nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | Changelog App : | IRC stats : | <codeworkx> YIPIJAHEY SCHWEINEBACKE
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<andrewortman> Hey guys, has anyone been reporting issues with wifi problems (specifically some apps failing to download files) on the CM9 nightly that was released on the XDA forums for the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P5113)
<andrewortman> And is there anyway I can get a system log or any debug information that can help you guys out?
Jiangyi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<andrewortman> Also, the back of the device has the model number GT-P5113TS
<andrewortman> is TS usually there on the test devices or do I hold something with a slight hardware change?
<andrewortman> Will a $50 bounty though paypal help? ;)
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<Spencer> Evening
<Spencer> Anyone around to help?
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<Maty360414> hey buddy
<Maty360414> whats the best galaxy tab 2 firmware?
<bbqbot> derp
<Maty360414> can somebody help me?
<Maty360414> plz
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<MOX2> i said that myGS3 + cm9 will break voice
<MOX2> the background are very noisy when talk on the phone
<MOX2> i try to change another modem
<MOX2> but all modem cant fix this problem
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<MOX2> i asked some people who use cm9+S3
<MOX2> they also have this problem too
<MOX2> can anuone help me?
<iDroidify> right now i don't have this rom, but ill make sure to flash it tomarrow
<iDroidify> what problem are you having?
<MOX2> break voice
<MOX2> the background are very noisy when talk on the phone
<MOX2> even i can't talk on the phone
karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
sixstringsg is now known as sixstringsg|afk
<iDroidify> have you tried reseting it?
romann is now known as romann|afk
<MOX2> reseting what?
<MOX2> i think cm9 have some bug on the HongKong i9300
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<MOX2> because all people i asked had this problem too
<Kaik541> MOX2: you do realize the device is less than a month old
<Kaik541> and has only had CM9 nightlies for less than a week
<Kaik541> nightlies are ALPHA status and aren't guaranteed to work 100%
<MOX2> I know
<MOX2> i just want to roport the problem
<MOX2> sorry
<MOX2> i like use cm9 very much
<MOX2> myi9000,i9100,i9220 are cm9
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<Nomedor> Hi, I'm trying to submit translation updates for my language but I'm stuck! Can anyone help me?
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<firstlynx> hey everyone
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<firstlynx> I am sure everyone knows that damn call audio bug because of siyah(i guess)
<firstlynx> i dont want to bother codeworkx with pm on xda again
<firstlynx> what u guys think is it a hardware or software bug?
<addi> does the audio call bug happen on stock ROM and kernel?
<firstlynx> it happens on every rom... even on stock with root....didnt tested the latest cm9 nightly(i am gonna do this later this evening)
<firstlynx> everytime the system beeing changed on the next reboot call audio gone
<firstlynx> when i am on stock with stock kernel and root my phone then change something via titanium like deleting a system app the bug comes up again
<firstlynx> its very frustrating because since 1.2.6 siyah gokhan is gone? and if the bug is the fault of his kernel... he is the only one that could say something about why this all is happening
<firstlynx> unrooted stock everything is working great :)
<addi> then it's a software problem cos the hardware is working fine on stock unrooted :P
<firstlynx> right ^^
<firstlynx> other users did even repartition flash with odin... and even that didnt help get rid of that bug... they also didnt had that bug just after flashing siyah...
<Devourz> lol if its working fine with stock
<Devourz> means its softwar
<Devourz> e
<addi> that's what i was saying xD
<firstlynx> very strange i will try CM9 that evening... with change something on system... if the bug comes up again i am helpless...
<firstlynx> someone said he tried CM9 and it came up too...
<beer> firstlynx: lets play a game
<addi> and you should then sell your phone and get a Nexus :p
<beer> pick a number between 2 and 10
<firstlynx> but i dont know which nigtly
<beer> everyone else stfu or I kick
<beer> firstlynx: pick a number between 2 and 10
<firstlynx> uhm
<firstlynx> 5
<beer> square it
<firstlynx> ?
<beer> square it = x^2
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<firstlynx> x^5
<beer> firstlynx: no, 5*5 :P
<firstlynx> 25
<beer> divide by the original number
<firstlynx> O_o
<beer> DOIT
<beer> firstlynx: DOOOITT
<beer> its not that hard
<beer> 25/5
<Devourz> he cant he got audio bug
<Devourz> xD
Devourz was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [quiet! lol]
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<beer> firstlynx: DOIT FFS
<Devourz> i think he ignored u or thinks this game is not fun
<Devourz> xD
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<beer> firstlynx: you want to do it or I kick !
<beer> firstlynx: !!!
<beer> firstlynx: !!
<beer> firstlynx: !
firstlynx was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [firstlynx]
<beer> what an idiot
<beer> none of them got the sense to reply to me... hehehe
<Flurry> Hello all!
<addi> beer, they are all idiotte
<beer> Flurry: got a problem?
<beer> I mean
<beer> an issue you need help with?
<bbqbot> derp
<Flurry> I'm sorry for my questions.... I have this error when I build the source, can anyone help me?
