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<RodrigoPadula> Hello guys
<RodrigoPadula> im trying to update my galaxy sII
<D3vourz> that cool
<RodrigoPadula> but when I restart it to load the clockwok, the system isnt reading my sd card
<RodrigoPadula> it'
<RodrigoPadula> it's empty
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<RodrigoPadula> I put all files .zip in the sd card using my computer
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> is there a cm9 port for galaxy note
<xplodwild_work> of course not
<Assid> thats a n7000 ?
<xplodwild_work> yep
<Assid> poeple just come to me and ask me to do all their shit for them
<addi> well, tell them to do it on their own otherwise just stick to stock
<Assid> got a howto by any chance
<addi> tell them they don't have the brains for it so they are better off not installing all this custom shit
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: if you're at home, teamviewer? need some infos for the backlights
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<Assid> sup codeworkx
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<neil__> hello
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<neil__> i know cm9 doesnt come with spen apps. would does the spen work with general use such as other apps?
<neil__> or is it just uselfull for pickin me nose n scratchin me ass?
<addi> spen apps?
<addi> what are those? :O
<neil__> for the galaxy note
<addi> oh, S-Pen xD
<neil__> yes
<neil__> thats the one
<xplodwild_work> Quill
<neil__> S-Pen
<addi> i think it will probably come in use with the drawing apps and what not?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> bbqbot, <3
<xplodwild_work> but yeah spen works like any other pointing device
<neil__> ok thanks
<xplodwild_work> you can use it anywhere
<neil__> ur all a chatty bunch!
<neil__> dont all talk at once! its rude!
<addi> so you want people to chat once at a time on an online chat channel?
<addi> it's rude to say 'its rude!' as well :p
<neil__> im being sarcastic.
* addi too, but he failed
<neil__> well thanks for the info.
<neil__> bye
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<al__> where can i find a guide for installtion / flshing of nightly
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<haj> hey.. sorry if i heven't surfed around enough.. but is there a changelog for the nightly cm9 builds for the note?
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<EvilBelgian> Hi there
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: Sorry, I was sleeping and I'm about to leave for school.
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<EvilBelgian> Hey anyone there?
<lodder> yes
<lodder> Your from belgium?
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<xplodwild_work> xd
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<peterperfect> hi there
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<EvilBelgian> DC, computer panicked. lodder yes I am from belgium...don't live there anymore though.
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<b00gieMAndroid> hi all
<xplodwild_work> hi
<b00gieMAndroid> hey explodwild
<b00gieMAndroid> i just flashed from cm9 yesterday's rom to Stock rooted gingerbread from nand back up
<b00gieMAndroid> and i just saw a new release been uploaded on cm site ?
<xplodwild_work> yes
<b00gieMAndroid> well where can i find the logs of tht? coz i've had following issues with my yesterday's rom:
<b00gieMAndroid> Following are the Bugs I Faced on CM9 latest Nightly from their Site.. I tried this built directly so no comments on previous builts.
<Vetch> sup xplodwild :D
<Vetch> everyone else :)
<b00gieMAndroid> hi Vetch
<b00gieMAndroid> checking out the new CM release, yesterday's rom had issues :S
<b00gieMAndroid> atleast for me
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<Vetch> i downloaded it
<Vetch> havent flashed yet
<xplodwild_work> I don't know if codework merged mfc_fw fix after or before triggering the build
<xplodwild_work> that'd explain video not working
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<b00gieMAndroid> okay, it records fine but wont play the same recorded video lol
<b00gieMAndroid> let alone other mp4 stuff
<b00gieMAndroid> how about wifi reconnect ?
<Vetch> question b00gieMAndroid
<b00gieMAndroid> sure vetch
<Vetch> can you play music?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> yes music works fine
<Vetch> with default player
<b00gieMAndroid> yes
<xplodwild_work> Vetch: you're definitely the only one to have this problem
<xplodwild_work> never saw anything regarding music in the discussion thread
<Vetch> i have had it on 2 installs aswell :(
<Vetch> i never either
<b00gieMAndroid> me neither
<EvilBelgian> My Sd cards won't mount and my internal SD doesn't show when I connect cellphone via USB
<b00gieMAndroid> just asking.. u followed the exact steps ?
<Vetch> b00gieMAndroid me?
<b00gieMAndroid> yes Vetch
<Vetch> yea i did
<Vetch> was even talking with xplod while reflashing the most recent :P
<b00gieMAndroid> even the most recent one is having same issue?
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<Vetch> i say most recent, i meant my most recent install
<b00gieMAndroid> now am not sure what issues have been taken care off in today's release for the Note
<Vetch> not most recent build
<b00gieMAndroid> ohokay
<b00gieMAndroid> u are talking about note only rite ? :P
<Vetch> build 7
<Vetch> yea
<Vetch> n7000
<Vetch> :D
<Vetch> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> ?
<Vetch> already downloaded update-cm-9-20120514-NIGHTLY-n7000-signed yesterday
<Vetch> just never got round to flashing it
<b00gieMAndroid> that was yesterday.. there's one more today
<Vetch> i saw lol
<b00gieMAndroid> and get off build 7
<b00gieMAndroid> i never tried build 7, i just tried 1st cm9 with yesterday's release
<Vetch> ah
<Vetch> b7 been mostly fine
<b00gieMAndroid> i heard opposite
<Vetch> only issues i had was 1 game fc'd and music player is bugged for me
<b00gieMAndroid> how come there are diff issues on same hardware ? :/
<b00gieMAndroid> am facing issues with wifi reconect and others are saying theirs is working fine, some said their date changed to 1999 and after that it started working fine :/
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<Vetch> wifi is sometimes dependant on radio
<Vetch> which baseband are you using?
<bbqbot> derp
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<peterperfect> how a thing is sometimes dependant?
<peterperfect> wifi drivers are in kernel
<Vetch> are they?
