Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
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<koud> @changelog galaxy s2
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<koud> @changelog galaxys2
<koud> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
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<Athena> hello
<raymonddull> herro
<Athena> I would like to ask how I can open the odin file?
<bbqbot> derp
<Parth> Deep indeed...
<Parth> Derp
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<raymonddull> lolol
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<Jiangyi> I think we scared him/her away....
<raymonddull> ...and thats a bad thing?
<raymonddull> "how can I open the odin file?"
<raymonddull> really?
<raymonddull> if you can't open odin you really should not be using it
<Jiangyi> I don't know, but oh well. You do have a point. :-P
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<zidhu> guys , whats the difference between the cm9 nightly build and the experimental builds
<zidhu> ?
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<gladiac1337> there is none, nightlies are the experimental builds
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<Frd^> Espenfjo: that is nice boot animation, sad i see that like 4-6time/year =)
<Espenfjo> :)
<gladiac1337> lol, true :)
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<margle> anyone know where I can get a stock samsung firmware
<b00gieMAndroid> hi all
<b00gieMAndroid> which phone margle
<margle> b00gieMAndroid: it's the samsung galaxy s2 gt-i9100
<Frd^> or if its nightly time than 1 week
<b00gieMAndroid> ignore that xda thread
<b00gieMAndroid> go to www.samfirmware.com
<Frd^> sams is the place for stocks
<margle> b00gieMAndroid: thanks
<gladiac1337> b00gieMAndroid: what's wrong with intratech's thread?
<bbqbot> derp
<b00gieMAndroid> np margle
<b00gieMAndroid> gladiac, nothing's wrong, but those threads are often confusing thanks to other replies... they should rather be clean and reply should be blocked on it.
<b00gieMAndroid> so best thing to do and find it easily is using samfirmware
<gladiac1337> alright then
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<b00gieMAndroid> anybody knows the changes in teh recent cm9 fr note n7k ?
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<margle> can you restore a stock rom via clockwork recovery?
<Numloxxx> RIP Eduard Khil - Trololo Man :(
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<ottomatteseo> hello
<ottomatteseo> @changelog i9100g
<ottomatteseo> @downloads i9100g
<bbqbot> Device is not supported!
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<cdesai> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<cdesai> derp
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<Dragooon> Where's n7000?
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<Espenfjo> bbqbot: @help
<Espenfjo> @eval help
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: help is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<Espenfjo> pft
<Espenfjo> @eval supported
<bbqbot> ReferenceError: supported is not defined
<bbqbot> undefined
<Espenfjo> @eval this.supported
<bbqbot> undefined
<Espenfjo> Y U HATE ME?!
<cdesai> Espenfjo: @supported
<cdesai> Espenfjo: or @commands
<cdesai> @owners
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
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<Espenfjo> cdesai: That doesnt help me add more stuff to the supported list ;)
<cdesai> Espenfjo: told nebkat to add, and i do know there was a command
<Espenfjo> hm
<cdesai> Espenfjo: try @help or @commands, you'll find one
<Espenfjo> @commands
<bbqbot> Espenfjo: Command doesnt not exist!
<Espenfjo> @help
<bbqbot> Commands: @help @join @part @kick @kickban @unban @op @deop @voice @devoice @mute @unmute @supported @downloads @changelog @google
<Espenfjo> @help supported
<bbqbot> Usage: @supported Shows supported devices
<bbqbot> Description: [<manufacturer>]
<Espenfjo> pft
<cdesai> Espenfjo: type @owners
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<Espenfjo> Nah, that will just highlight all the peeps
<cdesai> yea i know
<cdesai> ping everyone xD
<cdesai> i did see a command when i was an owner
<cdesai> Espenfjo: come to #blamesamsung
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<xZain> what is this??
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<Espenfjo> Its not CM
<Espenfjo> That is what it is
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<toppits> hi, i've got a question and hope some1 can help me :) after updating my S2G from 2.3.6 to ICS indian, i rooted my phone like Jiangyi described in his tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1679778
<toppits> i used Method 2 + Advanced, and afterwards i flashed CM9 and GApps, everything works fine so far
<toppits> now my question: can i get the app CWM in CM9?
