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<Parth> She is a terrible actor
<addi> she's an actor? xD
<Parth> :P
<Parth> actor actress whtvr
<addi> you misunderstood me :P
<Parth> i know what you meant, but i just wanted to make sure :p
<addi> she needs to act to be an actor :P
<Parth> mmhm
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Why I can't export the fucking camara app with eclipse I just make some changen I I want to try if the app work!
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<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you cant compile apps with eclipse idiotte!
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: but, there is a export as .apk option. However how could I try it if it works?
<nebkat|beer> h4rdco2e: you cant compile system apps with eclipse, end of story
<nebkat|beer> stop asking
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<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: thank you, anyway I have to compile whole CM9
<nebkat|beer> what you ppl think?
<nebkat|beer> dont promote this anywhere
<nebkat|beer> it is still wip
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<whitequark> nebkat|beer: cool, you have nicely replicated ics look
<whitequark> the "CM Version" menu is a bit quirky btw
<nebkat|beer> whitequark: its wip :P
<nebkat|beer> it doesnt work fully yet
<whitequark> oh also, the way background scrolls definitely sucks
<whitequark> it doesn't scroll with content on android, neither should it on website
<whitequark> but yeah, the overall look is very good, I like it a lot
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<whitequark> is it open-source
<whitequark> *?
<whitequark> I'd like being able to send a pull request or two sometimes
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<pawitp> nebkat|beer: phone icon shouldn't have perspective
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<sh4z> g'day fellas
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<Guest10934> can anyone tell me the difference of cm9 for i9100 3 weeks ago and now? any differences that you notice?
<Evilbelgian> it's mostly bug fixes
<Evilbelgian> that's the changelog
<Guest10934> thank you, i saw the changelog before but can you describe as a user what kind of bugs are fixed now? i love to flash today but need to know that its stable enought for me.
<davisc> Guest10934: I've been using it for about 6 weeks now and no stability problems
<Guest10934> ok thats nice
<davisc> You need to buy a program for the FM radio and the device encryption doesn't work. I think that's the 2 major things
<Guest10934> no hot phone or wakelocks as described in the faq?
<davisc> I haven't had those difficulties
<Guest10934> thats nice to hear
<davisc> I'm sure I could probably get a bit more battery life out of it if I investigated the wakelocks - but that's the same as if I had the stock firmware
<Evilbelgian> My battery Life turns to crap on occasion but I blame that on 3 hour Osmos Marathons
<Guest10934> ok ok
<Guest10934> what can i do to install it clean?
<bbqbot> derp
<Guest10934> wipe phone memory?
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<Guest10934> hey evilbelgian you noticed heating up more than stock rom?
<Evilbelgian> not really...obviously if you're using a CPU intensive app it heats up a bit but for the most part my phone remains nice and cool
<Guest10934> oke nice to hear, i used cm9 for months and thats months ago for now, but i flashed stock back because of the heating up every time
<Guest10934> @EvilBelgian hoe is het eigenlijk met video opname is dat gefix?
<bbqbot> Guest10934: Command doesnt not exist!
<Evilbelgian> french speaking not flemish
<Guest10934> o i am sorry je ne parle pas france
<Guest10934> but i asked if the video recording is fixed
<Guest10934> and full screen view?
<Evilbelgian> 1080p recording is still a bit iffy
<Evilbelgian> related to the light sensor drivers not being done yet I think
<Guest10934> oke oke
<Guest10934> if you use another video camera app would that fix the problem?
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi all
<Evilbelgian> hey
<DuperMan> sales xD
<DuperMan> @ local carrier
<DuperMan> ^^
* DuperMan is joyful
<b00gieMAndroid> hey Evil, DuperMan
<b00gieMAndroid> congrats Duper
<b00gieMAndroid> u'll get access to handsets easily now :D
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<DuperMan> danke
<DuperMan> hehe yeah, but playing it smooth for the first couple o' months :P nvm
<datagutt> heeey
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<DuperMan> hola
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<whitequark> ok. just bought a new sgs2. it's with ics and XXLPQ already
<whitequark> can I restore a backup by flashing boot.img with odin and then restoring the rest via recovery, or should I use something more convoluted?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> just flash a stock gb and proceed to cm9 from there
<DuperMan> yes, with odin
<whitequark> DuperMan: flash gingerbread over ics to go to ics?