<Vetch> thought it was in he radio
<EvilBelgian> Anyone capable of aiding me right now? my sd cards won't mount
<Vetch> my mistake
<Vetch> xplodwild: update
<b00gieMAndroid> which baseband? oh wait
<Vetch> only mp3s i have trouble with are purchased from 7digital
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<b00gieMAndroid> KL1 the one that came with yesterday's release
<Vetch> just tried some others and they are playing fine
<EvilBelgian> I have 2, a Kingston 2 gig and a Sandisk 1 gig neither of them are mounting
<Vetch> cm9 doesnt update the baseband
<Vetch> or at least it never has for me
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<b00gieMAndroid> OHHHHH!!! SO IS THIS COZ I UPDATED FROM December 2011's BASEBAND based Stock Gingerbread?????????
<Vetch> yep
<Vetch> use cwm or mobile odin and flash a newer
<b00gieMAndroid> am currently on my stock ginerbread from dec 2011 and thats KL1
<b00gieMAndroid> thanks vetch, leme check that link
<Vetch> i had problems with wifi on lpy
<Vetch> currently using LA4
<Vetch> which is newest official for my note
<b00gieMAndroid> for ur note? what does that mean? :P
<bbqbot> derp
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<b00gieMAndroid> okay
<b00gieMAndroid> so now
<Vetch> latest update available for mine is LA6 baseband LA4
<Vetch> but there is newer LC1 etc for uk carphone warehouse
<Vetch> but my phone doesnt see that update
<b00gieMAndroid> do i need to check the latest gingerbread for my country i.e India and then flash that over my yesterday's installed CM9?
<Vetch> no
<Vetch> any modem should be fine
<b00gieMAndroid> okay
<b00gieMAndroid> so what you meant by "Your Note is LA4" :S
<Vetch> as i said
<Vetch> latest update for my note via kies was la6
<Vetch> which included la4 baseband
<b00gieMAndroid> yea that's wht i meant but sentence is diff, you got that as latest coz your country still has LA4 / LA6
<b00gieMAndroid> LC1 isnt released for ur country
<b00gieMAndroid> check ur country's available firmware here: http://www.samfirmware.com/
<Vetch> hence when i said for my note
<Vetch> :D
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<Vetch> thats what i meant
<Vetch> im in uk btw
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<Vetch> but not uk carphone warehouse
<Vetch> uk/ireland in checkfus
<b00gieMAndroid> ok
<Vetch> xeu is csc :P
<b00gieMAndroid> so tell me this
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<b00gieMAndroid> do i flash the newer basband for my note now on stock rooted GB then flash ICS or flash that on ICS after flashing?
<Vetch> just get whichever modem u want
<Vetch> and flash with either cwm (zip) or mobile odin (bin)
<b00gieMAndroid> yes i got that, but what am asking is WHEN DO I FLASH it
<Vetch> tommorow?
<b00gieMAndroid> BUT WHEN? After getting on ICS?
<Vetch> today? now?
<b00gieMAndroid> LMAO @ Tomorrow
<Vetch> it doesnt matter
<Vetch> flash it now
<b00gieMAndroid> ok wait now am feeling like a n00b with b00b
<Vetch> haha
<Vetch> you can flash it before cm9, after cm9 on official ics or official gb it makes no difference
<Vetch> unless you flash a firmware after that includes a baseband
<b00gieMAndroid> yea i got that now
<b00gieMAndroid> i was missundersstanding something
<Vetch> then obviously it will reflash over
<b00gieMAndroid> n00b with b00b
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<Vetch> b00gieMAndroid if i send you an mp3, wanna test it? see if it fc's music app ?
<b00gieMAndroid> yah sure
<b00gieMAndroid> am still on gb though but will try after i restore ics
<Vetch> are u on mirc or similar or web chat ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> ah nvm ill upload to dropbox
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<Vetch> i take it you are going cm9 ics?
<b00gieMAndroid> yea u DB it
<b00gieMAndroid> am restoring nand back of ICS CM9
<Vetch> did u get that message?
<peterperfect> @ping
<bbqbot> Version: 0.1, source at: https://github.com/datagutt/b0tbecue
<whitequark> TIL that ALL Android UI is fully usable from keyboard
<whitequark> i.e. you can perform nearly every task using just a keyboard
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<whitequark> maybe except pinching, through I think there should be a shortcut
<peterperfect> til what?
<whitequark> well, I connected a bluetooth keyboard
<whitequark> and suddenly there's a selection
<whitequark> and a ton of shortcuts like Win+M = Google Maps
<whitequark> or Win+E = email
<peterperfect> ah ok
<whitequark> and every other button also works as expected. sleep, volume, back, home
<peterperfect> asus keyboard dock has nice shortcut keys also
<whitequark> selections, whatever
<whitequark> everything
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<whitequark> I wonder how much android users do that. 0.001%? 0%?
<peterperfect> almost nobody
<whitequark> and someone still keeps this in mainline
<xplodwild_work> whitequark: I was choosing between connecting my mouse or my keyboard on USB OTG
<xplodwild_work> it ended up being my mouse
<xplodwild_work> but I guess i would've discovered it too if I connected my keyboard
<whitequark> yeah, mouse places a tiny cursor on screen
<xplodwild_work> yup
<xplodwild_work> it's funnyy
<whitequark> even more weird
<peterperfect> xplodwild_work btw, dock work flawlessly on tf300
<xplodwild_work> peterperfect: don't have one
<peterperfect> xplodwild_work xP
<peterperfect> xplodwild_work asus interface aint that bad at all dont you think?
<xplodwild_work> they haven't done much mods
<xplodwild_work> and I like it
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<Vetch> xplodwild_work did you see my remark on music app ?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> Vetch: which?
<Vetch> well i played some mp3s that were downloaded (a free mixtape) and had no fc
<Vetch> played the mp3s that were purchased from 7digital and immediately fc
<Vetch> so im thinking the 7 digital mp3s are drm'd
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<xplodwild_work> maybe
<Vetch> [14:33] <b00gieMAndroid> ok Unfortunately, Music has stopped, press ok but the song is playing in background
<Vetch> [14:33] <b00gieMAndroid> and on pressing OK, teh song stops
<Vetch> not just my install either
<Vetch> so i guess its some kind of drm incompatibility
<Vetch> if you would like a link to the mp3 for testing/fixing i can link you
<xplodwild_work> can you email it to me?