<toppits> i had some kernel running before with GB where i automatically had the app after flashing the kernel
<spY|da> i dont know any app called cwm
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<spY|da> there is the reboot -> recovery and the rom manager app
<toppits> hm
<toppits> in rom manager i can't update the cwm
<spY|da> why would you update the cwm?
<toppits> or install it
<spY|da> if you used the advanced method 2 you should havee cwm permanent
<toppits> yes right
<toppits> before i could start CWM via the Rom
<toppits> "Reboot in CWM"
<toppits> and e.g. make a Backup, it did the Reboot fully automatically and the Backup
<xZain> dont seems legit
<toppits> sec i try to find a screenshot, mayb i'm just lacking the words to explain :(
<toppits> and thx for the help so far :)
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<toppits> the picture on the right
<Espenfjo> Rom Manager > CWM app
<toppits> CWM Manager it is
<toppits> so i should use Rom Manager ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> yes
<Espenfjo> It will give you the same functionality, and then some
<toppits> ok thx :)
<toppits> then i got another little question :) codeworkx wrote in his thread about the Kernel with CWM recovery (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1631934): "This is a kernel including ClockworkMod Recovery for use on Samsung roms. Don't use this kernel on aosp based roms like CyanogenMod!!!"
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<toppits> but in the Tutorial how to Root the S2G i used the zimage of this exact kernel and now i am running CM
<toppits> everything works perfectly fine :) just wondering why this kernel shouldn't be used Oo
<Jiangyi> toppits: The CM9 file includes a kernel for CM9, which overwrote your old kernel.
<toppits> ah! :) thx!
<Jiangyi> Yeah no problem. :-)
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<toppits> hm, the kernel coming with CM9 is rooted from the beginning ?
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<toppits> sry for all the questions, i just want to really understand what i did and what i got on my phone right now XD
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<toppits> Jiangyi: u said CM9 brings his own Kernel, so this kernel is rooted from the beginning?
<Jiangyi> toppits: Yes, CM9 is pre-rooted.
<toppits> thx again :)
<Jiangyi> toppits: No trouble. I gotta run though.
<Jiangyi> School.
<toppits> and thx for all the help in the threads, didnt ask much myself, but read much :)
<toppits> hehe alright, bye bye :)
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<Tee_Pee> evenin'
<peterperfect> evenin
<Tee_Pee> Quick question - since ICS has completely dropped support for ad hoc networks, is there any conceivable way to get wi-fi working on my CM9 SGS2 with only my laptop and my wits?
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<tat-> maybe you could set you laptop in AP-mode
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<xZain> found a Bug in the latest nightly Samsung Galaxy S2 unable to charge when the phone is Off Running Cyanogenmod 9..
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<xZain> GT -I9100
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<Verysafety> anyone there able to help with getting CWM on SGS2 i777?
<Verysafety> I'm getting a verification failed when I boot into recovery in attempt to install
<chadouming> bad download, try to download again
<Verysafety> deleted and tried a few times. any other hints? ;/ lol
<Verysafety> deleted the update.zip that is
<chadouming> hmm, you have a reliable internet connection ?
<Verysafety> tried non-wifi and wifi yes
<Verysafety> trying one more time over wifi
<Verysafety> using uverse atm w pretty fast net , it says
<Verysafety> E:failed to seek in /cache/update.zip (Invalid argument)
<chadouming> and you downloaded the i777 version
<Verysafety> E:signature verification failed
<Verysafety> aye
<chadouming> hmmm, it should not be in cache
<Verysafety> yeah, I dunno, I see it in the root directory, I tried to manully apply from sdcard
<Verysafety> and it still failed
<Verysafety> manually*
<Verysafety> I have root already obv
<leo9891> I have never installed CWM on my SGH-i777. When I rooted it, it came installed with the Root method I used.