<whitequark> you're insane
<whitequark> whatever, either I understand how this stuff works and everything'll be ok, or I'm just too stupid and it will be bricked.
<DuperMan> or the pit will make shit weird in a slow acting slowly manifesting manifold of forms
<whitequark> mmmmhm
<DuperMan> and you'll have wasted three days by the time you do what I just said
<whitequark> valid note
zz_fards is now known as fards
<whitequark> simple. I'll dd boot.img to /dev/mmcblk0p5.
<whitequark> this cannot fail/.
<DuperMan> when you'll flash it...
<DuperMan> you'll brick shits
<whitequark> then? worst of all I'll just need to do your gb->cm trick via odin
<whitequark> there is no way I can destroy the bootloader with this.
<DuperMan> ok. I'm jiving mostly, but pretty sure the pit for samsung stuffs has it's own flashable
<whitequark> pit is just a partition table. it's in efi format, if I rememeber it correctly
<whitequark> huh, stock rom has its own recovery.
<DuperMan> just flash a decent gb, add cfroot, cwm cm9
<whitequark> ah, damn it, I don't have su on stock rom.
<DuperMan> ^
<DuperMan> ........
<whitequark> what do you want from me, I never used stock rom in my life. I flashed CM like several hours after buying my first android phone.
<whitequark> what the hell, it doesn't even have adb reboot bootloader. piece of crap.
<DuperMan> :)
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<whitequark> DuperMan: as a great triumph of logic and reason over cargo cult engineering, I just successfully restored my backup.
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<DuperMan> lol nice, I did that from sgs2 to n7000
<DuperMan> :)
<whitequark> huh, that's more impressive
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<DuperMan> but no
<whitequark> hm, actually no.
<whitequark> that's cm to cm
<whitequark> what's even different between these devices except from kernel and some setting "imma tablet"?
<DuperMan> nothing, and the note regretfully forgets to mention that it is anywhere important
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<whitequark> besides which, can anyone suggest a FOSS app which will shred all my data if it'll detect a different SIM?
<whitequark> possibly with other antitheft features, but this is the most important one
<DuperMan> hmmmm... anti-theft and foss mingling. hmmmmm
<whitequark> I won't trust a proprietary app to have full control over my phone, and an anti-theft app pretty much has full control
<whitequark> I don't even fully trust google services. Well, at least they give you a very precise reason not to: their public privacy policy
<DuperMan> well if you insist on using logic of course it makes perfect sense
<DuperMan> derp
<DuperMan> also, Y WORRY IS U CHINAMAN?
<whitequark> russian (as you probably already remember)
<DuperMan> I do. I made dumb joke. I is tired.
<whitequark> but I have a very specific reason to have a VPN with authentication by client certificates and my own CA. so... :)
<whitequark> (yeah, I do not trust my ISP to not have a forged intermediate CA.)
<DuperMan> ah, I wanna be a spy too. where is location of spy school?
<DuperMan> :D
<whitequark> teh internetz
<DuperMan> I portscanned with ping last week and my great uncle nearly threw a fit
<DuperMan> the art of internetting is dying :(
<DuperMan> *fing
zz_fards is now known as fards
<whitequark> great uncle? throwing a finger?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> what
<whitequark> well whatever, bbl
<Evilbelgian> portscanned with fing
<DuperMan> a fit
<DuperMan> and generally scanned
<DuperMan> :P can't think of many ways to scan other than ports
<whitequark> ah, got it
<whitequark> you can scan for specific vulnerabilites
<DuperMan> fing - silly app that gui's up the shits, yeah
<whitequark> e.g. try to find an old phpmyadmin on a webserver
<DuperMan> probably mad unsafe lol
<DuperMan> if you're so inclined.
<DuperMan> bbiab
<whitequark> fing. pft, all you need is nmap
<whitequark> shit I didn't make a backup of sdcard
<whitequark> sigh.