<Vetch> its on dropbox you can email it to yourself if u like lol
<xplodwild_work> k gief dropbox link ^^
<b00gieMAndroid> hey Xplod, i tried his song too
<b00gieMAndroid> it stops
<Vetch> ed sheeran <3
<b00gieMAndroid> song plays, but the moment u press ok on error it stops
<b00gieMAndroid> other songs are fie
<b00gieMAndroid> fine
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<b00gieMAndroid> i flashed LB2 modem and rebooted and 1st thing i see is "GALLERY STOPPED WORKING"
<xplodwild_work> hmm my radio on my nexus is borked since yesterday
<b00gieMAndroid> ???
<b00gieMAndroid> the galery is workin fine now though
<Vetch> i need to run to the shops quick
<Vetch> be back in a bit
<xplodwild_work> b00gieMAndroid: LOGCAT or it didn't happen
<b00gieMAndroid> okay so now what?
<Vetch> ill be back in about 40 mins
<b00gieMAndroid> an Yah! YEY! The wifi reconnect issue solved with modem update :) Thanks Vetch!
<Vetch> peace
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<b00gieMAndroid> Xplod are you aroud?
<b00gieMAndroid> CWM wont let me flash today's built on yesterday's nand back up
<b00gieMAndroid> it gets stuck @ INstalling Update
<b00gieMAndroid> and then after sometime the screen goes off and phone reboots in CM yesterday's nand backup
<peterperfect> well seems that you have a band nand backup
<b00gieMAndroid> nand back up works perfectly fine after booting into it
<b00gieMAndroid> btw, mount USB storage also doesnt work from CWM
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<peterperfect> b00gieMAndroid if it works fine but i cant flash nothing over it, so it doesnt works fine
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> people dont stop it ever
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<peterperfect> the guy is complaining that AOS has 9% usage
<peterperfect> ahahaha
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<b00gieMAndroid> USB mass storage worked fine before
<b00gieMAndroid> but now today's flashing is not happening
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<Vetch> back
<Vetch> [14:38] <b00gieMAndroid> an Yah! YEY! The wifi reconnect issue solved with modem update :) Thanks Vetch! << your welcome
<codeworkx> Vetch: which phone?
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<codeworkx> Vetch: baseband shouldn't affect wifi :-D
<codeworkx> VibrantWave: placebo
<codeworkx> oops :-D
<peterperfect> yep, i told that
<peterperfect> :P
<Vetch> lol i heard it shouldnt
<Vetch> but its fixed since update?
<peterperfect> codeworkx youre late
<Vetch> so wtf ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> ok, lights module finished, back to d3
<peterperfect> codeworkx w00t?
<peterperfect> codeworkx what lights module?
<peterperfect> come back
<peterperfect> ahahah
<peterperfect> xD
<codeworkx> i9100g
<codeworkx> y3 G
<codeworkx> <3
<peterperfect> fuuuuu
<peterperfect> :(
<peterperfect> i want opensource lights back on i9100
<b00gieMAndroid> hi vetch welcome back
<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: do you know if Wi-Fi Direct is now working proberbly
<peterperfect> h4rdco2e dunno, sorry
<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: doesn't matter
<Vetch> ty b00gieMAndroid
<b00gieMAndroid> am stuck with an issue vetch
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<h4rdco2e> hm, where is bootscreen in source
<peterperfect> ./source/bootscreen
<peterperfect> xD
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<h4rdco2e> peterperfect: thanks I was just to lazy to look into the dir
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<peterperfect> wow...just now i figured out i still have sammy kies installed on my windoze
<peterperfect> argh
<peterperfect> getting rid of it nao
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<ZaxOmega> is there anyone about who knows stuff?
<peterperfect> depends on what you need
<ZaxOmega> hey peter, you answered my question the other day in the dev thread... thanks!
<peterperfect> no problem
<peterperfect> :)
<ZaxOmega> I want to know something about my commit - http://review.cyanogenmod.com/15871
<ZaxOmega> wondering if the defaults.xml and DatabaseHelper.java parts are unnecessary
<devatwork> ZaxOmega, i think steve merely meant use the Settings.System. methods ?
<ZaxOmega> I've changed to use that, I just don't know about the files that I mentioned
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<ZaxOmega> not really sure what they're for
<devatwork> i don't normally do any such thing.
<ZaxOmega> but I saw other settings changes had them so I did it as well
<ZaxOmega> ok
<ZaxOmega> cheers
<ZaxOmega> there's something else... I've made a new option for the device settings that will make the menu open the app switcher
<ZaxOmega> but by default it doesn't have the permissionit needs to write to a certain file
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* peterperfect[A] is now away - Reason : lunch time
<ZaxOmega> I guess I'll submit it for review and ask how to fix it there
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<h4rdco2e> peterperfect[A]: what is the differenct between, zimage & boot.img?
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<Vetch> guys whats status 7 error mean?
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: fail MD5
<Vetch> so a bad zip file?
<h4rdco2e> yes
<h4rdco2e> is not MD5
<h4rdco2e> you have a sgs2 Vetch?
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> no, note n7000
<Vetch> but im not having the problem
<Vetch> b00gieMAndroid is
<Vetch> [16:41] <b00gieMAndroid> says Error in /emmc/ -=Cyanogenmod 9 ICS=- /update-cm-9.0.0-galaxynote-xplodwild-build7.zip
<Vetch> [16:41] <b00gieMAndroid> status 7
<Vetch> [16:41] <b00gieMAndroid> installation aborted
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: Status 7 is as far as I know an unexpected end of archive
<h4rdco2e> how big is your zip?
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<Vetch> b00gieMAndroid ??
<b00gieMAndroid> hi sorry was away odining my note for 3rd ime
<b00gieMAndroid> time
<b00gieMAndroid> the zip is 134mb
<Vetch> h4rdco2e ive flashed build 7 several times and also the latest nightly with no problems
<b00gieMAndroid> dloaded thrice, 3 diff commputers
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: zip is brocken, i think!
<b00gieMAndroid> yes, something is definitly wrong with the zip
<b00gieMAndroid> but hten how come others are havin it :S
<h4rdco2e> h4rdco2e: check MD5
<b00gieMAndroid> either they are faking it or they are not sure if their rom actualy got flashed lol
<h4rdco2e> b00gieMAndroid: Status 7 is normally when zip is not right compiled!
<Vetch> anyway to check md5 ?
