garyserj: there's a plethora of unsatisfactory answers on this subject.
garyserj: Simple answer is you need to do some searching as this has been answered quite a few places already.
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hi everyone i love ruby it's a great language
but in general, I wouldn't
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!ban NIGerGERmany
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dammit ruboto
i came here to help everyone
RealMarc has joined #ruby
i'm an experienced rubyist
We're an exclusive club.
what did i do to deserve a ban?
sevenseacat: Can you +b the web gateway for now?
NIGerGERmany was banned on #ruby by sevenseacat [*!6883d781@gateway/web/freenode/ip.]
NIGerGERmany was kicked from #ruby by sevenseacat [Your behavior is not conducive to the desired environment.]
pipework: apeiros actually did some stats on that
You shouldn't include the number between the ! and the @, just another asterisk would be preferable, but banning the whole web gateway for a few hours is often best when there's repetitive offenders.
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Turns out to be something along the lines of 260 unique nicks and 30 some bans
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pipework: happy?
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wow the #ruby ban list is full of nick bans
garyserj did you try ruby-gnome bindings yet?
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Radar: Yeah should be fine. But if you see them pop up again from the web gateway, you should just ban *!*@gateway/web/freenode/* I think, but only for a few hours until the spam attack abates.
its probably me doing it wrong.
garyserj there are not that many options ... ruby-gnome/ruby-gtk, ruby-qt, shoes, ruby-tk, ruby-wxwidgets... hmm fxruby in the past... I may have forgotten a few more
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cats do not do anything wrong by definition alone
pipework: this is not an hourly thing. This is something that happens nearly every day
They do things precisely as they mean for them to be done.
pipework: banning the gateway means that we ban any regular users who are connected on that too
Radar: No, there's an actual attack going on against a lot of freenode right miaow, that's what I mean.
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right miaow - you did that on purporse
A large number of rather large channels are seeing much worse.
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4 hours of not being able to access this channel isn't that bad. I bet you could set a ban-forward though.
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A ban forward would be fine but I am not allowed to do things without consulting with other ops :)
And it wouldn't completely solve the problem anyway, as those other users can just join whenever
NIG_GERS has joined #ruby
who's the joker that klined me?
Radar: I don't personally mind if someone just keeps banning these spammers.
!ban NIG_GERS !T 1D
NIG_GERS was banned on #ruby by ChanServ [NIG_GERS!*@*]
NIG_GERS was kicked from #ruby by ChanServ [User is banned from this channel]
I'm fine with banning them as they pop up.
oh thats how to do it.
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That bot should be fixed.
* sevenseacat
writes notes
I could keep the same IP and everything and just change the ident and rejoin.
pipework: Yes.
* Radar
will stay op'd
Good luck and good hunting.
pipework: How do I set a +b ban with a time limit?
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Radar: I don't think you can.
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Radar: Freenode staff sometimes disallows connecting from different gateways anways during these onslaughts.
when i went to ask them, they just told me to add +q ~a.
to the channel.
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sevenseacat: :) That's right.
That would totally abate these spammers imo
* sevenseacat
that got shot down, so
sevenseacat: Quiet all unidentified accounts works, but then you need to make web gateway users auth with nickserv.
notice how #rubyonrails doesn't get those spammers?
pipework: i have no problem with that.
Me neither.
Just raises that bar a little more.
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i would have no problem with disallowing the web gateway entirely.
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how about we +q the web gateway?
better put it to another vote.
*shrug* I will just ban people as they keep coming in
I can keep it up longer than they can ;)
Y'all might benefit from enlisting a freenode staffer that also likes ruby. There's generally workflows for handling this stuff that's an expected norm, so you don't need to democratize the situation if you want.
people will crack the shits if we dont.
It's mostly just a solved problem on how to handle that stuff.
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sevenseacat: yup :)
sevenseacat: I'd say they'd be amateurs, as there's IRC social protocol for ops that is likely older than the people who would get upset.
But I'm just glad not to be an op. I'd have too much fun.
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hey pontiki you missed a lot of troll-action today
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hello friend good ruby ebook?
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hi everyone. if i have two modules which define a method and i include both, which will get the preference? does one erase the other or can it call the other's through super()?
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the one you include later i believe.
super in the class's method will call the most recently included one, but you can get to the method before that by calling super on that method.