<beer> Flurry: lets play a game
<beer> pick a number between 2 and 10
<Flurry> beer, what?
<beer> pick a number between 2 and 10
<beer> Flurry: pick a number between 2 and 10
<Flurry> why?
<Flurry> I don't want play! I have an error and I want solve this error with yours help
<beer> Flurry: play it if you want my opinion
<beer> Flurry: otherwise you will never get it fixed !
<beer> Flurry: pick a number between 2 and 10
<Flurry> :) you are strange!
<Flurry> 2
<beer> Flurry: cant you see what my nick is? lol
<bbqbot> derp
<beer> square it
<Flurry> ok ....and now?
<beer> Flurry: gief answer of squared
<beer> say it
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<Flurry> I have this error when I build the source, can anyone help me?
<beer> Flurry: K??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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<beer> it doesnt take so long if you'd just fucking answer!
<beer> lol
<firstlynx> ?
<Flurry> beer you have broken my balls! Fuck you and your mother!!!
<firstlynx> O_o
Flurry was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [no]
<beer> firstlynx: want to keep playing? I wont ban, dont worry :)
<Baskey> beer: oh hi!
<beer> Baskey: see what I did there? xD
<Baskey> yeah
<Baskey> :D
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<beer> Who can see it coming?
<bbqbot> derp
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<beer> Flurry: think you can just get around my ban?
<beer> loooooooooooooool
<DuperMan> pic or it didn't happen
<beer> DuperMan: +9000
<DuperMan> ah
* DuperMan is at all not beer
<DuperMan> ^lie
<DuperMan> the lie is a lie!!!!!
<DuperMan> there is a spoon
Flurry was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by addi [play the game mofo!]
<beer> DuperMan: I hope you know who I am :P
<DuperMan> and you eat cake that exists with it
<beer> addi: like a boss!
<addi> xD
<DuperMan> well hi JieeHD
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> xDDD
<beer> weeeeell hi dupey
<DuperMan> no hi neb
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [fu]
<beer> /msg DuperMan unban tomorrow
<beer> /msg DuperMan if i'm around
<beer> abusing powahs ftw!
<beer> <DuperMan> ugh xD bastard
<beer> <DuperMan> imma coffee with hot bitch
<beer> <DuperMan> ^^
<beer> <DuperMan> so f it
<beer> ^ lies
<beer> <beer> is it gaben?
<beer> <DuperMan> nicht, bist sind hundin eine sanierend geile hure
<beer> <DuperMan> :P
<beer> <DuperMan> der? derp!:D
<beer> <beer> fuck you and your japanese
<datagutt> lol duper
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<DuperMan> :P
<addi> awesomeness has entered the channel again
<beer> I love the way he keeps trying to join when I ban him xD
<DuperMan> ah mein gutt lachen aus stark bbq
<addi> probably his BNC trying to reconnect? xD
<DuperMan> no addi, I just fail
<DuperMan> :P
<addi> ^^
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<beer> xD
<DuperMan> see the truth for what it is :P I HAVE AN OFF DAY! WOOOOOOOOOOO
<DuperMan> MOAR BEER
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [GABEN]
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<beer> <DuperMan> I'm out of beer -_-
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Flurry was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [you regret that now?]
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<DuperMan> ach. jetst torementen mich ex ich wird
DuperMan is now known as DrunkenMan
DrunkenMan is now known as DuperMan
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<Flurry_> beer, you are the greatest piece of shit in this world!!!!! You are an android idiot!!!
<Flurry_> And your only power is in the "kick" button, your fucking life is a great sea of shit!
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<DuperMan> a great sea of shit... you're quoting dante aren't u?
<addi> android idiot? is that a new category of idiot?
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<DuperMan> adroit
<DuperMan> idioid
<beer> what an idiot
<beer> ahahahaha
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> ^^
<codeworkx> eh? what did i miss?
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<DuperMan> @mods add DuperMan
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> didn't miss that :(
<beer> codeworkx: xD
<beer> @admins add DuperMan
<bbqbot> beer: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat> @admins add DuperMan
<bbqbot> User DuperMan got added as admin.
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<DuperMan> @mods add DuperMan
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<DuperMan> @op DuperMan
<nebkat> wtf is he doing xD
<DuperMan> ^^
<DuperMan> he's... acting like a mcdonald's icecream?
<nebkat> DuperMan: gimme mah hostname
<DuperMan> oO
<nebkat> whois is giving me my normal hostname instead of unaffiliated :P
<DuperMan> you're unaffilitated biatch
<DuperMan> xD
<nebkat> DuperMan: paste my hostname or else kickban for a week
<DuperMan> ~nebkat@unaffiliated/nebkat * nebkat you could just ask
<DuperMan> you ... HAI
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<nebkat> OHAI DUPEY
<nebkat> @owners add beer ~nebkat@unaffiliated/nebkat
<bbqbot> User beer got added as owner.
<DuperMan> so this chan is owned by beer
<DuperMan> all the moar reason to get moar beer
<DuperMan> aye?