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: try to download it somewhere else
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: torrent is a safe way check MD5 is implentet
<Vetch> b00gieMAndroid where did you download it from ?
<h4rdco2e> use torrent!
<b00gieMAndroid> i got it form c site
<b00gieMAndroid> and yes i got status 7
<h4rdco2e> get.cm is the same!
<b00gieMAndroid> but in BUILD 7 not 2day's update
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<h4rdco2e> get the torrent and load and flash - no Status 7
<b00gieMAndroid> hahaha i've had enough DOSE of flashing and odin in last couple of hours, i dont wna be OVERDOSED and i need to check if i have missed calls lol
<DuperMa> status 7? oO flash stock gb, flash cf-root, boot to cwm - flash cm9 nightly
<bbqbot> derp
<Vetch> DuperMa he tried that
DuperMa is now known as DuperMan
<xplodwild> alright let's get ready for some 3.4
<b00gieMAndroid> DuperMa that gives same issue
<b00gieMAndroid> 3.4 kernel? oO
<DuperMan> 3.4? :D
<Vetch> weeeeeee xplodwild
<Vetch> :D
<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: you're doing something wrong, it should work
<h4rdco2e> hm
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<h4rdco2e> Android 3.4?
<b00gieMAndroid> Duper, ask Vetch, he's been with me through out the whole flashing and odin process of me lol
<xplodwild> kernel 3.4
<b00gieMAndroid> lol @ android 3.4
<Vetch> as far as i can tell he has done everything correct
<h4rdco2e> xplodwild: 3.4 wtf?
<b00gieMAndroid> yey! i was rite! i win a white n7000 from xplodwild :P
<DuperMan> imm76l
<DuperMan> :P
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<Vetch> gb stock > zergrush + cf root > wipe > boot into cwm > flash cm9 > status 7
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<b00gieMAndroid> that's rite vetch
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<DuperMan> still don't get why zergrush AND cfroot
<Vetch> zergrush injects the cf root kernel as part of it ?
<h4rdco2e> Vetch: buy iPhone
<Vetch> h4rdco2e wtf
<Vetch> 1) my note is fine running latest nightly build
<Vetch> 2) i already have an iphone
<Vetch> your arguement is invalid
<h4rdco2e> iPhone is easier, to distroy!
<DuperMan> my workflow is "stock pit (a complete stock gb image)->schlep cwm on it (usually cfroot)->factory wipe, cm9"
<h4rdco2e> one time to dont hold it hard -> dead
<DuperMan> nine rings for the kings of men?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> THATS WHAT I DID DuperMan (not shouting)
<Vetch> status 7 during flash cm9 LOL
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<h4rdco2e> Vetch: get flesh .zip!!!!!!!!!!!
<b00gieMAndroid> no clue, but its not working... status 7 while flashing cm9 build 7
<DuperMan> lol while - which cfroot you used?
<b00gieMAndroid> vetch remember? 2day's flash worked fine but no video play back on it
<DuperMan> imma tell u which works for me
<Vetch> h4rdco2e please read this carefully... I AM NOT THE 1 HAVING THE ISSUE, i am merely relaying b00gieMAndroid's problem
<DuperMan> CF-Root-SGN_XX_OXA_LC1-v5.3-CWM5
<DuperMan> get thix exact one, enjoy
<b00gieMAndroid> yes hardcore and ur iPhone arguement was epic fail @ arguements trolool
<DuperMan> trololol*
<h4rdco2e> b00gieMAndroid: get fresh zip!
<b00gieMAndroid> Duper, i used the CF Root suitable for my ROM i.e KL1
<h4rdco2e> from torrent
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<DuperMan> looool cyanoduck wallpaper xD
<b00gieMAndroid> i havnt odone torrent yet, will do that tomorrow, its night here nyway
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<DuperMan> b00gieMAndroid: I threw a random suggestion, have fun not taking the help you sought
<h4rdco2e> b00gieMAndroid: download µTorrent, get .torrent, wait, flash, be happy!
<b00gieMAndroid> haha, guys that's what i did, but just have to try for torrent download, will do that tomorrow now.
<b00gieMAndroid> Vetch knows it
<DuperMan> tomorrow now is oxymoronic
<Vetch> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> lola cola
<b00gieMAndroid> woah! i've got 10 calls to make.. all missed thanks to my flashing and odin :P
<DuperMan> no, thanks to you FAILING
<DuperMan> flashing well only takes a moment
<DuperMan> :P
<b00gieMAndroid> what do u want me to do? am already banging my head on the wall and Trololing at myself
<b00gieMAndroid> :P
<DuperMan> I want your phone to become an hero >:)
<b00gieMAndroid> will be Tomorrow :P
<DuperMan> lol
<DuperMan> go twiddle your touchwiz
<b00gieMAndroid> hahahahaahahahahaahahahaha stop burning my ass here by sayin gthat
<Vetch> lol
<b00gieMAndroid> u guys there on g+ twitter facebook gtalk?
<Vetch> when your framework doesnt cut it you can always touchwiz your kernel
<Vetch> translation: when your too damn ugly you can always play with yourself
<Vetch> heh
<DuperMan> g+ is funny
<b00gieMAndroid> lol
<Vetch> DuperMan mr genius
<Vetch> i bet i can screw up your day hehe
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* peterperfect is no longer away : Gone for 1 hour 11 minutes 23 seconds
<Vetch> wb
<peterperfect> w000t
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<Vetch> grrrrr
<Vetch> someone donate me a d3 key
<peterperfect> no
<Vetch> :'(
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<DuperMan> so d3 isn't fail? yet?
<peterperfect> no
<DuperMan> Vetch: why u wanna screw my day? how u have coitus with time measure?
<DuperMan> :(
<codeworkx> i'm level 28
<codeworkx> close to act 4
<DuperMan> acts. d2. nostalgia.
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<DennisBPM> hi guys, so i got my phone back today
<DennisBPM> anything important fixed of changed in lasts weeks nightly's ? changelog site seems to be down a few days for me :)
<DuperMan> DennisBPM: so the bartender tells the frog "y u no play hockey?"
<bbqbot> derp
<DennisBPM> so i tell the bartender i dont like hockey :)
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<peterperfect> DuperMan stop using drugs
<DennisBPM> peterperfect can you tell me ?
