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<Vetch> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL >>> http://www.tickld.com/images/content/11049.jpg
<Trae32566> Vetch: I posted that on G+ hours ago
<Trae32566> :P
<Trae32566> its an actual store
<Trae32566> it's in china
<Trae32566> :P
<Trae32566> and yes, that's totally an android getting his wang sucked by an apple
<Trae32566> lol
<Trae32566> I wonder who'll drop the lawsuit first...Google or Apple
<Trae32566> :P
<Trae32566> Google: 'BITCH GET OFF MAH DICK'
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<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> id say its sexual harrassment on apples behalf
<Trae32566> Apple: 'I just wanted some money bro..'
<Vetch> the apple clearly forced itself upon the poor android
<Trae32566> reminds me of metalocalypse
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> anyways
<Vetch> sleep time
<Vetch> gnite
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<jorgesm> hi
<jorgesm> anybody here?
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<Trae32566> yes, another one down.
<Trae32566> :D
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<Jiangyi> Trae32566, too much crazy stuff in China lol
<Jiangyi> Last time I was there, I saw a sign on the bus that said "Please get stuck in door. Thank you for your cooperation." xD
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<Trae32566> lol
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<Trae32566> ok
<Trae32566> codeworkx
<Trae32566> you around?
<Trae32566> I'm ready for a tester
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<Trae32566> yp
<Trae32566> *yo
<Trae32566> I need a kernel dev to test something!
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<sh4z> yo
<Parth> yo
<sh4z> anyone having duplicate SMS in latest galaxysmtd build 20120515
<sh4z> hey Parth how's it goin mate
<Parth> bored.
<Parth> playing pokemon
<sh4z> lol
<Parth> yellow. ^.^
<Parth> and I haven't had duplicate SMS in mine, but I'm using galaxys2
<sh4z> that bored ey
<sh4z> ey
<sh4z> lol
<sh4z> I might try flash your ROM then lol jokes derp
<Parth> :P
<sh4z> then come and complain in XDA forums why my phone no works derp
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<codeworkx> GIMME A LEAK!!! NAO!!!!
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<xplodwild_work> codeworkx: I'm sure samsung monitors here and everytime you ask for a leak they delay it by a week
<EvilBelgian> part of the problem with the S2 is you guys are writing entire drivers from scratch right?
<xplodwild_work> some HAL yep
<EvilBelgian> anyone ever thought of just asking Samsung for them? I mean the entire spirit of Android is meant to be open and sharing.
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> EvilBelgian: they never answer us
<xplodwild_work> us = codework
<roniez> yea EvilBelgianopen and sharing in a commercial environment.... right if that was the case.
<codeworkx> xplodwild_work: they're frightened
<codeworkx> xplodwild_work: because they've realised that cm pwns their ics
<codeworkx> xplodwild_work: and people are jumping onto cm like rats
<xplodwild_work> codeworkx: really or that's just assumptions? :P
<codeworkx> own opinion
<xplodwild_work> they should pay us to make their roms
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> they want you to do crap
<xplodwild_work> oh well, it's better when it's free
<EvilBelgian> People wouldn't jump to CM so fast if they stopped making Touchwiz so darn hideous..also if they actually provided updates in a timely fashion
<codeworkx> top 2 cm device :-D
<codeworkx> galaxys287,303
<codeworkx> most of the 20 mio users dunno that there are alternatives
<EvilBelgian> mio?
<codeworkx> million
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
<EvilBelgian> True dat
<codeworkx> installed cm9 on my cousins girlfriends i9000 and she's impressed. she didn't know that their phone can be sooo cool. after 2 days he brought me another i9000 für cmnizing. :-D
<EvilBelgian> I put CM7 on my brothers Xperia Neo
<EvilBelgian> Cm9 on 1 other I9100 and then a friend saw my rom and went and installed it himself on his I9100. Other friend with an HTC sensation switched to CM9 as well
<EvilBelgian> saw my phone*
<Nonninz> i9000 here too, when I see my flatmate's still with stock 2.2 looks like so old in comparison :)
<gladiac1337> yup, people don't know it better and start hating android because tw/sense/blah sucks and as a result start liking smartphones which's operating system should be a router os.
<gladiac1337> i cmized 3 phones and people are happy
<EvilBelgian> I have bookmarked a page with a rom and instructions for installing Android on an Iphone...still waiting for the opportunity to use it. sooner or later someone is bound to be stupid enough to put one of those into my hands
<gladiac1337> idroid is pretty alpha afaik
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<pawitp> installing Android on an iPhone will definitely give a bad impression of Android
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi all
<b00gieMAndroid> anybody awakE?
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<roniez> yes
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<b00gieMAndroid> hey Duperan
<b00gieMAndroid> DuperMan
<b00gieMAndroid> hey Roniez
<b00gieMAndroid> why are there 2 updates of same date on cm site?
<roniez> well b00gieMAndroid best one ot answer that is probbly codeworkx but my bet is something was hotfixed.
<b00gieMAndroid> ok
<roniez> seeing as 1 of the builds is 1mb smaller than the other and added later.
<roniez>   Direct Download: update-cm-9-20120515-NIGHTLY-n7000-signed.zip
<roniez> md5sum: 9eefd81d315dab5e9daacf6fda28362a      Short URL: http://get.cm/get/2qy 134.55 MB 2012-05-15 11:12:47
<b00gieMAndroid> and any idea why am i not able to play any video recorded using camera and also cant play avi files
<roniez>   Direct Download: update-cm-9-20120515-NIGHTLY-n7000-signed.zip
<roniez> md5sum: ec3e405603f1c142d284bcb0e34d1274      Short URL: http://get.cm/get/2qF 134.54 MB 2012-05-16 06:28:37
<b00gieMAndroid> yah that's what, its an MB smaller than yesterday's file.
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<DuperMan> ah
<DuperMan> playing with me wifis
<DuperMan> having a luvly ol' time
<DuperMan> how you all done for?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^
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<Nonninz> does anybody know how to stop the phone to start downloading every app the first boot after a data wipe?
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<Nonninz> it's annoying because when I manage to close the data connection it already wasted several MB
<tat-> Nonninz: dont check the "restore phone from backup"
<EvilBelgian> Turn off data
<tat-> or you can boot without a sim card if you want to use wifi
<EvilBelgian> Why not backup apps with Astro
<tat-> EvilBelgian: its not possible to turn of data while running the setup wizard
<EvilBelgian> true
JieeHD|Offline is now known as JieeHD
<Nonninz> tat-: thanks. I thought that one was also for contacts, but I guess that is syncing that is a different thing
<tat-> contacts will be restored as soon as you set up sync
<Nonninz> EvilBelgian: I do use Titanium Backup for apps, thanks :)
<tat-> the backup/restore-thing is for apps and settings
<tat-> but if you boot without simcard you get the option to enable wifi in the wizard, kind of strange that you cant do that otherwise.
<Nonninz> i see. thanks. I guess i'll just leave it off the next times, and redo the settings manually
<Nonninz> yeah it would be good to being able to turn on wifi in the settings too
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<ExtremeDevilz> Hello
<ExtremeDevilz> xplodwild,do you any idea how to make new folder in app drawer :\ ?
<tat-> make a folder on the desktop, and move it to the drawer
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<ExtremeDevilz> i mean you can make new folder in app drawer
<xplodwild_work> don't think nebkat did this yet
<ExtremeDevilz> =\ he told me he does not know how to
<DuperMan> I just realized something zany
<DuperMan> with the right hardware, Rage isn't TOTAL FAIL
<DuperMan> just 'meh'
<ExtremeDevilz> Im not a Java Coder =\ im C Programmer
<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: you can't - but you can use nova and unlock the 'make nebkat less sane' achievement
<ExtremeDevilz> nova cant do that if Im not wrong
<DuperMan> it can, either folders categories both neither either and the one nestled in the other
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<ExtremeDevilz> oh wow he actually coded it
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<ExtremeDevilz> all I did was told me long time ago =\ now it is already coded and I did not know
<DuperMan> don't blame yourself. if I had a nickel for every million dollar idea I tossed at the wind I'd have 69 nickels
<DuperMan> and wouldn't even know in which country I can spend 'em\
<ExtremeDevilz> lol
<ExtremeDevilz> well man finally moving over
<DuperMan> sameness. been a highly intelligent non-coding geek for too long
<DuperMan> :P
<ExtremeDevilz> my friend was telling me how beautiful is ICS is when I showed him mlui xD he asked wtf is that
<DuperMan> ><' ehrm... I like bash ^^
<ExtremeDevilz> anyway DuperMan what phone you using ?