This is because of Cow's ancestors: irb(main):024:0> Cow.ancestors
=> [Cow, B, A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
Radar: that's what I think of when I see American dates
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meatchicken: Use Date.strptime like I showed.
lol american dates
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we're also stuck on imperal measurements
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While running `rake test` (learning Ruby) and I'm running across this message from rake: "NoMethodError: undefined method `has_key?` for nil:NilClass" and am unsure of what to make of it. Google has been unhelpful. The method is being called ona hash.
flughafen: it does, but it takes time to cool down
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Robr3rd: rails' blank? is pure ruby. you can simply copy the code. alternatively you can depend on the active_support gem and require 'active_support/core_ext'
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sevenseacat: Yes, it looks like the spammer is paying for the privilege. Looking at the other cases they're also using some VPN services to do the same thing. Whoever it is, they're pretty bored and wasting their time :)
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What if there are two consecutive threes, for example?
try it
I'd like them to be kept in the same array, I guess
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oh ho new requirements
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sevenseacat: is that something a pimp would say?
Obviously, you didn't expect my requirements not to change, did you? ;)
ljarvis: lol
KrzaQ: it would have been a pleasant surprise, though
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KrzaQ: to be fair, you're a programmer, we have slightly higher expectations
ljarvis: great. now I picture sevenseacat with fedora, fur coat and a pimp stick
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I'm tired and in hurry :P
now i want a pimp stick
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You're all weird in here >_>
KrzaQ: open irb and play to your heards content
that said, I actually don't have any cliche on woman pimps. but I think the male pimp cliche is fabulous with women too :D
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* sevenseacat
bops noobs and spammers over the head with said pimp stick
pimp stick bop
I have pry open
that's the name of my band
* apeiros
enjoys waiting for his integration test with external API
someone recommended it over irb
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someone here*
apeiros: that sounds teeth grindingly awesome
* sevenseacat
is sitting waiting for a deploy to finish
* apeiros
also loves the weakness of those tests because partner devs have no idea about automated tests…
KrzaQ: sure, pry is nice too
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is it bad if I'm not waiting for anything?
but maybe not? I'll go with that
actually I am waiting for an email reply
from a week ago..
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damn if pry vendors slop i will lose all of my delicious download figures
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you know that tests are bad when you have IDs to query for in config files because they might change.
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i made a plugin for atom that i'm really regretting
hmm what should i work on now
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yeah i might, it's mostly because i don't use atom but there's pressure to update it so now i feel like a jerk
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eh, you don't owe anybody anything
+1 to that
put a note saying 'abandoned, free to good home'
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yeah, declaring abandonment is IMO good style.
yep good idea
Hey guys, I am a ruby noob. I am getting an undefined method error. Could someone shine some light and also critique my code? http://pastebin.com/mmk9E5z2
Exponential: define your method before you use it
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nice filename
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ljarvis: Ah, so its not like java in that you actually have to have the method above the point at which you use it?
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Exponential: Ruby will process your file in one pass, from begin to end. If you use something, you have to have made it before the use.
Exponential: Ruby basically runs code line by line, so yeah things must exist before they're used
ljarvis adaedra : Awesome, thanks :D Any critique on my code?
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Ruby guidelines say 2 spaces for indentation
Exponential: yeah, a few things
:set sw=2 sts=2 et
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Don't use or, use ||
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Exponential: the first thing is that you read words.txt on every loop
read it once
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The treatment you do in get_guessing word is also made at each loop, I think you could do it only once too
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also, you can do all of the string sorting once too
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there are other points about considering not slurping in your file and storing words differently but since this is homework, you should investigate those ideas yourself (we can point you in the right direction)
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Okay, I changed things around a bit and got rid of the redundant re-reads. https://gist.github.com/RecursiveDefinition/3a9aefa232d9ea0b15fc. I feel like the whole finding the 2000 most frequency words could be done a lot tidier, any pointers?
`cat words | uniq -c | sort -n | head -n 2000`
nice one that's better. I would store the words in a Hash though, with word => count; this way you're not adding duplicates and having to re-count them.
then I wouldn't even add them if they don't match your criteria (i.e not 5-6 chars long)
nyan cat
If you're always taking just the 2000 first elements, just remove extra elements
taking a slice of 2000 elements to do a sample at each loop run is... :s
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adaedra: Problem is the words are not sorted or unique in the words.txt
you could just use rand where x is guarenteed to be less than 2000
And I want the 2000 most common
But you don't resort them at each loop run
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you could slice the [0,2000] range before the loop and don't slice anymore
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Exponential: can you explain to me what you think that's doing?
