nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
<Jiangyi> ohai
<waratte> hai
<NerdyGuitarist> hai Jiangyi
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<Thiagovfar> Hello
<Jiangyi> Oh damn you Crytek
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<Jiangyi> Dropped DX10 support >_>
<Jiangyi> No Crysis 3 beta for me
<Jiangyi> That was 4GB wasted T_T
<Thiagovfar> DX10 is so Vista
* Jiangyi has a 4870
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* Thiagovfar Has Intel HD Graphics
<Thiagovfar> But it is dx 11
* NerdyGuitarist has dx9 ;_;
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<Thiagovfar> Boy, that seems to have hurt his feelings.
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<greg> Hello! Does anyone know if in the t0lte build the phone Bluetooth problems have been fixed? Thanks!
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<Jiangyi> Why is my BF3 team so bad ;_;
<Thiagovfar> Every man's teams are bad.
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<steevo> on my e4gt i flashed cwm el26 but when i boot into it. no matter what i select the power botton doesnt do anything.
<steevo> anyone heard of this?
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<steevo> whois steevo
<steevo> hmm
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<samsungnooby> hello~ odin finished
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<clibot> [Link] teamhacksung/android_device_samsung_i9305 �� GitHub
<Jiangyi> Eh?
<Jiangyi> Cody be up to something again :-P
<chadouming_home> haha, cody said he leaved exynos BUT IT WAS A LIE
<chadouming_home> IT'S ALL LIES
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<hyperair> i9305? is that a galaxy s3 successor?
<Jiangyi> cody be hooked to Exynos
<Jiangyi> It's like a drug
<Jiangyi> xP
<hyperair> heh
<Jiangyi> hyperair: i9305 = i9300 with 2GB RAM and LTE
<hyperair> aah.
<Jiangyi> Damn it, why does shipping from have to be so expensive T_T
<clibot> [Link] CruzerLite Homepage
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<Guest62914> Hey everyone. Extremely novice question follows:
<Guest62914> Are the builds from cyanogenmod ROMs or RUUs?
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<Slight> Hello, i recently updated to the 20130204 nightly, and now my phone, if data is enabled, is stuck on 4g. Its getting pretty hot to the touch, and won't charge while data is enabled on this rom. Just upgraded from a december nightly.
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<Guest39126> Could anyone tell me if cyanogen downloads are ROMs or RUUs?
<Guest39126> Anyone out there?
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<Guest39126> Anyone there?
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<Kaik541> chadouming_home: ping
<chadouming> Pong
<Kaik541> ah there you are
<Kaik541> so explain this confusion to me because I was bored the other night
<Kaik541> I'm currently running the e975 4.1.2 ROM for the e971/3/5 on my e970 with a kernel built from the same source for the e970
<Kaik541> so forgive me if I'm mistaken, doesn't that mean it shouldn't be that hard to rework the kernels that work on e973 (which can already run mako kernels?) onto the e970
<chadouming> What you want to do in the end ?
<Kaik541> run CM without having to do any shitty LGNPST conversions
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<chadouming> The problem is not only kernel, houstonn figured out the problem and will release the fix in due time
<chadouming> There is a few things to iron out right noe
<chadouming> Nao
<Kaik541> ok, cool, I know you guys are working on stuff... I've been busy with life lately and came back to follow that discussion real quick and just got to wondering
<chadouming> But soon, you will be able to run same rom than e973 without making a conversiin
<Kaik541> oh that sentence makes me happy
<chadouming> Just don't say it on optimus g channel
<Kaik541> that's why I pinged you over here
<chadouming> Some people are fucktard and will ruin it all
<chadouming> Good
<Kaik541> I just want 4.2 back with access to full internal storage
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<Kaik541> also bizarreness with cameras randomly not working on AT&T devices
<Kaik541> some work, some don't
<Kaik541> no idea there
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<samsungnooby> I GOT MY PHONE BACK
<Ceiu> Okay, what the hell? I just updated to the latest nightly and my keyboard started crashing constantly. Reverted back to the Jan 31st nightly and it's still crashing.
