplodwild What is HWCOMPOSER? :D
<xplodwild> Dwarken :D
<nomida> so, do I download only the kernel_samsung_smdk4210?
<Dwark^> Good man xplodwild ;) hows life?
<xplodwild> fine fine, how's going for you ?
<nomida> what does smdk4210 mean?
<Dwark^> Not bad at sall... Just hanging out in ireland.. Still working for IBM
<Dwark^> Going to make some food with the boys..
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: You never got back to me on the BBQDroid device thing. :-|
<datagutt> DWARK^
<datagutt> HAI
<datagutt> err
<Jiangyi> datagutt: I'm not writing you a Chinese thingmajigger btw :-/
<datagutt> TELL HIM*
* Jiangyi is derping really hard these few days
<datagutt> Jiangyi: I will send you a mizu and uhm… nvm
<Jiangyi> Been mixing English grammar into Chinese all day :-|
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<datagutt> i have contacts that might get me in
<Jiangyi> Very bad for translating.
<datagutt> but doubtit
<datagutt> i just wrote some bullshit on their english forums
<Jiangyi> lol
<waratte> lol
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<datagutt> instantly got in
<datagutt> :)
<clibot> [Link] New! Samsung Security Flaw – Disable Lockscreen – Total Control | Terence Eden has a Blog
<Jiangyi> lol
<Frd^_> that was nice bug
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<chadouming> samsung idiotte
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: fak u
<Jiangyi> :-/
<Jiangyi> nebkat: I just wanna build for the N4 for crying out loud
<nebkat> Jiangyi: sorry im busy
<Jiangyi> Eh :-/
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<Fissurez> NEB
<Fissurez> KAT
<Fissurez> BAS
<Fissurez> KEY
<nebkat> Fissurez: WAT
<Fissurez> 'sup
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<Baskey> Fissurez: RABARBAR
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<Fissurez> it's funny reading the news and see lil ol nebkat mentioned in a hate sammy s4 post
<Fissurez> RABARBAR?
<nebkat> Fissurez: where??????
<nebkat> SHOW MEH
<Fissurez> lemme look
<Fissurez> was just android site or something i think
<nebkat> Fissurez: wanna help me make some java math shit?
<nebkat> Fissurez: find it. nao
<Fissurez> am trying
<alanic> I have a captivate. I have been using Cognition. My phone works pretty bad. I want a stable system. Should I install cyanogenmod? Or some other?
<nebkat> alanic: doit
<Fissurez> odd
<clibot> [Link] CM developers passing on Samsung Galaxy S4 - should you? | Android Central
<Fissurez> i could have sworn nebkat was mentioned ther
<Fissurez> :C
<alanic> nebkat: do I need to install a kernel or something?
<Fissurez> still
<Fissurez> at least smelly chadouming isn't mentioned
<nebkat> alanic: just flashit
<nebkat> Fissurez: now help me do my java
<Fissurez> we cant let the world find out about him
<Fissurez> how so?
<clibot> [Link] Rhubarb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
<Fissurez> ROOBARB
<Fissurez> BARBARBA
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<Guest35823> hi does anybody know when android 5 is coming out?
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<Anthony1s{-_-}> yea, everyone knows
<nebkat> Baskey: <3
<Baskey> nebkat: WAS IST DAS
<nebkat> Baskey: <3 RABARBARA
<Baskey> BARBARA
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<nebkat> Baskey: Fissurez: Dwark^F00d: Jiangyi: clik diz I want gaem ktnx
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Free Steam Games
<Baskey> NO, DONUT
<nebkat> Baskey: DOO EET
<nebkat> probably scam lol
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<alanic> I'll flash a new rom. what should I do so that my contacts etc get restored after that? Would titanium backup be fine?
<Kihokki> Contacts are synced with Google
<Kihokki> Backing up apps is not recommended
<Jiangyi> Backing up system apps is not recommended.
<Jiangyi> User apps are fine.
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<nomida> hi I downloaded the Kernel 3.0.x for tablet p6210. Do you know where I can find .config of cyanogenmod 10.1? I looked on /proc/ how suggested in few forum
<nomida> but I didn't find it
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<alanic> OMG cyanogen is so slick!
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<nomida> ok, I found in arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_p6210_defconfig
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