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<uhsf> I'm trying to solve a problem since a few hours. cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError). Using ruby 2.2.2, passenger and nginx. Please help.
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<uhsf> the error page says RUBY_VERSION = 2.2.2 and RubyGems paths = ["~/.gem/ruby/2.2.0", "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0"]
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<uhsf> RubyGems paths seems wrong. How to change it to ~/.gem/ruby/2.2.2?
<sevenseacat> its not wrong, thats the api version
<uhsf> sevenseacat: how to solve: cannot load such file -- bundler/setup (LoadError)?
<sevenseacat> install bundler?
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<uhsf> sevenseacat: I have bundler installed in ~/.gem/ruby/2.2.2/gems/bundler-1.9.9 why passenger can't load it?
<sevenseacat> hmm
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<uhsf> sevenseacat: when using passenger directly in app directory it works fine.
<uhsf> sevenseacat: when using nginx it doesn't work
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<sevenseacat> i dont know, sorry mate.
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<shevy> uhsf I just installed bundler via gem
<shevy> in irb, I did this:
<shevy> require 'bundler/setup'
<shevy> and it works
<shevy> so you (a) either do not have it installed, or (b) have it installed somewhere where by default it can't be found
<shevy> I did not try user-install though
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<powersurge> so in python if you have a tuple like ('foo', 'bar') you can do 'tuple unpacking' which is baz, foobar = ('foo', 'bar'). I know you can do similar in ruby with arrays but for the life of me I can't remember what ruby calls it
<powersurge> anyone able to jog my memory?
<shevy> but from my experience, user-installed gems work just as the normal system-installed gems too
<powersurge> not having success trying to google it
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<shevy> I am not sure what this is
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<shevy> tuple unpack?
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<powersurge> it's a pythonism that I was using to describe the behavior that ruby does
<powersurge> but in ruby
<powersurge> imagine this foo, bar = ['foo', 'bar']
<shevy> do you mean foo, var = *bla ?
<powersurge> foo # 'foo' and bar # 'bar'
<powersurge> yea that's ultimately the same behavior shevy
<shevy> >> foo, bar = *['foo', 'bar']; bar
<ruboto> shevy # => "bar" (https://eval.in/369787)
<powersurge> looking for the term for it in ruby because I wnated to know a little more about it, specifically if holes are allowed
<shevy> yeah googling for * is hard
<shevy> you may have more luck via symbol-hound for such weird method names
<powersurge> >> foo, bar = ['foo', 'bar']; bar
<ruboto> powersurge # => "bar" (https://eval.in/369789)
<powersurge> ^ looking for more detail on that behavior rather than the splat operator
<shevy> aha
<shevy> parallel assignment?
<powersurge> there's deffo a name for it, and it's on the tip of my tongue
<powersurge> maybe!
<powersurge> the term on my tongue is something like 'array decompression' or 'array deconstruction' or something...
<powersurge> I'll see if parallel assignment scratches my itch
<powersurge> ty
<shevy> well, if you mean to decompose an array then the * is the way to go
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<shevy> >> array = [1,2,3,4]; foo, *bar = array; bar
<ruboto> shevy # => [2, 3, 4] (https://eval.in/369790)
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<powersurge> the array I'll be decomposing/compressing/w/e will be known to be a pair
<powersurge> and if it's not a pair I don't mind the stuff after the first two elements becoming 'lost'
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<gambl0re> guys...how do i make a website like espn. what front/back end frameworks should i look into?
<sevenseacat> gl with that
<gambl0re> thanks..
<gambl0re> any suggesions?
<powersurge> that's a pretty broad question. so broad in fact that there's not really a correct answer gambl0re
<powersurge> what do you know?
<gambl0re> ht
<gambl0re> html/css
<shevy> gambl0re build with .cgi!
<powersurge> mmm
<powersurge> you've got quite a way to go, I'm afraid
<shevy> you can do it
<gambl0re> thats why im asking which technologies i need to use so i can learn it
<gambl0re> or a site like cnn..
<powersurge> imo the next steps would be to read some introductory tutorials to ruby, php, & python and then make a call on which one fits the way you think best
<powersurge> all of these technologies are more or less equivalent at the end of the day, and it really boils down to preference
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<powersurge> from there you can start looking at the specific platform/framework and narrow your focus
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<powersurge> there are more general web focused channels that can help you as you pick and learn a backend technology like #web, #webdevs & #webtech
<gambl0re> do you recommend bootstrap or foundation? im thinking of rails or angular for backend
<powersurge> for you I don't recommend anything at that level yet
<powersurge> it doesn't sound like you have the foundational knowledge yet
<gambl0re> i have it!
<ebonics> bootstrap is old
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<powersurge> I'd recommend learning a backend technology where the technology is one of: ruby, php, or python and then learning js to complement your existing html & css
<gambl0re> bootstrop is not old?...new version just got released. get with the program.
<powersurge> html + css are both declarative programming languages and are a world apart from imperative languages
<ebonics> no one takes bootstrap seriously anymore
<ebonics> foundation replaced it
<gambl0re> i already did codecademy ruby already.
<powersurge> mmm
<ebonics> personally i dont bother with either of them
<powersurge> if you feel that you like ruby then the next step, imo would be to play with sinatra and learn ruby in a web context
<powersurge> sinatra does very little for you and will teach you about how http works
<ebonics> just slap in normalize and write your own grid with sass
<gambl0re> foundation is more widely used than bootstrap?
<ebonics> no bootstrap is because its popular among noobs
<powersurge> once you get a handle on that you can move up to rails which is the defacto standard in ruby
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<ebonics> foundation is better though and more widely used among actual frontend devs
<powersurge> alternative full stack frameworks exist though, if you are curious
<powersurge> bootstrap is still crazy popular and pretty widespread
<powersurge> I find foundation ot be very buggy
<ebonics> uwot
<powersurge> although I prefer it for how... composable it is, I should say
<gambl0re> bootstrap includes responsive design.
<powersurge> the most useful thing in either is the grid system which you don't really need nowadays with flexbox imo
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<gambl0re> thats why its popular..
<powersurge> foundation does as well
<ebonics> gambl0re, you'll find out soon how little that means
<powersurge> the biggest thing bootstrap has going for it is inertia
<ebonics> depending on bootstrap for responsiveness is garbo
<gambl0re> company's need responsive design you know.
<powersurge> loads of themes and blog posts and all kinds of stuff
<ebonics> yeah, you do that yourself
<ebonics> bootstrap etc limits your freedom
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<gambl0re> yo man, it's pretty complicated to handcode a responsive site
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<powersurge> yea, bootstrap & foundation are both starting points. the more complex and unique your design goes the more you'll drop from the toolkit
<gambl0re> thats why theres frameworks
<ebonics> no its actually not
<powersurge> check out flexbox and media queries gambl0re
<ebonics> ^
<powersurge> it's much simpler than it has been
<ebonics> and sass
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<powersurge> which is a big reason why you see fewer dedicated grid systems
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<ebonics> using frameworks is old meta
<powersurge> heh 'old meta'
<ebonics> and the only ones sttill using them generally are people who are dependent on them
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<powersurge> competitive gamer identified!
<ebonics> lol
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<duderonomy> why is recommended to do sinatra before rails?
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<powersurge> rails has a load of magic and it can be frustrating without a base understanding of http imo
<powersurge> like driving on the highway before you drive on the street imo
<sevenseacat> i wouldnt say its recommended
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<powersurge> ya, it's my recommendation :>
<powersurge> which you can take with a grain of salt
<duderonomy> yeah, I spent a lot of time re-reading route tables; still don't "know it"
<powersurge> mmm
<sevenseacat> if you already have a lot of web MVC experience, I dont see the benefit in using sinatra first as a stepping-stone for rails
<powersurge> I agree
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<ebonics> how does rails compare to like laravel
<powersurge> but if you're starting from scratch, imo, learn ruby -> learn sinatra -> learn rails
<ebonics> ive never used rails
<uhsf> Can someone please take a look at this and tell me how to fix it?
<powersurge> you'll find a fair amount of familiarity
<powersurge> laravel borrowed a ton from rails
<ebonics> rly
<powersurge> yea
<powersurge> the routing system, similarities in the orm
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<sevenseacat> most php frameworks borrowed a boatload from rails
<powersurge> resourceful routing
<ebonics> the ORM is based on doctrine
<gambl0re> i like to go 0-100 real quick...
<ebonics> and the routing system is based on every MVC ever
<gambl0re> i dont like taking baby steps.
<gambl0re> i like to jump right in.
<sevenseacat> true, most web frameworks have similar sort of routing
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* sevenseacat was happy to discover that when looking at phoenix framework for elixir
<powersurge> you'll be surprised how much is familiar as you learn, I'l bet ebonics
<powersurge> bah, I'm supposed to be working
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<havenwood> sevenseacat: pattern matching \o/
<powersurge> got sucked in
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<ebonics> im sure its similar
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<gambl0re> the hardest part of rails is the database model....f*cking confusing when you have more than one db and they to connect with each other.
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<ebonics> that's super easy with laravel
<gambl0re> how so?
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<ebonics> it's like
<gambl0re> is laravel mvc?
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<ebonics> $db1 = $eloquent->use("db1");
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<ebonics> $db2 = $eloquent->use("db2");
<ebonics> yes it is
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<gambl0re> but rails is the defacto........
<gambl0re> company's use rails..
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<ebonics> laravel was the most contributed to github repo in 2012 or 2013 or something
<ebonics> ppl use laravel m8
<ebonics> plus in actual EE people use java/spring, not rails lol
<gambl0re> are you aussie?..
<ebonics> nope
<gambl0re> where?..
<ebonics> canadia
<gambl0re> me too..
<gambl0re> where?
<vifino> ĸ
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<ebonics> the only place in canada worth living in
<gambl0re> toronto?
<ebonics> ^
<gambl0re> im from scarborough man..
<ebonics> nice
<gambl0re> where you from
<ebonics> canadia
<gambl0re> which area?
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<gambl0re> you're not from toronto..
<ebonics> t'ronno
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<gambl0re> we dont use the word m8...unless your an expat
<gambl0re> you're
<ebonics> i'm from the internet
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<gambl0re> ok.
<ebonics> i don't conform to the hip toronto lingo
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<gambl0re> whats hip toronto lingo?
<ebonics> you tell me
<ebonics> whatever you use in place of m8 since it's clear there is a regimented approach to language where youre from
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<bootstrappm> yeah we use laravel alongside rails. one for consumer product, other for admin interface
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<powersurge> rails is defacto in ruby, sure gambl0re
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<powersurge> but every language has their preferred frameworks
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<powersurge> python has django, php has... a few, heh
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<gambl0re> i want to learn frameworks that will help me get a job...
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<gambl0re> laravel is probably nice to know but i dont think company's use it as much as rails which will put me a disadvantage.
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<kinduff> Good morning good people
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<powersurge> laravel is the little brother of another framework called symfony2, they use a lot fo the same libs under the hood
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<powersurge> between the two it's probably more popular overall than rails is
<gambl0re> symfony2 is more popular than rails?
<powersurge> not to talk you off of rails, of course :>
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<kinduff> gambl0re: highly doubt it
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<powersurge> php is much more popular than ruby and symfony2 is the current darling of the php world
<kinduff> lets avoid talking about php again :V
<powersurge> fair
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<powersurge> tbh gambl0re it sounds like you've got a bit of tunnel vision going on. I'd encourage you to focus on what you like rather than what will get you employed immediately
<sevenseacat> +1
<powersurge> jumping straight into rails without any prior web or ruby experience is a recipe for frustration
<sevenseacat> +100
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<kinduff> +1000 both coments from powersurge
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<powersurge> are _ holes idiomatic in ruby? if you're unpacking an array and don't care about the first var, for example
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<Radar> powersurge: I think so
<powersurge> cool, ty
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<gambl0re> ok fine...do you suggest i learn sinatra first??
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<gambl0re> i mean lavarel?
<powersurge> if you stay with ruby I suggest learning sinatra and then rails
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<powersurge> but my base advice is to play with the major players in the web space (ruby, python, php) and find one which fits your head the best and go from there
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<powersurge> the advice will be similar in any of the three languages though. learn a micro framework and then a fullstack framework
<sevenseacat> my advice to someone just starting web dev would probably be 'start with flat html'
<powersurge> he said he's got some base html/css experience
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<powersurge> but yes, I agree :>
<sevenseacat> ah okay
<sevenseacat> missed that part
* Radar remembers banning gambl0re
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<shevy> lol
<powersurge> I can't remember what the popular php micro framework is
<powersurge> going to drive me crazy if I don't figure it out
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<gambl0re> im only learning ruby because everybody says ruby makes people happy or something like that...
<gambl0re> cakephp?
<powersurge> cakephp is pretty big and bloated, deffo not micro, heh
<powersurge> but yea, the convo is deffo going to be off topic here
<sevenseacat> my advice would also be 'if you're here trying to learn just do you can get a job, leave now'
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<sevenseacat> *just so
<gambl0re> why
<powersurge> there are general web channesl like #web, #webdevs, #webtech that will help you pick a language and give advice to get better at it
<powersurge> well he may find out he likes it sevenseacat
<gambl0re> those are zombie channels. dead.
<powersurge> #web deffo isn't dead
<sevenseacat> if he liked it, he would have been interested to try it without the pressure of OMG NEED JOB
<powersurge> and I idle in #webtech a lot, we're mostly active during the weekdays though
<powersurge> fair
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<powersurge> #web currently has 367 users in it
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<powersurge> not sure what you'd define as 'lively' if that's dead :>
<Radar> popcorn
<sevenseacat> but thats my opinion. i could rhapsodize for days about that kind of stuff. maybe i should write a blog post about ot.
<sevenseacat> it
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<powersurge> imo I think passion being a requirement for developing is a little oversold. especially the github as a resume bit that's making the rounds
<powersurge> that one in particular implies that you have to work for free on your own time to get a job if your existing job isn't open source friendly
<sevenseacat> we're talking about web development, not sit-in-an-office-and-play-with-ten-year-old-java
<powersurge> but ya I do think you have to like it at least a little, heh
<sevenseacat> that can be done by zombies
<powersurge> if you just clock in for your 8hrs then ultimately you'll be left behind
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<powersurge> doing whatever the equivalent of COBOL is 5 yrs from now
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<sevenseacat> web development is a fast moving field - if you dont have a keen interest (and sometimes even if you do) you'll be left behind
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<shevy> java zombies
<sevenseacat> import javax.zombie.braaaaaaains;
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<ebonics> m8
<ebonics> are you trying to say java is oldmeta
<sevenseacat> no idea what 'oldmeta' means so
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<ebonics> it's a term applied to games when certain characters or strategies get phased out of the "meta" in favour of new ones
<sevenseacat> and what is 'the meta'?
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<ebonics> metagame
<powersurge> yea
<sevenseacat> I'd consider myself a gamer and I still have no idea what you're talking about.
