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<kenny1211> i have a problem with most aokp roms, i dont know why is that but then i am not able to download apps from the google play store if i am using mobile data connection. but if im using wifi then everything works fine. does anyone have a solution for that?
<kenny1211> can anyone help me out with that?
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<kenny1211> i have a problem with most aokp roms, i dont know why is that but then i am not able to download apps from the google play store if i am using mobile data connection. but if im using wifi then everything works fine. does anyone have a solution for that?
<kenny1211> i have already clear cache and dalvik also manually clear cache under all apps tab for google play and google serviceframework
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<Jiangyi> kenny1211: Are you sure that the Update only over Wi-Fi option is Google Play is not checked?
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<kenny1211> Jiangyi: yes im pretty sure. i have already checked it over and over again.
<Jiangyi> Can you use mobile data for everything else or?
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<kenny1211> yes, i can use it to go online also. sorry for the late replies..
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<Jiangyi> Hmm.... Well that's quite odd.
<kenny1211> yea, i know. i tried changing the modems on other roms as well but it does not work
<kenny1211> well, my cm9 is still original
<Jiangyi> Well, I have no idea on how to solve that. You should wait for a developer to answer your question. Sorry.
<kenny1211> so how do i as k the developers my question?
<kenny1211> here?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> kenny1211: Yeah, just wait for one of them to be here.
<kenny1211> how would i know if they are here?
<kenny1211> will it show or what>?
<kenny1211> sorry im kind of new to cm9
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<Jiangyi> You really don't. One of them will see your question probably. Just hang around for a bit.
<kenny1211> oh alright!
<kenny1211> thanks there jiangyi=)
<Jiangyi> Yeah no problem, sorry I couldn't be more help.
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<kenny1211> no probs thanks you very much anyway. =)
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<MCSmy> can I delete the recently called from the Phone and People app on CM9?
<MCSmy> someone?
<kenny1211> im not sure buddy, i am just waiting for developer to answer my question
<Jiangyi> MCSmy: Should be an option when you press the menu key.
<MCSmy> Import/Export; Accounts; Settings.
<DuperMan> but why no touch sounds?
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> sup?
<Jiangyi> Hey DuperMan.
<DuperMan> hey Jiangyi
<Jiangyi> MCSmy: Go to the phone app, go under recently called, then press the menu key.
<Jiangyi> DuperMan, got any ideas on kenny1211's problem?
<bbqbot> derp
<kenny1211> yes please.. =(
<DuperMan> call log backup and restore might help
<MCSmy> some guys on google were complaining that you can't delete those contacts, so I just hope CM9 can
<kenny1211> on most aokp rom also like that for my phone
<DuperMan> been in a pickle over it myself but wasn't worth much of a bother
<MCSmy> it's call log you are talking about
<MCSmy> I'm talking about the third tab on people and phone app.
<Jiangyi> MCSMy: If you need to delete contacts, Google "google contacts" and it'll take you to the site where you can edit this stuff.
<MCSmy> there is some contacts on the top, Recently Called
<raymonddull> call other people
<MCSmy> when you call, they go there
<raymonddull> thats how to clear it. :P
<DuperMan> hmmmmm... don't have those. guess you set a group of 'em at some point
<raymonddull> DuperMan, no its an ics feature
<raymonddull> above contacts in the dialer, it shows recently called
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: kenny1211's problem's about Google Play and mobile data......
<MCSmy> yeah
<MCSmy> its on the third tab on the dialer and people..
<DuperMan> raymonddull: haven't noticed, guess it's too similar a list to my starred contacts
<raymonddull> could be
<MCSmy> CM9 devs could take a look at this and make option to clean they, :)
<DuperMan> as could you :)
<MCSmy> cant buddy, i'm not a expert. what I just expect from CM9 is do what google didn't, as this.
<DuperMan> see it now, 'frequently called'
<DuperMan> ahhhhhhh the 'just expecting'
<DuperMan> I just expect you to hire me a callgirl
<DuperMan> is that unreasonable?:)
<MCSmy> so, why is the CM team making ROMs?
* raymonddull expects his car to fly him places
<MCSmy> what the purpose of doing ROMs?
<DuperMan> for the challenge and the fun of it
<MCSmy> so why don't have some fun puting a option to clean the frequently called?
<DuperMan> as well as getting stuff right for 'us' as 'we' priorotise it, not that I'm enough of a dev to say us yet
<DuperMan> you, good sir, are an entitled douche. raymonddull, I'm nebkat|troll'ed out of my op
<MCSmy> what about respecting some thoughts to make it even better?
<DuperMan> what say you?
<raymonddull> also lol
<DuperMan> @kick MCSmy manners
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<kenny1211> this place has been turned into a war..
<raymonddull> hah
MCSmy was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by DuperMan [manners]
<DuperMan> :)
<kenny1211> nice!
<DuperMan> no war, just keeping it clean. NO FEATURE REQUESTS
<kenny1211> duperman
<Parth> and then ppl complain when end users choose MIUI over CM. -_-
<kenny1211> can help me with my prob now?
<bbqbot> derp
<raymonddull> rule #9001 "Don't EXPECT anything"
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<DuperMan> reiterate kenny1211, I might
<DuperMan> wb MCSmy
<raymonddull> Parth, there's a difference between end users and people who come in here demanding added features
<kenny1211> ohh okie duperman. thanks =)
<Jiangyi> Hey Parth. :-P
<Parth> raymonddull: he wasn't nearly as assertive as someone who needed to be kicked
<Jiangyi> I kind of agree with Parth on this one.
<kenny1211> alright, i just format my phone and going to flash this one more time. hmmm.. now it is a clean phone so shouldn't fae any problem right?
<DuperMan> Parth: he was tone trolling while feature requesting. his "issue" was resolved and he showed no intention of doing a thing about it himself beside bitch more
<DuperMan> how is that constructive?
<DuperMan> kenny1211: not sure which phone and what you're flashing but yes, assuming you do everything by the book
<raymonddull> kenny1211, shouldn't have any issues no, but no guarantees.
<Parth> You meet a lot of people like that, you can't go around kicking all of them
<raymonddull> Parth, aww, why not?
<DuperMan> ^
<DuperMan> +1
<Parth> and when you do, you come off as a bully and get the reputation of not caring.. hmm.
<kenny1211> yes, on galaxys2 and doing everything from the book.
<DuperMan> I meet a lo of people expecting me to work for them for free irl as well
<XxLsp> DuperMan. I wasn't demanding,I was asking if I could just remove the contacts. But you got aggressive with me, thinking I was demanding. So okay, if I can't, I will just sit down and wait for the next releases.
<DuperMan> should I be kind towards them as well?
<DuperMan> XxLsp: now you're being disingenious. I'll discount that as 'good trolling' but srsly - be a sport :)
<DuperMan> *a lo - a lot
<XxLsp> I'm not trolling.
<DuperMan> XxLsp: that's a shame. your suggestion, while not voiced in the proper place, wasn't a bad one in itself and I did put it into consideration - the problem was how you kept pressing a point already resolved
<XxLsp> I was just asking something, so why not you try do this: if you going to be sarcastic and disrespectful, just don't say anything, unless you are going to help.
<kenny1211> ohh ya, another thing, how can i access to my sd card from cm9? i couldnt find any file explorer or file managers.
<raymonddull> download one from the market
<raymonddull> I use oi file explorer
<Parth> XxLsp: sorry, people here like to jump the guns. OpenDESIGN will probably be your best bet to have any features added to CM.
<raymonddull> its also what was included in cm7
<XxLsp> Kenny1211, the sd card is on the /emmc.
<raymonddull> and I think cm6?
<DuperMan> oh goodie, I was looking for someone to set rules :)
<Parth> XxLsp:
<kenny1211> thanks. =)
<DuperMan> kenny1211: x-plore and es file explorer are good choices too
<XxLsp> Parth. Again, I'm not asking for features, I just asked if it was possible.
<kenny1211> so i need to download them from play store 1st?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> yes
<XxLsp> The only way I found was cleaning the Contacts Storage data.
<Parth> XxLsp: it is. As you can see, and something I didn't want to spell out: they won't listen here.
<kenny1211> thank you
<kenny1211> i will go and flash now
<XxLsp> but it wipes all contacts
<DuperMan> Parth: why not spell out what's in the bloody guidelines?:)
<Parth> There are ways to keep to rules without being rude.
<DuperMan> XxLsp: want constructive? try a third party dialer.
<DuperMan> Parth: keeping the rules is never rude. tone trolling is. want nice? see a shrink
<Parth> @kick DuperMan Look who has the manners now.
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [Look who has the manners now.]
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<DuperMan> (indeed, I AM an angry little man:)
<XxLsp> thank you parth. thats how all the CM devs should be. I'm just a middle dev, don't know how to do what you guys do.
<DuperMan> ffs Parth... I'm just not getting the point of this. have him be your good deed of the day mate, reiterating: third. party. dialer.
<XxLsp> I don't want to make a request of this.
<DuperMan> you should, though at the proper route for requesting features. it IS a good bloody observation
<XxLsp> I dont want third party dialer. they are just crap.
<DuperMan> the FEATURE is useful
<Parth> XxLsp: there's nothing more that can be done here. Your options are to submit a feature request with third party developers at openDESIGN or use a third party dialer for now.
<DuperMan> this just isn't the place to keep saying you want it.. wait, no, it is a pretty sweet room for trolling
<DuperMan> :)
<kenny1211> guys guys, can wait for me? flashing it from start again after formatting everything. =)
<raymonddull> lol we're almost always here
<XxLsp> why don't you just respect the other? You think you are smart and all others are just idiots. Just chill out.
<Jiangyi> Oh for heaven's sake, do we really have to be like this? Can't we all act like mature people here and treat others with respect?
<raymonddull> hmm, I think I have a solution that works for one of both of us.
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<DuperMan> lawl
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: being nice and being respectful aren't one and the same
<DuperMan> I find superfluous kindness disrespectful and unconcstructive
<DuperMan> then again, I don't throw a fit over being harshed when I'm wrong or silly
<DuperMan> I'm odd like that
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Those things, while not the same, should usually follow each other IMO.
<DuperMan> I disagree. while hazing any newcomer is probably counterproductive, people should prove themselves prior to earning respect.
<Jiangyi> My thinking is that you should be nice to the newcomers for you to earn their respect first of all, and then things could go on nicely from there.