<DuperMan> peterperfect: coming from a south american person I find your critique hyprocritical
<peterperfect> DuperMan and i find you crazy
<peterperfect> yay we draw
<DuperMan> we're both as astute. bigger cawk wins 'who's moar awesomer'
<DuperMan> 123drawNO
<DuperMan> also, u find me? WHERE?
<DuperMan> been looking for me forever
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<codeworkx> DuperMan: big cody already found a legendary weapon for the monk. but cody is no monk -.-
<codeworkx> w0000h000, this sauce is ub0r hot
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<Vetch> [18:12] <@codeworkx> i'm level 28
<Vetch> [18:12] <@codeworkx> close to act 4
<Vetch> DAMN YOU
<DuperMan> just crack some money
<DuperMan> :P
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<reading123> Hello everyone, Can any one please help me with wifi direct
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<peterperfect> reading123 sorry i didnt test it yet
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<reading123> I tried with the latest build, but the wifi direct settings don't seem to be working yet
<peterperfect> i think only the settings part were merged
<peterperfect> but im no sure
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<flo90> Hi !
<flo90> I have CM9 on galaxy note and i have SOD, it's know ? Do you have a solution ?
<Vetch> logcat or it didnt happen
<peterperfect> Vetch is right
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<peterperfect> but its a know problem of samsung idiotte kernel
<peterperfect> xplodwild will fix it
<peterperfect> but you have to wait
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<Vetch> :P
<DuperMan> I haven't had SoD in a while
<DuperMan> :(
<DuperMan> I MISS IT
<DuperMan> gave the phone character
<DuperMan> a trait sorely lacking in a 5.3 inch wacom digitizer toting behemoth
<peterperfect> DuperMan fix something
<DuperMan> peterperfect: had my dog fixed a couple months back
<peterperfect> nah..something on sgs2
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<DuperMan> oh. but sgs2 is purdy sweet as is
<DuperMan> what's there to fix?
<pompomJuice> guys I need help. I have downloaded game of thrones at work, then copied it onto my phone, but now I cant get it off of the phone. It says access denied when I try to copy
<DuperMan> I almost fixed a script on the note but was beaten to
<Thracky> I got a call incoming when I was on a call and my phone restarted yesterday :P
<DuperMan> :P
<pompomJuice> I have tried to activate USB mass storage as described in the "known issues"
<Thracky> fix that for me DuperMan
<pompomJuice> that is not working either
<Thracky> :P
<pompomJuice> any pointers?
<DuperMan> Thracky: no sim in my sgs2 no more. counts as a fix?
<DuperMan> xD
<Thracky> :|
<peterperfect> pompomJuice switch to mtp
<peterperfect> dunno if it helps
<peterperfect> but worth a try
<flo90> @peterperfect thanks for your reply ;)
<bbqbot> flo90: Command doesnt not exist!
<peterperfect> DuperMan fix light sensor please
<peterperfect> flo90 no problem
<pompomJuice> mtp works
<pompomJuice> I can see the files
<pompomJuice> they are there
<pompomJuice> I just cant copy them
<pompomJuice> for some bizarre reason it says access denied
<DuperMan> peterperfect: actually might look into that. but will only be able to tweak stuffs with my lacking skills
<pompomJuice> I can copy to the device though
<DuperMan> polyrhythmic: in developer settings disable drm check
<peterperfect> pompomJuice restart everything in the world
<pompomJuice> lol
<DuperMan> *HDCP checking
<pompomJuice> crises!
<DuperMan> set it to 'never check'
<peterperfect> DuperMan we llwith my skills i cant do nothing so youre have best chances
<DuperMan> and yeah restart all teh things
<DuperMan> peterperfect: that's a double negation. if you can not do no thing you can do ANYTHING
<peterperfect> DuperMan the important is that you know what i mean
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<DuperMan> peterperfect: do u?
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> jerwaz
<jerwaz> hey =)
<jerwaz> Wazzup ?
<DuperMan> loving mah note ^^
<DuperMan> u?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> jerwaz nothing new..just DuperMan having his crazyness attacks
<peterperfect> as usual
<jerwaz> xD
<DuperMan> peterperfect: much less bad than I was yesterday
<DuperMan> :PPPPP
<peterperfect> true story
<pompomJuice> Duperman, does your not have stylus give you problems on the note? Like dead areas etc?
<DuperMan> it is:(
<peterperfect> last time your were talking in Dupermish
<peterperfect> not english
<pompomJuice> note*
<DuperMan> it's an awesome language! and no pompomJuice
<pompomJuice> mmm
<DuperMan> but I press the buttons accidentally way too often
<pompomJuice> wonder if my stylus is broken then. Sometimes it just does not detect that I am pressing it
<pompomJuice> the mouse pointer follows though
<pompomJuice> same issues with stock
<DuperMan> pompomJuice: it could be more sensitive - press tip down
<pompomJuice> does the ICS touch sensitivity work?
<pompomJuice> that setting?
<DuperMan> wacom's tech should be able to detect how you hold the pen (which angle) but it seems to confuse android
<pompomJuice> or is that just fingers
<DuperMan> didn't seem to work, tried it too
<pompomJuice> yea seems to not do anything
<pompomJuice> and the dead areas move around
<DuperMan> you could get a wacom stylus like the axiotron studio pen
<pompomJuice> and if I change the angle it comes right
<DuperMan> for tablet pc
<DuperMan> it works with the note and is better for drawing but isn't cheap
<pompomJuice> but then it breaks again... my stylus is pretty useless at the mo
<DuperMan> ~25$ iirc
<pompomJuice> aah
<pompomJuice> will do
<pompomJuice> does it fit into the device?
<DuperMan> hell no :)
<pompomJuice> lol
<DuperMan> I had a couple laying around from my series 7 slate
<DuperMan> now I always carry at least one with me
<pompomJuice> the thing is, someone stole my SGS2, then I purchased a dodgy deal note and now I am thinking the stylus was broken
<DuperMan> define dodgy
<pompomJuice> the phone was in its packaging
<pompomJuice> well
<pompomJuice> I am in africa
<DuperMan> ah
<pompomJuice> is that good enough?