<powersurge> meta is a greek word. I forget exactly what it means but metagame essentially means 'the game within the game'
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<powersurge> so, like, (opening myself up here) in competitive pokemon only the top 20-30 pokemon are *truly* viable
<powersurge> that's the OU meta because you can only really play with those pokes
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<powersurge> it's the game-within-the-game because there's a de facto restricted ruleset
<sevenseacat> yep now i get it
<shevy> yeah yeah - some things are overpowered, others underpowered
<sevenseacat> viable builds, etc.
<ebonics> you not knowing what oldmeta is is sort of old meta
<ebonics> #justsaying
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<powersurge> competitive pokemon is p. boss btw
<powersurge> highly recommend it
<shevy> please
<powersurge> come at me bro
<shevy> competitive
<powersurge> I'm actually a little rusty, I haven't adapted well to the ORAS games coming out and I've been really sucked into monster hunter lately
<powersurge> not sure what the off topic rules are here
<shevy> POKEMON
<powersurge> you'd be surprised shevy
<powersurge> it's a very deep and compelling game when you get into the nitty gritty details
<sevenseacat> powersurge: if there's no active ruby discussion, then anything is fair game imo.
<shevy> powersurge can't be too off-topic, we spoke about zombies a minute before
<powersurge> gotcha
<powersurge> yea, I figured late night so it'd be cool
<sevenseacat> as long as discussions dont stop people from discussing programming or getting help.
<powersurge> more relaxed late at night
<ebonics> anyone know shit about posix
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<powersurge> I know... enough, I guess
<ebonics> liek why the usb i just formatted is read only and after i chmod it it goes back to readonly
<powersurge> mm, beyond me, heh
<shevy> posix was written by RMS and others right
<miah> lol
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<ebonics> this is scurry
<miah> my guess is udev
<ebonics> i'm backing up stuff and this usb is trolling me
<shevy> lol
<shevy> ebonics I felt like that a minute ago too
<ebonics> i got the file on it
<shevy> mplayer would not play audio on the commandline; videos in firefox worked fine, audio. I suspected my old nemesis, pulseaudio & alsa
<ebonics> through.. methods
<ebonics> now when i try to eject it it says its busy
<ebonics> like m8 u wot
<ebonics> lol pulseaudio D:
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<ebonics> oh
<ebonics> LMAO
<shevy> well I just got all fixed
<ebonics> it's cause i had gparted open
<shevy> and I kicked pulseaudio out too
<powersurge> heh
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<powersurge> shevy: competitive pokemon, yo http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-168507628
<ebonics> i think it's funny when people say you corrupt the filesystem on usbs permanently
<ebonics> if you pull them out
<ebonics> like they never thought to use gparted on it
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<shevy> I had some bad luck lately
<shevy> with USB hdds
<ebonics> it does feel like luck sometimes
<shevy> since then I try to be a well-behaving person; always properly umount before unplugging
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<shevy> I had like 3 of my external hdds die in the last ~14 months or so :(
<ebonics> how
<ebonics> im actually terrified of using usbs for backups
<kinduff> I want to scrap out all those pokemon gifs
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<powersurge> they've been dumped
<powersurge> ...somewhere, heh
<ebonics> ihave to like take it out, mount it again, check its not corrupt, then keep doing it
<kinduff> they're pretty cool
<powersurge> the pokemon showdown code is open source nodejs
<ebonics> because each time i do it im scared i corrupted i
<ebonics> t
<powersurge> if nothing else I'm sure you can find them there
<shevy> ebonics dunno. they make weird sounds when I try to connect them, and dmesg is full of some corrupted file descriptor bla; one does not even power on at all anymore
<powersurge> if you think that's cool check out this graph I made in pandas kinduff http://i.imgur.com/EQY6nCQ.png
<ebonics> how is it legal to make pokemon games?
<ebonics> dont those games get taken down or anything
<powersurge> I took the data from veekun's open source dump of the pkmn data and graphed the type distribution of pokemon subdivided by the generation that it was introduced in
<powersurge> it only simulates the battles ebonics
<powersurge> since they don't make any money it's considered fair use
<ebonics> i wonder if you could just like
<powersurge> if they built out the whole game it'd be shutdown but as it is it's just the battle mechanics
<ebonics> make one that's 100% p2p
<powersurge> that's what pokemon showdown is, really
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<powersurge> you put your pokemon in, set their ivs/evs/movesets and play online
<kinduff> powersurge very very nice
<ebonics> are there any games that do that?
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<ebonics> like bitcoin protocol meets gaming
<ebonics> or would it be too slow
<kinduff> bitcoin protocol?
<kinduff> bitcoin://
<ebonics> ?
<ebonics> what protocol does bitcoin use
<powersurge> oh, I misread what you said
<powersurge> you said p2p but I read pvp
<ebonics> yeah nvm i knew one of us was the idiot
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<ebonics> not me tho
<ebonics> @ kinduff
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<kinduff> ebonics protocol != network
<ebonics> semantics and shit
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<kinduff> r u even reading m8
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<ebonics> kinduff, how do you think bitcoin works?
<ebonics> does it use smtp?
<ebonics> or does it use a custom protocol?
<kinduff> meh
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<kinduff> what are you trying to archive, ebonics
<ebonics> just random backup stuff
<ebonics> im formatting in a minute
<shevy> countdown started
<ebonics> upgrading dat ubuntu
<ebonics> going bleeding edge m8
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<ebonics> havenwood, i went on a rant earlier about building my own rubiess
<ebonics> i would be a hypocrite
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<havenwood> ebonics: build away!
<ebonics> havenwood, i have problemsss with mruby
<ebonics> im gonna use v8 instead
<havenwood> ebonics: how are those binary options?
<ebonics> someone should work on that damn regex library
<havenwood> ebonics: use stable versions
<ebonics> havenwood, i compiled the pcre plugin into it. it passed tests
<ebonics> then i run it and any ruby code that uses regex just segfault
<ebonics> with no error messages
<havenwood> ebonics: with mruby-1.1.0?
<ebonics> i spent like a few hours on it too, its hopeless
<ebonics> no the new package
<havenwood> ebonics: the not stable bleeding edge master?
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<ebonics> havenwood, i only tried using the nightlies because there's some issue with go-mruby with the pcre plugin. it's probably my fault but i followed the build instructions and it didnt work out of the box
<ebonics> so i just rm -rf'd and tried with the nightlies
<havenwood> ebonics: mm
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<maknz> I have a question about modules and namespacing. Consider https://gist.github.com/maknz/1d3c80d1b05b5316b075 -- where B is extending, is there a way to specify that class 'relatively' and cleaner, rather than having to repeat the parent module name? Note the 2nd level Bar module and the 3rd level Bar module under Baz, which makes Bar ambiguous
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<ebonics> at first glance and my armchair beginner ruby opinion, that looks like bad design
<ebonics> but i'm actually a shitter so take it with a grain of salt
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<maknz> I want to re-use the bar name, so it's something like SomeNamespace::Errors, and SomeNamespace::SomethingElse::Errors -- which is elegant I feel, but maybe it's not how ruby namespacing was intended
<ebonics> i was ranting about how garbo ruby namespaces are before, so yeah
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<ebonics> maknz, i feel like defining ::Errors isnt clean though
<ebonics> in each namespace
<ebonics> that's hardly code reuse
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<ebonics> SomeNamespace::SomeNamespaceError
<maknz> Something::Errors would be general errors across the library, Something::Bar::Errors would be specific errors for stuff inside Bar.
<ebonics> SomeNamespaceError < GenericError
<maknz> Repeats the class name though :(
<ebonics> like my MRuby namespace would have
<ebonics> MRuby::SegfaultError
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<ebonics> and my PCRE namespace would have MRuby::PCRE::DoesntWorkError
<maknz> right sure.. keep the errors just flat like the classes
<maknz> I kinda liked being able to put them in a module to group them
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<ebonics> that's not modular
<ebonics> why couple them if you don't have to
<shevy> one namespace to rule them all
<maknz> Not sure I see the coupling?
<shevy> and in ebonics' cellar, bind them and spank them
<ebonics> yes
<ebonics> do that
<shevy> haha
<ebonics> maknz, it's not that they're strictly coupled through dependency
<ebonics> but they're coupled by having to share the same namespace
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<shevy> is there a difference between java namespaces and ruby namespaces?
<ebonics> lol
<ebonics> yes
<ebonics> java doesn't have namespaces per se
<ebonics> and encapsulation/privatization is incredibly idiomatic in java
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<ebonics> so it doesn't need them
<ebonics> honestly i have no idea why people hate on java, it's an awesome language
<ebonics> verbose, but awesome
<powersurge> the verbosity is the biggest reason
<powersurge> and the ecosystem kind of sucks imo
<ebonics> use scala then
<powersurge> although new java is better than old java
<powersurge> I intend to, friend :>
<ebonics> what ecosystem
<maknz> I would have thought Foo::Errors and Foo::Bar::Errors woudn't be any different than Foo::Errors and Foo::Bar::NotErrrors? I'm a bit :S on Ruby's modules though
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<powersurge> stuff like struts and hibernate and all that crap
<powersurge> newere java like play and dropwizard looks much more reasonable though
<ebonics> that stuff is only for EE
<ebonics> any EE stuff is bound to be stale
<powersurge> I hear good things about springboot too but I haven't tried it first hand
<powersurge> a big problem with java is it grew up side by side with xml and there's a load of cross polination
<ebonics> i don't see how
<ebonics> unless you mean ant
<shevy> maknz you scope twice via :: there so they shouldn't be in the same namespace
<ebonics> people don't use ant anymore though
<powersurge> ant, the application server standard with java... the name escapes me
<shevy> module Foo; module Errors versus module Foo; module Bar; module Errors
<powersurge> the stuff that jboss & tomcat and stuff use
<ebonics> uh
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<powersurge> servlets I think
<powersurge> the web.xml and all that junk
<ebonics> are you sure it's not tomcat
<powersurge> and even maven has a pom.xml
<ebonics> people mostly use gradle now
<powersurge> pretty hard to say something like that in java imo
<powersurge> change is slow to trickle down
<powersurge> most *new* java uses gradle, sure
<maknz> but the more-deeply-nested Errors shouldn't have any relation to the higher Errors, I would have thought? Or does the fact they're named the same, regardless of nesting, relate them somehow?
<ebonics> no
<ebonics> like
<ebonics> even jdk uses gradle
<ebonics> spring uses gradle
<ebonics> etc
<powersurge> mmm
<powersurge> my experience is at least a year out of date
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<powersurge> so it's entirely possible that the java I was looking forward to then is standard now
<powersurge> the java ecosystem I was looking forward to*
<ebonics> it still has some work to go to "modernize" it, but it's sort of the nice thing about java
<ebonics> iin that you know you're not super far behind when you have to use it again
<ebonics> and all your old stuff is going to run the same
<powersurge> yea, that's a big selling point for java
<powersurge> which is why companies build so much on it
<ebonics> they have strict policies on backwards compatibility
<powersurge> btu it's a double edged sword imo
<powersurge> the language accumulates cruft
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<ebonics> i don't really agree
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<ebonics> that's just a popular opinion that i think is baseless
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<shevy> I always have to download something from oracle
<ebonics> why ;o
<powersurge> I'm obv out of my depth because it's been a while since I've done java dev for work
<shevy> either it is the jre or it is that jdk
<ebonics> you can get openjdk and openjre
<powersurge> but my experience in java was pretty painful due to the libs we were using
<powersurge> I had to use a soap client, for instance, and it required dumping a whole 50-ish megabytes of generated code
<ebonics> java reminds me of like, centos of programming haha
<ebonics> just super duper solid
<powersurge> which I had to modify to support credentials and junk
<shevy> isn't that PHP
<powersurge> left a horrible taste in my mouth
<powersurge> I'd say enterprise PHP has a lot in common with java dev, tbh
<ebonics> i didn't know enterprise php existed
<powersurge> the devs at work who do PHP every day tell me that symfony2 is pretty much a PHP port of... struts, I believe
<ebonics> oh right, symfony
<ebonics> yeah
<ebonics> i prefer laravel
<powersurge> spring I meant to say
<powersurge> I misspoke
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<powersurge> I don't really get enterprise php tbh
<powersurge> it feels a lot like java so why not just make the leap and reap the advantages of the jvm
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<ebonics> i think the benefit of php is that it's a lot easier to find developers
<powersurge> you're emulating everything except the static typing and the speed which are the biggest things that matter
<ebonics> and also it's faster to code with
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<ebonics> but i think php in general is far inferior to java
<powersurge> it's easy to get scrubs & hacks in php sure
<powersurge> but I'm sure there are more professional java programmers than php programmers
<ebonics> of course
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<ebonics> java is highly idiomatic
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<ebonics> java was my first language and i'm glad it was
<powersurge> I'm going to be revisiting java soon
<powersurge> planning on conquering android in the next year :>
<ebonics> hehe
<ebonics> you'd be better off with c++
<powersurge> I just recently switched to RoR
<powersurge> on android?
<ebonics> yeah
<powersurge> ndk is second class afaik
<ebonics> but portable
<powersurge> meh
<ebonics> write for ndk and it ships to ios easily
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<powersurge> I'm not too concerned with that
<powersurge> I find taking shortcuts like that don't pay large enough dividends
<shevy> <ebonics> honestly i have no idea why people hate on java, it's an awesome language
<shevy> <ebonics> you'd be better off with c++
<powersurge> 'shortcuts'
* shevy ponders ...
<ebonics> better off with c++ for mobile dev
<ebonics> because it's cross platform whereas ios doesnt officially support java
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<ebonics> just apple things
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<powersurge> does apple officially support c++?
<powersurge> and in addition to that, you'd have to rewrite all the ui layers anyhow
<ebonics> that isnt a valid questio
<ebonics> n
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<ebonics> c++ compiles to machine codee
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<powersurge> sure it's valid. you have to be able to touch the ui apis in either platform
<ebonics> usually how it's done is you write the entire engine in c++, as much as possible
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<ebonics> then you write glue code for every platform you want to target
<powersurge> if you're writing something totally custom and forgo the ui altogether, I could see your point
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<powersurge> but that only really seems beneficial in something like a game perhaps
<ebonics> the glue code being obj c for ios
<powersurge> not really useful in business applications, imo
<ebonics> and java for 4ndr01d
<ebonics> super useful for business applications
<ebonics> target all the things!
<ebonics> okay i need to format
<ebonics> bai
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<powersurge> yeesh
<powersurge> I just fundamentally disagree with all that, heh
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<shevy> oh man
<shevy> ebonics already was using like 4 languages
<shevy> <ebonics> the glue code being obj c for ios
<shevy> so now he was at... java, C++ and obj c
<shevy> not bad
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<ebonics> i broke the shit out of unity
<ebonics> not even mad
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<xxneolithicxx> anyone know if any gems that install cli bin tools? i need to compare my gem to another that includes bin's to figure out why its not adding my gem's bin files into the ruby's bin dir like it does for nokogiri
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<Vert-> Yo guys
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<sevenseacat> Vert-: we're not all guys here.