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat [two weeks]
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<peter___> hm hello everyone
<beer> peter___: helol
<peter___> i'm trying to install cm9 on my phone
<peter___> but it fails everytime
<peter___> i read the faq
<peter___> and it says that i have to
<peter___> install the cwm with heimdall suite?
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<peter___> i tried to do that but i didn't understand the step where it says i have to type heimdall flash --kernel zImage
<peter___> is it really a must that i install cwd this way?
<peter___> i already installed it through odin
<peter___> is this too early?
edude03 has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
<addi> peter___,
<addi> if you already installed through Odin, then use that
<addi> heimdall flash --kernel zImage you have to type in command prompt/Terminal
<peter___> yes, i went to cmd window and typed heimdall flash --kernel zImage
<addi> oh, wait
<peter___> but it didn't work
<addi> did you use a different USB port for using Heimdall?
<bbqbot> derp
<addi> the same port you used for Odin won't work on Heimdall
<peter___> oh
<peter___> i did
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<peter___> i do have to type only "heimdall flash --kernel zImage" right?
<peter___> it says it's not recognized
<peter___> but you are saying that even if i don't follow the "heimdall way" i can install cm9 right?
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<addi> what device do you have? I9000?
<peter___> i9100g
<addi> CWM is what you need, either by odin or heimdall
<addi> but if it's a specific image the I9100G needs, then no idea
<peter___> i'll do some more reading to figure out some solution, but thank you for your attention :D
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<DerTimmay> i did not use heimdall for installing mc9 on my i9100g
<peter___> oh
<addi> yeah, you don't need it
<addi> unless like i said it's some specific kernel they want
<addi> and it's only available as a zImage xD
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<DerTimmay> peter___ : if u speak german, i could give u a link to an how to install peter___
<peter___> i don't speak german... :p
<peter___> the instructions i followed says that i first have to install the latest version of resurrection edition which is 20120420
<peter___> and after that the latest cm rom and google app
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<peter___> i couldn't install the resurrection edition
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<peter___> failed everytime
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<DerTimmay> if u flash stock ics befor, u dont need resurrection
<DerTimmay> try that like its translated with google, maybe it helps
<DerTimmay> very simple and worked fine for me
<peter___> ok thank you! hope it solves my problem
<DerTimmay> but maybe it increases your flash counter
<DerTimmay> but real men does not care about this ;-)
<addi> or men whose phones have run out of warranty already :p
<firstlynx> does cm9 support triangle away?
<DerTimmay> there is no triangle i cm9
<mjanssen> one can always use TriangleAway
<firstlynx> i mean what we see in download mode
<peter___> does the phone has to be unrooted to install cm in it?
<bbqbot> derp
<firstlynx> the flash counter :)
<firstlynx> this evening iam giving full hopes on cm9 to get that ugly call sound bug gone...
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<codeworkx> firstlynx: why?
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<firstlynx> ?
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<firstlynx> code noch danke für deine hilfe bis jetzt über PM... hoffe das ich es zum laufen bekomme :)
<firstlynx> kann ich das offizielle CWM nehmen das bei XDA für Odin gepostet wurde?
<firstlynx> hab sonst immer alles über CF-Root gemacht auch aufn SGS1
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<firstlynx> Test
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<Jiangyi|Phone> Damn, just when I thought school's over and done for, they decide to tell me that I have one more day. :-P
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<DerTimmay> codeworkx: only to inform you. the GPS-Sound Bug is also present on stock ics rom and stock ics kernel. So i gues we have to wait for samsung to fix this, don't we?
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<codeworkx> DerTimmay: aye
<firstlynx> wanna go home and flash :(
<codeworkx> firstlynx:
<codeworkx> firstlynx: or teamhacksung wiki
<codeworkx> cwm = koush only
<firstlynx> koush only?
<firstlynx> ^^
<firstlynx> :)
<firstlynx> ?
<cdesai> firstlynx: yep that's the guide for s3
<codeworkx> koush is the dev of cwm and rommanager
<codeworkx> only koush
<firstlynx> ah okay :)
<firstlynx> okay first thing i will do is to flash CWM from wikilink via odin
<firstlynx> or should i flash the touch recovery from xda... it doesnt matter right?
<firstlynx> ah forget that question :P
<firstlynx> what cwm u guys using?
<firstlynx> hope it works :/ blame siyah...
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx: did u find any solution on the p5100 against the market compatibility issue ?
<Flumdahl> or u have not tested that yet
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<Assid> waddup codeworkx
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<codeworkx> Flumdahl: maybe. but i'm at work and no time today.
<Flumdahl> that is okay :P
Baskey_AFK is now known as Baskey
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<joki_> hi there....i want to load and install the cm9 resurection edition for my gt-i9100g.....any ideas where to load? all links i found where dead
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<niko0o> i dont know is this right place to ask this, but do you find something wrong from here ? after that commit mms app crashes when go to apps settings with finnish lang
<bbqbot> derp
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<akSeya> hello
<akSeya> any know issue with bluetooth headphones in latest nightly?
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<akSeya> it was working fine some days ago, today I was going to use it and had no sound output.. can't say since when, i think last time I used it was in build 20120620
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<Trae32566-SMSNG> sup guys.
