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<princessesquisit> hi there? Hoping someone could help with something
<Syphyr> well.. i got brave and used heimdall.. and guess what it worked
<Syphyr> hehe yes
<princessesquisit> Running cyanogenmod 10.1 on galaxy s3 and it is hanging all the time
<princessesquisit> reflashed, reinstalled, thought chrome was causing it, removed it still hanging constantly
<Syphyr> I had to use the Sbl.bin from my firmware from my region
<Syphyr> that was scary man
<Syphyr> thanks for the support
<princessesquisit> cannot find a fix online at all... cannot even find anyone else having the same problem
<princessesquisit> seen the reports on chrome etc, but it is literally hanging about 6-7 times a day
<princessesquisit> anyone else experienced this know of a fix?
<princessesquisit> !download <Galaxy s3>
<clibot> princessesquisit: Unknown device <Galaxy
<princessesquisit> !download <GT-I9300>
<clibot> princessesquisit: Unknown device <GT-I9300>
<princessesquisit> !supported Samsung
<clibot> princessesquisit: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vib
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<Syphyr> well, that was hard
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<Syphyr> :-)
<Syphyr> im not doing this again
<Syphyr> SBL1 upload successful
<Syphyr> time to celebrate
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<Noobhere> Hey guys.....
<Noobhere> Im trying to install cyanogenmod on a samsung 3 i9300
<Noobhere> I have a 32gb micro sd card.
<Noobhere> I had it rooted already.
<Noobhere> do I need to partition to ext4 for cyanogenmod to work?
<Syphyr> no you dont
<Noobhere> so just fat32?
<Syphyr> when I bought my sdcard it was already formated to fat32
<Syphyr> I just put it in and that was it
<Noobhere> Also, is there a way to check if I have successfully moved my apps to my sd card? I am using link2sd and then chose "create link" so to link the apps to my sd card.
<Syphyr> no formatting
<Noobhere> ohh.
<Noobhere> Guess that's fat32.
<Syphyr> yah i think so
<Noobhere> That's the default one.
<Syphyr> yah
<Noobhere> Also, is there a way to check if I have successfully moved my apps to my sd card? I am using link2sd and then chose "create link" so to link the apps to my sd card.
<Noobhere> but im not sure if I they're already in my sd card.
<Syphyr> link2sd isnt going to work i think
<Noobhere> ohh...
<Noobhere> Any suggestions?
<Syphyr> do you require it?
<Noobhere> Well, I want to move all my apps to my sd card to free up the internal memory of my phone.
<Syphyr> i think they just figure most devices now have enough internal memory to not have to use the sdcard
<Noobhere> and moving forward, I would like all apps that I will be installing in the future to be installed on the sd card not on the phone.
<Syphyr> the apps will function much slower on the sdcard and you will probably have trouble with widgets
<Noobhere> hmm.. regardless if its a class 10 32gb?
<Noobhere> with up to 20mb/s transfer rate?
<Syphyr> hard to tell, but the widget problem should still be an issue
<Noobhere> hmm...
<Noobhere> I would like to try... I haven't tried it yet.
<Syphyr> yah i hear people request it all the time
<Noobhere> im a windows expert but not in linux
<Syphyr> some people have made modified kernels that switch the internal and external cards at bootup
<Syphyr> that is a solution
<Noobhere> Im still trying to understand the linux operation.
<Noobhere> I read that somewhere yesterday.
<Syphyr> and you can turn it off/on in sysctrl
<Noobhere> sounds nice..
<Noobhere> and tempting...
<Syphyr> but you will need to find a kernel that supports that
<Syphyr> for your device
<Noobhere> wait.. these terms bug me from time to time.
<Noobhere> correct me if im wrong.
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<Noobhere> The term firmware in the linux world is like windows 7, windows8, windows vista in the windows world.
<Noobhere> ROM for linux system is equivalent to windows 7 pro, ultimate and etc.
<Syphyr> the term firmware means the entire OS like what you would download from
<Noobhere> but what are kernels?