<DuperMan> explains it xD
<DuperMan> yes it is
<pompomJuice> some dude must have gotten it somewhere
<pompomJuice> I dont ask quetions
<DuperMan> like, where the dude selling your sgs2 got his
<DuperMan> :D
<pompomJuice> haha
<pompomJuice> fuckers
<pompomJuice> I have been googling it and lots of note ppl are reporting the same issue
<DuperMan> whatcha gonna do. doesn't sound like the stylus is bad though, just that it's the stock note stylus :P
<pompomJuice> so I was wondering if it was a general issue or manufacturing quality issue
<pompomJuice> aah
<DuperMan> wait, getting you a link :P
<pompomJuice> back to my USB mass storage issue. Does that only work with the external SD?
<pompomJuice> cause the option is grayed out
<pompomJuice> awesome
<pompomJuice> thanks
<DuperMan> ehm... just outta stock
<DuperMan> xD
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<pompomJuice> vervlaks
<pompomJuice> I was wondering if you could run a test for me. Connect your device MTP and then try copy files from your internal SD, can it copy?
<pompomJuice> or does it say access denied
<DuperMan> any 'wacom penabled' branded stylus should work with the note
<pompomJuice> I need my game of thrones fix
<pompomJuice> aah awesome
<pompomJuice> cause the stylus is pretty buggered
<pompomJuice> I saw some guys manually insulated the stylus
<DuperMan> pompomJuice: I'm lazy, but it works afaik. try pushing with adb
<DuperMan> ehm... lol.
<pompomJuice> aah ofcourse
<pompomJuice> that will work
<DuperMan> good on them
<pompomJuice> forgot about that
<DuperMan> I can save you a week though - mother of dragons dies
<DuperMan> (or does she?)
<codeworkx> final boss :-P
<DuperMan> in game of thrones?
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> pompomJuice: http://tinyurl.com/cukpnpf
<pompomJuice> nooo
<pompomJuice> you bastard
<pompomJuice> haha
<DuperMan> :)
<pompomJuice> adb pull FTW
<pompomJuice> thanks
<pompomJuice> I panicked and forgot about that option
<DuperMan> :) is the file ok?
<bbqbot> derp
<pompomJuice> all is good now
<pompomJuice> yea its good
<pompomJuice> crises averted
<DuperMan> some crisis ><
<pompomJuice> yea I have a sad life
<pompomJuice> its no secret
<pompomJuice> I wont deny it
<codeworkx> DOWN!
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<DuperMan> you ate diablo?
<codeworkx> ya
<codeworkx> 11 hrs, 46 minutes played
<codeworkx> :-D
<pompomJuice> aah diablo3, I am all the way down in south africa the latency amagad
<pompomJuice> waiting for others to purchase and report on the latency
<pompomJuice> I hope it's playable
<DuperMan> nice!
<pompomJuice> wow was playable
<pompomJuice> pvp was a bit of an issue
<peterperfect> DuperMan theres something you may want to look into
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm home now
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Still need to Teamviewer?
<peterperfect> Jiangyi im still @ work
<peterperfect> :(
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: nope, uploaded a new build ;-)
<Jiangyi> peterperfect: I had school, and it ends rather early these days.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Downloading.
<peterperfect> codeworkx i want xperimental builds again :(
<peterperfect> so much fun
<peterperfect> nothing worked
<peterperfect> :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I started getting pink spots in my camera sometimes today.... Guess that's part of the Samsung kernel?
<peterperfect> "its a feature" Samsung
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> bricking is also a feature
<peterperfect> yep
<Vetch> u can make the worlds most expensive house with note bricks
<Vetch> :D
<peterperfect> bricking is a Note feature
<Vetch> cant wait for a proper new note build
<Vetch> hopefully mic while using speaker can be fixed
<peterperfect> its the S-Bricking
<peterperfect> incredible feature
<peterperfect> xplodwild lets port S-Bricking to OD
<Vetch> the new galaxy s brick
<xplodwild> yeh
<xplodwild> Instabrick
<xplodwild> dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
<xplodwild> done
<Vetch> i think cm9 boot anim should be changed to a black screen
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<Vetch> xD
<peterperfect> Vetch Y?
<Vetch> lol
<Vetch> cos then peoples heart will race until it gets booted
<xplodwild> xD
<Jiangyi> lol
<peterperfect> ahahahahahah
<peterperfect> epic troll
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: samsung feature. having it on the i9100 too
<Vetch> :D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx
<Jiangyi> Samsung fail.
<peterperfect> at least samsung no unlock the freaking BL
<Vetch> i want opendesign already too
<peterperfect> Vetch can you code?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, looks like you got some haters over by the Chinese forums lol
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Guess they really wanna try CM9 :-D
<Vetch> peterperfect i wish
<Vetch> i did very little vb years ago
* Vetch runs and hides in a box
<peterperfect> codeworkx has haters everywhere
<peterperfect> polemical guy
<Vetch> peterperfect teach me to code
<Vetch> :D
<peterperfect> Vetch when someone teaches me i teach you
<Vetch> hehe
<Vetch> :D
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<Vetch> i think id be kinda scared to code also
<Vetch> incase i bricked from my own stupidity
<peterperfect> nah..just a bunch of { }
<peterperfect> xD
<Vetch> hehe
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Flashed it. What am I looking for?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: buttons
<pompomJuice> are you guys looking for coders for opendesign?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Not lighting up.
<codeworkx> brightness works?
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<peterperfect> çl
<peterperfect> pompomJuice yep
<pompomJuice> mmm
<peterperfect> pompomJuice we always looking for contribution
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<pompomJuice> no harm in trying I suppose
* Vetch cant contribute beyond testing
<Vetch> :(
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Brightness adjustments are fine
<pompomJuice> I am fluent in c++ and c#, java is not much different
<DuperMan> fluent? say hi
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: k
<peterperfect> pompomJuice so what you waiting??? xD
<pompomJuice> cout<<hi;
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: teamviewer?
<pompomJuice> lol
<Vetch> lol
<pompomJuice> fail
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Sure.
<DuperMan> use wave
<DuperMan> :P
<peterperfect> pompomJuice #opendesign
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<DuperMan> will opendesign like money?