<Trae32566-SMSNG> Kaik541: you alive?
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<h4rdco2e_> How do I get my Keystore in linux?
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<i9100g> hey jemand bzgl 19100g cm9 anwesend?
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<addi> i9100g, English please
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<lolwat> is battery life better on i9100g than on i9100?
<bbqbot> derp
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<slainer68> what does "derp" mean ?
<lolwat> bbqbot, y u no answer my ctcp?
<lolwat> slainer68, derp can be also described as "herp", "hurr" or "durr"
<addi> slainer68,
<addi> Google has all your answers, just google whatever it is you want to know
<addi> even if its something silly or totally nonsense :p
<slainer68> on sgs3 cm9 : weather/news widget crashes when tapping on the weather box to get humidity :(
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<galadrium> codeworkx: benötigst du noch mehr logs vom stockrom? oder reichen die vom xda thread?
<i9100g> es kommen ja fast täglich nightlys con der cyanogen mod 9... worin sehe ich was sich geändert hat, da das handy jeden tag neu einrichten langsam auf den geist geht
<galadrium> du musst nicht jedesmal neu einrichten
<galadrium> nur das erste mal
<i9100g> ja und dann? wie "update" ich es denn nur?
<galadrium> einfach das update zip flashen und schon ist alles aktuell
<galadrium> oder mit rom manager
<i9100g> ahh ok, vielen dank
<galadrium> np
<i9100g> jetzt noch die erste ffrage... gibt es ene möglichkeit es einzusehen was verändert wurde?
<slainer68> ja wohl ja wohl ja wolh
<slainer68> :D
<slainer68> (my german is great)
<galadrium> :P
<i9100g> da wird halt nur nix angezeigt
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<codeworkx> galadrium: reicht schon
<codeworkx> galadrium: sinnlos xD
<galadrium> codeworkx: wieso sinnlos ?
<codeworkx> galadrium: weil nix sinnvolles drin steht
<galadrium> codeworkx: in dem der ich grad vor 1h gepostet habe auch nicht?
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<codeworkx> galadrium: nein
<codeworkx> galadrium: wenn die das logging ausgestellt haben, dann ist da nix
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmmmm doof
<Trae32566-SMSNG> codeworkx: sup
<Trae32566-SMSNG> you know any XDA portal writers?
<codeworkx> no
<Trae32566-SMSNG> hrm...ok, thanks anyway :X
<codeworkx> just write to someone
<Trae32566-SMSNG> nice, I'll shoot him an some stuff I need to try and drum up some developers for
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<galadrium> codeworkx: naja weningstens haben nicht nur wir schweizer dass problem :)
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<codeworkx> galadrium: zum glück hab ichs nicht
<codeworkx> :-P
<galadrium> codeworkx: hehe, mir wärs lieber *grins*
<galadrium> codeworkx: wäre einfacher für dich
<codeworkx> galadrium: nö. ich weiß schon wo ich suchen muss. aber da kommt man nicht gut ran
<galadrium> codeworkx: wie gesagt, bin gerne bereit zu helfen wen du was benötigst :)
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<codeworkx> galadrium: dekompilier mir die phone app
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmmm und wie geht dass
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<codeworkx> galadrium: merkst was
<n30_pda> hmmm how do i get the rest of my internal space on my p5100
<n30_pda> partition is only 1.9 gb
<n30_pda> what i know i should have 16 gb
<codeworkx> n30_pda: internal sdcard?
<bbqbot> derp
<codeworkx> n30_pda: /mnt/sdcard 11G 729M 11G 4096
<n30_pda> mine says 1.9 on total commander
<galadrium> codeworkx: hmmm naja i ruf mall schnell bei google an :P
<n30_pda> i tried to install a game to my kids and the installation tells me there is no space left
<codeworkx> n30_pda: don't trust guis
<n30_pda> ill check in terminal, hold on
<codeworkx> n30_pda: use df
<n30_pda> sdcard is 1 gb
<Trae32566-SMSNG> lolwat
<codeworkx> n30_pda: and data?
<n30_pda> i did use df in terminal
<Trae32566-SMSNG> 1GB? O.o
<n30_pda> data is 1 gb
<codeworkx> can't be
<codeworkx> there's something wrong
<codeworkx> 1g total or 1gb free?
<n30_pda> total
<codeworkx> n30_pda: type mount and see if they're mounted
<n30_pda> sdcard data system has one each 1 gb partition
<Trae32566-SMSNG> codeworkx: that was my
<codeworkx> n30_pda: system is 1gb for real
<n30_pda> where is the rest
<codeworkx> type "mount"
<n30_pda> yes
<SaThaRiel> Is the encryption working with cm9? Hmmmm, and is it useful? ;)
<codeworkx> n30_pda: is sdcard and data mounted?
<Trae32566-SMSNG> SaThaRiel: I wouldn't risk it, and no it's a PITA to log in using a password lockscreen
<n30_pda> rhere is df and mount
<SaThaRiel> Trae32566-SMSNG: Thanks - what i feared...i hoped that they would implement a good old luks encryption for the whole storage
<codeworkx> n30_pda: that's pretty cool
<n30_pda> how
<codeworkx> i would do an fs check
<n30_pda> can i do in terminal
<n30_pda> ?
