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<mxweas> Harzilein .split(/suffix/, 2).first ?
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<Harzilein> mxweas: why the 2?
<mxweas> optimization. Once the array hits two elements it stops
<davidcelis> return :x for summing them?
<mxweas> so after the first split, since you're just calling .first anyway
<Harzilein> and i forgot about first, split(/foo$/)[0] would not look nicer than sub(/foo$/){}
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<igors> hello. anybody familiar with thor? I'd like to use namespaces like ./commands.rb foo:bar
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<elijahc> i've been googling up a storm and i can't quite figure out when to define an instance method and when to define a class method. any ideas?
<andrewvos> elijahc: You mean as a good practice?
<elijahc> yup
<andrewvos> Well, when it makes sense use a class method :)
<andrewvos> elijahc: If you don't need any values to be passed into the constructor, then you might want to use a class method.
<elijahc> andrewvos: what if i need to pass in an array to my method?
<andrewvos> elijahc: What are you currently doing that has made you stop and think?
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<elijahc> well, i'm writing my first ruby program and I'm going to use Thread because i've got 8 cores on this box, and I need to have each core run a method, albeit with different inputs.
<andrewvos> elijahc: So what does it do, and where are you thinking of using an instance/class method?
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<RubyPanther> elijahc: likely you should fork instead of using Thread
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<elijahc> andrewvos RubyPanther this is what i'm doing:
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<andrewvos> elijahc: You're aware that writing to the file system with multiple threads will slow this down?
<andrewvos> Hmm, and reading. Just noticed you're not writing.
<elijahc> andrewvos: actually, the s3cmd sync command does synchronize remote S3 buckets to the local FS, which in this case is actually a ramdisk.
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<andrewvos> elijahc: Fair enough
<elijahc> so....should i be using an instance method or a class method?
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<andrewvos> elijahc: Still don't know what part
<andrewvos> elijahc: I see lots of methods there
<elijahc> take a look at class SyncHashPush
<andrewvos> elijahc: I would use an instance of a class for every cpu action
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<elijahc> how do you define cpu action?
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<sie> What do you guys think:
<oneiros_Fade> Could someone please point me to a way to do GUI (curses or Gtk, maybe Qt) in Ruby that's currently -functional- in ArchLinux?
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<RubyPanther> oneiros_Fade: if you use Tk from the stdlib there will be dev packages for it in any distro :)
<oneiros_Fade> Tk?
<RubyPanther> presumably Gtk would have packages, too
<oneiros_Fade> Well, Glade is broken in Arch
<oneiros_Fade> Otherwise I'd be Gtk'ing it up as we speak
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<RubyPanther> Can't you use Gtk without Glade?
<oneiros_Fade> Yes, but I'm not terribly familiar with Ruby or Gtk, and I'm just trying to slap a usable GUI onto something so I can get to using it
<oneiros_Fade> Since I can't find an app that does what I'm trying to do, I get to make one
<RubyPanther> Tk is ancient, but it is also everywhere. It's usually used for rapid prototypes, but it has advanced features too.
<oneiros_Fade> Is there perhaps a GUI builder that works well with Ruby?
<oneiros_Fade> That would make my evening
<RubyPanther> I remember seeing one, but I don't use them myself
<oneiros_Fade> LOL, fair enough. Want to make a GUI for me? ;)
<RubyPanther> oneiros_Fade: I can't imagine any reason not to be able to get Glade working on any linux
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<oneiros_Fade> RubyPanther: The Glade builder puts out XML that the libglade can't understand
<oneiros_Fade> As far as I can tell, libglade is deprecated
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<oneiros_Fade> But I've seen nothing as to what replaces it
<oneiros_Fade> I'll check into Tk though
<RubyPanther> oneiros_Fade: you could always just build a new glade install in userspace, if there is something broken about the system packages
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<oneiros_Fade> Or create the GUI in Glade builder and manually write in the relevant bits to .rb
<oneiros_Fade> Which, looking a Tk, seems to be best bet at the moment
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<oneiros_Fade> Tk looks pretty much the same as Gtk
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<oneiros_Fade> Thanks for the suggestions, anyhow
<oneiros_Fade> Take it easy
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<macmartine_> How do I get this string: "2011-12-05 17:00:00", where this is local time, to a time in utc?