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ljarvis: Creating a HashMap with unique entrys, with key/value word/count
also, for keeping the words (l6), I would rather use a range with #include? rather than this comparaison. It's a little bit more understandable, and is much easier to change
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Exponential: so you remove duplicates, and then count (presumably, for duplicates)
Exponential: fwiw you can create hashes with default values. like; word_count = Hash.new(0); word_count["foo"] += 1; which might be able to help you here?
words.count(word) will traverse your entire array for every call; which seems like it could be generally slow
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since you do that for every word.. well, you can probably calculate how many times it happens
ljarvis: So in your above example, how would I replace "foo" with each word in the array?
Exponential: well, you already know how to loop through an array, right?
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hash.each { |word| hash[word] += 1}
Would that be faster than what I had before?
much faster
except it's not hash.each but words.each
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much fast
such performance
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so to compress this line : words = file.select {|word| word.length == 5 || word.length == 6} I want to use a range, but simply changing it to words = file.select {|word| word.length == (5..6)} doesn't work?
(5..6).include? word.length
yeah, I actually prefer what you have there; but this is a good example of different peoples styles
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actually, I didn't know about #between? :x
Ruby has so many methods :x
it's faster and doesn't create temporary range :)
/nick premature_optimizer
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:D *
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you wait, we'll about to discuss each_line
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though, that kind of thing is IMO not in the category of premature optimization.
so optimized, wow
very adaedra
Is this line too much : common_words = words.sort_by { |word| hash[word] }[0..1999], or would it be better to put the slice into a new variable?
premature is fine as long as it's not at the cost of other things
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I'd have used #slice!
.first(2000) :)
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Exponential: it's fine, though I prefer .first(2000) from a style perspective
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Wow, ruby has so many handy methods...
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Too many, according to some people
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too many aliases
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apeiros: Range#include? is optimized for numbers
you still have to create the range on every loop
(that was his point i think)
mh, true
jhass: sure. it still has a longer pathway to go through
jokke: what does the following return on the command line? ruby -r 'net/http/persistent' -e 'Net::HTTP::Persistent'
ljarvis: nothing
then it's working
there must be a different issue
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i got the error when running tests
dunno if rspec could have something to do with it
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check inside the test if $LOADED_FEATURES.include? "/home/jokke/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-2.9.4/lib/net/http/persistent.rb" is true
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also Gem.find_files("net/http/persistent") in there might be interesting
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jhass: first returns true
second returns ["/home/jokke/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-2.9.4/lib/net/http/persistent.rb", "/home/jokke/.gem/ruby/2.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-2.9.4/lib/net/http/persistent"]
uh, wut
presumably defined?(Net::HTTP::Persistent) returns false in your test?
skammer|afk is now known as skammer
can you share the complete output of the failing test run?
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ljarvis: yeah
or nil
also tried ::Net...
but the result is the same
jhass: yeah
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spring or anything you can kill?
no spring
simple gem
error with trace? who knows, might be a clue in there.
mikecmpbll: the error is very weird though
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ljarvis adaedra: Thanks for the help, attended a ruby intro today at campus and they gave us the challenge to make a scrambler word game. This is my implementation https://gist.github.com/RecursiveDefinition/309cb60f64529abfe6ae. Your guys help was great :D Already love the Ruby community
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jokke: the error is happening in the call to .http which is before you even do the .request call :/
mikecmpbll: you're right :D
* jokke
doesn't understand either
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i could maybe get it if referencing the Net::HTTP::Get constant somehow unloaded Net::HTTP::Persistent
but you said that even with the reference it works so, meh
i do some const stubbing in my tests :P
eh back
well you've basically figured it out so great
ljarvis: yeah \o/
naughty stubbing
rather stub my toe.
if I have { 1 => [ 2, 3] }, can I easily turn this into [[1,2], [1,3]]? Support for nesting would be nice. I want to flatten my data
.map {|k, v| [k, v.flatten] } ?
oh, nvm
I am nesting maps right not
.each_with_object([]) {|(k, values), pairs| values.flatten.each do |v| pairs << [k, v] end end
your limited example doesn't give much of an idea what you want to do, but ..