<Vert-> I'm having the weirdest glitch - when I cast "blablabla \n blablabla", the output literally said "blablabla \n blablabla"
<Vert-> IT does not interpret it and give me a newline
<Aeyrix> wat
<sevenseacat> because you wrapped your string in single quotes, not double.
<Vert-> Nope, using double quotes
<sevenseacat> show us?
<Vert-> Just a sec, for some reason I can't copy it into memory
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<ruboto> Vert-, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/319eff53f4ff9003788d
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<Vert-> The offending line is the string being returned.
<sevenseacat> and what does it return?
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<sevenseacat> and where/how does it output wrongly?
<Radar> steps to reproduce plzkthx
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<Vert-> If gives me -> "found 31925 bits set to 1\nfound 31715 bits set to 0"
<sevenseacat> where?
<Vert-> When I call this function
<Vert-> In IRB
<sevenseacat> so you're not actually printing the string
<al2o3-cr> Vert-: return doesn't interpret new lines
<Vert-> I see.
<Vert-> Any other way to wedge a newline into the string without interpreting it then?
<sevenseacat> print it out
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<Vert-> I really kinda want to put a newline in the string
<Vert-> Cause the method is going to paste a "nil" in the console afterwards
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<sevenseacat> did you try putting a newline in the string, not a \n char
<Vert-> Instead I'd rather the output value be the.. output value
<Vert-> You mean like actually hitting enter in the middle of the string?
<sevenseacat> yes.
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<Aeyrix> sevenseacat: Would a heredoc work?
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<Vert-> Didn't seem like the ideal solution
* sevenseacat shrugs
<Vert-> Surely there must be a way to reference a newline character?
<sevenseacat> you've been given two solutions
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<Aeyrix> Wait why don't you just print it out?
<Aeyrix> I'd venture that's *the* solution.
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<Vert-> Aeyrix, any way to avoid the return value printing nil in the console if I do that though?
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<Vert-> Cause I was doing this at first
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<Aeyrix> You could stop running it through the interactive ruby interpreter and run it as an actual script?
<Vert-> Not part of the parameters of this exercise
<Vert-> It /has/ to run through IRB
<Aeyrix> Absolutelydisgusting.gif
<Vert-> So I'm trying to get the output to match up to the request.
<Aeyrix> Try p then return '', perhaps.
<Vert-> I'm not quite following.
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<Vert-> You figure there might be a way to interpret the \n /before/ inserting it though?
<Ox0dea> Vert-: Presumably the bit twiddling you're doing is also required by the exercise?
<Aeyrix> Line 23, change 'return' to literal 'p'
<Vert-> #{"\n"} for example?
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<Aeyrix> Line 24, add "return ''".
<Vert-> Oh OH
<Aeyrix> Would theoretically remove 'nil', but I could just be making shit up.
<Vert-> I get you now
<Vert-> Let me try it out, thanks though
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<Vert-> Well IRB does print it properly now, but returns the following after the output | => ""
<Vert-> But fuck it.
<Vert-> They can deal with it
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<Vert-> I've sunk enough time into the second request to do a test for a gig I'm feeling meh about.
<sevenseacat> this was for a job application? cool.
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<Vert-> Yeah, they wanted this and what amounts to a prototyped simplistic banking application
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<Vert-> I actually did this two years ago when this agent referred them to me and made them lots of crazy promises while I had zero interest.
<Vert-> I decided to save his ass but he turned out to be a complete idiot, go figure right?
<Ox0dea> ...
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<Vert-> Now it turned out 2 years later the position was still open and they were willing to concede to a freelance consultant
<sevenseacat> Vert-: would you like a bigger shovel?
<Vert-> Shovel?
<sevenseacat> to either keep shovelling shit or dig yourself a bigger hole
<sevenseacat> not fussed which. both are kind of entertaining.
<Aeyrix> u wat
<Vert-> I'm doing either one?
* Aeyrix has no idea what's going on.
<Ox0dea> Vert-: I suspect sevenseacat finds the quality of your Ruby code at odds with your having landed a Ruby "gig".
<sevenseacat> I just dont think it's wise to enter a channel full of people you don't know, to start slandering a potential employer
<Ox0dea> Or that.
<Vert-> I don't care.
<Aeyrix> Wouldn't it be libel, given that IRC is a textual medium?
<Vert-> The agent I'm referring to didn't last much longer than 6 months.
<sevenseacat> Aeyrix: I'm not sure.
<Vert-> He works in finance now
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<Aeyrix> Vert-: To answer your question, you could patch the interpreter.
<Aeyrix> Best way and would probably get you marks for creativity.
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* Ox0dea is considering submitting a patch to add Numeric#[](Range).
<Vert-> I gotta bail guys, thanks for the assist.
<sevenseacat> Vert-: good luck.
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<pontiki> time for bed
* baweaver reads up
* baweaver sighs
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* baweaver makes program into a one liner for amusement
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<Ox0dea> baweaver: Shall we golf?
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<sevenseacat> i didnt actually read the code too closely.
<baweaver> leave it in the comments section of aforementioned gist? :D
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<sevenseacat> I'm really confused about the first file-reading part though
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<baweaver> Ox0dea: Do we want to count the string print?
<Ox0dea> baweaver: Nah, just return a "tuple" containing the number of zeroes and ones.
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<baweaver> 98
<baweaver> working on shortening a bit more
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<Ox0dea> baweaver: #to_s doesn't pad.
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<baweaver> drat
<baweaver> hm
<baweaver> how much pad for a char was it again?
<baweaver> I think it was 16, but way rusty there
<Ox0dea> 8.
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<Ox0dea> baweaver: I got 66.
<Ox0dea> It's gross, though.
<baweaver> you'll win this one then
<baweaver> I can't get far below 90
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<Ox0dea> `.join.count` feels so verbose here.
<baweaver> 116 :/
<Ox0dea> How'd that happen?
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<baweaver> You've probably got this one
<baweaver> rjust
* baweaver is also not familiar with bit mechanics
<Ox0dea> I've posted mine, if that helps.
<Ox0dea> There are any number of clever bit twiddle approaches, but I highly doubt any of them would be shorter than just using % string formatting.
<Ox0dea> Then again...
* baweaver goes hunting for his copy of Hacker's Delight
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<baweaver> I wonder if you can open a file as binary in ruby
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<Ox0dea> baweaver: Nah, there's #binread, but that's mostly for subverting the automatic CR/LF conversions.
<Ox0dea> 59.
<baweaver> Worth a shot
<Ox0dea> 55.
<Ox0dea> ^_^
<sevenseacat> hax
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* baweaver bows
<Ox0dea> I suppose I'll stop there.
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<baweaver> Ox0dea: Lot of time in C, or how does one get into such bit twiddling?
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<Ox0dea> My final approach doesn't really twiddle any bits; it does use Numeric#[] to *access* the bits, though.
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<Ox0dea> You really can't go wrong reading Hacker's Delight to get better with bitwise arithmetic, but writing C now and again certainly doesn't hurt either.
<baweaver> DevOps by trade, so I rarely touch lower level
<baweaver> Though I do like hacking about a bit from time to time
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<Ox0dea> To be sure, working at the higher levels is generally more enjoyable, but I can't help heeding the "call of the void" now and again.
<baweaver> Last time I heeded it I ended up learning Haskell
<Ox0dea> That is quite a ways from low-level, I should think.
<Ox0dea> But I believe I took your point nonetheless.
<baweaver> Yeah, functional programming is about as far from low level as you can get
<Ox0dea> And yet it's all the lambda calculus at the bottom.
<Ox0dea> There's a strange circularity there.
<baweaver> Granted, but most of the point of it was focus on the problem instead of the machine
<Ox0dea> Right, declarative programming, in essence.
<Ox0dea> "What, now how."
<Ox0dea> *not
<baweaver> Logic programming is a bit of a trip too
<Ox0dea> I've still not been able to convince myself to take that particular plunge.
<baweaver> It's interesting if for no other reasons than finding a new way to think
<baweaver> sevenseacat knows Prolog way better than I do though
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<sevenseacat> o.o I haven't looked at prolog in like ten years
<baweaver> (*read: she took a class on it and I didn't)
<sevenseacat> I took *one* class on it
<Aeyrix> Lol fucking prolog
<Ox0dea> sevenseacat: How about Clojure's core.logic?
<Aeyrix> I actually took a class in Prolog too.
* baweaver ducks
<sevenseacat> I know nothing about clojure
<sevenseacat> am looking at elixir for shits and giggles
<Aeyrix> The class introduced itself with 2001: A Space Odyssey.
<baweaver> Aeyrix: How can you possibly go wrong from there?
<Aeyrix> baweaver: It didn't. :>
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<baweaver> Have you seen that Georgia Tech speech yet?
<Aeyrix> Link?
<baweaver> is epic
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<Aeyrix> @ Work. Will watch at home.
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<Aeyrix> Oh wait, no internet...
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<Aeyrix> I uh, wow that's a bit of a bind.
<baweaver> Aeyrix: depends on your moral compass and if your security expertise expands to wireless
<Aeyrix> I have considered it.
<Aeyrix> And it does. ;)
<baweaver> I have a few 5+ mile antennas
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<baweaver> for reasons
<Aeyrix> tbh if I did, you know, do that, I don't even think the people would notice.
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<Aeyrix> I am a pretty light internet user. I don't even torrent.
<baweaver> Used to work at a Wireless ISP as the only programmer
<baweaver> got a lot of time to have fun with high powered antennas and automation
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* zotherstupidguy morning everyone
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<Ox0dea> zotherstupidguy: Unlikely.
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<ex0ns> Hi ! I've an issue with a Weechat script written in Ruby, nobody in #weechat was able to help me so I'll try here (I really have no idea of what it could be). I want to load the Sequel gem into my script, but when I load the script in Weechat I get the following error : "module_eval': cannot load such file -- sequel (LoadError)"
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<Radar> ex0ns: Try "gem install sequel" first
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<ex0ns> Radar: I've done it and my script works when I load it in IRB
<Radar> ex0ns: then I don't know what could be going wrong.
<ex0ns> One strange point is that when I require rubygems
<ex0ns> I have the following error [200~ uninitialized constant Encoding::UTF_7 (NameError)
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<Ox0dea> Which versions of Ruby and WeeChat are you using?
<ex0ns> ruby 2.2.0
<ex0ns> Weechat 1.2
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<Ox0dea> ex0ns: I suspect using an older version of Ruby would magically solve your problem. :/
<ex0ns> I read that on Stackoverflow
<Ox0dea> Did you try it?
<ex0ns> I will try but I would love to understand why
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<Ox0dea> It's very likely to do with WeeChat's plugin system mucking about with $LOAD_PATH.
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<ex0ns> Ok i'm installing ruby 1.9 to see
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<ex0ns> Ox0dea: thank you for your help
<ex0ns> if it works I might try to look deeper why it's not working
<Ox0dea> ex0ns: Did downgrading do the trick?
<Ox0dea> Ah, then thanks aren't in order just yet. :P
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<yardenbar> Hi, I'm new to ruby so little guidance is needed. I'm trying to use https://github.com/siebertm/parse-cron to determine next cron execution time, can someone help? the example doesn't show how to read the 'crontab -l' content
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<zacts> b haskell
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<Aeyrix> yardenbar: It says in the README that this is not a scheduler. It's not reading crontab -l.
<Aeyrix> It's making a fake crontab with the arguments you give, and then telling you when the next occurrence would be if that was in your crontab.
<yardenbar> I don't need to schedule crons
<yardenbar> I only need to determine the next run
<Aeyrix> My point was it's not reading your crontab at all.
<Aeyrix> It's just parsing the syntax.
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<yardenbar> So I'll manually parse the 'crontab -l' time config and pass it to the gem
<yardenbar> 10x Aeyrix
<Aeyrix> If... if you want.
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<Aeyrix> Is there any reason you're parsing crontab with Ruby and not just parsing it manually?
<sevenseacat> and people wonder why we drink.
<Aeyrix> Hah.
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<tejasmanohar> im trying to setup an app that just redirects all my traffic on one domain to another
<tejasmanohar> like .io -> .com
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<apeiros> use a proxy server
<tejasmanohar> but redirect even the query parameters, url directories, etc.
<tejasmanohar> hm lemme look apeiros
<apeiros> or do a DNS redirect
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<tejasmanohar> apeiros: i tried CloudFlare page rules but it seemed to not redirect my ? parameters
<apeiros> I don't know what cloudflare page rules are
<tejasmanohar> rules for URL forwarding in the CloudFlare panel
<tejasmanohar> but yeah np
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<sevenseacat> definitely something to do at the server config level, eg. with a server alias if using apache
<Aeyrix> wtf just use a CNAME record.
<sevenseacat> or even higher like that.
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<sevenseacat> though having the same content available at two separate URLs is silly in terms of SEO (if you believe in that)
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<tejasmanohar> sevenseacat: redirect, not mask... so "same content" won't be available at two URLs i guess
<sevenseacat> ah true.
<sevenseacat> my bad.
<tejasmanohar> no problem
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<Aeyrix> tejasmanohar: nginx or?
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<Aeyrix> server { server_name your.first.address; listen 80 default; rewrite 301 $scheme://your.other.address.com/$uri; }
<Aeyrix> newlines between semicolons though
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<tejasmanohar> Ah yeah
<tejasmanohar> Let me look. Right now, I'm using Heroku w/ two domains pointed to the 1 app... but now that we bought .com I'm going to move .io to another app to redirect everything to the .com.
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<tejasmanohar> Aeyrix: about your comment earlier, i don't think CNAME can do http redirects...?
<tejasmanohar> were you also thinking masking, not redirection?
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<user121212> Hello, I have image url and I want save it into the disk, Can I save the file without specifying the file name?
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<tejasmanohar> oh looks like I can just do this instead if i dont have Nginx, Aeyrix https://github.com/kenmickles/heroku-redirect/blob/master/web.js
<tejasmanohar> do you see any downsides to redirection through an app like this vs nginx conf?
<apeiros> user121212: since files always require a filename - no. you must specify a name.
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<apeiros> web.js… I don't even…
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<apeiros> sevenseacat: I'll take whatever you took.
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<sevenseacat> :D
<sevenseacat> its actually some server thing, guessing nodejs
<apeiros> from the code, I'd assume so too
<apeiros> but I'd not use node.js for this for the same reason I wouldn't use ruby either.
<sevenseacat> same.
<sevenseacat> but at least it's not client-side.
<apeiros> yeah, before clicking I actually thought it might be one of those old window.location= thingies
<apeiros> those times…
<sevenseacat> window.location.href = window.location.href.sub('.io', '.com') >_>
<apeiros> replace, no?