<Ceiu> Halp. :(
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<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Did LG pull a sammy and use different cams and therefore different cam firmwares? :-P
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<Kaik541> Jiangyi: two different camera models, an 8 MP one (which is the same one on the Nexus 4) and a 13 MP one (which is on about half of the branded versions)
<Kaik541> they also did an odd distribution of storage layouts
<Kaik541> a 16 GB one with an sd card slot, a 32 Gb one with no sd card slot, a 32 Gb one with an sd card slot, and a 16 GB one with no sd card slot
<Kaik541> all of which are only available on one carrier per region
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: Ah. I was just thinking if cameras are randomly not working, it could be because of missing firmware, like the case with S3s.
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<Kaik541> Jiangyi: well it's that it's not working on devices with supposedly the same hardware revision and cameras
<Kaik541> it will work for one person, but not the other
<Jiangyi> :-|
<Kaik541> it's seemingly random
<Jiangyi> That doesn't make a lot of sense, but ok ._.
<Kaik541> you're correct
<Kaik541> but it's LG so I'm not really surprised
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<NerdyGuitarist> nebkat, you here?
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<Ceiu> Anyone happen to know a reliable place for grabbing the latest gapps package?
<Ceiu> Awesome. Thanks.
<Ceiu> Hrmm... 2012-12-12 is what I have.
<Ceiu> What the holy hell would be causing the keyboard to become eternally broken?
<Jiangyi> keyboard..... ? ._.
<Ceiu> Yeah. I updated to the latest 10.1 nightly about an hour ago, and now I get "Android keyboard (AOSP) has stopped." every couple seconds.
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, IME is in gapps
<Ceiu> I even reverted back to my last known working nightly and it's still doing it.
<Jiangyi> Ceiu: Clear the data on it
<Ceiu> Was the first thing I did.
<Ceiu> Isn't helping.
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: IME isn't anymore
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, with 12/12/12?
<NerdyGuitarist> ._.
<Jiangyi> Don'
<Jiangyi> t
<Jiangyi> think they've been since 4.1.
<NerdyGuitarist> no, it's most definitely included
<NerdyGuitarist> that's how we get the swype
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Swype is in AOSP
<NerdyGuitarist> :O
<NerdyGuitarist> <- too lazy to go check it out
<Jiangyi> I'm pretty sure anyways
<Ceiu> I thought Samsung "owned" Swype.
<Ceiu> Did they give that up?
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Considering the default keyboard says (AOSP) in it, I'm pretty sure it's built from AOSP :-P
<NerdyGuitarist> it's not "swype"
<NerdyGuitarist> it's called gesture input ;)
<Ceiu> Ah ha.
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<Ceiu> Sigh. I don't get it. I've tried five different nightlies now, reinstalled gapps, cleared the keyboard data, and this bloody thing won't stop crashing.
<Ceiu> :/
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<Kaik541> chadouming: I have a boner for you right now
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<NerdyGuitarist> O_o
<Kaik541> NerdyGuitarist: it's only because I'm a homosexual
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<chadouming> Eh, good i needed something else to stop thinking my ex !
<NerdyGuitarist> Kaik541, oh ok
<NerdyGuitarist> still, kinda inappropriate :|
<NerdyGuitarist> what if I said to some random girl on IRC that I have a boner for her
<chadouming> Eh, if she gave you a good reason, nothing innapropriate in that
<NerdyGuitarist> *shrug* ok
* NerdyGuitarist will remember that
<NerdyGuitarist> mwahahahahahahahahahahaha
<NerdyGuitarist> ...haha j/k
<chadouming> xD
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<Jiangyi> lolwhut
* Jiangyi comes back from shower and sees this ._.
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: What did you do now? ._.
