nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<addi> nebkat, y i is not voiced or opped? :(
<nebkat> @mods add addi ~addi@
<bbqbot> User addi got added as mod.
<nebkat> addi: enjoy
<addi> :D
<nebkat> addi:
<nebkat> run @help commands
* addi will now thank nebkat by calling everyone who joins channel an idiotte
addi has left #teamhacksung-support [#teamhacksung-support]
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<nebkat> addi: dont scare them all away ktnx
<addi> haha, kidding ^^
<addi> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @kick @kickban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<addi> oh, okies
<nebkat> addi: @help commands
<cdesai> nebkat: me too :P
<addi> @help commands
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @userlevel @owners @admins @mods @kick @kickban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @topic @invite @supported @downloads @changelog @google @eightball @bash @addQuote @geo @timer @money
<addi> w00t, that's a lot :O
<Jiangyi> wow so many @'s :O
<addi> !bomb
<addi> @bomb
<bbqbot> addi: You are not allowed to run that command!
<addi> :(
<addi> OKAY bbqbot
<cdesai> addi: only owners can
<addi> hmmm, okay then. i sticks to kicks :p
<chadouming> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> addi, you have been challenged!
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<Jiangyi> uh oh
<bbqbot> 6
<bbqbot> 5
<addi> 42
<bbqbot> Correct wire!
<bbqbot> Bomb disarmed!
<addi> :D
<Jiangyi> lol
<toppits> Oo
<cdesai> chadouming: xD
addi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [42 IS NOT ON THE ANSWER LIST]
<Jiangyi> addi you clever little.... xD
addi has joined #teamhacksung-support
<chadouming> clever little what ?
<toppits> xDD
<addi> xD
<Jiangyi> idk
<Jiangyi> lol
<cdesai> @bomb addi
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
<cdesai> bbqbot: <3 let me bomb
<toppits> lol
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<bbqbot> derp
<Didou> @changelog i9300
* Jiangyi WANTS
* cdesai also wantz
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<Sushi> <3
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<Kent_> I cannot get the file exploerer that can show my sd card storage after I custom rom
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<Kent_> Any idea
<toppits> what file explorer did u try ?
<Kent_> ex file explorer and astro
<toppits> and what doesn't work ?
<toppits> if u got es file explorer: left upper corner klick on favourite and then u got /mnt/emmc
<Kent_> cannot read the file inside my memory card..But i try pc there split to 2 partition ady
<toppits> thats your external sd-card
dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
<toppits> ah hm
<toppits> fat32 ?
<Kent_> ya
<toppits> did it work ever ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Kent_> so how?
<Kent_> I din see any thing on my left upper
<toppits> u got 2 partitions on it now ?
<Kent_> ya
<toppits> in es file explorer
<Kent_> when connect to pc
<toppits> u got the star at the left upper corner, don't u ?
<Kent_> in es file cannot see my sd card lo
Didou has quit [Quit: Didou]
<Kent_> Ya.. I get it ady..Thanks so much
<toppits> do u see it in settings->storage?
<akSeya> hi folks.. does that battery calibration really works? I'm experiencing something strange for some days now.. for example, yesterday my battery was at ~40% then it jumped to 13% then it went to 12.. 11.. 10.. 9 and back to 12. it stayed like that for about 7 hours... then it finally went down
<akSeya> now, i charged it till 100% and then I rebooted the phone, it jumped to 90%
<akSeya> has anyone ever experienced that? wiping that Battery stat file should solve this?
<akSeya> i'm running latest nightly on a S2
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* chadouming is away: dinner !
<nebkat> akSeya: there is no such thing as battery calibration
<cdesai> it's a myth
<akSeya> i thought so.. but.. what just happened?! =/
<bbqbot> derp
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<akSeya> it's not the first time it jumped from 40% to 10%, other day i plugged the charger and rebooted the phone and it went back to 42%
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<slainer68> hi !
<slainer68> using cm9 nightly on SGS3, in the news/weather widget, clicking on the weather box to get humidity, crash :
<nebkat> slainer68: that app is always derped, sorry
<nebkat> slainer68: get a proper weather app from play store
<Baskey> #blamesamsung
<slainer68> nebkat: sorry but i really like this stock widget. it's fast & clean.
<Jiangyi> Yay, I have to go back to school now. ._.
<Jiangyi> See you guys in 3 hours. :-P
<slainer68> \o/
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<hoopla> Hiya, does anyone else have an issue with the audio on calls being garbled
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<hoopla> it seems to be intermittant
<hoopla> like its been amplified too much
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<Assid> Hey
<hoopla> Hey
<hoopla> You seem to answer many questions before
<hoopla> you seen / heard of an issue with in-call audio being garbled ?