<Verysafety> hmm
<leo9891> If you want to do what I did, I used Zedomax's Stock Rooted ROM
<Verysafety> i see.
<Verysafety> got a link handy?
<leo9891> Before that, I think you might want to bring your phone back to stock though and then re-root
<leo9891> Zedomax is pretty good and has very good video tutorials.
<Verysafety> phone is stock w root right now
<leo9891> I see. But I mean stock with no root installed.
<Verysafety> gotcha
<leo9891> IDK if its safe to re-root a rooted phone
<leo9891> just taking safety precautions.
<leo9891> Make a backup of your apps' data so you don't have to restart and games progress, or any apps settings with Titanium Backup
<leo9891> any*
<Verysafety> i have TiBu but not gonna do any of that , really don't use my phone other than texting at the moment and some other things
<Verysafety> I was using I777UCKH7 OCD Root No BL.7z
<Verysafety> it didn't wipe my phone, not sure what it did to be honest other than root
<leo9891> ok, so just Unroot to stock and then re-root. You should be fine.
<Verysafety> had phone in download mode ran through it, i was under the assumption it'd clean wipe root
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<YeahRight> Is the Android Open Kang Project the same as teamhacksung builds?
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<chadouming> nope
<YeahRight> whats the difference?
<YeahRight> i think i flashed open kang over an early teamhacksung build
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<dsathe> hello i was planning to upgrade to the latest cyanogenmod nightly on the Galaxy S2 what is the wifi issue
<dsathe> do i have to flash the required kernel anymore or is it fixed ?
<chadouming> YeahRight, there is a lot of difference, starting by the fact that it's not the same teams, the same goal.
<chadouming> dsathe, if it says it's fixed, then it is , if it's not said, then it's not fixed
<dsathe> so i would need to flash this :P Lockscreen issue: CWM flashable kernel with old wifi driver kernel-cm-9-20120530-galaxys2-signed.zip http://www.mediafire.com/?l747yyozfaby7yc
<dsathe> as on the user thread ?
<dsathe> chadouming: ??
<bbqbot> derp
<YeahRight> chadouming : thanks for replying..could i read somewhere about the difference maybe? I guess updating one version over the other works then since i didnt seem to lose any settings/config?
<dsathe> i am plannin on flashin the June 4 nightly
<chadouming> android way to store data is mostly always the same (not from GB to ICS or from one phone to another). The best way to know the difference is to read about both rom. there is no Comparison chart that i know
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<dsathe> can you please confirm , sorry for bothering you !
<chadouming> dsathe, well there is not much to loose by flashing
<dsathe> dont want to do something wrong
<dsathe> ok great
<YeahRight> thanks chadouming
<chadouming> yw
<dsathe> thanks chadouming
<chadouming> yw
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<toppits> hey, is there any other way to donate your than PayPal ?
<toppits> you
<DuperMan> I hate roaches
<DuperMan> sup?
<toppits> waiting for an answer ;) sup ? ^^
<DuperMan> ehm... you could buy ppl stuffs
<DuperMan> I guess
<DuperMan> just don't bug needlessly and be curtious 'bout it
<toppits> ??
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> sup? home, half past drunk and angry at the lousy bugspray:)
<DuperMan> how to donate? unless paypal, you could ask each dev but regular netiquette applies
<DuperMan> never seen a peson say no to free stuff
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> but sticking to paypal=better
<DuperMan> peson=person
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<toppits> xD kk, the answer that i am not able to send em money except via paypal would have been fine :) thx anyway ^^ nxt time i try to phrase the question better :)
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: having fun with new drivers? ;-)
<spY|da> new drivers?
<DuperMan> n00 drivers? :D toppits: me, being longwinded? nahhhhhhhhhhh
<DuperMan> ;)
<Jiangyi|Phone> He's trying to get galaxy nexus drivers on the G
<DuperMan> nice. for nfc?