<Syphyr> when you install clockworkmod, you can apply changes to your system using flashable zip files
<Noobhere> yeah installed CWM
<Noobhere> on my phone already
<Syphyr> some of those flashable zip files can contain various things.. one of them could be a kernel update
<Noobhere> Did you mean firmware is the OS which has its own ROM?
<Syphyr> think of firmware and ROM as the same thing
<Noobhere> ** ROM and Kernel?
<Noobhere> I see.
<Noobhere> gotcha...
<Noobhere> I think im getting the hang of it.
<Syphyr> and the kernel is just part of the firmware
<Noobhere> I gotcha..
<Noobhere> but what's the use of the kernel?
<Syphyr> the kernel looks like this "boot.bin"
<Noobhere> ohhh...
<Noobhere> bin files.
<Syphyr> the kernel is where all the system drivers are contained
<Noobhere> I got you!
<Noobhere> now I understand...
<Syphyr> when your device boots up
<Noobhere> its like the bootable file in windows.
<Syphyr> and there is a secondary boot file called the Sbl.bin (which is your bootloader)
<Noobhere> understood ...
<Noobhere> Got that.
<Noobhere> Thanks syphyr.
<Syphyr> most of the time you dont want to mess with the bootloader
<Noobhere> another confusion I have is......
<Noobhere> when I was partitioning the sd card yesterday...
<Noobhere> I came to a point where it asked to partition for "EXT SD" and "SWAP SD"
<Noobhere> I was using cwm
<Noobhere> correct me if im wrong
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<Noobhere> ext sd is where moved apps from phone to sd card will be stored.
<Noobhere> but what's swap sd?
<Syphyr> swap sd is if you were to make a swap partition on the sdcard. This is a place where the OS can write to the sdcard for temp files when it runs out of RAM to use.
<Syphyr> but swap partitions are mostly not supported in ROMS
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<Syphyr> you will usually never have to have one
<Syphyr> think of it as a place on the harddrive to store temp files during operations
<Noobhere> crap.
<Syphyr> but that is not used in android very often
<Noobhere> alright...
<Noobhere> That's where my mistake was I guess.
<Noobhere> I'll have to format this again.
<Noobhere> haha.. I gave it about 512mb
<Noobhere> 4gb for the ext sd
<Syphyr> just make it part fat32 and the rest EXT4
<Noobhere> lol
<Noobhere> Good question
<Noobhere> I mean...
<Noobhere> the ext sd that I was asked last night when partitioning.
<Syphyr> you would need ext4 if you wanted to switch the sdcard for the internal memory
<Noobhere> I got that.
<Noobhere> oh.. if that's the case..
<Noobhere> I did it fine.
<Syphyr> fat32 cant use certain things like file permissions
<Noobhere> except wasting for the 512mb for the "swap"
<Syphyr> ext4 does
<Noobhere> syphyr... when I was partitioning last night.
<Syphyr> yah i would remove the swap
<Noobhere> it asked me "ext sd" and I gave it 4gb
<Noobhere> then when I restarted my phone.
<Noobhere> it asked me to whether format it as fat,fat32, ext, ext2, and ext 4.
<Noobhere> so my question is...
<Noobhere> when it asked me to whether format it as fat,fat32, ext, ext2, and ext 4. was it referring to the 4gb I gave it?
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<Syphyr> if you want to use the card just as external storage, then fat32 is fine. If you want to use the card as your internal storage and install apps to it, then you would need the EXT3 or EXT4
<Noobhere> so that's what the 4gb it was asking me about right?
<Noobhere> I think I got it now.
<Noobhere> Thank you... lemme just format this thing again..
<Syphyr> yah
<Syphyr> making just one big partition is probably easiest
<Syphyr> if thats possible
<Noobhere> I don't think so.
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<Noobhere> I'll give ext 4 4gb
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<Noobhere> and I'll give fat 32 the rest.
<Syphyr> yah
<Syphyr> then you have both
<Syphyr> and both are readable
<Syphyr> just skip the swap
<Noobhere> yeah
<Noobhere> but im still confused.