<DuperMan> ROFL
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<addi> whitequark, use recovery software to get sd card data back? :p
<addi> i did once after formatting it by mistake :p
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<b00gieMan> hello room
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<b00gieMAndroid> anybody around
<b00gieMAndroid> DuperMan, Vetch, etc :P
<Evilbelgian> Hey
<b00gieMAndroid> hey Evil
<b00gieMAndroid> wassup
<Evilbelgian> how are you?
<bbqbot> derp
<Evilbelgian> watching malcolm in the middle
<b00gieMAndroid> finally got on mirc and got off webchat :P
<b00gieMAndroid> just hopped in to check what's the reaction on the new ICS released today for G.Note
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<Evilbelgian> ah you're looking for someone with a G.Note
<b00gieMAndroid> haha
<b00gieMAndroid> ur using sgs2 or gnex am sure :P
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<Vetch> afternoon :)
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<b00gieMAndroid> hey vetch
<b00gieMAndroid> zup
<b00gieMAndroid> new ICS update released today
<b00gieMAndroid> for note
<bbqbot> b00gieMAndroid: Command doesnt not exist!
<Vetch> hmmmmm
<Vetch> not gonna touch it
<Vetch> :D
<Vetch> but i 'might' give the radio a try
<Evilbelgian> Boogiemandroid, s2
<b00gieMAndroid> m not touching it either
<b00gieMAndroid> cool evil
<Vetch> im happy with cm9
<b00gieMAndroid> what's so special about R1 radio? :P
<Vetch> its newer :P
<Vetch> so i might test it :D
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> tried this yet? n7000
<b00gieMAndroid> nightly
<b00gieMAndroid> Direct Download:
<b00gieMAndroid> md5sum: b62a3b2a211c3d6c2543d525542304e1 Short URL:
<b00gieMAndroid> 134.54 MB
<b00gieMAndroid> 2012-05-17 11:30:42
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<Colafan> hi
<b00gieMAndroid> hi
Colafan is now known as DocMAX
<DocMAX> is it normal that brignesslevels do not work in CM9 on SGS2?
<DocMAX> they dont save if i change it
<b00gieMAndroid> lol no, it works
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<b00gieMAndroid> auto or manual
<DocMAX> i mean the levels
<DocMAX> 16,40,60,70,250
<DocMAX> cant chenge them
<DocMAX> change
<b00gieMAndroid> elaborate more when you say "levels"
<DocMAX> lightsensor levels
<b00gieMAndroid> nevermind
<b00gieMAndroid> brb guys
<DocMAX> thanks
<addi> hey DocMAX, on IRC after a long time? :p
<DocMAX> yes
<DocMAX> i have problems
<DocMAX> cant change the sensor levels
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* DuperMan takes the guts of a virgin sgs3 and places them inside his Note, solemnly wording a binding spell as he wishes the wacom into working
<b00gieMAndroid> lmfao
<DuperMan> just wishing phone hardware was more modular. you saying it ain't 1998?
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<DuperMan> w00t
<DuperMan> SBM needed a settings change for pressure
<b00gieMAndroid> another FAIL @ Samsung
<You_Tube> Tizen on Samsung Galaxy SII HD - Gallery, Live Call and Video
ciwrl|away is now known as ciwrl|work
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<Adam87> hello all
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<Adam87> can i switch galaxy note into tablet mode ?? in CM9
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<DuperMan> Adam87: no
<DuperMan> - seems even with pressure sensitivity one needs 'talent'
<DuperMan> :(
* DuperMan looks for in app purchase
<Vetch> DuperMan: ill show you a couple of mine :D
<DuperMan> Vetch: you BETTER not make THAT look decent xD
<DuperMan> I have some actual legitimate drawings btw, just none on pressure sensitive SBM note yet :)
<b00gieMAndroid> htc one x got flip cover like note lol
<DuperMan> nice!
<DuperMan> it got same fatness but less wacom. it FAILED
<b00gieMAndroid> omfg vetch that's awesom ework
<DuperMan> f. you might draw duke nukem thinking you's draw yourself
<Vetch> last 2 were actually on s memo
<DuperMan> but nice work!
<DuperMan> ^^
<b00gieMAndroid> looks stupid duper
<DuperMan> dude - gonna steal the technique you drew Kage :D
<DuperMan> ^^
<Vetch> haha
<Vetch> my dog :D
<b00gieMAndroid> brb
<DuperMan> figured :) I have some drawnigs of my bitch
<DuperMan> but nsfw xD
<DuperMan> this as good as I eveh was with a wacom, but only colored widd it
<Parth> Lol yellow
<DuperMan> *zombie yellow
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<DuperMan> need to draw now. can't. stand. faults.