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<Assid> Me?
<hoopla> like its been passed through a super gain filter
<addi> hoopla, what device? this is a channel for many devices
<Assid> I plead the fifth
<hoopla> it is gs3 - cm9
<addi> wait for next nightly
<addi> will fix audio according codework
<addi> according to*
<hoopla> :D sweet
<Assid> nebkat: you around
<nebkat> Assid: yar
<nebkat> added continuous scan mode :D
<hoopla> next nightly being 21 not the EXPERIMENTAL-dual mic ?
<Assid> Eyespy crashed on me
<nebkat> hoopla: would you pay $1 for an on-demand pay-per-build rom-kitchen service?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> hoopla: i.e. gives you a fresh nightly
<hoopla> would it be per nightly
<Assid> Isn't that what i said? Use the video mode
<hoopla> or $1 for app
<hoopla> or access
<hoopla> wait, just read the question
<Assid> However continuous mode would kill the battery
<hoopla> $1 per build seems a bit steep, but I would consider a kinda CM9 "premium"
<hoopla> which gave you access to some extra features
<Assid> Isn't that what ROM manager does
<hoopla> not access to custom bits and pieces im guessing
<hoopla> like if I wanted a certain kernel module added / removed
<nebkat> hoopla: ofc
<Assid> Like what
<nebkat> hoopla: you can build custom kernel
<nebkat> you can add/remove patches and shit
<nebkat> you can add/remove apps
<hoopla> whaaat from the command like
<hoopla> or from within rom manager
<nebkat> hoopla: web service ;)
<nebkat> Assid: possibly yes
<nebkat> Assid: it might derp battery
<nebkat> Assid: its not video however
<nebkat> its just preview mode with facedetectorlistener
<hoopla> oh, very nice
<nebkat> its basically what the cam does in cam app
<nebkat> tracks faces in preview
<nebkat> hoopla: $1? good price?
<hoopla> yeap I think so
<Assid> Nebkat $1 per month access to the kitchen
<hoopla> ^^ agree
<nebkat> Assid: you mad?
<nebkat> you know how much server it wastes?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> 30min per build
<nebkat> well
<nebkat> what *would* you pay
<nebkat> the max you would consider paying
<Assid> Wow
<nebkat> and not even a regular thing, just once in a while
<hoopla> maybe two forms
<hoopla> one "all on server"
<hoopla> pay $1 each
<hoopla> like if im out and about and I need something super now
<hoopla> another would be, web front end
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm 5 bucks per month, 1 build a week
<hoopla> generates a script
<hoopla> which you can run locally
<nebkat> Assid: reasonable
<nebkat> Assid: completely reasonable :D
<hoopla> that would be a cheaper one ?
<Assid> Also, open sauce the kitchen
<chadouming> assid : 5$/month @ 1build / week = higher than 1$ / build
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm, then 10 builds
<Assid> Mostly won't use that
<Assid> Most people would go with like 2-3 builds
<Assid> But yeah open sauce the kitchen, if people want to use their own processor specs, let them go ahead
<Assid> Maybe we can make a virtual machine
<chadouming> ahah, and kill our service ?
<chadouming> nah
<Assid> A buck per ROM or 5 bucks per month for 10, roms
<nebkat> nope
<nebkat> Assid: we are using credit system
<nebkat> we will make it like
<nebkat> pay $10, get moar than paying $1
<Assid> Who the fuck would sit and cook so many roms i don't know
<chadouming> well, the credit system would be exactly like, pay 10$ for 11 weeks @ 1 build per week
<chadouming> except that you can build all in 1 week if you want
<hoopla> would it also say, last 14 weeks ?
<nebkat> no
<nebkat> its like
<nebkat> pay $10
<nebkat> get 2000 credits
<nebkat> every build is 200
<nebkat> that is simplified down ofc
<nebkat> but it would be something like this
<nebkat> kernel is 10 credits maybe
<chadouming> credits are bought and always stay in your account
<nebkat> so its no per-month
<nebkat> you have unlimited
<hoopla> ah
<nebkat> we dont care if you use all in one day
<hoopla> thats better
<nebkat> and we dont care if you keep them for two months
<hoopla> makes more sense
<chadouming> if you buy 11 credits, then you have 11 credits for as long as we live
<hoopla> yeah, I would use something like that
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm what would i put in my kernel?
