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<h4rdco2e> is it possible to just compile the camera app?
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<DuperMan> yes
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: he is gone idiotte :P
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: yes
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: yes?
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<nebkat|beer> <h4rdco2e> is it possible to just compile the camera app?
<h4rdco2e> ah, sure but how?
<nebkat|beer> make Camera :P
<h4rdco2e> my pc dont want to compile galaxys2
<h4rdco2e> make camera where? ~/android/system?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> or /packeted/apps/cemara?
<h4rdco2e> camera
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: so where should I make camara
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you are such idiotte :P
<nebkat|beer> make in ~/android/system
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: now I am a idiotte, in a year I will know more ;)
<addi> idiotte always remain idiotte.. :P
<h4rdco2e> addi: there help an idiotte
<addi> how? an idiotte can't help another idiotte :P
<h4rdco2e> +1
<h4rdco2e> build/core/product_config.mk:196: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/samsung/maguro/full_maguro.mk]]: "device/samsung/tuna/device.mk" does not exist. Schluss.
<h4rdco2e> what the fuck
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<GuineaPiet> sup guys have any of you checked out this thread -> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1662255 ?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: run lunch - then find device tuna
<nebkat|beer> GuineaPiet: and?
<nebkat|beer> nothing too special :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: dont work
<GuineaPiet> Yeah but I cant get the video player to install
<addi> GuineaPiet, yes, everyone knows about those now :p
<GuineaPiet> was wondering if you managed to do it =/
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what you mean?
<nebkat|beer> GuineaPiet: might need touchwiz
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I isn't working
<GuineaPiet> meh -_-. Okay... not a big fan of the 3rd party video players
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what do you mean it isnt working !!!!
<addi> probably does need TouchWiz
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: lunch isnt install
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: oh my
<nebkat|beer> . build/envsetup.sh
<nebkat|beer> you are teh biggezt noob evar
<addi> GuineaPiet, odex file = you can't install it normally
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: possible
<addi> and that video player has .odex file
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer:
<h4rdco2e> including device/samsung/maguro/vendorsetup.sh
<h4rdco2e> including device/ti/panda/vendorsetup.sh
<h4rdco2e> including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
<h4rdco2e> including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
<GuineaPiet> I tried copying it to System/app like they said and set the permissions, no luck tho
<GuineaPiet> Well then the only thing you can install there is the S Voice app, and it's pretty shit
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<addi> well, i don't really see why people are so interested in trying out stuff from the S3 -.-
<GuineaPiet> lol, coz its new \:D/!
<addi> hmm, fair enough xD
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I'm starting to hate terminal
<GuineaPiet> The biggest difference between the S2 and the S3 is the software, so it's like giving the S3 a mini test run
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h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [because you are such a noob]
<GuineaPiet> xD
<addi> idiot
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<GuineaPiet> What were you trying to do?
<addi> if he's starting to hate terminal, wonder how he hopes to learn more :P
<addi> h4rdco2e, no like terminal = you will FAIL
<h4rdco2e> addi: I think my source is broken
<GuineaPiet> I havent used the Terminal app even once yet. Only command I entered was exit
<addi> not exactly talking about the Android app. Terminal in general as on Linux :P
<GuineaPiet> I see. Not really a linux user =/... lurv me games too much
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<addi> same here. though even without games, me prefers Windows. as long as it's free xD
<DuperMan> w0t I used eclipse and chrome (YES the browser) to root the sgs3
<GuineaPiet> arrrrrgh I dont know what you're talking about arrrrrrgh P-)
<DuperMan> who needs terminal????
<DuperMan> it just for nostalgic dweebs it not productive
<addi> those who think that typing stuff is faster than clicking? :P
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I want to compile Camera but...
<DuperMan> addi: /s
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: and you're just doing it, don't give up and don't seek shortcuts (unless they work)
<DuperMan> arrrrrrgh is here?
<DuperMan> w00t
<DuperMan> noes
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: w00000000t: grep: build/target/board/generic/recovery.fstab: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [english]
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<h4rdco2e> grep: build/target/board/generic/recovery.fstab: Data or Dir was not found!
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: did you lunch?
<GuineaPiet> lulz
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: waht should I lunch?
<GuineaPiet> So anyone playing Dota 2?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> lunch = launch?
<GuineaPiet> kick in 3...2...1...
<GuineaPiet> ?
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [bit late, sorry]
<GuineaPiet> lol
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: type in lunch :P
<GuineaPiet> This is like watching Karate Kid, I swear
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: terminal says lunch isn't installed. For intall type sudo apt-get install python-lunch
<h4rdco2e> lunch
<h4rdco2e> No such file: /home/paul/.lunchrc
<DuperMan> GuineaPiet: implicitely comparing netchip to rival dojo fail
<DuperMan> . build/envsetup.sh
<GuineaPiet> :(
<DuperMan> lunch cm_yourshinynewtoy-userisbug
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: idiottteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I knoooooowwwww
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<nebkat|beer> did you do . build/evsetup.sh?
<DuperMan> envsetup. did I make nebkat's ignore?
<DuperMan> ><
<DuperMan> protip: pressing 'tab' in a bash shell autocompletes commands and filenames
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: build/evsetup.sh was not found
<DuperMan> :P
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: if you cant get this then plz plz plz stop coding :P
<DuperMan> ^
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what directory are you in?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> dude! leave him be! he is making ME look good
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: ~/android/system
<DuperMan> he just said, he be /home/paul
<DuperMan> "
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: double check
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ls .
<DuperMan> rm -fr ~/android/
<DuperMan> betterer
<DuperMan> (no don't)
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ls . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I think the problem is Java-SDK possible I think I have got v6
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: stfu and do "ls .
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: I assume he's on ubuntu?
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: I assume he's on weed
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: abi bootable build.sh device hardware Makefile packages system
<h4rdco2e> android build dalvik external kernel ndk prebuilt vendor
<h4rdco2e> bionic buildscripts development frameworks libcore out sdk
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: I was thinking drunk
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ls build/
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: buildspec.mk.default CleanSpec.mk core envsetup.sh libs target tools
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<DuperMan> derp
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ". THEN A FUCKING SPACE build/envsetup.sh"
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: no permissions
<DuperMan> | h4rdco2e/teh_shit/. build/envsetup.sh |
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> did you chmod +m (iirc)?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what do you mean no permission?
<DuperMan> oh oh oh oh oh I think I got it
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: copy the output (including the command you wrote)
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: bash: build/envsetup.sh: No Permissions
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: and I thought you were biggest idiotte :P
<DuperMan> were you saving time by creating the local repo as root?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: "." build/envsetup.sh
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: did you put the .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: yes!