<sevenseacat> whatever <_<
<apeiros> :D
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<tejasmanohar> sevenseacat: yeah its node w/ express
<tejasmanohar> apeiros: "but I'd not use node.js for this for the same reason I wouldn't use ruby either." - what is that reason?
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<sevenseacat> because it's a server configuration concern
<tejasmanohar> i guess its just overkill for something that could easily be handled withn server config
<tejasmanohar> yeah
<sevenseacat> not an application-level concern
<apeiros> tejasmanohar: cannons to shoot sparrows
<tejasmanohar> eh heroku messes up this picture :P - i could setup something on a linux box i guess
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<tejasmanohar> agreed
<apeiros> I think the english idiom is: use a sledgehammer to crack nuts
<tejasmanohar> yea
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<Aeyrix> Web.js
<Aeyrix> My sides are currently reporting from planet Venus
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<al2o3-cr> !spider
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<Aeyrix> You what?
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<tejasmanohar> ?
<al2o3-cr> i've got to many terminals open :(
<al2o3-cr> and i'm skipping back and forth
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<sevenseacat> yay I made all the code work! ...now I need tofix all the tests
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<Aeyrix> That sounds
<Aeyrix> Backwards
<sevenseacat> shh
<Aeyrix> Aren't you meant to do it the other way?
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<Aeyrix> WOW
<sevenseacat> probably
<apeiros> driven tests design
<tejasmanohar> bdd (but i shouldn't be talking :P )
<Aeyrix> Lmao
<tejasmanohar> lol
<sevenseacat> (and by fix i mean delete tests as theyre no longer necessary)
<Aeyrix> O
<tejasmanohar> LOL
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<apeiros> sounds microsoftian
<apeiros> "our tests fail!" - "delete the test and specify the current behavior as intended"
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<tejasmanohar> sevenseacat: about your comment from earlier, do you think i should serve all my content on either a www subdomain or apex domain and redirect the other but not both?
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<tejasmanohar> (from the SEO perspective)
<Aeyrix> Help
<Aeyrix> Me
<sevenseacat> definitely.
<sevenseacat> pick one and redirect the other to it.
<Aeyrix> Don't use www
<sevenseacat> I'd lean that way also.
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<apeiros> Aeyrix: but it means WORLD WIDE WEB! everybody loves the www. how'd you know the url is not about ftp!?
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<sevenseacat> :P
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<Aeyrix> Wait
<Aeyrix> I don't even use subdomains for that.
<sevenseacat> must be late in theday, i actually started typing a reply to that.
<Aeyrix> Do you ssh into ssh.domain.com?
<tejasmanohar> sevenseacat: yeah, i don't like the www either
<Aeyrix> Even my IRC network is in the top level.
<apeiros> telnet.domain.com
<apeiros> what's ssh?
<Aeyrix> domain.com
<sevenseacat> even later for Aeyrix who needed the sarcasm tags :P
<Aeyrix> Lol
<Aeyrix> Oi
<Aeyrix> Wait shit
<Aeyrix> You were being sarcadgic
<Aeyrix> ... Sarcastic *
<Aeyrix> Thanks phone.
* hanmac1 votes for <sarcasm> tags in HTML6
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* adaedra agrees with hanmac1
<Aeyrix> That's <em>
<tejasmanohar> oh... looks like cloudflare does the trick! http://i.imgur.com/h3bfmnh.png
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* tejasmanohar just realizes he wasted time looking at that nodejs redirect server :\
<tejasmanohar> wow
<sevenseacat> tejasmanohar: success.
<adaedra> nodejs for a redirect ?
<apeiros> but you know, I now wonder why the hell I have smtp./mail./pop3./imap./…
<adaedra> nginx does that itself
<Aeyrix> Cloudflare is radical.
<sevenseacat> adeponte: herokuz0r.
<apeiros> I guess I should question my setup once in a while…
<tejasmanohar> adaedra: heroku :\
<sevenseacat> *adaedra
<Aeyrix> Heroku is lame.
<adaedra> tejasmanohar: ah, ok
<adaedra> sevenseacat: ?
<sevenseacat> i was telling you it was herokuz0r.
<adaedra> oh.
<tejasmanohar> adaedra: sevenseacat tagged the wrong person earlier :P
<Aeyrix> Heroku as a service.
<sevenseacat> and i failed and got the wrong name. sorry adeponte.
<tejasmanohar> Aeyrix lol
<adaedra> what's with all the people with nicks beginning with ad
<Aeyrix> Ae represent.
<tejasmanohar> we should ban it.
<tejasmanohar> jk
<sevenseacat> all of them.
* sevenseacat nods.
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<tejasmanohar> No "ae" either...
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<adaedra> æ
<Aeyrix> Yas
<tejasmanohar> ^ yeah, that's fine adaedra :P
<tejasmanohar> there goes everyones tab completion
<adaedra> too bad nick rules don't accept that
<tejasmanohar> well, that too :P
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<Aeyrix> That's because irc is garbage
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<apeiros> Aeyrix: don't you insult garbage. garbage is useful.
<Aeyrix> Hurr
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<sevenseacat> whats the shortcut for @foo.each { |f| something(f) } again
* sevenseacat lazy
<apeiros> @foo.each(&method(:something)) # fugly IMO
<adaedra> @foo.lazy
<sevenseacat> apeiros: ta
<adaedra> poor ta
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<tejasmanohar> wheregoes.com is so useful
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<Aeyrix> Curl
<tejasmanohar> Aeyrix: i dont wanna turn off browser integrity checks on cloudflare :P
<tejasmanohar> even tho theyre stupid, anyone can get around them using like phantomjs to render js
<tejasmanohar> or selenium
<apeiros> "It's a unique utility that lets you … perform competitive intelligence in a way that wasn't possible before." - say what?
<tejasmanohar> ? apeiros
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<tejasmanohar> what are we referring to here?
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<apeiros> tejasmanohar: your url, wheregoes.com
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<Aeyrix> That site
<tejasmanohar> apeiros: oh lol, i didn't read the description or any of the text there... i just found the tool and it served me well
<tejasmanohar> "It's a unique utility that lets you troubleshoot links and perform competitive intelligence in a way that wasn't possible before."
Affix is now known as Guest85503
<tejasmanohar> competitive intelligence wtf
<apeiros> I guess it's the same as with lyrics
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<apeiros> if you enjoy a song, never try to understand the lyrics
<tejasmanohar> "you won't be disappointed"... what is this? an ad?
<tejasmanohar> lol
<tejasmanohar> amen
<Aeyrix> Only $39.99 a month.
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<sevenseacat> apeiros: lol
<adaedra> apeiros: there are song I enjoy which I also enjoy the lyrics.
<adaedra> songs
<sevenseacat> 90% of song lyrics are just meaningless
<sevenseacat> i sing along to them all anyway
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<sevenseacat> sometimes theyre even in english
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<apeiros> adaedra: yeah. it happens. but I think my general experience is like 9 out of 10 songs I stop liking once I actually listen to the lyrics.
<sevenseacat> some songs are downright disturbing when you listen to the lyrics
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<adaedra> Lucy in the sky with diamonds ♪
<apeiros> yellow submarine…
<sevenseacat> theres one example i have on the tip of my tongue but i cant remember it
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<tejasmanohar> for detecting a mobile browser and displaying a share on email vs a share on SMS link... there's nothing better than user agents, right?
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<adaedra> At least you can taste it, sevenseacat
<sevenseacat> tastes like failure.
<adaedra> tejasmanohar: you can also have both links, and hide based on CSS media queries
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<adaedra> but it may be less accurate
<tejasmanohar> adaedra: yeah but i dont like to change _functionality_ based on screen dimensions... only display
<tejasmanohar> yeah
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<tejasmanohar> sorry, i'm not really talking about ruby here today am i :P ... but i guess none of us are
<Aeyrix> Nobody needs help right now
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<tejasmanohar> if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|ipad|iris|kindle|Android|Silk|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a
<tejasmanohar> wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1
<tejasmanohar> u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg(
<tejasmanohar> g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v
<tejasmanohar> )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm
<sevenseacat> um
<tejasmanohar> (al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(navigator.userAgent.substr(0,4))) isMobile = true;
<sevenseacat> !mute tejasmanohar
<adaedra> um
<sevenseacat> did it work?
<adaedra> it seems
<sevenseacat> \o/
<ytti> god hates regexp
<ytti> is how i picket conferences
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<adaedra> rip
<sevenseacat> !unmute tejasmanohar
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<sevenseacat> hmm.
<tejasmanohar> sorry about that.
<adaedra> ruboto seems to take its time sometimes.
<Aeyrix> Looks like tejasmanohar needs help.
<Aeyrix> But not of the ruby kind.
<adaedra> tejasmanohar: gist
<tejasmanohar> did __not__ mean to paste that in IRC. yeah Aeyrix different kinda help, sleep
<Aeyrix> :P
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<tejasmanohar> adaedra: i didn't even mean to show it to IRC in general :P - that was for the next workspace ugh
<adaedra> UGH
<adaedra> Go to sleep :)
<tejasmanohar> anyhow (/iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry/).test(navigator.userAgent) is prob enough :P
<adaedra> BlackBerry still exists?
<tejasmanohar> yeah cut that one too
<Aeyrix> Yeah
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<tejasmanohar> also saw request.user_agent =~ /Mobile|webOS/ around the web but not sure how much that covers O.o
<adaedra> Well, then begins the loong path of finding all devices and test :/
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<tejasmanohar> adaedra: or just going with the big regex :P
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<adaedra> wouldn't big regex also means reduced performance?
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<Aeyrix> Yes
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<tejasmanohar> adaedra: yeah
<tejasmanohar> /iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android/ wont by a considerable amount though
<adaedra> mh
<Aeyrix> It wouldn't by any noticeable amount
<adaedra> I thought there was 'iOS' in iOS Safari User-Agent
<tejasmanohar> idk, i gotta check on that
<tejasmanohar> has a _lot_ of upvotes on SO and no huge downvotes in comments so i suppose it'd work but obv i have to check
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<ljarvis> it catches Mobile.. also, you should use Mobi because that's what opera mobile uses iirc
<pipework> What are you trying to do, exactly?
<adaedra> Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12F70 Safari/600.1.4
<adaedra> What a mess U_U
<Aeyrix> User agents are moronic
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<tejasmanohar> pipework: display a link to share via sms if its mobile, display a link to share on email if its not
<tejasmanohar> "mobile" to whatever extent i can get
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<pipework> Why not just display the link always?
<pipework> Some computers can actually send SMS messages.
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<tejasmanohar> pipework: yeah, could... but i like this 3 icon layout http://i.imgur.com/kTkFeTw.png
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<tejasmanohar> (ik thats a terrible reason)
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<tejasmanohar> (additionally, most computers cant and i dont wanna confuse ppl or show them what they dont need most of the time)
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<adaedra> why does facebook and twitter icons look good when e-mail icon is pixelized?
<pipework> Computers don't want anything.
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<pipework> tejasmanohar: Apple machines, I hear, can handle SMS, so there's that whole market.
<pipework> Something with their messages app.
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<tejasmanohar> pipework: oh i guess so with the new OS... hm
<adaedra> As long as a iPhone is paired, I'd say
<pipework> I don't know, but I'd not personally bother with detecting user agents.
<tejasmanohar> i dont know if it handles the sms: URIs though.... anyone wanna check?
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<pipework> Make your wobsite just work with many different sizes of viewport and then go home.
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<tejasmanohar> SMS URI isnt even publicly supported by Apple sooo i would check their docs but no
<tejasmanohar> pipework: i am home
<adaedra> I'd have on my home computer, but I can't
<pipework> It's a phrase.
<tejasmanohar> but yeah i see where youre coming from
<tejasmanohar> im kidding man
<pipework> You might be able to query the client with JS whether there's any SMS supported protocol associations set up.
<pipework> I prefer detecting features over detecting clients.
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<sevenseacat> most people do.
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<pipework> sevenseacat: TBH, I prefer detecting dollars over most things.
<sevenseacat> aw snap.
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<arup_r> why this regex is not working ?
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<arup_r> sorry this one -- http://rubular.com/r/TFgoxHlGAM
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<jhass> arup_r: because neither /colour nor /wheels follows in your example
<adaedra> arup_r: https://www.debuggex.com
<arup_r> well
<polysics> hi!
<jhass> and acutally not even the /
<polysics> regex :)
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<_ht> arup_r: wouldn't it be easier to split the string on /
<_ht> And work from there?
<polysics> I have a string like "part num 345-58 x 21" and would like to cap "3455821" in one single expression. Is that even possible?
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<jhass> arup_r: http://rubular.com/r/F5rEJCw12d should make it a bit clearer
<al2o3-cr> polysics: "part num 345-58 x 21".scan(/\d+/)*''
<jhass> arup_r: what the actual/best solution to your problem is is impossible to tell from the examples you provided
<adaedra> >> "part num 345-58 x 21".scan(/\d+/).join
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<ruboto> adaedra # => "3455821" (https://eval.in/370061)
<polysics> al2o3-cr: nice, thanks
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<arup_r> jhass: its Ok.. I got the hints
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<_ht> Does anyone know if there are (long) logs of this channel available someplace?
<al2o3-cr> _ht: check /topic
<_ht> Thanks, that last bit was hidden by the GUI :-(
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<proxima> I have installed shopify_api and shopify_cli too. But still on writing 'shopify' command in terminal this gives error: shopify command is no longer bundled with shopify_api. if you need these tools, install shopify_cli gem. Thanks in advance.
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<jhass> proxima: what does type -a shopify print?
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<proxima> jhass: you mean to write "-a shopify" in command prompt? I wrote this then it gives: -a is not recognised as internal or external command, operable or batch file.
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<jhass> no, type is the command
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<proxima> jhass: the system cannot find the file specified. error occured while processing: -a.the system cannot find the file specified. error occured while processing: shopify
<arup_r> But I trust there is a better regex for that
<arup_r> I am not good in Regex mapping
<arup_r> :/
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<jhass> proxima: that's for running: type -a shopify ? what's your shell?
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<proxima> I am writing it in comand prompt. Please specify where i am supposed to write it and what line.
<proxima> jhass: I am new to this.
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<jhass> "command prompt"? so you're on windows?
<proxima> jhass: yes I am on windows.
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<jhass> that would've been some important piece of information ;)
<proxima> jhass: ok so what should I do now to solve the issue?
<jhass> mh, I have no clue how to debug $PATH issues on windows
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<jhass> does ruby -S shopify print anything different?
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<adaedra> what's the issue, jhass proxima ?
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<proxima> jhass: no problem. Thanks. but i tried to make the environment path to be clear in windows but still its giving error. Thanks for your help
<adaedra> proxima: what does `echo %PATH%` outputs?
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<proxima> adaedra: It gives big list of c:Program data etc.
