nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | LOGS AT
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<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Gerrit Code Review
<Thiagovfar> clibot: When did you get so annoying?
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<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: I saw this, I don't really have an opinion on it :-|
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<|Night|> Jiangyi: any experince with Carbon?
<Jiangyi> |Night|: Nope, never used it
<|Night|> awsome app
<|Night|> jus tmissing one thing
<|Night|> backup sms
<|Night|> it asks for root access, so should not be an issue to get out XML
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<Jiangyi> Z0MG
<Jiangyi> It's cody's birthday (in German time) :-D
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<wifi> haha
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<wifi> should wish him a happy geek birthday :D
<bealtine^> send him that
<wifi> omg
<wifi> nah
<wifi> <birthday happy="true">codeworkx</birthday>
<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: What about the 23 comments on the change?
<Jiangyi> Thiagovfar: Read those too, from what I understand, it's a funny implementation?
<Thiagovfar> Kinda... Uses framework internal stuff.
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: Doesn't even build, on the SDK.
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<|Night|> Jiangyi: not german time
<|Night|> NORMAL TIME!!!
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<Bert_> Anyone on Hammer TIME!
<|Night|> you are
<|Night|> now bugger off
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<|Night|> :P
<Bert_> I would, but I am still trying to figure my disapearing keyboard on the past 3-4-5 weeks of nightlies for p7510 (p4wifi)
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<|Night|> when does it
<|Night|> whch one are you using?
<|Night|> (keybord)
<Bert_> Stock AOSP. It doesn't do it all the time, I think it is only in some applications (which do not show the same issue on more or less the same nightly on i9100......
<Bert_> The symptom is that you will type a few characters and the KB will disapear (minimize) in to the dock, like you clicked OK. It is not an accidental touch, I make sure to hold the Tab from underneath.
<|Night|> ah i dont have an that issue
<|Night|> here keybord covers the textbox
<Bert_> The issue is really reprocuceable in some apps where you can type whatever you want on the regular alpha keyboard, but when you go to the extended KB (symbols,etc.) you come back to the regular KB and after 1 keypress the KB minimizes. It's funky, I know. But I have been having it for the past 5-6-7 nightlies (applied over the past 2-3 months).
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<Bert_> It does it to me in at least 2 apps. Some expired Craigslist agregator (filling in text line) and in Dolphin Beta (filling out text area).
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<Jiangyi> -_-
<|Night|> say awhat
<|Night|> lol
<|Night|> does that also apply to safari?
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<Jiangyi> |Night|: Don't think so, since iOS kinda comes with Safari :-/
<|Night|> so its discrimination
<|Night|> when can EU show a 100 inch stick up apple ass like they did with microsoft
<|Night|> fine them 100 million euro
<|Night|> afew times
<Jiangyi> +1
<|Night|> but then the cult of apple would make an opproa
<|Night|> but then again its not like apple cant afford it
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<NerdyGuitarist> yay i just fucked arch over with one command
<NerdyGuitarist> i was trying to merge two etc folders
<NerdyGuitarist> first time it put the stuff in /etc/etc
<NerdyGuitarist> so i did mv /etc/etc/* /etc
<NerdyGuitarist> and it moved everything to /etc/xml
<NerdyGuitarist> /etc/* actually for second argument
<NerdyGuitarist> now I have no name
<NerdyGuitarist> and theres no root user
<NerdyGuitarist> probably won't reboot
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<|Night|> derp
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<DooMMasteR> bealtine^: because I contacted some CM guys and they told me to update mu Camera firmware
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<Pickpoket> 4.2 roms wont allow me to connect to my tmobile network No APN setting nor can i add any APN setting. Some people told me it could be a Radio issue. but i tried toggling the radio by #*#*4636#*#* did not let me do that. i flashed back to 4.1 but I would like to use 4.2 i like the lockscreen features and the multiple user feature that came with the rom. I used Zoot's Script to mega wipe and reflash. Problem persisted.
<Pickpoket> anyone?
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<Aviator> Does cm 10.1 for n7105 email client support outlook?
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<Aviator> Does CM 10.1 note 2 n7105 email client supports outlook, and also how can i set custom ringtone?
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<Henrique> sup guys. taking my i9300 to warranty today -- any tips on how to use triangle away?
<Henrique> should I use it now while running CM10.1, or when I'm running stock?
<Henrique> and if it's when I'm running stock, only wiping will remove my root?