<Noobhere> on how to check
<Noobhere> whether my apps were moved to my sd card or not.
<Noobhere> as the ext 4 partition is not shown
<Syphyr> well, I dont think jelly bean has an option to move your apps
<Noobhere> but some in the forum were able to.
<Syphyr> cyanogenmod doesnt
<Syphyr> but there are ways, like i said if you get a kernel that supports swapping the internel and externel cards
<Syphyr> then you want just one big ext4 partition
<Syphyr> you can also format that sdcard on the computer
<Syphyr> if its not able to make the partitions the right size
<Syphyr> there might be limitations in clockworkmod when making partitions
<Syphyr> ive always just used the computer for that part
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<Noobhere> yeah it only gives me an option to partition it up to 4gb
<Syphyr> on the computer you should be able to make the ext4 partition the entire card
<Noobhere> syphyr.. check this out.
<clibot> [Link] [TESTED] app & games data to external SD card on S3 !!! - Page 3 - xda-developers
<Noobhere> that's working for s3 users.
<Noobhere> worth a try
<Syphyr> DirectoryBind isnt supported on cyanogenmod
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<Syphyr> DirectoryBind isnt supported on cyanogenmod
<Noobhere> so sad.
<Syphyr> what people have done is mess with the mount points
<Syphyr> to get around it
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<Syphyr> thats what the kernel mod does
<Umeaboy> Hi!
<Umeaboy> mount -t ext2 /dev/loop1 or loop7 mageia/ as root won't work.
<Umeaboy> I'm know that in IN the right dir to do that command as well.
<Syphyr> did you give it a mount point?
<Umeaboy> Yes.
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<Umeaboy> Isn't mageia/ enough if you're standing right behind that dir?
<Umeaboy> or do I have to give the full path?
<Syphyr> mount /dev/loop1 /mnt/something
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<Umeaboy> OK.
<Umeaboy> Hold on.
<Noobhere_> syphyr
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<Noobhere_> test
<Umeaboy> Still not working.
<Umeaboy> Invalid argument.
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<Umeaboy> I'm trying to use this guide for my dist:
<clibot> [Link] Arch Linux ARM • View topic - Installation in an Android Chroot
<Umeaboy> Not for ARCH. I should be able to adapt that idea.
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<loser> hello everyone. not new to rooting/flashing roms, but the wife's new s3 is giving me fits. looked through the forums, but could't find an answer. flashed cm-10.0.0-d2vzw and gapps-jb-20121011-signed. everything works great.. except the camera. opening camera app give me "camera error" can't connect to camera. ideas anyone?
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<Umeaboy> loser: Have you googled the error as well? No harm meant.
<loser> yes, i have. there are posts about the camera pic looking fuzzy on the lcd, but that's it
<loser> perhaps next option to go back to stock and see if it's a phone issue
<clibot> [Link] Issue 5624 - cyanogenmod - "Can't Connect to the camera" - CyanogenMod Android ROM - Google Proje...
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<Noobhere_> here's one that'll help
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][NIGHTLY] CyanogenMod 9 Sprint Galaxy S III(d2spr) Nightly Discussion - Page 14 - xda-developer...
<Syphyr> did you try 10.1?
<Noobhere_> If I then re-open the camera, I get the error "Can't connect to the camera". This is fixed by a reboot. Interestingly, I can change the picture size without any problems on the forward-facing camera.
<Syphyr> actually.. if you are having trouble with the camera.. there is another solution
<Syphyr> install the google version of the camera
<clibot> [Link] Downloads - Downloading
<Syphyr> this will install the google gallery and replace the camera app with google's
<Syphyr> might be worth a try
<loser> awesome. i'll give it a shot. thanks again.
<Noobhere_> syphyr.
<Jiangyi> Eh, not gonna solve it probably.
<Jiangyi> loser: Is it only sometimes or all the time?
<loser> all the time
<Jiangyi> k, you need the new cam blob.