.map{|k,v| v.map{|u,x| [k, u, x] }}
but I'm running out of letters fast
*sob*, rails magic again…
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just reverse the inner tuples, and done!
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hi everyone
fu2ristiq: hi
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so, what's up/
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ruby stuff.
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well that was congenial.
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trying to add a convenient way to have custom normalized & validated AR attributes. it's annoying, though. and I don't know enough about AR's inner workings. *sobs again*
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custom normalized & validated?
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f.ex. in your model: `credit_card_number :colname`. adds a validation for colname. and the setter will normalize input. such as strip dashes etc.
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and why I always write Valdiator instead of Validator is beyond me :D
seems like it should be relatively straight forward, unless I'm misintepreting it?
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depends on how much ugly you want to accept.
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i'd just extend AR::Base with a credit_card_number method which adds a validation and overrides the setter
see, and I'd prefer to have that stuff in reusable modules. and then the fight with AR's magic begins :)
such as `validate :col, custom_validator: true` expecting precisely a class named CustomValidatorValidator. which must either be toplevel or in a module you include into the model.
i see
well, I guess I just close my eyes and live with the ugly.
lunch time
bon ap'
see validates_with, perhaps.
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or even better, validates :cc, credit_card: true; and then define a CreditCardValidator
apeiros: that's the kind of thing I'd just use a model and extend
works out the box.
mikecmpbll: does that allow you to mutate the column?
i guess it would
module and extend*
ljarvis: /shrugs, forgot about that bit. probably could get there.
but I like keeping things in separate modules
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although .. include not extend
I changed it, you were to quick to click
oh :D
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So rack has its own Rack::Builder in config.ru with run app at the end. Most frameworks creates their own Rack::Builder stack and builds it inside the call(env) method. So that means that we have to build two stacks. Why is that?
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When using GTK3 and glade, what's best practice: should I subclass Gtk::Builder or wrap a Gtk::Builder instance?
_ht: I'd say wrap
And do I make each form-element I use into a instance variable, or do I make the builder instance into an instance variable and use @builder.get_object "name" to accesss form elements?
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workmad3, thank you :) I had a look at it before
ok, so it seems like I haven't connected the dots
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and realized I need GENERATED documentation for the classes
I assumed it just needs to be properly commented in code
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cookieburra yeah I used it; you can use a file called rubocop.yml to govern its behaviour. rubocop adheres to some guideline
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guard <3
cookieburra: looking at the code, it seems like a non-empty class or module just needs at least one comment above it that isn't an annotation like 'FIXME:' or 'TODO:'
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cookieburra: doesn't seems to check for generated documentation, just require to document your classes
ljarvis: thanks for your example
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adaedra,yup seems like it. I still don't get why my comments are not OK with Rubocop
cookieburra: !gist your offending code maybe?
?gist even :)
even, https://gist.github.com - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
yup, on it :)
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ljarvis # => 795: unexpected token at '{wot' (JSON::ParserError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/371788)
I was close
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forgot the r!
poor forgot.
who are these people who use a common word as nick?
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Immagine someone who would be named 'ruby' in here :p
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adaedra: or the nick adaedra
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I'm checking the type of the file, that works fine for me, but I'm also checking if file is compressed (tgz) if yes I'm decompressing it and again I'm checking the type of the file. That works fine too :P. The problem I have is that when the compressed file has a directory which has compressed file wich has directories which has again compressed files and so on.
How to write such as method to check all those steps?
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I neved know how many files there will be or directories. I'm reading about the Composite Pattern, but not sure yet if this is what I'm looking...
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izzol: just write a recursive method
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ddv: yes, this is what I need to have... I guess.
Thanks :)
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I once wrote a class called class AlphabeticalHash
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or use last-child
jhass: yeah ! thank you
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thank you so much!! :D
ha, just noticed this when jumping in to #ruby-lang: "The topic for #ruby-lang is: this channel will redirect to #ruby the morning of June 1, Pacific Time"
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not long now
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our worlds will merge and take over the universe
or something
long live #ruby
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much better that way
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gambl0re # => "blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbla ...check link for more (https://eval.in/371955)
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!fact mk experiment Please use your local irb or pry (see ?pry) to experiment, ruboto's eval functionality is for demonstration purposes only.
jhass, I will remember that experiment is Please use your local irb or pry (see ?pry) to experiment, ruboto's eval functionality is for demonstration purposes only.
ruboto: make me a sandwich
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silly bot
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If you remove my spaces, it doesn't work, ruboto
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>> ???->(_){%|00|}.($/):??
ljarvis # => /tmp/execpad-bcbd99e93cd9/source-bcbd99e93cd9:2: warning: string literal in condition ...check link for more (https://eval.in/371968)
alnoo: it's in the stdlib, inside the rubygems gem
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so if I want to use is it, I call Gem::Package::TarReader.new( ... ?