<DuperMan> the internet on it's nebulous mediae is built on an open exchange of ideas with the better ones sticking by merit
<DuperMan> I don't care about any sort of respect besides self respect and merit
<DuperMan> this isn't a helpdesk
<DuperMan> cool, a dragon
<raymonddull> oh wow, I just realized I've been sitting here typing for 4 hours with power steering fluid on my hand the entire time.
<DuperMan> (o/t, regarding what's on tv)
<raymonddull> didnt even realize it was there
<DuperMan> ehrm... you didn't poison yourself or anything didja?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> that'd suck
<raymonddull> nah
<DuperMan> lol
<raymonddull> afaik power steering fluid isnt harmful
<Jiangyi> While not a helpdesk, it's still a support channel, and it's never bad to point the noobs in the right direction gently.
<kenny1211> guys, i still cant download! =(
<DuperMan> it's just some high grade grease isn't it?
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<DuperMan> kenny1211: download the cm9 rom?
<raymonddull> not really sure tbh
<kenny1211> yes, i am now on the ress but still cannot also
<DuperMan> raymonddull: put some of that fluid in his internet tubes ;)
<kenny1211> the 1st part of theinstruction
<raymonddull> lol
<raymonddull> tbh I'm not really sure what power steering fluid is, it has the consistancy of oil but its like red/orange
<kenny1211> for noob-proof odin ==
<DuperMan> kenny1211: hmmmmm... close any torrent client or similar bandwidth heavy program you have running
<DuperMan> vegetable oil is that color or so
<DuperMan> probably high fructose corn syrup
<DuperMan> should taste sweet if I'm right but don't taste it :)
<raymonddull> doesnt smell sweet, I'm not going to taste it lol
<DuperMan> GOOD
<DuperMan> rofl
<kenny1211> there is not mucj thing in the running apps tab bar sa it is like brand new
<raymonddull> smells kinda... oily
<raymonddull> if that makes sense
<raymonddull> like metallic kind of
<DuperMan> well, it is most likely oil
* raymonddull googles "what is power steering fluid"
<DuperMan> metallic scenting should account for the color
<DuperMan> rusty like blood
<raymonddull> "Simply put, power-steering fluid is the hydraulic fluid that transmits the power in power steering"
<raymonddull> hmm so its not oil
<raymonddull> hmm.... "Car Talk Tip: If you do a lot of your own car maintenance, and you feel like servicing the power-steering fluid yourself, you'll still need to dispose of the old fluid properly. To find out how to dispose of hazardous materials where you live, check out the 1-800-CleanUp/Earth's 911 Web site."
<raymonddull> so hazardous waste disposal vs leaking all over my driveway
<DuperMan> driveway all the way. hyraulic fluid is fancytalk for 'liquid what compresses goodly'
<raymonddull> heh
<DuperMan> I'll brew a mug of psychoaffective antidormantic fluid
<DuperMan> coffee flavored
<raymonddull> "Video: how to check power steering fluid"
<raymonddull> if you're that fucking stupid that you need a video to show you how to check your power steering fluid you should hand your keys to someone else, because you're too stupid to drive
<raymonddull> its a fill cap that says "POWER STEERING FLUID"
<raymonddull> open it and look inside
<raymonddull> not complicated /at all/
<DuperMan> it's a hydraulic transmission system. still thining 'dense oily but shouldn't leave grease behind'
<raymonddull> right now its that red shit leaking into the box, through the box, and onto the driveway
<DuperMan> I'm too blind to drive, but aced the written exam for a permit by reasoning my way through it
<DuperMan> fml
<kenny1211> guys guys, i got an erroe for the 1st time, "ES File Explorer could not be downloaded due to an error. (927)
<DuperMan> I doubt it's shit. that'll have much too much friction
<DuperMan> xD
<DuperMan> brb
<raymonddull> I technically shouldn't drive without my glasses, but passed the vision test by doing it one eye at a time, so I don't legally have to wear my glasses while driving, its not on my license that i have glasses.
<raymonddull> kenny1211, umm... clear market data maybe? that sounds like its waiting for a market update
<kenny1211> okay, i do that.. =)
<DuperMan> squinterboy :) I don't try too hard, for the cats
<DuperMan> B R B
<raymonddull> :p
<kenny1211> it stalls at downloading...
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<kenny1211> it keeps stall at downloading but there is no download started and no download icon on notification bar...
<kenny1211> anybody??? O.o
<Jiangyi> Sorry man, I have no idea.
<kenny1211> lol, now the error is 923 ==
<DuperMan> kenny1211: using a download manager?
<kenny1211> nope, everything stock
<DuperMan> ON THE PC
<DuperMan> :)
<kenny1211> erm, nope.. why?
<DuperMan> are you trying to download the ressuruction rom from the phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^
<kenny1211> nope, i download it on the pc
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<DuperMan> ok, try DO using a download manager then I guess
<DuperMan> so at least you could resume
<DuperMan> oO
<raymonddull> or use the torrent if its an option
<raymonddull> I know does offer that
<DuperMan> or if you're on a gingerbread stock rom get cf-root and falsh from cwm recovery
<kenny1211> erm, so what can i do now?
<DuperMan> (the none-noob-proof method)
<DuperMan> DANCE:D
<kenny1211> i was on ics stock rom just now
<DuperMan> oh. get gingerbread stock rom, flash with oding, flash cwm recovery (cf-root), flash cm9 nightly
<raymonddull> oding?
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<kenny1211> ohh flash from stock gb?
<DuperMan> odin ><
<DuperMan> and yes, flash stock gb first, then cf-root, then cm9
<DuperMan> unless using ressuruction method
<raymonddull> its hillarious hearing gsm buzz in my sub
<kenny1211> i used the ressurection method as for the past few times i flashed it. hmmmm
<DuperMan> raymonddull: omfg happened to me yesterday at a dumb friend's!
<DuperMan> xD
<raymonddull> heh
<DuperMan> kenny1211: past few... so... you're on cm9 now?
<kenny1211> yesss.. ==
<raymonddull> I have my focus sitting on the sub and the amp is picking it up, about every 10 minutes when it checks for my email it buzzes for about 10 seconds
<kenny1211> but just the google play cant work,,
<DuperMan> if you have an 'old' ressurection handy/installed you can upgrade to a nightly
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> ah! get gapps
* DuperMan stated the obvious
* DuperMan is not a captain
<raymonddull> nah he's saying its showing up, everything fails to download due to an error
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<raymonddull> and thats literally what the play store tells him, download failed due to an error.
<DuperMan> oh so I totally missed the problem didn't I?
<DuperMan> :)
<raymonddull> yeah pretty much
<kenny1211> im on 9-20120527-nightly-galaxys2
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<DuperMan> back teh things up, clear caches, try remove and reinstate google account
<DuperMan> handy with titanium backup?
<kenny1211> nope.
<kenny1211> have not restore anything also
<raymonddull> hes on a fresh flash
<raymonddull> and tried clearing market data laready
<raymonddull> already*
<DuperMan> dalvik cache/cache
<DuperMan> ...
<kenny1211> done also
<kenny1211> ==
<DuperMan> does play store at least manage to update itself at start?
<bbqbot> derp
<kenny1211> yes it does actually
<DuperMan> that's something
<raymonddull> which was kinda what made me think its just not fully updated yet
<kenny1211> then i went and search es file explorer and click install
<raymonddull> try connecting it to wifi, reboot the phone and then install something
<DuperMan> 'feels' like google are being silly over the plethora of 'devices' you seemingly registered and removed or something
<kenny1211> then accept and download then come out downloading and stopped there
<DuperMan> ^ good idea
<DuperMan> disable auto-restore too
<kenny1211> i did
<DuperMan> fucking google, how does it work
<kenny1211> omg, it seems that i am the only having this problem
<DuperMan> nah, it was rampant a while ago on the sgs2 fora
<kenny1211> even on other aokp rom i have the same prpblem too
<DuperMan> how about logging into play store on the pc and seeing what devices it knows of?
<kenny1211> but not samsung based roms
<kenny1211> it recognizes my phone
<DuperMan> it was a common issue a while back, wait... I'll find you a link to a newer gapps that works for me
<kenny1211> GT-i9100
<kenny1211> okay. thank you duperman
<DuperMan> using this one?
<kenny1211> LOL
<kenny1211> yes
<kenny1211> haha
<kenny1211> 0429
<DuperMan> drats
<DuperMan> :)
<kenny1211> i downloaded 3 of those ady
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> ehrm... SUE TEH GOOGLE then promptly BLAMESAMSUNG
<DuperMan> :D
<kenny1211> LOL
<kenny1211> hahaaa.
<kenny1211> so there is nothing much i can do or?
<kenny1211> i have practically tried everything
<kenny1211> ==
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<m4xm4n> Hey hacksung type people
<kenny1211> even emailed the google play support team
<DuperMan> yeah, very helpful :) maybe try a last flash with 'format /system' and '/data' before flashing cm and gapps
<kenny1211> hmm, okay then. another flash.. =s
<m4xm4n> Have you guys had issues with the CE147 and unbalanced regulator disables?
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<DuperMan> heck, might pass the time until the issue resolves itself in google's mysterious cloud
<DuperMan> if nothing else
<DuperMan> m4xm4n: say whaaaaaaaaaaaa?
<m4xm4n> On the SGS4G, we've had an issue with an unbalanced regulator disable
<m4xm4n> on pd_cam_supply
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<DuperMan> m4xm4n: dunno nothing about it, sorry
<kenny1211> alright here we goo.. just start up after flashing it
<DuperMan> w00
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<kenny1211> doesnt work
<kenny1211> ==
<m4xm4n> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<kenny1211> but thanks for the help anywayguys, i think i just dont have th luck to use aokp or cm9
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<DuperMan> np... give it a day though, afaik - nvm
<raymonddull> lol
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<DuperMan> seen Iron Sky? looks good
<raymonddull> I have not
<DuperMan> The Avengers was awesome, gave me a craving for more stupid explosions filled fun
<raymonddull> hmm the idea of it sounds cool
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<DuperMan> well, it probably misses a zombie hitler but yeah
<DuperMan> I'd never do warez, but I would get Iron.Sky.2012.1080p.Blu-Ray.AVC.DTS.HD.MA.5.1-HDChina if I did
<raymonddull> lol
<raymonddull> I'm on a 1024x768 screen so dvd rip is decent enough for me
<raymonddull> yay for $20 lcds
<DuperMan> I <3 my denon surround. find me a 50$ preamped subwoofer xD
<raymonddull> I can do better, my $10 dell/altec lansing 50w sub and 2 10w speakers
<raymonddull> I mean sure it was a $250 addon with the computer in 2001, but I paid $10 for it at a garage sale
<DuperMan> hmmm... need something that'll play nice with the too-high-end-for-my-own-bass denon
<DuperMan> also, altec lensing - raped by hp, sorry shadow of itself as they pretend they once were
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<raymonddull> more than slightly yellowed but this is the speaker set, and you even get the computer and trinitron monitor to go with it:
<bbqbot> derp
<raymonddull> that wasnt a question bbqbot
<raymonddull> oh right, itemnumber?pt=Desktop...