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<brinsjt> Happy Birthday Codeworkx (Daniel)
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<KaZo58> alles gute daniel
<KaZo58> lass es krachen :D
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<Henrique> anyone? :( promise I won't give complicated follow-ups, just need to know if I have to triangle away before flashing
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<mjt> Henrique: it makes sence when in stock only
<mjt> Henrique: it wont hurt to run it in non-stock
<mjt> but it is a bit complicated really
<mjt> that to say: you have to run in when NOT in stock, to reset the counter, and AFTER that to flash stock, because when in stock you wont have root and wont be able to run it
<Henrique> well, getting root with the exynos exploit is now a matter of installing an APK.. I was wondering if I could install stock and then, by factory resetting, removing the root
<mjt> unroot it using the same exynos abuse
<Jo___> Guys i have issue with my i9100 where my screen doesnt always turn on
<Jo___> D/OpenGLRenderer( 2235): GL error from OpenGLRenderer: 0x502 E/OpenGLRenderer( 2235): GL_INVALID_OPERATION
<mjt> if you can gain root in stock you can go this route, it is safer
<Jo___> i get following errors in logcat
<Henrique> thanks a lot, mjt ;)
<Henrique> how do I full wipe? like, erase every file in the internal SD that isn't factory default? mjt
<mjt> dunno
<Henrique> kthx
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<Galaxy145> Hi there, Installed AOSP few days ago and it worked perfectly on my Note 2, but when someone called me, I coudnl't hear him/her. So I asked on XDA for help, someone said, I shoudln't boot my Note 2 on silent. Could this be the issue? I'm on CrapWiz now so I can't test it right now.
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<unknwn> how to make google contacts and google calender sync events?
<unknwn> there is an option for that which is checked
<unknwn> but looks like i can't see events from contacts in calender
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<bealtine^> works fine for me
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<tuhoojabotti> fffuuuu
<tuhoojabotti> royal mail won't allow shipments with li-ion batteries
<tuhoojabotti> that's 50£ more for DHL
<mjt> that means any smartphone or other similar devices can't be mailed?
<tuhoojabotti> anything with lithium ion batteries
<tuhoojabotti> the law changed 3 weeks ago I heard
<mjt> what's royal mail anyway?
<tuhoojabotti> British mail
<mjt> ok. suspected as much :)
<tuhoojabotti> It's still 160€ cheaper that way than buying here
<tuhoojabotti> so I'm still on the plus side
<tuhoojabotti> Crazy Finland prices.
<mjt> and on minus side wrt warrancy, i guess.
<tuhoojabotti> Well that
<tuhoojabotti> But I don't want to pay 160+€ for warranty
<mjt> here in .ru samsung galaxy note 2 costs very close to $1000 - official samsung and all dealers price
<mjt> its regular price is about 1/3 of that
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<mjt> so even with premium shipment, it will be cheaper still
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<GabMus_mobile> hello
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<NY671> Hi there, I got problems with my CM10.1 on my Note 2. If I call someone or I someone calls me, the person can't hear me. After the third time, it worked for a while. I restored my CrapWiz backup. Does someome know about this issue? thanks
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<bealtine^> you could try playing a sound on startup just like Samsung do to hide this bug
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<GabMus_mobile> woooo didnt know the sound was for that
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<codeworkx> GabMus_mobile: looks like
<GabMus_mobile> lol
<GabMus_mobile> another fail for samsung
<GabMus_mobile> VB
<GabMus_mobile> ops sorry
<codeworkx> they probably dont know about
<codeworkx> because of their bootsound
<tuhoojabotti> Haha :D
<mjt> bah. so in order to allow the other person to hear anything, the phone has to produce a boot sound? WTF?
<GabMus_mobile> apparently
<mjt> does it work when you play some audio file in a media player? :) Or just pick a ringtone? ;)
<bealtine^> any sound afaik
<mjt> fun
<codeworkx> mjt: a touchsound is enough
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<GabMus_mobile> what do you think of aokp? seriously
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<bealtine^> ask the kangers
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<GabMus_mobile> where
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<Samsung-hater> hi guys! since there is no stable built for 10.1 on the i9300 is in sight, i was wondering if there was a chance to get a stable build of cm10? I'm (probably mistakenly) assuming, that with the release of stock 4.1.2. the necessary drivers are available. Right now I'm still on CM9 stable. Sorry if this was asked 100 times, but the FAQ doesn't answer this.
