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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: You and cody; Brave guys.
<Jiangyi> lol
<Thiagovfar> While me, I'm gonna sleep
<Thiagovfar> see you
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<a3Dman> his car had brakebug, Renault is Samsung when making cars
<wifi> hahahaha
<wifi> press the brake give more gas
<wifi> y u no tried to press the gas ?
<a3Dman> yeah, double
<a3Dman> dude, 60 hours of driving on 200kmh, this guy is awesome
<a3Dman> it's like playing temple run, instead you die if you fail
<wifi> i doubt he drived 60 hours @ 200kmh before he ran out of fuel
<wifi> otherwise i'm buying a renault right now xD
<a3Dman> the only reason he stopped that fuel finished
<a3Dman> err
<a3Dman> 60 mins
<wifi> yeah, man at 150kmh i see the gas drop in my car
<a3Dman> sorry, it's 3AM now
<wifi> lol
<wifi> better
<a3Dman> :(
<a3Dman> veyron finishes 110 litre in 12 mins on top speed xD
<wifi> yeah, but at that speed you went 300Km
<wifi> zS
<wifi> xD*
<wifi> btw, why did this genius didnt simply remove the key ?
<wifi> or put his car on N
<wifi> no care if you break the car
<a3Dman> I thought of reverse shift also
<wifi> it's better than being stuck at 200kmh
<a3Dman> not sure how his accessibility works on this car though
<a3Dman> disabled drivers cars sucks
<wifi> yeah, but if he was able to call cops, he was probably able to turn the engine off
<a3Dman> turning the engine would fix it also
<a3Dman> not sure wth happened xD
<wifi> i think he was more mentally disabled
<a3Dman> maybe he wanted his own special edition of "Speed"
<wifi> lol
<a3Dman> anyway, that zombie invasion vid was the best
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> poor guy
<a3Dman> I think he also thought of legal investment when he did that
<wifi> honnestly, if i could do that without getting a ticket, i'd do it
<a3Dman> this would get him a lot of money
<wifi> highest i reached was 180Kmh
<wifi> but we don't have road to do some high speed here
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<a3Dman> my cat :')
<Jiangyi> lmao
<a3Dman> nice color
<wifi> she has thumbs :D
<a3Dman> yeah, they're the best
<Jiangyi> .........................
<wifi> my eyes are bleeding
<wifi> and my brain want to go out by my ear
<wifi> only that
<wifi> not so bad
<wifi> i've seen worse tho
<a3Dman> poor organs :(
<a3Dman> wifi: that would be silly if it's the the worst you've ever seen xD
<wifi> Jiangyi, that cat his either dead or fake
<wifi> a3Dman, i saw 2girl1cup
<a3Dman> cats could hear earthquakes and volcano before days
<a3Dman> rofl
<wifi> and i didnt puke !
<a3Dman> there's worst...
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<Fury_Soldier> Does anyone know where I might be able to get a few questions answered about the Samsung Galaxy sII?
<a3Dman> Next room on your left.
* Fury_Soldier looks to the left.
<wifi> a3Dman, i also saw kid in a sandbox
<Fury_Soldier> ;/
* wifi goes to right and run fast as he can
<Fury_Soldier> ;__;
* a3Dman hides in the next room
<Fury_Soldier> Stop!
<Fury_Soldier> In the name of love.
* wifi vanish !
* a3Dman throws a flash grenade at Fury_Soldier
<Fury_Soldier> But no seriously
* Fury_Soldier blind
* a3Dman changes cover
* wifi appear and kicks Fury_Soldier down the stairs.
* Fury_Soldier rolls like a fat person would down some stairs
<Fury_Soldier> -_-
* wifi close the door.
<Fury_Soldier> NO!
<wifi> yup, that was a good day
<Fury_Soldier> So can I ask questions in here?
<a3Dman> Fury_Soldier: Don't ask to ask a question that asks another question.
<wifi> You can ask question anywhere, doesnt mean there will be people that will answer
* Fury_Soldier sighs
<Fury_Soldier> True.
<wifi> !geo user Xenomod
<clibot> wifi: {country: "United States", region: "Texas", city: "San Antonio", latlong: {29.488907, -98.3987}, time: "Thu 19:20 CST"}
<Fury_Soldier> I mean I don't want to bug the wrong people is all.
<a3Dman> people get bugged on IRC if:
<a3Dman> 1) Spam
<a3Dman> 2) Highlight/PM
<a3Dman> 3) Away messages of course
<wifi> 4) Ask stupid question
<Fury_Soldier> Because I'm coming from an htc phone... and i've read a few things... and I'm just lost honestly.
<a3Dman> Get a nexus device
<Fury_Soldier> ;/
<a3Dman> when not sure, buy a nexus
<Fury_Soldier> ;/ Vm doesn't have them./
<a3Dman> vm?