<DuperMan> sweet retro looks... drivers be shit?
<DuperMan> (in the speakers, not software stuffs)
<raymonddull> oh, idk they sound decent
<raymonddull> its enough to make my lcd wobble
<DuperMan> my only way of paying online is gifting on audible lol
<raymonddull> for $10 no complaints
<DuperMan> will drag meself to a store soonish and fetch a well specced anything for ~40$:)
<DuperMan> also not downloading a 1080p 1984 Dune with DTS surround
<DuperMan> ;)
<raymonddull> right now, I'm cut back to not well specced anything, I sold my desktop, laptops, phones, xbox, and pretty much everything else to buy my car
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<DuperMan> audio gear is the fake man
<raymonddull> so I'm using a shitty desktop with an athlon 3500+, 4gb ram, and a 40gb 5400rpm hard drive with a 15" lcd I picked up at a garage sale today
<DuperMan> good specced!=highly priced there
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<DuperMan> for audio brand=money and quality=specs
<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> right now, money=no haz
<DuperMan> so get good specs instead of a brand :P I swear by panasonic earphones
<DuperMan> them bunnies have lovely ranges an' resistence
<DuperMan> ^^
<raymonddull> no, when I say I don't have money, I literally mean I have no money:
<DuperMan> >< I would NEVER overdraft my paypal
<DuperMan> fuck dude! FUCK!
<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> -_-
<raymonddull> well its ebay buyer protection bullshit
* DuperMan shakes ray by the shoulders
<raymonddull> they're both fucking stupid though and will be cleared
<DuperMan> must ask, how did your sales backfire?
<raymonddull> the $132 is the dumbass didnt plug the dvi cable all the way in so he thought I sold him a broken monitor
<raymonddull> he plugged it all the way in AFTER winning the buyer protection claim
<raymonddull> so he's going to just wait for it to time out, not send it back to me, and ebay will release my hold
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<raymonddull> thats after 10 days
<DuperMan> ew. can't believe you bothered helping him after he as good as sued you
<DuperMan> motherfucker
<raymonddull> well, its refund $132 I dont have and get back a monitor I dont want, or let him keep it and get my - balance fixed
<raymonddull> and the rest of that is a macbook pro that he filed a protection claim (without even contacting me first) because the dvd drive doesnt work, which it did when it left here
<raymonddull> thats pending paypal decision
<DuperMan> leaving befuddled little me 328$ short of understanding wtf
<DuperMan> :)
<raymonddull> the mbp was $397
<raymonddull> + monitor being $132
<raymonddull> meaning I had $69 in my account
<raymonddull> lol
<DuperMan> macs. Imma getting grandma one.
<DuperMan> she's too old for a real computer :(
<raymonddull> they have awesome resale value
<raymonddull> is the one I sold for $397
<DuperMan> aye. so did tablet pcs, do they still?
<DuperMan> I wanna sell my s7s if I can get 70% value
<raymonddull> probably
<DuperMan> lol 20gb
<DuperMan> the Note is an amazingly sweet 'lil kit
<DuperMan> but arm and real graphics=meh
<DuperMan> but wacom
* DuperMan is torn
<raymonddull> yeah it pisses me off, seems shittier mac=more expensive
<raymonddull> that exact model with an 80gb drive and no issues sold for $340 about a week before that one
<raymonddull> oh well, I still made money hand over fist with every one I sell so no big deal
<raymonddull> though its kind of a big gamble, I've been lucky so far
<DuperMan> rofl... wanna trade me the subwoofer for a 4th gen ipod (needs battery, probably hdd too)?
<raymonddull> this was it when I bought it:
<DuperMan> apple doesn't age, it turns hispter vintage
* DuperMan pukes
<raymonddull> not really...
<raymonddull> I have my phone for music
<raymonddull> and if I get real desperate, an iPod mini somewhere around here
<DuperMan> well I have a 3rd gen that's a really cool thingy
<DuperMan> but not selling that one :)
<raymonddull> I dont blame you
<raymonddull> I loved the 3rd gens
<DuperMan> wooooooooow dude!
<DuperMan> just found a bag I forgot having
<DuperMan> iaudio and zens
<DuperMan> taking pic :)
<DuperMan> one more sec
<raymonddull> lol k
<DuperMan> also found my ugliest==coolest shirts
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> manblouses
<raymonddull> lol
<DuperMan> wonder where the 4g ipod is
<DuperMan> and miss the original brushed aluminum creative zen, sold to a mate before I realized how fucking one of a kind it was
<DuperMan> zen touch (strip) didn't compare
<DuperMan> but either had awesome sound
<raymonddull> hmm nice collection
<raymonddull> I miss my 3rd gen
<raymonddull> firewire syncing ftw
<raymonddull> yours needs some cleaning lol
<DuperMan> lol f fw, backlit buttons:D
<DuperMan> false clickwheel!
<raymonddull> yeah
<raymonddull> nothing clicks, all touch
<DuperMan> mine was in the closet for 3 years at least
<raymonddull> hahahahahah
<DuperMan> should I ever bother fixing any of 'em I think it's the cowon for the sturdy-enough-to-kill-with build
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> wait, were iaudio and cowon the same?
<bbqbot> derp
<raymonddull> not really sure
<DuperMan> creepy :|
<DuperMan> :) border control
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: ics for i9100g today
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<kepleer> when release 29th may nighlty SGS2 ?
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<codeworkx> kepleer: lul?
<xplodwild_work> kepleer: anytime between now and the next nightly
<kepleer> codeworkx what time you release nightly of 29th may
<kepleer> its automatic?
<xplodwild_work> kepleer: use your brain harder, you'll find the answer
<kepleer> codeworkx can i ask you 1 thing? is possible to translate into Spanish the weather lock?
<codeworkx> no. i'm from germany :-D
<codeworkx> but i'm sure someone will do
<kepleer> thanks !
<xplodwild_work> noooooo we'll translate the weather in chinese only so chinese roms can kang it
<xplodwild_work> if you know what I mean
<xplodwild_work> :p
<kepleer> hahaha
<kepleer> today release SGS3,its time to cm10?
<xplodwild_work> kepleer: use your brain once again
<xplodwild_work> in your opinion, how are chosen CM versions number?
<Cubox> xplodwild_work: samsung galaxy phones ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> What was the difference between CM6 and CM7, CM7 and CM9, and why is there no CM8?
<xplodwild_work> Cubox: sure D:
<Cubox> xplodwild_work: :P
<xplodwild_work> now that I think about it, the first rom I installed was CM5 :o
<xplodwild_work> wait
<xplodwild_work> 1.6
<xplodwild_work> CM4 even
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<Cubox> xplodwild_work: #old
<xplodwild_work> good'ol HTC Magic
<xplodwild_work> with good'ol Market UI :p
<Cubox> xplodwild_work: I have only installed cm7
<Cubox> :D
<kepleer> so xplodwild . sgs3 will be cm9?
<xplodwild_work> obviously yes
<Cubox> yes...
<xplodwild_work> there's one CM version per Android version
<xplodwild_work> we don't care about phones
<Cubox> we care only about galaxy samaung phones ? ;)
<kepleer> ok
<kepleer> so android 5.0
<kepleer> it will be for example other version of cm right?
<Cubox> y
<xplodwild_work> we care about Samsug
<kepleer> samsug jajja
<kepleer> xplodwild
<kepleer> why samsung release a very bad kernel for 4.0.3?
<kepleer> sgs2
<kepleer> its two very big problems with kernel source : 1º wifi problems 2º android os in battery drain
<kepleer> sammobile said samsung are busy with 4.0.4...
<kepleer> for sgs2
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<codeworkx> froyo 6, gingerbread 7, honeycomb 8, icecream 9, jellybean 10. abcdefghi.... 123456789...
<DuperMan> boring portal is boring
<DuperMan> so it's like a fibonacci series
<kepleer> why samsung work so badly?
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<DuperMan> they hate you
<GuineaPiet> That changelog >_>
<DuperMan> we all use touchwiz
<DuperMan> and it works great for us\
<GuineaPiet> I dont... (' ',)
<GuineaPiet> but i like touchwiz
<DuperMan> cm is only made to mess with you that there's a way out
<GuineaPiet> lol
<DuperMan> ^ is really isn't
<gladiac1337> god bless touchwiz
<DuperMan> know what's worse than samsung? ubisoft
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> see?
<gladiac1337> capcom :P
<DuperMan> well duh. but capcom's shit works
<DuperMan> operation racoon city notwithstanding
<GuineaPiet> it works after you press 90+ buttons just to fucking shoot
<kepleer> touchwiz its a sh....
<DuperMan> sherman? that's a tank dear
<kepleer> trebuchet its 1000 better than touchshit
<DuperMan> but you're getting there
<DuperMan> catapults or ballast operated siege engines are neter
<DuperMan> neater
<DuperMan> RAM ROD!
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi rrom
<b00gieMAndroid> i mean room :P
<GuineaPiet> Cant you just release the nightly already T_T. That changelog is longer than my screen is tall
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<joe_____> Can anyone help with kernel upload panic mode?
<joe_____> No worries
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<DarkRei> I'm sold that my N7K knows when there is an update coming, it freezes often around this time.
<DuperMan> is it set to automatically download such updates via push mesages on stock or does it take you 36 hours on average to install the memory hogging bloat you should blame on cm9?:)
<DarkRei> @DuperMan If you mean me, I usually get them either when I wake up around 0600-0800 here in the UK and/or around 0930-1100 around the time of the next nightly.
<bbqbot> DarkRei: Command doesnt not exist!
<DarkRei> No I don't have any automatic updates nor bloat.
<DuperMan> so odd it should get 'bogged down' but oh well :P
<DarkRei> If the phone wakes up, it freezes and if the display goes off, it will not come back on (SoD)
<DarkRei> The "freezing" I am referring to is after I actually wake the phone up.
