<j4cbo> now I know where Nordic gets the inspiration for their packages
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Somebody sometime did testing on the S parameters of an ordinary SMA connector on a PCB edge, right? Who was that / are the results somewhere online?
Degi: details depend greatly on the specific layout in question
and pcb material, etc
I remember that somebody did tests with this specific connector https://www.renhotecrf.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/27-4.jpg and it was kinda bad already at 2 GHz, not sure what the PCB layout was but I think the problem was the connector itself having a large inductance compared to fancier variants
How is the thing called where you plug a SFF-8087 cable into? I somehow cant find it on mouser or digikey
i just looked for sff-8087 connectors, idk lol
And i did testing of a samtec connector that looked exactly like that
i had issues with it being very sensitive to pcb layout and bottom side grounding
the amphenol connector i now use doesnt care nearly as much because it's a coplanar launch
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Ah, so when the PCB layout is good they actually perform well? nice
The samtec one performs much better with good pcb layout. it tops out at something like 12 ghz and the amphenol goes to 26.5
(per specs)
but i couldnt reliably simulate the samtec one and the amphenol one behaves like the sims suggest
so i switched
i'd rather pay more for a connector i can trust than get a cheap one that ruins my signal if i look at it funny
Hmm yes... Especially when you cant simulate it and considering that respins cost money too
i spent many hours on the phone w/ sonnet support and multiple pcb spins testing
we never did figure out what was going on at the launch, i think you need a full 3D EM solver to model it
The amphenol one is easy to simulate reliably with a 2D launch into CPWG
Hmm, probably... Maybe if I ever find the motivation to work with OpenEMS
Well a 3D model would also involve having detailed info about the internal 3D structure of the connector (by RE probably)
Because samtec gives out HFSS models but they're a) in a proprietary format and b) encrypted
Sanding it down layer by layer
Yes, that is a valid strategy
i would probably have just cast it in epoxy and sawn it in half
then assumed the barrel was rotationally symmetric
But it would have had to be done carefully because the center contact is BeCu and Be dust is... not nice
also... I'm tabling probe work for a few days
I dont think there is anything left i can do until the new scope comes in
No worries, it was just a random idea.
If anybody has problems finding SFF-8087 and SFF-8643 receptacles: Search for Mini-SAS or Mini-SAS-HD (because for some reason they dont show up when searching for the number)
Well, this means I have time to work on the picoscope driver and a few other things in the meantime
nice ^^
pico wants me to put together a little demo video for some of their customers of glscopeclient and the picoscope 6000 series
so i want to get the trigger logic debugged first
then maybe do something looking at usb or something? idk, have to figure out a good demo
oh, so the other thing i want to do is update my nvidia drivers and reboot
(since there's kernel updates to do too)
to see if that has any impact on my weird opencl issues
ok back after lots of pain dealing with broken grub :p
opencl issues are still here with latest driver
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±7] https://git.io/JqCpI
[scopehal] azonenberg d3ebea6 - Added UsesCLFFT() method. A few more minor OpenCL cleanups. Fixes #395.
[scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #395: Crash when using OpenCL FFTs and more than one FFT is active - https://git.io/JtVWS
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] https://git.io/JqCpG
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 6286f81 - OscilloscopeWindow: updated filter scheduler to avoid concurrently computing two clFFT operations. Workaround for suspected thread safety issue in either clFFT or NVIDIA OpenCL driver
This appears to work around the bug although i still don't have a root cause so i'm not happy
Sooo now i can take care of a few things around the house then get back to work on the Pico driver
New record, lol. 335 WFM/s with glscopeclient
1M points @ 5 Gsps from my picoscope on a single channel
Not sure if that was a fluke, i havent been able to sustain it that high
but i'm averaging about 1.9 Gbps of streaming bandwidth. 1M points * 16 bit is 16 Mbits, so with 1900 Mbps bandwidth that should give me an average of about 120 WFM/s
Which is more along the lines of what i am seeing
but the average is all over the place, probably due to OS jitter at both sides of the link
i only average time for ten waveforms right now