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<peterperfect> DuperMan only if it is lots of money
<DuperMan> so lots of money is boolean
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<peterperfect> DuperMan y u no help with some features on OD?
<DuperMan> because I have od :P
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you honestly have to put "Blame Jiangyi if not" on the thread? :-D
<bbqbot> derp
<slgma> anyone know the status of themes?
<slgma> i keep seeing cm9 theme threads
<slgma> but no support yet for us
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: :-D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Seriously though, I can film my phone and make a video if you want. :P
<peterperfect> FUUUUUUUUU
<peterperfect> y u no merge
<EvilBelgian> Hi people
<peterperfect> hi
<Jiangyi> Hi
<EvilBelgian> I figured I spend a good portion of my time playing on my phone. So I'm gonna sit in the channel of the people who make it.
<EvilBelgian> the software for it that is
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<Vetch> xplodwild hows dev coming along ?
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<Vetch> good i hope
<xplodwild> Vetch: dev if?
<xplodwild> of*
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<peterperfect> hahah
<peterperfect> Vetch pick up one thing to ask
<peterperfect> xplod devs all teh things
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<oliverbenduhn> hello, has anybody here problems with sending sms under cm9?
<Vetch> i dunno i thought u was working on something
<Vetch> lol
<peterperfect> no
<xplodwild> oliverbenduhn: wrong smsc?
<oliverbenduhn> if i paste a new one i got an error message
<peterperfect> going home
<peterperfect> ttyl
peterperfect has quit [Quit: If you can't laugh at yourself, make fun of other people.]
<xplodwild> oliverbenduhn: have you converted it into CM9 format?
<xplodwild> can't remember the exact format name
<xplodwild> @google CyanogenMod 9 SMSC
<bbqbot> [FAQ][DISCUSSION] CyanogenMod 9 nightlies i9000 galaxy s - Page 5 ... - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1573421%26page%3D5
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<pompomJuice> oliverbenduhn: yes
<pompomJuice> what is your issue?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> oliverbenduhn: twit88.com/home/utility/sms-pdu-encode-decode
<xplodwild> have you encoded your smsc number in PDU?
<oliverbenduhn> i encoded it
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<Vetch> xplodwild did you try that mp3 by any chance ?
<oliverbenduhn> @pompomJuice i can´t send sms, but without an error message
<bbqbot> oliverbenduhn: Command doesnt not exist!
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<xplodwild> Vetch: I tried on my Nexus and it seems to play
<oliverbenduhn> i can´t send sms, but without an error message
<Vetch> seems to be note related then
<pompomJuice> well, I had an issue that if I sent an SMS it kills the radio.
<pompomJuice> I had to update SMSC
<xplodwild> Vetch: yup
<pompomJuice> someone here magically pointed me to a spesific post for my SMSC for my Network though.
<oliverbenduhn> if i update the smsc my radio is killed for a few moments
<pompomJuice> unlikely that will work for you unless you are from ZA
<pompomJuice> yea I have no idea where that number came from, but that earlier link xplodwild just posted is probably the source
<pompomJuice> I am no expert at this though. All I can tell you is that when I sent an SMS my radio broke. I had to update my SMSC and then it worked.
<oliverbenduhn> yes, i converted the right number, but i cannot paste it in the smsc field
<pompomJuice> just type it?
<Vetch> hmmm appears my fb app broke itself :/
<pompomJuice> this is the post that sorted my issues
<bbqbot> derp
<pompomJuice> you will probably need another code though
<EvilBelgian> pompomJuice, that one worked for us cause Vodacom does not abide to what appear to be normal laws of logic although when I tried that code about 10 nightlies ago it didn't work...retried it again now and spontaneously it chose to function
<pompomJuice> interesting...
<pompomJuice> you are no belgian then
<EvilBelgian> I am
<EvilBelgian> doesn't mean I can't live somewhere else
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<pompomJuice> hehe
<EvilBelgian> Most of us are in Somersetwest...which is why I'm in table view.....far away from the other belgians :P
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<pompomJuice> do you know joice?
<pompomJuice> yea she is in somerset
<DuperMan> is life really worth living as the EvilHawaiian?
<DuperMan> :P
<pompomJuice> possibly
<DuperMan> wasn't doctor evil belgian in austin powers?
<EvilBelgian> Doctor Evil's parents were beligna
<EvilBelgian> belgian*
<EvilBelgian> adoptive parents*
<EvilBelgian> and they were evil which is were I got the nickname from
<DuperMan> ah. so he was british, by the reveal
<pompomJuice> haha
<EvilBelgian> "Those belgians were so darn evil"
<DuperMan> ><' srsly? I rule
<EvilBelgian> Most people get really abstract and ask me if I got it from enders game
<EvilBelgian> or enders shadow...I dunno i read an omnibus they all kind of melded together
<EvilBelgian> Well played Duperman
<EvilBelgian> pretend I capitalised correctly
<DuperMan> heh. while both being great books, no. Ender's nationality meant NOTHING
<DuperMan> and Bean's neither, for the matter
<pompomJuice> EvilBelgian: You did not happen to buy my stolen SGS2 have you? At the time it was stolen I had yet to figure out the SMSC trick?
<DuperMan> also, Bean wasn't evil - just methodical
<EvilBelgian> pompomjuice...I got my Pretty SGS2 from Vodacom
<pompomJuice> I guess it turned into a kind of a feature when my phone got stolen
<pompomJuice> haha
<pompomJuice> aah
<DuperMan> :P
<EvilBelgian> Considering what was achieved by the end of the ender books everyone was pretty evil
<pompomJuice> no that was a bug turned into a feature ;)
<pompomJuice> love those
<EvilBelgian> pompom, do you trawl this channel in the hopes that hte person who bought your phone comes on here?
<pompomJuice> haha, never thought of it that way.
<pompomJuice> I will now
<pompomJuice> I did scan gumtree for a while...
<pompomJuice> no luck
<pompomJuice> "SGS2 that cant send SMSes" was what I was looking for
<EvilBelgian> lol, of all the things that this new generation of phones with outrageously fast processors has brought...the most surreal aspect for me is that I have Avaste on a phone.