<adaedra> proxima: to copy from command prompt, click on program icon, go to Edit > Select, select the output (rectangular select), and press enter, iirc
<proxima> adaedra: This is the exact output C:\Users\wizrocket\Desktop\Hello_World>echo %PATH% C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\Sy stem32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\I ntel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x64; C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin; C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\; C:\ Python27\; C:\Python27\Script
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<adaedra> mmmh, that's weird, I see no reference to Ruby at all
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<adaedra> How did you install Ruby?
<proxima> adaedra: yes but that should not happen, as while installing I marked the boxes for adding the path to environment. So, what you suggest now?
<sevenseacat> its incomplete, thats likely why
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<adaedra> proxima: are you sure the whole content of output was pasted, as IRC has a message length limit? Try going through gist
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<proxima> adaedra: yeah you are right more than half part was not copied here. here is the rest part: C:\Python27\Lib;C: \Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Lib\lib-tk;C:\Ruby22-x64\bin;C:\Windows\system32\Wind owsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32
<proxima> C:\W indows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\P rogram Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Ope nCL SDK\3.0\bin\x64; C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin;
<adaedra> Looks more like it
<proxima> ;C:\Program Files (x 86)\Skype\Phone\;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin;;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27 \Scripts\
<proxima> adaedra: so ruby is here. Now whats the issue. Any further checking parameter?
<adaedra> proxima: gem env, but please, gist it this time rather than pasting it here ;)
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<al2o3-cr> Is CGI.h same as CGI.escapeHTML ?
<adaedra> proxima: you alive?
<proxima> adaedra: If you dont mind. Can you tell how to gist instead of copy-paste. i got one method by github, but due to some network error I am not able to access it. So, tell me if any other way of gist is available.
<adaedra> ah
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<adaedra> there's other paste system available, I don't remember which currently :x
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<proxima> adaedra: so I hope you do not mind if I again paste the results over here.
<adaedra> I'm sure lot of people will mind, see topic
<adaedra> try with pastie.org
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<adaedra> I think you can redirect output in a file like in linux (gem env > file.txt) if it's easier than copy-paste
<adaedra> But I'm not sure, haven't used Windows console for a while
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<proxima> adaedra: here it is: http://pastie.org/10207798
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<adaedra> thanks, let me see
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<adaedra> proxima: does the shopify-cli command works?
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<proxima> 'shopify_cli' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
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<adaedra> with a dash
<adaedra> not an underscore
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<adaedra> looks like so
<adaedra> isn't that what you want?
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<proxima> The error is this: I have installed shopify_api and shopify_cli too. But still on writing 'shopify' command in terminal this gives error: shopify command is no longer bundled with shopify_api. if you need these tools, install shopify_cli gem.
<adaedra> yeah
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<adaedra> it seems that they renamed the command when moving in a separate gem
<adaedra> so you should use shopify-cli in place of shopify
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<proxima> adaedra: yes, thanks a lot. :)
<adaedra> yw
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<proxima> I am getting this(http://pastie.org/10207834) error on running: shopify-cli console test-store-1017.myshopify.com. I am following this documentation https://docs.shopify.com/api/introduction/using-the-api-console
<jhass> sounds like you should create a file called .myshopify.com.yml and you didn't
<adaedra> did you do the add step and did it work without errors?
<proxima> jhass: It was supposed to be created in previous step automatically
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<proxima> yes I did the shopify-cli add without any error
<jhass> maybe you need to change some argument from the example?
<jhass> do you have any .yml file?
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<jhass> (run dir to check)
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<proxima> I have the required .yml file st location C:\Users\wizrocket\.shopify\shops.
<jhass> what is it called?
<proxima> test-store-1017.yml
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<jhass> then try shopify console using test-store-1017 without appending myshopify.com
<jhass> *shopify-cli
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<proxima> (y) worked without "using"
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<proxima> jhass: thanks
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<jackcom> i can do programming laguage, but i don’t know what to do?
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<zotherstupidguy> thats nice http://ozh.org/contribution/
<jackcom> what is it? zotherstupidguy ?
<adaedra> zotherstupidguy: Mine would be rather gray :x
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<adaedra> ah no, it's just the text that is customizable, it's not based on your contributions
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<adaedra> 2/10, could do better
<uhsf> Can someone please look at this error page and help me fix the error?
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<adaedra> looks like it can't find bundler
<adaedra> did you install gem dependencies, and if you did, did you do it in the same user as the webserver runs and in the same ruby environment (i.e. rvm rbenv)
<adaedra> ?
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<uhsf> gems are installed as user, I will try to install as root
<adaedra> no
<adaedra> ?root
<ruboto> General advise in system administration: do not and that means never use sudo or root to "fix" things. Only use it if you exactly know why it would work and why it wouldn't work under any circumstances as normal user. Or if you're told to do it.
<DLSteve_> hello?
<adaedra> hallå
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<DLSteve_> sorry laged out for a sec
<DLSteve_> /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.2.0/ is user ruby version
<DLSteve_> /home/uhsf/.gem/ruby/2.2.2/ is passenger ruby version
<DLSteve_> so def an environment issue.
<adaedra> seems so
<adaedra> also, you changed nick without telling so, I was confused for a second here.
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<DLSteve_> changed nick?
<uhsf> I didn't change nick.
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<adaedra> :|
<DLSteve_> I was trying to type "/home/uhsf/.gem/ruby/2.2.2/" but the / ate my input.
<DLSteve_> So I thought I had laged out.
<uhsf> the 2.2.0 and 2.2.2 thing is what I was looking to fix
<DLSteve_> you need to use the 2.2.2 env to install all the gems.
<adaedra> ah
<DLSteve_> your system default is 2.2.0 so that is what is causing the issue.
<adaedra> sorry, thought you were the same person, misread >_<
<DLSteve_> adaedra, np :)
<uhsf> DLSteve_: ruby -v gives ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-linux]
<uhsf> everything should be 2.2.2. I don't understand where the 2.2.0 comes from
<DLSteve_> uhsf, for your user. What user account is the server running?
<adaedra> Passenger has a setting to choose ruby version, no?
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<uhsf> in nginx.conf I have passenger_ruby /usr/bin/ruby;
<DLSteve_> yah that is the 2.2.0 version
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<uhsf> how to use the 2.2.2 version?
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<DLSteve_> are you using rvm?
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<uhsf> no
<DLSteve_> how did you install ruby?
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<uhsf> Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S ruby
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<adaedra> the second one
<uhsf> you mean 2.2.2?
<uhsf> pacman -Syu updates packages
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<adaedra> o_O
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<uhsf> I guess it leaves older versions installed
<adaedra> no
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<ex0ns> unless you installed them from AUR
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<DLSteve_> try adding "export GEM_HOME=$(ruby -e 'print Gem.user_dir')" to your ~/.bashrc file and redo the bundle install.
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<uhsf> DLSteve_: I already have export GEM_HOME="/home/uhsf/.gem/ruby/2.2.2" and PATH="${PATH}:/home/uhsf/.gem/ruby/2.2.2/bin" in my .bashrc
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<DLSteve_> uhsf, Yah I'm not sure then. Something I would have to look at.
<adaedra> uhsf: why do you set GEM_HOME?
<uhsf> nginx master process runs as root and worker process runs as nobody. maybe it's the problem?
<DLSteve_> adaedra, to make gems local to the user. The Arch doc recommends that setting as pacman is built in ruby.
<uhsf> adaedra: I used GEM_HOME because I had multiple gem versions at some point but now I cleaned up and only use 2.2.2
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<adaedra> mh
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<shevy> adaedra do you do webdev stuff in ruby?
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<adaedra> shevy: yes
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<dudedudeman> ha, i see you guys summoned me while I was away, shevy
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<adaedra> !summon dudedudeman
<apeiros> summon dudedudeman
<dudedudeman> yarp
<adaedra> narp
<apeiros> harsh. hope that doesn't result in split personality.
<dudedudeman> ha. i hope everyone had a good weekend
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<dudedudeman> i, made fajitas. #dealwithit
<adaedra> yep
<adaedra> B)
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<dudedudeman> so a guy from our local ruby user group just launched a cool new site/tool
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<dudedudeman> it looks like it is a searchable base of gems, and then it rates them based on how well they've been maintained and how usable they are, and if they have good docs
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<adaedra> looks nice
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<dudedudeman> agreed
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<adaedra> would be good to have a comparaison feature
<dudedudeman> since i'm fairly new to the ruby community, i have a hard time trusting gems sometimes, especially if they're something that i don't know much about
<dudedudeman> oooo, that would be neat
<adaedra> a little bit like ruby-toolbox.org does, but with more complete and useful information
<adaedra> s/org/com/
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<dudedudeman> lol
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<dudedudeman> speaking of .org/.com, i had been building a e-commerce site for a buddy of mine, and we go to buy his domain, and come to find out his direct competitor had purchased a good while ago. .org was the only thing available. lol
<dudedudeman> cybersquatting is dumb
<adaedra> it is
<daxroc> Anyone know a pure ruby library to create an ISO image (win/linux/mac) ?
<adaedra> domain hacks are a good thing for that
<dudedudeman> domain hacks?
<adaedra> as you remember the TLD with it
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<adaedra> yeah, when you use the tld as part as the address
<adaedra> like dudedudem.an
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<dudedudeman> ahhh, yeah i had seen a couple of those. i guess we wanted something for him that was easily just typeable
<adaedra> but heh, obtaining one is much harder.
<jhass> well, those 700 new gtlds help a bit
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<dudedudeman> hey! jhass said something and i actually understood all of those words!
<adaedra> :)
<jhass> heh
<dudedudeman> that's not a knock btw, you're just much more robust in your knowledge of this IRC's subject matter
<adaedra> jhass: true, it helps a bit.
<adaedra> now, what kind of hack will I be able to do with .paris?
<dudedudeman> sleepin.paris?
<dudedudeman> that could be a cool hotel/travel site
<jhass> taken, I bet
<adaedra> yep
<bkxd> menagein.paris
<adaedra> NXDOMAIN
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<Buck> I'm trying to map an array to an associative array, but failing: h.each_with_index.map { |c,i| {c => i}}
<Buck> that will just give me an array of associative arrays with just one element
<Buck> how can do it correctly?
<jhass> it's called hash in Ruby, general name is map ;)
<jhass> so, what's h?
<apeiros> Buck: use to_h
<Buck> it's a string jhass
<ljarvis> do you actually want the index?
<Buck> yes ljarvis
<apeiros> >> [:a, :b, :c].each_with_index.to_h
<ruboto> apeiros # => {:a=>0, :b=>1, :c=>2} (https://eval.in/370433)
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<Buck> apeiros: that is what I'm looking for, but it doesn't work with strings?
<jhass> note that it'll overwrite duplicates with the last occurrence
<apeiros> >> ["a", "b", "c"].each_with_index.to_h
<ruboto> apeiros # => {"a"=>0, "b"=>1, "c"=>2} (https://eval.in/370434)
<apeiros> ^ um, yes it does?
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<Buck> my bad
<apeiros> otherwise, elaborate "doesn't work"
<Buck> I tried it on the wrong variable
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<Buck> thank you!
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<izzol> hmm
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<izzol> how to handle the STDIN in ruby?
<izzol> I found few examples but now sure which method is the best.
<izzol> One is executing code with -n.
<izzol> I would like to do something like: $test = join( '', <STRING>); (perl:P)
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<Laptyp> hey
<izzol> of course <STDIN>.
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<jhass> izzol: prefer $stdin over STDIN
<jhass> STDIN is a backup for easier resetting of $stdin
<izzol> jhass: STDIN.gets ?
<jhass> no, $stdin.gets
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<jhass> or plain gets from Kernel which delegates to ARGF.gets which delegates to $stdin.gets
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<zotherstupidguy> anybody saw the hololens of microsoft, please tell me there is an opensource ver of that in the making!
<powersurge> I think the closest you'll get is google cardboard. which isn't open source and isn't anything like hololens
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<powersurge> so not really afaik
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<mduk> there wasn't for kinect either until someone wrote them. give it time ;)
<powersurge> yea, but the current state of things the answer is no
<jhass> that idea is obvious, there will once the tools/materials become cheap enough
<mduk> that was the state of things with the kinect too until the state changed
<dsathe> Hello folks I have an interesting question. Suppose I have a fairly parallel application running multiple processes , each process runs a bunch of worker threads, using a shared variable (threads only read its value ) so mutex is probably not required (is this assumption valid ?). Now i would want to modify the shared variable without bringing down the process using signal.trap to do the bidding. What would be the implications of this
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<jhass> hat depends a lot on the shared state, how it's used and how it's modified
<jhass> *that
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<ruboto> dsathe, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/8362270e760e28232f8e
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<mduk> moral of the story? give it time :P
<dsathe> its a simple dict in the real use case
<dsathe> the threads lookup values from it
<jhass> ?fake
<ruboto> Please show your real code to illustrate your problem. Using fake code often hides it or won't bring up the best possible solution.
<jhass> whether the shared state is a Fixnum or a Hash affects a real lot of my questions
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<dsathe> jhass: I really couldn't do that for reasons out of my hand , besides its a part of a large codebase so it would lack context , let me write the example to better illustrate the use case , gimme a bit
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<dsathe> it is a hash
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<kinduff> good morning
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<dsathe> this helps you better
<adaedra> use .rb extension in your gist, so we have color
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<jhass> dsathe: if it really is like that, you're safe without locking
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<jhass> in fact in MRI assigning key/values to the hash in place is safe, but not in say JRuby
<jhass> you can also edit gists ;)
<dsathe> yeah im using forking so on mri
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<jhass> oh, well, changing it in the parent process won't change it in the child processes
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<dsathe> i maintian a manager process that can modify the lookup for which im guessing signals is a good approach
<dsathe> The key question being what happens to each thread thats already started executing
<dsathe> each thread takes say 1-2 sec to run, IO intensive stuff hence this apporach to begin with
<jhass> assigning to an instance variable is atomic
<dsathe> what value will it see
<jhass> well, that's random
<jhass> depends on whether your signal handler runs before or after the thread read the instance variable
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<dsathe> in a more complex case if the lookup were a Array type and im using some select on it , a signal shows up while the select op is runing what happens in that case ?
<jhass> but that'll be true with locking too
<jhass> well, that's the cases you want to avoid
<dsathe> i know its rarae but that is a race condition as i understand the Array.select is not atomic
<jhass> which is why I asked for your usecase
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<jhass> if you iterate, you want to lock (perhaps a read write lock)
<dsathe> haha fair point let me get rid of the other code that I probabluy do not want to expose and give you something more concrete, really appreciate the patience
<jhass> if you do simple lookups through the instance var and just the var a new object instead of changing the existing one, you're as safe as it gets
<jhass> *just assign
<dsathe> hmm yeah that would be good so within the thread i could do foo=@lookup and iter through foo
<jhass> yes, that will protect against cases like if @foo.size > 0; @foo.operation
<jhass> (again, given there's no other thread modifying the object)
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<izzol> jhass: but it's realy slow :(
<jhass> izzol: huh?