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<Jiangyi> Gah, load Mediafire, load :-|
<clibot> [Link] SlimISP_ZH.bin
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<Jiangyi> Drop this into /system/cameradata and set the proper premissions, then reboot.
<Syphyr> I'm loving the new PowerVR SGX 540 kernel modules and binaries blob build 1.9@2166536
<Syphyr> all my streaming video hardware acceleration issues are now fixed
<Syphyr> only took samsung two years
<Syphyr> :-)
<Syphyr> you guys have the patience of a saint sometimes
<Syphyr> Jiangyi, ever since the new kernel and video drivers were introduced on the 17th, my boot animation is all messed up. We had to add a hardcoded rotation 270 to the build.prop and its also affecting the boot animation
<Syphyr> anyone else notice that?
<Jiangyi> P3100?
<Syphyr> not a huge deal, but ya know
<Syphyr> yah P31XX
<Syphyr> both
<Syphyr> P3110 and P3100
<Jiangyi> Are we talking about the random colours or?
<Syphyr> no the random colors what fixed by updating Sbl.bin
<Syphyr> but the actual boot animation is all stretched and off the screen when the thing starts up
<Jiangyi> o_O
<Jiangyi> Does it get better after a while or not?
<Syphyr> like its 90 degrees off into nowhere
<Syphyr> yes
<Syphyr> then like 10 seconds later it switches and then its 270 degrees off
<Syphyr> from the hardware rotation in the build.prop
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<Syphyr> but then when it boots up completely, its all fine
<Syphyr> just the boot animation is off
<Jiangyi> Well, no clue how to fix that one...
<Jiangyi> I don't have a P31xx, neither does cody, so you guys are on your own :-|
<Syphyr> they say just disable it in the build prop for now
<Jiangyi> But I thought that caused orientation problems?
<Jiangyi> From what I remember, it was implemented to fix orientation issues while in the system.
<Syphyr> debug.sf.nobootanimation=1
<Syphyr> that would mask it
<Syphyr> just no boot animations then
<Jiangyi> Oh.
<Jiangyi> Well, that's not much of a solution. :-|
<Syphyr> nah not really
<Syphyr> ro.sf.hwrotation=270
<Syphyr> that is what is causing it
<Syphyr> but its also necessary to fix it
<Syphyr> its a conundrum
<Jiangyi> If I'm correct, that's also what's set in Samsung's stock ROM.
<Jiangyi> Wonder how they worked around it...
<Syphyr> hm
<Syphyr> maybe there is a way to set orientation in the video driver
<Syphyr> i think i know why its happening
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<Syphyr> the 10 inch is 90 off from the 7 inch tab
<Syphyr> the 10 inch uses landscape by default
<Syphyr> and the 7 inch uses portrait by default
<Syphyr> so the video driver thinks it wants to be in portrait
<Syphyr> thats why it starts up 90 degrees off
<Syphyr> like it wants to be landscape
<Syphyr> then the harware rotation kicks in and makes it 270 degrees off
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<Syphyr> err the video driver thinks it wants to be in landscape i meant
<Syphyr> but its actually in portrait
<Syphyr> its something to do with that
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<loser> @Jiangyi when you say drop it into /system/cameradata, do you mean with adb or something similar?
<Jiangyi> Sure, ADB would work
<Jiangyi> adb root
<Jiangyi> adb remount
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<Jiangyi> adb push SlimISP_ZH.bin /system/cameradata
<Jiangyi> adb reboot
<Syphyr> make sure you are in recovery mode when you do that
<Jiangyi> Nah, he can do it in the system.
<Jiangyi> Doesn't matter.
<Syphyr> if the file is in use then it causes orphans in the dalvik cache
<Syphyr> thats why recovery is best
<Syphyr> safest
<Jiangyi> Well, the file doesn't exist on the system atm, so.... :-|
<Syphyr> ahh :-)
<Syphyr> im just following procedure :-)
<Syphyr> Rule #6: Never enter a house that is made completely from candy.
