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<zyra__> even if i picked the wrong file, that behavior sux pretty much
<frankdrey> if you picked the wrong file, that behaivor is completely your fault
<frankdrey> and it sounds like you did have the wrong gapps
<frankdrey> do you really expect the gapps magically to work because "that behavior sux pretty much" ?
<frankdrey> let's say i was trying to screw in a flathead screw with a phillips screwdriver and it wasn't working
<zyra__> ofc i dont, but it screwed the entiere os
<frankdrey> would it be ok for me to say "that behavior sux pretty much"?:)
<frankdrey> gapps are integrated with the entire OS
<frankdrey> try download the gapps made for 4.2 and flash them
<frankdrey> with cm10.1
<zyra__> allright, i just asume, that gapps used common interfaces, the os provides - that would mean, whenever i install some app manualy, and there would be some kind of version conflict, my os is screwed
<zyra__> asumed* sry
<zyra__> can i export my contacts localy before i do that?
* Jiangyi has no musical talent either
<Jiangyi> My sax skillz is all done through practice, practice, and moar practice :-P
<zyra__> frankdrey: so integration of gapps is more of a systemhack, than a regular installation, from what i have understood
<wifi> lol
<wifi> i never really practiced trumpet at home
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: you have spiritual talent dude
<wifi> like most of my fellow musician in school harmony
<wifi> we were still winning gold everywhere xD
<a3Dman> I could create electronic music though D:
<frankdrey> zyra__, i don't think you understand much of android :) and i have no time for lessons :P
<frankdrey> you're not wiping data?
<Jiangyi> My school's Gr.10 jazz band (Which includes me):-P
<frankdrey> Jiangyi, you're asian. you're an exception :P
<Jiangyi> lol
<zyra__> i do
<frankdrey> zyra__, did you wipe data when installing the ROMs?
<wifi> Jiangyi, are you the one with the written solo ?
<zyra__> y i did, but the backups usualy persist - one has surived ^^^
<Jiangyi> wifi: No I play alto, and that wasn't written lol
<wifi> lol, why he keep look at his sheet then
<Jiangyi> Eh, dunno
<frankdrey> the problem is that gapps are integrated into the whole system, and if there are changes in the system, the gapps can't do some crap, sometimes breaking things :P
<frankdrey> so, sure, "systemhack"
<a3Dman> maybe just a habbit
<a3Dman> habit
<frankdrey> zyra__, what backups re you talking about?
<wifi> only video i can find on youtube xD
<Jiangyi> Nervous = avoid eye contact with audience = stares at sheet/ xD
<Jiangyi> ?
<zyra__> full system images
<wifi> lol
<a3Dman> fair enough...
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> That's random, but ok xD'
<frankdrey> I usually stare at my sheet even though i've memorized the chords to the songs a long time ago :P
<frankdrey> zyra__, so you want to export your contacts from the backup? sure, restore the backup, open contacts app, export to sd card
* a3Dman checks new harlem shake videos
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<a3Dman> there's a black edition now
<a3Dman> that's great
<wifi> i hate that, i need to get my old video
<frankdrey> <wifi> <- what is this? :|
<a3Dman> rocky
<wifi> that's when we played rocky
<a3Dman> d'ohhhh
<wifi> and a guys from our harmonie played as rocky running around us
<wifi> but it's not even the full song
<wifi> it's kinda crap in fact
<wifi> i'll try to get my teacher to see if he still have recording at least
* frankdrey has no idea what you're talking about
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<a3Dman> the video
* frankdrey doesn't feel like setting up sound in arch right now :P
<a3Dman> realtek is gud
<frankdrey> what's rocky?
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<a3Dman> mine works with windows, os x and linux
<frankdrey> creative here :P
<a3Dman> ftw
<frankdrey> my onboard realtek is fried
<a3Dman> I has creative 5.1 inspire speakers
<a3Dman> these are one of the best, like 9 years and still rocking
<a3Dman> or maybe 7
<a3Dman> not sure
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<frankdrey> i have sb audigy 2
<Jiangyi> I have an ASUS Xonar DG
<Jiangyi> Which is pretty crappily supported on Linux :-(
<a3Dman> audio cards sucks on unix
<Jiangyi> ASUS sound card drivers on Windows suck too
<Jiangyi> Third-party driver even works better :-P
<frankdrey> I win
<frankdrey> 11 years?
<frankdrey> a3Dman, your video needs flash :(
<a3Dman> #blameyoutube
<a3Dman> after #blamingsamsung of course
<Jiangyi> Also #blameadobe
<a3Dman> YES.
<a3Dman> Thanks sir.
<frankdrey> :p
<frankdrey> anyway, i need to go be productive
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<a3Dman> I always wanted to do a lot of things, but I don't
<a3Dman> that still happens till now
<a3Dman> sucks xD
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<Jiangyi> Err
<Jiangyi> That's backwards from what we're all doing right now.....