<DuperMan> ;|
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<whitequark> addi: it was stolen
<addi> oh :/
<whitequark> I'd LOVE to have some recovery software which could bring my data back
<whitequark> more precisely, I'd love to have some software which could recover whoever stole it so that I could beat the shit out of that person.
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<whitequark> DocMAX: brightness levels are broken for me, too
<Kaik541> DuperMan: that picture is creepy
<Kaik541> not for the obvious reasons either
<Kaik541> her face looks smashed, his dong is tiny and awkward, and I never though I'd live to see the day with a zombie copping a feel
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<Vetch> <@Kaik541> her face looks smashed, his dong is tiny and awkward, and I never though I'd live to see the day with a zombie copping a feel << why u looking at his dong? LOL
<Kaik541> Vetch: it's right there and looks weird
<Vetch> i never noticed til you mentioned it
<Vetch> :P
<Evilbelgian> eww
<b00gieMAndroid> back for sometime
<b00gieMAndroid> hey parth
<b00gieMAndroid> u the same parth i know on twitter? :P
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Kaik541: like anything, I draw by tossing boredom against the wall hoping it'll stick - so yeah, halfassed :)
<b00gieMAndroid> haaha that was a nice blah image duper
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<DuperMan> that was a ton of boredome spent well enough to cop the zombie a feel :P
<DuperMan> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<Vetch> did he only cop a feel tho?
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<b00gieMAndroid> hey vetch
<DuperMan> ehrm.. no. now why did I bother answering? oh yeah, boredom:)
<b00gieMAndroid> what app to use for irc on droid P
<b00gieMAndroid> :P*
<Vetch> lol compile bitchx
<Vetch> :)
<DuperMan> andchat?
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> why terminal emulator not does?
peterperfect is now known as peterperfect[A]
* peterperfect[A] is now away - Reason : lunch
<Vetch> damn you blizzard and your shit torrent client
<Vetch> :/
<b00gieMAndroid> will give it a try while i try to cht from bed :P
<Vetch> d3 y u no download fast
<b00gieMAndroid> what client
<Vetch> the default diablo 3 downlo0ader
<DuperMan> you not haz d3 files yet?
<b00gieMAndroid> ohh
<Vetch> no DuperMan
<b00gieMAndroid> d3 not my kind agame
<b00gieMAndroid> game
<Vetch> 77%
<b00gieMAndroid> am more of fps like cod, etc
<DuperMan> I have files but still wait for key oo
<Vetch> cod sucks
<DuperMan> OHAI 1997 HOW R U
<b00gieMAndroid> gagaga
<b00gieMAndroid> as i said am fps lover
<DuperMan> the darkness 2 - awesome
<DuperMan> beat that
<Vetch> i downloaded that
<Vetch> never got to try it
<b00gieMAndroid> ok gotta go for now
<b00gieMAndroid> cya laterz gatorz
<DuperMan> it's fun. rare in a game, that
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<Vetch> metal gear solid still my fav game/genre
<DuperMan> the new sfvst - awesome. but still haz sf in it
<DuperMan> :(
<Vetch> lol
<DuperMan> street fighter vs tekken
<Vetch> yeah i figured
<whitequark> btw, how is i9100g different from i9100 in regards of cm9?
<DuperMan> old tekkens play great on emus - protip
<Kaik541> street fighter X tekken, or tekken X street fighter?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> sfXt
<whitequark> because I've found precisely i9100, but now I'm curious if it was worth it
<DuperMan> not sure the latter is for realz
<Kaik541> DuperMan: they both are
<DuperMan> think it was a japanese promo fake fight gone awry
<DuperMan> sure?