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: chmod a+x build/envsetup.sh
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: I wish. I'm messed up enough to think the internet gives a fuck about my being messed up, but not actually dumb
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: ehhh yes you are
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: including device/ti/panda/vendorsetup.sh
<h4rdco2e> including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
<h4rdco2e> including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: now lunch
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: ok. <3
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [wrong chan]
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: looking good
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: then choose s2
<DuperMan> **** cm_galaxys2-userdebug
<h4rdco2e> yes I pressed 13
<h4rdco2e> and now make camera?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: yes :P
<h4rdco2e> no rule, for camera to build. End
<DuperMan> love the random quote. D.A.M.N.
<h4rdco2e> make? packages_apps_camera
<DuperMan> when in doubt you press it
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<DuperMan> in windows you hate it
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: "make Camera" with the capital
<nebkat|beer> when in doubt - #blamesamsung
<DuperMan> eight spaces got nothing on tab
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: looking very good
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: fail 1
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: GIEF DONATZ NAO
<DuperMan> no, first let him put his cam on xda so people will test :D
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: gief full errar
<DuperMan> I'm fourth most referenced - do your kicks count?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: build/core/tasks/kernel.mk:58: *** "NO KERNEL CONFIG". Schluss.
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: must be
<h4rdco2e> schluss = end
<DuperMan> rofl. now I get why people sometimes expect me to make sense.
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: FULL ERROR NAO
<nebkat|beer> not just one line
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: show me the full thing INCLUDING the past 5 commands
<GuineaPiet> Well after watching this I might just consider never trying Linux...
<nebkat|beer> to see whether you did shit properly
GuineaPiet was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [you must try linux]
<h4rdco2e> ============================================
<h4rdco2e> PLATFORM_VERSION=4.0.4
<h4rdco2e> TARGET_PRODUCT=full
<h4rdco2e> TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release
<h4rdco2e> TARGET_ARCH=arm
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [h4rdco2e]
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<addi> GuineaPiet, you don't really need Linux unless you wanna do some developing or run a server. But yes, must try it.
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<GuineaPiet> xD pressed enter and started counting 3...2...1...
<DuperMan> for PALM in $face; do echo "SMACK!"; else do mv $PALM $face; done
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: show me your WHOLE terminal history :P
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: ffs just share his session
<addi> and use pastebin, not IRC bin!
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: what is the point, he will never lehrn
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: http://pastebin.com/QGZXSCyM
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: http://pastebin.com/7nztVXgH
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: DID YOU LUNCH?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
<h4rdco2e> yes!
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: no you didnt
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: I dont see nothin'
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: type "lunch cm_galaxys2-userdebug
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I did it in another terminal
<GuineaPiet> xD
<nebkat|beer> WHAI YOU MUST BE SO FAIL h4rdco2e?!??!?!?!?!?!?! WHAIIIIIII?!?!?!?!?
<DuperMan> not if he explicitely tells the env vars to persist
<GuineaPiet> ^yeah i think he did this
<MacDrunk> sp all
<GuineaPiet> on his own
<GuineaPiet> ^ System crashed
<GuineaPiet> noob overload
<DuperMan> GuineaPiet: go install office for schools
GuineaPiet was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [GuineaPiet]
<DuperMan> :P
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [DuperMan]
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h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [h4rdco2e]
<DuperMan> :D
<nebkat|beer> damn wish jerwaz was here
<nebkat|beer> would have kicked that fucker
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: haha is h4rdco2e your new reason for kicking?
<DuperMan> I wouldda kicked him sore but you enjoy me wanting op more than you did n00b me having op when I was novelty
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> so sad
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: nobody understands what you are saying... seriously :P
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: did you lunch now in the same terminal session!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
<h4rdco2e> yes
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: now make
<MacDrunk> hello
<MacDrunk> i say
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: same fail
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: the few who do ... I don't like 'em, no.
MacDrunk was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [bye bye, I say]
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: paste teh whole shiz again
<nebkat|beer> I must see this
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<MacDrunk> thanks
NotGuineaPiet was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [troll]
<nebkat|beer> MacDrunk: your welcome :D
<nebkat|beer> MacDrunk: if you havent noticed already, im raging from h4rdco2e being such an idiotte
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: paest it alredi
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: uploading :P
<h4rdco2e> Why is Pastebin so slow >.<
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: stfu, you luv helping. when I get dumb I READ SHIT ABOUT MY OBVIOUSLY STUPID NOOB PROBLEM
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: I hate helping
<nebkat|beer> I just dont have much better to do
<nebkat|beer> other than study ofc
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you are going to gief me donatz now riet?
<DuperMan> procrastination is like masturbation - in the end you realize you're only fucking yourself. what're u studies?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: sure
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: w00t
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: shit
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: is it paested?
<h4rdco2e> yes
* DuperMan shuts up until monies
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: http://pastebin.com/66Be2ddV
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: rm -rf out
<nebkat|beer> . build/envsetup.sh
<nebkat|beer> lunch 13
<nebkat|beer> make Camera
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: terminal often says no permissions
h4rdco2e has left #teamhacksung-support ["http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."]
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<DuperMan> lol chat comfortably
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: run as su then :P
<h4rdco2e> sudo, right?
<nebkat|beer> or sudo make Camera
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: sudo make Camera
<DuperMan> face. palm. face. palm. face. palm.
<Xero-> just run a sudo rm -rf /
<Xero-> and the out folder is gone
<DuperMan> yup Xero-, followed by "square one! ohai! missed ya!"
<Xero-> :)
<Xero-> btw h4rdco2e having terminal in german sucks... alone if you google for problems..
<Xero-> in german you'll find nothing
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: I know
<Xero-> :)
<h4rdco2e> I already changed it but I dont want to reboot
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: died it workid?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: workid?
<DuperMan> there's a funny bit though where making per architecture is config'ed to think the recovery resources are required for any damn thing. looking into it to see how am I being dumb
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: did it work?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I think there is a problem with the Kernel configs
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: nobody understands you :O
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: did you run sudo make Camera?
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: being understood isn't the point of learning, but if I can ask a real question wait, finding the proper log :)
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: it is looking better but build/core/tasks/kernel.mk:58: *** "NO KERNEL CONFIG". Schluss.
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [still dont get you]
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: plz set up ssh and i'll doit for you :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Will do
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Kernel source found, but no configuration was defined
<h4rdco2e> this is the problem I think
<nebkat|beer> that has nothing to do with it
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: show me full log of that
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: where are the kernel configs
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you dont need kernel configs ffs
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: gief me logz
<nebkat|beer> or wait
<nebkat|beer> wait
<nebkat|beer> run this
<DuperMan> ehm.... it's bloody set up to require them
<DuperMan> export -p :P
<DuperMan> xD
<nebkat|beer> chgrp paul:root -R .
<nebkat|beer> or chown maybe
<nebkat|beer> not sure
<nebkat|beer> then chmod a+x -R .