<Trae32566-SMSNG> SaThaRiel: its useful if you have really sensitive shit, I'm sure it's not weak, but it requires you to use the password lockscreen which (with a decent password) is a PITA to use
<Trae32566-SMSNG> fsck
<Trae32566-SMSNG> fsck = filesystem check
<Trae32566-SMSNG> no idea if it works on android, but that's what it is in linux
<n30_pda> yeah i know that
<SaThaRiel> Trae32566-SMSNG: I thought that it would require you to only enter you password once and then keeps it memory...
<n30_pda> but do i run it in terminal or what
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<Trae32566-SMSNG> oh it does, but you still have to use a password lockscreen as your normal lockscreen or it won't allow you to enable the encryption
<SaThaRiel> Enter it after every screenlock is brainless...
<Trae32566-SMSNG> yeah...
<Trae32566-SMSNG> if I had a real keyboard, then OK
<Trae32566-SMSNG> but with a tiny keyboard, *fuck* that.
<SaThaRiel> Nope - not for a realy passphrase
<n30_pda> codeworkx, how do i run file system check
<SaThaRiel> The more often you have to enter it, the more likely it gets spyed ;)
<codeworkx> n30_pda: make sure data is unmounted. e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
<Trae32566-SMSNG> lol I was close
<Trae32566-SMSNG> e2fsck
<n30_pda> can i do that now while i use it
<Trae32566-SMSNG> no
<Trae32566-SMSNG> you need to be in recovery
<codeworkx> n30_pda: better to do it in recovery using adb
<codeworkx> n30_pda: with data unmounted
<n30_pda> then im fucked
<Trae32566-SMSNG> wha? why
<bbqbot> derp
<n30_pda> i have mac os x
<Trae32566-SMSNG> er...there's a mac SDK iirc
<codeworkx> sure
<Trae32566-SMSNG> like 99.9% sure there is
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<codeworkx> 100%
<n30_pda> im getting tired on all problems
<codeworkx> 101%
<firstlynx> So now I am on cm9 call audio is there too
<firstlynx> :-(
<n30_pda> friend arrived with his windows laptop now
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<codeworkx> firstlynx: :-D
<firstlynx> I am mean the bug
<codeworkx> oh
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<firstlynx> Can't touch system
<codeworkx> strange
<firstlynx> So strange I am trieng everything now 4 days long
<firstlynx> I mean as long nothing on system is changed call sound is there...flashing from again brings call sound back
<firstlynx> From
<firstlynx> Rom
<codeworkx> since you installed syjah?
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<firstlynx> Don't know what to do.. staying on cm9 with the risk to need reflash...or stay on stock forever
<firstlynx> Yes after siyah
<codeworkx> ask him what he did
<n30-laptop> codeworkx hey what did u write that i should do in recovery
<firstlynx> I answer
<firstlynx> He's posting new features on new version
<firstlynx> But the bug is ignored...
<firstlynx> That pisses me of a bit...
<codeworkx> n30_pda: e2fsck -p /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
<codeworkx> firstlynx: bug harder :-D
<firstlynx> Hmm
<n30-laptop> codeworkx hmm how do i start the remote stuff for my pad ?
<firstlynx> Or accept that my custom time is over
<codeworkx> n30_pda: adb shell
<firstlynx> Make triangle away everything stock and let it be
<codeworkx> i couldn't live that way
<codeworkx> touchwiz is a no go for me
<firstlynx> I am a flash addict
<firstlynx> But with that bug its not possible..
<n30-laptop> codeworkx and how do i start up an adb shell ?
<codeworkx> n30_pda: android sdk
<n30-laptop> thakns
<codeworkx> oh, i hate this proprietary shitfuckplug on the p5100
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<codeworkx> its like having a shitty apple device
ToyKat[zZz] is now known as ToyKat
<codeworkx> Trae32566-SMSNG: ^^ read and do better next time :-D
<n30-laptop> alots of stuff to download and install in android sdk manager
<Trae32566-SMSNG> codeworkx: wat? :O I'm at work, trying to multitask :X
<codeworkx> Trae32566-SMSNG: try to use standards. micro-usb for example
<Trae32566-SMSNG> OH, on the tablet
<codeworkx> right
<Trae32566-SMSNG> not my fault, blame korea
<codeworkx> i'm going to eat that plug
<Trae32566-SMSNG> in their defense, everyone does it for tablets pretty much
<Trae32566-SMSNG> ASUS, etc
<codeworkx> just because apple does, it doesn't mean it's brilliant
<Trae32566-SMSNG> codeworkx: you should see the posters we have up around the office <3
<Trae32566-SMSNG> I LOL'd when I first walked in
<codeworkx> tell me more
<Trae32566-SMSNG> not sure I'm don't wanna get sued by apple :)
<codeworkx> enough said ;-)
<Trae32566-SMSNG> I haven't seen them anywhere I'm 99% sure they're internal only lol
<firstlynx> I think I switch back to stock and leave it for now :-(
<n30-laptop> codeworkx avd manager or sdk manager to remote ?