<Kaik541> they each agreed to put each other's characters in each other's games
<Kaik541> each doing it their own style
<Kaik541> it was announced at E3 last year
<DuperMan> yeah yeah bla bla follow the development - sounds like drama
<DuperMan> is full of drama
<Kaik541> oh I'm sure there is
<Kaik541> doesn't mean it's not supposed to eventually come out
<DuperMan> makes me fear tXsf is stunt
<Kaik541> the tekken guys were upset the street fighter guys made their characters look "cartoony"
<DuperMan> well I've been checking up on it for about six months and I'm pretty sure if at all, it's about 15% done
<DuperMan> xD
<Kaik541> even though clearly that worked well since SF4 and sfXt both sold well
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<DuperMan> still would totally blow sf out of the water. tekken haz wayyyyy nicer mechanics
<Kaik541> DuperMan: well the releases were supposed to be staggered by about a year so it wouldn't feel like the same guy twice
<Vetch> ive always preferred sf mechanics
<Vetch> tekken feels slow and sluggish
<DuperMan> damn Kaik541 - just when I managed to stop waiting for tXsf
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> tekken - puppets. sf - button mashing
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<Vetch> timed moves > button bashing
<DuperMan> superultrahyperloadedblowout=dbz
<DuperMan> also, call me facile but yes I want tekken with finishers :D
<Kaik541> Vetch: tekken only wins because of the drunken master fighting style
<DuperMan> mk style
<DuperMan> no, STEVE
<Kaik541> where I can just face away and backflip them repeatedly
<DuperMan> also, I take your comment and I raise you a blanka
<DuperMan> bzzzzzt
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<Kaik541> blanka is cheating, drunken master actually requires an attention span
<DuperMan> unless eddie
<DuperMan> but eddie only works agains n00bs
<DuperMan> against
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<Vetch> 98%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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<Vetch> wb
<Vetch> quick lunch today :P
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<xplodwild> We should cherrypick which french people should get access to CM9
<DuperMan> tweaked pcsx2. TEKKEN
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<Santa-Claus_16> usb-hots (otg)... i wait...
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<marto> following the update guide ( after heimdall flash --kernel zImage it boots to a yellow triangle with the exclamation mark
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<DuperMan> f u google: good idea spoken for #329981798273: how Glass is controlled, but I thought mechanical levers or tracking the whole hand
<peterperfect> wut?
<DuperMan> just another idea I never did anything with realized by forces greater than I. you can take 'add cmos pixel to rgb grid', gonna be a while until that's pilfered considering pentile
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<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: nobody understands you :P
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<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: business as usual. otoh I got a job as a phone rep
<DuperMan> XD
<DuperMan> (my diction is worse when spoken)
<peterperfect> again, nebkat|beer told nobody understands you and i couldnt undestand your imediate next sentence
<peterperfect> hahahaha
<peterperfect> stop using weed
<peterperfect> its giving you brain damage
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<DuperMan> it gave me brain damage, if anything. LEARN (M)E-GLISH
<DuperMan> *me-nglish
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<qwebirc92334> vanhelsing1616
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<qwebirc92334> how do i get my samsung sgh-i777uckh7 to boot cryanogen mod 9 i installed but its in a loop?
<bbqbot> derp
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<qwebirc92334> can someone help me?
<peterperfect> qwebirc92334 dunno about i777 dud
<qwebirc92334> can you get someone to email me the info?
<qwebirc92334> one how to get out of the boot loop?
<qwebirc92334> i gotten out before but i usually have erase the phone's os and re install stock firmware.
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<qwebirc92334> currently i can get it in download mod, but the clock work recovery won't open
<Frd^> try flash kernel with cwr again. and try go to cwr again
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<DuperMan> cryanogen
<DuperMan> crynge worthy
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What should I looking for in the new build?
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<DuperMan> less LTE fail
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nothing :-D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: ........
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Why you confuse me like this? :-P
<Jiangyi> And I was so looking forward to more things.
<DuperMan> codeworkx: I can haz digging at your brain pm?
<peterperfect> DuperMan dude speak something undestandable
<peterperfect> fuuuu
<codeworkx> DuperMan: nope
<DuperMan> peterperfect: learn to speak geek
<DuperMan> codeworkx: fair enough
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<codeworkx> diablo = no brain
<DuperMan> xD all of your crystals belong in brains
<peterperfect> codeworkx fix something xD
<DuperMan> I had real sweet app concept but lazy. basically just rethinking goggles into a 'snapmix' feature
<DuperMan> set a list of favorite photo themes
<DuperMan> have widget on launcher homescreen
<DuperMan> press widet, swirl phone about - it see something awesome, it shoots
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<DuperMan> ^not what I needed a brain to dig for
<Vetch> codeworkx i finally got diablo
<Vetch> had to download it 3 times cos the installer refused to finish/resume download
<Vetch> what region server are you playing on ?