<GabMus_mobile> cm10.1 on i9300 IS stable
<GabMus_mobile> the fact that is a nightly doesnt mean it isnt stable
<GabMus_mobile> every software has bugs and since cm10.1 is the most used cm version for now, it is updated daily to solve minor bugs
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<yinon> hi
<yinon> I have a bit of an issue, using i9300 and cm10.1
<yinon> build 220130129 nightly
<yinon> *20130129
<yinon> anyway,
<yinon> bluetooth - what gives?
<yinon> connecting to handsfree
<yinon> anybody?
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<GabMus_mobile> update firts
<GabMus_mobile> i read about a known issue with bluetooth
<GabMus_mobile> it should be normal... they have to fix it if they already havent
<yinon> yeah but,
<yinon> if I flash this mod:
<yinon> would that wipe my current rom?
<yinon> you think it'd fix the issue?
<Samsung-hater> GabMus_mobile, from what I read, the i9300 has several issues, because of problems with the Exynos platform.The "known issues" pages lists "laggy animations" right on top. I certainly don't want a laggy UI, when project butter aims for the opposite.
<Samsung-hater> I believe the developers have their reason why they dont upgrade it to "M" or even stable
<GabMus_mobile> i can tell you that i see no lag in the ui
<Samsung-hater> but in general, I was wondering, why there is no stable for cm10. because there is a stable stock 4.1.2 rom by samsung available
<GabMus_mobile> and yes, i have the i9300 and i know about all those problems related to exynos
<GabMus_mobile> samsung stock firmware is NOT open source
<GabMus_mobile> so cm cant take code from it
<Samsung-hater> why is there a stable cm9 - but no stable cm10? the issues with exynos are the same, arent they?
<bealtine^> the non-open parts of samsung (the libraries) are written for ics which is the same as cm9
<yinon> guys, can you please refer to my question 1sec?
<bealtine^> they fail in unpredictable ways on jellybean
<yinon> if I flash this mod: [18:18] <yinon> [18:18] <yinon> would that wipe my current rom? [18:19] <yinon> you think it'd fix the issue?
<GabMus_mobile> yinon i told you they have to fix it
<yinon> yeah I appreciate your answer
<bealtine^> why are you asking about random mods?
<yinon> didn't know i wasn't supposed to
<bealtine^> htf would we know?
<yinon> and I have no one else to ask
<yinon> I was sure it's a basic question for you guys
<GabMus_mobile> try it yourself, make a backup and flash
<yinon> thanks...
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<bealtine^> we know nothing about random mods
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<GabMus_mobile> ops, i accidentally disconnected
<yinon> ok bealtine sorry, thought you might
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<bealtine^> ahh just checked it
<bealtine^> it should be ok as it was written by codeworkx
<yinon> k thanks :) so it shouldn't erase everything then
<bealtine^> i'd have to examine it but seems unlikely
<yinon> just fix the bluetooth thing
<yinon> ok thanks man, appreciate it
<bealtine^> i dont use bluetooth:(
<yinon> the good life :)
<yinon> wish i could say the same
<yinon> anyway the file seems to be offline :(
<bealtine^> maybe cody will have a version...dunno he's afk right now
<yinon> hmmm... think he might wanna send it to me later if i ask nicely?
<bealtine^> heh who knows:)
<yinon> k will try thanks
<bealtine^> he's not very talkative:)
<bealtine^> anyway back to wrestling with google retarded implementation of SQL
<yinon> k guys thanks a lot
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<Robertt> Any1 here can help me with wifi issues?
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<clibot> [Link] Epic Action RPG Aralon: Sword And Shadow Is Now Out On The Play Store
<Fissurez> WITH BUGS TOO
<Kaik541> chadouming_home: pingity
<clibot> [Link] Samsung's Galaxy Discover omits TouchWiz in favor of stock Android, coming to Straight Talk | The Ve...
<Fissurez> codeworkx WAT IS HAPPENINGTO SAMMY
<Fissurez> DATAGUTT
<Fissurez> 'MERGENCY
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<Fissurez> BASKU
<Baskey> FISSKU
<Fissurez> BASKIE
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<addi> .