Why don't you try it and see for yourself?
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Sorry, let me be more transparent
that does not work. Trying to figure out if that's the right way to call something from the stdlib
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alnoo: require "rubygems/package"; should do
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so I don't want to get off topic, but this is a rails model I'm working on. Do I still require rubygems/package like I would in a regular ruby file?
alnoo: yes
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ok, will give this a shot. thanks everyone.
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you could also require it in an initializer, though I would require it directly in the model
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hi, is there a way to interrupt a ruby program running with byebug so that byebug gets invoked in the current context? similar to what would happen if you run a C program under gdb?
i'm not seeing anything in byebug's documentation about doing something like that :-/
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wca: You do realize that's what Pry does right?
and why you have binding.pry
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afraid not, will look at it
Look into binding, interesting read for later.
I wish cgi would be removed from stdlib and the useful parts be replaced by http_util and html_util or something
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Vendella I don't like either one if that helps :)
Vendella: for is discouraged, so...
but yeah, is that a real example?
first one would seem more natural ruby
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because that's just String#==
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oh wait
what are you actually comparing
first method uses (), second does not
he really tricked us :)
actually it's not
what does it even do...
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jhass do you use () parens in method definitions?
they're not the same logically
The point is, use for in or each?
shevy: in my own projects I don't
shevy, Then don't say you don't like either
but I don't like either of those two suggestions!
Vendella: what's your actual goal?
first one seems better than the second one though
The == is somehow implemented, you think it's magic?
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== is a method
and magic
String#==, Fixnum#==, Array#==
!= calls it too
and negates the result
jhass: thanks. that worked perfectly. It even unescaped this one, too: “<b>What you need to know about your customers</b><p>”
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in fact I only type === when I'm rapidly switching between JS and Ruby and typo >_<
I also use .is_a? - I think the ruby cgi module uses .kind_of?
wca: I actually try not to interrogate objects to find out what kind of thing they are
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*CGI class rather
lots of rubys stdlib is not very idiomatic code anymore :/
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I usually prefer Object#responds_to? to Object#kind_of? or Object#is_a?
well, a lot of that was written like 1999-2001
perhaps crystal will replace ruby one day
sorbo_: sure, sometimes it's better to just call a method if that objects responds to it
shevy: I don't think so
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I’m kind of surpised those classes didn’t become more idiomatic during the major language enhancements…either at the 1.8 ==> 1.9 turn or at the 1.9 ==> 2.0 turn.
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people are lazy!
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you sort of need project owners, such as you have with (many) gems
programmers are also used to keep the existing style when working on existing code
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you conform to style of other people?
if I collaborate? sure
first mover usually wins :\
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I conform to existing style when collaborating and also when changing environments
I super hate tabs for indentation but I use them when writing Go
(actually go fmt makes this pretty painless)
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so you are a tabster
I use two spaces for everything except Python (four spaces) and Go (tabs)
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I haven't written Python in a long time though
I returned for a small script the other day and blindly applied two spaces there too now :D
why did the python guys end up with four spaces and ruby guys with two?
well, that's not completely true. I think I use four spaces for Swift too
shevy, these are the great mysteries of the universe
shevy: because indentation is everything in python.
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plus, four spaces or 1 tab used to be the norm back in the golden age of programming.
two spaces is good in ruby because it forces your methods to be smaller
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one could argue four spaces does the same because you hit the column limit earlier, thus hit the line limit earlier
I think it's pure preference, getting used to
there was a golden age of programming?
I had no issue writing two spaces python
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mwlang 1 tab ok; but why does this translate to 4 rather than 2 in python?
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one thing that I like about 4 spaces in Python is that the indentation inside functions match the position of the function name
I looked at the linux kernel; for instance, watchdog.c, the guy who write it uses tab for indentation
as 'def ' takes 4 spaces :P
shevy: sorry, I was somewhat obtuse. Basically, in the old days, monitors were low resolution affairs…96dpi and worse. a tab was rendered as approximately four spaces and four spaces was usually used because that was most comfortable to read.