<Syphyr> I just tell people to use recovery as a general rule of thumb
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<Syphyr> well thanks again Jiangyi for the help
<Syphyr> about the crash out now i thinks
<Syphyr> good night
<Jiangyi> nite
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<hajabooja_> Ìû
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<cyanogenmod> Hi .
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<Guest96533> hi im using cyanogenmod 10.1 on a samsung s3 i9300
<Guest96533> I want to change the ringtone.
<Guest96533> How do I go about that?
<Guest96533> I mean I want to use my own ringtone and not the preloaded ones.
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<i9300> Hi guys.... im using cyanogenmod 10.1.. i configured my link2sd to install new apps to external but as soon as I install a new app it gave me an error
<i9300> "could not be installed free up some space and try again"
<i9300> but if I change it to internal/automatic ( which I don't prefer )
<i9300> it gives me that error
<i9300> Kindly help
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<Onixs> !supported Samsung
<clibot> Onixs: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Onixs> fake
<Onixs> woot
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<netizen> Hi
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<mjt> !device n7100
<clibot> mjt: Information for Samsung Galaxy Note 2:
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<Darkstriker> !changelog i9300
<clibot> Darkstriker: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<jomp16> Hey, is possible to flash bootloader with Odin?
<jomp16> GTab 2
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<avinashrbhat> what is MMC-SUPERBRICK-BUG? i just saw it here
<clibot> [Link] [ROM][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies // discussion thread - xda-developers
<avinashrbhat> thread codeworkx
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<jomp16> Don't ping cody!
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<Souledge220> Hey guys, I'm on the latest nightly of CM10.1 on my GTi9300 and I was trying to use the CM lockscreen but I can't get it to work. I've disabled my current lockscreen (widgetlocker) but pressing the wake button leads me directly to the pin entry screen instead of the lockscreen.
<Souledge220> Is this a known Issue? I've checked the Wiki but it doesn't say anything about that.
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<Anddy_> !download i9305
<clibot> Anddy_: Unknown device i9305
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<Niet> Hi, I am new on CyanogenMod 10.1. I would like to know if there a widget like the Samsung Program Active on stock Samsung Rom ?
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<en1gma> !supported
<clibot> en1gma: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<en1gma> !download sph-l710
<clibot> en1gma: Unknown device sph-l710
<en1gma> !download Samsung
<clibot> en1gma: Unknown device Samsung
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<clibot> LeonimuZ: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<avinashrbhat> !download i9100
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [e14cd8]
<avinashrbhat> !i9100
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Unknown command "i9100"
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<avinashrbhat> !device i9100
<clibot> avinashrbhat: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<LeonimuZ> is anyone else having problems saving keyboard settings on Captivate? they don't stick after restart
<LeonimuZ> (today's nightly)
<LeonimuZ> !changelog i897
<clibot> LeonimuZ: Unknown device i897
<LeonimuZ> !changelog captivate
<clibot> LeonimuZ: Unknown device captivate
<LeonimuZ> !changelog captivatemtd
<clibot> LeonimuZ: Changelog for Samsung Captivate:
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<avinashrbhat> I've followed the instructions from the official cyanogenmod wiki, and after flashing the clockwork mod from there (build the heimdall from ubuntu 12.10, followed the same wiki), the recovery mode never worked, i knew that it was trying to load in the recovery mode as the usb was switched and the battery charging screen came. Also trying to boot normally, the boot screen from the official build showed (with warning icon) and just crash
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<ilkiii> hey guys, i have a problem with the latest cm10.1 nightly for sgs2 , the camera doesn't work right and i can't use the camera with other apps
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<avinashrbhat> ilkiii: how did you install cm10.1 ? can u help me?
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<janrr> Hey guys.. i have a Question: I installed WidgetLocker. But the app has graphic problems. Bakcground changes to black and widget dont show good. I use the I9100 nightly
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<koegs> hi, is there a fix for wifi-tethering on the latest CM10.1 nightly with the S3 I9300?