<loocorez> macmartine_: Check out time.local
<macmartine_> i tried that
<macmartine_> Time.local("2011-12-05 17:00:00") => 2011-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
<loocorez> Time.local("2011-12-05 17:00:00").utc perhaps?
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<loocorez> => 2011-01-01 08:00:00 UTC
<macmartine_> irb(main):020:0> Time.local("2011-12-05 17:00:00").utc => 2011-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
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<loocorez> Try Time.local(2011,12,05,18,16,00).utc => 2011-12-06 02:16:00 UTC
<macmartine_> loocorez: yeah, i figure that has got to be an easier way
<macmartine_> but that's a good backup, thanks
<loocorez> Sorry. I need more coffee. I'm interested now, I'll keep looking
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<macmartine_> OK, I have to head home so i'll be offline for 30 min or so.
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<loocorez> macmartine_: Sure thing. Looks like the time library has an rfc2822 method that can parse a string formatted differently...
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<jinho> I want to do a regex in ruby 1.9 where I want to find a string that ends with a period like: "Scintigraphic evaluation of acute lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage: current status and future directions." but some of these strings can also be preceeded and end with brackets like: "[Role of multi-detector row computed tomography for localization of acute lower GI bleeding]." and I'd like to get rid of the brackets
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<jinho> so far I have: \[?(.+)\]?\.
<jinho> but of course that keeps the end bracket - do I have to use assertions for this case?
<jinho> or am I being blockheaded?
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<jinho> help would be much appreciated!
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<atmosx> jinho: try #regexp
<atmosx> tell them you're programming in ruby it will help
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<jinho> atmosx: gotcha thanks
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<loocorez> macmartine: Still looking for a solution?
<macmartine> yep
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<BrokenCog> anyone around for trouble shooting wxRuby install??
<loocorez> macmartine: Have you looked into Date's strptime? It might be what you want, if the dates are formatted the same way..
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<macmartine> loocorez: i'll try it
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<mksm> macmartine, Date.parse(str).to_time.utc
<mksm> what version are they using?
<macmartine> 1.9.2
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<mksm> hmm
<mksm> dunno
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<arash> is there an up-to-date wrapper for the google docs api for ruby?
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<loocorez> macmartine: DateTime.strptime('2011/03/05 14:25:00', '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S').to_time.utc
<loocorez> maybe?
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<macmartine> loocorez: nope. => 2011-03-05 14:25:00 UTC
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<macmartine> so weird. thanks so much for trying
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<loocorez> macmartine: DateTime.parse('2011/03/05 14:25:00 PST').utc
<loocorez> err .to_time.utc
<macmartine> loocorez: looks like that kinda does it -- though I'd have to programatically get the PST in there since
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<loocorez> Yeah, like #{} ?
<sgronblo> Does anyone know how ruby-prof counts methods called from a block passed to a method?
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<macmartine> loocorez: => (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
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<jonathan___> Hi all, I'm new in Rails and I wonder what does exactly "form_for([@post,]) do |f|"
<loocorez> macmartine:
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<jonathan___> I understand the "form_for(@post) do |f|" but I need more explanations with the call of form_for with 2 arguments
<jonathan___> and the meaning of the .build
<sgronblo> jonathan___: /j #rubyonrails
<jonathan___> yes ...
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<shevy> jonathan___ many people here don't know enough about rails to help you. For instance, I have no idea what the method form_for() is doing. Don't be shy to have a look at the source though!
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<skillachie> Hi , the meta method present in Ruby/gnome poppler is not in the poppler gem or I do not know how to call that method
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<skillachie> How can I call only methods in the OS ruby poppler installed instead of the poppler gem ?