<DuperMan> bash beer and breasts and Imma happy n00b
<DuperMan> n7000
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<DuperMan> Note. had it for a week now and lemme tell you - the sgs2 feels tiny now
<b00gieMAndroid> hi room
<b00gieMAndroid> hi DuperMan
<DuperMan> hi b00gieMAndroid on behalf of the room, personally I ignore your salutation melodramatically
<b00gieMAndroid> lol and i kick it rite back at ya :D
<DuperMan> footie! I kick it back
<b00gieMAndroid> ok i cycle kick it and ITS A GOLE! goes in the ass hole of HTC
<DuperMan> oO corporations have assh... nevermind
<DuperMan> shoulda seen that coming
<DuperMan> :D
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: samsung's a big one
<b00gieMAndroid> haha
<b00gieMAndroid> hey xplod, any diff between yesterday's 15th release and 2day's 15th release? 2 releass 2 diff sizes and same name ?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> heck yea
<DuperMan> ah no they the same
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, still am not able to play recorded videos, also not able to play normal avi files :(
<DuperMan> hmmmmm... remind me, sgs2 or note?
<b00gieMAndroid> note
<b00gieMAndroid> tried build 7, it wont play
<b00gieMAndroid> tried 14th wont play
<b00gieMAndroid> 15th wont play
<b00gieMAndroid> 2day's release is being downloaded
<b00gieMAndroid> although it works fine for Vetch
<b00gieMAndroid> and a others @ XDA
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: can you give me the result of : ls /system/vendor/firmware ?
<DuperMan> try the newest, and don't forget to delete settings in the camera app's system settings thingy
<DuperMan> just tried at 1080p and it worked well, but used mx player for playback (which shouldn't matter)
<xplodwild_work> also remember AOSP doesn't support DivX and all this shit, so might explain why your .avi don't play
<DuperMan> xplodwild_work: while wer'e at it, what's with the focus setting meandering into and out of the camera app?
<DuperMan> :P
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: wut?
<b00gieMAndroid> XplodWild: here you go: http://t.co/HLHRwgNu
<xplodwild_work> mfc_fw is there, so I can't see why recorded videos wouldn't play
<xplodwild_work> can you get me a logcat when you try to play?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> I don't always have the focus settings in the camera app. probably my derp indeed
<DuperMan> well precogged bbqbot
<xplodwild_work> @eightball derp will herp derp?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<b00gieMAndroid> [17:20] <xplodwild_work> can you get me a logcat when you try to play? === HOW?
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<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: adb logcat > log.txt
<xplodwild_work> on PC ofcourse
<DuperMan> everyone wants a log
<DuperMan> come get yourself a log
<DuperMan> it's log log log
<b00gieMAndroid> so connect the phone via usb and play a video and then give this cmd in cmd
<xplodwild_work> yup
<b00gieMAndroid> lol duperman
<b00gieMAndroid> ok wait xplodwild
* DuperMan hurries to get drugs fast before peterperfect logs in and finds him sane
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<b00gieMAndroid> whao there is hell lot of things
<b00gieMAndroid> when i press on the video file
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: remember you have to press Ctrl-C to stop it
<xplodwild_work> otherwise it keeps adding to log
<b00gieMAndroid> yes wait
<b00gieMAndroid> its a codec issue
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<b00gieMAndroid> Dropping OMX MEssage - we're in ERROR State
<b00gieMAndroid> OMXCodec
<b00gieMAndroid> want a screen shot?
<ExtremeDevilz> guys is DSPManager fixed ? cause it has been a long time since I used CM9
<ExtremeDevilz> thanks
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<ExtremeDevilz> anyone ?
<b00gieMAndroid> Havnt yet tried ExtremeDEvilz
<b00gieMAndroid> XplodWild: here you go:
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<ExtremeDevilz> can someone test it for me
<DuperMan> xplodwild_work: interesting. both wifi and mobile data died on me, restarting. blame ril?
<b00gieMAndroid> XplodWild: Here you go: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/30944151/VideoPlayer_LogCat.jpg
<roniez> xplodwild_work: you work or you chat allday? :D
<ExtremeDevilz> DuperMan,what phone you usig >
<xplodwild_work> roniez: hmmm joker :p
<b00gieMAndroid> Duper, that happened to me too on previous builds, but flashing baseband / modem solved the issue :S
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: do you use stock CM9 kernel?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> Yes i use stock, what came with the rom
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<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: note
<b00gieMAndroid> did u see the screenshot XplodWild?
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: what's your radio? using the one native to my operator here
<ExtremeDevilz> sorry Im using Galaxy S2
<b00gieMAndroid> am using the one from the ones officially released for my country
<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: no I am sorry.... so so sorry
<DuperMan> :D
<b00gieMAndroid> am on LB2
<DuperMan> for you
<ExtremeDevilz> ._. anyway Im been using miui
<ExtremeDevilz> GB
<DuperMan> lb2 or lb1 b00gieMAndroid
<DuperMan> probably lb2
<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: ew
<b00gieMAndroid> LB2
<ExtremeDevilz> the v4 sucks and Im thinking switching roms
<b00gieMAndroid> ur using v4 miui on note devilz?
<DuperMan> sgs2
<DuperMan> aosp or bust :D
<b00gieMAndroid> ok
<ExtremeDevilz> SGS2
<ExtremeDevilz> im using SGS2
<b00gieMAndroid> why do u even want dsp manager?
<ExtremeDevilz> I want to go back to CM9
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: hmm strange, I'll need to check on mine
<DuperMan> to destroy music
<b00gieMAndroid> just use Equalizer
<ExtremeDevilz> b00gieMAndroid,Volume Increase
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<b00gieMAndroid> please do and let me know xplod, am waiting
<b00gieMAndroid> use Equalizer app from market. best.!
<b00gieMAndroid> DSP Manager sucked for me, ihated it
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: I'll be back from work in 3hours
<b00gieMAndroid> phhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lol ok i'll wait for 3 hours then
<DuperMan> volume boost is as decent a reason as any
<DuperMan> still fail
<b00gieMAndroid> brb guys, need to get some work fixed
<b00gieMAndroid> equalizer did it for me
<b00gieMAndroid> anyway, brb
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<spY|da> anyone else having trouble with android-os over 60% and drained battery?
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<DuperMan> spY|da: if you think that's bad check out how system idle process is BRUTALIZING your cpu in win7
<spY|da> DuperMan, i am since 1996 Linux User :D
<ExtremeDevilz> b00gieMAndroid_A,do you know any way to increase volume + ?
<DuperMan> oh, dunno the pid for 'kernel is running derp'
<xplodwild_work> spY|da: you know how Battery percentages work right?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> you know it sums to 100%?
<xplodwild_work> so you know if you do nothing with your phone then the only thing that does something uses all?
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<spY|da> yeah i know that
<DuperMan> that's wack! I want magicphone that recieves calls but used no battery!
<DuperMan> it should run on LOVE!
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> hug your phone to charge it
<xplodwild_work> spY|da: Then don't complain AOS uses 60% if you did nothing that uses cpu/battery/whatever
<DuperMan> tbch the ace up my sleeve is a kernel tweak to force the phone play nokia when batt's ~15%
<DuperMan> so you always have a 4-6 hours charge
<DuperMan> dependable like
<DuperMan> but seeing as I'm stupid and learning as I go, might as well have someone steal the concept :D
<spY|da> xplodwild_work, im sorry
<DuperMan> REPENT
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<EvilBelgian1> I know that if I make a folder of a certain name in the root of my sd card it will allow me to pick custom ringtones...and the one for ringtones is ringtones but what is the folder name for sms alerts?
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<EgotisticalElf> goto the messaging app -> settings -> notification sound
<EgotisticalElf> or smthng
<DuperMan> that old workaround still in place? can be handy with some apps I like
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<peterperfect> hello thar
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi
<b00gieMAndroid> back
<b00gieMAndroid> anybody around
<b00gieMAndroid> i just updated yesterday's update with 2day's update
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<peterperfect> nop
<peterperfect> not around
<b00gieMAndroid> updated to today's update with yeserday's update date on my note and after flashing it's showing as yesterday's update in my about phone
<xplodwild_work> I guess the compilation was ran before midnight and ended after
<b00gieMAndroid> so it is updated rite ? lol
<xplodwild_work> think so
<xplodwild_work> there's not much changes anyway
<b00gieMAndroid> still gives samething
<b00gieMAndroid> Video cannot be played :(
BrandoHD has joined #teamhacksung-support
<EvilBelgian1> Duperman, The messaging app won't let me pick a custom alert tone
<DuperMan> pick one from 'default message notification'
<EvilBelgian1> :P but I don't want to
<DuperMan> wait no
<DuperMan> it just should let you
<DuperMan> :P messaging app / settings
<DuperMan> notifications
<EvilBelgian1> Choose Rington...there's a list
<EvilBelgian1> but no select custom rington or anything of the sort
<DuperMan> indeed
<DuperMan> adb custom tones to /system/media/audio/ringtones
<DuperMan> or somesuch
<DuperMan> should also be able to have them persist through rom falshes by placing them in a folder named /media/??? at the root of the sdcard
LinuxBozo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<DuperMan> now I wanna make stuff die onscreen, what's a good game?
