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<peixoto> Hi! Are the issues with the camera on the i9300's version of CM10.1 Android 4.2.2?
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<trytest> hi, can someone help me. i have change from the samsung stock firmware to cyanogenmod nightlies and have problem to import my contacts. i do a full backup with the recovery mode. i excract the backup und search the db for contacts. but i cant import it. anyone can help me?
<jethro> trytest: did you export to a vcf file ?
<trytest> no
<jethro> not sure samsung stock firmware and cm have the same contact app
<trytest> i just extract the hole contact.db from the backup
<trytest> so in sqlie i see all the contacts
<trytest> so i overwrite the contact.db in cyanogenmod but nothing works
<trytest> so iam sure its different
<jethro> well
<jethro> you can either convert the cnotacts.db file to a vcf file
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<jethro> or flassh samsung stock, import contacts.db, export it as vcf, flash cm, import the vcf
<trytest> in the stock firmware i have a local database for contacts in cyanogenmod i dont have local adress book
<trytest> ok i think i convert the db in a vcf file
<jethro> the second option will probably take longer, but is probably easier
<trytest> the other way to costly :D
<trytest> na second one is not good
<jethro> how so ?
<trytest> it takes much time for do it
<jethro> whatever suits you :)
<trytest> and i have to make a backup again
<trytest> thats sucks. but thanks for helping
<jethro> cheers
<trytest> i try to create vcf file
<jethro> you can always fall back to the second option in case you can't convert :p
<trytest> oh hate it. read the fucking rfc :(
<DuperMan> rfc?
<trytest> rfc for vcard
<DuperMan> like, nokia era contacts or video card?
<DuperMan> oO
<DuperMan> guessing former
<trytest> oh nice its easy to create it
<trytest> thx jethro
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<a3Dman> so they figured out how to place the home button in sgs4
<a3Dman> great
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<jomp16> Home button still the same of S3...? I like without buttons, only the navbar
<a3Dman> it's the same layout since sgs, the home button is centered unlike sgs3
<jomp16> S3 will have 2 models, one to EUA with Snapdragon, and other for world with Exynos
<jomp16> S4 *. So, Exynos = International and Snapdragon = AT&T, etc (Rumors)
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<jomp16> Bye
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<neatchee> !device e4gt
<clibot> neatchee: Unknown device e4gt
<neatchee> !supported
<clibot> neatchee: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<neatchee> lol
<DuperMan> so how the circus?
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<DuperMan> @dood addi
<DuperMan> !dood addi
<DuperMan> .dood addi
<DuperMan> k embarrassing
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<alexcm> !changelog i9300
<clibot> alexcm: Changelog for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<plastikman> thanks for the EXT4 info codeworkx
<plastikman> im happily on t0lte now with 64gb microsd
<plastikman> wooohoooo
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<frankdrey> Anyone wanna give me $2,000?
<a3Dman> I think this is hardly achievable, specially in an IRC room...
<Zaba> only after borrowing, say, $2000 from you
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> :p
<plastikman> make a cool app
<plastikman> put it in the play store
<plastikman> ??
<plastikman> profit
<a3Dman> I could give you 2000 internets though, frankdrey ;)
<frankdrey> Lol
<frankdrey> plastikman, working on it
<frankdrey> Busy with school though :/
<a3Dman> plastikman: specially devs with news apps now xD
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: $2 app, 100,000 install
<a3Dman> welcome to the good life
<a3Dman> xD
<a3Dman> I wouldn't need more money for the next 10 years myself.
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<frankdrey> Haha, yeah, I'm finishing up the quarter this week
<frankdrey> Should be free then :D
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<Zaba> I'd like to make some cool sellable app as well
<Zaba> but I just have no ideas
<a3Dman> that's what I'm trying to do these days
<Zaba> I don't do enough stuff to run across unsolved problems (or at least, for such to bother me enough)
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<frankdrey> Make a game
<a3Dman> I always wanted to make games, but didn't start that...
