AndyB: Wait, so you attempted to install CM9 using the stock recovery?
yup i believe so - got slightly ahead of myself
AndyB: Well, obviously that would fail, but it can't cause a total brick....
check this out
I made AWESOME fried Salmon
Unless the superbrick bug happened....
DuperMan, help me help AndyB. :-P
and the kitchenware (pan or lid) somehow SUPERBRICKED
haha that be appreciated!
and can't be pried out of the damn frying pan -_-
* DuperMan
* Jiangyi
asks DuperMan kindly to help.
yeah Jiangyi?
*yes even
I'm mad at fish, sorry
AndyB tried to flash CM9 with stock recovery and somehow his Note is now completely bricked.
lol I love fish xD
ME TOO! hmmmmm.... well there's the WELL DOCUMENTED SUPERBRICK
P.S. No Odin, nothing on screen when powering up.
never encountered it myself
tried a drain/recharge of batt? device is note?
But can superbrick even happen here? I thought it was only for data wiping.
well when you flash initially you must wipe
I certainly didnt wipe - fatal?
He said his battery was only 20%-ish when he attempted, but he was plugged in. I'm thinking maybe something to do with the battery.
shouldn't be. you say it shows battery charging for anything, correct?
first question: have you plugged it out?
also, reitirating: WHAT MODEL
Note N7000......
No other Note has CM9. lol
k, tired, wasn't sure I read note :)
also, mad at fish
yeah defo N7000, is plugged into USB of computer but no charging icon on screen...have also plugged it out too
...to no joy (shame about the fish!)
it might be that the battery gave the ghost at a rather crucial moment, I'd leave it with batt out for the night (like I could resist:P) then try a friend's battery/charge in a friend's phone
does the computer bother beeping happily acknowledging a thing was plugged?
Yeah, it's either fully bricked or your battery may have problems.
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this is why i havent flashed my n7000 to cm yet. fear of this
evil-doer: If you flash with a safe percentage of battery left, you should be fine. xD
well, flashed mine soon as I could to be on cm9 and not worry (first few days should be most leniant on warranty claims:P)
I actually once flashed with 15% left. Not the smartest idea, but I didn't die from that. xD
also, didn't know how bad that bug was when I flashed :)
Samsung China: We don't care if it's rooted! We'll fix it anyways! :D
is it stable on the note? ive heard the battery isnt too good
Jiangyi: camel central's the same if it's from a mobile carrier;)
the official samsung importers are horrible though
+DuperMan I've changed the battery and theres no luck either - same blank screen. Computer doesnt recognise it when plugged in by USB either
* DuperMan
hasn't lost a fish, he learned how to vacuum seal steel and glass
* DuperMan
turns to smithing fish decorated high end armorr as an occupation
AndyB: OK, looks like you're going to have to call it in for service.
Good news is, since it's so fully bricked, I doubt they can tell that you tried flashing a custom ROM on it. :-P
AndyB: sounds as much like a brick as I heard, give it a batt-less night and try a battery charged another way (different device or a charger) then RMA
yup thought so - very true! haha heard how long the process takes? What about this Heimdall app - useful?
keyword is 'derp', alongside terms such as "just happened" and "woke up an it like this
it's an app - guess how well it runs on a phone that doesn't boot
oh, sorry
mixed with odin mobile
true, true
wouldv'e been worth a try if warranty wasn't safest route
OK, listen to DuperMan, not me. :X
it sounds like it IS the bug hence you need something lower level than odin/heimdall, ergo almost no way they'll give you trouble replacing it
ok gents (assuming you both are), thanks for the time and help! Appreciated.
....cool, give it a bash - can you use it more than once??
yeah. a jig's a jig's a jig's.
Yeah, a jig is not an one-time device lol
jig won't work if you're hardbricked
IMO with TriangleAway there's no point to jig
Entropy512: that
Entropy512 has spoken!
but with the absolute certainty that is you :)
Resets the flash counter
it sounds like you got nailed by Superbrick
man, just 1-2 days too early
we made recovery/updater-zip changes such that it SHOULD be safe to flash CM9 on dangerous kernels now
but I haven't fully tested the change yet
lol yeah, new stuffs commited is all about working around it xD
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yet another reason to push for our contact to release repair info... unfortunately it sounds like senior management at Sammy is being uncooperative
they want to be able to claim they're working with the development community
without actually doing so
ach, thats unfortunate but not the end of the world - have a trusty Nexus S to rely on in the meantime
One gripe I have against the MHL cables is the fact that it needs external power, which is a bit annoying. :-P
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* chadouming
is away: dinner
and my tv doesn't have a usb port :(
Yeah, mine neither. Have to plug it into an adapter if I get one. :P
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I think most of my friends TVs have usb ports though
and playing videos at friends places would be the main point for me
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btw are there logs of these channels available somewhere?
My guess would be no, but if there is, that'd be awesome.
I've got logs of whatever I've been online for, for that past month or so
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Not that I'm anywhere near inclined to look at them
heh, I'll just ask the dev working on my device for some background instead
once my exams are done anyway ><
OOoh :D
the new nightly has the updated mascot
haha, in the boot animation?
He looks all hardcore and stuff
I still kinda prefer the old one...
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General concensus among the Chinese users seem to be that the new mascot looks evil. lol
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* chadouming
is back (gone 00:48:38)
my first reaction was "aliens meets iron man"
looks more like a teletubby
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Duperman: You there?
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Hi, was just wondering if anyone would know: is it likely to be caught modding your phone (Galaxy Note) if it's superbricked and wont even turn on with Odin?
...get caught by Samsung Warranty
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hi guys, one question, when i upgrade the Cyanogen9 in my samusng s2 i gonna loose the apps, messages etc? i come from cm9... its for change the nightly
if you go CM9 -> CM9 you wont loose anything
BlithA: I think it's unlikely that you'll get caught, but you should ask around. :-P
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well, if you bring back to your carrier, saying it stopped working, they probably wont even check that
they will look for physical damage then wipe and restore at factory state
if they can't restore it, they will change it
ok nice one - not getting anything out of it - cheers folks!
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