<Jiangyi|Phone> No, for better GPU performance
<DuperMan> oh. ehm... yay. hope note will be impacted, dunno
<toppits> DuperMan: u? never ^^
<Jiangyi|Phone> LOL
<Jiangyi|Phone> Probably not :/
<toppits> hm, i didn't play on CM till now, is it such a difference to GB?
<DuperMan> toppits: point in case, that was the short of it:D
<toppits> (:
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: doesn't make much difference
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeqorkx
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: but interactive gov seems to be the problem
<DuperMan> trollerz
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: Oh ok.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: i've set ondemand now default
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: seems to be better
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: http://i.imgur.com/z8pBul.png
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: Really? Last time I did that, my phone lagged :/
<Jiangyi|Phone> But that could just be me
<DuperMan> "that's madness... so it MUST work"
<Verysafety> thanks @leo9891 that worked
<Verysafety> I can't get apps from google play to download though
<Verysafety> lol
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: do you know which games are lagging?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: Last time I tried something, it was Tintin
<DuperMan> try dead space. moar fun
<Jiangyi|Phone> And some users are saying temple run
<Jiangyi|Phone> Haha
<Jiangyi|Phone> Playing NOVA 3 right now
<Jiangyi|Phone> But BF3 on PC is more fun
<DuperMan> gameloft lost me at 'notstarcraft'
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<DuperMan> got d3. add me bisches
<DuperMan> please?
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi|Phone> I haz no D3
<toppits> lvl? difficulty? char? act?
<DuperMan> 6th lvl barbarian act 1
<toppits> xDDD
<DuperMan> tossing bat salad essentially
<DuperMan> :D
<DuperMan> diff is either normal or hard, dunno
<toppits> call me when inferno a2 ^^
<DuperMan> isn't really hard :P
<DuperMan> k hehe
<toppits> did u play d2 ?
<DuperMan> cute game but shouldv'e remnember diablo is diablo
<toppits> :D
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: dead on arrival is smooth :-D
<DuperMan> unholy mother of monster themed solitaire
<DuperMan> ;)
<codeworkx> Jiangyi|Phone: temple run too
<DuperMan> yeah beat all the. eh.. series.. till 3
<Jiangyi|Phone> Oh ok
<Jiangyi|Phone> Codeworkx: I don't play a lot of big games lol
<DuperMan> but f blizzard for killing their games to suckle money off wow
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<DuperMan> 'ehmmm hi here sc2 it like 1 but new sorry it took decade'
<toppits> that's blizz for you
<toppits> won't change ;)
<DuperMan> no new mechanics == putses like me pretending Supreme Commander was better
<DuperMan> ;)
<DuperMan> btw l7 not 6
<toppits> gz (:
<toppits> just don't stop playing cause it's too easy :) will get hard enough later ;)
<DuperMan> bbl trying to find leoric (again) to see if it gets better (again. hi from 1995)
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<toppits> DuperMan: true, but why should they change anything as it works fine for them ;) gtg, cya :)
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<Taktloss> Hello
<Taktloss> is data / factory reset enough to totally start over ?
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<Taktloss> i have so many dump on it
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<toppits> Hey :) When i want to Update my CM9 with the newest nightly build, can i do this with rom manager as well as with cwm, via "install rom from sd-card" ?
<toppits> if yes, should i check "wipe dalvik cache" ?
<leo9891> yes
<leo9891> are you currently on a build of CM9?
<bbqbot> derp
<toppits> yes, got the one from yesterday, 0603
<toppits> till now i flashed with cwm
<leo9891> ok. yeah you should be fine.
<toppits> just checked rom manager and saw this option, wondering if i can use it just like CWM :)
<toppits> thx
<Taktloss> it just starts cwm ;)
<toppits> what about "wipe dalvik cache" ?
<leo9891> yeah I always do it the CWM way. I tried to update today through ROManager for the first time ever and it downloaded the update but it won't install...
<toppits> yeah thought so ^^
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<Taktloss> well what can i do to totally start over so that i have a clean phone ?
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<leo9891> do you have an SGS2?
<leo9891> SGH-i777?