<a3Dman> a $1 game on 2 or 3 stores would be nice
<frankdrey> Mine is going to be free + donate version
<frankdrey> Probably
<frankdrey> Or freemium
<a3Dman> I like in-app model
<a3Dman> I completely dislike apps
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<a3Dman> free + donate is alright
<a3Dman> s/apps/ads
<frankdrey> What about an ad in the settings?
<a3Dman> I think that's the place I would put an ad if I do ad supported app
<a3Dman> but I don't like the concept
<a3Dman> I just have no free time to start a serious project now :(
<a3Dman> specially a one that would need a huge amount of brains
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, what kinda stuff can you do / you know?
<frankdrey> !ping
<clibot> frankdrey: Unknown command "ping"
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: make any simple app
<a3Dman> no thoughts on my mind right now
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<noxxx> Hi there
<noxxx> Who has n7100 using cm10.1?
<noxxx> How to fix camera problems?
<frankdrey> a3Dman, I mean like, java, C++, graphics, 3d models, etc.
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: I know C/C++/Java and assembly in two months
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: oh yeah, I used to mess with 3D modelling for 3-5 years, hence the nickname xD
<a3Dman> I even have 5 years old unfinished projects :(
<a3Dman> frankdrey: :D
<clibot> [Link] f430.PNG
<frankdrey> a3Dman, link me when I'm on my pc in a little :D
<frankdrey> See, I don't really know much Java
<frankdrey> I know mostly C and some C++
<frankdrey> I learn as I go
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<a3Dman> well, it took me 3 days to learn the syntax, if you understand programming learning any language shouldn't be hard
<a3Dman> (the syntax of Java)
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, link?
<clibot> [Link] f430.PNG
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, dude that's pretty awesome :)
<frankdrey> a3Dman, we should work on an app together :D
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<a3Dman> frankdrey: still unfinished, that's what suck about me.
<frankdrey> heh, i have same problem :p
<frankdrey> but let's try to make something, i have quite a few ideas and can code somewhat decently :p
<clibot> [Link] gtunfinished.JPG
<a3Dman> another one
<a3Dman> xD
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<frankdrey> a3Dman, that's awesome :D
<a3Dman> it just needs interior, tyres, textures, lighting and rendering :P
<a3Dman> headlights/backlights also
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<EgoElf> when putting CM on the i777 (sgs2-att), what stock version should be used? (for proper bootloader versions)
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<GabMus_mobile_> hello, I have a little big problem with my brother's i9100 running latest cm10.1 build. keyboard doesn't work, it always crashes, even if i dont want to use it. I tryed wiping keyboard data and even wiping dalvik cache. nothing... what to do?
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<GabMus> ops sorry
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<gabmus_mobile_> unstable connection....
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<GabMus> hello, I have a little big problem with my brother's i9100 running latest cm10.1 build. keyboard doesn't work, it always crashes, even if i dont want to use it. I tryed wiping keyboard data and even wiping dalvik cache. nothing... what to do?
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<neatchee> GabMus: first thing to do is get us a log of the crash
<GabMus> ok... makes sense. where can i find it?
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<neatchee> GabMus: There are several ways to get a log. Do you have the Android SDK installed on your computer? (e.g. can you use ADB?)
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<GabMus> i freshly reinstalled, so no adb for now. i can manually pull it from a file manager
<GabMus> by the way, ubuntu 13.04 is pretty sweet
<neatchee> Well, the log is constantly being created/modified so you need to record it. You can use an app like "Catlog" to save and email the log
<neatchee> Or you can set up an app called "loggy" and then use your computer to open the log in a browser
<GabMus> new plan: let me install the sdk :P
<neatchee> yeah, thats usually easiest IMO heheh
<neatchee> although Loggy is pretty legit too
<neatchee> it runs on your device and creates a web interface where you can see the log
<neatchee> so like, you connect to wifi, start loggy, and then on your computer go to "'s.ip:3000" and you can see everything there
<GabMus> i should use the keyboard to download anything
<GabMus> adb almost installed
<GabMus> done
<GabMus> what do i pull?