<EvilBelgian1> Defender II
<EvilBelgian1> fun TD
Jiangyi|Sleep has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
Vetch has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Vetch> afternoon all :D
<D3vourz> hello
JieeHD|Offline is now known as JieeHD
<D3vourz> you note destroyer
<Vetch> hey i havent destroyed this 1
<Vetch> anyway
<Vetch> blamesamsung
<b00gieMAndroid> hey vetch
<Vetch> hey mate
<Vetch> do me a favour
<EvilBelgian1> hi
<Vetch> upload that vid to dropbox b00gieMAndroid
<Vetch> ill try it on mine
<b00gieMAndroid> ok i am doing that, btw, its working fine on stock
<b00gieMAndroid> but hang on
<b00gieMAndroid> @Vetch 6mins to go
<bbqbot> b00gieMAndroid: Command doesnt not exist!
<b00gieMAndroid> Vetch, 6 mins to go
<Vetch> alright
<b00gieMAndroid> haha 8mins to go, upload speed reduced
<Vetch> lol ah well
<Vetch> :P
<EvilBelgian1> Duperman, you were right. if I place the sounds on my SD cards under media/audio/notifications or Ringtones then I can use them
Rewolution has joined #teamhacksung-support
<b00gieMAndroid> Okay Vetch, 2mins left
<Vetch> alright
datagutt has joined #teamhacksung-support
datagutt has joined #teamhacksung-support
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<b00gieMAndroid> video works fine on PC
<b00gieMAndroid> even though the quality was much better on stock gb
<Vetch> grrrrrrr
<Vetch> it plays rather than download lol
<b00gieMAndroid> ahh crap
<Vetch> sec
<b00gieMAndroid> put it in a flashget or something
<Vetch> noob
<Vetch> wget on phone ftw
<Vetch> if it has it :/
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> on its way
<b00gieMAndroid> hmm yea, i think clicking on it from phone will start it dload instaed of playing
<Vetch> my phone still on 15% battery lol
<b00gieMAndroid> how long?
<Vetch> erm
<Vetch> 2 days or so
<b00gieMAndroid> and what usage and what calibirasion?? :D
<b00gieMAndroid> wtf :S :O
<b00gieMAndroid> do u even use ur phone
<Vetch> light-med use
<Vetch> yea
<b00gieMAndroid> no wifi no dat?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> been playing draw something/twitter/some wordpress last night
<Vetch> some tamagothi pet app shit
<Vetch> some music
<Vetch> wifi/data on, but been indoors so its only been using wifi
<b00gieMAndroid> fuck man
<b00gieMAndroid> that's too much and great battery life
<b00gieMAndroid> am much less than that its sucking ass here
<b00gieMAndroid> on cm9
<b00gieMAndroid> on stock its a diff story though
<Vetch> hmmmm dl of vid keeps stalling at 91% wtf :/
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> hmmmm
<Vetch> no it wont play here either
<b00gieMAndroid> dude how's that possible :S
<b00gieMAndroid> play it on ur pc
<b00gieMAndroid> it plasy
<Vetch> not on inbuilt player or es video
<Vetch> yea i saw
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, this is 1080p
fernandotakai has joined #teamhacksung-support
devatwork has joined #teamhacksung-support
<b00gieMAndroid> DUDE I GOT IT NOW....!!!!
<b00gieMAndroid> BUT IF RECORDED IN 1080p IT WONT PLAY IT, THE VIDEO I SENTwas recoded in 1080p
<b00gieMAndroid> want another video?
<Vetch> hmmm
<Vetch> no
<Vetch> just tried recording in 1080
<Vetch> wont play tho
<b00gieMAndroid> u too are facing same issue as mine then
<b00gieMAndroid> 1080p records but wont play
<b00gieMAndroid> 720p does
<b00gieMAndroid> also 720p has better quality than 1080p on cm9 for some reason :S
<Vetch> hmmmm
<Vetch> not sure about quality
<Vetch> i recorded a 3second clip of my laptop screen lol
<Vetch> but 720p is fine
<Vetch> 1080p is screwed
ExtremeDevilz has joined #teamhacksung-support
<ExtremeDevilz> AOSP is better then the stock rom in battery
<b00gieMAndroid> yes so this needs to be reported back
<ExtremeDevilz> reported back ?
<b00gieMAndroid> i mean reported :P
<b00gieMAndroid> and i compared same 2 videos shot in proper day light and 720p looks better than 1080p.. 1080p looks more grainy :S
<ExtremeDevilz> they cant do much
<b00gieMAndroid> atleast make the video player play the 1080p recorded files
<Vetch> chances are b00gieMAndroid that the sensor on the cam cant really handle the 1080p resolution
<Vetch> not enough light etc to the sensor
<Vetch> also check twitter ;)
<ExtremeDevilz> <@MarkHUK> bark like a dog
<ExtremeDevilz> <@MarkHUK> w00f w00f
<ExtremeDevilz> o.o
<ExtremeDevilz> why is this guy acting so strange
<Vetch> hmmmm did u take his bone ?
<ExtremeDevilz> o.o nope he act strange most of the time for no reason
<Vetch> maybe hes just confused ?
<b00gieMAndroid> back
<b00gieMAndroid> well on checking properly 1080p does take better quality than 720p
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, i know wht ur saying about the sensor, but trust me, on stock 1080p is really awesome, i've compared this with sgs2, htc onex and galaxy nexus
<ExtremeDevilz> anyway b00gie should I switch to ICS ?
<b00gieMAndroid> even htc one x was awful
<ExtremeDevilz> Im using Miui GB xD
<Vetch> ExtremeDevilz which phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> i used to be hardcore miui user when i was on Nexus One
<b00gieMAndroid> but miui 4 is awful at the moment
<b00gieMAndroid> so get on CM or some AOKP rom
<b00gieMAndroid> get on Galaxy Nexus F1 rom for SGS2
<ExtremeDevilz> it is very aweful it takes 500MB Memory
<b00gieMAndroid> he's on sgs 2 vetch
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<Vetch> oh lots of options available then
<ExtremeDevilz> which you left 300MB of RAM == Lag
<ExtremeDevilz> everytime I report bugs they say they will fix it
<ExtremeDevilz> but it never gets fix
<ExtremeDevilz> unlike cyanogenmod ;) I reported and the Bug got fixed ( quick unlock )
<Vetch> stick with cm then ;)
<ExtremeDevilz> yeah =
<b00gieMAndroid> Vetch, dude AWESOME twitter post
<b00gieMAndroid> you gottta be fucking kidding me with that battery life rite? :D
<ExtremeDevilz> yeah =\ but Im lazy to flash everyday build
<Vetch> lol nope :P
<b00gieMAndroid> u connected usb :P
<Vetch> just turn brightness most of the way down
<ExtremeDevilz> Vetch,Phone ?
<Vetch> had usb plugged in long enough to copy yesterdays build, and transfer 5 songs to sd card
<Vetch> so a few minutes?
<Vetch> n7000 note ExtremeDevilz
<ExtremeDevilz> on CM9
<ExtremeDevilz> '?
<Vetch> yep
<ExtremeDevilz> xD Bugs ?
<ExtremeDevilz> lol
<Vetch> a few
<Vetch> nothing that annoys me more than stock :D
<b00gieMAndroid> my brightness is auto
<Vetch> stock pissed me off so much i smashed a note
<ExtremeDevilz> kernel source for note not out yet ?
<Vetch> not that i know of
<DuperMan> but new busybox
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> NEWWWWW
<ExtremeDevilz> These experimental builds are considered outdated/deprecated
<DuperMan> also, note=chubby sgs2 with a stiffer pointer
<ExtremeDevilz> lol how are you getting the latest
<DuperMan> syncing repos to freshen up git for the whole tree
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> derp
<ExtremeDevilz> what about changelog
<Vetch> meh
<b00gieMAndroid> DuperMan, found the issue with video
<DuperMan> there does exist a log of changes just as of which thou speaketh
<Vetch> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/75843527/note-screen.jpg << what happens when i use stock rom
<b00gieMAndroid> it plays the video if i record in 720p, but wont if i do it in 1080p
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: does it save it? try playing with another app...