<DarkRei> If it doesn't wake up, it's install SoD.
<DarkRei> *instant
<DuperMan> hmmm... touch works but display won't?
<bbqbot> derp
<DarkRei> If the screen doesn't come on, either by using the menu button or power, the capacitive keys don't light up. If it does happen to come on, the capacitive keys are on but the screen isn't responding to touch, however, there are times when this happens and I see the H go to 3G and back to H again, eventually the screen goes off and stays off.
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<DuperMan> hmm.. derp. very rarely it'll sleep and won't power on the display at wakeup for me
<DuperMan> fun new thing is the touch sounds ('tick' when you touch an onscreen button) won't work
<DarkRei> Oh, I have that disabled.
<DuperMan> mind trying to enable it? mind you, I'm on a homebuilt build
<DarkRei> Oh, hold on.
<DuperMan> :)
<DarkRei> Nope, no sound.
<DuperMan> toggle it on n' off a couple times, lags a smidgen?
<b00gieMAndroid> hi all
<b00gieMAndroid> her duper
<b00gieMAndroid> so what's changed since release dated 25th?
<DuperMan> noticably so, the lag is over two seconds if it does
<DuperMan> hi b00gieMAndroid. a bunch:)
<DarkRei> Nope, no touch sounds.
<b00gieMAndroid> that's great duper
<b00gieMAndroid> can u name some?
<b00gieMAndroid> 1080p recorded videos are working fine now ?
<gladiac1337> i am on an older build and touch sound only works on trebuchet buttons
<b00gieMAndroid> no sounds for me too
<b00gieMAndroid> also sound doesnt play when u connect usb or power charger
<DarkRei> I'm using Apex Launcher...hmmm...
<DuperMan> haven't checked 1080p, low level stuffs got pushed around and there's a limit headphones volume checkbox in sound
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> nova ><
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<noxxx> hi all
<b00gieMAndroid> can u please check the 1080p /
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<noxxx> can anyone pls tell me where can i get latest nightly except
<b00gieMAndroid> just record a small clip and see if the built in player works
<DarkRei> Tried using Trebuchet with the touch sounds, nada.
<cdesai> noxxx:
<DuperMan> but shouldn't be it, some routines got pudged about because of the age old a2dp/general audio routing issues
<DuperMan> guess it's a side effect
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: np
<b00gieMAndroid> np?
<bbqbot> derp
<DarkRei> They're quite a few changes going into this new build.
<b00gieMAndroid> cool
<noxxx> cdesai: it's not there yet
<gladiac1337> noxxx: what's wrong with
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: seems to work here
<noxxx> gladiac1337: d/l speed is about 4 kb/sec for a couple of days and often disconnects
<b00gieMAndroid> ok grett duper
<DuperMan> 1080p, playback in gallery video player
<b00gieMAndroid> smooth?
<gladiac1337> ic
<DuperMan> not horribly choppy
<b00gieMAndroid> now the main thing.. ringtone loop?
<b00gieMAndroid> what does that mean duper lol :S
<DuperMan> never had trouble with that
<DuperMan> it means 'it felt smooth enough for me but that's subjective'
<b00gieMAndroid> ringtones just rang once.. ringtones like cyanogenmod ringtone
<b00gieMAndroid> ok
<DuperMan> btw, zooming while shooting works in 720p :D
<b00gieMAndroid> that was working before too :S
<b00gieMAndroid> even on stock
<DuperMan> never took me longer than that to answer I guess. wait, will see :)
<b00gieMAndroid> 1080p zooming doesnt work
<DuperMan> nopes, but won't crash
<DuperMan> noxxx: seems to work
<b00gieMAndroid> try the ringtone duper, coz that's vrey crucial for me, cant miss calls :P
<DuperMan> need to see the file extracts ok?
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<noxxx> DuperMan: damnt whats wrong with my isp :(
<DuperMan> I'll try it cause I'm bored
<b00gieMAndroid> use Open DNS or Notron DNS noxxx
<noxxx> b00gieMAndroid: it works but terribly slow
<noxxx> DuperMan: would you pls upload it to any mirror?
<b00gieMAndroid> thats awkward :/
<DuperMan> noxxx: my upstream is dead slow
<DarkRei> It's downloading at about 400KB/s
<noxxx> DuperMan: k ic
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: got redirected to voicemail after the ringtone, pretty sure that's configurable though
<noxxx> DarkRei: so maybe you upload it?
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<b00gieMAndroid> huh?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> did u try cyanogenmod tone ?
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<DarkRei> I suppose I could.
<DarkRei> Is it slow when you torrent it?
<DarkRei> That shouldn't be a problem.
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<noxxx> DarkRei: torrent? could you give me a link?
<gladiac1337> also has torrent-links
<h4rdco2e> nebkat|beer: Why dont take some code of AOKP too get Battery Styles?
<DarkRei> click on the green icon next to the ROM Manager icon
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: wait for themes
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Themes?
<h4rdco2e> wtf?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: I don't want themes,
<noxxx> gladiac1337 DarkRei thank you very much it works
<DarkRei> You're welcome.
<gladiac1337> np
<h4rdco2e> noxxx: If you want Dircet Download
<b00gieMAndroid> ok checked the ringtone thing.. it doesnt loop, just does 1 loop and stops
<b00gieMAndroid> after that either phone vibrates (if its on) otherwise goes silent
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: my timeout on the call is shorter than the ringtone - blame carrier
<b00gieMAndroid> here its diff
<noxxx> h4rdco2e: thanks
<b00gieMAndroid> u used cyantone?
<DarkRei> Can the mouse cursor be disabled?
<xZain> any mirrors ty ?
<DarkRei> I notice that when you hold the phone in portrait mode, the Pen seems to work fine but if you hold it in landscape, the writing is off, this is without screen rotation on.
<noxxx> lol
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<noxxx> xZain:
<h4rdco2e> xZain: ;)
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: both 720p and 1080p run swell on the pc
<b00gieMAndroid> it ran well on pc even before lol
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<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: Could I change from AOKP to AOPS without wipe?
<xZain> Brb Later Enjoy
<h4rdco2e> Ah AOPS to AOKP,DuperMan
<DuperMan> oO dunno, try. :)
<DuperMan> bbl
<h4rdco2e> What could i lose :)
<h4rdco2e> I wish PCs chould be as easy as phones
<h4rdco2e> Nadroid Backup and here we go
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<DarkRei> APC :)
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<chipyy> hi anybody here?
<chipyy> i ve got some problems with my S2
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<DarkRei> Like what?
<chipyy> i install the new update
<chipyy> but it stuck at
<chipyy> when it says samsung galaxy s2
<chipyy> welcome screen XD
<DarkRei> The white Samsung Galaxy S2 boot screen?
<bbqbot> derp
<chipyy> nop
<chipyy> it wont boot because stuck at welcome screen
<DarkRei> There is the boot screen with the Device name, et cetera, then there is the S logo animation, then a welcome screen if you are a first time user. Which one?
<chipyy> ?
<chipyy> ups
<chipyy> i must read it
<chipyy> when it is device name
<chipyy> isnt that welcome screen?
<h4rdco2e> chipyy: Boot Recovery!
<chipyy> how?
<h4rdco2e> Wipe Data/Factory Reset
<chipyy> i cant get to the cwm
<h4rdco2e> Volume up + Home button - Poweron
<chipyy> it doesn work
<h4rdco2e> chipyy: Try again
<chipyy> i already did it 3 times
<DarkRei> some form of recovery should come up.
<chipyy> nop
<h4rdco2e> SGS2?
<DarkRei> Oh, I see, you're on that screen and it wouldn't boot into recovery nor Android.
<DarkRei> What about Dowload Mode?
<h4rdco2e> goit fucking revocery
<h4rdco2e> try it until it works!
<chipyy> haha
<chipyy> i already did it but it doesnt work
<chipyy> undrestand that hardcore
<chipyy> sgs2 yes
<chipyy> and cm9
<h4rdco2e> chipyy: put akku out
<h4rdco2e> wait 1 min
<chipyy> already did it
<chipyy> now it was outside 2 minutes
<chipyy> now i will see XD
<chipyy> againt stuck at screen where is writen device name
<chipyy> :S
<h4rdco2e> go revocery
<chipyy> omfg
<chipyy> i cant get to recovery
<h4rdco2e> Press until it shows the logo
<h4rdco2e> then wait
<h4rdco2e> Kernel?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> chipyy: whats your Kernel?
<chipyy> everything is original from cm9 fie
<chipyy> i didnt change my kernel
<h4rdco2e> so stock?
<h4rdco2e> flash Siyah
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<h4rdco2e> maybe your recovery is brocken
<chipyy> so stock yes
<canari> hello
<canari> can i find some help here?
<chipyy> what if go to download mode and install again?
<DarkRei> Heh, that's why I asked if you can access Download mode.
<h4rdco2e> volume down
<h4rdco2e> home
<h4rdco2e> and power
<canari> i said hello !!!!!!!!
<h4rdco2e> flash Siyah, boot Revocery, data/factory reset!
<DarkRei> Hello.
<chipyy> i can access do download mod
<chipyy> explain why is siyah better?
<h4rdco2e> chipyy: then your did anything wrong
<h4rdco2e> chipyy: Siyah is a kernel you could flash with odin
<Xero-> chipyy, because siyah breakes chinese phones
<h4rdco2e> stock is not as easy as flashing siyah
<Xero-> :D
<Xero-> lol?
<chipyy> ii said that i can access, not that i cant access
<Xero-> stock is not as easy as flashing siyah?
<bbqbot> derp
<Xero-> thats.... wrong???
<h4rdco2e> Xero-: yes!
<Xero-> hows that
<chipyy> :D
<Xero-> u need to flash cms kernel anyway... if u apply a nightly
<Xero-> how is it easier to apply siyah afterwards?
<chipyy> has anybody cm9 for odin
<Xero-> ah
<chipyy> because it will take me 1 hour
<chipyy> :S
<Xero-> he needs a kernel to be able to flash.. :D
<chipyy> to downlload it
<chipyy> if i flash siyah kernel
<chipyy> then should my phone work?
<chipyy> ?
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<EvilBelgian> interesting just flashed from 2205 to 2805 and my ringtones stopped working
<chipyy> if i flash siyah kernel, then should my phone work?