<DuperMan> o_o y u rooting h4rdco2e
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: run, cd brain
<h4rdco2e> format brain -q
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: doitt alredi
<h4rdco2e> comand dont exist
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what command
<Xero-> error: brain not found
<h4rdco2e> chgrp paul:root -R
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: +1000000
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: chgrp paul:root -R
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: chown
<DuperMan> I GOT A BRAIN
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [thats not a brain!]
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<DuperMan> my bad
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: where are the kernel configs?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: YOU DONT NEED KERNEL CONFIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Xero-> loool
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: JUST SET UP SSH NAO
<DuperMan> no, he needs to circumvent it's being sought by the goddamn makefiles
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: which client?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: ssh seted up
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ok what is your ip?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: and did you set up port forwarding?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: ip
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: just kidding
<nebkat|beer> I was about to kick you :P
<Xero-> lool
<Xero-> nebkat|beer,
<Xero-> :p
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: good, port forwarding isnt needed
<nebkat|beer> it wont connect :P
<Xero-> isnt needed?
<Xero-> ofc its needed
<Xero-> if you want nebkat to connect to you
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: I think my router forward me, couse he knows I am the boss
<Xero-> yeah?
<Xero-> i dont think so
<Xero-> i think your router is laughing silently about you in a corner
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: however which port should I forward
<Xero-> the sshd one
<Xero-> probably 22
<h4rdco2e> and my IP?
<Xero-> your local network ip
<Xero-> do a ifconfig and see
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> no
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I need your IP I think, for forwarding
<Xero-> loool
<DuperMan> lol
<Xero-> his ip is localhost
<h4rdco2e> whaaat?
<nebkat|beer> oh my :P
<Xero-> thx duper :D
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: set up port 22 to be visible
<DuperMan> just set teh pc as dmz 'server' (whorebox)
<DuperMan> in router
<DuperMan> :D
<Xero-> lool
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: "whorebox" xD
<Xero-> h4rdco2e, you really having issues trying to find oyur local network ip?
<Xero-> i think hes trolling
<Xero-> that cant be..
<h4rdco2e> xero-: yes
<Xero-> its like with netchip not able to view a sourcecode of a webpage
<h4rdco2e> local shoud be
<Xero-> can be
<Xero-> mostly its 192.* though
<Xero-> not forward everything which comes to port 22
<Xero-> to
<Xero-> and see..
<Xero-> a zero too much.. hope you notice that ;p
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: Telekom Austria wants to be cool with 10.0.0.
<Xero-> its not telekom austria
<Xero-> its your local setting
<Xero-> ITS YOU
<Xero-> ;)
<h4rdco2e> WAN PPPoA?
<h4rdco2e> so
<h4rdco2e> everything that comes for 22 whould forward to me
<Xero-> lol
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<Xero-> install teamviewer
<Xero-> and ill forward you the port
<Xero-> herpderp
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: It is forwarded
<h4rdco2e> my english is just borken
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: need password
<Xero-> yeah it works =D
<Xero-> congratulations h4rdco2e
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: local linux pw?
<Xero-> h4rdco2e, make a sudo user for him
<Xero-> or give him your root pw =D
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: How I sudo him?
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<Xero-> change your password
<Xero-> and give it to him
<h4rdco2e> shure
<Xero-> you just add a normal user... and then you edit the /etc/sudoers according to your needs
<Xero-> but before you face any others problems.. just the password
<Xero-> just change*
<h4rdco2e> pw: nebcat123
<Xero-> oO
<Xero-> you cant be serious about that
<Xero-> posting that into a public channel?
<Xero-> what if DuperMan logs in and rm -rf / ? ;P
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: Then I will visit DuperMan
<Xero-> hehehe
<DuperMan> ^ the only thing that could ever make me care enough to bother doing that
<DuperMan> XD
<Xero-> you cant even find your local network ip
<Xero-> do you really think you'll find him?
<Xero-> =D
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<DuperMan> I'll give him the addy, ffs. not like he could afford the flight
<DuperMan> just, not here in public :P lol
<Xero-> he will use his bicycle
<nebkat|beer> it is no let meh
<DuperMan> also, just no, too silly :D
<nebkat|beer> xxxxDDDDDDD
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: I will looking for DuperMan in the Kindergarden
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: did you get ssh?
<h4rdco2e> conection
<Xero-> hehehehe
<DuperMan> dumbass, you established mine not having a brain - I won't make it to kindergarten until I'm 12
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: wont let me in with the pass
<nebkat|beer> aaaaaaaaaaahahahahhahahahahahahahaa
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: what now?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: is the pass nebcat123?
<DuperMan> sounds h2rd4n3b
<h4rdco2e> nebkat123
<h4rdco2e> DuperBeer
<DuperMan> give
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: didnt work :P
<Xero-> it did nebkat|beer
<Xero-> user paul
<Xero-> ;p
<nebkat|beer> :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat123 is right
<Xero-> 1460 ? Ssl 0:00 gnome-session --session=gnome
<Xero-> kill -9
<Xero-> :)
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: Could I see anywhere what nebkat is doing?
<Xero-> tail -f bash_history
<Xero-> hahaha
<Xero-> =D
<Xero-> ask him to open screen
<Xero-> and screen -x in it
<Xero-> then you can see everything
<nebkat|beer> there I fixed it :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: So what was the prblem?
<bbqbot> derp
<Xero-> ssh -1246AaCfgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy
<Xero-> rofl
<Xero-> what was that h4rdco2e
<Xero-> rolling with oyu rhead over keyboard? =D
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you had to rm -rf out :P
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: I guess
<DuperMan> bbiab testing sumthin'
<nebkat|beer> or hmm wait
<Xero-> h4rdco2e, hahaha =D
<nebkat|beer> your system is borkeed
<nebkat|beer> /usr/include/blabla
<nebkat|beer> shit
<nebkat|beer> there I fixedit
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you didnt have the correct libs for 64bit
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I know couse they are not found by apt-get
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: wait a sec
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what ubuntu v you on?
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Linux Mint 12 x64
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<h4rdco2e> based on Ubuntu 10.10
<h4rdco2e> I think
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: system specs?
<h4rdco2e> AMD 6x2.80
<h4rdco2e> Nvida GTX 470
<nebkat|beer> nice
<nebkat|beer> anyway I fixed it
<nebkat|beer> now gief donatz :D :D
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: nice, but a bit outdated
<DuperMan> 560ti 448 :P
<DuperMan> luv me plz
<h4rdco2e> 560ti is bit better that 470
<h4rdco2e> but 470 has got mor memmory
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<DuperMan> 448 is a different beast - 470 with ~40 less shaders
<h4rdco2e> less 256mb GDDR5 Memory
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: is it now working?
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: no.