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over the years, monitors got better and fonts got better and things looked decent at 2 spaces instead of 4. people started changing.
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older languages (i.e. python) probably just kept the convention because it just reads better with four spaces since indentation drives the language.
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aren't ruby and python about the same age?
ruby is a bit older, but it appears that Python became "popular" first
jhass: Python came out in the 80s when those low-res monitors were still common.
Ruby 1995, Python 1991
Python: 1991; 24 years ago according to WP
Ruhy: 1995; 20 years ago
really? damn, I thought Ruby was in 91 and Python in 94-95
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wells, it isn't a big difference
“Python was conceived in the late 1980s[1] and its implementation was started in December 1989[2] by Guido van Rossum at CWI in the Netherlands” also from wikipedia.
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Java was 1995
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all I know is I remember seeing it when I was in college, so that timeframe definitely matches my personal experience.
* apeiros
considers ruby, python & java to be of roughly the same age
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lisp is over 50 years old
when did 120dpi monitors start hitting the scenes?
I'm kind of astounded that Ruby and Java are the same age and JVM GC is so much more sophisticated
58 or 59 I think with the first interpreter 60?
yeah like ruby has a much money put into it as Java right :P
Are there books/websites/blogs/other recommended readings for kind of..learning to structure ruby code? I find myself writing a fair amount of scripts, and while trying to make use of classes and modules I can't help but feel I'm not doing things the best practice way.
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tl;dr any recommended reading for code organization?
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i use chruby, but i dont use windows. i wish i could be more help on this topic but i avoid windows for all development
aha, have not heard of Chocolatey before
yeah, I also don't know a ton about windows
hopefully the path trick wallerdev mentioned works
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no one knows about Windows.
forgot: I tend to use rbenv but have also heard good things about chruby. I would avoid RVM
It's a legend.
thanks, all
Made to frighten small kids.
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the ghost baguette story
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sorbo_: im using rbenv. chruby sounds simpler
no kid could eat it so they all died :(
shevy: what do you smoke ?
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fair enough
forgot: IIRC it is. but if rbenv is working for you, if it ain't broke, &c &c
woodstock was my generation even before I was born!
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sorbo_: good point
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do you guys follow a "one class/module per .rb file" guideline?
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i do
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that's for java
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shevy: not everywhere, but where it makes sense to separate things into files
If they are small and related they can go together, but it makes it less clear when you require the file
shevy: more or less. I ocassionally collect things like constants, error classes, etc. which may be multiple classes or values into an aptly named file “constants.rb” “errors.rb” etc.
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I don’t really like 3 or 4 line source files so if there’s an obvious theme, I tend to gather the small stuff up.
shevy: usually, not always.
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ditto dfockler & mwlang
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I found in ruby cgi, core.rb file, the class CGI, and also a module embedded in it, module QueryExtension
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doesnt make sense?
Modules provide a namespace and prevent name clashes.
re avoid collisions: for that the toplevel module is/should usually be sufficient (i.e. if your gem name is foo_bar, your toplevel module is FooBar)
rule one from that link =)
>> def foo ; 1,2; end
arup_r # => /tmp/execpad-746b8d176550/source-746b8d176550:2: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting keyword_end ...check link for more (https://eval.in/372056)
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then you can do FooBar::CoolClass.new
Not valid! :/
arup_r: you either need the return keyword or have to wrap it in an array.
miah: ah right I misunderstood you; my rebuttal was that a module constant can clash with an existing class name
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why this design
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arup_r: ask matz
ljarvis: sorry, i mean is ruby module the equivalent of mixin in other languages?
forgot: in what languages?
forgot: it may be similar. it's almost never equivalent, though.
I never use module, I always use class
>> class Array; end; module Array; end
miah # => Array is not a module (TypeError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/372057)
ljarvis: like python?
forgot you call it a mixin when you actually mix it in to a class using include
IMO ruby would be a lot simpler without module
eam nobody shall believe you
which isn't always the use of a module but can be
eam: instead allowing to use include/extend with classes? might even work
eam well, I'd like to unify classes and modules, but I definitely would not want to get rid of include
didn’t I read somewhere that modules were basically classes by another name and it’s just convention that modules aren’t instantiated?