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* lupine bumps up against the ruby1.8 limit on regexp sizes
<lupine> hilarious
<lupine> shame it's a production system
<jhass> the only shame is you using 1.8 still, no matter the circumstances :P
<lupine> that's not even the worst thing
<lupine> this is a lenny box
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<lupine> not mine
<jhass> rm -rf / and say ups?
<lupine> (and yes, it is public-facing)
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<jhass> izzol: try with ruby --disable-gems
<jhass> lupine: oh, then rm -rf / and yell hacked?
<dsathe> vhass & other kind folks https://gist.github.com/dhananjaysathe/9250f66de01b4cacfeca this is exactly the way it is being used , sorry for the vagueness earlier I should have been a lot more clear , i understand its hard to gauge finer nuances with finer implementation details
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<dsathe> using ruby 2.0.0
<izzol> jhass: better, RealMarc 0m0.021s, but still in perl it's: RealMarc 0m0.004s :(
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<jhass> dsathe: okay, if you do the assignment in an atomic step like you've shown and really have no interdependent accesses to @lookup, like shown, then you're safe
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<jhass> no amount of locking will make a difference
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<dsathe> jhass the parent process will just dispatch the signals each child will rebuild lookup ;) im aware changes in the parent do not show up in the child . The parent is basically just a "manager" of sorts for a bunch of forked children
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<izzol> So it looks like while() in perl is 2-3x faster then in ruby (somehow) :(
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<dsathe> jhass thank you :)
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<jhass> izzol: mmh, in my shell that measures the time of the cat command only
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<jhass> izzol: I think it's just bootup time, IO.copy_stream shows the same times
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<esplainisix> Hi all
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<jhass> hi
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<dsathe> jhass https://gist.github.com/dhananjaysathe/5920e33dfea8ae0de381 this confirms it , even if the array changes outside the value inside the thread is unaffected still works (tested in irb)
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<dsathe> that's interesting so ruby implicitly created a copy of the object when i executed select ?
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<jhass> well, yes, it's just a reference update, the select operates on self, not the variable
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<dsathe> so function here behave call by value
<dsathe> TIL
<jhass> no, it's all call by reference
<dsathe> out of curiosity how can i know this ?
<jhass> variables are just references to an object. when you do def foo(a); end; b = :bar; foo(b), you do not pass b to foo, you pass a reference to :bar
<dsathe> oh so the function call operated on the older reference , the new assignment just updated the ref to the variable , so technically the function still has the old ref so it *just works*
<jhass> so while inside foo there are two references to the object :bar, the local a of the scope of the method and the local b of the toplevel scope
<dsathe> is that approximately right ?
<jhass> yes
<dsathe> nice
<dsathe> thank you so much
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<adaedra> Do you know a gem which could search templates, given a name, in multiple view paths, like sinatra does?
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<jhass> Dir[paths.map {|path| "#{path/#{name}.{extensions.join(",")}"}] ?
<jhass> messed up syntax, but eh
<adaedra> yeah, was looking for something not hand-made if it existed
<jhass> just saying that it's hardly more than a line of code
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<izzol> jhass: you right, when I checked it on some big file (10M) I have almost the same value.
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<izzol> ehh, I'm trying to figure out how to do something like this in Ruby: $test = join('', <STDIN>);
<izzol> and so far no idea :(
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<jhass> explain what it does
<izzol> join in perl basically separate strings of list into a single string
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<izzol> the point is, in this example I don't need to use while()
<jhass> perl is so odd
<izzol> I can have whole file in $test.
<jhass> anyway, in ruby it's properly named split
<jhass> there's also various things to read in lines
<jhass> String#lines, IO#foreach, IO#readlines
<izzol> hmm, maybe split("\n") will work.
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<jhass> String & IO #each_line
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<jhass> use .lines for .split("\n")
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<eam> <> in perl is the readline() function
<jhass> or for stdin foreach / readlines
<eam> $test = join('', <STDIN>); is the same as $test = join '', readline(STDIN)
<jhass> so this just reads it as a big chunk?
<eam> and in ruby: test = IO.readlines.join ''
<jhass> $stdin.read
<eam> jhass: yes that's even easier :)
<jhass> and a lot more efficient
<eam> yeah I'm just copying the idiom for ease of translation
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<eam> izzol: if you're familiar with perl. IO.read is slurp-mode
<izzol> ok
<izzol> :)
<adaedra> :).pl
<eam> the same as $\=undef; print readline(STDIN)
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<jhass> did I mention that perl is really odd?
<eam> jhass: ruby is at least just as odd
<adaedra> <jhass> perl is so odd
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<jhass> I concur
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<eam> fwiw everything I just mentioned about perl is also present in ruby
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<eam> $\, $/ or the general IFS/OFS separators which are shared with bash, awk, nearly everything
<jhass> but not idiomatic
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<eam> ruby breaks from idiomatic unix, sure
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<eam> it's much more uh
<eam> not unixy :)
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<jhass> readable, that's the word
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<eam> I wouldn't agree, ruby has all sorts of weird brain damage baked into the i/o layer
<eam> like, \n is hardcoded in a bunch of problematic places
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<eam> we used to call that "unix brain damage" because it made portability an issue
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<eam> perl handles modifying IFS/OFS quite well
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<eam> but you know, it has dollar signs on the variables :)
<ljarvis> none of that refutes the claim that ruby is more readable...
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<elfuego> I have a ruby script to generate 20 million row csv file, but I find it takes too long to generate, I am running this on a machine with intel xeon processor which stays at 26 % and 30 gb of ram and ruby only occupies 10 MB of ram. Is there a default cap on ruby memory utilization?
<ljarvis> elfuego: Ruby is slow
<canton7> writing to disk?
<elfuego> canton7: yes
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<elfuego> canton7: disk isn’t maxed out either
<elfuego> canton7: 10 MB/s
<jhass> post your script, maybe there's a low hanging fruit
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<canton7> how many cores?
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<railsraider> hi, im trying to make a logger that will automatically add the class name, module name, and method in it’s in http://pastie.org/10208255
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<railsraider> its always showing the extend method as the method name
<eam> ljarvis: sure it does
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<railsraider> please help
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<ljarvis> railsraider: you'll have to parse caller. I think __method__ will always be explicit
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<apeiros> railsraider: Module.nesting always refers to the place in the code it is. like __LINE__ or __FILE__
<railsraider> at the moment i have to this at every method logger.progname = "#{Module.nesting.first.to_s} #{__method__}"
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<railsraider> im trying not to repeat myself
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<railsraider> looks to me like the callback for extend should be able to accept the method name somehow
<railsraider> but i can’t figure it out
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<railsraider> i tried also using caller_locations(1,1)[0].label
<canton7> elfuego, how many cores do you have?
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<railsraider> but that doesn’t see the correct method it was trigger if the method im in is in private section
<elfuego> canton7: getting that info now
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<railsraider> i would love to get any suggestions on how to make a logger that looks like this: I, [2015-05-26T18:37:17.998636 #55331] INFO -- AsCombinedMetrics::Cli::Config load_config: Loading config file (../combinedMetrics.yml)
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<ljarvis> railsraider: https://eval.in/370595
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<jhass> elfuego: that runs into the CPU cap here (fully exhausts one core)
<railsraider> thanks ljarvis i’ll give that a try
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<elfuego> canton7: 4 cores
<ljarvis> caller_locations(0, 2) probably makes more sense
<ljarvis> or caller_locations(2).first
<canton7> elfuego, so it's maxing out a core?
<ljarvis> since you want the second caller location (the first is "extended")
<jhass> elfuego: given you generate uuids, do you have a good source for randomness? what's cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail while it's running?
<adaedra> ah no
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<adaedra> railsraider: I had one (got the wrong thing), let me find it
<railsraider> thanks adaedra im trying to build a gem that will be executable
<elfuego> canton7 the overall cpu is 26% - its a windows server it doesn’t show usage on each core
<jhass> sounds like it's maxing out a core for you then too
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<railsraider> im using thor and aws-sdk for the majority of that
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<adaedra> railsraider: https://github.com/rudionrails/yell is what I used
<canton7> elfuego, sounds like it's maxing out a core. so you're cpu-bound
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<adaedra> not the exact same format, but may be setup
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<railsraider> thanks a lot adaedra i’ll dig into the the code
<railsraider> yep
<jhass> elfuego: how important is the order in which the generated lines end up in the CSV?
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<elfuego> canton7: just got to see usage on each core via resource monitor, no core is maxed out
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<elfuego> jhass: order doesn’t matter
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<izzol> ehh, I'm still getting undefined method `join' :(
<izzol> I think I don't understand how to use it :)
<eam> izzol: gist some code
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<izzol> I'm trying different methods ;P
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<eam> izzol: join is a method on an array object
<eam> $stdin.readlines returns an array of strings
<eam> $stdin.readlines.join '' returns a single string
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<izzol> hmm, so I need to create an array, put whole file to the array and then use join() ?
<eam> that's how join works, right?
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<izzol> not the one from perl :P
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<eam> izzol: yes, that is how perl's join works
<eam> you create an @array of strings, then you join @array, ''
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<eam> the only difference is in ruby, join is a method on the array object instead of a function that takes the array as a parameter
<eam> array.join vs join array
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<izzol> eam: ok, I see the point
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<izzol> ok now it works
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<izzol> but of course I have another problem, as always...
<izzol> ehh :<
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<izzol> I'm using 'mail' gem and my plan was to put to the Mail.read(my_stdin).
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<izzol> But now I see it can read only strings/files.
<izzol> So I guess I need to have my stdin somewhere before I will read it by Mail.read :(
<izzol> but it's going to be slow again.
<Synthead> what type of comparison does ruby do in "case" clauses? case Server; when Server; puts "foo"; end doesn't seem to match
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<izzol> ok, tomorrow.
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<Mon_Ouie> Synthead: It uses the '===' method
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<Mon_Ouie> Class#=== checks if the rhs is an instance of the lhs (or one of its subclasses)
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<Synthead> Mon_Ouie: hmmm, ok. I'll get this to work. Thanks!
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<catcher> What's the best way to test if a hash has a particular list of keys?
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<jhass> keys.all? {|key| hash.has_key? key }
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<catcher> jhass, ty
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<blogjy> how can I downgrade rails on windows?
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<shevy> just like any other software?
<shevy> uninstall the current rails through the software center thingy
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<shevy> ah you mean through gems?
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<shevy> something like
<shevy> gem install rails --version=2.0.3
<xxneolithicxx> are there any tools for converting man pages to RDOC
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<zapho54> Anyone here use Ruby in an exclusively functional style?
<shevy> not me
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<St1gma> got a question... does anybody know what compression is being used for a .gem? I got a gem that I need to modify so I have to "unbundle" it.
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<rindolf> Hi all.
<havenwood> St1gma: gem unpack gem-name-here
<jhass> St1gma: pretty sure it's standard zip
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<havenwood> rindolf: hi
<St1gma> learn something new everyday. I didn't know about gem unpack
<St1gma> thanks havenwood and jhass
<shevy> \o/
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<shevy> lib/rubygems/package.rb:require 'zlib'
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<shevy> "Builds a .gem file given a Gem::Specification. A .gem file is a tarball which contains a data.tar.gz and metadata.gz, and possibly signatures."
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<shevy> def gzip_to io # :yields: gz_io
<shevy> gz_io = Zlib::GzipWriter.new io, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> how common is that idiom?
<shevy> when 'metadata.gz' then
<shevy> that you use an inlined "then"
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<St1gma> it's just a tar
<jhass> not too common luckily
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<shevy> it confuses me because after the "then" is a newline
<St1gma> then a gz inside
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<shevy> I think apeiros liked those "then" constructs too
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<jhass> shevy: make a PR that removes then :P
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<jhass> I'll +1 it
<shevy> well it's ok for one-liners, if you really wanna write terse code perhaps
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<shevy> but multilines... now that is just weird
<rindolf> havenwood: hi. :-)
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<shevy> require 'rubygems/package/tar_header'
<shevy> St1gma guess there is lots of goodies in there!
<shevy> that one is actually interesting, let me gist it
<shevy> ruby over a C struct :)
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<shevy> new :name => fields.shift,
<shevy> never seen a standalone "new" yet
<shevy> I am beginning to understand how havenwood got all his secret extra knowledge
<imperator> shevy, i use then on multi-line if statements
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<miah> i've used 'rubygems/package/tar_header' a ton; i wish ruby had a real native tar library that wasn't awful.
<miah> you still have to do some fudging to detect long paths etc
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<miah> minitar has the same problem
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<miah> last i checked
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<shevy> hmm how to grab 10 random elements of an Array? Should I use .sample 10 times or is there a better way?
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* xxneolithicxx Universal consensus on optional keywords: I dont always use optional keywords, but when I do, I use them in a way that suits my style (screw yours :-) )
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<rindolf> shevy: hi.
<rindolf> shevy: can the elements repeat?
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<jhass> shevy: .sample(10) for 10 unique, Array.new(10) { .sample } for 10 with repetition
<shevy> oh cool
<shevy> .sample allows arguments - I don't think I used it with the argument-variant yet :)
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<MeStesso> hi. quick question. anyone knows of a pre-made url shortener server made in Ruby? something that just works out of the box. I found good ones just in PHP (YOURLS), and nothing in other languages. It will be used for internal purposes (same way Microsoft uses aka.ms, for example)
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<MeStesso> hi. quick question. anyone knows of a pre-made url shortener server made in Ruby? something that just works out of the box. I found good ones just in PHP (YOURLS), and nothing in other languages (PHP doesn't fit our stack). It will be used for internal purposes (same way Microsoft uses aka.ms, for example)
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<MeStesso> (sorry wasn’t sure the message was sent)
<shevy> I like how the question becomes bigger and bigger at every iteration :)
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<MeStesso> shevy: sorry
<shevy> I don't know of an URL shortener in ruby myself though possibly the rails guys know such things?
<MeStesso> shevy: ok i’ll see there. thanks
<shevy> in that case you could always try to ask on #rubyonrails - do tell them that you have asked here too though
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<shevy> otherwise jhass here may be angry :P
<jhass> MeStesso: url shorter is like 50 loc
<MeStesso> jhass: something like YOURLS isn't
<jhass> table, feed id through base36, done
<jhass> >> 12344.to_s(36)
<ruboto> jhass # => "9iw" (https://eval.in/370605)
<MeStesso> but that’s written in PHP and uses MySQL. and i’m not going to add an entire LAMP stack in production just for that
<jhass> >> "9iw".to_i(36)
<ruboto> jhass # => 12344 (https://eval.in/370606)
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<shevy> in ruby stdlib, class CGI, I see this:
<shevy> CGI.autoload(:HtmlExtension, 'cgi/html')
<shevy> what exactly is it doing?