<Kaik541> NerdyGuitarist: you'd be like most guys on IRC then
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<NerdyGuitarist> Kaik541, heh:p
<NerdyGuitarist> I'm joking
* NerdyGuitarist is not like most guys
<Kaik541> everyone says that
<NerdyGuitarist> :|
* NerdyGuitarist has never had a girlfriend
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: If we were like most guys our age, then we simply wouldn't be here all the time. :-P
<NerdyGuitarist> and when i do, i want her to be my only girlfriend ever
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, yeah :D
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Even I've been converted to the Western view of date more than 1 person in your life before marrying :/
<NerdyGuitarist> D:
<NerdyGuitarist> the whole "experiment" thing?
<NerdyGuitarist> i'll find the right girl by being friends
<NerdyGuitarist> in fact, already have :3
<NerdyGuitarist> unfortunately, i'm probably in the friend zone :|
<Jiangyi> lol I could say I'm in the same boat
<Jiangyi> ish
* Jiangyi has problems talking about feelings :-|
* NerdyGuitarist has no problems talking about feelings :-|
<Jiangyi> Much like every other person raised in China
<NerdyGuitarist> Much like every other person raised in....Iunno...
<NerdyGuitarist> can't say Murrica
<NerdyGuitarist> cause my parents raised me very differently than them Murricans
<Jiangyi> Anywhere in the western world :-P
<Jiangyi> Anywhere not communist
<Kaik541> NerdyGuitarist: how old are you?
<Jiangyi> Kaik541: We're both around 16
<Kaik541> ah that explains it
<Kaik541> I thought much the same way when I was 16, you'll change
<NerdyGuitarist> D:
<NerdyGuitarist> no, don't say that D:
<NerdyGuitarist> Jiangyi, communism is awesome...when done right
<Jiangyi> NerdyGuitarist: Which is never :/
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<NerdyGuitarist> exactly
<Jiangyi> Either ways, I have problems admitting that I like people.
<Jiangyi> Doesn't help that my parents are 100% against dating.
<NerdyGuitarist> lol
<NerdyGuitarist> :p
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<NerdyGuitarist> Right now I have problems figuring out if I like people :P
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<Jiangyi> That too :-P
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<chadouming> Eh, thought the same thing too. That i had found the right girl. She was a friend of me for a long time then i finally made the first move. All went well. She admitted to me later that i was in friendzone but got out of it. To summerize the rest, she crushed my hearth and made me drink the juice.
<Jiangyi> First part, I was like :-O, middle part: :-D last part: O_O
<Jiangyi> That escalated quickly
<Jiangyi> Fail much? xP
<chadouming> So old
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<Jiangyi> I saw this just now :/
<Jiangyi> Guess some things on the internet just never die
<chadouming> Eh
<chadouming> Like meatspin or 2girls1cup
<Raccoon> I tried asking in ##galaxy. Does anyone know where I can find a SecPhone.apk for my AT&T SGS3 I747 w/ 4.0.4 ICS stock? that is, the SecPhone that offers auto-call-recording of all calls.
<Jiangyi> ._. ATT Stock ROM offered that feature?
<Jiangyi> I thought Samsung only puts that feature into Chinese ROMs :-S
<chadouming> Dont even have an idea what your are talking about
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<Ceiu> Woah. Came back to datechat.
<Raccoon> Jiangyi: that's why I want to swap the file.
<Raccoon> Jiangyi: I've seen it for sprint and other versions of android. just not mine
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<KaikHole> chadouming: all your source on github?
<KaikHole> if so that means rawr homegrown
<Jiangyi> Raccoon: What device do you have, what ROM are you on right now?
<Raccoon> Again. SGS3 I747 AT&T 4.0.4
<chadouming> All my source yes, but last build i used houstonn kernel. His username on github is houst0nn
<KaikHole> chadouming: sweet :)
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<Ceiu> Btw, if anyone runs into this keyboard issue, turns out the dictionary could be causing it.
<Ceiu> Clearing the dictionary data was the solution for me.
<NerdyGuitarist> ahhhh
<NerdyGuitarist> yeah, that'll do it :D
<KaikHole> chadouming: have a strong feeling I should flash the AT&T modem?