If module didn't exist we wouldn't have ambiguity around Foo::Bar::Baz
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apeiros: just do multiple inheritance, no big
classes are modules that can be instantiated
apeiros # => /tmp/execpad-992e78a365be/source-992e78a365be:7: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting ke ...check link for more (https://eval.in/372059)
Alayde wouldn't mind putting time into building a little but don't want to spend a week on it
maybe like ... two days
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minix, it's fast
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what about gnu hurd?
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bootstrappm: Hm, well I'm probably the fuddy duddy in the room but I'd suggest debian stable netinstall myself. It's what I run at home, took me about 3-4 hours to get running (but I'm pretty linux savvy) and configured how I want it
im personally a fan of Archlinux. I run it on all my gear.
i'm leaning towards Arch, yeah
apart from my osx work laptop
Arch is pretty good too. I used to run it back in the day, though eventually I got tired of the rolling release thing
but, still cool
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yeah Alayde? I tried Debian on this laptop before but couldn't get it working because my wifi card isn't linux friendly. I bought a USB adapter for wifi later but by that time had already installed elementary
might give it another go
i havent had a issue with arch / rolling release (though i have with gentoo and portage)
but it was usally because of portage changes that made upgrading a pita
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bootstrappm: I feel you there, my card isn't supported out of the box ether. But I just did my install over ethernet, and installed the necessary non-free drivers after the fact
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i saw a bit up that people were saying rbenv or chruby > rvm
when did people move away from rvm? I think i missed that train
i'm still using it
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I have a function that only returns if a condition is met. x = foo(y) is a string if y is a certain string, for example. How can I check that "x" has something assigned to it or not after the function is called?
*only returns a value
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i use chruby / ruby-install. its super minimal and doesnt wrap shell commands
and I'm still using rvm. It does a great job and never had any worries.
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I had a hell of a fight with RVM like 18 months ago
looks like the fight between rbenv chruby and rvm is fiercer than that between vim and emacs
which, TBH, was probably more Apple's fault than RVM's (OS upgrade)
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I'd usually say triy one and if it doesn't work move on and try the second
but I had to nuke RVM from orbit and took the opportunity to switch to rbenv
have had no trouble since
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that's reasonable advice dreinull75
so bootstrappm if RVM is working for you, keep on keeping on
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i think they all work reasonably well
these things are meant to keep you worry free. if it doesn't do it, get out quickly.
cool sorbo_ thanks!
^ ++
as long as you conform to their expected workflow
np boss
i've only ever had trouble w/ rvm using crons
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because of the aforementioned "weird shit to your shell"
same with python and ruby. Never managed to get python running with envs and whatever the hell they want me to install.
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you mean virtual-env dreinull75?
totally not getting it :) I'm an absolut failure.
i havnet had many issues with virtualenv
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you just have to remember to always source your 'bin/activate' stuff
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which do you think is better in terms of readability, singleton_class.class_eval or class << self?
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or i guess a better question would be, which is better in terms of understandability by rubyists
the latter
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class << self
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rubyists will automatically recognize class-shovel-self
I'm not sure I've even seen singleton_class.class_eval before
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sorbo_: its kinda something i came up with on my own. i've been using it in my own code, but i generally don't see other people using it
agreed, class << self. Don't understand it but have seen it enough to get the intention
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ok that's what i figured. thanks everyone
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hololeap: np
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class << x means "open x's eigenclass for modification"
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you can think of the eigenclass as the object itself, i.e. methods added there are for that object only
ok one more if you don't mind: `!!some_non_boolean` vs `true & some_non_boolean` in terms of commonality and understandability
so class << self says "open this class and put everything that follows directly on this object"
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hololeap: !!some_non_boolean, though RuboCop hates it
that's an area where the robot and I disagree
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sorbo_: i understand class << self, but i just never found it very readable, and frankly its hard to search for in google when you first encounter it :)
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symbolhound.com ;)
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jhass: that's awesome
why doesn't google support PCRE search? ;)
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because then when you do a google search, you have two problems
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i don't get it <_<
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thanks for that sorbo_. Is adding it to the eigenclass technically the same as adding it to the object (like say, in JS) or is it just a way to think about it?