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: shure!
h4rdco2e was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu]
<DuperMan> ... * 570 with 40 less shaders
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<DuperMan> ^ :)
<DuperMan> ... * 570 with 40 less shaders
<codeworkx> Radeon HD 6970 :-P
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: nice, for what do you need high-end grafiks?
<DuperMan> 3dstudio
<DuperMan> :D
<codeworkx> gaming
<h4rdco2e> AfterEffects and Raytracking
<codeworkx> Lemmings 2 and so
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<h4rdco2e> AND Gaming ;)
<Assid> heya
<DuperMan> LEMMINGS 3D
<DuperMan> remember?
<codeworkx> :-D
<DuperMan> It was like minecraft only FIRST
<DuperMan> xD
<codeworkx> BF3 / D3 actually
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Tetris
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: level?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: dubstep the musical the video game
<Assid> codeworkx: hold up a few mins.. uploading screenshots.. hopefully this time i get to the reason why my battery doesnt last
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Just Dance 3 Wii Emulator
<Xero-> <h4rdco2e> but 470 has got mor memmory
<Xero-> i bought a 560ti with 2gb ram
<Xero-> bring nothing though :D
<Xero-> brings*
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: thats the point mor that 1gb brings nothing
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: gief donation :D
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: does it work now?
<Assid> finally no reboot/crashes since morning
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: yes
<Xero-> and d3 runs sooo smooth on it :)
<DuperMan> Xero-: would you rather have a gtx 560ti 448? 1.25gb ram
<DuperMan> :D
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: there is something fucked up in galaxys2 tree, but that is a different issue
<DuperMan> I thought I had one but h4rdco2e taught me it does not exist
<Xero-> DuperMan, hehehehe ;P
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: how different? cause note tree is probably afflicted
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: should I download sgs2 tree again?
<Assid> err.. wasnt google working ona siri type for android ?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: nah i'll fixxit for you :
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: thank you!
<Assid> codeworkx: any idea on those screenshots? for the battery drain?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: are you gief donat? :)
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: dont have paypal :(
<nebkat|beer> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<Assid> whats a grief donat?
<h4rdco2e> so nebkat: what know sudo make Camera?
<h4rdco2e> now*
<DuperMan> f. f. s.
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: is Diablo 3 a good game?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: no sudo
<Assid> i should start gaming again
<nebkat|beer> Assid: give a donation xD
<Assid> i did... dont you remember
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: fail
<nebkat|beer> Assid: I know :D
<nebkat|beer> Assid: im talking to h4rdco2e
<Assid> aah ok
<nebkat|beer> Assid: thanks again :D
<Assid> next one would be on official cm release :D
<Assid> my pleasure.. really like the software :D
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: SRSLY why teh F aren't you charging h4rdco2e?
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: I am :P
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: why charging?
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: Ishutupthen><
<Assid> would like to get 1-2 older cm7 features in cm9
<h4rdco2e> Assid: e.g?
<Assid> showing the organization name when a person calls
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: charging means loading the battery?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: charge = pay :P
<DuperMan> I hope you be trolling. the implications of the other option are quite dreadful :) l8rs
* Assid needs money atm.. just bought a car
<Assid> stupid fuel is expensive
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: whould a restart help?
<DuperMan> buy smart fuel :D
<Assid> codeworkx: you around ?
<Assid> DuperMan: yeah sure.. bought the car off my bro
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ??
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ???
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ????
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ?????
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: what
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<nebkat|beer> Install: out/target/product/galaxys2/system/app/Camera.apk
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: YOUR GOOOODDDD!!!!
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: so how'd you get rid of the config file needing configging?
<DuperMan> :)
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: shit
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: maek paypal then!
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: could I pay with another way
<DuperMan> lol I'll figure it out but knowing that the tree really is messy would save me a few hours
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: buy him d3
<DuperMan> :D
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: send you money per post?
<DuperMan> srsly
<Assid> nebkat|beer: could you help me with something please
<Assid> my battery is messed up
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: meh :P
<Assid> cant figure out why it gives me at most 12-14 hours with mostly idle time
<nebkat|beer> Assid: hmm I have no ideaa :P
<Assid> crap
* Assid is soo damn confused
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<Assid> was hoping codeworkx would be around to help me on this
<nebkat|beer> Assid: he cant help much either :P
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<Assid> ofcourse he can
<nebkat|beer> noep
<Assid> that dude is nuts..
<h4rdco2e> so last question for today, how I mount /system/app/ rw?
<Assid> mount -o rw /system
<Assid> methinks
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: just do "adb root, adb remount
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: This was what I am searching for
<DuperMan> Assid: rw,remount
<Assid> hmm
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<nebkat|beer> Y WE ONLY HAVE 125 USERS :P
<h4rdco2e> <string name="pref_power_shutter">Hardware Auslöser</string> should change Power Shutter to Hardware-Auslöser
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: nobody caer :P
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I know
<DuperMan> branch do commit
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: But first I will Update hole Language
<DuperMan> weren't you planning to translate to the german language?
<DuperMan> :)
<nebkat|beer> when I maek translation tool then everyone will translaet
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Yes
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: but everyone will translate it wrong
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: but no one will learn (and I'll fucking use that tool like I'm a rockstar and it's saying it's 18 y/o)
<nebkat|beer> there will be translation verification
<DuperMan> there's a yiddish translation already, right?
<DuperMan> wiki it
<datagutt> translation tool sounds nice
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<DuperMan> aber wird Crysis ist auffuhren?
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<DuperMan> herp who coulda updated teh buildscripts? :DDDDD
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> squeeeeeeeeeeee!
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: if i place a app on my Homescreen, which Java is working then?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: what do you mean??
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I am in the drawler take an app, and on the Homescreen on the top is shows "Cancel" "App-Info"
<nebkat|beer> and?
<h4rdco2e> and Cancel is Hardcoded I think
<nebkat|beer> long hold over cancel
<nebkat|beer> it shows uninstall
<h4rdco2e> yes but Cancel is hardcoded, because in values_de/strings.xml "cancel" -> "abbrechen" but it dont changes to abbrechen
<DuperMan> but only from the drawer :(
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: so where is the file for the "Cancel" Button
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: :P
<nebkat|beer> res/values-de/strings.xml?
<nebkat|beer> you are noob :P
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<Xenos87> hey sll
<h4rdco2e> however
<Xenos87> are u fine
<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: nobody is fine
<Xenos87> why
<Xenos87> ?
<DuperMan> reaons vary
<DuperMan> reasons
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: please
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: I told you?
<Xenos87> is there mod to change the launcher
<nebkat|beer> res/values-de/strings.xml
<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: what you mean
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: wtf?
<bbqbot> derp
<Xenos87> i mean is there a way that i install a launcher using CWM
<Xenos87> and use it as deafualt
<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: why cwm?