<Jiangyi> ._.
<white> just upgraded my i9100 to 11/02 nightly ... the GPS co-ordinates seem to be stuck on 0,0
<a3Dman> Jiangyi: meh.
<white> which means my phone keep displaying UTC as my current time
<white> is there a way to correct it? or an older nightly that doesnt have this issue?
<ring0> i'm upgrading from 9.1.0 to a 10.1 nightly on an i9100. should i consider wiping /data and /cache after flashing cm and gapps?
<Jiangyi> I don't even think there are related GPS changes these few days.....
<Jiangyi> Well, changes that aren't for Qualcomm devices I mean.
<white> if i reboot it shows the correct time .. then switches to UTC few minutes later
<wifi> Jiangyi, maybe backward from what we are doing, but what is more logic ?
<wifi> long press to setting and quick press to quick toggle or reverse ?
<Jiangyi> wifi: Personally, I think what we have right now is more logical :/
<wifi> exactly
<Jiangyi> So we all agree that Google != logical ?
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<wifi> yup
<wifi> could also say google = !logical
<wifi> xD
<ring0> google != logical looks cleaner ;)
<wifi> true that it would also be google == !logical
<a3Dman> well is it a condition or a statement?
<a3Dman> that's the question
<a3Dman> Google != logical << condition
<a3Dman> google = !logical << statement
<wifi> well, it's a condition and a statement, since in this particular example both would apply
<a3Dman> cool
<wifi> also
<wifi> what we are defining is Google != logical is true
<a3Dman> well, == and != used in conditions
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<wifi> i know
<wifi> but if you were to make a if(google = !logical)
<wifi> it would always enter the if
<wifi> so that is true
<a3Dman> logical should be a true boolean
<waratte> :o?
<a3Dman> so google != logical should be false
<a3Dman> amirite???
<wifi> no
<waratte> :o
<a3Dman> google == logical should be true
<a3Dman> yes
<wifi> that mean,if google != logical is true, it mean google variable is different than logical
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<wifi> don't try to play that game with me !
<a3Dman> yes google will be false
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<wifi> yet if google is true, logical must be anything else than true
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<a3Dman> wifi: true :P
<a3Dman> I got confused
<wifi> lol
<a3Dman> well, it's 3AM here
<a3Dman> my logic stops working proly at 1AM
<a3Dman> night...
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<wifi> gn
<Baskey> @geo user a3Dman
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for a3Dman
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for ~3Dman@unaffiliated/a3dman
<bbqbot> Error resolving ip for unaffiliated/a3dman
<wifi> nice fail baskey
<Baskey> meh
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<wifi> Entropy512, are you there ?
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<waratte> wifi, I'm here. :)
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<wifi> unless you can help me debug a logcat, you are not needed
<wifi> mouhahaha >:D
<waratte> D:
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<HardQwerty> of
<Jiangyi> lol
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<wifi> there should be better
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* Jiangyi is listening to CyanTone on loop
<Jiangyi> Clearly, I have no life. :/
<wifi> yup
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<Henrique> Hey guys. need some help getting odin to recognize my i9300, I'm running cm10.1 and need to go stock for warranty purposes
<Henrique> I installed kies, but I'm still getting nothing =/
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<EgotisticalElf> if you used heimdall, the driver is likely attached to that one and odin won't recognize it
<Henrique> I see. I did use heimdall, what do I have to do to go back to the official drivers, EgotisticalElf?
<EgotisticalElf> find the driver in driver manager and uninstall it
<EgotisticalElf> the device*
<Henrique> EgotisticalElf: alright, done. and then I reinstall kies?
<EgotisticalElf> try just replugging the device
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<Henrique> EgotisticalElf: didn't actually work =/. and now I remember -- I've formated this computer after the install, so the heimdall drivers weren't the ones active, I suppose. anyway, no harm would come as the device is already being recognized again by windows, but no luck with odin
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<EgotisticalElf> device is in download mode and no driver?
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<Henrique> EgotisticalElf: I turned it off and went into dl again, now odin recognizes it ;) thanks a lot for your time/help
<EgotisticalElf> awesome, sounds like it was a driver init issue that rectified itself
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<Henrique> will flashing a stock rom clean my /sdcard completely? been looking for ways to do a full wipe for quite some time
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<EgotisticalElf> Henrique, yes or no, if you have an emulated /sdcard (which is /data/media) then yes, it will
<EgotisticalElf> if you have a actual sdcard or even a internal sdcard, then no, it won't
<Henrique> nah, I don't think it's in /data, as I've done full wipes before to change roms and nothing got destroyed =/
<Henrique> EgotisticalElf: do you know an easy way to do that?