<EvilBelgian> did they break the hack that allowed you to put ringtones in the same folder configuration on your sd card would make them be recognised
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: i heard the good news :D
<xplodwild> Jiangyi|Phone: what news?
<Jiangyi|Phone> Xpodwild: Non-Chinese ICS update for the I9100G :D
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Phone: India I guess?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx will be very happy
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<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Phone: Homefully there is a Bootloader in it
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<Jiangyi|Phone> H4rdco2e: Probably is. Otherwise, we'd have a lot of bricked Indian phones right now. :-P
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi|Phone: q:-
<h4rdco2e> q-.
<h4rdco2e> but is this Sbl also for Europa phones?
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Yeah, everything is cross-flashable except Chinese phones lol
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<Jiangyi> ..... Well then. I didn't even get to answer xZain's question.
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<xZain> ?
<xZain> is Apollo CM9 Offical Player ?
<gladiac1337> yeah
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
<xZain> nice who coded it ?
<DuperMan> cute, redundant Assassin's Creed is cute, redundant
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<DuperMan> will hell freeze over before Apollo interfaces with Google Music/Drive?
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<gladiac1337> ah, right, the i5801 also was called apollo
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<DuperMan> Artemis=hotter
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What did you say to me about 5 hours ago? Sorry, my phone's IRC client doesn't let me go that far back to look. :S
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<DuperMan> ics for i9100g today
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<GuineaPiet> anyone know of a good note ap?
<bbqbot> derp
<GuineaPiet> app*
<Jiangyi> Ah OK. Thought there might've be something else, but thanks!
<DuperMan> Sketchbook Mobile Pro
<DuperMan> SBM
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: mightv'e. is what I found which looked like what you were asking about :P
<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Close enough I guess. :P
<DuperMan> np
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<newbsung> hi\
<newbsung> hello, anyone coul help me ?\
<DuperMan> not if you don't explain the problem
<gladiac1337> newbsung: just ask
<newbsung> kk its not really a problem
<newbsung> thanks for answerring .-
<DuperMan> so we can't help
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> how can you solve a non-issue?
<newbsung> i just installed cm9 on a sg2
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<newbsung> but the battery seems to discharge very fast /
<DuperMan> charge fully, do 'wipe battery stats' in cwm recovery advanced
<newbsung> have you an little idea how to tweak that battery ass
<DuperMan> use phone until batt dies
<DuperMan> lol. battery ass?
<bbqbot> derp
<newbsung> okk will try now
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<DuperMan> k, and have less apps running in the b/g, try not to install to sd etc
<DuperMan> all the tips that apply to stock apply here
<newbsung> to enter in cwm, i have to reboot with volume down and home right ?\
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Someone with an Indian phone flashed the leaked CM9 from earlier, and it worked for him. :-P
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<newbsung> ok i just did it
<newbsung> thanks duperman for ur help hope this tweak it
<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: i9100G Bootloader!
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: you use SGS2?
<newbsung> yes
<Jiangyi> h4rdco2e: I don't think he's here right now. I'm just leaving my message here since I need to go in a bit.
<h4rdco2e> Jiangyi: hm, yes I guess!
<newbsung> i just buy SGS2 for 290 buck
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<newbsung> new
<EvilBelgian> codeworkx: was the workaround that allows you to use custom ringtones removed recently...cause all my ringtones just stopped working when I flashed to 2805 from 2205
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: sometimes
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: So nexus is your main phone?
<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: note
<DuperMan> n7000
<DuperMan> samsung bag of win wacom
<DuperMan> etc
<h4rdco2e> sure: This CM9 Weather Lockscreen is too much right on my Phone not actually middle as it should!
<chadouming> lol newbsung dont listen to DuperMan. He is a noob. Erasing Battery stat on SGS II wont change anything. The regulator erase it everytime you fully charge your phone
<chadouming> Fully charge, wipe cache and dalvik, empty battery, charge fully again and enjoy
<DuperMan> yay voodoo
<DuperMan> ><
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: a google engeer write an article about this right?
<DuperMan> well, more about 'being an audiophile on your batt"
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<chadouming> entropy512 read the whole thing and concluded this
<DuperMan> chadouming: citation
<chadouming> let me 6 mins, long time
<newbsung> nice now my edge/3g stopped working without any reason
<DuperMan> :)
<newbsung> thanks for the article
<newbsung> im gonna read it
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: Do you use SGS2 as your main phone?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> bbqbot: derp your self!
<DuperMan> it does
<newbsung> so there is no other way to save battery ?
<newbsung> on sgs2
<DuperMan> lol. google dude has my avatar with diff. cat
<DuperMan> oo
<chadouming> found a reference to that post in a thread
<DuperMan> geeks are geeks:D
<chadouming> not my thread tho
<chadouming> h4rdco2e, not anymore, but i used for a long time
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: .-( what do you use now?
<chadouming> galaxy nexus
<newbsung> wich browser internet is best ?
<newbsung> lightest
<gladiac1337> newbsung: wrong irc for that.. but midori is very lightweight and fast
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: Hm i'm really fucked up about te new weather lockscreen
<newbsung> ty bro
<h4rdco2e> newbsung: stock browser
<DuperMan> I use chrome. have 3 extra wall chargers handy :P
<chadouming> h4rdco2e, why ?
<bbqbot> derp
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: the waether is left and the clock ist right >.<
<chadouming> that's perfect !
<newbsung> im very surprised of the speed of the sgs2
<newbsung> before i had htc wildfire
<chadouming> lol
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: no it's not!
<h4rdco2e> newbsung: sgs2 ist the best phone i've ever had :)
<newbsung> its an other world
<chadouming> newbsung, there is no way to compare those 2
<h4rdco2e> newbsung: I've got a Nokia before with buttons no touch
<DuperMan> f yeah. 53gb dropbox space ^^
<newbsung> omg 53\3
<DuperMan> \3?
<newbsung> 53 gb i mean nice
<DuperMan> sgs3 apks are the gift that keeps on giving^^
<DuperMan> cough cough
<DuperMan> wink
<newbsung> but tbh i prefer gingerbread than ice cream sandwish
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<newbsung> look waas way better
<DuperMan> why?
<DuperMan> wtf
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<DuperMan> sorry, but I'm forced to hate you
<newbsung> too many graphical things resourced used
<newbsung> for nothing
<gladiac1337> the hellfire looks better than the sgs2?
<DuperMan> you can disable that
<DuperMan> hellfire?
<gladiac1337> i know some people owning the wilfire... hating it with a passion because of it's lack of speed and screensize
<gladiac1337> but it was cheap...
<newbsung> i still have it with cm7
<newbsung> and work like charm
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<DuperMan> I want a nexus one for a backup
<DuperMan> :P
<gladiac1337> uh, nexus one was a nice phone :)
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: The add to contacts fild in Dialer app is packages_apps_phone?
<DuperMan> had a hd2, similar beast and oh so sweet :)
<chadouming> idk
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: your not a coder?
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<EvilBelgian> Duperman: what do you means sgs3 apk's are the gift that keep on giving...awesome apps?
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<DuperMan> he called me out as the noob I am instead of letting me take the flak :P
<chadouming> i'm more tech support guy. But i dont know all xD
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: pm
<DuperMan> fuck pm on second thought
<h4rdco2e> chadouming: however, phone looks like Sim blablabal
<newbsung> anyone used to encrypt phone ?\
<newbsung> good or useless
<DuperMan> it'll get shut down anyhow, there's a dropbox apk from sgs3 that enables you 50 extra gb for 24 months
<DuperMan> phone looks like sim? huh?
<h4rdco2e> DuperMan: packages_Phone looks like EmergencyDaialer ;)
<DuperMan> lol@wildfire@384mb ram
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<DuperMan> h4rdco2e: hail to the thief should I get my crummy identity stolen :D
<EvilBelgian> Duperman: that's kinda lol although I don't think it'll get sploited enough for them to give a shite
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<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: hoping so. still have my 23gb 'htc' Box
<DuperMan> but Box ain't fun
<DuperMan> :)
<EvilBelgian> ehh, I don't use any cloud services really I have enough devices to make a cloud backup of my stuff pointless and my internet is to slow to use it as extra space
<DuperMan> EvilBelgian: mostly agreeing, but it's handy at times
<DuperMan> wouldv'e been TOTAL WIN if there was some standard though
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<EvilBelgian> Duperman: last time I used dropbox was to keep a record of finances for the house I was living in with friends.
<EvilBelgian> the redunant backups of previous versions made it particularly effective for when we suspected someone was fudging numbers on their shopping
<DuperMan> so... how were you displeased?
<EvilBelgian> wasn't displeased I just moved out and stopped needing to use it. like I said I'll start using it again when my internet is faster. cause then I can keep certain files synced between laptop, pc and cellphone
<DuperMan> "Evil" my ass. you have the pass, they most likely still use it - yet you haven't accessed that account ONCE since
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<EvilBelgian> what?
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<DuperMan> you're not really evil. derp.
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<EvilBelgian> brava've seen through the my clever ruse
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<EvilBelgian> :|
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<EvilBelgian> you've figured out that my nickname is in fact just a chosen moniker picked for appearance more than any actual depiction of my character
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<DuperMan> you disgust me. when I type under the name Duper, you know you're getting Duper-words
<DuperMan> where would irc be without respect, honesty and accountability?
<EvilBelgian> Right here
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<DuperMan> obvious sarcasm is obvious. still not lowest for of wit.
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<Espenfjo> Has anyone else noticed lockscreen lag in the latest releases? When I press the power button and the screen turns on I cant interact with it for some seconds
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Disabling weather and cal do not help.
<Parth> Espenfjo: known bug
<Parth> has to do with kernel
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<Espenfjo> wat
<Espenfjo> omg
<Espenfjo> What, when, why, how2fix?
<Espenfjo> Never experienced this before now
<Parth> well, at least Siyah fixed it in his test build for today
<Espenfjo> *stalk github*
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<Espenfjo> Nothing fun there
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<Parth> it has to do with the new wifi driver from n7000
<Parth> samsung fail again
<Espenfjo> hm, but I am not using that driver
<Parth> go through siyah's dev thread if you want the fix :)
<Espenfjo> or.. hm.. yes I am
<Parth> if you're using the new nightlies then you are
<Parth> :p
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<Espenfjo> ok, ill go read :)
<Espenfjo> thanks
<Parth> yup
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<EvilBelgian> does anyone here use this
<EvilBelgian> <
<EvilBelgian> woops forgot that synergy doesn't copy clipboard
<Espenfjo> 404
<Parth> 404
<cdesai> 405
<cdesai> same link
<cdesai> 406
<EvilBelgian> no
<EvilBelgian> mistyped it the first time
<cdesai> yea
<cdesai> shrow
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<EvilBelgian> so did it work the second time?