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> teh memories
<Vetch> i sent them a nasty ticket :D
<Vetch> i wanna find my d2 cd's now
<Thracky> I can't wait to get my d3 on tonight :P
<Vetch> got an urge to play it again
<Thracky> didn't get to play yesterday at all
<DuperMan> D. 2. ON. ANDROID.
<Vetch> mines installing Thracky
<DuperMan> MAKE IT SO!
<Thracky> d1 on android
<Vetch> what region server wil you be on ?
<Thracky> would be amazing
<Thracky> US
<Vetch> ah :(
<Vetch> i wont see you about
<Thracky> no probably not :P
<Vetch> at least not on my first playthrough
<DuperMan> Thracky: there was a 70% working WM port
<Thracky> I'm tempted to make my game public next time I play
<DuperMan> hmmmm... d1 wasn't dos playable at all or was it?
<Thracky> no
<Thracky> I think it used directx didn't it?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> think it could but wasn't required
<DuperMan> least not for the demo
<DuperMan> oo
<DuperMan> first game to enjoy sexy dx7 though
<Thracky> yeah win95 or better
<Thracky> 16 MB ram required for multiplayer :D
<DuperMan> cludged onto a 486 althesame
<DuperMan> lag helped beat it
<DuperMan> (well it WAS a dx)
<Thracky> hehe
<Thracky> 60 mhz pentium was "minimum"
<DuperMan> for good reason. shit looked soooooo smooth o that xD
<Vetch> i remember having 70mb hard drive
<DuperMan> first diablo clone I remember = dark crystal
<Vetch> and compressing it several times so i could install a few things
<DuperMan> kingpin was better :P
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<codeworkx> down :-D
<codeworkx> 50 barb, 49 wizard, 42 monk, 36 hunter xD
<Thracky> wow
<Thracky> have you played 24/7 since launch? :P
<codeworkx> no
<peterperfect> 23/7
<Vetch> jesus codeworkx
<DuperMan> ^ yes
<codeworkx> still hell and inferno left
<DuperMan> he did.
<Vetch> what region server?
<codeworkx> eu
<DuperMan> sooooo did
<Vetch> weeeeeeeeeee
<DuperMan> how much monies?
<peterperfect> and still have time to GF and developing
<Vetch> ima joining you real soon
<peterperfect> codeworkx freezes the time
<DuperMan> btw still ought to brush up on cod a little then kill you dead
<DuperMan> ;)
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<DuperMan> can I sell origin games?
<DuperMan> :O
<DuperMan> sooooooo wanna trade CoD for diablo
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<DuperMan> +get rid the F of origin^^
<codeworkx> Vetch: if you're lvl 50 :-D
<Vetch> haha
<DuperMan> hmmm... all I have on my origin account IS cod... but it appears to also be my ea account :/
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<DuperMan> anybody wanna buy some me2 swag and Battlefield 3 in exchange for D3?
<DuperMan> *trade
<DuperMan> *not cod
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<Parth> codeworkx: lvl 50 pokemon right? :D
<DuperMan> nah morrowind
<DuperMan> anybody on tribes?
<nebkat|beer> who can smell it coming?
<DuperMan> +1
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<DuperMan> ea fail. symantec says chrome plugin is virus
<Parth> symantec is teh fail
<DuperMan> norton ruled
<Espenfjo> heh
<Parth> for too long
<Parth> on Windows the only anti virus I use is MSE
<Parth> light weight
<Parth> and it gets the job done
* DuperMan loads his shotgun
<DuperMan> just dare say mse
<DuperMan> fuck beat to by a mile xD
<Parth> :P
<Parth> <3
<DuperMan> they're about as resource hungry... hmmmm...\
<DuperMan> trying the switch, I'll be mildly pissed if you'll prove to have f'ed my rigs up
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<Parth> It's really not that bad.