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<sonu> sir i am installing CyanogenMod in my note n7100 but i m facing signature fail problem
<sonu> plz help me sir
<sonu> my phone is root phone sir
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<KaikHole> chadouming: <--- bahaha forked from me
<clibot> [Link] houst0nn/device_lge_geeb-cm10.1 �� GitHub
<KaikHole> addi: sounds like user error to me :P
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<Pickpoket> Anyone here have any idea how to fix the 4.2 issue with the network
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<Pickpoket> anyone on here have any skills =D
<Pickpoket> ????????
<Espenfjo> Hardly
<Pickpoket> haha great
<Pickpoket> just want to know if anyone has flashed to 4.2
<Espenfjo> Most have
<Pickpoket> just want to know if anyone has flashed to 4.2
<Pickpoket> ops
<Pickpoket> with working networks?
<Espenfjo> yes
<Pickpoket> =P can you help me out
<Pickpoket> because no matter how many times I mega Wipe re flash, use a different flashing tool. i dont get network
<Espenfjo> Maybe
<Espenfjo> As in data (3g,edge,hsdpa,gprs)?
<Pickpoket> no as in i cant connect to tmobile towers at all
<Pickpoket> No Mobile Network available
<Espenfjo> Oh, an US phone
<Pickpoket> yeah =/
<Espenfjo> No one in here uses those
<Espenfjo> #cyanogenmod is probably a better match for you
<Espenfjo> But they are probably going to ask you to check that your APNs matches those that tmobile distribute
<Pickpoket> how do i confirm that
<Pickpoket> and my APN is all blank
<Pickpoket> so they dont
<Lartza> What does this mean? "Audio: not all features implemented yet"
<Espenfjo> Your APNs beeing blank makes sense ;)
<Pickpoket> and i cant join that channel for somereason
<Espenfjo> Pickpoket: Go to and find out what to type in there
<Lartza> Pickpoket, You need to identify with NickServ to join #cyanogenmod
<Pickpoket> Huh? Identify with NickServ?
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<Lartza> Pickpoket, /msg NickServ HELP /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER
<Pickpoket> thanks i got it
<Pickpoket> =)
<Pickpoket> see if i can solve this network issue
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<samsungnooby> will someone help me out with my samsung captivate
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<samsungnooby> i had to reflash the phone to stock today from a stable CM10
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<samsungnooby> I have the phone in working condition on 2.1, but now the 8gb external micro sd is unmountable
<samsungnooby> my pc cannot see the internal or external sd on my captivate
<samsungnooby> How can i fix this issue so that I can get my CM10 back :D
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<Gurubond> Hello
<Gurubond> needed some help with installing rom on s2 g19100 please
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<DuperMan> 9 hours to dragonborn
<DuperMan> yay
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<Geoffi9100> hi
<Geoffi9100> apps get transfered to the external sd card when i select move to sd card. actually it supposed to be moved to the internal sdcard/usb drive/ sdcard0
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<Geoffi9100> i even have 10gb+ free space in the internal sd card and it i salso being used to store photos i take with my cam
<Geoffi9100> but the phone isnt wanting to store the apps to the internal sd card
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<iKillCypher> guys how much is a xerpia V ?
<Probablyasleep> I'm not sure
<Probablyasleep> Amazon
<Probablyasleep> Is probably the best bet for europeans
<Probablyasleep> I know codey linked that once
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<Geoffi9100> hi
<Geoffi9100> since more ppl r on no will reask my Q
<Geoffi9100> when i hit the move to sd card button my apps r being moved to the external sd card and not the internal sd card/sdcard0
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<Geoffi9100> anyone familiar with this problem?
<Thiagovfar> Which device?