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<nebkat|beer> Parth: come back to #blamesamsung
<cdesai> Parth
<cdesai> aavi ja
<nebkat|beer> @eightball is the answer two?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<nebkat|beer> @eightball is the answer two?
<bbqbot> It is decidedly so.
<nebkat|beer> @eightball is the answer two?
<bbqbot> My sources say no.
<datagutt> , @kickban Parth
Parth was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [THE ANSWER WANST TWO YOU ARE IDIOTTE AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH]
<datagutt> .@owners remove Parth
<xZain> :\
<datagutt> @owners remove Parth
<bbqbot> User Parth got removed as owner.
<nebkat|beer> xZain: want to play?
<nebkat|beer> xZain: for normal people its just one try
<nebkat|beer> there is a 66% chance you get a yes
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<nebkat|beer> and a 33% chance you get now
<nebkat|beer> no*
<xZain> lol
<nebkat|beer> so
<nebkat|beer> want to play?
<nebkat|beer> you only get a /kick
<nebkat|beer> not a kickban
<xZain> wtf is wrong with you
<nebkat|beer> xZain: nothing
<nebkat|beer> xZain: so want to play?
<nebkat|beer> anyone want to play?
<xZain> ?_?
<nebkat|beer> datagutt: fuck
<nebkat|beer> datagutt: I started typing @owners remove
<nebkat|beer> but I was too slow :(
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<datagutt> @owners remove *
<bbqbot> User * got removed as owner.
<datagutt> @owners remove
<datagutt> lol
<xZain> -_-''
<xZain> dude unban me
<nebkat|beer> xZain: no
<nebkat|beer> btw
<nebkat|beer> what you just did there
<nebkat|beer> there is a 0.09% chance of that happening 0.o
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<xZain> ok good luck with that
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<Treveo> Hey, I did flash to 05/28 build but I am experiencing some issues with lockscreen
<Treveo> Sometimes it is not responding at all
<Treveo> I did clear both caches after the flash, fixed the permissions etc
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<Treveo> What else can I do?
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<xplodwild_work> Treveo: what device?
<Treveo> Galaxy S2
<tat-> Treveo: Same here.
<xplodwild_work> last nightly?
<xplodwild_work> so with weather and thing?
<tat-> some times the touch isnt working, other times the screen stays black while the button bachlight turns on
<Treveo> ^
<tat-> I just flashed my own build, should be pretty much the same as latest nightly
<Treveo> I believe I have it on 0527 build too without weather and such
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<tat-> usually it works fine, but seems to bug once in a while
<xplodwild_work> adb logcat
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<tat-> xplodwild: will try to reproduce with logcat enabled
<tat-> very typical that these random bugs never occours when you try to reproduce them :-))
<tat-> must be a law of nature or something.
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<flip> hi...just a quick question for the pros...anyone know which modem works best with deutsch telekom by chance? if not it's cool and thanks...
<flip> for cm9 use...
<flip> on sgs2
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<nebkat> flip: you should experiment
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<flip> yeah...figured you'd say that, lol...finally making the GB to ICS jump on my sgs2 and figured I'd check first before running the testing game...thx though :-)
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<Frd^> i got my sgs3
<Kaik541> Frd^: now mail it to codeworkx
<Frd^> Kaik541: ha
<steinex> flip had just been staying at modem he used with GB
<steinex> whatever
<codeworkx> Kaik541: mine is ordered
<codeworkx> Kaik541: at least the xda admin said it's
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<Kaik541> Frd^: did you get blue or white?
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<codeworkx> cm9 for i9100g EU + CHN ->
<codeworkx> Kaik541: gief more samsung devices for hacking
<Kaik541> codeworkx: beg samsung for a tab
<Kaik541> codeworkx: and ask for one for me too
<codeworkx> :-D
<Kaik541> codeworkx: Y U NO MAKE UNIVERSAL BUILD FOR I9100G
boog_afk has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<codeworkx> Kaik541: it is uni
<codeworkx> Kaik541: but different boobsloaderz
<Kaik541> codeworkx: oh yay
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<Dragooon> You has boobsloaderz!?
<bbqbot> derp
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<codeworkx> Dragooon: everyone haz
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<DuperMan> omfg. total butthead mode - YOU BOOTLOADER
<DuperMan> hahahahahahahaha
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<DuperMan> any reason not to adjust and apply the i9100 aosp charger stuffs to n7000?
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<Frd^> Kaik541: white
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<kgthenerd> for some reason i can't su from adb, says permission denied :p
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<Kaik541> kgthenerd: did you enable root for adb?
<DuperMan> settings -> dev options -> root access, under adb/wifi adb
<kgthenerd> got it :)
<kgthenerd> thx (-_-)
<DuperMan> cheers
<kgthenerd> does this settings exist only in cm9?
<Kaik541> yes
<kgthenerd> OK!
<DuperMan> good. I thought it might not be ok.
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<kgthenerd> for a sec my face looked like (o_0) <-- this :p
<DuperMan> poidh
<kgthenerd> haha
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<kgthenerd> after updating ics my other email accounts are not getting updated over data... strange
<kgthenerd> its not just emails apps like im+, dropbox are also affected
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<noxxx> hi all
<noxxx> anyone has unlock screen unresponsiveness bug?
<peterperfect> just 1 time
<noxxx> peterperfect looks like i'm not as perfect as you so i had it about 5 times for a day
<noxxx> and it is a BIT annoying
<peterperfect> sound a bit random
<peterperfect> probably someone already looking into it but i dunno
<noxxx> i thought it is caused by lockscreen weather but no :(
<davidism> I used to get that with CM7, but haven't had any trouble with CM9 yet.
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<julianjm> They say it's related to the new wifi drivers (from the n7000)
<peterperfect> touchscreen related to wifi drivers?!
<chadouming> yes, why not ?
<julianjm> when it happened to me, neither the power button worked... so it's not touchscreen related
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<noxxx> yep looks like it is wifi related
<DuperMan> on note here, wifi often gives hell waking up
<noxxx> i noticed that power is draining faster
<noxxx> on latest nughly
<noxxx> nightly
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<noxxx> well i will revert to 20120527
<DuperMan> betterbatterystat. observing drainage for a single day of likely heavy use (i.e 'new nightly') is too iffy
<DuperMan> placebo prone
<noxxx> betterbatterystats is paid app?
<DuperMan> not as far as I remember. lemme check
<DuperMan> oh. it is.
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<romann> whitewol1
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<GuineaPiet> Is anyone elses lockscreen having slight freezes since the latest nightly?
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<kgthenerd> 2 SGSII running 20120529 nightly i havent faced any such issue
<GuineaPiet> Meh. I'll reset it to see if it fixes it. I enabled and disabled the Display Weather thing and then it started doing it
<davidism> GuineaPiet, this came up a few mintes ago, looks like it's related to the wifi driver
<GuineaPiet> So someone else had it too?
<bbqbot> derp
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<GuineaPiet> and is it related to the latest nightly? Or is it some error on my end?
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<davidism> looks like it's something that got into the nightly
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<davidism> which you've got to accept since it's a nightly...
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erol is now known as erolmutlu
<GuineaPiet> Okay then I believe it will be fixed. Doesnt really bother me that much, will just disable lock screen for now. As long as its not on my end, coz then its never getting fixed ^^
<EvilBelgian> I've had that problem
<EvilBelgian> also my custom ringtones aren't working anymore...they seem to have disabled the workaround that allows you to put mp3's into media/audia/ringtones on your sd card and use them as ringtones
<codeworkx> lockscreen works fine on my I9100G
<codeworkx> and i've no wakeup lag
<GuineaPiet> Last I checked, when you click to change your ringtone, it asks if you want to open with Android System or ES File Explorer (which I use)
<GuineaPiet> then you choose file explorer and select your ringtone
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<EvilBelgian> and I use Astro
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<davidism> Handcent has a ringtone picker that allows MP3
<davidism> no idea why though, since they're a messaging app...
<GuineaPiet> I can set my ringtone to anything i want in the Sound settings
<GuineaPiet> no need to move it to ringtones folder
<EvilBelgian> why am I being told to use apps to fix something that was including in the rom
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
njection has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cubox> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<Cubox> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<Cubox> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<davidism> hurr durr
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<davidism> harp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<davidism> harp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<davidism> harp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<davidism> harp?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> herp?
<nebkat|beer> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<Xero-> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<GuineaPiet> @codeworkx : It doesnt happen every time. Like once every 3 times. And I'm on wi-fi
<bbqbot> GuineaPiet: Command doesnt not exist!
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> @owners remove xplodwild
<bbqbot> User xplodwild got removed as owner.
<bbqbot> derp
<kgthenerd> Custom ringtone is working, tones downloaded from zedge
<bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> wtf
<nebkat|beer> @admins remove xplodwild
<bbqbot> User xplodwild got removed as admin.
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<qwebirc18403> alguien habla español ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> that wasn't me this time
<xplodwild> qwebirc18403: english only
<xplodwild> or french now that nebkat|beer speaks french so good
<Cubox> \o/
<GuineaPiet> Anyways I just thought I'd point that out, might require some looking into if its something to do with the nightly. Keep it up ^_^
<qwebirc18403> i have a problem wich update-cm-9-20120527-NIGHTLY-i777-signed ... the screen turn off...
<davidism> EvilBelgian, I don't remember MP3 ringtones being a feature of CM, but maybe I missed it.
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<davidism> qwebirc18403, are you talking about the lockscreen?
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<qwebirc18403> yes
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<EvilBelgian> davidism, right up until 2205 nightly (the last nightly I used before flashing to 2805) I had put some mp3's in media/audio/ringtones on my sd card which means they were automiiiiitcally picked up by my phone to use as ringtones this has ceased functioning
<davidism> disable lockscreen for now, there is a new issue, has something to do with the wifi driver
<GuineaPiet> EvilBelgian in the settings menu, at Sound. If you click on Phone Ringtone, does it bring up the ringtone menu? Or a option to select Android System or a File Explorer?