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<GabMus> neatchee: what to pull?
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<GabMus> hello?
<wifi> hi
<neatchee> hey, sorry, having a phone conversation
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<GabMus> np, just tell me what to pull
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<Gioyik> !i9300
<clibot> Gioyik: Unknown command "i9300"
<Gioyik> !device
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<RossWell98> !device i9300
<clibot> RossWell98: Information for Samsung Galaxy S III:
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<Gioyik> I have a question. i like to compile ICS for the i9300. So to compile ICS from aosp i only need those repos "android_device_samsung_i9300" and "android_kernel_samsung_smdk4412" no more files?
<Gioyik> With that repos can i compile CM ICS for the i9300 sucessfully?
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<neatchee> GabMus: Hey, sorry about earlier. You're going to want to run the following command: "adb logcat > logcat.txt" Then immediately cause the crash. Then go back to your command prompt (which should still be running the logcat command) and press CTRL-C to stop it.
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<neatchee> That'll create a file "logcat.txt" in whatever directory was active when you started the command
<GabMus> right
<GabMus> thats how logcat works then... nice
<jomp16> Finally, my mobo is in Recife, probably tomorrow or Saturday come here
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<neatchee> GabMus: if you just run "adb logcat" without the pipe, it'll output the log directly to the terminal
<neatchee> Interesting fact, "adb lolcat" also works :D
<neatchee> because Google is awesome
<GabMus> mhmh, cool
<GabMus> im doing it later
<GabMus> quite busy with steam right now
<GabMus> thabk you
<GabMus> stay tuned ;)
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<Kaik541> neatchee: the reference device vendor ID is also "d00d"
<neatchee> yar
<Kaik541> I'm pretty sure zte actually used "d00d" for a while because they never changed it
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<Jiangyi> Alright, who's gonna watch Failsung's event livestream? :-P
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: I do :D
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Yay^^
<Jiangyi> Let's see how bad they fail this time xD
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<xplodwild> yeah
<xplodwild> about to start it seems
<Jiangyi> Umm
<Jiangyi> Circus music?
<Jiangyi> ._.
<xplodwild> yea
<xplodwild> sounds... weird
<xplodwild> yet appropriate for the clowns they are
<Jiangyi> lol
<Jiangyi> Galaxy S4: Featuring TW6 circus UI xD
<xplodwild> Inspired from Circus, designed for clowns
<Thiagovfar> Didn't they change the name from TouchWiz to something else?
<xplodwild> nope
<xplodwild> TouchWiz UX, but still TW
<xplodwild> the music feels like you're waiting a show at Disneyland
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<Jiangyi> Bah, have to reboot back into Windoze
<xplodwild> Will begin in a few minutes
<Thiagovfar> I bet they have a fallback device
<Jiangyi> Linux + Flash + HD vid streaming + Fullscreen = Browser death in a few moments
<Thiagovfar> and a fallback fallback device
<xplodwild> Thiagovfar: imagine they're all running a borked build
<xplodwild> Thiagovfar: like with a big camera bug, all of them
<Thiagovfar> and a fallback fallback fallback device (which runs aosp)
<Jiangyi> lol would be funny if the phone superbricked xD
<Thiagovfar> And now, to the state-of-the-art factory reset technology...
<xplodwild> "You can even restore your device, with the 'wipe data/factory reset' of our new Recovery system!"
<Jiangyi> I honestly have a feeling that they might lock down the device more :-P
<clibot> [Link] Twitter / ChainfireXDA: This SELinux hardened SGS4 ...
<Jiangyi> Wuh oh.
<Jiangyi> Looks like they weren't kidding when they say that they're going to make it really hard to root.
<xplodwild> as long as it's not bootloader-locked
<Thiagovfar> Once it's rooted, it's rooted.
<xplodwild> which, if it's the case, will be an even worse piece of crap
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<Jiangyi> If bootloader's locked, Samsung's done for.