<Geoffi9100> i9100
<Geoffi9100> the international varient of galaxy s2
<Geoffi9100> and its running on original jellybean 4.1.2 by samsung
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<mjt> "<!> Software update. Previous update package downloaded. Install update now? (During installation the device cannot be used, not even for emergency calls) [Later] [Install all] [Install]" -- anyone know what does this mean?? :)
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<mjt> why "previous" and not current. What exactly it is going to change - is it OS install or just some components? Why it d/loaded the thing without asking me first? What's the difference between "Install" and "Install all" -- what ELSE it want to install?
<mjt> will it "unroot" the device? and how to say "No" ?
<mjt> i've no idea what it want to install. I already installed 4.1.2 update (this is galaxy note2), for a different country, because the exynos hole hasn't been closed for my country for too long time
<mjt> oh. there's a check box for it in settings - "Auto update". I wonder how (or why) it works for a rooted phone.
<Thiagovfar> Geoffi9100: We don't support Samsung's stock ROMs. Contact Samsung.
<Thiagovfar> !geo user mjt
<clibot> Thiagovfar: {country: "Russian Federation", region: "Moscow City", city: "Moscow", latlong: {55.752197, 37.6156}, time: "Tue 17:20 MSK"}
<mjt> i see
<mjt> the whole thing is wrong in so many ways... ;)
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<mjt> samsung sends me to the retailer with this sort of questions. Which, I think, is also Very Wrong (tm)
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<mjt> i installed the update, and now all the apps i disabled are enabled again. And superSu does not work anymore too. crap
<Thiagovfar> mjt: That's what normally happens on stock upgrades. But, as I have said before, this channel is not for Samsung Stock ROMs, but for CyanogenMod running on Samsung devices.
<mjt> i said that just for completness - since i asked a question and it went unanswered
<mjt> (oh - superSu actually works.. but i'm shutting up now)
<Tiger^> hi. a weird issue with my i9100: when it's sleeping _and_ connected to a charger, it loses the data connection after anything between ~30 minutes and a few hours and connects again only when I wake it up.
<Tiger^> 100% reproducible, happens with CM10.1 nightlies since (at least) late december and with CM9.1 too.
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<Tiger^> dmesg points (as usual) to the modem falling off the USB bus. it restarts (voice calls work), but without data.
<Thiagovfar> Tiger^: Data connection == wifi?
<mjt> usb
<Tiger^> Thiagovfar: data connection = GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/whatever.
<mjt> oh
<Thiagovfar> Ok
<Tiger^> wifi is not affected at all
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<Tiger^> oh, and it doesn't happen with stock, only on CM.
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<thomas____> bonjour, je suis sur le point d'intaller la derniere cianogen mod10.2 et je ne rouve pas le zip des google apps
<thomas____> pouvez vous m'envoyer un lien de telechargement?
<mjt> 10.2?
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<thomas____> sur galaxy S2
<bealtine^> <- ici
<thomas____> merci beaucoup! :D
<bealtine^> c'est 10.1
<bealtine^> pas 10.2
<thomas____> 10-20..........
<thomas____> c'est une version nighty
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<bealtine^> update
<thomas____> ok pas de probleme
<thomas____> je vous remercie bonne apres midi ! :D
<bealtine^> d'accord
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<unknwn> anyone tested which web browser is most power efficient?
<unknwn> on android
<unknwn> and if any of them have capability to block unwanted scripts as noscript addon?
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<Guest2300> Can someone help me
<Guest2300> someone rooted my sons phone to cyno and it is saying no mobile network
<Guest2300> cannot do anything on it
<Guest2300> i have rebooted and still nothing
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<greg> Hello! I am wondering if anyone knows if the Bluetooth call issues have been fixed in the t0lte build?
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<haro> hey all, anyone know why initiating phone encryption on 10.1 might go to a screen with a blue android and sit there until I hit the back or home buttons? (never initiates)
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<Fissurez> flubadubdub
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<AndrewTheAndroid> codeworkx: Y u no let Exynos die D-:
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<Fissurez> AndrewTheAndroid he's trying his best?