<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: use adb
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: no, it isnt!
<Xenos87> can i install launcher using adb
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I want not the strings
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: really?
<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: adb root, adb remount, adb push Launcher.apk /system/app
<h4rdco2e> But I want the Cancel button
<DuperMan> yup. but you suspect there's an asset for the button
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: it is not translated yet
<nebkat|beer> you must copy it from res/values/strings.xml
<h4rdco2e> sure its translated
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you are noob, please stop :'(
<h4rdco2e> that is the problem
<h4rdco2e> A long time ago the Cancel was Abbrechen!
<ZaxOmega> this discussion is riveting
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: <string name="cancel_action" msgid="3811860427489435048">"Abbrechen"</string>
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: ok and?
<h4rdco2e> it dont translate, there must be somthink wrong
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<nebkat|beer> s voice is such an idiotte
<DuperMan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj7IU2wwQs8 Play on XBMC from the remote app's association to the link - win
<DuperMan> s voice is pointless. like siri.
<nebkat|beer> "I'm not sure what you mean by 'Can I have a chocolate cookie'"
<DuperMan> it crashes when playing music as well
<DuperMan> or any app that should be there in stock but abnegates
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<ZaxOmega> nebkat|beer: let's talk settings!
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<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: what you need?
<ZaxOmega> ah, you just commented
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<nebkat|beer> "I dont know the answer to 'Where is the kingdom of the chocolate chip cookie'" - then you are shit
<nebkat|beer> hey jerwaz
<jerwaz> hey =)
<nebkat|beer> I've been waiting for you
<jerwaz> lool
<jerwaz> Y ?
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<nebkat|beer> ahahaha
<jerwaz> crazy =)
<DuperMan> jerwaz! how u?
<bbqbot> derp
<ZaxOmega> nebkat|beer: do you think having a menu button on the nav bar should automatically disable the action overflow button?
<jerwaz> DuperMan: good and u ?
<jerwaz> fine*
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: from my comment?
<DuperMan> swell
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: I think that it should only be possible to force enable it, and not force disable it
<ZaxOmega> nebkat|beer: so people with a menu button on the nav bar effectively get two menus?
<nebkat|beer> wait wut?
<ZaxOmega> you know the new nav bar customisation?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> yes
<ZaxOmega> so you can now have a menu button on there
<ZaxOmega> even if it's there you still get the action overflow (three dot menu) button in app UI
<nebkat|beer> yes
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: how do you compile Camera.apk
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: make Camera :P :P :P
<nebkat|beer> idiotte
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: I got a fail
<ZaxOmega> so you would have the menu button on the nav bar and another somewhere in the app
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: yes
<ZaxOmega> I was thinking people who wanted a menu button on their nav bar wouldn't want another shown somewhere else
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: so you want to make a preference that disables the one shown inside the app?
<ZaxOmega> basically, yeah
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: and would it check whether there is a permanent menu button in navbar?
<nebkat|beer> and would it also apply to devices that dont have the software navbar (but have a hardware menu button)?
<ZaxOmega> what I wanted to know is where such a setting should be placed
<ZaxOmega> does it get integrated into the nav bar settings?
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: probably nav bar settings
<Espenfjo> Damn S-Voice is crap
<ZaxOmega> that makes sense, although it wouldn't allow people with hardware keys to force the button on
<ZaxOmega> but maybe that's too niche a preference?
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<sfmarcos> hi
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: make Camera = not able to find Kernel Configs
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: companies are trying to make users using voice recog since ages and everyone who tried got a bloody nose. do you expect something else? :-D
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you didnt envsetup and lunch then
<Espenfjo> codeworkx: Siri is infact not that bad
<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: imo it is one of the tweaks we would like to avoid
<h4rdco2e> envstetup and lunch, everytime I want to compile?
<Espenfjo> Or.. well... compared to this atleast
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: not bad, but dead :-D
<Espenfjo> Yeah
<Espenfjo> Voice rec. wont be widely used until it is good enough to replace fingers :P
<codeworkx> you're faster doing things with your fingers and you don't annoy people around you
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: envsetup and lunch -Y make Camera?
<codeworkx> while driving it's ok
<sfmarcos> Can someone help me to understand this advise: "DON'T flash FROM i9220 LEAKED REPACK!"
<sfmarcos> i've been reading de xda thread
<sfmarcos> but cannot find the equivalence to Samsung realeases
<codeworkx> sfmarcos: if you're running i9220 repack, there's the possibility to hardbrick your device
<codeworkx> sfmarcos: so flash something else using ODIN
<sfmarcos> I know that lpy release is dangerours
<sfmarcos> I'm running LPF release
<ZaxOmega> nebkat|beer: ok, thanks, I'll see if it can be integrated into the nav bar stuff
<sfmarcos> Is LPF de same as "i9220 LEAKED REPACK"?
<codeworkx> Make sure you're NOT running a REPACKED ICS LEAK FROM i9220! Flash back to stock Gingerbread *through ODIN*!
<sfmarcos> ok, I'll try that
<sfmarcos> thnks
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: what is the msgid?
* DuperMan senses a 'failsafe n00b-proof odin cm9' coming for the note as well
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<h4rdco2e> Xero-: What is the msgid?
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<ZaxOmega> nebkat|log: I got another question
<ZaxOmega> nebkat|log: long-press on menu to search, should that be a user preference or just a device config.xml thing?
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<nebkat> ZaxOmega: wrong person
<nebkat> ZaxOmega: lol
<nebkat> nebkat|log is a bot
<ZaxOmega> man
<ZaxOmega> how embarassing
<nebkat> lol
<nebkat> ZaxOmega: what did you say before that
<ZaxOmega> before what?
<nebkat> before I joined
<ZaxOmega> nothing
<nebkat> actually meh g2g study now
<ZaxOmega> except when we talked earlier
<nebkat> user preference for long press menu search should not be
<nebkat> it shouldnt be a user preference*
<ZaxOmega> ok, I was thinking the same thing
<nebkat> it should be a device config depending on stock behavior
<ZaxOmega> cool, I'll have a go adding it now
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<Xenos87> is there any modes that could make my samsung note very special
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<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: add this to build.prop
<nebkat|beer> Xenos87: ro.bugs=none
<nebkat|beer> ro.cpu.cores=19
<nebkat|beer> ro.cpu.power=6
<nebkat|beer> ro.memory.multiplier=14
<nebkat|beer> ro.hidden.features=all
<ZaxOmega> bah, this long-press menu to search is more work than I thought
<ZaxOmega> the handling for KeyEvent.KEYCODE_HOME is all done in one class, but KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU is spread all over the place
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<nebkat|beer> ZaxOmega: yep... it goes down to app specific afaik
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<ZaxOmega> what a load of bollocks :P
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<Assid> yoza
<Assid> wassup peeps
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<codeworkx> did someone try the new linux mint yet?
