Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<netsend> Hi
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<sathamneh> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<Jiangyi> Hi.
<netsend> Hi
<sathamneh> Hi. I9100G is not supported yet?
<Jiangyi> sathamneh: It is supported.
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Jiangyi> @changelog i9100g
<Jiangyi> ^^
<netsend> @changelog i9100
<sathamneh> Jiangyi, I installed it already. but the bot is saying other than this :)
<Jiangyi> sathamneh: Ah OK. Yeah, I don't think the bot's updated yet :-P
<sathamneh> hehehe :)
<sathamneh> I have a tiny glitch might be
<sathamneh> CM9 is not syncing the browser.
romann|afk is now known as romann
<sathamneh> is that known issue?
<Jiangyi> sathamneh: Did you try wiping data?
<sathamneh> I did.
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<sathamneh> ACTUALLY, i re-flashed the rom, with full factory, and the problem presists.
<sathamneh> *wipe*
<Jiangyi> Well, that seems a bit odd.
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<Jiangyi> I haven't encountered such an issue, so.... :-P
<sathamneh> Do you have the CH or EU version?
<sathamneh> because it seems that problems encountered with the EU version are diff from the CH version.
<sathamneh> this is the only problem that i am having at the moment.. everything else is work like a charm.
<Jiangyi> sathamneh: CHN. However, I've been keeping up with both sides and the issues are pretty much the same.
<Jiangyi> I think the only reason people don't mention or see sync problems in China is because barely anyone uses Google services there.
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<sathamneh> Ahh, I see.
<sathamneh> Is there any workaround that I can try to fix this issue.. or any log to look at might help fixing the issue.
<Jiangyi> Sorry man, I'm no developer, so I don't know. :-(
<sathamneh> Ahh, it's ok.. don't worry about it..
<sathamneh> :-)
romann is now known as romann|afk
<sathamneh> I found something on XDA but it's about I9100T. it says that browser sync is failing with builtin browser but if you install chrome beta it will work.
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<Jiangyi> Hmm... Well, that's interesting. :P
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<borcean> Hello there, I've been having some issues with the newer nightlies on my Vibrantmtd. The issue is that WiFi will turn on and off very quickly (1-2 second cycles). I first noticed this on the 6 June build and just restored from my backup thinking it was just that build, but the newest one from 13 June also does this on my device. The build seems to be fine as the 13 June build runs perfectly on a friends Vibrant. Here is
<Jiangyi> Hmmm... I remember that issue on stock 2.3 back in the days when I had my Captivate....
<borcean> And another question should I have posted this here or is there someplace else that it should have gone?
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<Jiangyi> borcean: Yeah you're in the right place. :-)
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<Jiangyi> Sorry I can't be more help, I never solved the issue on my old cappy.
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<Jiangyi> DuperMan: Why does the bot keep kicking you? :-S
<bbqbot> derp
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<Kaik541> @commands
<bbqbot> Kaik541: Command doesnt not exist!
<Kaik541> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<Kaik541> @timer set 10000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 20000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 30000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 40000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 50000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 60000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 70000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 80000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 90000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> @timer set 100000 kick DuperMan
<bbqbot> Timer set!
<Kaik541> and now the fun continues
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<Numloxx> anyone running nightly 20120612 cm9 on sgs2?
<Numloxx> my device is hotter than normal
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<nebkat> Kaik541: <3
<Kaik541> nebkat: thought you'd enjoy that
<Espenfjo> haha :D
<Kaik541> wow
<Kaik541> nebkat: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=27338629&postcount=3667 the stupidity of users continues to astound me
<lodder> damn missing my daily fix again :(
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<Assid> muhahaha
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<Assid> how does it benefit to have multiple ntp servers in gps.conf ?
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<Diablosss> hello
<Diablosss> I9100G before CM9 4.0.4 must install oficial android 4.0 ?
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<Diablosss> I9100G before CM9 4.0.4 must install oficial android 4.0 ?
<cdesai> yea, need the ics bootloaders
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<lodder> anyone else have issue with the foursquare app in nightly 20120612
<Diablosss> <cdesai> but cant flash I9100GXXLPQ_I9100GODDLP7_INU
<cdesai> kyu kya hua?
<Diablosss> MLO error with odin 1.85
<Diablosss> what is mean ?
<Diablosss> 2.3.5 flash w/o problems
<gladiac1337> MLO error?