* Assid doesn't know
<hoopla> exFAT ;p
<Assid> I don't use that
hoopla is now known as hoopla|AFk
<Assid> I really don't use my phone much
<Assid> Mostly emails and chat
<chadouming> uv/oc module
<chadouming> ?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> "module"
<hoopla|AFk> ( hometime )
<chadouming> newer wifi driver ?
<chadouming> or old that was working good for you
<chadouming> anyway, there is still a lot of option under work :D
<chadouming> and having a stock kernel will probably cost less credits
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<Assid> I'm happy with what cm9 stock provides
DRockstar|Cloud is now known as DRockstar
<Assid> Although i do want to compile my ROM once
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<MarioTME> Good Evening
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<angelsl> long channel name :(
angelsl was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by chadouming [type it again]
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<chadouming> :P
<Assid> So, eye spy crashed
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<nebkat> Assid: logg
<Assid> Can i log a past crash?
<nebkat> Assid: actually, update to latest version
<nebkat> if your brother is here get his s
<Assid> No computer now, am in bed waiting for the sand man
<Assid> Err 12.20 am mate
<Assid> If i enter his room, his wife well kick my ass
<angelsl> that's a weird timezone..
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm continous check
<Assid> Will kill My battery
<Assid> I anyways get a shitty battery life
<Assid> how much light does it require
<Assid> To recognize a face
<nebkat> dont do continuous
<nebkat> its not fully continuous btw
<nebkat> it goes
<nebkat> "wait 30s"
<nebkat> "scan for 5s until face detected:
<nebkat> "wait 30s"
<nebkat> its not constant scan
<Assid> Unfortunately eyespy crashed...
<Assid> Bah
<Assid> Sorry, has stopped
<nebkat> Assid: did you get latest apk?
<nebkat> and if so, gief log
<Assid> Again
<nebkat> oh
<nebkat> yeah
<nebkat> damnit :P
<Assid> Yes, latest
<Assid> I think problem in low light setting
<nebkat> Assid: get catlog
<Assid> Try it
<nebkat> nooo
<nebkat> nope
<nebkat> cant be that
<angelsl> catlog?
<Assid> Catalogue
<nebkat> Assid: get some logcat app
<nebkat> and find teh error
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm
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<Assid> Let's see it happen again
* Assid needs sleep
* nebkat needs logs
<Assid> If i fuck up at work, there's a huge financial fuck up
akSeya has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Assid> Hmmmmmmmmm no crash yet
<Assid> I guess you have to play the waiting game
<nebkat> Assid: ok thanks
<nebkat> Assid: you are free now :)
<nebkat> Assid: ttyt ;)
<Assid> Ok I'll forward it if i catch it
<Assid> Nini
lenny|offline is now known as Lenny
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: Camera ~> Speicherort < Interner...>, Should I change it that is won't be too long for there?
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<addi> that zzzz and yyyy guy that was spamming here yesterday is now doing it on ##hardware. Freednode troll campaign :O
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<h4rdco2e> codeworkx: is this usefull for SGS2CamHal:
<bbqbot> derp
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<h4rdco2e> whitequark: your very famous!
<h4rdco2e> you're
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<whitequark> famous?
<bbqbot> derp
<whitequark> what
<Baskey> twat
<whitequark> being famous on the internet isn't generally a good thing...
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<clandmeter> codeworkx: thank you so much for the tab2 build. is it ok to install it on 5110 aswel?
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<galadrium> hy, he can't understand what is said because of a very loud rustle. cm9/s3
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<T0yK4T[zZz]> Meh, very lossy compression algorithm that takes only the maximum value of a dataset for display (Necessary)... My evening in a nutshell... nn
<T0yK4T[zZz]> two dimensional dataset actually...
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<Dennis_> hi all
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<Dennis_> can somebody help me with the i9300 and cm9? i've got major echo with calling
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<Dennis_> hi all,
<Dennis_> any devs online?
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<Entropy512> I don't do I9300
<Entropy512> do you hear echo or other end?
<bbqbot> derp
<Dennis_> no, only local
<Entropy512> that I have no clue... If the other end is hearing echo, that might be Samsung's crappy noise reduction implementation
<Dennis_> i've try'd multiple modems
<Entropy512> which I still need to figure out how to control... I know how to control it in libaudio but I suck at Java UI stuff
<Entropy512> echo heard by the other end due to SNR being shit is an issue on I9100, I777, N7000, and others
<Dennis_> okey, thanks for the info!
<Entropy512> but if you're hearing echo, I have no clue
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