<EvilBelgian> then theirs the disappointment that it doesn't do the voices
<pompomJuice> haha
<pompomJuice> I doubt you would understand the language
<pompomJuice> some chick pickpocketed me though.. I think
<EvilBelgian> A VIRUS HAS BEEN DETECTED...there's a line that's scared the shit out of me many a time
<pompomJuice> that or a bouncer caug me doing drugs in the bathroom... he frisked me and 30 minutes later I realized my phone was gone.
<DuperMan> out for the night, I hope :) nn
<pompomJuice> cought*
<pompomJuice> caught*
<EvilBelgian> I wouldn't go for the "a bouncer frisked me in a bathroom" story
<EvilBelgian> sounds dodge
<pompomJuice> yea
<pompomJuice> It was dodge
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<pompomJuice> thats why it was so fucked up
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<EvilBelgian> was it gandalfs?
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> no wait...
<pompomJuice> no in stellies, cashbah
<EvilBelgian> atmosphere
<EvilBelgian> oh
<EvilBelgian> never been to cashbah
<pompomJuice> but apearently those bouncers do the same tricks in CPT
<pompomJuice> the barman (who I am friends with) said the same fuckers took his shit from him in CPT one time... could have been gandalfs
<pompomJuice> I confronted the bastard but obviously that did not go down well
<EvilBelgian> gandies has personal bouncers not attached to a security company
<pompomJuice> yea see thse guys also... they are definitely not from ZA though
<pompomJuice> they are sharp
<pompomJuice> they can spot an oppertunity like that
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<EvilBelgian> nah if anyone catches you doing anything in the gands bathrooms the least you can expect is a beating from the owner
<EvilBelgian> he does not like drugs in his club
<pompomJuice> yea the club can get into trouble
<pompomJuice> it was stuped
<pompomJuice> not doing it again
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<codeworkx> Espenfjo: Nightmare Act 1 done :-D
<codeworkx> Espenfjo: i'm sick of it
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: lights.t1.so /system/lib/hw
<Vetch> :(
<Vetch> i so badly want d3
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<Trae32566> hola
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Alright. Not asleep yet?
<Trae32566> Vetch: lol yeah...it's nice
<Trae32566> :P
<Trae32566> cant say more than that tho
<Trae32566> :|
<Vetch> cant get it til friday
<Trae32566> xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: finished act1 on nightmare. :-D
<Trae32566> sucks for you
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: vacations ;-)
<Trae32566> I'll at least be playing with one on friday
<Trae32566> hopefully I get to keep it
<codeworkx> Vetch: battle.net digital download?
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<Trae32566> :)
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Lucky :O
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<Vetch> codeworkx paypal me the money ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Trae32566> codeworkx: you got a random kernel branch laying around on your machine? I need a tester
<codeworkx> Vetch: work work work
<Vetch> i did
<Vetch> payday is friday
<Vetch> lol
<Trae32566> Vetch: where are you at?
<Vetch> london, uk
<Trae32566> how you gonna get an SGS, release isn't till the 29th
<Trae32566> :P
<codeworkx> Trae32566: t1, exynos4, tuna
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: How you manage to play video games and code at the same time, I will never know xD
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: multitasking
<Trae32566> codeworkx: Let me finish writing this, and I have a system for you to test
<Trae32566> its really nice
<Vetch> Jiangyi he doesnt, he plays a video game and then codes a few lines when he rage quits
<Trae32566> you guys might even start using it
<Trae32566> :D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, to hell with those who say that men can't multitask! :-D
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: right
<Vetch> damn why does payday have to be friday :/
<Vetch> why cant it be monday
<Trae32566> Vetch: are you just preordering it?
<Vetch> like yesterday lol
<Vetch> Trae32566 its out
<Trae32566> o.O
<Vetch> i just havent got enough money til friday to buy it
<Trae32566> no its not
<Trae32566> at least not AFAIK
<Vetch> yes it is
<Trae32566> ahh..
<Vetch> been out over 24 hours now
<Trae32566> well I hope to get one on friday too
<Trae32566> :)
<Vetch> for me at least
<Trae32566> I might not though
<Trae32566> D:
<Vetch> i could have got it today if the store had it
<Vetch> but they sold out
<Vetch> store is cheaper than battle.net
<Trae32566> yeah, but you can only get the non-LTE version
<codeworkx> Vetch: cdkeyhouse.com ;-)
<Trae32566> and no more comments on that
<Trae32566> :P
<Vetch> they legit codeworkx ?
<codeworkx> Vetch: they scan the original boxes
<codeworkx> Vetch: $59,20
<Vetch> wow wtf $74 ?
<codeworkx> Vetch: use rabatt coupon: white-wolf-clan
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<codeworkx> 7%
<Vetch> have you bought from them before?
<codeworkx> Vetch: total -> $261.44
<codeworkx> i would say: yes
<codeworkx> bf3, anno2070, saints road 3 and and and
<Vetch> i have heard of people having trouble with sites similar so i dont know whether to trust them or not
<Vetch> oh ok :D
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Buttons stay lit all the time
<Vetch> and it will work for my uk battle.net account ?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: display off
<codeworkx> Vetch: it's EU
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Well, it stops lighting up when the display's off.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: that's normal aosp
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh it is?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: i'll do the off by time later
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, alright.
<Jiangyi> I got my BF3 for $30 from Origin sales :-P
Anthony1s|drift is now known as Anthony1s
<codeworkx> Vetch: make sure to use the same email address there as on paypal
<codeworkx> Vetch: otherwise they want to verify you
<Anthony1s> They stick a finger up your ass and see if you're real
<codeworkx> no, but they want a scan of your id card
<Anthony1s> that's worse!!
<Jiangyi> That's pretty weird that they would do that.
<Vetch> hmmmm
<Vetch> its £2 cheaper than battle.net
<Vetch> so havent got enough anyway
<Vetch> unless you feel like contributing a few bucks im probably out of luck
<Vetch> :P
<Vetch> codeworkx how did you get the total to $59.20 ?
<BrandoHD> codeworkx: lol, instant share
<Vetch> Total Products:74.08$
<Vetch> Total Discount:5.19$
<Vetch> Total: 68.89$
<codeworkx> was cheaper yesterday
<Vetch> ah :(
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: lmao