<Kaik541> codeworkx: I have it downloaded, was going to install it today
<codeworkx> i'm curious if cinnamon plays well with 2 displays
<codeworkx> otherwise, there's mate :-D
<Kaik541> oh I'm using the mate version
<Kaik541> I'm going to*
<Kaik541> codeworkx: cinnamon is based off gnome 3 and pretty young... so doubt it will work
<Kaik541> most people have issues with gnome 3 and dual screen to begin with
<codeworkx> gnome 3 + tine does the job
<codeworkx> tint^^
<codeworkx> tint2
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<Assid> codeworkx: would you mind looking at those screenshots for me please
<Assid> http://imgur.com/7mED9,E3giB,RGbTg -- i took these earlier
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<Assid> ive charged my phone for a little while since then.. but not rebooted
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<Jiangyi> Hey codeworkx.
<Assid> codeworkx: anything else you need on this? i got all the screenshots you asked for
<Assid> i think
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<codeworkx> Assid: how long did you call? what screen on time?
<nebkat|beer> hmm should we try have no ops on the chan?
<nebkat|beer> and use bot as op method?
<_paco_1> no
<Assid> call was about 40-50 mins i think... screen on showed me over an hour when i checked that
<codeworkx> nebkat|beer: Y? are the ops doing bad stuff? :-D
<codeworkx> Assid: then i would say it's fine
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: no, I just feel like changing something xD
<nebkat|beer> its boring without change :P
<codeworkx> nebkat|beer: TREBUCHET!
<nebkat|beer> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<nebkat|beer> Y PPL NO CODE FOR TREB
<Assid> yeah thats today.. but this stupid thing is extremely moody.. if its mostly idle it falls as much as atleast 1-2 hours of talk time
<nebkat|beer> Y UT MUST BE MEH
<Assid> 14 hours with 10-15 mins talk time.. 20 messages on whatsapp
<Assid> i really used to get better than this
<codeworkx> Assid: you're doing something wrong
<codeworkx> Assid: what about reception?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> reception always as much as its showing on screenshot
<Assid> generally either that ..or 1 bar less
<codeworkx> Assid: what about crazy syncing apps?
<Assid> and at work we have boosters.. which is about about 6-7 feet from my head
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: /cs access #teamhacksung-support ADD nebkat +r
<nebkat|beer> plz
<nebkat|beer> so I can unban myself
<nebkat|beer> when I ban myself :P
<nebkat|beer> its happened more than once :P
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<Assid> k9, haxsync, g+ (other google stuff like gtalk/gmail) mostly
<Assid> and i have tv show favs which updates once every 3 hours
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: How do you ban yourself? O_O
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: like last time when I tried ban netchip
<nebkat|beer> and I ended up banning myself
<nebkat|beer> autocomplete fail :P
<Assid> and oh yeah whatsapp
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: Isn't there some sort of built-in safety or something that doesn't let OPs ban themselves?
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: hmm why would there be?
<nebkat|beer> @unban nebkat
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat|beer> hmm wait
nebkat|beer is now known as nebkat
<nebkat> @unban nebkat
<nebkat> @unban nebkat #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat> hmm good
<codeworkx> Assid: dunno about k9 and haxsync
<nebkat> @unban nebkat #opendesign
<nebkat> that needs to be fixed...
<nebkat> I should be able to choose the channel
<nebkat> but dont have time for that...
<Jiangyi> nebkat: For safety reasons so stupid things don't happen? lol
<Assid> lemme get rid of haxsync.. k9 i need for my emails
<codeworkx> Assid: move to gmail
<Assid> codeworkx: cant.. company stuff..
<Assid> everything else .. personal.. is on gmail
<Espenfjo> hm
<codeworkx> Assid: company stuff on private phone?
<Espenfjo> Why does BLN keep a wakelock?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Assid: :-P
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: that's why i hate it :-D
<nebkat> Espenfjo: because samsung made it so that you must keep a wakelock for the light to stay on
<Espenfjo> codeworkx: Figured as much :P
<Espenfjo> nebkat: Thats silly
<Assid> codeworkx: im allowed to bring in my own phone
<nebkat> Espenfjo: its samsung... what did you expect?
<codeworkx> Assid: and if the problem is K9? :-D
<Espenfjo> But
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<Espenfjo> The kernel is the one controling the lights, no?
<Assid> well.. i saw the usage on k9, i really dont think it should be it.. atleast i hope it isnt
<Espenfjo> Should be possible to keep them on then
* Assid would be fooked!
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: have fun :-D
<tat-> Assid: you can try to disable k9 sync for a while?
<Assid> i can make it poll instead of push
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<Assid> okay its polling
<Assid> what else could it be
<Assid> btw.. has there been any other ooption to have facebook sync besides haxsync?
<Assid> ooh ad i recently installed viber.. but no battery difference on that
<codeworkx> delete facebook :-D
<Assid> wish i could .. idiots keep updating images there.. i use it for my contacts photos
<Assid> which doesnt work now
<Assid> i also use tasker.. with cell near to set my work and home settings
<Assid> i actually let it enable and disable 3g for work.. (since theres no 3g there) and disabling wifi when im not in any of these 2 locations
<Assid> there was a time i used to geta good 24 with this kinda usage
<Assid> 24 -26 hours
<Assid> and usedto literally charge the next day at work.. when i reached
<Assid> is ics cm9 any heavier on the battery than cm7 ?
<codeworkx> ics is heavier
<Assid> should it reduce it by 1/2 of the best possible on cm9 vs best possible on cm7
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<Assid> actually when cm9 was being born.. there was one release that did give me crazybattery life..
<coolya> pew
<Assid> was around the time you used to release your own tarballs before it hit nightlies
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<Assid> you think a full wipe might help ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Assid> i havent done that in the last 20 nightlies
<Assid> emmc ?
* Assid is annoyed with the current battery
<Assid> it really shouldnt be this bad
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<Jiangyi> LOL Nice pic
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Anything new you would like me to try out? I'm about to reset my phone, having some weird issues.
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<simech> hi, is the update-cm-9-20120519-CODEWORKX-galaxys2-signed.zip build the same as the update-cm-9-20120519-NIGHTLY-galaxys2-signed.zip, or is it different with codeworx's features or something?
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<peterperfect> hi
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<GSIIISF> someone knows why CM9 in Galaxy SII, using USB Mass Storage, the transfer rate is soooo slow?
<peterperfect> no
<GSIIISF> yeah, I needed to switch to MTP, much faster, unfortunately
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<steinex> hmm, probably a silly question, but do you recommend enabling force gpu rendering (i9100)
<peterperfect> never used it so probably not needed
<nebkat> steinex: no, it doesnt do anything
<steinex> okay, thx
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<GSIIISF> no, gpu rendering is better, it makes the system faster, and consumes less battery
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<GSIIISF> so yes, use it
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<dabear> orly?