<xplodwild> so they better not
<xplodwild> Thiagovfar: they used to patch quite a few holes over the updates
<xplodwild> so having one unsure method isn't good enough because newcomers won't be able to use it
<archaandro> heard some of their new features like the 360 degree camera will come inform of updates.. lets see
<xplodwild> 360° camera?
<xplodwild> like photosphere you mean?
<Thiagovfar> I mean, once someone roots it, everyone can do the same.
<archaandro> yeah they coming with their own photosphere
<xplodwild> ah
<xplodwild> seems to start
<archaandro> lol
<archaandro> disney show starts!
<xplodwild> with a kid
<xplodwild> totally disney xD
<archaandro> they are deffo targetting kids and nature this time
<archaandro> so more kids we see @ xda!
<xplodwild> oh god, it's so disney, c'mon samsung, I knew you were childish
<archaandro> i have to say i like apple presentations, no bs haha
<archaandro> before the show that is
<xplodwild> yeah, at least they make it serious
<archaandro> to the point, clean and simple haha
<xplodwild> eventhough apple would start saying "WE HAVE OVER 9999999 DEVICES SOLD AND APPS AND STUFF"
<archaandro> shin is back haha
<archaandro> haahahha yeah thats always weird from them (apple)
<xplodwild> ahaha fail
<archaandro> no one replied back
<archaandro> hahahaha
<archaandro> hahahaha
<xplodwild> "Good evening everyone" *silence*
<archaandro> lmfao
<archaandro> hahahah
<archaandro> he is looking back
<archaandro> and saying cmon say something
<xplodwild> I still love his accent
<Jiangyi> Clearly, Samsung's losing its touch xD
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: I hate it lol
<archaandro> learn from listening.. ? i hope they did
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: that was ironic :p
<xplodwild> inspired by people! whoohoo
<xplodwild> no more nature!
<archaandro> inspired by disnet :D
<archaandro> disney :D
<archaandro> did they change the presentation font?
<xplodwild> seems so
<Thiagovfar> IRC is faster than the stream
<xplodwild> hehe
<Thiagovfar> Keep the narration
<Jiangyi> Touchless interfaces?
<archaandro> airview touch
<xplodwild> I'm curious what stupid thing they came up with
<Jiangyi> S translator? ._.
<Jiangyi> No thanks
<archaandro> sound + camera shot capture?
<xplodwild> detect finger using frontcam?
<Jiangyi> Would leave me jobless lol
<Jiangyi> S health? wtf?
<archaandro> its a dual sim it seems
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: probably another heartbeat-detector
<archaandro> or profiles?
<Jiangyi> :-/
<archaandro> here comes bloatware
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: As long as Samsung's not making pacemakers, I'm good :-P
<archaandro> hahaha
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: they will make them lag
<xplodwild> Samsung Galass S4
<Jiangyi> S Pacemaker: The best and last purchase you will ever make!
<xplodwild> learn 2 pronounce
<Jiangyi> lol leaks were right
<archaandro> yeah.. same!
<archaandro> note 2 and s3 had a baby
<xplodwild> yeahx D
<xplodwild> hey look
<xplodwild> it's gingerbread
<archaandro> hahahahha
<archaandro> they used a better font on the time weather widget
<Jiangyi> "amazhing"
<archaandro> hahaaha
<Jiangyi> Yay, more variants
<xplodwild> "we will have 18 different models"
<xplodwild> LTE, FTDLT and whatnot
<Jiangyi> TD-LTE
<xplodwild> AOSP support => Pain
<archaandro> -.- sigh
<Jiangyi> AKA Chinese LTE
<Thiagovfar> That's one big device
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<Jiangyi> pictures with sound?
<Jiangyi> Isn't that just a video?
<archaandro> doesnt it look like a concept which some guy made in 3d
<Jiangyi> ._.
<xplodwild> Jiangyi: except the picture doesn't move
<archaandro> i mean the phone
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: :/
<Jiangyi> AMOLED eh?