<AndrewTheAndroid> Fissurez: He's adding i9305 support :-|
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<AndrewTheAndroid> On another note
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<AndrewTheAndroid> I kinda reduced the creaking on my N4
<AndrewTheAndroid> T5 screwdriver = win :-P
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<DooMMasteR> is there a how to update camera firmware?
<DooMMasteR> mine seems too old… all custom ROMs cameras rash with flash on
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<bealtine^> why do you think there's an update?
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<Pickpoket> anyone know how to get 4.2 on a Note 2
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<Thiagovfar> yes. Somebody definitely knows
<chadouming_home> nope
<chadouming_home> no one here know
<bealtine^> follow the guide...we dont babbysit
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<Jiangyi> Fast LTE is fast
* Jiangyi borrowed his friend's SIM card to play around with for a while
<Jiangyi> 20Mbps down, 20Mbps up on the N4 xD
<wifi> lol
<wifi> "fast"
<bealtine^> only fast when there are a few users
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<wifi> i got 40mbps download 26 mbps upload on LTE :D
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<wifi> bealtine^, there is always only a few user in canada
<bealtine^> nice
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Remember when I've asked if there was some special ritual for adb to run on ubuntu 12.10? Well, there is: killall gvfs-gphoto2-volume-monitor
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: ._. odd, but ok....
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<not-here> Anyone bought a phone from directly from a Sony shop
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<clibot> [Link] North Korea Threatens Missile Attack on US Using Modern Warfare 3 Footage - Forbes
<Jiangyi> WTF?
<Jiangyi> Those North Koreans ._.
<nebkat> Jiangyi: yaaaaay
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<waratte> hahaha
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<|Night2> North Korea <3
<|Night2> lol
<wifi> in north korea, modern warfare is north korean
<|Night2> north korea is wishing for a wa
<|Night2> r
<|Night2> to bad they will loser
<|Night2> lose
<waratte> D:
<Jiangyi> Even China won't help North Korea if they actually want to fight a war :-P
<Jiangyi> North Korea is basically dead if China stops supporting them
<wifi> lol
<|Night2> neah
<|Night2> they have Norway
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<wifi> whoever will have china with them will win
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<wifi> it's a 1 billion expandable man army
<|Night|> China is large enough to fight the war them self
<|Night|> China can do what germany failed at
<Jiangyi> As long as Americans don't use nuclear weapons, China stands a chance
<|Night|> China has nukes
<wifi> lol, china has nuclear
<Jiangyi> Nono, think about it
<wifi> wouldnt be something if anyone use a nuke
<|Night|> the russians have even larger nukes
<|Night|> 100mt
<|Night|> :D
<|Night|> i want it 1
<wifi> something good*
<Jiangyi> China's population density VS America's population density
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<Jiangyi> One nuke dropped on China = casualty of 5 nukes dropped on US :-P
<|Night|> neah
<wifi> eh, if 'murrica send nuke they wont do thing cheaply
<|Night|> you have the large citys
<wifi> think at iroshima and nagazaki
<|Night|> like NY, 11million
<Jiangyi> Beijing has 20 million :-P
<|Night|> like twice the size
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<waratte> Hah.
<|Night|> + its in the middle, NY is around all water, so escape is harder
<|Night|> so fallout comes in here
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<Jiangyi> Fair point
<wifi> true, but think at collateral damage
<wifi> in the middle, it will make nuclear field
<wifi> in water
<wifi> wont do much
<clibot> [Link] Ground Zero II | Carloslabs
<|Night|> but i dont think US will ever use nukes as a first strike
<|Night|> well not again
<Jiangyi> China's policy is that if you don't nuke us, we don't nuke you
<Jiangyi> America doesn't have that written down, so they pretty much do whatever :/
<|Night|> well atleast Bush is out
<|Night|> i dont currtnly see a complete idiot running for president
<|Night|> ROmney was not that bad tbh
<Jiangyi> Yeah, Bush was horrible
<|Night|> and they voted for him twice
<wifi> eh, he used war to make people believe they needed a cowboy as president
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