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<n30-laptop> codeworkx i dont find any android sdk
<n30-laptop> or i must run this in command line
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<n0ld0r> hi
<n0ld0r> anyone there ?
<bbqbot> derp
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<n0ld0r> yow ?
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: I got the guy with camera issues to go back to stock, use the cam, and go back to CM9, and it didn't help him.
<n0ld0r> i cannot open camera with i9100G cm9 rom
<n0ld0r> it freezes
<n0ld0r> codeworkx : i cannot open camera with i9100G cm9 rom . it freezes after 3 or 4 seconds
<codeworkx> logs or it didn't happen
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Need me to get a fresh log from him?
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<n30-laptop> why in the f*cking hell dont adb find my unit ?
<Jiangyi> Yay, back to class for me. ._.
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<n30-laptop> my pc dont ask for drivers
<n30-laptop> error: device not found
<n30-laptop> when i type adb shell
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<ToyKat> Make sure your device has usb debugging enabled in the developer options
<n30-laptop> i have
<ToyKat> And that you -do- have drivers installed
<n30-laptop> but codeworkx said that i should be in recovery mode
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<ToyKat> adb in recovery works as well
<codeworkx> n30-laptop: on linux i would say udev
<n30-laptop> where do i find the drivers?
<n30-laptop> i wil reinstall them
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<ToyKat> I'm guessing
<n30-laptop> codeworkx first link is dead ... the other one on pdf file is corrupt
<n30-laptop> ToyKat but if kies works i have drivers?
<ToyKat> Not a damn clue xD
<ToyKat> I've got the I9300, no problems, no kies installed either
<n30-laptop> i have both
<n30-laptop> i know i installed some driver package for my i9300 before
<n30-laptop> to root and cwm
<ToyKat> 1. Is the phone turned on? 2. Is the cable plugged in? -_-
<bbqbot> derp
<n30-laptop> yes
<n30-laptop> and yes
<n30-laptop> and its in recovery mode
<ToyKat> try adb kill-server then adb root
<n30-laptop> on pc or p5100 ?
<ToyKat> if that doesn't work, try plugging the phone in a different usb port, if that doesn't work, download pdanet and install that, then do adb again, if it still doesn't work, smash your phone against the wall and ragequit
<ToyKat> pc, obv
<ToyKat> why would want to use adb -on- the device? o.O
<n30-laptop> i only have 1.9 gb totally to use on it
<n30-laptop> codeworkx told me to do adb shell and run e2fsck
<ToyKat> adb => Android Debugging Bridge - You usually use that on your PC
<n30-laptop> but this aint working
<n30-laptop> :E
<codeworkx> google for "osx adb"
<ToyKat> Well, I can't say anything about what codeworkx said, I can help try and troubleshoot why you can't get adb working
<ToyKat> Oh, mac :o
<ToyKat> Not my domain :P
<n30-laptop> i regular use a mac
<n30-laptop> but my friend is here with his pc
<n30-laptop> hmm i need the drivers for this pc.
<n30-laptop> it says other hardware : gt-p5100
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<n30-laptop> anyone knows where to find drivers? gt-p5100 without installing kies ?
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<n30-laptop> i know i have found some driver package on xda before
<n30-laptop> lol. its not my day .... xda forum stop working
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<Trae32566-SMSNG> :)
<Flumdahl> Server requiring authentication:
<Flumdahl> Login:
<Flumdahl> wtf is this ?
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx:
<Flumdahl> i did that e2fsck now
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx:
<Flumdahl> still looks like that
<Baskey> addi: ... :D
<addi> :D
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: any other suggestions ?
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<Flumdahl> i want more space on my tablet :(
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<Baskey> in literally meaning?
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<Flumdahl> i only have 1.9 gb totally on my p5100
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx: play store works fine noe
<Flumdahl> now
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<Flumdahl> codeworkx: are u here ?
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<beer> anyone want to join me on #horny-kats?
<Flumdahl> i wanna find a solution of my space on my tablet
<Flumdahl> :D
<beer> "im just sooo horny right now and i really want to show you my body"
<Flumdahl> i dont wanna reinstall my tablet more
<Flumdahl> and im not sure that will solve the problem
<beer> "just go to my site, its absolutely free and i promise you will enjoy it"
<beer> yeah dont click the link :/
<Flumdahl> haha
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<beer> Baskey: its so good isnt it :D
<beer> Baskey: what deviec
<Baskey> SGS2
<Baskey> it looks, it looks like... MIUI
<Baskey> I like was browsing Internet
<Baskey> and boom
<Baskey> lol, I was like*
<Baskey> CAN'T
<beer> it looks so sexy :D
romann is now known as romann|afk
<lolwat> Baskey, press homekey 4 times fast
<lolwat> if you have flashed siyah kernel
<Baskey> I have Fluxi
<Baskey> but everything was normal until now
<Baskey> :(
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<Flumdahl> beer: u think i will get all my space back if i do a factory reset ?