<bbqbot> derp
<Diablosss> cant flash 4.03 to my i9100g
<gladiac1337> isn't MLO the first stage bootloader of TI-based phones?
<Diablosss> where is odin cm9 kernel ?
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<DuperMan> @userlevel
<bbqbot> DuperMan has userlevel 1
<DuperMan> :P
<cdiwrl> @userlevel
<bbqbot> cdiwrl has userlevel 1
<cdiwrl> promote me? :p
<DuperMan> @voice cdiwrl
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<cdiwrl> only op can
<DuperMan> c'pootah sai naw
<DuperMan> srslu?
<DuperMan> \/\/0\/\/
<DuperMan> /\/\_\/ /\/\||\||) |$ |3|0\/\/|/|
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: You spent another 60 euros on us!? ....Samsung should pay you for what you've done. :-P
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<uberkat> Jiangyi: yeah... thats definitely going to happen...
<Jiangyi> You never know? lol xD
<Jiangyi> Wait, this is nebkat right?
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<uberkat> Jiangyi: lol
<uberkat> Jiangyi: we are having crazy nick day at cm-priv
<Jiangyi> uberkat: Ahhh.....
<uberkat> UberPinguin + nebkat = uberkat
<uberkat> he is now nebguin
<Jiangyi> UberPinguin? lol
<bbqbot> derp
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<uberkat> Jiangyi: ya
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<Jiangyi> Yayy finally some Chinese translations in the latest nightly :-D
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<Assid> heya
<Assid> so i just checked something.. apparently my gps doesnt work anymore (sgs2)
<Assid> i.e. doesnt work if i disable network assisted
<Assid> gps status shows 6-8 satellites.. but none seem to connect
<addi> so basically it never worked, only used network to point out location :p
<Assid> i thought this was taken care of, long ago
<Assid> wasnt it
<Assid> im using the latest nightly
<Assid> shouldnt it be working?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Jiangyi> Assid: I do believe it should. Only thing I can suggest is try wiping data.
<Assid> hmm crap
<Assid> can someone atleast confirm it works
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<Jiangyi> Sorry, I'm on an I9100G, not the I9100.
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<admk> hi can an1 help me?
<admk> ?
<uberkat> admk: wut u wantz
<admk> i have galaxy s2
<admk> and cyanogen mod
<admk> nightly builds
<admk> and my keyboard crash all time :S
<admk> why?
<chadouming> you wiped everything ?
<chadouming> or, try to change you interface language
<chadouming> this caused problem some time
<admk> devilk and chache?
<chadouming> go to settings -> language and input and change from your language to your language
<chadouming> no, data
<admk> is good italiano italia
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<uberkat> hey Peter`Pan
<uberkat> hey peterperfect
<peterperfect> hello thar
<peterperfect> word up
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<badluck> hi all
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<badluck> problems to startup cm9
<badluck> any help?
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<badluck> have GT-I9100G
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<Jiangyi> badluck: Did you flash over from a StockROM?
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<badluck> jiangyi: i am stuck with a yellow triangle and blick explanation mark...
<badluck> jangyi: yes i did try from StockROM
<Jiangyi> badluck: Try booting into recovery mode and wiping data.
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi
<badluck> do i need to unbrick/unlock the 9100G? first?
<Jiangyi> badluck: Are you stuck at the boot animation or?
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_oout
<badluck> at the very first image, i guess bootlaoder, there is no animation...
<badluck> the fault i probably have done is tring CM9 without first installing oiffical ICS?
<bbqbot> derp
<badluck> somewhere it is mentined that ICS is needed for the new bootloader
<badluck> but how can i receover now?
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<AnAkIn`> does anyone have an I9100 running on CM9?
<Jiangyi> badluck: OK, I think I get your situation. Download a stock ICS ROM and flash it through ODIN.
<AnAkIn`> or an I9100G on stock rom
<badluck> i found: I9100GXXLPQ_I9100GODDLP7_INU.zip
<badluck> how can i put it on the device with heimdall command line tool?
<badluck> inside is a tar.md5
<badluck> and inside of that are zImage, *.img, etc
romann|afk is now known as romann
<Jiangyi> badluck: Sorry, I don't know how to do it with Heimdall.
<badluck> what are you using?
<badluck> the windows odin tool?