<wifi> virgin mobile
<Fury_Soldier> Yea
<a3Dman> Fury_Soldier: unlocking is illegal there?
<Fury_Soldier> Not that I know of honestly.
<Fury_Soldier> But from what I've read, only if you are using from anothe company that its a "crime" or doing it for profit
<a3Dman> if it's illegal, boycott carrier's phones, and contact your congressman.
<a3Dman> sign this if you live in the US. ( )
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<a3Dman> Looper
<a3Dman> LIKE to spend Valentine’s Day with Joseph Gordon-Levitt?
* a3Dman facepalms
<Fury_Soldier> If I sign it can I have help :>
<Jiangyi> Oh look, a Canadian.
<Jiangyi> a3Dman: Unlocking's not illegal here just yet :-P
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: I know, anyway thinking will be probably illegal in US next year...
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<a3Dman> night
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<waratte> night
<sirus20x6> anyone know if tethering works in cyanogenmod nightly for spring galaxy note 2 sph-l900? I've just been dicking with a version from jan in which i can't get it to work. tried native and wifi tether app
<sirus20x6> sprint*
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<riassan> I think sbrissen got that functioning
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> so i just got the stock update for my nexus4, bu it doesnt update
<Assid> it gives me some asset failed .. status7; installation aborted
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<Jiangyi> lolehuy
<Jiangyi> lolwhut*
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<Jiangyi> Oh derp.
<Jiangyi> I just suggested string changes for a change for CM7, which I thought was for 10.1
<Jiangyi> I don't even know if CM7 even follows the same conventions :-S
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<Udmurt> Hi! I've just flash i9300 with 10.1-20130213 NIGHTLY and there is no Developer settings.
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<Pickpoket> Ive got a secret
<Pickpoket> who wants to know it
<Pickpoket> =)
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<kostodo> Hey there. Have been using/unlocking/rooting/flashing Nexus devices since they strted
<kostodo> first time I've ended up with a Note 2
<kostodo> I'm guessing fastboot oem unlock won't do the trick, right?
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<ggruner> Hi Team, I have a I9100 device and I'm using the latest nightly build. I run the "Daydream Clock "Digital"" and when the minute is changing the area of the minute has got a display error.
<ggruner> Is this a know issue?
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<kostodo> is it possible to use ADB and FASTBOOT with galaxy note 2?
<Kihokki> ggruner: Guess what. You're running a nightly build so expect bugs.
<kostodo> or do I have to use these ODIN/KIES things or whatever they are? :)
<Kihokki> @changelog i9100
<Kihokki> !changelog i9100
<clibot> Kihokki: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<ggruner> Kihokki, yeah but this problem persist for weeks(>4 weeks) now. And thats why I'm asking
<Kihokki> ggruner: and you should contact the developer of widget
<Kihokki> If other widgets are fine then it is that daydream clock
<ggruner> Kihokki, Ok, I will do that.
<Kihokki> Btw does it come by default or did you installed it? Is it a screen saver? ggruner
<ggruner> Kihokki, Yeah it comes by default from cyanogenmod. Yeah if you plug in your phone to a docking station then the daydream clock will start.
<ggruner> Ok thanks
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<kostodo> Hi guys, can someone confirm to me what Im about to do is correct for the NOTE 2: download heimdall, flash latest clockwork mod recovery, flash cyanogenmod nightly, flash superuser
<kostodo> right?
<rekoil> you don't need to flash superuser over a cyanogenmod nightly
<kostodo> fair enough
<kostodo> its the first part which was worrying me however
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<kostodo> note 2 doesn't need to be "unlocked" ?
<kostodo> like the nexus would with fastboot oem unlock
<kostodo> Espenfjo: merci!
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<kostodo> Espenfjo: not sure if you followed the Mac instructions when it says: Place the libusb-1.0.0.dylib library from the zip inside /opt/local/lib on the machine.
<kostodo> There is no such directory on Mac OS
<Espenfjo> Oo
<Espenfjo> I guess that requires macports
<kostodo> ./opt/local/lib that is
<Espenfjo> But installing the heimdall mac version was enough for me
<Espenfjo> It placed the dylibs somewhere, and it worked fine for me :P
<kostodo> 1.4rc1 or can I use the stable 1.3?
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<Espenfjo> kostodo: If it says 1.4rc1 you should use that one
<Espenfjo> There are some partition mappings that have changed
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<nebkat> !plugin reload
<clibot> nebkat: 17 plugins loaded. (3 updated)
<nebkat> !device i9300
<clibot> nebkat: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<mongi> Does N4's camera has HDR?
<wifi> yup
<mongi> Does S3 has it too?