<bbqbot> derp
<dabear> GSIIISF: sources?
<dabear> or benchmarks
<GSIIISF> many people related that activating it improved peformance and battery life, here too
<peterperfect> GSIIISF useless
<Espenfjo> placebo
<GSIIISF> try it on a stable build.
<GSIIISF> or a stock ICS
<peterperfect> GSIIISF useless
<addi> GSIIISF, Sony said that using HW in all scenarios does not improve performance or battery life
<dabear> GSIIISF: the placebo effect can be strong sometimes
<peterperfect> but let me test here
<peterperfect> tested
<peterperfect> useless
<addi> so using it everywhere isn't ideal
<addi> GSIIISF, something has to be compatible with hw rendering, Google's forced implementation is problematic ;)
<GSIIISF> do you have proofs?
<xplodwild> lull
<nebkat> GSIIISF: do you?
<nebkat> GSIIISF: I am a pro dev
<nebkat> I have seen teh saucez
<xplodwild> GSIIISF: you're so wrong
<peterperfect> ahahaha
<nebkat> I think I know what im talking about
<GSIIISF> yeah, its much better here.
<GSIIISF> let me search a "reliable" source to you.
<nebkat> GSIIISF: ahahahah
<nebkat> GSIIISF: trust me im as reliable as reliable getz
<nebkat> GSIIISF: im a cmteam member ;)
<peterperfect> GSIIISF dude youve been talking to netchip?
<addi> read the 'Hardware acceleration' part ;)
<nebkat> addi: <3
<addi> right back at you nebkat ;)
<nebkat> GSIIISF: go on, find me your reliable source
<nebkat> plz
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<nebkat> GSIIISF: and btw, anything on xda isnt reliable
<addi> Google fooled people with their 'HW acceleration magic' quite well it seems xD
<nebkat> so dont bother searching the forums
<nebkat> addi: nobody ever got hw acceleration
<addi> yeah, unfortunately
<nebkat> lemme find that post by Dianne Hackborn
<addi> even i don't fully understand it
<addi> that post has been deleted i think, tried to find it once but couldn't :/
<addi> the Dianne Hackborn one which explained HW and the threading and what not
<GSIIISF> addi, in this link, it says that HW acceleration may or may not drain the battery faster/ may or may not improve speed.
<addi> yes, that's right. in short, simply forcing it on is not suitable in all conditions
<GSIIISF> newer apps already has HW support.
<GSIIISF> most of them
<GSIIISF> in all conditions, so it could be better for someone and worse for someone, :P
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<addi> well, it's best not to have forced GPU rendering on. if some app as inbuilt support, fine
<addi> otherwise, just let it be ;)
<nebkat> GSIIISF: no
<nebkat> GSIIISF: forcing it isnt what you are meant to do
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<GSIIISF> dude, benchmarking here got better with GPU Rendering, on Antutu.
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<peterperfect> GSIIISF dude anyway xplod, nebkat and espenfjo told you is useless...three cm9 developers...you should believe what they are saying
<nebkat> GSIIISF: benchmarks are bullshit
<peterperfect> unless you are a great developer too and have a technical point of view to share with us
<GSIIISF> someone here asked me for benchmark. I dont trust benchmarks very much too.
<peterperfect> anyway, useless...let it go
<nebkat> GSIIISF: how much better was the benchmark?
<nebkat> did you run it a couple of times?
<nebkat> and forcing hw acceleration causes all apps to hw accelerat
<nebkat> this is useless for most of them
<nebkat> it just wastes battery
<nebkat> the s2 screen is so small that it is a waste of battery
<GSIIISF> yeah, ICS Stock LPD with Siyah Kernel
<nebkat> apps should enable it if they are sure it works
<GSIIISF> it improved like 100 points on antutu.
<nebkat> sometimes it causes glitches
<GSIIISF> yes, like in News and Weather widget.
<GSIIISF> opening the more info graphs.
<GSIIISF> but HERE, I got better battery life and it got a little faster on scrooling.
<addi> i remember QuickPic displaying blank images because it didn't play well with the forced GPU rendering. xD
<addi> the developer actually pointed out in the fix update that 'Google should test before they add something' :P
<peterperfect> let me guess...youre also using smartassv2 governor too
<GSIIISF> no, lulzactive
<nebkat> ahahaha
<GSIIISF> it made my device better, but its mostly personal, like someone downgrading ics to a gb
<nebkat> GSIIISF: its called the placebo effect btw
<nebkat> your battery wasnt better
<peterperfect> let me quote entropy on this
<peterperfect> So it takes a governor known to behave badly (including causing hung task panics in recovery and LPM) on our device, adds features to it which can be achieved in userspace (screen state scaling), and adds a SuperCoolMarketingName.
<GSIIISF> how did you test to say its placebo? how could you conclude that?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> GSIIISF: because im pretty sure you are an idiotte
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<peterperfect> haha
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<peterperfect> just to dont kill me of curiosity
<peterperfect> GSIIISF do you use cm9?
<nebkat> peterperfect: thanks for the tip that this idiotte was here xD
<GSIIISF> and why are you CM developers all aggresive and stupid? always thinking you are the most genious people in the android world but never listens to a middle level developer?
<GSIIISF> yes, i'm using CM9 since the begging of march
<peterperfect> GSIIISF they listen a lot...youre not listening
<addi> GSIIISF, that's how they are. it makes them special, and keeps CM running :P
<Espenfjo> They will not listen unless you have something more substansial then just a "Its better, benchmarking says so".
<addi> <3 CM developers ^^
<nebkat> GSIIISF: ahahaha I love it when they say that to me
<nebkat> GSIIISF: what are you? a dev? an xda user?
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<peterperfect> build.prop
<peterperfect> :)
<addi> GSIIISF, see, CM devs live in a world where there are no noobs, no stupidity, no idiots. so when they come to the real world in between, they find it hard to not be aggressive and stupid :P
<GSIIISF> like they are never wrong.
<nebkat> GSIIISF: and honestly how can you call cm devs stupid?
<nebkat> GSIIISF: eh well its pretty much true
<Espenfjo> If a developer says "LOL" at you, you will have to provide something from the source than shows your point.
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<Espenfjo> *that
<addi> considering both the CM devs and the Sony devs (who're known to be the best at helping AOSP) said something, i'd say further argument is unnecessary ;)
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<GSIIISF> CM devs are very intelligent
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<nebkat> GSIIISF: we are not gods, yeah sometimes we might get something wrong, but I think you should understand that when a cm dev tells you something there is a higher chance of them being right? :P
<addi> not intelligent, just experienced
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<GSIIISF> and why a non-cm dev is always wrong?