<Jiangyi> Guess still Pentile?
<xplodwild> black mist, white frost
<xplodwild> well, black and white
<xplodwild> new visual effects engine?
<archaandro> omg, so ugly!
<xplodwild> ehh, lens flare exists in CG for dozens of years
<Jiangyi> Oh look, transparent status bar
<Jiangyi> Guess they listened to the moaning of the millions of Chinese users :-/
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<xplodwild> lulz
<xplodwild> infrared
<xplodwild> for remote control
<archaandro> camera is a sony exmore sensor
<kahtahs> archaandro: no sensor lottery?
<xplodwild> ehh
<xplodwild> dafuq
<Jiangyi> ._.
<archaandro> :O
<xplodwild> what
<xplodwild> the
<xplodwild> heck
<archaandro> my god... sooo shitty
<xplodwild> ehh
<xplodwild> dual camera
<xplodwild> that means you film your ugly face looking at the screen?
<archaandro> hahahha
<xplodwild> this is definitely not going to work as they explain
<archaandro> thats a feature on the htc one isnt it?
<Jiangyi> Damn, that's so bad
<Jiangyi> sooooooooooooo bad.
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<archaandro> pip
<Thiagovfar> OMG, Instagram?
<xplodwild> seriously...
<Jiangyi> ._. Sounds like they're in the beyond.
<Jiangyi> As if they passed away.
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<xplodwild> they should stop collaborating with Disney
<xplodwild> Note 2 was magic
<xplodwild> now it's dancing
<xplodwild> what will be note 3?
<xplodwild> mickey will come on stage with kermit?
<clibot> [Link] [redirected]: Twitter / androidcentral: The Galaxy S4 Time Square crowd ...
<archaandro> does anyone use these features? hows the cam quality
<Thiagovfar> The camera erases things?
<Jiangyi> So uh
<Jiangyi> It has basic Photoshop features now?
<xplodwild> yeah
<xplodwild> they licensed a lib, that's it
<xplodwild> airview, the only feature that seemed interesting
<xplodwild> they talked 5 seconds about it
<Jiangyi> Oh lawd
<Jiangyi> no
<Jiangyi> please no
<archaandro> damn
<Jiangyi> Please don't butcher my culture
<xplodwild> whereas their stupid picture thing spent 10 minutes
<Jiangyi> D-:
<archaandro> this is too much man
<xplodwild> oh, Google Now
<xplodwild> ah, no.
<Jiangyi> lolwth?
<Thiagovfar> What's airview?
<xplodwild> Thiagovfar: hold your finger above the screen and it detects it
<xplodwild> like with spen on note2
<clibot> [Link] Samsung Galaxy S4 hands-on | Android Central
<Jiangyi> Well, at least they included Chinese. :/
<xplodwild> S Translator
<xplodwild> so that's Google Translation in a blue box?
<xplodwild> heh, notification bar
<xplodwild> half of the screen height used
<xplodwild> by stupid shortcuts
<Baskey> "Another feature - Sound and Shot, captures a short sound clip when you take a pic."
<Baskey> we've seen it already before
<archaandro> its more about touchwiz and their software
<archaandro> with a bumped up s3 hardware
<Alram> im dying xplodwild
<Alram> dying
<Alram> send help
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<xplodwild> Alram: I'm too
<xplodwild> Alram: I feel like they're showing that to 10 years old kids
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<archaandro> id like to know how many wud really use all this ?
<Alram> are there any hardware features yet btw
<Alram> this is all software
<xplodwild> well it's stupid software features
<Jiangyi> This is starting to bore me :-/
<xplodwild> that you'll happily get rid
<xplodwild> true
<xplodwild> same here
<archaandro> all i wanna know is their hardware and if it supports cm development easily this time!
<archaandro> haha
<xplodwild> there's tearing on their big screen behind
<xplodwild> look at the top
<archaandro> omggg haha
<Jiangyi> Uhh
<Jiangyi> Nephew? lol
<xplodwild> even works when I'm wearning gloves...