<bbqbot> derp
<toppits> who ? ^^
<leo9891> Taktloss
<Taktloss> SGS2
<Taktloss> well I9100G
<leo9891> he asked what he can do to restart from scratch
<leo9891> i see...
<toppits> sry that i ask again, but i'm not quite sure about the "wipe dalvik cache", its checked in rom manager per default, should i uncheck it ?
<Taktloss> yeah i have the fealing i have to many dump files on it :)
<toppits> i'm on i9100g too
<leo9891> i have never rooted or downgraded the international version of the SGS2
<leo9891> @ toppits, yeah leave it by default.
<toppits> alright thx :)
<Taktloss> as far as i know you dont need to do but its recommended
<toppits> i think a full wipe via cwm would be the best to get a fresh phone
<toppits> thx :)
<toppits> taktloss: are u german ?
<Taktloss> yes
<leo9891> @ Taktloss, do you want stock ICS or stock GB?
<toppits> hm i don't think he wants stock or ? just a clean phone ^^
<Taktloss> well cm9 ;) but ICS will be fine too
<leo9891> CM9 is ICS.
<leo9891> CM7 is GB
<Taktloss> can still root it thought
<Taktloss> yea well stock ICS
<toppits> theres no CM7 for the s2G
<leo9891> i was going to bring you back to a completely stock un-rooted phone and then re-root so you know you have the cleanest rooted phone
<leo9891> oh no CM7 for I9100
<leo9891> didn't know
<toppits> the i9100 got, i9100g not (almost 100% sure)
<leo9891> check this guy out, his name is Zedomax. He has vids and tuts on ALL SGS2 devices
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<toppits> if u want CM9 i think u should get CWM Recovery (if u dont already got it), ICS Bootloader (if u dont already got it), then do a full-wipe and flash cm9 afterwards
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<Taktloss> thanks will try just both ;)
<leo9891> i'm more familiar with the SGH-i777, but the link i posted should definitely help. Zedomax is very good. He walks you through everything.
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<CerebroJD> Still looking to narrow down touchscreen response fail when waking up the device (occasionally when answering a phone call). Known?
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<prohexa> Hi all, what's up?
<chadouming> hi
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<Jannik> Hallo
<Jannik> kann mir jemand beim flashen helfen?
<bbqbot> derp
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<SaThaRiel> Oh damn, yesterday i managed to upload a custom sound and after a reboot i was able to play it with cm9...but when i flashed it today again, the directory got wiped. Is there anpother place where cm9 looks for notification sounds?
<SaThaRiel> Actually i just wanted to have the opener sound for notifications.
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<koud> SaThaRiel: sdcard?
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<SaThaRiel> But where on the sdcard?
<Jiangyi|Phone> Yay new build :D
<koud> media/audio/notifications/ I think
<SaThaRiel> I just know /system/media/audio/notificatios
<koud> just make media/audio/notifications
<koud> folder in sdcard
<koud> and I think android should find it
<koud> this is probably an android feature not specific to cm9
<SaThaRiel> Ok, will trx
<SaThaRiel> try
<koud> atleast I see facebook put their "pop" sound in that folder on my phone
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<SaThaRiel> I knew i had to use facebook someday ;)
<SaThaRiel> koud: You are the man! It works
<koud> np :)
<SaThaRiel> Thanks
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: The guy with the signal problems said that there aren't any dump logs that he could find.
<koud> the same thing should work for ringtones and even bootup sounds I think
<SaThaRiel> Now i need to figure out why i only get around 5700-5800 score on antutu - i fear it has something to do with all those widgets
<koud> ah and bootup animation too I belive
<SaThaRiel> Oh...
<SaThaRiel> Nice
<koud> just copy the layout of /system/media/ and have it on /sdcard/media/
<SaThaRiel> I think i will mostly use what cm9 gives me. But thats a good hint. Until now i am really glad to have the best android os on my phone, only thing i really missed was that opener sound ;)
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<SaThaRiel> Should work on that git clone of cm9 - maybe there is a chance to help a bit...sadly the descriptions looks a bit "complicated".