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<codeworkx> koegs: push this to /system/bin
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: same issue with tethering on the t0ltecdma's, i reverted the updated bcmdhd and it seems to work
<codeworkx> i pushed mr0 hostapd
<codeworkx> as workaround
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<avinashrbhat> is it really needed to install heimdall 1.4.1RC2 to flash CWM recovery 6.0.27?
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<koegs> codeworkx: thx, will need to figure out how to do that :)
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<Piggie916> I was wondering if anybody had reported any issues with google voice search with the 2/19/13 nightly
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<koegs> codeworkx: after figuring out how to use adb and settings permissions the right way on hostapd it works
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<[SkG]> !supported Samsung
<clibot> [SkG]: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
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<avinashrbhat> teamhacksung: this is in reply of what i've asked here before. i've found out that i was flashing image given for gt-i9100g instead of gt-i9100. So apparently there is a mess with the link of cwm recovery image given at, actually cody's post at xda-dev( made me realize that. i've downloaded both the images, and checked for integr
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
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<clibot> [Link] Bj��rn Lund��n - Google+ - So apparently Ubuntu Phone runs on top of CM. The files���
<Jiangyi> LOL
<Jiangyi> Didn't see that one coming xD
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<chadouming|m> It's worse than you can think
<chadouming|m> I even had random contact.
<chadouming|m> It's more to show you a bit what the is will look like than to have the os to play with.
<Jiangyi> random contact?
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<chadouming|m> Yeah, like default contact from the presentation they made.
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<kZard|nb> lol
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<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> chadouming|m: I heard that you can even see CM version numbers in the build.prop xD
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<chadouming|m> You can see the cm banner in logcat
<Thracky> that's pretty bad.
<kZard|nb> so, random question about Samsung's firmwares:
<kZard|nb> On the list of i9100 firmwares shows Poland's PDA to have an M as the third-to-last letter.
<kZard|nb> ( - search for i9100 - can't seem to link it directly)
<kZard|nb> I read that this would mean a 2013 build, as opposed to 2012 for all the other roms on the list, which have an L in that space
<clibot> [Link] Firmwares | SamMobile
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<kZard|nb> Any opinion as to what a 2013 build could mean?
<chadouming|m> Thracky, why is bit bad ?
<Thracky> well, is ubuntu not going to make money from the OS?
<chadouming|m> They took cm, removed UI, chrooted and started ubuntu
<chadouming|m> I don't think they will make more than cm
<Thracky> at least give credit heh
<chadouming|m> Or android
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<chadouming|m> But anyway, they have legal rights to do that
<Thracky> yeah, open source heh
<chadouming|m> GPL
<Thracky> what license does cm have?
<Thracky> yeah
<Jiangyi> Apache
<chadouming|m> Ain't CM under GPL ?
<Jiangyi> But CM releases sources to everything anyways :-P
<chadouming|m> I know android is apache
<Jiangyi> Pretty sure it's Apache.
<clibot> [Link] EVGA GeForce GTX Titan 837MHZ 6GB 6008MHZ DDR5 DVI HDMI DisplayPort PCI-E DirectX 11 Video Card
<Jiangyi> Mother of God, that's expensive.
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<Thracky> titans apparently aren't faster than the 690
<Thracky> at least that's what I read after the announcement
<kZard|netbook> eh. My router dropped the connection... I didn't miss a reply, did I?
<Thracky> nope
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<chadouming|m> Thracky : titan = single GPU, 690 =dual
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<MaXim_> never paid more than 330 for a gfx card
<kZard|netbook> never paid more than 100
<MaXim_> i probably wouldn't pay more than that nowadays
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<MaXim_> prolly stick with integrated
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<kZard|netbook> I've never really regretted it either
<Thracky> chadouming|m: yeah but more expensive as hell heh
<Thracky> for an overall slower piece of hardware
<chadouming|m> I know, but imagine 2 of these GPU on one card !