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<jhass> using autoload
<jhass> module CGI; autoload :HtmlExtension, "cgi/html"
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<shevy> hmm
<jhass> hooks const_missing to load the file
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<blogjy> When I try gem install rails --version=2.0.0 I get ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'activeresource' (= 2.0.0) in any repository
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<jhass> why that beyond ancient version?
<blogjy> installing rails on windows gave me some error and one answer on stackoverflow said that version is ok as is 2.1.5
<jhass> 2.0.0 - December 6, 2007 (179 KB)
<jhass> I mean... 8 years
<jhass> uh, do you confuse Ruby and Rails?
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<shevy> aha!
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<shevy> 'Yeah, so I rolled back to 2.0.0. and it worked. You get "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle" which I found here, Ruby 2.0.0p0 IRB warning: "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle", is just a warning'
<jhass> yeah, they mean Ruby 2.0
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<jhass> not Rails 2.0
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<blogjy> so much for stackoverflow expertise!
<shevy> attention to detail blogjy :)
<jhass> well, it doesn't have an upvote!
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<shevy> I should pity-upvote it
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* jhass prepares to down vote
<shevy> haha
<blogjy> actually the answer didn't give that gem install line
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<blogjy> i guess the answer is saying that if rails gives an error like that then the answer is to downgrade ruby to be 2.0.0?
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<jhass> when did nokogiri become a rails dep anyway?
<havenwood> blogjy: Having trouble installing Nokogiri with 2.2 on Win?
<shevy> blogjy well, ideally you could try to use the most recent versions
<jhass> but given there's no newer nokogiri version than
<jhass> btw does anybody have a table with all ruby releases and their release dates?
<shevy> you can see the most recent nokogiri version here blogjy: https://rubygems.org/gems/nokogiri
<shevy> Last version release was - January 23, 2015 java (2.38 MB)
<blogjy> i'm totally new to this. i'm just trying to get the line 'rails s' to work.
<shevy> for me on linux it worked when I did "gem install rails"
<havenwood> blogjy: What version of Ruby are you using?
<shevy> I actually think it works on my windows machine downstairs too
<blogjy> C:\Ruby22-x64\bin\code>ruby -v
<blogjy> ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x64-mingw32]
<blogjy> C:\Ruby22-x64\bin\code>rails -v
<blogjy> Rails 4.2.1
<shevy> but I am not entirely sure. windows is very confusing
<shevy> \o/
<blogjy> that's how new i am to ruby, just put it on their yesterday
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<shevy> it already works
<shevy> you left 80% of the newcomers on windows in the dust
<blogjy> i'll find the line that fails..
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<shevy> "autoload works in a similar way to require, but it only loads the file specified when a constant of your choosing is accessed/used for the first time."
<shevy> ok so
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<shevy> when exactly do I need autoload or rather why
<shevy> or can I just require + include manually?
<jhass> it's not include
<jhass> it's just require
<shevy> hmm
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<jhass> and yeah, never really got the point of autoload, faster load times I guess
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<havenwood> blogjy: Do you have DevKit installed? Guessing that'll be the error. If you haven't already, install the DEVELOPMENT KIT from: http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
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<shevy> but that actually scares me :\
<shevy> "Because require works straight away, the puts method gets executed immediately."
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<shevy> so I guess, require() is simpler than autoload()
<jhass> it's not equivalent though
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<graft> is there some sort of gem cache or something that i might need to flush out?
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<graft> my rails console doesn't seem to be able to find a method on a class in a gem
<blogjy> so i do rails new rtgsf, that works. cd rtgsf. bundle install. that works. then rails s, gives this error http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Bhmswt9W "C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/nokogiri-
<blogjy> :in `require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri (LoadError)..." I do have the development kit installed to c:\dkt and c:\dkt\bin is in the path
<ruboto> blogjy, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
<blogjy> alternative to pastebin link https://gist.github.com/anonymous/34ea4e8512f2705e7320
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<graft> like a bundler cache?
<havenwood> blogjy: Check the link I pasted above for getting DevKit.
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<havenwood> blogjy: Installing DevKit helps you build C/C++ extensions on Windows for gems that have them like Nokogiri.
<jhass> graft: try bundle exec rails console
<blogjy> I already installed the devkit I already ran this file and extracted it http://dl.bintray.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432-sfx.exe
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<blogjy> which comes from that link you mentioned havenwood
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<havenwood> blogjy: Did you run hte installation scripts?
<blogjy> i ran some command like ruby init dk.rb
<havenwood> blogjy: and also something like?: ruby dk.rb install
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<blogjy> yeah that too, neither gave an error
<blogjy> C:\dkt>ruby dk.rb init and C:\dkt>ruby dk.rb install
<graft> jhass: tried it, no good. if i do my_instance.method(:some_other_method).source_location, it points to a file in my gem tree which clearly contains the method i want, but my_instance.method(:my_method) produces method not defined
<havenwood> blogjy: try?: gem install json --platform=ruby
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<blogjy> tried that too no error
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<havenwood> blogjy: gem install nokogiri
<imperator2> blogjy, ok, hang on - you're using 64-bit ruby, right?
<blogjy> yeah
<jhass> graft: uh, odd
<imperator2> blogjy, did you install devkit64?
<blogjy> yeah
<imperator2> or devkit?
<blogjy> err
<blogjy> the 64 bit dev kit
<blogjy> not sure about ruby i guess 64 bit
<graft> jhass: yeah, really have no idea what's going on.
<jhass> graft: how sure are you added it to the right class inside the file?
<blogjy> yeah ruby's 64 bit too
<blogjy> C:\Ruby22-x64\
<imperator2> ok
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<graft> jhass: it's like two lines above the def some_other_method
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<imperator2> blogjy, and what happened when you did gem install nokogiri?
<havenwood> blogjy: And does Nokogiri build successfully now?
<jhass> well, if one of those lines is class or module Something ... :P
<graft> jhass: definitely in the same class
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<graft> there's not even a public/private distinction, they're both just ordinary public methods. one is defined, the other is not.
<graft> both are in the same source_location file
<blogjy> gem install nokogiri gave no error
<blogjy> but rails s still gives that error
<jhass> I'll stress it a bit more... did you save the file? (you don't want to know how often that happened to me...)
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<havenwood> blogjy: What error does `rails s` give you?
<shevy> jhass reveals the dark secrets
<graft> i'm looking at the file in my .rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/gems/blah/blah, i.e., the actual installed gem
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<havenwood> blogjy: bundle exec rails s
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<blogjy> same error "C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/nokogiri-
<blogjy> :in `require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri (LoadError)"
<havenwood> blogjy: Run: bundle install
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<blogjy> i definitely did that one and i recall it worked but i'll do it again
<jhass> graft: doubt anybody will be able to do anything about it without hands on :/
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<graft> works fine in irb, just not in rails console
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<blogjy> Bundle complete! 12 Gemfile dependencies, 54 gems now installed.
<blogjy> Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
<graft> there's gotta be some stupid bundler thing going on
<blogjy> bundle install always worked
<blogjy> the error is with rails s
<havenwood> blogjy: Just to sanity check, retry: bundle exec rails s
<imperator2> blogjy, but you can require nokogiri in irb?
<jhass> graft: did you actually check the source_location of the working method in the bundle exec'd console?
<blogjy> bundle exec rails s, gives "C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/nokogiri-
<blogjy> :in `require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri (LoadError)"
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<arup_r> Say I have a method `foo`.. i am calling it inside the method bar lile def bar; foo; end.. Is this called an indirect method access ?
<havenwood> blogjy: Error running?: ruby -rnokogiri -e "Nokogiri"
<blogjy> imperator: I don't know the answer to that question, I only installed ruby yesterday
<imperator2> blogjy, type "irb" in your console
<jhass> arup_r: never heard that term
<havenwood> blogjy: You could find out by typing `irb` then `require 'nokogiri'`.
<jhass> arup_r: where did you get it from?
<arup_r> I am also confused
<imperator2> blogjy, then type: require 'nokogiri'
<blogjy> ruby -rnokogiri -e "Nokogiri" <-- gives, C:/Ruby22-64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri (LoadError)
<jhass> arup_r: well, that very clearly defines what it means with that
<arup_r> Yes.. except those 3 ... what I said is called indirect method access also ?
<jhass> arup_r: using methods such as .send, .public_send, .method, .instance_method, .respond_to? to list a few more
<arup_r> I am jjust confused
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<jhass> why would it?
<blogjy> C:\Ruby22-x64\bin\code\rtgsf>irb<ENTER>
<blogjy> irb(main):001:0> require 'nokogiri' LoadError: cannot load such file -- nokogiri/nokogiri from C:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `r
<arup_r> ok
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<arup_r> thanks
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<imperator2> blogjy, oh, wait a minute...i think nokogiri provides precompiled binaries
<imperator2> but it doesn't have one for ruby 2.2 yet
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<imperator2> you can build from source but it requires having libxml & libxslt on your system
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<blogjy> i'm a newb, is that a huge process?
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<jhass> about as huge as downgrading to 2.1 I guess
<imperator2> easier to downgrade to ruby 2.1 :)
<graft> probably even easier just to run an ubuntu vm
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<jhass> don't make it too easy, where's the fun!
<apeiros> imperator2: same as imperator?
<imperator2> apeiros, yep, got 2 machines going
<jhass> another person in need of a bnc :P
<apeiros> ah
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<blogjy> what's the easy way to downgrade to ruby 2.1?
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<havenwood> blogjy: Uninstall Ruby 2.2 and install Ruby 2.1.
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<blogjy> any command to do it? or do i have to go through add/remove programs?
<imperator2> or just download and install the 2.1 installer and set your PATH
<imperator2> i think it comes with an uninstall option on the start menu
<blogjy> ok i'll look at the gui
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<tejasmanohar> i have a URL and i want to find a bunch of places around the web that this URL was linked
<tejasmanohar> like http://autolotto.io?ref=01794e9d1e for example
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<tejasmanohar> but without excluding results that use http://autolotto.io/?ref (notice the "/" before the "?")
<tejasmanohar> if i just google the URL, it pulls up the exact link... 1 result - not results that include the link.
<tejasmanohar> anyone know ideas for this?
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* jhass searches the Ruby in the question :P
<kaleido> a hadoop cluster thats constantly crunching the contents of every website on the planet?
<kaleido> best of luck with that
<jhass> GA/piwik based referrer analysis might be your best bet I fear
<tejasmanohar> basically backlinks. hm ok jhass youre probably right
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<blogjy> judging by the description here http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ I should use a 2.1.x 32bit if starting off. As otherwise i have to deal with compatibility problems as 64bit ruby is very new in windows and 2.1.x is stable one they recommend
<tejasmanohar> jhass and yeah theres no ruby in the question, sorry :P - i've just found that sometimes the people can shine some insight into other questions too
<tejasmanohar> (guessing they've faced similar things etc)
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<imperator> blogjy, i'd go with that for simplicity, yes
<havenwood> blogjy: and then the corresponding 32-bit DevKit then
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<blogjy> what should i do to get rid of the rails installation i have?
<blogjy> i've got rid of the ruby one i have
<dudedudeman> This stack overflow does a good job of walking through it
<jhass> I don't know the windows paths, but I'd say good chances that got rid of the rails one too
<dudedudeman> oh.. windows
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<imperator2> blogjy, how did you install rails?
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<blogjy> i don't remember exactly i guess i double clicked an exe!
<blogjy> i think that removed it though, removing ruby
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<imperator2> ok, you can install rails from the command line
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<jhass> did make fun of PHP already today? I don't think. So http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/05/26/php-7-twice-faster-than-php-5/
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<tejasmanohar> do a lot of people here use activerecord or better to keep all activerecord questions to #ror
<tejasmanohar> ?
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<jhass> I'd say both
<bootstrappm> I can only speak for myself but yes, I use it
<balazs> with Rufus::Scheduler it is not safe to update a hash in different threads, right ?
<tejasmanohar> User.where.not(:referrer_id => nil).group_by_day(:created_at).sum(:referrals_count) is my current query for finding 2nd round referrals. :referrer_id is the user id of the person who referred them
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<tejasmanohar> since user belongs_to :referrer, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "referrer_id" has_many :referrals, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "referrer_id"
<tejasmanohar> now , im trying to find 3rd round referrals so .where.not(:referrer_id => nil WHERE the referred of THIS referred is also NOT nil
<tejasmanohar> not really sure if this can be done in an activerecord query... any thoughts? do i just need to loop through all the users in a rake task and do some # crunching
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<bootstrappm> alright .... for stuff like that I drop down into SQL
<bootstrappm> love me some postgres
<tejasmanohar> and, yeah let me know if that doesn't make much sense- it's kinda a hard question to ask
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: and is that possible in 1 SQL joined query or do i need to loop through a bunch of data?
<tejasmanohar> bleh i havent done raw SQL in forever, we'll see how this goes :P bootstrappm
<bootstrappm> hahah I'll re-read your question slower tejasmanohar and see if I can help, one sec
<tejasmanohar> sure thanks
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<jhass> ?crosspost tejasmanohar
<ruboto> tejasmanohar, Please do not crosspost without at least telling so and mentioning provided suggestions and their outcome in all channels. Experience shows that people don't do either, and not doing so is considered rude.
<tejasmanohar> quick description is i have a query to find referred users who referred other users (2nd round referrals) but now i need to find referred users who referred other users who referred other users --> counts of these kinda referrals
<tejasmanohar> jhass: i did, i cancelled my post there- you see?
<jhass> oh nvm, that question just looked the same :P
<tejasmanohar> 14:41:48 tejasmanohar | moving this to #ruby
<tejasmanohar> from #ror 6
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<tejasmanohar> *from #ror ^
<tejasmanohar> jhass: np, ive done it before as you know and am trying to avoid that now ;)
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: btw im also looking here https://github.com/rails/arel
<bootstrappm> ok
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<blogjy> i installed ruby 2.1.6 32bit then did gem install rails, and I got rails 4.2.1 is that compatible?
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<havenwood> blogjy: yup
<blogjy> thanks
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<arup_r> why the shit is happening.. always empty array ? https://gist.github.com/aruprakshit/d85f336e35ab563121ff
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<blogjy> C:\rubyblah\a>gem install json --platform=ruby <ENTER> gives error https://gist.github.com/anonymous/25f347e83d1398e12ed4 "ERROR: Error installing json:ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension...."
<al2o3-cr> arup_r: try: table = CSV.read("#{__dir__}/test.txt", headers: true)
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<arup_r> al2o3-cr: Ok.. but why mine one is not working ?
<bootstrappm> hey tejasmanohar what does referrals_count mean semantically?
<havenwood> arup_r: Because #new doesn't take a path as the first argument like #read.
<bootstrappm> like, what information does it give you?