<b00gieMAndroid> what shit is this vetch lol
<b00gieMAndroid> yes it saves it
<DuperMan> rockplayer or mx player or w/e
<Vetch> that was my first note
<DuperMan> Vetch: you go through plural notes? dumbass
<b00gieMAndroid> and even other players dont play it
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ><
<Vetch> DuperMan: blamesamsung
<ExtremeDevilz> you brought a new one ?
<DuperMan> what the f did you do to that innocent piece of kit? no ma'am
<Vetch> no
<DuperMan> not in this case
<Vetch> claimed off insurance
* DuperMan takes all your policy
<DuperMan> yum
<ExtremeDevilz> then wtf did you do to ur phone
<Vetch> innocent kit?
<Vetch> lol
<DuperMan> the phone that you mangled out of existence
<Vetch> i spent HOURS sketching in s memo
<b00gieMAndroid> yah man, the stock isnt that bad either that you'd wana fuck it so hard
<Vetch> saved
<b00gieMAndroid> rather rape it so hard
<DuperMan> nearly made a singularity with how fractured the glass is
<Vetch> and they never opened again
<Vetch> s memo just fc'd
<Vetch> over and over
<b00gieMAndroid> never happened to me S:
<DuperMan> so you went 14y/o tantrun on it?
<DuperMan> rofl
<b00gieMAndroid> or anybody using note with me
<ExtremeDevilz> why you guys love CM9 so much
<ExtremeDevilz> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<Vetch> after reflashing 4 or 5 different versions of stock gb and different versions of s memo... yes i went 14 yr old tantrum on it
<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: cause
<b00gieMAndroid> CM9 pays us beer and pussies to use their work
<b00gieMAndroid> and appreciate it even if its bad and sucks ass at time
<DuperMan> Vetch: rofl, reminds me of how my very first game boy ended
<ExtremeDevilz> and there is no HTC team for CM9
<Vetch> lol DuperMan
<DuperMan> then again, I still own the second
<DuperMan> and my game gear :D
<Vetch> nice
<Vetch> i still got a gba somewhere
<ExtremeDevilz> and if you develop for CM9 then you will no longer have BEATS !@!@!@!@!@!@!1
<DuperMan> bah gba... too many colors
<DuperMan> :D
<ExtremeDevilz> HTC One X With CM9 NO Beats !!!!
<ExtremeDevilz> :(
<DuperMan> beats are fail
<DuperMan> total
<DuperMan> utter
<b00gieMAndroid> dude beats was nothing! it was a piece of cow shit
<DuperMan> shitty
<Vetch> oh you own a pair of beats... you must be an expert on audio quality
<DuperMan> bloaty
<DuperMan> bassy
<DuperMan> fail
<ExtremeDevilz> beats sucks ?
<DuperMan> f u Vetch, I don't like agreeing with you
<DuperMan> but that^
<DuperMan> yes
<b00gieMAndroid> beats later on got ported to sgs2 and note lmao
<b00gieMAndroid> and then eventually to any androi dphone
<Vetch> beats audio = a bass biased s curve
<ExtremeDevilz> where ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> and if you look at the adjustments the s curve actually makes
<DuperMan> they sound as good as ipods did when people believed they sound good
<DuperMan> :D
<Vetch> it shows that the treble needs to be pumped to sound reasonable
<Vetch> which says to me that beats audio treble sux
<ExtremeDevilz> Vetch so it is not the earphones ?
<Vetch> ExtremeDevilz yes it is the headphones kinda
<Vetch> plug them into a htc
<You_Tube> How to Install Beats Audio on ANY Android Phone
<Vetch> and they trigger the s curve
<DuperMan> take any decent driver and let me go to town on it's casing rather than pay monster anyday
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> if you want decent headphones
<Vetch> get a [pair of seinhiesers
<Vetch> however its spelt
<b00gieMAndroid> am using MEElectronics M6P, fucking awesome with builtin mic
<DuperMan> yes, or panasonic if you're cheap
<ExtremeDevilz> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1525226 < I thought this does not work
<DuperMan> those have a sweet spec
<Vetch> beats aint cheap
<DuperMan> but need working on the shits
<DuperMan> like, tweakness
<Vetch> but u could get seinheisers for around the same price
<Vetch> 3x the quality
<DuperMan> I have good shure's but they need the rma
<ExtremeDevilz> http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1525226 < I thought this does not work PORT!
<DuperMan> right earphone stopped teh works
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> needa call teh store and yell RECIEPT GIVE
<ExtremeDevilz> anyway I thought it is based on earphones
<ExtremeDevilz> so wtf is there system files on HTC
<ExtremeDevilz> dont get it
<Vetch> the only thing exceptional about beats
<DuperMan> to.. lock ppl in?
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> price
<Vetch> is they carry dr dres name
<b00gieMAndroid> Extreme, i tried that zip on my note on stock and it made tad of difference, made it a bit louder
<DuperMan> dr dre selling out?
<DuperMan> hardly noteworthy
<DuperMan> :D
<ExtremeDevilz> cause there is xlound
<DuperMan> bbiab
<b00gieMAndroid> Dr. Dre ... my ass
<ExtremeDevilz> cause there is xloud
<Vetch> you could stick tupacs name on £2 headphones and they would outsell beats
<ExtremeDevilz> that Why i asked eariler does DSPManager works
<b00gieMAndroid> if a jerk like Dre can be a Dr. Dre then i can be a Dr. too.. Dr. Trolol
<peterperfect> drdre is in your ass?
<bbqbot> derp
<ExtremeDevilz> no one answered
<peterperfect> weird
<Vetch> LOL peterperfect
<b00gieMAndroid> i did devilz, i told u to chuck dsp and use equalizer and check it for ur taste if it works for u
<ExtremeDevilz> cause the last version of CM9 I flashed was in 4/4 April
Wechner has quit [Quit: Not that anyone cares.]
<b00gieMAndroid> lol peter, Dr. Trolol is in his ass
<Vetch> on discussion of beats
<Vetch> if they were as good as they say
<lodder> what is the recommended radio for belgium
<Vetch> dont you think professional producers wopuld use them ?
<b00gieMAndroid> +1 vetch
<b00gieMAndroid> and actually some professionals do use them :P
<ExtremeDevilz> GREAT FUCKING GREAT now I have to wipe my phone to install Cyanogenmod
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<Vetch> name 1
<Vetch> other than dr dre
<Vetch> ...
<b00gieMAndroid> his buddies like snoopy
<b00gieMAndroid> and otehrs that i dont remember at the moment
<Vetch> lol
<ExtremeDevilz> you guys know that Samsung Galaxy S2 CM7 has volume issue on earphones
<Vetch> then they are not proffessional
<ExtremeDevilz> which till today never got fixes
<b00gieMAndroid> lol vetch
<ExtremeDevilz> which till today never got fixed*
<Vetch> when you produce/record/vocal etc
<peterperfect> who cares about gingerbread on sgs2?
<Vetch> you use monitors
<Vetch> to provide a true flat tone
<ExtremeDevilz> no one actually
<Vetch> beats applies a bassy s curve
<b00gieMAndroid> then stick to miui devil, one of the reasons why i became miui hardcore user while i was on nexus one
<Vetch> therefore after the mix down the levels are wrong
<Vetch> and will only sound good on beats
<ExtremeDevilz> but CM9 is good now
<ExtremeDevilz> :)
<b00gieMAndroid> true vetch
<ExtremeDevilz> just need to get use to it
<peterperfect> someone tryed to fix this but was a pain
<ExtremeDevilz> peterperfect,what was ?
<ExtremeDevilz> volume issue in SGS2
<peterperfect> yep
<ExtremeDevilz> lol xD it works fine on CM9
<ExtremeDevilz> no issue
<Vetch> also
<Vetch> if you open any recent mp3 in an audio editing program
<Vetch> you will see almost the WHOLE track peaks
<b00gieMAndroid> which is the best video player for playing avi files on note? / android?
<b00gieMAndroid> coz stock video wont even play normal hdtv avi rips :S
<Vetch> this is neither good nor professional practice
<ExtremeDevilz> peterperfect do you any idea about DSPManager
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: did you read what I wrote about codecs?
<b00gieMAndroid> no xplod i didnt, i dont even know when you wrote :S
<b00gieMAndroid> so much discussions on
Wechner has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: AOSP doesn't support DivX and all crappy encodings, just pure MPEG4
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, xplod, 720p recorded videos play fine, issues only with 1080p
<xplodwild_work> go for VLC if you want to play anything
<b00gieMAndroid> well then it should play mp4 rite?