<Thracky> most I've spent on a graphics card is 800 :)
<MaXim_> pft i'll stick with my voodoo2 SLI
<chadouming|m> I spent 470$ on radeon HD 4870 when there was only 2 higher model xD
<MaXim_> not a good investment
<MaXim_> considering AMD pulled the plug on proper drivers for HD 4000 series and below
<Jiangyi> chadouming|m: I spent $110 on my 4870 :-P
<chadouming|m> Yeah, but I bought it in 2008 xD
<Jiangyi> Right
<Thracky> I spent 800 on my 6990 and it made me $1500 :D
<Jiangyi> Got mine in 2009-2010
<MaXim_> already obsolete by then :P
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<MaXim_> guess it comes down to AMD having such terrible drivers that they can't keep using the same codebase
<chadouming|m> Thracky bitcoin ?
<chadouming|m> Maxim_ you heard that radeon HD 8000 series driver are open source ?
<MaXim_> not surprising since they have a bunch of guys dedicated to the gallium3D driver
<MaXim_> it has always been trailing the fglrx one though
<Jiangyi> Well, at least they're acknowledging it. xD
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<clibot> [Link] Git
<MaXim_> so slow
<GabMus_mobile> hello
<GabMus_mobile> does anybody know how to use note2 camera on my i9300 running cm10.1¿
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<Jiangyi> Ah I'll flash Ubuntu and see what happens
<Jiangyi> Why not xD
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<Thracky> chadouming|m: yeah made my money on bitcoin
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<Guest36842> !changelog i9100
<clibot> Guest36842: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<Guest36842> !device i9100
<clibot> Guest36842: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<Jiangyi> chadouming|m: Yeah you're right, this is unusable. lol
<wifi> lol
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<Kaik541> Jiangyi: so's your face
<Jiangyi> :/
<Kaik541> Jiangyi: BURN
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<Jiangyi> what did I do now D-:
<Kaik541> existed
<Kaik541> :P
<Jiangyi> :-(
* Jiangyi go Q_Q in a corner
<jomp16> Ubuntu is a modification of CyanogenMod?!
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<frankdrey> :D
<frankdrey> eh, or anyone
<frankdrey> how exactly does UI hardware accel work in Android?
<frankdrey> like let's say I have a ListView or GridView that I want buttery smooth
<frankdrey> is there anything I have to do or is it automatically done?
<frankdrey> OH OK
<frankdrey> FRGT THA T:D
<Baskey> XD
<gbyers[Away]> brb
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* frankdrey wonders if he should set alwaysRetainTaskState
<frankdrey> hmmm
<frankdrey> DECISIONS
<frankdrey> I'll leave it to the user :D
<frankdrey> meh
<frankdrey> or not
<frankdrey> i'm pretty sure the system will handle a launcher fairly differently anyway
<nebkat> frankdrey: wtf r u doeen
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<frankdrey> nebkat, maeking a launcher
<frankdrey> it's gonna be better than yours
<frankdrey> *sticks out tongue*
<frankdrey> j/k :P you're the best :3
<nebkat> oh my
<nebkat> oh my
<Jiangyi> Someone's gonna get kicked any second now :-/
<nebkat> you know how long it takes to master the launcher?
<nebkat> years.
<nebkat> i still havent mastered it all
<g_byers> hey hey
<nebkat> though i'd definitely be one of the most knowledgable in the android community
<frankdrey> nebkat, eh, I was joking :P
<frankdrey> My launcher is gonna suck
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, who? what? where? :O
<nebkat> why are you even making a launcher?
<frankdrey> dunno
<frankdrey> why not?
frankdrey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [i think janghy ment dis]
<g_byers> O_o
<nebkat> g_byers: problem?
* g_byers hides
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* nebkat can still see g_byers
<frankdrey> Oh ok jangi
* nebkat growls
<nebkat> frankdrey: so why?
<frankdrey> dunno
<frankdrey> My friend requested a list launcher
<frankdrey> I thought, heck, why not make a pretty cool launcher that has both modes
<frankdrey> list and grid
<frankdrey> eh, yeah, screw it, dis is dum
<frankdrey> Too much work, too :P
<nebkat> n00b
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> I have 5 other projects to attend to
<clibot> [Link] imgur: the simple image sharer
<Jiangyi> :-P