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: # of referrals uses counter cache
<bootstrappm> and could you put the relationships you pasted in one line into a gist and share it? kind of confusing seeing it in one line
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<havenwood> blogjy: Forget the json gem. Was just what Nokogiri docs suggest to test but it should be updated to something you'd actually install. Does Nokogiri build?
<bootstrappm> as far as I can tell you CAN get the information you're looking for using AR if you do the join right
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<blogjy> even bundle install, in the project directory, doesn't work
<havenwood> blogjy: Error?
<tejasmanohar> yes bootstrappm
<bootstrappm> its not going to read pretty and I'd prefer to do it in SQL but yes, its possible
<tejasmanohar> one sec
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<blogjy> actually bundle install might work..
<havenwood> arup_r: #new's first arg is data not the path to the file containing the data
<arup_r> humm "This constructor will wrap either a String or IO object passed in data for reading and/or writing.
<arup_r> misread it
<havenwood> arup_r: sees you want #read, so use #read
<havenwood> seems*
<arup_r> humm
<blogjy> nope bundle install doesn't work, tells me about installing jeson.. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/0828c53e490787fc2b98
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<blogjy> says "An error occurred while installing json (1.8.2), and Bundler cannot continue.
<blogjy> Make sure that `gem install json -v '1.8.2'` succeeds before bundling."
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<blogjy> output of gem install json -v '1.8.2' https://gist.github.com/anonymous/43c47230e824751e421a
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<bootstrappm> thanks tejasmanohar
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<havenwood> blogjy: Seems you may have the wrong version of DevKit installed for your Ruby?
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: but yeah you get my question right? 3rd level referrals
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<havenwood> blogjy: ruby dk.rb init --force
<havenwood> blogjy: then reinstall
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<bootstrappm> yeah, I'd phrase it more as "people who have been referred by other people who have been referred" tejasmanohar, makes imagining the logic a bit easier
<havenwood> blogjy: I think you're using your previous DevKit install.
<blogjy> havenwood: oh i think you're right re previous devkit install
<blogjy> i'll remove that devkit
<tejasmanohar> well i already have that
<tejasmanohar> or wait yeah youre right bootstrappm
<bootstrappm> cool
<blogjy> i'll rmdir that devkit.. i think that is how to uninstall that one
<blogjy> as i installed it via extraction i think
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<bootstrappm> what DB you using tejasmanohar?
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: i have "# of referrals by people who were referred" and am trying to get "# of referrals by people who were referred by people who were referred"
<tejasmanohar> postgresql bootstrappm
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<bootstrappm> cool tejasmanohar, gonna give you some SQL to try first on the console just to make sure we're getting the data we want
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: ok, hm User.where.not(:referrer_id => nil).group_by_day(:created_at).sum(:referrals_count) is my current query in AR
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<tejasmanohar> if its possible in SQL is it possible in AR or is that not always true bootstrappm ?
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<tejasmanohar> ^^ and that query (my current one) is "# of referrals by people who were referred" but im trying to go a level deeper in the where: so i can get "# of referrals by people who were referred by people who were referred"
<bootstrappm> yep, completely understand you
<bootstrappm> its usuuually possible in AR, this one definitely is
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<blogjy> THANKS!
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<blogjy> rails s now works
<havenwood> blogjy: \o/
<bootstrappm> when its not you can drop down into AR's query builder, which is that Arel thing you were looking at
<bootstrappm> and when even that proves difficult there's a method or two to execute raw SQL
<tejasmanohar> ah
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<tejasmanohar> i see
<tejasmanohar> im looking too, its the embedded "where" thats throwing me off
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<jhass> you'll need a self join for starters
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<bootstrappm> ^ which means you'll need to alias users as two different 'tables' and use fully qualified identifiers in your where
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<tejasmanohar> oh bootstrappm hm
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: is it better to loop through and do number crunching or is that harder?
<bootstrappm> that'd prob be easier but more inefficient
<bootstrappm> let the database do the work for you though, one sec
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<tejasmanohar> ah yeah
<tejasmanohar> seems right
<tejasmanohar> looking at docs on this hm
<tejasmanohar> i mean i am using a self-joining association
<sandelius> I've read that alot of people think that ActionController::Base(Metal) should be a module. I don't get that, a controller is a controller and without ActionController::Base it's not one. What do you think?
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<sandelius> ApplicationController should be a module
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<bootstrappm> tejasmanohar try this in your psql console: SELECT goal.referrals_count, goal.referrer_id, close_referrers.id, close_referrers.referrer_id FROM users AS goal JOIN users AS close_referrers ON goal.referrer_id = close_referrers.id WHERE close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL;
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<bootstrappm> sorry in advance for syntax errors etc.
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<bootstrappm> throw a limit in there if you have a lot of data and you don't want to wait a wihle
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: how does the goal stuff work?
<bootstrappm> goal is just a name I gave the table of the people you actually want
<bootstrappm> hence, its the 'goal' of this query
<bootstrappm> that's not like 'a thing', I just called it goal in this specific case
<tejasmanohar> do i need to generate that table or is that done by the query?
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<bootstrappm> done by the query
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<bootstrappm> "users AS goal" just means call this table goal
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<bootstrappm> I do it because in the join I also use users and call it `close_referrers`
<jhass> User.joins("JOIN users AS referred ON referred.referrer_id = users.id").joins("JOIN users AS second_referred ON second_referred.referrer_id = referred.id").group_by("second_referred.id").count something like that? I'm not good with this
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<tejasmanohar> ah
<Bermulium> So, str = "Some string"; n = str #this will not copy str into n
<jhass> Bermulium: right!
<Bermulium> but rather make it point in the same memory address
<jhass> yes
<Bermulium> jhass, Damn :p
<tejasmanohar> SELECT goal.referrals_count, goal.referrer_id, close_referrers.id, close_referrers.referrer_id FROM users AS goal JOIN users AS close_referrers ON goal.referrer_id = close_referrers.id WHERE close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL;
<tejasmanohar> ok ill give it a shot
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<bootstrappm> I just tested it on my end tejasmanohar, that works
<Bermulium> jhass, str = "Some string"; n = str; str = str.upcase #this will not affect n, how come?
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<bootstrappm> let me know if the data you're seeing makes sense and we'll make it ActiveRecord-y
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: can i manually run the SQL raw in activerecord?
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<jhass> Bermulium: because .upcase returns a copy, it doesn't modify the receiver
<bootstrappm> you can but that kind of defeats the purpose of using ActiveRecord haha
<havenwood> Bermulium: compare with #upcase!
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: oh so `rails dbconsole` ?
<jhass> Bermulium: if you were to leave of the str =, it wouldn't affect str either
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: because ... im using heroku thats where mmost of the good data is ;)
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: and i cant run `heroku run rails dbconsole` since there's no psql client on heroku's machine installed
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<bootstrappm> if you don't mind having non-portable stuff in your app, AKA if you're not planning on changing RDBMS then just encapsulate that sql in a method and go for it
<bootstrappm> wait tejasmanohar there's something cool i remember about connecting to a heroku DB
<Bermulium> Oh okey. So after the = ..., str now points to a different block in memory and all changed made to it won't affect n?
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<tejasmanohar> oh maybe in heroku's management console
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<blogjy> out of interest, since i've forgotten.. can you install rails prior to installing the devkit?
<tejasmanohar> oh i got it bootstrappm it has a uri for me in management console
<bootstrappm> from the folder where you have the app that has the associated DB do this: `heroku pg:psql` tejasmanohar
<bootstrappm> that's not supposed to be a tongue-face, its a : P
<tejasmanohar> yeah
<tejasmanohar> works
<bootstrappm> nice
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<tejasmanohar> so referrals_count is the # of 3rd level referrals ? bootstrappm
<tejasmanohar> doesnt seem right for my data
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<bootstrappm> add a goal.id as the first column in that select
<bootstrappm> just to make sure yo're not getting duplicate data for some reason
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<bootstrappm> or just do SELECT DISTINCT
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: whats all the referrals_count => 0 about?
<bootstrappm> tejasmanohar that means your 3rd degree referral isn't referring manyo ther people
<bootstrappm> many other*
<tejasmanohar> ohhh
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<tejasmanohar> but the id's list my 3rd degree referrals, right?
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm:
<bootstrappm> or simply enough time hasn't passed for your viral loop to get that far
<tejasmanohar> that seems right
<tejasmanohar> so this chart is of my third degree referrals, and the id's are the id's of them
<tejasmanohar> and then there's some data about them in the following columns, right bootstrappm ?
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<tejasmanohar> ah i get the query now i think
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<tejasmanohar> or am i mistaken? bootstrappm
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<bootstrappm> correct though in the following columns there's also some info about the person that referred them
<bootstrappm> one sec, i'm making it a bit clearer
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<tejasmanohar> oh
<tejasmanohar> im just really trying to get the COUNT of the # of third degree referrals bootstrappm
<bootstrappm> SELECT goal.id AS "id of this 3rd degree referrak", goal.referrals_count AS "# of people this person referred", close_referrers.id AS "id of person that referred this person", close_referrers.referrer_id AS "id of 1st person in chain" FROM users AS goal JOIN users AS close_referrers ON goal.referrer_id = close_referrers.id WHERE close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL;
<bootstrappm> that should make it clearer
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<bootstrappm> then just throw a count in there: SELECT COUNT(goal.id) FROM users AS goal JOIN users AS close_referrers ON goal.referrer_id = close_referrers.id WHERE close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL;
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<tejasmanohar> https://gist.github.com/tejasmanohar/00730fc469c7000d1e50 so this means 638 total 3rd deg referrals bootstrappm
<jhass> NOT NULL?
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<tejasmanohar> i think that may be unecessary ? jhass
<bootstrappm> that's right tejasmanohar. Yes jhass he's looking for people where the person that referred them was also referred by somebody. Hence the person that referred them's referrer_id is not null
<bootstrappm> not unecessary I swear hahah
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<tejasmanohar> oh ah yeah
<tejasmanohar> makes sense
<tejasmanohar> since there are ruby "nil" when i did my AR queries earlier
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: so this can be done in AR?
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<bootstrappm> yep, working on that part now
<tejasmanohar> but why not just embed raw SQL in AR? bootstrappm
<tejasmanohar> and then get the value in ruby var and show it
<jhass> but wouldn't that include any level?
<tejasmanohar> or actually nvm its better with AR since i do things like group gem etc
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<bootstrappm> oh jhass is right tejasmanohar, this includes 3rd level and above
<jhass> say you have a chain of null -> a -> b -> c -> d, it'll include a -> b, b -> c and c -> d, no?
<bootstrappm> need another join to get 3rd level exclusive
<tejasmanohar> 3rd level and above meaning 3+ (so 4, 5 , 6 etc)
<bootstrappm> yes
<tejasmanohar> thats fine actually
<bootstrappm> and the reason to not get embed SQL in AR is portability and purism
<tejasmanohar> i was just trying to get the picture i can add in exclusions etc later myself once i see the picture
<tejasmanohar> and i think that data is beneficial to me though im no data scientist and i dont know one
<bootstrappm> if you're more comfortable with AR, plan to switch database type, or just generally like ruby over SQL then you shouldn't embed the sql ... if none of those are true go ahead and do it
<jhass> .joins("SQL fragment").where("SQL fragment").count("SQL fragment") will be as good as you get here I think
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<tejasmanohar> ah hm
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<bootstrappm> yeah, I agree. If you use the AR associations (@user.referrers or User.all.collect {|u| u.referrers }) your app is gonna be doing more work
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<bootstrappm> If your DB isn't huge it doesn't matter much, but just an FYI
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<zagaza> hi guys, where is the gemfile located in windows 8?
<tejasmanohar> ah
<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: doesnt matter as much
<tejasmanohar> i think AR helps me a lot since i use some ar gems
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<bootstrappm> zagaza Gemfile exists per repo / app ... not system-wide
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: when i join the sql fragments is it like
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<zagaza> bootstrappm oh ok, so for jekyll, I guess jekyll.rb ?
<bootstrappm> tejasmanohar its basically what jhass said: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_querying.html#joining-tables
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<bootstrappm> zagaza jekyll installs as a system-wide binary. do `jekyll new whatever`
<tejasmanohar> User.joins("SELECT COUNT(goal.id) FROM users AS goal").joins("users AS close_referrers ON goal.referrer_id = close_referrers.id").where("close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL;")
<bootstrappm> then in the whatever folder should be your gemfile
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: what is the method if i just wanna run the SQL query raw?
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<tejasmanohar> and get the # in ruby var
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<tejasmanohar> or sry nvm i cant do that i forgot since im using groupdate ruby gem
<zagaza> bootstrappm: do you mean the _config.yml?
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<tejasmanohar> zagaza: no, he doesn't :)
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<bootstrappm> zagaza I've never used jekyll, if in that folder there is no Gemfile ... you might not need a Gemfile?
<tejasmanohar> i've used jekyll
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<zagaza> I need to add this to my gemfile: gem 'wdm', '~> 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?
<tejasmanohar> config yml is for jekyll settings
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<tejasmanohar> i wrote a jekyll site before zagaza https://github.com/LanceMatch/LanceMatch
<tejasmanohar> i used Gemfile
<tejasmanohar> its not 100% necessary
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<tejasmanohar> not required by jekyll, many sites dont use external gems
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<zagaza> ah cool, so I can just add it there ?
<tejasmanohar> yeah of course
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<zagaza> what's the gemfile.lock?
<tejasmanohar> you can add a gemfile anywhere you want
<tejasmanohar> its generated with all the deps etc
<tejasmanohar> take a peek, pretty self explanatory
<tejasmanohar> specific versioning etc
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: do i have the right idea for that active record statement?
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<tejasmanohar> User.joins("SELECT COUNT(goal.id) FROM users AS goal").joins("users AS close_referrers ON goal.referrer_id = close_referrers.id").where("close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL;")
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<bootstrappm> tejasmanohar its closer to something like this: User.joins('users AS close_referrers ON referrer_id = close_referrers.id').where('close_referrers.referrer_id IS NOT NULL').count
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<zagaza> hmm tejasmanohar, I added gemfile but still getting that error with jekyll: "Please add the following to your Gemfile to avoid polling for changes:
<zagaza> gem 'wdm', '>= 0.1.0' if Gem.win_platform?"
<tejasmanohar> gist your gemfile
<tejasmanohar> and the error and what command ur running to bring up the err
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm: is "AS" allowed? rails doesnt seem to like that
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<bootstrappm> might not be :/
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<tejasmanohar> actually hm
<bootstrappm> let me check the AR syntax real quick
<tejasmanohar> PSQL doesnt seem to like it i think
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<tejasmanohar> im looking one sec
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<tejasmanohar> bootstrappm
<tejasmanohar> looking zagaza
<tejasmanohar> never used if Gem.win_platform? zagaza but seems logical. have you run `bundle`
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<visof> hi guys
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<bootstrappm> my mistake tejasmanohar, include keyword "JOIN" at the beginning of the joins clause
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<jhass> zagaza: try gem install wdm instead