<koud> not so complicated as it looks :)
<koud> there are many people in here who can help if you have any questions
<koud> the guide on cyanogenmod wiki should be pretty straight forward though
<SaThaRiel> codeworkx gave me the link to the teamhacksung wiki...and with some trial and error it looks like i "accidentially" set it up correctly ;)
<koud> :)
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<SaThaRiel> Hm, looks like i am doing it for the sgs2 - not for my i9100g variant.
<SaThaRiel> Or is it universal?
<bbqbot> derp
<SaThaRiel> Well, will need to look tomorrow into it. Good thing is that you guys seem to use Archlinux too :) So happy hacking all - l8er
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: there?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: reboot device, enable wifi and gimme dmesg
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I'm referring to the guy with the 2G network signal drops.....
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I told him to look in /data for the dump log like you asked, and he didn't find it.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: gimme wifi log!
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Me? O_O
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Umm.... OK.... One sec.....
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: http://pastebin.com/3qLfwcdP
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* Jiangyi failed at understanding what's going on, but thinks that he's getting it.
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: this was with wifi on?
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: probably no
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah, I'm connected and all.
<codeworkx> wtf
<codeworkx> no logging
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Want me to do it again?
<codeworkx> enable wifi, reboot, grab log
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: http://pastebin.com/KRgxvTgw
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you take out the interactive governor on the latest nightly? :P
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: interactive is a bitch if included but not the default one
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: at least on i9100
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: don't want to risk bad behaviour
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Oh OK.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I ask because this new ondemand default's just not working for me. More lag than I'm used to. :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I kinda liked interactive, so I guess now I'll use hotplug or something.
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did the log help?
<Karbowiak> oh great
<Karbowiak> the siyah kernel isn't getting many more updates
<Karbowiak> since Gokhan got an i9300 -_-
<Jiangyi> Speaking of the S3, they confirmed that the Snapdragon version is going to have 2 GB of RAM. :P
<Karbowiak> fuck that
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: fuuuuuu. having strange problems with nexus wifi
<Karbowiak> that's an S3 processor, not S4
<Jiangyi> Karbowiak, It's S4.
<Karbowiak> Quad S4?!
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: A14 dual core
<codeworkx> A15
<Karbowiak> S4 isn't an A15
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Krait dual core
<Karbowiak> S4 is A9
<codeworkx> it is
<Karbowiak> neg
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I can't find anything anywhere that refers to it as an A15 chip, so I don't know....
<codeworkx> Like TI, Qualcomm is moving to an updated processor architecture for its latest family of Snapdragon S4 processors. While not being pure ARM Cortex-A15 compatible processors, Qualcomm does admit that the new Krait cores in the S4 line are A15-like, just as the Scorpion cores in the S3 were based on ARM Cortex-A9 type specs. Qualcomm licenses ARM's technology so that it can use it to build its own integrated chipset solutions that
<codeworkx> are compatible, but not exact copies of ARM's reference designs. This allows Qualcomm to do some things a bit differently.
<codeworkx> A15 like
<Karbowiak> A15 like != A15
<Karbowiak> :D
<codeworkx> Karbowiak: but it seems to pwn the exynos quad
<Karbowiak> true, it does
<codeworkx> and that's what matters
<codeworkx> DIE EXYNOS
<Karbowiak> anywho
<Karbowiak> codeworkx, merge some of the PegasusQ changes from Siyah into CM9 kernel
<Karbowiak> plus the overclocking stuff
<Karbowiak> kthxbye
<codeworkx> i'll not do anything
<Karbowiak> :(
<codeworkx> no i9100 here
<codeworkx> only i9100g
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: But it's Qualcomm, so there's the problem of the low chance of CM9. :(
<Karbowiak> you evil human being
<Jiangyi> I will only consider the NA version if it will get CM. Otherwise, to the next Nexus!