<b00gieMAndroid> it's not
<xplodwild_work> your mp4 is probably XviD encoded
<b00gieMAndroid> hmm okay
<xplodwild_work> and we think we found the issue for recording borked
<DuperMan> so where's dre?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> my mp4 is 1080p recorded using camera on the phone lol
<Vetch> xplodwild_work nice
<DuperMan> dr derp
<Vetch> xplodwild_work u have twitter ?
<b00gieMAndroid> nice xplod, so is it getting fixed now ?
<Vetch> or anyone else for that matter ?
<xplodwild_work> Vetch: @xplodwild
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: will test once i'm home
<ExtremeDevilz> xplodwild_work why you so pro :) and you are much nicer guy
<ExtremeDevilz> im learning C in school
<ExtremeDevilz> cant do much to help teamhacksung
<ExtremeDevilz> if not I would have
<b00gieMAndroid> cool xplod, btw, i added u on twitter, am b00gieMAndroid
<Vetch> follow me back now xplodwild
<b00gieMAndroid> @b00gieMAndroid
<bbqbot> b00gieMAndroid: Command doesnt not exist!
<peterperfect> ExtremeDevilz dude afaik dsp never worked
<Vetch> with your pityful 13 following
<Vetch> :P
<DuperMan> f twitter :D
<ExtremeDevilz> why ?
<peterperfect> people said me taht codeworkx fixed it
<b00gieMAndroid> whos pityful followers ?
<peterperfect> but i tested on headphones this mourning
<ExtremeDevilz> so it is not working now
<Vetch> not followers
<peterperfect> and got nothing
<Vetch> following
<Vetch> lol
<ExtremeDevilz> :(
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<DuperMan> how do you fix placebo?
<ExtremeDevilz> tell xplodwild >:( he will cane codeworkx
<Vetch> xplodwild is following 13 peeps
<b00gieMAndroid> whats ur twitter devil
<Vetch> :P
<DuperMan> how the fuck
* ExtremeDevilz dont have twitter
<ExtremeDevilz> sorry
<b00gieMAndroid> haha wow, xplod is a celebrity :P
<DuperMan> I only use twitter for my p0rn career
<b00gieMAndroid> DuperMan your twitter handle?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> lol duper
<ExtremeDevilz> peterperfect : report it to codeworkx
<DuperMan> I hve two and use neither
<ExtremeDevilz> so maybe he can fix it
<DuperMan> pretty sure the safe for work one is testudo_kleinmann
<DuperMan> or testudo_kleinman, or testudu
<peterperfect> ExtremeDevilz i will reach him later
<peterperfect> but he is busy playng D3
<ExtremeDevilz> D3
<ExtremeDevilz> lol
<ExtremeDevilz> im sick of games
<b00gieMAndroid> but xvid not working is dumb ass shit
<b00gieMAndroid> it should wok
<b00gieMAndroid> work
<ExtremeDevilz> use mxplayer
<ExtremeDevilz> wtf
<ExtremeDevilz> MXPLAYER !!!
<ExtremeDevilz> Jeez
<b00gieMAndroid> wait i havnt tried mxplayer for avi files
<DuperMan> lol I'm already following xplodwild
<DuperMan> xD
* ExtremeDevilz slaps b00gieMAndroid
* ExtremeDevilz steps on his dick
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<DuperMan> ouch
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: you need to have a format your system can decode inside a container it expects to contain said format
<DuperMan> so 'f u xvid is sweet'
<Vetch> b00gieMAndroid, DuperMan did y'all see this yesterday? http://www.tickld.com/images/content/11049.jpg
<DuperMan> lol. so stupid, but so 'ehhhh lol'
<DuperMan> what keyboard you be using Vetch?
<DuperMan> oh, nvm laptop
<Vetch> cm9 stock on phone
<Vetch> and lappy yea
<DuperMan> meant the one in the pic of your dead dead dead note
<DuperMan> ><
<Vetch> oh
<Vetch> laptop :P
<Vetch> toshiba satellite
<b00gieMAndroid> ok back
<Vetch> a350
<DuperMan> liked the lit up keys and it all looked BAD like my setup
<b00gieMAndroid> mxplayer rocks with my George Lopez episodes :D
<DuperMan> but it's perspective trick
<b00gieMAndroid> also they play my 720p video recorded using camera
<b00gieMAndroid> but it lags bad on 1080p
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: go to settings, hw acceleration
<b00gieMAndroid> says access denied vetch
<DuperMan> :P
<b00gieMAndroid> that's disabled
<DuperMan> maybe fetch the right extension pck thingy
<DuperMan> pack
<DuperMan> arm v7 or neon should do the trick
<Vetch> denied on what b00gieMAndroid ?
<b00gieMAndroid> ur link
<b00gieMAndroid> 11049
<Vetch> works here for me ?
<DuperMan> heh. seems I've no codec pack installed here
<DuperMan> works here too
<b00gieMAndroid> Access Denied
<DuperMan> ain't missing much
<DuperMan> 'tis silly
<ExtremeDevilz> you know what I hate most
<ExtremeDevilz> updating daily CM9
<ExtremeDevilz> >:(
<Vetch> dont update daily then
<Vetch> update weekly
dasunsrule32 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<b00gieMAndroid> ok guys, brb
<b00gieMAndroid> tty guys later
<DuperMan> hourly!
<DuperMan> k
ParryB has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Vetch> laterz
ParryB has quit [Client Quit]
<Vetch> and just like thatit was dead
<DuperMan> what?
<DuperMan> but yeah sounds right
<DuperMan> ooooooh trebuchet update
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, why is the H/W Acceleration saying not supported and disabled?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: doesn't for me, so dunno. try getting the codec pack for arm v7 neon
<b00gieMAndroid> armv7 neon?
* DuperMan oogles market again
<DuperMan> yup
karbowiak has joined #teamhacksung-support
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [stop stalking me]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<b00gieMAndroid> still nopes
<b00gieMAndroid> it starts as HW and then switches to SW before the video starts playing
<DuperMan> oh well. vid's fault
<b00gieMAndroid> and h/w still is greyed out and not supported
<peterperfect> DuperMan just me can stalk nebkat|beer
<b00gieMAndroid> its mp4 recorded using cam of phone
<DuperMan> peterperfect: hell. yes.
<DuperMan> how?
<DuperMan> also, how can you troll what is trolling you?
<peterperfect> trollinception
jthunder has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> ssshhhhhhhhh haven't seen yet! might now XD
<DuperMan> as good a time as any
<DuperMan> but heard it'll just regress into 'no I'm waking up no I am wow what's in the pulp fiction plot device???'
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^
<b00gieMAndroid> DuperMan, H/W works only for 720p recorded video :S
<b00gieMAndroid> not for 1080p
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: it's a codec thing
<b00gieMAndroid> yea
<b00gieMAndroid> but wont support 1080p
<b00gieMAndroid> although am a free mxplayer
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> anyway will give it a try later in sometime, gotta go for now
<DuperMan> ehm... dunno, pro version played 1080p what I recorded in me note, but seemed laggy and only did it for the testing
<DuperMan> guess it was sw too
<DuperMan> bye
<b00gieMAndroid> 1080p is playing on my free one too and its laggy yes
<b00gieMAndroid> ok trying with paid version now, hang on
<DuperMan> doubt it'll be any different :P that's why I cut google off my credit card
<DuperMan> :D
cwirl|away is now known as ciwrl|work
<nebkat|beer> now ofc we need to parse it all
<nebkat|beer> wrong window :P
<DuperMan> ehm neb... switching between launchers sorta sticks me with nova launcher's settings launched from settings
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: what you meanz?
<ExtremeDevilz> did codeworkx switch back the /sdcard/ ?
<xplodwild_work> ExtremeDevilz: it's togglable in settings
<ExtremeDevilz> oh sorry :\
<ExtremeDevilz> cm9 needs a new logo :\
<ExtremeDevilz> it is still using the old mascot
<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: getting one, :(
<ExtremeDevilz> ugly looking shit
<ExtremeDevilz> xD
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: weren't you the one doing the trebuchet settings? I switched from nova launcher to treb and now can't access treb settings, I suppose a reboot will fix though
<ExtremeDevilz> nebkat >:( come on where is the update for trebuchet
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<ExtremeDevilz> nova is beating you wont be suprised if they make nova the official launcher
<ExtremeDevilz> come on ;) beat it
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: you mean the settings thing sticks?