<xplodwild> either they have a new touch technology
<xplodwild> or they bumped up the sensitivity
<Jiangyi> I guess that's the airview thing?
<xplodwild> probably
<xplodwild> Samsung Hub, does this shit still exists?
<xplodwild> nobody ever usedit
<xplodwild> used it*
<xplodwild> and it has a metro look
<jomp16> Hey, exists source code of some media player in Android?
<Jiangyi> jomp16: Apollo's opensource
<jomp16> No audio, and yes video
<jomp16> Like MX Player (is closed sauce)
<archaandro> this is the worst presentation ever!!
<Jiangyi> Oh God, they try so hard to be funny. :-/
<jomp16> Video Lan?
<archaandro> apple must be laughing off like crazy haha
<jomp16> Aka VLC
<xplodwild> VLC is opensauce yea
<xplodwild> archaandro: totallly
<xplodwild> why am I even continuing watching?
<Jiangyi> Only companies that can make proper presentations: Google and Apple :-P
<xplodwild> Google does really cool presentations
<xplodwild> I like I/O opening ceremonies
<archaandro> oh man im embarassed
<archaandro> looking at this
<archaandro> hahahaha
<Jiangyi> Google's presentations are actually exciting
<Jiangyi> They involve actual skydiving rather than this crap xP
<xplodwild> yeah
<archaandro> they know they havent done anything exciting, so its just about trying too hard
<xplodwild> with google glasses
* Jiangyi should've went out with his mom instead
<archaandro> seriously man
<xplodwild> so many
<xplodwild> USELESS
<xplodwild> features
<xplodwild> nobody will EVER use it
<xplodwild> even more when your friend HAS to have an S4
<xplodwild> instead of swiping silently with your finger, why not swiping your whole hand so everyone know you did it?
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<jomp16> Where's is the VLC Android source?
<xplodwild> jomp16: at vlc website?
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<archaandro> yeah agree on the hand point xplodwild
<archaandro> it just too much show off
<Jiangyi> That's it
<jomp16> No the PC version, and yes the ANDROID version, i dont find this
<Jiangyi> I'm done
<Jiangyi> I'
<xplodwild> I -could- have get it for CM porting
<Jiangyi> m heading out
<xplodwild> they just disgusted me
* Jiangyi needs fresh air after this crap
<xplodwild> jomp16: git clone git://
<xplodwild> jomp16: 5 seconds search on google
<archaandro> whats the processor?
<xplodwild> archaandro: they didn't tell
<jomp16> Err, undefined?
<archaandro> maybe they dont know itself
<archaandro> ol
<jomp16> Multiarch?
<archaandro> thts why april end release
<archaandro> still devideing?
<archaandro> deciding*
<xplodwild> archaandro: because LTE variants will have qcom
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<Hamster> Hi!
<jomp16> My processor is ARMv7 Neon
<Alram> Exynos 5150
<xplodwild> and eu 3G will have exynos
<Alram> or something
<Alram> octasomething
<xplodwild> Alram: 5450
<xplodwild> Octo
<xplodwild> or Octa
<Alram> close enough
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Seeing what they did with the Note 2, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Exynos5 all around.
<archaandro> or maybe the 2 different variants they didnt wanna say quad for usa and octa for intl
<archaandro> who knows
<Hamster> Is this place valid for questions regarding issues after installing cyanogenmod?
<xplodwild> Hamster: if it's on a samsung device, yes
<xplodwild> Hamster: and if you searched google
<Hamster> yes, a galaxy tab 2 10.1
<xplodwild> jomp16: it's for all android devices
<clibot> [Link] Samsung will 'definitely' bring some Galaxy S4 features to Galaxy S III | The Verge
<Alram> who didnt see that one coming
<Hamster> yeah, only managed to find one more post on some forum with the same question/issue and no answer
<sinc> they didn't actually say that eu is 3g only