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*singleton class
that's the term ruby core settled for, we should phase the other ones out
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hololeap: sure thing (& definitely hear you re: class << self)
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bootstrappm: I'm not sure. I've always believed that eigenclass & object itself are synonymous in Ruby, but I might be mistaken.
I'll have to re-read Pat Shaughnessy's Ruby Under a Microscope
goes through Ruby internals, v. interesting & well-written
jhass: :p
how can I use "testing" in my dev.rb file. ARGV doesn't seem to work here: irb -r ./dev.rb testing
lololol greeeat xkcd
jhass thanks, I'll try to use singleton class from here on out
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dreinull75: that give me a file not found error, its looking for testing
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not here
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irb and ruby version dreinull75?
bootstrappm 2.2.2p95
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irb version dreinull75?
screenshot of output?
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What's the #ruby-lang vs #ruby difference about again, and how come they get unified only now?
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Welcome to TESTING. You are using ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]. Have fun ;) []
I've asked this before (years ago) and forgot.
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where [] is p ARGV
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I see dreinull75. I'm honestly still stuck on why irb on your machine didn't try to look for a file called testing to run O_o, I'll defer to somebody else
bootstrappm I use all kinds of weird gems in irb. might be related to that
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I'll skip it for now.
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thanks for looking into it though
anyone can help me for a bit with google api oauth?
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I'm using the google_drive gem just to access the content of a google spreadsheet
used to use GoogleDrive.login(email,password) easily but now I need to do the whole oauth process
which is tedious to say the least
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I've never used it apt-get_, sorry
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geez…do javascript html editors just not get how to escape and unescape HTML tags? Who does FUBAR mashups like “<p>Hello, <b>World</b></p> (for <p>Hello, <b>World</b></p>) — note the mixing of unicode and named entities. *sigh*
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no wonder sanitizing foreign html is such a chore.
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like, WYSIWYG editors?
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Is there a good way to combine regex and Array's 'include?' method? So like array.include?(/string_one|string_two/)
My google-fu is failing me, as are my random IRB shots in the dark lol
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bootstrappm: yeah, that’s what I’m referring to.
the MCE’s, CFKEditors, TinyMCE’s, etc. of the world.
Alayde: Array#grep
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yeah, horrendous output mwlang
or .any?
jhass: ah hah! grep is what I was looking for
I think I actually prefer sanitizing MS-Word’s horrendous HTML output over some of these JS-based editor’s outputs. It may be a ridiculous, overkilling mess, but at least it’s consistently bad in every way, so it’s easy to sanitize.
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anyone know how to document throw with yardoc?
not I
:o, you use throw/catch in your public API?
mwlang I'm starting to feel bad for the things you've had to work with hahaha
sandelius raise?
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jhass well half public, implementation api
I don't see a tag to document it, I guess it's just way too uncommon
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bootstrappm: never feel bad for me! I willing take on the crap nobody else will touch for the right price. :-) Somebody else here coined it…”technical debt sin eater” but I’m adopting that moniker! (they forgot to (tm)
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hahah nice
jhass yeah couldn't find it either
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jhass throw+catch is awesome if used wisley
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sandelius I've never seen it used, whats a good / cool use of it?
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when would be a good use case for catch/throw as opposed to begin/rescue ?
though part of my brain thinks it looks too much like goto
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is there really no easy-to-use gem for getting google spreadsheets?
I don't want to go through the whole oauth process + getting credentials + everything else
for fetching data from a single spreadsheet
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I think I’m gonna blog this puppy up, but if you’re curious, this is the solution I have (so far) for sanitizing HTML that can come from literally anywhere… https://gist.github.com/mwlang/77d8ca36fd22003ade80
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sorbo_: sandelius same, it feels like goto to me, and worse like goto across function/method boundaries
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jhass yeah
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so i'm reading through poodr, in "ch7 > writing inheritable code > preemptively decouple classes" Metz says that you should use hooks to eschew the use of `super` and that it only works for one level of inheritance.
This seems valid, but then she goes on to say that adding another level of inheritance breaks it by forcing the next level to use `super`. Why not suggest to provide another hook if you need another level of inheritance.
mwlang quite clean code layout you have there
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shevy: thanks
apt-get_ I think there are like pieces and snippets left and right... there was one project with excel-spreadsheets I think. Dunno about new age solutions, although perhaps you can also ask in #rails, sometimes the rails people have implemented something like that (if it is web-related, which spreadsheets could be)