<EvilBelgian1> the new mascot is used for the icons in settings though
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: yes
<nebkat|beer> ExtremeDevilz: you are an absolute idiotte
<DuperMan> ^
<ExtremeDevilz> xD
<nebkat|beer> ExtremeDevilz: only open sauce gets put in cm
<nebkat|beer> and not to mention that I have a pro launcher coming soon
<nebkat|beer> idiotte!
<DuperMan> >< s**t. why pro?
<DuperMan> I'm still bummed about losing touch recovery xD
<ExtremeDevilz> anyway xplodwild,do you know about double operator name appearing
<ExtremeDevilz> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> stupid per device activation from donation
<ExtremeDevilz> in sgs2
<ExtremeDevilz> it only happends when you flash your rom after that a reboot wont make it disappear
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<Nonninz> uhm random question: did you guys revert some new graphics you put for the notification drawer power buttons like one week ago?
<Nonninz> (i9000 if it counts)
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<Nonninz> I just noticed that in a previous nightly (1/2 weeks ago) they were slightly different and now they changed back to the original
* DuperMan punches trebuchet in the face until it has multiple docks
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [i'll unban when I feel it's the right time]
<nebkat|beer> hehehe
<nebkat|beer> idiotte
<EvilBelgian1> Ouch
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<DuperMan> -_-
<EvilBelgian1> lol
<xplodwild_work> nebkat|beer: Y U UNBAN NETCHIP
<EvilBelgian1> whose Netchip?
<nebkat|beer> EvilBelgian1: idiotte 12 year old
<nebkat|beer> cant keep his mouth shut
<nebkat|beer> thinks he is better than the cmteam
<xplodwild_work> a 12yo child releasing untested stuff and copying CM and making it its own
<DuperMan> does he run crysis?
<ExtremeDevilz> lol
<EvilBelgian1> genuinely twelve years old or just behaves like it?
<DuperMan> the older the worse for the tear
<DuperMan> also, fact: people up to 20y/o blend
<xplodwild_work> EvilBelgian1: genuine
<DuperMan> xplodwild_work: now it's kinda impressive, sort
<DuperMan> a
<xplodwild_work> yeah, though he could act a bit less childish
<xplodwild_work> we told him numerous times
<xplodwild_work> that he had to stop copying, that he could to this and that
<xplodwild_work> but he keep on doing the same thing
<DuperMan> well, people are idiots. it's not age specific, but the dude has time to stop sucking
* DuperMan jay and silent bob's him
<xplodwild_work> DuperMan: the second we released OpenDesign website
<xplodwild_work> he kanged our CSS
<DuperMan> xD
<DuperMan> that's just trolling... or total fail
<DuperMan> :)
<xplodwild_work> total fail as after we discovered and blamed him he deleted his experiment
<EvilBelgian1> So basically a total douchebiscuit
<DuperMan> I maintain 'troll'
<DuperMan> my sanity requires that I choose to believe trolling where the assumption of idiocy can be avoided
<ExtremeDevilz> ok this is gay
<xplodwild_work> NOW KISS
<xplodwild_work> uhm, sorry
<DuperMan> ^ precog ExtremeDevilz is precog
<ExtremeDevilz> nova needs to be a prime inorder to make new folder in app drawer]
<ExtremeDevilz> $5
<DuperMan> ExtremeDevilz: technically you're gaybashing nova
<ExtremeDevilz> i dont know you need to pay
<ExtremeDevilz> for a new folder in app drawer
<ExtremeDevilz> wtf
<ExtremeDevilz> $5
<DuperMan> you do know, you need to pay
<EvilBelgian1> lol seriously
<ExtremeDevilz> no
<EvilBelgian1> that's disgusting
<DuperMan> so don't
<DuperMan> oo
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<EvilBelgian1> that's EA level extortion
<DuperMan> kinda gy calling it disgusting when you're just bitching about 'gief free i deserve a feature'
<DuperMan> gay
<ExtremeDevilz> let just wait for nebket <3
<DuperMan> he said he working on pro launcher :D
<ExtremeDevilz> im a beggar xD and Im proud
<ExtremeDevilz> wtf is that
<DuperMan> paid version
<DuperMan> brb
<ExtremeDevilz> jeez
<EvilBelgian1> don't see a problem with asking money for features but that feature in particular
<EvilBelgian1> is not worth five dollars
<ExtremeDevilz> in did
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<nebkat|beer> stop talking about launchers!
<EvilBelgian1> ok
<nebkat|beer> its making me uncomfortable
<ExtremeDevilz> :(
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* peterperfect[A] is now away - Reason : lunch
<akSeya> hi folks...
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<akSeya> two small questions, first, when I download CM from rommanager and it reboots the phone, when cwm does not find the file to install, then I have to install zip from sd card
<akSeya> am I the only one with this problem?
<akSeya> i guess it started after a change that set sd card as default save path (or something like it)
<akSeya> then, speaking about sdcard, i tried removing mine, and some programs stopped working. Apparently they are using the external sdcard as default... IMHO it's not very good..
<akSeya> galaxy S2 has ~12GB of available internal memory, why we must be obligated to use an external sdcard?
<bbqbot> derp
<akSeya> am i missing something!?
<EvilBelgian1> certain apps chose to install to sd card by default
<EvilBelgian1> if you go into app manager in settings you can move them to internal memory
<EvilBelgian1> go to the tab labeled on SD card and click on each app and move it to your internal memory
<addi> but the internal sd is the external sd in case of the S2
<addi> microSD isn't used at all
<EvilBelgian1> that's not true
<addi> that''s well, internal memory = /data
<EvilBelgian1> my ring tones are currently stored on my microSD card
<addi> and external memory = sdcard
<addi> which is the 12 gb internal sdcard in this case
<akSeya> here /emmc is internal sdcard and /mnt/sdcard is microsd
<addi> so they've swapped it
<akSeya> after I removed the microsd, rom manager says i must have a micro SD
<addi> odd :X
<EvilBelgian1> you guys must've done something odd
<EvilBelgian1> cause emmc is external and mnt/sdcard in internal for me
<addi> not me, I have a Nexus with no external SD support :p
<addi> so can't go wrong xD
<addi> akSeya, your device is special :P
<akSeya> i'm thinking about backing up everything and do a fresh install
<akSeya> i want to use sdcard just to music and videos
<akSeya> is there a way to prevent apps and everything else from saving things in sdcard?
<akSeya> i want that cause i want to have flexibility to change my sdcard whenever i want
<EvilBelgian1> go to storage in settings
<EvilBelgian1> press your options button then click storage configuration
<akSeya> found it :P
<akSeya> great EvilBelgian1
<akSeya> going to do a backup, fresh install without sdcard, then set this and insert sdcard again
<EvilBelgian1> why does everyone keep saying Evilbelgian1...is my pidgin lying to me did my nick change automatically at some point
EvilBelgian1 is now known as Evilbelgian
<Evilbelgian> apparently yes
<akSeya> oh.. so thanks Evilbelgian :)
<Evilbelgian> pleasure
<akSeya> now an offtopic question.. what does everyone sees in TitaniumBackup?!
<akSeya> i mean, i do a full backup with rom manager, then use appextractor to restore sms, apps, data, wifi configuration and much more things
<Evilbelgian> I see nothing in it...I use astro manager
<addi> um, Titanium Backup is a backup app, so people use it for backing up their apps -.-
<addi> and it has other options like freezing apps etc, so people like it ;)
<akSeya> app extractor also do that.. i'm just asking cause I bought TitaniumBackup license yesterday, but i'm regretting it :(
<addi> hehe, you should have checked features to see if there was something special :p
<akSeya> i surely should :(
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<akSeya> and last question.. on Settings > Storage; SD card and 1,97GB internal storage show colors to demonstrate what is used by apps, music and so on.. but the 12GB only shows a gray bar without specification, is it a bug
<akSeya> s/bug/bug\?/g
<akSeya> ^^
<whitequark> fuck, just got my phone stolen
<akSeya> whitequark, get cerberus?
<whitequark> half of a kingdom if someone can explain how to extract last calls or sms database from a backup
<whitequark> akSeya: they just turned it off and presumably threw off sim. wont work anyway
<whitequark> but I _really_ need to find a number
<whitequark> and it's in my backup
<whitequark> akSeya: I have no phones left
<whitequark> data.ext4.tar is the only thing which I have.
<akSeya> oh
<whitequark> well, I know I'm fucked
<akSeya> what is this file size?
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<whitequark> huh?
<whitequark> that's a full archive of /data
<whitequark> but I dunno where the sms and contact databases are
<akSeya> whitequark, I don't know either, but i'm trying to find out too
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<whitequark> xplodwild: codeworkx: could you help please?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> whats going on?