<qwebirc18403> tnx david
<EvilBelgian> ringtone menu
<GuineaPiet> Ugh. Well all I can think of suggesting is downloading ES File Explorer and check if it asks if you can open it with that. At least as a part time solution if you really want that ringtone
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<GuineaPiet> As that works for me
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<GuineaPiet> xplodwild : I see you're working on some of the OpenDesign features. Quick question, the apps. Their names arent going to have that 'od-' prefix right?
<xplodwild> GuineaPiet: why not?
<nebkat|beer> xplodwild: it looks idiotte
<GuineaPiet> ^
<nebkat|beer> I told you already :P
<GuineaPiet> :3
<nebkat|beer> GuineaPiet: yep, +1
<nebkat|beer> its like "oddRecord"
<xplodwild> fu
<nebkat|beer> looks odd
<nebkat|beer> xplodwild: its for the good of od :P
<nebkat|beer> call it openRecord
<nebkat|beer> not odRecord
<nebkat|beer> and the actual app in the drawer should be called just "Sound Recorder" or "Record"
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bbqbot is now known as bbqbot|beer
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chadouming|beer is now known as chadouming|Rhum
rodries has joined #teamhacksung-support
chadouming|Rhum is now known as chadouming|beer
<nebkat|beer> who wants to join the party?
<nebkat|beer> add |beer to your nick ;)
<erolmutlu> :)
<nebkat|beer> erolmutlu: DOIT
<nebkat|beer> /nick erolmutlu|beer
<erolmutlu> erolmutlu|beer
erolmutlu is now known as erolmutlu|beer
<nebkat|beer> w000t
<erolmutlu|beer> thx
<erolmutlu|beer> :))
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: doit nao
<nebkat|beer> Kaik541:
romann is now known as romann|afk
<nebkat|beer> romann|afk: w00t
<nebkat|beer> wait
<nebkat|beer> no
<nebkat|beer> :'(
peterperfect has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
Cubox is now known as Cubox|beer
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<nebkat|beer> pmgnet:
<nebkat|beer> join the party
<nebkat|beer> add |beer to your nick
<nebkat|beer> /nick pmgnet|beer
pmgnet is now known as pmgnet|beer
<pmgnet|beer> :-)
<pmgnet|beer> hey, so uh hey guys.
<nebkat|beer> yeah
<nebkat|beer> hey
<nebkat|beer> carry on with the usual
<Kaik541> nebkat|beer: too much pain to drink
<nebkat|beer> Kaik541: just doit :P
<nebkat|beer> |beer
tizbac has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<GuineaPiet> ... Well this is awkward...
<pmgnet|beer> Anyone know if this, "i777: use aosp charger (android_device_samsung_i777)" is the fast charge thing that AOKP did?
<Kaik541> never!
<Kaik541> will only add that if I'm drinking
<Kaik541> pmgnet|beer: don't be retarded
<pmgnet|beer> Kaik541: Ok.
<nebkat|beer> GuineaPiet: |beer
<Kaik541> fast charge is retarded
<nebkat|beer> NAO
<nebkat|beer> Kaik541: look at me? im always drinking? and im fine? :D
GuineaPiet is now known as GuineaPiet|beer
<GuineaPiet|beer> Okay :(
<pmgnet|beer> I don't necessarily mind burning out batteries faster if I can charge them faster.
<erolmutlu|beer> all beers from nebkat|beer during the party :))
<GuineaPiet|beer> oppresion
<Kaik541> pmgnet|beer: can't trust users
<Kaik541> trusting users = stupid
<nebkat|beer> yep
<nebkat|beer> its true
<pmgnet|beer> Users cost us all the good stuff.
<nebkat|beer> <chadouming|beer> @eightball Am I stupid ?
<nebkat|beer> <bbqbot|beer> Without a doubt.
<nebkat|beer> just so everyone knows
<pmgnet|beer> Users give us things like Facebook, and Windows 8.
<Kaik541> no
<Kaik541> users give us things like myspace and ReactOS
<nebkat|beer> users give us things like nothing
<nebkat|beer> the gods create
<Kaik541> nebkat|beer: that's what I said
<nebkat|beer> the users ruin
<Kaik541> myspace and reactos = nothing
<nebkat|beer> Kaik541: yep
<GuineaPiet|beer> I, the user, would like to object that statement! For I give you.... my thanks \:D/
<nebkat|beer> GuineaPiet|beer: thanks in the form of moniez?
<nebkat|beer> or just thanks
<GuineaPiet|beer> Thanks with a capital T?
<nebkat|beer> Thanks gives us things like nothing
<nebkat|beer> Thanks gives us things like myspace and ReactOS
<GuineaPiet|beer> :(. I want to start developing but then I have to learn Java or something and I'm to darn lazy. I can only code Delphi =/
<GuineaPiet|beer> and Creation Kit
<Espenfjo> Anyone good on cisco?
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<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: you're thinking like microsoft
<DuperMan> :DDDD
<DuperMan> GOOD
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: add |beer
<nebkat|beer> or else I will wrong chan you
<nebkat|beer> and you know very well what that means
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer: should, for not pulling my weight any other way - but can't. don't mind kicks much, so I suppose I'm getting banned:/
<DuperMan> douche
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [unban tomorrow ktnx]
<chadouming|beer> lol
<chadouming|beer> why not @kickban douchebag ?
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
<nebkat|beer> chadouming|beer: using a bot to kick is being n00b
<nebkat|beer> Lenny: add |beer nao
<chadouming|beer> nah, it's using the bot you made
<chadouming|beer> and making a bot is not that noob xD
<Lenny> if I change my name my bouncer will go crazy
<Lenny> which is ironic as bouncers will kick you out a club if you drink too much beer :P
<chadouming|beer> haha
<chadouming|beer> nothing ironic . . .
<chadouming|beer> not even funnny . . .
<chadouming|beer> . . .
<nebkat|beer> Lenny: doit
<nebkat|beer> hate to be DuperMan right now :P
<nebkat|beer> he is so unloved :P
Karbowiak is now known as beer
<nebkat|beer> beer: +1
beer is now known as Guest79993
<nebkat|beer> whoever has that nick must be haxxed
<nebkat|beer> I want that nick
Guest79993 is now known as Karbowiak
<nebkat|beer> /msg MemoServ send beer hello, are you planning on giving up your nick any time soon?
<nebkat|beer> done
<chadouming|beer> @bash
bbqbot|beer has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<chadouming|beer> lol ?
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<SHoTTa35> anyone wanna take a look at this failing to connect wifi log for 5/29?
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<SHoTTa35> SGS2 btw :D
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<SHoTTa35> it looks like the WPA Suplicant thing might need to be changed. It seems to associate but can't authenticate?
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<SHoTTa35> eitherway - maybe someone will check it later :D
<alalala> Hi, is wireless driver also open source?
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<codeworkx> alalala: the kernel driver yes, the firmware which gets loaded into the chip not
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<alalala> the idea is make driver support injection mode, is it possible, or its waste of time?
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<codeworkx> alalala: have fun doing
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<peterperfect> @google wifi injection mode
<bbqbot> Packet injection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
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<alalala> i had nokia n900 before, it had injection drivers
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<alalala> but here i need to apply a patch
<alalala> someone was able to do it on g1 htc
<flip> ok, question...I hit a snag during the GB to ICS upgrade :-( basically, the CM9 install went pretty good...booted up and everything, messed around with it a bit and decided to start testing the various ICS modems to see which one worked best for me...the first one I tried was LPX and now it won't boot past the samsung screen...I let it sit for like 5-10 minutes on that screen while I was giving my son a bath...came back
<flip> with the words "Kernel Panic Upload Mode"....any assistance is much appreciated, as I can't even get into CWM anymore :-(
OtherJakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
<GuineaPiet> Uhm what I can suggest trying to do is use the noob-proof Odin method to try and restore it
<GuineaPiet> Worth a shot? Can you get into download mode? Down volume button + menu button + power on
<GuineaPiet> not menu... Home
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<GuineaPiet> Home button...
<flip> it's in download mode right now I believe...reboots won't get past the samsung screen, but it just connected to my PC fine, so I'm about to try Odin....should I restore to stock CM9 or restore to stock Samsung?
<GuineaPiet> Well I would download the Cm9 Resurection Edition
<GuineaPiet> and try that
<GuineaPiet> then if your phone works fine again then try upgrading to the latest nightly
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<alalala> or flash stock gb and follow the instructions
<flip> gotcha, will give it a go...thx for the help...I normally search a little hard than I did, but I guess a little panicing led me here cuz I've never not been able to get into CWM on any of my phone mods before, lol
<GuineaPiet> Just follow the instructions here to the bone
<bbqbot> derp
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<alalala> for cm9 update
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<GuineaPiet> As long as you can get into download mode you should be able to revert any critical errors you come across. I keep a working Odin rom backed up just incase something fucks up
GuineaPiet has quit [Quit: Page closed]
Lenny is now known as lenny|offline
<BrandoHD> flip: wehre did you get this LPX modem?
<flip> so far so good...sorry for bothering ya'll with my panic
<flip> got it from the CM9 nightly page
<flip> I guess I'll just stick with defaults for a bit to let things settle on a few reboots and then start testing the different modems :-) thx for your help...reboot should be incoming any second now
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<GuineaPiet> I cannot stop rofling at this:
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<nebkat|beer> who can see it coming?
<peterperfect> nebkat|beer pompomJuice can see
peterperfect was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [no]
<nebkat|beer> who can see it coming?
<bbqbot> derp
Jiangyi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> who can see it coming?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: A lot has happened while I'm at school eh? :-P
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: can you see it coming?
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: What?
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [this]
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<nebkat|beer> ehehehee
<Jiangyi> Nebkat|Beer: Not cool.
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: I kno :P
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<Jiangyi> Nebkat|Beer: Why did you do it in the first place?
<bbqbot> derp
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<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: can you see it?
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: just a sec
<DuperMan> no
<nebkat|beer> fuck you
<DuperMan> lol oh!
<DuperMan> xD
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: just wanted to trick someone
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: you were meant to say "what"
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: OK then.......
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: and you joinex
<DuperMan> the sgs3 pledge?
<nebkat|beer> joined*
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: lets try this again
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: can you see it?
<DuperMan> the kick would probably be the answer to that question
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: can you see it coming*?
Baskey has left #teamhacksung-support ["herpaderp"]
<DuperMan> well yeah
<DuperMan> derp
<nebkat|beer> yeah
<DuperMan> @bomb DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> :)
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [12 hours of bann left]
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<nebkat|beer> he has realized that there is no point fighting with me ahahahaha
<Jiangyi> Well then..... Why all the foolishness? :-P
<chadouming|beer> @kick nebkat|beer
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [nebkat|beer]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: why not?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: Seems kind of unprofessional to newcomers?