<EgotisticalElf> factory reset
<EgotisticalElf> boot the phone up, goto settings and then factory reset
<Henrique> I see. thanks again ;)
<EgotisticalElf> np
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<Henrique> ugh, I think I'm stuck at the boot logo. I think I have to do a wipe on recovery or something
<Henrique> I hate when that happens. I always think I've bricked it
<EgotisticalElf> working odin == never bricked
<Henrique> yeah, it's been like 5 minutes. I'll force shut it down and enter recovery
<EgotisticalElf> i remember cm7 on the sgs1
<EgotisticalElf> 5 minutes was only about half done inital boot
<Henrique> lol, that's awful
<Henrique> I tried entering recovery but failed, decided I'm gonna let it sit for 12-mins before I check it, otherwise I might die looking at it every nanosecond
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<Henrique> EgotisticalElf: I was able to get in recovery and after a /data wipe it finally booted \o/ now I'm off to triangle away, which was actually my main concern at the beginning
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<frankdrey> (unless you're busy, because I'm just having fun :P)
* frankdrey feels so awesome and rebellious
<frankdrey> succesfully using Linux as my main OS for school
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> frankdrey: I bring a BBQLinux live CD to school everyday :-P
<Jiangyi> Just in case
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<frankdrey> Jiangyi, nice :D
<frankdrey> bring an arch CD :3
<frankdrey> and install it :3
<frankdrey> anyway
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<j0ed0e> hello there
<j0ed0e> i want to reodex the cm10 stable version on galaxysmtd
<nebkat> Jiangyi: u r chinese
<nebkat> I need you to help me soon
<j0ed0e> but i cannot find a working script/tool which can do this
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<nebkat> j0ed0e: why
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<j0ed0e> i am experiencing small "lags" when opening apps like dialer or contacs
<j0ed0e> i was wondering if these lags would disappear if the rom is odexed
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<j0ed0e> anyone?
<j0ed0e> i want to reodex the cm10 stable version on galaxysmtd but i cannot find a working script/tool which can do this
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> so my bro has a 9300 .. and i was wondering whats the deal with the sudden death issue people tend to face.. where the phone bricks itself
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<iKillCypher> what do you guys do being heartbroken :( ?
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<SmileY__> hi, someone?\
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<SmileY__> someone?
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<Assid> so my bro has a 9300 .. and i was wondering whats the deal with the sudden death issue people tend to face.. where the phone bricks itself
<bealtine> it happens
<Assid> bealtine: so its only on stock ? or just random hardware failure ?
<bealtine> who knows? sounds like randon hw
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<datagutt> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 i9100 tf300t
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<datagutt> @supported samsung
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 i9100
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<jonny_> hi, what version of gapps should i install on a rooted sgs3 with cm10.1? would any 4.2 download do?
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<bealtine> it says clearly
<jonny_> @bealtine: there are some downloads, all 4.2 and i dont know which one to pick
<bbqbot> jonny_: Command does not exist!
<bealtine> dont be a douche
<jonny_> sorry
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<jonny_> allright i see now, thanks
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<jonny_> works just fine, thank you
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<a3Dman> rumour mills now changed from flaghship apple device to samsung ones instead
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<chadouming_home> eh, the funny thing is that apple could make an android device if they want
<chadouming_home> legally
<chadouming_home> and it would probably get nice sale
<a3Dman> I think SJ will just come out of his grave if this happens...
<Espenfjo> chadouming_home: It would probably have a locked bootloader :P
<chadouming_home> that would pwn samsung so much tho
<chadouming_home> Espenfjo, not that different from most of the phone right now
<Espenfjo> pft
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<a3Dman> Espenfjo: people will still jailbreak it xD
<chadouming_home> no need to jailbreak if they give root and aosp
<chadouming_home> iirc, apple doesnt have carrier shit in their ios
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<a3Dman> yeah, carrier doesn't print logos everywhere on the device also
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<foggyb> NoBars is a nice app that used to work for turning on airplane mode in ICS depending on the quality of the cellular signal.
<foggyb> i live in an area with very spotty service and the battery drains like a whiskey bottle at a frat party
<foggyb> But with JB the app doesn't work anymore
<foggyb> does anyone know of a good alternative?
<bealtine> what ver of cm?
<bealtine> theres a quick setting button for that
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<foggyb> bealtine: rootbox JB
<foggyb> bealtine: i need something automatic. my phone is in my pocket most of the time.
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<bealtine> ask them then
<foggyb> well, since NoBars only has one function you would think they'd update it
<bealtine> no idea what a rootbox is
<foggyb> rootbox is JB mod
<bealtine> i dont care
<foggyb> then why'd you ask :^0
<bealtine> this is a cm support ch
<foggyb> i realize its not a CM problem. but i figured someone would know a good replacement app
<bealtine> i'd use tasker or automateit
<foggyb> tasker has trouble accessing the radio
<foggyb> with JB
<bealtine> worked for me
<foggyb> well, airplane mode works, sure. but i would tasker to check signal strength
<foggyb> *need
<foggyb> and it wasn't possible the last time i checked on JB with tasker
<foggyb> that was a month ago
<foggyb> i think many apps that access radio have issues with JB
<nebkat> @devices
<bbqbot> nebkat: Command does not exist!