<whitequark> I need to manually (i.e. with sqlite3 or something like that) read contacts and sms from a /data backup
<whitequark> but I have no idea where these databases are
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<xplodwild> hmm no idea either :/
<xplodwild> I guess SMS are in the Mms package
<whitequark> nvm, /data/com.providers.telephony and .contacts
<whitequark> thank god they're using sane sqlite3 and not some obscure shit
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<DuperMan> thank god... or thank me?
<DuperMan> ;)
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<DuperMan> six days I labor floating over abyss n' breathing life into clay and this how you repay me?
<DuperMan> peh
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<nebkat|beer> who laiks?
<DuperMan> sexy
<Evilbelgian> Very sexxy
<DuperMan> new cm mascot will haunt me in nightmares all the same
<DuperMan> but hot
<whitequark> DuperMan: why you?
<bbqbot> derp
peterperfect[A] is now known as peterperfect
* peterperfect is no longer away : Gone for 1 hour 35 minutes 11 seconds
<DuperMan> whitequark: well, never said it'll only haunt me
<whitequark> DuperMan: I was replying to other message, namely 20:23 <+DuperMan> thank god... or thank me?
<whitequark> are you an android dev? ;)
<whitequark> or I should rather say _the_ android dev?
<DuperMan> f no. I'm just a megalomaniac
<bindir> what's the default digital clock widget that goes with the analog one?
<bindir> google is failing me so hard, I might ask bing
<DuperMan> ...
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<DuperMan> do it
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<Evilbelgian> By the gods do you hate yourself
<bindir> it just showed me a pretty picture and said get a nokia
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<codeworkx> whitequark. find ./ - name *.db
<whitequark> codeworkx: already did that, thanks
<Evilbelgian> why can't I set custom lock screen shortcuts? bug or just not implemented yet?
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<DuperMan> it worked a couple of days ago for me. give it a minute to load all possible things
<Karbowiak> find <dir> -name "*.db"
<Karbowiak> you can also do find <dir> -not -name "not this name" -name "but find this" -exec rm {} \;
<Karbowiak> :D
<whitequark> yeah I know how find works ;) just wasn't aware that android uses *.db instead of *.sqlite3
<whitequark> and was in a big hurry also.
<Karbowiak> <3 find
<whitequark> it sucks when you arrange a meeting with a friend, and then after 10 minutes you get your phone stolen, _and_ he has recently changed his number and so you don't have it in contacts yet, and so it isn't sync'd with your server
<whitequark> it REALLY sucks.
<whitequark> fortunately, I had a 1-day-old backup and there was one SMS with the new number
<whitequark> moral of the story: do your backup. NOW.
<DuperMan> better moral - sync :P
<DuperMan> also, EXPLODING PHONE
<Karbowiak> or learn how to sync your shit automatically :D
<whitequark> again
<whitequark> it wasn't in contacts yet
<whitequark> contacts were synced, but the new number wasn't recorded in contacts.
<DuperMan> just admit you aren't talking about a friend as much as you are referring to a ransom pick-up
<whitequark> what
<DuperMan> your phone was stolen, you had to get in touch but you worked under the assumption he won't call if you're late to the appointment
<DuperMan> :P he kidnapped your dog
<whitequark> he would call (and did call)
<whitequark> but 5 minutes after the phone was stolen, the thief took out the SIM and threw it out
<whitequark> I presume
<DuperMan> so you were late but had his number. /troll
<DuperMan> too conoluted :D
<whitequark> I were late?
<DuperMan> well, you said he called - I only propositioned that he'd do that in case you were late
<whitequark> I weren't! I just had no idea where precisely that should be, because we decided that I'll get to a certain underground station and then call him
<whitequark> ofcourse I couldn't, because my phone got stolen
<DuperMan> you're making me want a voice changer app so I can re-enact Scream
<whitequark> etc etc. it's really convoluted, yeah
<whitequark> there's probably an app for that
<whitequark> (and I didn't watch Scream anyway)
<DuperMan> quite a few, but doubt I'd like their... privacy policy
<DuperMan> it's an ok thriller and a good flick
<DuperMan> is your point 'I NOT HAVE PHONE'? :/
<whitequark> hmm?
<whitequark> (privacy policy) precisely the reason I don't use google sync. but I have an LDAP server set up for that, through.
<DuperMan> which is how you had the sms backed up. e-gad
<whitequark> nope
<whitequark> I just regularly do a full CWM backup and then download it to my PC
<whitequark> afaik android sync cannot back up sms. even if it does, my ldap sync app cannot.
<DuperMan> :) I try, but mostly cwm every third day on phone and backup to pc once a fortnight
<DuperMan> and it doesn't, which is a shame
<whitequark> actually, you can make a cronjob
<whitequark> cwm can be controlled via scripting
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<DuperMan> cron... less being lazy now so I can be moar lazy later
<whitequark> yeah
<DuperMan> mixed bag there. can't I just use something bloated and resource consuming?
<DuperMan> :D
<whitequark> hm I have a question
<whitequark> do all i9100 have a/b/g wifi (as opposed to b/g)?
<DuperMan> think it's b/g/n
<whitequark> a/b/g/n actually
<DuperMan> and doubt any but the americans could differ
<whitequark> what I want is 5ghz
<DuperMan> no can have
<DuperMan> damnshame but that's that afaik
<whitequark> k
<whitequark> ah I found a shop which explicitly states abgn
<whitequark> $485, hm
<DuperMan> and I was relying on a single xda post I can't quote verbatim :P
<DuperMan> buying sgs2... meh. bully your carrier
<whitequark> haha, carriers don't commonly sell phones in russia
<whitequark> they almost always don't
<DuperMan> no indeed. in soviet russia, cellphones sell carrier
<whitequark> => no sim locking and similar shit
<whitequark> naw I'm serious. you just go and buy a phone, then use whatever sim you want. or tether. or whatever.
<DuperMan> I wouldn't buy from the carrier but the deal was pretty sweet
<whitequark> I wish I could fuck my carrier. there are three carriers in Moscow, they form a cartel and they ALL SUCK.
<whitequark> I hate them all.
<DuperMan> last upgrade I got my own shit so now I was due full rebate on a note
<DuperMan> does your carrier have large breasts?
<whitequark> I want to fuck them in ass with a mop handle
<whitequark> they don't even have full EDGE coverage.
<whitequark> not even talking about HSDPA.
<DuperMan> subtle
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<DuperMan> I haz ~30$/month unlimited h+
<DuperMan> is that good?
<DuperMan> :P
<whitequark> uhm, I think that unlimited h+ (with speed limit ofc. there are no plans here without a clause like "limit to 64kbit/s after 5gb") costs $3/month here
<whitequark> $5 is more correct
<DuperMan> no limit
<whitequark> well as I said, it's advertised as "unlimited"
<DuperMan> but that's kinda sweet
<DuperMan> mine isn't advertized - business plan :P
<whitequark> but EVERY "unlimited" plan here has a limit on _speed_ after a certain amount of data
<b00gieMAndroid> ok guys back
<DuperMan> wb
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<b00gieMAndroid> found few more bugs on latest build of cm9
<b00gieMAndroid> thanks duperman
<b00gieMAndroid> ringtone rings only one.. ringtones like cyanogenmod
<DuperMan> bbiab
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<b00gieMAndroid> u around vetch
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<tattus> Can someone tell me what is IMM76I?
<bbqbot> derp
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<VibrantWave> Herp
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<xenos> hiiiii
<xenos> whats new in the nightly update of CM9
<xenos> galaxy note
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<xenos> hiiiii
<xenos> hiiiii
<xenos> hiiiii
xenos was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [spam]
<nebkat|beer> idiotte :P
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<xenos> hello how to put galaxy note in tablet mode
<xenos> ??
<xenos> and change grid size
<addi> by using a ROM that has tablet mode in it?
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<addi> xenos, go use a ROM that has tablet ui support
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<xenos> how can i put galaxy note in tablet mode
<addi> idiot -.-
<xenos> y
<xenos> ??
<EgotisticalElf> you were told twice already
<xenos> i have cm9
<xenos> nightly
<xenos> i am using galaxy note CM9
<xenos> i have changed DPI
<xenos> but in the drawer the app grid size is 3 *4
<xenos> which is empty from all sides
<xenos> can i put it into 4*6
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<caselven> hello all
<caselven> i would like to ask u about drawer grid size how to change it in CM9
<caselven> ???????
<caselven> ???????
<bbqbot> derp
<caselven> ???????