<beer> waaaT?!
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_gone
<beer> sorry man im drrnk
<Baskey> beer: DO NOT DRINK
<beer> Baskey: oh ya?! makre me
<Baskey> we have (video) meme with Policeman, he says: IF YOU DRINK ALCOHOL, DO NOT DRINK.
<lolwat> Baskey, did 4 times homekey fix it?
<Baskey> nope
<lolwat> k thought maybe it is the same for fluxi kernel
<lolwat> has to be tapped pretty fast though
<beer> lolwat: lolwat
<Baskey> I can't do it faster
<Baskey> xD
lolwat was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [lolwat]
<beer> damnit i just realised
<beer> /kick lolwat lolwat
<beer> I did that
<beer> but it would have given the same kick message without me typing lolwat
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<beer> cause his name is lolwat
<Baskey> need to do TEH WIPE OF ALL TEH THINGZ
<lolwat> beer pls
<beer> lolwat: lolwat
lolwat is now known as solan
<solan> is dolan actually
<beer> no that sentence was out of context!
<beer> solan: xD
<beer> <beer> damnit i just realised
<beer> <beer> /kick lolwat lolwat
<beer> <beer> I did that
<beer> <beer> but it would have given the same kick message without me typing lolwat
<beer> * lolwat ( has joined #teamhacksung-support
<beer> <beer> cause his name is lolwat
<Flumdahl> codeworkx: plz give hint about what to do
<beer> Flumdahl: NO PING CODEWORKX
solan is now known as lolwat
<beer> BEER IS
<lolwat> XPLODWILD
<Flumdahl> beer: ill send u more beer if this will be solved
<lolwat> continue your andoid-upstream project
<lolwat> nao
<Baskey> Dolan is a nickname of our Prime Minister
<Baskey> xD
<lolwat> lmao
<beer> Flumdahl: beer dont drink beer idiot
<Baskey> CODE RED
<lolwat> beer = big redditor
<beer> I never use reddit
<beer> my friend just showed me dolan
<beer> one time I wuz in school
<lolwat> k
<pmgnet> Anybody here repaired their USB port on a galaxy s2? I think mine is busted ugly. My phone keeps flipping into 'car mode' and it's hard to get the phone to stably charge.
<bbqbot> derp
<beer> and we had some retarded superviser cus our teacher was out
<lolwat> i knew dolan comics before they where on reddit
<lolwat> so hipster
<beer> so we just spent the whole class watching dolan
<beer> stupid school didnt block reddit
<lolwat> try
<Baskey> LMAO
<lolwat> if it is blocked
<beer> 4chan was blocked iirc
<lolwat> k
* Jiangyi is lost
<beer> but they is never heard of an ssh proxy :D
<beer> Jiangyi: now that you are lost, come to teh dark sied
<Jiangyi> beer: No, I'm working on a re-translation for your Trebuchet :-P
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<Jiangyi> beer: The Chinese translation right now has stuff backwards. :-P
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Baskey was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by beer [stupid polish]
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<Baskey> xD
<beer> Jiangyi: and the fuckers complain when I dont merge xD
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<Baskey> beer: Y STUPID
<beer> dont click this link
<beer> seriouslty
<Jiangyi> beer: I saw that Chinese merge. I registered on Gerrit the day after lol, so I couldn't have said anything.
<beer> seriously
<beer> dont click this link
<beer> seriously
<Baskey> reverse psychology
<Baskey> or diverse?
<beer> hihihi
<Baskey> xD
<Jiangyi> Hmmm.....\
<beer> anti-psychology
* Jiangyi is thinking whether to upload today's nightly for the Chinese users
<beer> Jiangyi: cm is blocked in china
* Jiangyi is not sure cause there's basically nothing in changelog
<Jiangyi> beer: is just slow in China. :-P
<Baskey> beer is also blocked in China
<Baskey> beer: YOU ARE ILLEGAL
<beer> ok off to install 12.04
<beer> might reboot
<Flumdahl> fuck!
<Flumdahl> did wipe and factory reset
<Jiangyi> Baskey: It's fine for my VM.
<Flumdahl> and i still got only 1.9 gb
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: wipe only deletes your apps and settings. :P
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: how do i do a clean reinstall of tablet ?
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RogueWave is now known as Baskey
<beer> Baskey: it sux I know
<beer> just amn't bothered to set everything up again :P
<beer> will do it on new laptop though :D
<beer> get arch or somethin
<Baskey> ok, that's fair enough
<beer> "about 14 hours remaining"
<beer> no way :P
<Baskey> Y U SO SLOW?!
<beer> the 3d on the new laptop better be useful :P
<Baskey> beer: FIX STATS
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: and i wanna keep the cm9
<beer> Baskey: wut statz
<Jiangyi> beer: Install from USB drive
<Baskey> | IRC stats : |
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<pmgnet> I don't want to pay for this. Does anyone know where I can get parts?
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I forget, but there's a way to wipe your SDCard clean in some options somewhere I think.
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: in recovery mode i guess
<Flumdahl> but if i shall do that then i must need a sd micro card to install the new rom from ?