<NeoPhyTe-x360> I haven't tried it yet
<NeoPhyTe-x360> next build i'll try
<NeoPhyTe-x360> linaro bionic
<NeoPhyTe-x360> http://android.git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=platform/bionic.git;a=summary
<bbqbot> derp
rtfpessoa has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: What happened to your I9100? o_O
<codeworkx> brother is using it
<codeworkx> and developing a rewritten deskclock
<Jiangyi> Ah...
<Karbowiak> so, does the i9300 have the same retardedly shitty nigger audio codec that the i9100 has ?
<Jiangyi> Karbowiak: i9300 uses Wolfson, so something similar to the i9000
<Karbowiak> so not the shitty audio codec that the i9100 uses
<Jiangyi> Probably not. :-P
<Jiangyi> +1 to I9100G, no Yamaha crap :D
<Karbowiak> Voodoo Sound on the i9300
<Karbowiak> i might upgrade now
tizbac has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<Jiangyi> I miss my Captivate again now....
tumasgiu has quit [Quit: Quitte]
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Anything else you need? If not, I'm going to run for dinner.
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Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Dinner
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<Jiangyi> back
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<Xero-> @changelog
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xZain2 has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xZain2> Hello
<xZain2> Any dev here ?
BrandoHD has joined #teamhacksung-support
Sheldon has joined #teamhacksung-support
xZain2 is now known as xZain
qnm_ has joined #teamhacksung-support
<Sheldon> im bored with new cm updates :(
<Jiangyi> ???
<bbqbot> derp
<Sheldon> no mainstrain updates
devatwork has joined #teamhacksung-support
<xZain> Devatwork
<devatwork> sup
<xZain> I found a Bug for SGS2
<xZain> In the latestly nightly
<devatwork> if its not device specific...im all ears
<xZain> When the phone is off you cant the charging does appear it shows a battery with loading
<xZain> The animation does not come on.
<xZain> But the phone is charging.
<codeworkx> we know
<codeworkx> fixing it breaks other devices
<Sheldon> master codework x!!
<Sheldon> nice
<Sheldon> im your fan!!
<xZain> :/ it is hard to get to you guys
<xZain> Anyway did you do something to the kernel so the lockscreen can be fixed ?
<xplodwild> Sheldon: you're like the guy in The Big bang Theory?
<Sheldon> im the guy :)
<Sheldon> im fan of Stephen Hawking
<xZain> Im curious how did you guys fixed the lockscreen
<xZain> Im learning :/
<Sheldon> xplodwild do u like me?
<xplodwild> I don't have any strong opinion
<toenizz> what should i write in cmd to get an dmesg log file?
<xZain> Xplodwild
<xplodwild> toenizz: adb shell dmesg
<xZain> Any idea how did the file get fixed ?
<toenizz> ty
<xplodwild> xZain: what file?
<bbqbot> derp
<xZain> Whoops i meant lockscreen
<xZain> Kernel ? Src ?
<Sheldon> xplodwild So, my path to satisfaction is blocked by lonely larry and captain sweatpant. very well, they must be destroyed." "now fetch me wil wheaton!"
<xplodwild> xZain: kernel
<xZain> Reverted to the old driver ?
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Do you not sleep? lol
<xplodwild> xZain: not sure, I haven't followed the end of the story
<xZain> :/ okay thanks
<Sheldon> derp is like animal song
<xplodwild> they talked about reverting to old driver, now I don't know if they actually did it
<Sheldon> deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerp
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<xplodwild> herp?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> merp.
<Sheldon> @bbqbot> derp
<bbqbot> Sheldon: Command doesnt not exist!
<Sheldon> @bbqbot> yeah babies
<bbqbot> Sheldon: Command doesnt not exist!
<bbqbot> I only derp xplodwild because I love him so much.
<Sheldon> comes with master sheldon
<Sheldon> deeeeeerp
<Sheldon> bbqbot is ewe
<xZain> Codeworkx wont tell anything:/
<xZain> Besides if you want use gt i 9300 driver :))
<Sheldon> gt-i9300 wifi driver is working good here
<xZain> ...
<Sheldon> do u like points?
<xZain> Nvm