<wifi> not hardware HDR
<mongi> In stock rom
<wifi> for the s3
<wifi> oh, i don't know
<mongi> Is there another Android phone that has it?
<mongi> I tought HDR was software =s
<wifi> optimus G
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<mongi> HDR is hard + sof or just hard?
<wifi> it's hardware or software
<wifi> the "hardware" portion is only that the sensor is able to take pic at different exposure at the same time
<mongi> oh, i see... i saw a code at that is wip on hdr for all phones hehe
<wifi> eh, that is software and that is because xplodwild is a pro
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<mongi> nice to see some news stuff on cm that aren't incorporate in android it self
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<xplodwild> mongi: you saw my stuff :D
<mongi> xplodwild: yep, and wish you all the best in this wip. it's a really nice feature you're working on
<xplodwild> :)
<xplodwild> almost done
<mongi> especially when new phone are about to be released with this, like xperia z... i just can imagine how great it will be this phone with cm and all those features
<Assid|2> i really should go read what HDR is for
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<Assid> anyone here running 4.2.2 for a while now ?
<Assid> whats the battery life like ?
<Assid> greater / worse than 4.2.1 ?
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<Jiangyi> dunno, I just upgraded
<Jiangyi> HDR's pretty noisy in lowlight on N4 :-/
<ring0> for hdr get a camera instead of a phone
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<Jiangyi> Yeah lol
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<ring0> is it possible in 10.1 to center the clock in the lockscreen?
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<a1exander> Hi! :)
<a1exander> Havent used CM10.1 since arount christmas, can anyone summon up the big changes since then? :D
<bealtine> too many to list...see changelogs
<bealtine> biggest change is upgrade to 4.2.2
<a1exander> Is it stable for everyday use?
<bealtine> sigh
<bealtine> its a nightly
<a1exander> -.-
<Fury_Soldier> >.>... Is this the place I can ask questions about the samsung galaxy sII?
<bealtine> you can ask if someones knows they might answer
<a1exander> Its not so hard to answer though, what do you think? Is it viable for everyday use? Because the latest official JB seem to give me bootloop everytime i pull out my battery.. :s
<Fury_Soldier> Well can someone explain.. what the hell is all this like FE(number) and EB(Number) and all that crap is?
<Bert_> CM10.1 is fine for me for everyday use. No issues, other than the choppy graphics .
<bealtine> i find it stable...your definition of stable may be different
<Fury_Soldier> I'm trying to root it... and I see all this stuff and I'm completely lost, I'm coming from an htc device and I didn't have to know anything like this.
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<iKillCypher> Hellllo
<jomp16> Hello
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<Fury_Soldier> ;/
<jomp16> My device gti5500 is officially supported by CyanogenMod, but why Jenkins don't build cm7 weekly/month for that device?
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<bealtine> no more cm7 builds
<bealtine> just now and again
<wifi> cause there is no more cm7 commit
<jomp16> :'(
<a1exander> cm7 = nostalgia
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<jomp16> Soo, if I want new cm7 build I need to compile myself?
<bealtine> yep
<wifi> yup
<wifi> but since there must not be much change, you wont have more stuff than latest build available
<jomp16> Because cm9/10/10.1 is too slow in my device, cm7 is fine
<iKillCypher> get out of samsung
<jomp16> wifi: Latest build: 20121021
<wifi> not that bad when take in consideration that android 4.0 was released in december 2011
<bealtine> and?
<jomp16> Not from Jenkins and his own machine (psyke83)
<jomp16> Thanks for help me
<Fury_Soldier> I don't even know if what I'm reading is for the VM verison of this phone
<bealtine> what phone?
<Fury_Soldier> SII
<bealtine> follow the guide
<Fury_Soldier> Which one...
<Fury_Soldier> I've found like 100
<Fury_Soldier> Because there are so many verisons of this phone.
<bealtine> you need the model number
<Fury_Soldier> I think it's sph-D170
<bealtine> dont think..look
<Fury_Soldier> Yea thats it
<bealtine> us phone?
<Fury_Soldier> Yes sir.
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<bealtine> dunno then...fucking regional crap
<Fury_Soldier> damn.
<Fury_Soldier> I see all this FF18 and EG12 stuff..
<Fury_Soldier> Not a clue what any of it means
<bealtine> this ch is mostly for international the rest of the world
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<Fury_Soldier> bah
<Fury_Soldier> Well thanks for the help
<bealtine> try #cyanogenmod
<jomp16> bealtine: international models start with GT- no?
<bealtine> i guess so
<jomp16> Hey, what the best launcher for cm7?
<wifi> adw
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<codeworkx> jomp16: upgrade your device
<Jiangyi> z0mg
<Jiangyi> So many rebases
<codeworkx> OMG OMG
<wifi> wut ?
