azonenberg, so i've scraped the entire high voltage probe idea and i'm just going to use an inductive pick up
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/JtxdY
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 972b081 - When creating a new channel with X axis units incompatible with the current group, look for compatible groups before making a new one
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<david.lenfesty> I guess an update on the host PD interface, haven't really touched it since I last checked in gestures wildly at midterms, basically the status is: - I can do basic USB-C attach w/ the host, but proper PD still eludes me, I can't seem to turn on the transmit driver for some reason - The power supplies work if I don't do whatever it is I'm doing to them, but I'm out of chips to debug with, whatever I'm doing is frying them it seems. - I
haven't invested any time in figuring out why the VBUS switch doesn't work - I don't expect to make any significant progress for a bit both because midterms and I need to pull myself out of some burnout azonenberg: do you still want me to send one of the boards in this state? no power supplies so you'd have to supply 5V and +-7V, VBUS doesn't switch (although I could bodge something that can switch VBUS w/o reverse current protection out of parts on hand), and
I haven't fully verified PD functionality (I'm assuming I'm just missing like a single config bit somewhere, I can't find anything inherently wrong with my setup process or the circuit)