<Parth> I prefer it over Norton or Kaspersky
<Parth> (and I thought for a long time that Kaspersky was resource friendly)
<DuperMan> from what's I've seen it's as resource hungry as sep12
<DuperMan> lol WHAT
<DuperMan> you thought that?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, MSE's pretty good.
<Parth> hey Kaspersky had the highest detection rate for a long time
<Thracky> agreed on mse
<Jiangyi> Norton wiped my MBR last time I used it O_O
<Parth> Norton has always been a piece of shit
<DuperMan> kaspersky was the king for 2006-2009 at leawst
<DuperMan> but not lean
<Parth> it just was the only "well known" option for several years which is why it's still popular
<DuperMan> and norton!=symanted endpoint protection
<Parth> idc. in my view they both suck
<DuperMan> well sep isn't as bloated and usually doesn't noticably fail
<Parth> that's true
<Parth> but I like having control and Endpoint Protection doesn't give me that unless I'm the network admin lol
<Parth> or unless they provide a standalone version
<Parth> which would be stupid in a managed environment
<DuperMan> ehm.... dude. it haz teh standalone
<Parth> ^^
<DuperMan> just your admin is suck
<Parth> I know they do
<Parth> I installed the standalone version on my computer
<Parth> school offers it
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<DuperMan> ah. centralized or not then?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> lol
<Parth> our school uses the centralized version for its workstations and school laptops but for us it's standalone
<Parth> unmanaged
<Parth> is the key word actually
<DuperMan> cool. and yeah. their upgrade policy suck btw
<DuperMan> if you happen to be the one managing the beast
<Thracky> we use endpoint here also
<Parth> mmhm
<Parth> too expensive.
<Parth> i'm surprised our school uses it
<Thracky> yeah we only have like 30 people here
<DuperMan> IS IT NEW? NOOOOO! PAY!!!!!
<Thracky> and I'm pretty much the entire IT department.
<Thracky> not really a department :P
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<DuperMan> I've been IT, Tech Support and costumer inquiries
<DuperMan> worth the butthurt for the mean resume' badges
<Thracky> I'm just here for the summer for some IT stuff they need done here but I've pretty much cemented some weekend work for when school starts up again.
<Thracky> and I can do all that remotely :D
<DuperMan> nice. :))
<DuperMan> which ports credentials and ips?:D
<DuperMan> xD
<Thracky> lol
<Thracky> oh and one of the owners here has the only street legal Ariel Atom in canada.
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<Thracky> and I got a ride in it. I was like a giddy schoolgirl haha
<Thracky> so I don't mind this place
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<DuperMan> what's an ariel atom? electric doodad?
<Thracky> fastest accelerating street legal car
<Thracky> open wheel
<DuperMan> nice!
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<bbqbot> derp
<You_Tube> BBC: Atom (the full clip in high quality!) - Top Gear
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<Thracky> I've honestly never felt anything accelerate so fast
<Parth> DuperMan: so how's that MSE install going? :P
<Parth> it take teh longest time no?!
<DuperMan> Thracky: that's what she said
<Parth> lol
<Thracky> :D
<DuperMan> Parth: no. just the initial scan does
<Thracky> skip the initial scan
<Parth> it scans pretty quickly too
<DuperMan> but it's been installed for the past 10-15 mins
<Thracky> it's le gay
<DuperMan> :)
<Parth> if you skip it it keeps bugging you
<Parth> so just do it
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<Thracky> let it run overnight
<DuperMan> yeah, been there done that
<DuperMan> lol
<Thracky> anyways, quittin time.
<DuperMan> bai
<Parth> ye
<Parth> bye
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<whitequark> all antiviral software is snake oil
<whitequark> no antivirus will protect you from 0days, and that's all what matters
<whitequark> old stuff is mitigated just as well by simply keeping your system up to date with patchesd
<Parth> :P
<whitequark> *patches
<Parth> 0days?
<whitequark> yeah, fresh security holes and malware written specifically to exploit them
<Parth> ohh
<whitequark> i.e. a piece of malware has ~a day before it's commonly detected
<whitequark> but it's more than enough
<Parth> Heuristics scanning! :P
<whitequark> given the abundance of kernel-level rootkits, after you catch one... that's all
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<Parth> so scarryy
<whitequark> heuristics? bullshit, too much false positives
<Parth> it catch all teh things!