<Espenfjo> s/cm //;
<dabear> because of inexperience?
<bbqbot> derp
<dabear> or you're a troll
<addi> not always wrong
<GSIIISF> i have some experience in android too, i love learning about that
<peterperfect> GSIIISF thats not the point...the point is that forcehw is useless
<nebkat> GSIIISF: thats not true
<addi> do you have experience about whole of Android?
<nebkat> GSIIISF: if you said the same as me surely i'd agree
<nebkat> i'd be happy to know you are a smart person
<addi> actually making stuff that is making phones run? :P
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<nebkat> but one thing that we all hate is seeing someone say facts that arent true
<nebkat> batterystats.bin myth for example
<nebkat> for years everyone thought it was something magical
<Espenfjo> :D
<addi> ah, that's one myth that certainly irritated me all the time :D
<nebkat> even though it was simply about the battery usage stats and had nothing to do with the battery percentage
<nebkat> and when you see someone say something such as that it annoys you
<addi> always told people it was useless, but these guys didn't stop deleting it after Hackeborn told them it was useless :P
<nebkat> because normal users will listen to anything
<addi> even after*
<nebkat> you say "hw acceleration is super mega amazing fixx to all bugs !!!!11!111!1eleven!11!
<BrandoHD> nebkat: many people still thin batterystat.bin is still special
romann is now known as romann|afk
<addi> BrandoHD, yeah xD
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<Espenfjo> Someone needs to start up developing the "face-stab-over-internet-device" again..
<nebkat> then hundreds of people might try it
<BrandoHD> lol Espenfjo
<addi> the worst: still seeing in some ROM scripts: 'backing up batterystats, restoring batterystats' xD
<GSIIISF> well, you don't have any proof about HW, at least didn't tell me. and I don't have a very much techinical proofs.
<BrandoHD> Now Android OS has taken the front running
<BrandoHD> Why is my Android OS so high, lol
<BrandoHD> What's it going to be next year on cm10
<Espenfjo> But! What you guys can do, is tell me why/where this comes from: "/bin/bash: 536870912 / 4096 -s 128 * (4096 -s 128+64): syntax error in expression (error token is "128 * (4096 -s 128+64)")"
<Espenfjo> when building
<nebkat> GSIIISF: want proof from a google employee?
<GSIIISF> okay.
<GSIIISF> what is your device?
<Espenfjo> Me? The S2
<addi> me? the Nexus, harrrr!!!!
<Perka> me
<peterperfect> aos bug is really legendary bullshit
<Perka> sgs1 lol
<GSIIISF> how's that peter?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> GSIIISF it comes that % usage always um 100%
<peterperfect> so if you get rid of everything else on your device
<peterperfect> just keep AOS
<peterperfect> and the screen is off
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<peterperfect> AOS will show 100%
<Espenfjo> heh
<GSIIISF> all I know is that the high percentage is because the others are low, so Android OS keeps the same thing, but the battery stats shows it much higher
<addi> Perka, you lurker! xD
<GSIIISF> right?
<Espenfjo> Battery usage is always 100 %
<peterperfect> yep...
<peterperfect> GSIIISF thats the point
<peterperfect> when i do battery idle tests i wipe battery data, do a full charge, power off the screen and go to sleep
<peterperfect> i do this to check the phone battery drain on deep sleep
<GSIIISF> and you, CM DEVS, what's the SoundRecorder.apk on CM9? It is useless, I think. Its missing the launcher activity
<nebkat> GSIIISF: it isnt meant for production
<peterperfect> when i wake up, aos is like 90% cause ive not touched the phone
<Espenfjo> BBS is the only way to go, anywas
<GSIIISF> yes, but if you use the phone, it will be lower.
<nebkat> ah here it is
<nebkat> finally found that
<GSIIISF> nebkat, its from last year's dec 7, are you sure that it applies to the 4.0.4 IMM76I? Forcing GPU Rendering now might work better now...
<nebkat> GSIIISF: nothing has changed since then
<nebkat> trust me, I know
<GSIIISF> i'm going to read this better soon.
<GSIIISF> thanks
<Espenfjo> Id never trust nebkat
Espenfjo was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [yeah. right.]
<GSIIISF> btw, is it safe to update the nightly without wiping data?
<ZaxOmega> only if you wipe dalvik 7 times
<peterperfect> Yep
<peterperfect> Wipe cache and dalvik
<ZaxOmega> long press menu to search is finished, I think
<ZaxOmega> took way longer than it should have >_<
<GSIIISF> I made a patch, it removes a lot of files and folders on the system to clean up. I delete something like 20mb of apks and other files, install my custom gapps and delete log, stats, caches from data.
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<GSIIISF> even with that, I don't trust updating without wiping, so every week I wipe data.
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<nebkat> GSIIISF: can I ask what the point of removing apps is?
<nebkat> its not like we need free space on /system?
<nebkat> ZaxOmega: haha
<nebkat> woah wipe dalvik cache is also bullshit
<nebkat> it doesnt fix anything
<GSIIISF> reducing wakelocks, RAM load, and removing useless apps, mostly
<GSIIISF> i like all perfectly, I like my system the way I need.
<GSIIISF> clean, organized.
<GSIIISF> the way I want, thats the purpose I hate iphones, I cant take control over it.
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<nebkat> GSIIISF: what apps do you not want?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> which ones do you remove?
<GSIIISF> let me copy some here.
<GSIIISF> live wallpapers [picker too], rom manager, tvout [not working], sim toolkit, voice dialer, htmlviewer, cmwallpapers, teminal, email, servicemode, spareparts, development, and much more
<nebkat> live wallpapers dont do anything if they are not enabled
<nebkat> there is no reason to remove them
<nebkat> tvout is partly working
<GSIIISF> I dont have a hdmi cable too.
<GSIIISF> and i delete the live wallpapers just to clean up.
<GSIIISF> no special reason.
<nebkat> most of them dont affect the ram or anything
<zcat> just runofthemill OCD then
<GSIIISF> yeah, I know, but I said: no special reason. just to clean up the system.
<GSIIISF> and the Music Player is a i bit incompatible with ICS. Some times it freezes the device, and you need to force shutdown. and if you delete the DSPManager it crashes on playback
<GSIIISF> I use Play music, despite the wakelocks
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<nebkat|away> bye bye everyone
<Parth> byeeeeee
<nebkat|away> going away for a week now :(
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<Espenfjo> :o
<Parth> o:
<ZaxOmega> can't you wait until I've submitted this patch? :P
<ZaxOmega> it'll only be another hour... or five
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<Jiangyi|Phone> O:
<Parth> someone needs to fix MTP nao
<Parth> it's been the longest time.
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<ZaxOmega> long press menu to search is now submitted
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