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: you arent a newcomer, are you?
<nebkat|beer> and all the newcomers should see this
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: No, but still. :-P
<nebkat|beer> teaches them not to troll
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<DuperMan> next time I'm posting fake portal 2 spoilers
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: wait why did I ban you in the first place?
<DuperMan> I was being a douche about how obvious it is you were a moment from kicking me
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<nebkat|beer> dont remember
<DuperMan> how convenient, it's like 10 lines ago in my log :P
<nebkat|beer> hello xZain
<nebkat|beer> want to play the game?
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: xxDD
<peterperfect> DuperMan aw, you speaking english!! :D
<nebkat|beer> peterperfect: +1
<nebkat|beer> <peterperfect> nebkat|beer Jiangyi is mad
<DuperMan> peterperfect: fluently enough to be undecypherable to people who aren't me
<nebkat|beer> kick him
<nebkat|beer> he call you mad!
* DuperMan <3 idioms
<DuperMan> I called you douche. mad you wouldv'e been fine with
<DuperMan> o_o
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: Not the type to kick someone for something so silly. lol
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: doit
<nebkat|beer> or else you are a bad person
<Jiangyi> No. :-P
<nebkat|beer> DOIT
<nebkat|beer> ok ok
<Jiangyi> I'll live as a bad person then.
<nebkat|beer> how about
<nebkat|beer> you play the game
<nebkat|beer> if you get a no
<DuperMan> dead people get shot by bruce willis
<DuperMan> duh
<nebkat|beer> you must kick him
<DuperMan> *bad people
<nebkat|beer> there is a 1/3 chance you will get a no
<Jiangyi> It's fine. I'd rather not.
<peterperfect> nebkat|beer build me a bootloader unlocker please instead of kicking ppl
<nebkat|beer> JakeSays: you must
<nebkat|beer> peterperfect: I dont know how
<nebkat|beer> ktnx
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: you must*
<nebkat|beer> @eightball yes?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
* DuperMan mumbles something about innanity
<nebkat|beer> damnit
<DuperMan> just op me so I can bloody kick myself
<nebkat|beer> @eightball should I kickban DuperMan again>?
<bbqbot> You may rely on it.
<nebkat|beer> @eightball should I kickban DuperMan again?
<bbqbot> Reply hazy. Try again.
peterperfect was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming|beer [Y U SAY HE MAD]
<DuperMan> rofl
<nebkat|beer> @eightball should I kickban DuperMan again?
<bbqbot> Yes.
<nebkat|beer> @eightball should I kickban DuperMan again?
<bbqbot> Concentrate and ask again.
<nebkat|beer> @eightball should I kickban DuperMan again?
<bbqbot> Most likely.
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming|beer [YES]
<nebkat|beer> im being nice and all
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
peterperfect has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> im being nice and all
<nebkat|beer> and you get so many yesses
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming|beer [STOP MAKING PEOPLE MAD]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> you fail ;P
<DuperMan> faith </3 me
<DuperMan> old hat
chadouming|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [stop making me mad]
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by peterperfect [serbians]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by Jiangyi [I'd really rather not.]
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<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: congratulations
<nebkat|beer> you have reached the stage of madness
<nebkat|beer> \o/*
<chadouming|beer> @userleve
<bbqbot> chadouming|beer: Command doesnt not exist!
<chadouming|beer> @userlevel
<bbqbot> chadouming|beer has userlevel 5
<DuperMan> shegorath:D
<DuperMan> <33333
<peterperfect> nebkat|beer so you will see no pony
<peterperfect> @google pony prices
<bbqbot> Buying Your Child&#39;s First Pony FAQ-How much does a pony cost? -
<nebkat|beer> xD
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: Meh. I might be mad, but oh well.
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: it is a good thing!
<nebkat|beer> you should keep going!
<DuperMan> it costs any chance of real friends for life
<nebkat|beer> here
<DuperMan> :D
<nebkat|beer> enjoy some op
<Jiangyi> lol thanks, but why?
<DuperMan> to ragequit me
<nebkat|beer> peterperfect: buy me a goat
<DuperMan> derp
<nebkat|beer> i've always wanted a goat
* DuperMan feels special
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: you are
<DuperMan> ew
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: help you in the path to eternal madness
<chadouming|beer> xD
<DuperMan> shivering isles. haven't finished.
<chadouming|beer> you want to turn him into future nebkat ? Crazy and mad against everyone ?
<nebkat|beer> chadouming|beer: why not?
<DuperMan> nebkat|beer isn't mad at anyone nor insane, just bored
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Do you mind if I put your CM9 post to share on a popular Chinese forum so that they can enjoy CM9?
<nebkat|beer> I will need a descendant when I go off being successful and shit
* DuperMan prods the neb with a stick
peterperfect_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: as long as it isnt miui
<chadouming|beer> Jiangyi, dont listen to him , stay on the light side of the madness
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [nebkat kicks DuperMan with /kick]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
chadouming|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [shish]
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<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: come on
<nebkat|beer> do something mad :D
<nebkat|beer> feel the power
<nebkat|beer> just as I do :D
<chadouming|beer> noooooooooooooooooooooo
<Jiangyi> I'm not listening to any of you! I'm going crazy >.<
<DuperMan> those kicks are starting to feel like cyber. ban!
<DuperMan> :@
<nebkat|beer> I love being able to kick these idiottes
<nebkat|beer> @op
<chadouming|beer> haha
<DuperMan> :)
<nebkat|beer> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<nebkat|beer> ahahahahhahaha
<chadouming|beer> kick DuperMan
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming|beer [DuperMan]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming|beer> @op
<DuperMan> kick without a toggle?
<Jiangyi> Dude, I'm not going to do something crazy with the op powers. It's not possible for me.
<DuperMan> @devoice DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<chadouming|beer> @bash
<bbqbot> quote:
<bbqbot> <Troy1> "Hey baby, what channels do you hang out in?"
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: follow the path of madness
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: NEVER!!!
<DuperMan> consider me the alternative Jiangyi: all the madness, no internet powers
<Jiangyi> .... This is starting to feel like Star Wars.
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: I'll give you a pony
<nebkat|beer> for real
<chadouming|beer> Jiangyi, xD
<Jiangyi> I don't want a pony. D:
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: what do you want? a goat?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat|beer> a unicorn maybe?
<chadouming|beer> stay with me, on the bright side of the force !
<nebkat|beer> its all possible when you are mad
chadouming|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [shhissshhshh]
chadouming|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
* DuperMan feels a great disturbence in the force. wait, no, gas.
* nebkat|beer feels as if he is surrounded by DuperMans
<chadouming|beer> @timer 20 @bomb Duperman
<nebkat|beer> chadouming|beer: <3
<nebkat|beer> follow the path of madness
<Jiangyi> Nah, don't really want much.
<nebkat|beer> @timer set 20 @bomb Duperman
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<chadouming|beer> not me, bbqbot
<chadouming|beer> lol forgot a word
<DuperMan> DuperMenschen
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: yeah you do
<chadouming|beer> mouhahahaha
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: if it helps, go smoke some weedz
<DuperMan> *
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer: Command doesnt not exist!
<nebkat|beer> @timer set 20 bomb Duperman
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Jiangyi> nebkat|beer: I'm underage.
<nebkat|beer> Jiangyi: so am i :P
<bbqbot> Duperman, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<DuperMan> green
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<DuperMan> blue
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<bbqbot> 0
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> ahaha
<chadouming|beer> lol
<nebkat|beer> it doesnt do case sensitive
<chadouming|beer> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<nebkat|beer> @timer set 20 bomb DuperMan
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<nebkat|beer> red
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
<DuperMan> so... wtf.
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> @bomb chadouming|beer
<bbqbot> chadouming|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<chadouming|beer> 42
<bbqbot> 7
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<nebkat|beer> @bomb nebkat|beer
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<nebkat|beer> 42-
<bbqbot> nebkat|beer: bomb already in progress
<bbqbot> Wrong wire!
<bbqbot> BOOM!
nebkat|beer was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was green]
nebkat|beer has joined #teamhacksung-support
DuperMan has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: r u craizy?
<DuperMan> no
<chadouming|beer> ain't you getting mad ?
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat|beer [yes you are]
DuperMan has joined #teamhacksung-support
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: r u craizy?
<DuperMan> getting exasperated but it's timed to match my bedtime
<DuperMan> :D
<davidism> on this channel, only a crazy man would say he was sane
davidism is now known as davidism|beer
<DuperMan> now to pick something ta watch before bed. well, not a member of a club that'll have me etc
<DuperMan> @kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<chadouming|beer> @timer set 2600 kick Duperman
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<DuperMan> ATARI
<chadouming|beer> you wont see it come
<chadouming|beer> mouahahha
<davidism|beer> need a recurring timer
<davidism|beer> for the lazy
<DuperMan> timed hop:P
<Jiangyi> Ummm.... What's going on? lol
<DuperMan> time to pretend I have a life. g'night
DuperMan has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<chadouming|beer> awww. this bastard !
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<sh4z> do you think it's possible that we will get the option to set portrait, wallpapers?
<sh4z> atm you can only set wide screen ones ... also is it possible to be able to set the lock screen wallpaper separately?
<bbqbot> derp
<sh4z> brb
sixstringsg is now known as afkstringsg
sh4z has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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Cubox|beer is now known as Cubox
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<sh4z> any ideas?
<aarcane> so I finally solved my static screen issues, and all my other minor issues, and drastically increased performance by scrapping my entire OS, going back to stock 2.1, upgrading to 2.2, 2.3, and then CM9 on my Captivate.
<aarcane> on my AT&T Captivate
<sh4z> interesting
<sh4z> so basically... wipe data
<Jiangyi> Wow, where did everyone go? And did they seriously leave me with op powers? O_O
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<sh4z> lol?
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
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<wonderwal> hi!!
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Karbowiak is now known as karbowiak
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Do you mind if I post the method I used to flash CM9 without increasing flash counter? I know that there will always be some people who will want that.... :-P
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<aarcane> There's a flash counter? Does it limit you to so many flashes or something? Can it be decreased? Will my phone die if I flash it beyond MAX_COUNT times?
<Thracky> use triangleaway
<Thracky> problem solved.
<Thracky> and I doubt there's a max but I dunno :P