<whitequark> proactive? would work, _but only if users were clever enough to understand what's actually bad and what's just a false positive__
<whitequark> and anyway, it's too obtrustive
<whitequark> always wants attention
<whitequark> just fucking update your system, and:
<whitequark> uninstall flash, java, acrobat reader, quicktime and realplayer
<whitequark> these plugins have hundreds of gaping security holes. a disaster waiting to happen.
<Parth> but I need teh flash and teh javaz and teh readers!
<Parth> and QuickTime is in my OS
<Parth> Mac: MacBook Pro (15" 2011) • CPU: Intel Core i7-2820QM @ 2.3GHz • RAM: 4.56GB/8.0GB [❙❙❙❙❙❙|❙❙❙❙] • HDD: 223.9GB/603.95GB [❙❙❙❙|❙❙❙❙❙❙] • GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6750M [1024 MB] & Intel HD Graphics 3000 [512 MB] Res: 1680 x 1050 • Audio: AppleHDA • Power: 65% [3:14] • OS: OS X 10.7.4 x64 • Kernel: Darwin 11.4.0 • Up: 3 days 22:52 • Client: Textual 2.1.1
<whitequark> well, you're somewhat safer on os x, but flash still sucks
<Parth> D:
<Parth> I love how my kernel has reserved 1.08GB of RAM
<Parth> ಥ_ಥ
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<Parth> whitequark: so whazup
<Parth> I feel like going for a spin outside
* Parth gets his rollerblades
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<DuperMan> I call this one "kissing up to the ex part deux"
<DuperMan> and it's diablo inspired, oldschool though - drew the orig before new d3
<DuperMan> too tame?:(
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> Parth: what's there to love about that? stupid apple xip type shit
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> were you guys sexy bitches who're my exes, would you like that?
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<Parth> huh
<Parth> speak teh proper engrish pleez
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: 6:30 min pure fight time... skeleton king act I on difficulty hell :-D
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<DuperMan> NO
<DuperMan> wtf SKELETON KING?!?!?!??!?! LUDIS THE 3RD RIGHT?!
<DuperMan> xD
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<Parth> ......
<DuperMan> from diablo 1
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<Parth> diablo?!
<Parth> bleh
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<DuperMan> diableh
<Parth> TF2 + CS:S ftw
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<Jiangyi> Parth, CS:S is awesome :-)
<peterperfect> i want asus to gief my ota update nao
<peterperfect> so sweet to have root
<Jiangyi> Parth, so do I!
<Jiangyi> Oh well, BF3 will do for now :P
<Parth> wuh dat
<Parth> oh battlefield
<Parth> battlefield is SO BAD.
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<Thracky> I hardly played bf3, maybe got to like level 8 or 9 in multi heh
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<Jiangyi> meh
<Jiangyi> it's pretty good to me
<Parth> yu know what lvl I get to?
<Parth> lvl 100 in deh pokemanz :)
<Jiangyi> lol which one?
<Parth> all of dem
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<Jiangyi> :O
<Parth> Jiangyi: I haz all deh legendary catz, and the two big burds.
<Jiangyi> Talk about over-the-top bootleg O_O
<Jiangyi> Parth: Last Pokemon game I played was Emerald
<Parth> lawl
<Parth> the ad that came up before the video was for a galaxys3 lmao
<Jiangyi> lol oh the irony :P
<Parth> but omg those KIRFs. so funny.
<Jiangyi> Yep.
<Jiangyi> LOL Konka's logo even looks like Nokia's! :-P
<Parth> I have never heard of Konka apart from that article xD
<Parth> deez peepull and their smelly grills. all dat smoke up in my face.
* Parth closes window.
<Jiangyi> Me neither
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<JeffXDA> which is the latest radio that i can flash with CWM?, there's a list of that?
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<Parth> JeffXDA: what device
<JeffXDA> i9100
<JeffXDA> GS2
<Parth> you haz rom manager?
<JeffXDA> yeah, had
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> LPS latest modem
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<JeffXDA> wow
<JeffXDA> amazin site
<JeffXDA> really thanks dude
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<Parth> yup