<addi> Baskey
<addi> whats up dood
<Baskey> @dood ad
<bbqbot> ad: what up dood
<addi> Fissurez,
<Baskey> @dood addi
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<addi> whats up dood
<Fissurez> @dood addi
<addi> No u
<bbqbot> addi: what up dood
<Baskey> @dood Fissurez
<bbqbot> Fissurez: what up dood
<Baskey> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Fissurez> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<addi> bbqbot,
<addi> whats up dood
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<w00tc0d3> @dood Baskey
<bbqbot> Baskey: what up dood
<Baskey> W00T
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<w00tc0d3> meh
<w00tc0d3> tempted to dump OptiMod code (Minecraft) and reapply on latest dev snapshots
* w00tc0d3 iz lazy
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<Chuck_Bartowski> @dood dood: dood: dood: dood: dood: dood: dood
<bbqbot> dood:: what up dood
<Chuck_Bartowski> SMART
<Baskey> Chuck_Bartowski: YET ELEGANT
<w00tc0d3> MINECRAFT FTW ;-D
<w00tc0d3> BUKKIT FTW
raXuz is now known as raXuz|Away
<w00tc0d3> Chuck_Bartowski: lol
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<TeVi0n> Hi all, I flashed Cyanogenmod 10.1 on my N7100 Yesterday and I got an very annoying issue, If someone calls me, I can't hear him/her. Is this a bug?
<Ntemis> No! is an added feature
<TeVi0n> -_-
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<datagutt> [18:13:53] <@Fissurez> DATAGUTT
<datagutt> clearly the hw is too weak to run touchwiz
<Baskey> datagutt: datagoute
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<Jiangyi> WTH
<Jiangyi> Netchip's on the dev team of a pretty popular ROM on XDA
<Jiangyi> o___o
<Jiangyi> How the hell did that happen!?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why are you hacking and not celebrating? :-P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: what?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why you uploading to Gerrit and not celebrating bday xP
<codeworkx> bday? that was yesterday
<Jiangyi> Aye yah
<Jiangyi> Freaking timezones :-|
* Jiangyi feels like a fail now
<Jiangyi> Sorry ><
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<FenBoy> hi Buddy
<FenBoy> I am so excited , I am building a t0lte ROM :-D
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<FenBoy> oh damned , it is broken
<FenBoy> I need Help :-(
<FenBoy> someone there?
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<Jiangyi> Ah, freaking Trebuchet
<Jiangyi> My apps drawer button disappeared again :-|
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: There?
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: wat
<Jiangyi> nebkat: Was transferring Contacts.apk via adb push, and the app drawer icon disappeared
<Jiangyi> This happened numerous times now :-P
<Jiangyi> Seems like it doesn't like Contacts.apk disappearing
<nebkat> seems like ur a bitch
<nebkat> logcat r gtdo
<Jiangyi> :-|
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<clibot> [Link] --------- beginning of /dev/log/system I/ActivityManager( 701): Force stoppi -
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<nebkat> Jiangyi: so wat did you do then?
<nebkat> cry?
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<Jiangyi> nebkat: Setting - apps - clear Trebuchet data :-/
<Jiangyi> But doing this every time is annoying.
<wifi> Jiangyi, use nova launcher
<Jiangyi> wifi: :-/
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<Jiangyi> Some days, I do feel like using another launcher though, I'll admit that.
<wifi> use nova
<wifi> work great here
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<Jiangyi> wifi: Damn, you're right
<Jiangyi> It does work a ton better
<wifi> lol
<wifi> told ya
<wifi> always listen to me
<|Night|> Jiangyi: my phone comapny blocked my internet :P
<Jiangyi> |Night|: ._. wth?
<|Night|> 10GB downaldoed in 5 days
<|Night|> :P
<|Night|> so i have to wait untill march 1 to get it back up my S3
<Jiangyi> lol
<|Night|> supper annoyed at that limit
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<|Night|> they dont even want my money so i can get around it
<|Night|> :/
<|Night|> they say its a fixed limit, no one can buy better service
<wifi> lol, if i had downloaded that much
<wifi> i'd be 4GB over my limit
<wifi> then it's 5¢ /mb
<Jiangyi> Only 5 cents?
<wifi> @math 4096 * 0.05
<bbqbot> 4096*0.05 = 204.8
<wifi> so 205 dollars more xD
<|Night|> well atlest you are able to pay for it
<|Night|> lemme me show waht happens when some one is brave enough to give me gigabit
<|Night|> guess where i rebooted
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<wifi> nevah !
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