<nebkat> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777 i9300 i9100 tf300t
<nebkat> oldbott
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<chadouming> @supported
<YattaBot> Supported devices: p5110 p5100 p4wifi p4 p3110 p3100 p3 n8013 n8000 n7100 n7000 i9300 i9100g i9100 galaxysmtd galaxysbmtd fascinatemd vibrantmtd i777 t0lte
<chadouming> fixed
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<h4rdco2e> Why does my Keyboard shows wrong pop-ups?
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Do you know if this is normal?
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<h4rdco2e> hello
<h4rdco2e> my keyboard shows graphical artifacts could someone tell me how to fix it?
<chadouming> install another keyboard app
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<h4rdco2e> chadouming: is this problem known?
<chadouming> never heard of it
<clibot> [Link] CyanogenMod 10.1 i9100 Bug NIGHTLY 20121222 - YouTube
<nebkat-cli> [Link] CyanogenMod 10.1 i9100 Bug NIGHTLY 20121222 - YouTube
<chadouming> #dontcare
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: ok
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<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: get used to it
<codeworkx> h4rdco2e: new mali feature
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: ahh, mali thanks for replay
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<Martin____> hi guys
<Martin____> i need to know if the rom for the Note II tmobile usa is working properly
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<Jiangyi> martin____: Define properly.
<budmang> martin create a backup and try it.
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<nebkat> !supported
<clibot> nebkat: Supported OEMs:Sony, Motorola, Other, ASUS, Google, HTC, Samsung, LG
<nebkat> !supported sony
<clibot> nebkat: Supported sony devices:anzu, aoba, coconut, es209ra, haida, hallon, hikari, iyokan, mango, mimmi, mint, nozomi, robyn, satsuma, shakira, smultron, urushi, zeus, zeusc
<nebkat> !download mint
<clibot> nebkat: Latest build (nightly) for Sony Xperia T: [7102fd]
<nebkat> !changelog mint
<clibot> nebkat: Changelog for Sony Xperia T:
<nebkat> w00t
<Jiangyi> !changelog i9100g
<clibot> Jiangyi: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II (G):
<Jiangyi> kewl
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<Orginator> !changelog i9100
<clibot> Orginator: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S II:
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<Entropy512> <h4rdco2e> my keyboard shows graphical artifacts could someone tell me how to fix it? - switch to r2p4 mali and live with the memleak
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<danceg> herro
<chadouming_work> hero*
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<a3Dman> back
<nebkat> a3Dman: look
* a3Dman looks
<nebkat> !download maguro
<clibot> nebkat: Latest build (nightly) for Google Galaxy Nexus (GSM): [89f855]
<chadouming_work> @download maguro
<YattaBot> chadouming_work: Device is not supported!
<chadouming_work> wow
<a3Dman> nebkat: NO WAI!
<chadouming_work> stupid datagutt xD
<nebkat> chadouming_work: see my bot is better?
<chadouming_work> @download toro
<YattaBot> chadouming_work: Device is not supported!
<chadouming_work> eh, he only missed a few device
<a3Dman> !download i9100
<clibot> a3Dman: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [812b75]
<nebkat> chadouming_work: dude
* a3Dman downloads
<nebkat> !supported
<clibot> nebkat: Supported OEMs:Sony, Motorola, Other, ASUS, Google, HTC, Samsung, LG
<nebkat> @supported
<YattaBot> Supported devices: p5110 p5100 p4wifi p4 p3110 p3100 p3 n8013 n8000 n7100 n7000 i9300 i9100g i9100 galaxysmtd galaxysbmtd fascinatemd vibrantmtd i777 t0lte
<a3Dman> !download iphone5
<clibot> a3Dman: Unknown device iphone5
<a3Dman> wtf
<nebkat> !supported samsung
<clibot> nebkat: Supported samsung devices:captivatemtd, cooper, d2att, d2cri, d2mtr, d2spr, d2tmo, d2usc, d2vzw, epicmtd, fascinatemtd, galaxys2, galaxys2att, galaxysbmtd, galaxysmtd, hercules, i605, i777, i9100, i9100g, i9300, l900, mesmerizemtd, n7000, n7100, n8000, n8013, p1, p1c, p1l, p1n, p3, p3100, p3110, p3113, p4, p4tmo, p4vzw, p4wifi, p5, p5100, p5110, p5113, p5wifi, quincyatt, quincytmo, s5670, showcasemtd, skyroc
<a3Dman> srsly