<Baskey> @geo user Flumdahl
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for Flumdahl
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1052072704,1052072959],"country":"SE","region":"27","city":"Kristianstad","ll":[56.0333,14.1333]}
Diwad has quit [Quit: Linkinus -]
<Flumdahl> it would be easier to ask P:
<Baskey> oh, well... :)
<Flumdahl> its almost not the true about whois for a ip
<Flumdahl> :P
<Baskey> shown country is usually correct
<Baskey> I CAN'T TYPE, damn
<Baskey> need to sleep
<Flumdahl> no. when i use my mobile network it says russia
<Flumdahl> :P
<Baskey> :D
<Baskey> ok, gn all
<Jiangyi> lol
<Flumdahl> my mobile network operator is for the sure not from russia
<Flumdahl> :P
<Jiangyi> good night!
<Baskey> Jiangyi: xoxo :*
<Jiangyi> Baskey: NO HOMO
<Jiangyi> lol
<Baskey> xD
<Baskey> OK THEN
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: was i right about what i wrote before ? if i shall do a full wipe i need to have the zip rom on a external drive ?
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<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I'm not too sure about that. :-P
<Flumdahl> hmmm
<Flumdahl> i wanna do a FULL wipe of it so i get out all my 16 gb
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<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: See if there's a format option in your CWM.
<beer> never thought @geo would be so useful :D
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: there is
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<Jiangyi> beer: Will you approve my translations if I send it in? xD
<bbqbot> derp
<Flumdahl> format /data format /system etc etc
<Flumdahl> but will that erase the partitions ?
<beer> Jiangyi: hmk no
<Flumdahl> so i will get all my 16 gb
<Jiangyi> beer: Aww D-:
<Flumdahl> that is the only options i have about format
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: I don't think so.
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: u dont think what ?
<Flumdahl> that it will erase partitions?
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Sorry, it took me a bit to find the right menu on my phone.
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: OK, wipe data and format /sdcard
<Flumdahl> ill try
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<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: same shit
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: still 2GB? O_O
<Flumdahl> yes
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: That's just weird.
<Flumdahl> cat /proc/partitions
<Flumdahl> says that i shall have 16 gb drive
<Flumdahl> mmcblk0p10 shall be on 12 gb
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Check if your files are still there with Roote Explorer
<Flumdahl> seems that it did not format it
<Flumdahl> adb shell
<Flumdahl> i looking around in my unit with that
<Flumdahl> there is a 12 gb partitions
<Flumdahl> but why does it not mount it ?
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<Flumdahl> where is the mount table ?
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<Flumdahl> Formatting /sdcard
<Flumdahl> error mounting /sdcard
<Flumdahl> skipping format...
<Flumdahl> does it say
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<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: There should be a mount option above the format option
<Flumdahl> yes
<Flumdahl> error mounting /sdcar
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<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Well, that's odd. I'm out of ideas then. :S
<Flumdahl> damn
<Flumdahl> this is f*cking redicolous
<Flumdahl> how hard can it be
<Flumdahl> what of the partitions is mounted where
<Flumdahl> there was no /etc/fstab to look in so i have no clue
<Flumdahl> 1433600 mmcblk0p9
<Flumdahl> it feels like it mounting that one
<Flumdahl> as /
<Jiangyi> Hmmm.... I wonder if CWM is actually seeing your internal SD as /emmc
<Flumdahl> so u saying that i shall try format /emmc ?
<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: That could also be your external SD card. :-P
<Flumdahl> i dont have any external card loaded into my p5100
<Flumdahl> however i do worst case is that i need to use ODIN to install it again ?
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<hey> what is going on here?
<bbqbot> derp
<Flumdahl> trying to fix my p5100
<hey> ahh kay me to
<Flumdahl> i cant get my unit to use all 16 gb of the internal drive :P
<Flumdahl> it keeps saying that i only have 1.9 gb totally
<Flumdahl> or maybe i should try that out
<Flumdahl> Jiangyi: what do u say ?
<Flumdahl> reflash the stockrom with odin
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<Jiangyi> Flumdahl: Yeah, try formatting /emmc then.
<n30-laptop> shall i try formatting /emmc first?
Jiangyi is now known as Jiangyi|Away
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<RoBz> cracked the screen on my s2 :'( dunno whether to get a whole new digitizer or just new glass...
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<n30-laptop> why in the bloody hell wont my p5100 use ALL space on the internal drive
<n30-laptop> .........................................
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<n30-laptop> Jiangyi nothing made it better
<n30-laptop> i tried format everything
<n30-laptop> i tried to install the stockrom
<n30-laptop> still 1.9 gb
<Jiangyi> n30-laptop: Stock ROM didn't even help?
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<n30-laptop> no
<n30-laptop> and i know it have been correct because from first beginning before i flashed my p5100 i did move over some 720p tv releases around 3-4 gb totally
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<n30-laptop> no one alive that can guide me howto make my internal drive on my p5100 to be orignally again
<n30-laptop> everything keeps say totally 1.9 gb but it should be 16
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