<Jiangyi> wifi: 4.2.2 merge + lots of local translations = Not fun
<wifi> haha
<wifi> i love 4.2.2 merge LD
<wifi> :D*
<Jiangyi> Doesn't help that Github's starting to die on me :-|
<wifi> eh, imagine all the people going crazy and trying to get cm at the same time right now ?
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<Jiangyi> :/
<jomp16> codeworkx: "not enough cash! Stranger"
<Jiangyi> Hm
<Jiangyi> I9100G build.prop : # system.prop for maguro
<Jiangyi> WTH samsung?
<Espenfjo> nice
<tat-> hrhr
<wifi> lol
<wifi> Jiangyi, should be happy
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: did you know that wifi direct is working on i9100g?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yes, I stalk your posts on XDA :-P
<codeworkx> :-P
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<wifi> haha
<wifi> jiangyi, the chinese stalker :D
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<Jiangyi> :-P
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<GabMus__> hello
<GabMus__> anyone of you know why i can't join #cyanogenmod ?
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<wifi> probably require you to be registered
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<bealtine> you need a registered nick
<ring0> is it possible in 10.1 to center the clock in the lockscreen?
<Jiangyi> ring0: Use cLock
<ring0> Jiangyi, how can i put clock instead of the default clock in lockscreen?
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<ring0> Jiangyi, nevermind. i just did it. thanks for the wink :)
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<ring0> pure awesomeness
<jomp16> codeworkx: upgrade the phone eh? Give your money to me to buy a phone...
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<Jiangyi> WTF
<wifi> FTW
<Jiangyi> USPS, why u ship all my packages in the wrong direction :-S
<wifi> you said it, it's usps
<Jiangyi> Canada's to the North, not the South......
<Jiangyi> wifi: I thought UPS was bad, but clearly, USPS is worse.
<wifi> ofc
<wifi> i never had problem with ups tho
<Jiangyi> wifi: They left my N4 in the mailbox and then ran away. :-/
<wifi> lol
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<Bert_> UPS is perpetually lost. Had a Nexus 10 on order. UPS had the package still in the U.S. when my doorbell rang in Canada!.
<Bert_> At least they PUT it IN your mailbox, rather than throw it at your door.
<wifi> like i never had problem with UPS
<wifi> but i might be related to local guys
* wifi is away: dinner
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* wifi is back (gone 00:50:00)
<Jiangyi> wifi: Had a good dinner at lunchtime?
<Jiangyi> xD
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<wifi> eh
<wifi> shadap
<Jiangyi> lol
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<wifi> why people were hoping for BIG change in 4.2.2 ?
<wifi> it's not a major update, it's a fucking bug fix
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<KaZo58> why not, bug fix is good ^^
<wifi> it is good
<wifi> but i was not expecting day and night
<KaZo58> which os can beat android ?
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<KaZo58> ^^
<KaZo58> android is fucking good enough
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<mongi> Hey guys. I know if this isn't the right place to make a "request" or just give an "opinion" about a "feature" to CM. If someone can tell me where to post it... The thing is, I have a i9100 with cm10.1 and my brother has a iPhone 4. We're both from Brazil, and so Brazilian is the language from our phone. When I make a call on my phone the number appears like 12 3456-78, if I do this o iPhone it show 1234-5678 that is the
<mongi> to add a contact...
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<wifi> @bash
<wifi> !bash
<clibot> wifi: Unknown command "bash"
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<Frd^> !bash :(){ :|:& };:
<clibot> Frd^: Unknown command "bash"
<Frd^> =/
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<Jiangyi> Sooooooo booooored. :-|
<Frd^> yeah
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<waratte> :o
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<underio> hello
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<waratte> hi
<underio> samsung released source of jb for s2
<wifi> hmk
<wifi> so ?
<underio> i've just read that
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<underio> why does every version of Android require new drivers?
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<wifi> depend of what change in the android OS
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<jomp16> Hello folks!
<a3Dman> hi
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<jomp16> codeworkx: the file:, I can build to p3110 with the same characteristic (new kernel, libs updated, etc)?
<Entropy512> we've had S2 jb kernel source since mid-late January
<Entropy512> kernel source will help with HSIC drops and probably not much else at this point
<Entropy512> i'll run final tests on it tomorrow
<underio> Entropy512: ok, thanks
<underio> Entropy512: how did you get s2 jb source?
<Entropy512> um, it was released a few weeks ago
<Entropy512> today's announcement is probably just some minor update
<underio> oh, ok
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<Entropy512> heck there was a hong kong drop back in december
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<martpwns> Download Manager with stock browser possible didnt found a way to f.e to abort an download
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<underio> lol, like pompei
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<waratte> So true
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