<caselven> what is that
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<Evilbelgian> that's a bot
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<caselven> so anyone can help
<Evilbelgian> well lets see
<Evilbelgian> no one responded helpfully so probably not
<caselven> hihi
<caselven> i want to enable tablet mode
<fards> change the dpi
<fards> in build.prop
<caselven> i have done it
<caselven> but in the application drawer there is 12 apps per page so its 50% black
<fards> using what launcher?
<nebkat|beer> who say launcher
<fards> trebuchet?
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<nebkat|beer> woah woah changing dpi?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> DONT DOIT
<fards> samsung say it is :P
<nebkat|beer> caselven: IDIOTTE
<nebkat|beer> fards: orly?
<caselven> yes trebucher
<nebkat|beer> caselven: trebuchet*
<Evilbelgian> nebkat...were you abused by a Launcher as a child?
<fards> phone tablet (I presume he's talking about the note)
<nebkat|beer> caselven: its nobodies responsibility to deal with dpi changes
<nebkat|beer> android doesnt support them
<nebkat|beer> they are a hack
<caselven> yes the note
<nebkat|beer> Evilbelgian: yes
<nebkat|beer> Evilbelgian: I was abused by 4 launchers
<fards> of course they are a hack.. but 320 dpi is for grandparents :P
<nebkat|beer> I dont care
<nebkat|beer> people shouldnt be allowed about things b0rking with changed dpi
<fards> anyway caselven try apex or nova launchers, they quite happily cope with the resolutions that nebkat doesn't think you should be using on your own phone...
<nebkat|beer> it should be outlawed
<fards> tablet
<fards> thing
<nebkat|beer> caselven: does the "grid size" preference show for you?
<Evilbelgian> congratulations you own a not...Samsungs attempt at creating the most pointless device ever
<Evilbelgian> note*
<caselven> only for the homescreen
<nebkat|beer> caselven: hmm k
<nebkat|beer> caselven: im assuming the drawer is 4x4? 4x3?
<fards> Evilbelgian: some of us have hands that demand a proper sized device, not these tiny girly girly things..
<caselven> 3 columns 4 rows
<Evilbelgian> I have a Galaxy SII...there is no world wherin a person needs a screen bigger than that for a phone
<fards> HA HA HA HA
<Evilbelgian> Unless you have issues with your eyes
<fards> have you never held anything bigger than 5" in your hand?
<fards> the reason I use 160dpi is that I have nothing wrong with my eyes..
<addi> well, a larger screen does provide a better browsing experience, but all in all, i wouldn't go above 5" either
<peterperfect> fards that was a freaking guy question
<addi> this 4.65" Nexus is big enough
<peterperfect> gay
<addi> oh, and typing in Swype is also much better on a bigger screen :D
<Evilbelgian> I dislike swype
<fards> really peterperfect ? I don't think it was..
<Evilbelgian> not saying its bad
<Evilbelgian> just don't enjoy using it.
<fards> nope just asked my missus, she said it wasn't gay, in between laughing that is..
<peterperfect> really!
<addi> i'm so used to Swype ever since i started using Android and hence a touchscreen phone back in 2010, i can't really type that well with normal touch keyboards :/
<Evilbelgian> fards, what exactly do you mean by 160 dpi cause I understand the term as Dots Per Inch
<addi> fards, although, i've seen people 6 ft 2 inch tall or so that say that even a 4.7" screen gives them trouble handling it with one hand
<addi> so i guess 4 or 4.2" screens aren't really girly :P
<fards> addi: I'm 6'4 and can wrap my hand around my note...
<addi> one handed use is totally fine?
<fards> it fits me the same as someone smaller uses a 4.3" device..
<Evilbelgian> addi, I never switch to it, tried it once and it seemed contrived.
<addi> i tried it once, and stuck to it so bad i can only type comfortably using Swype now :p
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<fards> Evilbelgian: what I mean by 160dpi is what google mean by 160dpi
<peterperfect> codeworkx finished playing?
<fards> mdpi resolution
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<Evilbelgian> Gimme a second to read up about this
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<addi> Evilbelgian, i also like the symbols and numbers on the letters themselves in Swype than having to go into separate menus to add symbols etc
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<Evilbelgian> addi, cool
<Evilbelgian> fards, I understand..the dpi
<Evilbelgian> is the quantity of physical pixels on the screen
<Evilbelgian> the effective resolution
<Evilbelgian> so are you saying you turned down your phones resolution
<fards> or upped it effectively
<fards> so its a much lower dpi = higher resolution
* fards thinks google got their definitions arse backwards
<fards> so launcher is tablet version, play thinks its tablet. ergo get the tablet apps..
<fards> or to put it another way you get much more on the screen..
<Evilbelgian> oh ok
<Evilbelgian> but that makes everything hideously small
<fards> nope 5" screen
<fards> makes everything really nice..
<fards> 1280x800 screen at 320dpi is an insane waste of screen space.
<fards> there's so much waste..
<Evilbelgian> but how is reducing pixel density
<fards> dont think that looks small..
<Evilbelgian> ahh you made it
<Evilbelgian> one pixel per pixel
<Evilbelgian> you're shoving a larger screen space on a small screen
<Evilbelgian> IT MAKES SENSE NOW
<Evilbelgian> you're shrinking the resolution
<Evilbelgian> I feel stupid tonight
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<nebkat|beer> can anyone smell it coming?
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<Evilbelgian> what are we smelling
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<peterperfect> hahaha
<peterperfect> trolololol
<Evilbelgian> indeed trolol
<nebkat|beer> trololololo lololo lololoo lololololo ----- trololololo lo lolo lo lolololololo
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<sh4z> anyone else having problems downloading large files on wifi?
<nebkat|beer> sh4z: does your wifi get disconnected after a while?
<nebkat|beer> even when just browsing
<sh4z> um nope
<sh4z> it's fine actually
<pompomJuice> anyone here have any opinions on CM9's ability to suck in facebook contacts and sync with google contacts? (I want the pictures!)
<bbqbot> derp
<sh4z> just I think downloading times out
<pompomJuice> voertsek
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<sh4z> pompomJuice: no I had to do mine manually lol
<pompomJuice> how is that?
<sh4z> right click save as.
<pompomJuice> I cant get the facebook contacts to show up on my device...
<pompomJuice> amagad
<sh4z> they don't and haven't since 4.0
<pompomJuice> aah ok
<pompomJuice> was wondering about hat
<pompomJuice> that*
<pompomJuice> was this intentional
<pompomJuice> contacts without pictures are boring
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<sh4z> not sure if it's been fixed in CM9.. I think it's somewhere around the line of that it's Facebook's fault for not adopting googles api
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<pompomJuice> aah
<sh4z> haven't had Facebook on my phone for a while it sucks battery like a $2 whore
<pompomJuice> the war continues
<sh4z> running CM9?
<bbqbot> derp
<pompomJuice> yea me neither, but you can still add an facebook account without having that hog installed.
<pompomJuice> yes
<pompomJuice> bbqbot is constantly tjooning me... sup with that?
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<sh4z> if you install FB dies it cube up with the option?
<pompomJuice> wait let me check
<pompomJuice> aah my bad
<pompomJuice> so you have to install FB app
<pompomJuice> disaster
<pompomJuice> ok never mind then
<pompomJuice> I am not installing that ap
<sh4z> nebkat|beer: lol torrents work fine on wifi
<EgotisticalElf> you can use a 3rd party facebook app
<pompomJuice> iis there one that works betteR?
<sh4z> um yeah fb sync was always a part of the FB app
<pompomJuice> or let me rephrase... can a 3rd party create an FB app with their AP that can do eveything that the native FB app can do?
<pompomJuice> API*
<sh4z> is there anyway to change the default size of contact images ?
<bbqbot> derp
<sh4z> derp lol
<pompomJuice> haha you got tjooned too
<nebkat|beer> can anyone smell it coming?
<sh4z> bbq always does that? derp
<pompomJuice> every 3rd post is a derp according to wtfbbq
<nebkat|beer> sh4z: sure
<nebkat|beer> pompomJuice: every 7th with a question mark actually
<nebkat|beer> can anyone smell it coming?
<sh4z> code it myself lol?
<pompomJuice> bbqbot is a derp
<pompomJuice> aah I see
<pompomJuice> i was wondering
<sh4z> I don't smell anything except for my breakfast and coffee
<pompomJuice> I thought is was because I was making stuped comments
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<sh4z> why is it Google store these mega p0x compressed to shit jpg's fire my contacts online when I have perfectly fine 480x480 100% quality jpgs showing on my phone
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Still playing D3? :-P
<sh4z> files* sorry 256x256
<sh4z> lol how good is d!!!
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<sh4z> l0l
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<nebkat|beer> can anyone smell it coming?!!!!
<bbqbot> derp
<sh4z> mmm beer
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