<Jiangyi> Yeah. (I'm a noob I know)
<badluck> ok, i currently do not have Windows, but i can get access to one....tomorrow
<Jiangyi> Actually, a quick search online shows that you just place the files in the different categories. Hang on, let me read this some more. :P
<Jiangyi> badluck: OK, it looks really simple from the GUI.
<badluck> what do i need to do?
<Jiangyi> badluck: I'm trying to download it and see for myself clearly, but it seems like the original site is down. :-P
<xplodwild> bad luck brian
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<xplodwild> badluck: heimdall flash --factoryfs system.img
* Jiangyi feels like a complete noob
<xplodwild> heimall flash --kernel zImage
<xplodwild> should be good enough
<badluck> there are more files inside the tar.md5 file than zImage and system.img...
<xplodwild> you don't need to flash all of them
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<xplodwild> and I wouldn't risk bootloader
AnAkIn is now known as AnAkIn``
<badluck> which one is the bootloader?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild> Sbl.bin and boot.bin iirc
<badluck> ok
<xplodwild> if I'm not mistaken you can flash them with --primary-boot boot.bin and --secondary-boot Sbl.bin
<xplodwild> but I would recommend reading heimdall help/usage to be sure
<badluck> Jiangyi: yes the offical side is down currently :-(
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: I thought the point was to flash the new bootloader? ICS needs that to run... (P.S. Thanks for coming :-))
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<xplodwild> Jiangyi: if it boots without, it'd be safer
<xplodwild> if not, then what I said with boot
<xplodwild> though I'd recommend Odin for this kind of stuff
<xplodwild> heimdall can become random/jerky
<Jiangyi> xplodwild: Yeah it won't boot. Too many of us have tried it. :P
<xplodwild> sometime I can flash 10 kernels in a row without any issue
<xplodwild> and suddenly it just doesn't detect the device anymore
<Entropy512> i've never had any problems with Heimdall
<Entropy512> ofc I only use it on Linux
<xplodwild> Entropy512: happened to me a few times on OSX
<Entropy512> I've heard Heimdall on OSX is as much of a crapshoot as it is on Windows, if not worse
<Entropy512> they had all sorts of trouble with the latest OSX release
<badluck> are you using Odin 1.85?
<Jiangyi> Hmm... OK I downloaded Heimdall, and I see that the GUI isn't even willing to open up tar files. :-P
<Jiangyi> badluck: Yeah I use 1.85.
<badluck> where can i get a virus free samsung usb driver?
<nebkat> badluck: /dev/random :D
<badluck> :-)
<badluck> any offical site?
<Jiangyi> badluck: Install Kies. Or listen to nebkat lol
<Jiangyi> jk
Jiangyi was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [no you're not]
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<Jiangyi> :-(
<Jiangyi> Anyways, get drivers from Kies or the installer on XDA somewhere. :-P
romann is now known as romann|afk
<badluck> ok i found them on XDA
<badluck> in ODIN i can then select the whole tar file?
* Jiangyi thinks that nebkat's having a lot of fun kicking him. :-(
<badluck> i am just asking, bause i can try tomorrow
<Jiangyi> badluck: Yeah, just put it in PDA and you're good to go.
<badluck> ok cool, thanks for your great help!
<nebkat> Jiangyi: +1
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<Jiangyi> Wow, so quiet all of a sudden. ._.
<bsellers267> I'm here.
<evil-doer> im not
<bsellers267> So I tried JT's vanilla gingerbread rom.
<bsellers267> Now I can't send or receive texts. Oh, but it's blazing fast.
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<Aftab> Hi
<bsellers267> Bye
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<Aftab> Been searching for a fix for Android OS battery drain bug in I9100. Kinda disappointed to still see it in CM9 latest nightly. Is there a fix around?
<Aftab> So far a lot of threads showing hokey pokey solutions, or theories about why the bug is there and stuff, but no solid solution. Especially for CM9
<Aftab> If its been addressed, please point me in the right direction
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<Aftab> Hey D3vourz!
<Aftab> Can u please help?
<bbqbot> derp
<Aftab> hey @bbqbot
<Aftab> dude need some help with Android OS battery drain bug in I9100
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<Aftab> cant seem to find a fix for it,
<nebkat> Aftab: you do realise its a bot, right?
<nebkat> xD
<nebkat> don't worry, you are not the first :P
<Aftab> actually no :P sorry I never used IRC before
romann is now known as romann|afk
<Aftab> so anyone got anything for me? Yes? No? Working on it?
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<RamiEnd> Hello there