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<shevy> skillachie is that part of ruby-gnome? or is that poppler thing something independent
<shevy> though version 1.0.3 is rubygnome2 I think
<shevy> if it's part of rubygnome2, it has example files in examples/ directory
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<RichieEvans> testing
<sdwrage> hey all. Is there an easy way to split a chunk of text by character count but ensuring a word finishes?
<sdwrage> so basically the range extends to allow the word to finish
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<tyman> not sure i understand the on words and split those right?
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<mxweas_> is it possible to specify a bytes:0-x header with open() ?
<sdwrage> tyman, I guess I can use split with a space
<Ruthenium> sdwrage: string.scan(/.{#{length}}(?:\w+|[^w])/)
<Ruthenium> this kinda works
<sdwrage> hrm
<sdwrage> I am playing with something now. I will see how it turns out :P
<sdwrage> thank you all though :)
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<Davenjah> how to use unpack statement more than one with irb
<Davenjah> .unpack.unpack , can someone give me an example?
<Ruthenium> "a".unpack("b*").join.unpack("h*")
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<Davenjah> it this the way to decode a string?
<Davenjah> "need-to-be-decoded".unpack("b*").join.unpack(h*")
<Davenjah> ?
<fowl_mouth> Davenjah: why dont u read the documentation bitch
<Davenjah> bitch, i read too much
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<Davenjah> didnt understand it
<fowl_mouth> Davenjah: then go ask the doctor for some drugs to make u smarter
<Davenjah> xanax would be perfect
<Davenjah> already got it
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<Davenjah> fowl_mouth: i suggest you calm and mind your own business with "stfu"
<Davenjah> Ruthenium can u explain more?
<shevy> Davenjah look at the documentation of pack and unpack, it follows a format convention
<Davenjah> ok
<Davenjah> i been googling around didnt find an easy website explaining how things work
<shevy> "aa".unpack("b8B8") # => ["10000110", "01100001"]
<Davenjah> can you promote something?
<shevy> I can promote free sex. But other than that, try the official ruby documentation?
<Davenjah> ok
<shevy> you can find it with google!
<Davenjah> why dont you guys close the channel and set an auto-kick message "use google" dont come to freenode.
<shevy> Davenjah this is not the official ruby channel
<Davenjah> what is the purpose of this channel?
<shevy> Davenjah it's to promote free love
<Davenjah> Austria what a nice country
<Davenjah> never heard of it
<shevy> fascinating
<Davenjah> shevy i was trying to decode some string.. been googling for hours
<Davenjah> someone suggested that ruby may work.
<Davenjah> shall i continue reading or ruby is the solution indeed?
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<shevy> ?!
<shevy> so you don't even use ruby :(
<Davenjah> 5ZiLHBofF8qKNINew4NUa7TPDl8pDgYbPPLi9tf6oFE=
<Davenjah> this is the string that i love to decode
<Davenjah> and no, it is not base64
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<shevy> I didn't know you were not using ruby
<Davenjah> never heard of it before
<shevy> use PHP its better
<Davenjah> i thought when linux guys say ruby. they mentioning someone's girlfriend
<Davenjah> didnt know it is something can be used with linux
<shevy> pretty much
<shevy> you are a wise person
* fowl_mouth sets mode: +stfu_bitch Davenjah
<Davenjah> lol
<Davenjah> to the maximum
<Davenjah> .whois
<Davenjah> opsss im not in my server :/
<Davenjah> New Zealand
<Davenjah> where we get meat from
<fowl_mouth> Davenjah: stop babbling
<Davenjah> fowl_mouth, can you export 100 of sheeps to us?
<fowl_mouth> Davenjah: what country is that?
<Davenjah> Dubai
<Davenjah> i pay for anyone help me decode this --> 5ZiLHBofF8qKNINew4NUa7TPDl8pDgYbPPLi9tf6oFE=
<sdwrage> Ruthenium: you still there?
<Ruthenium> still here
<sdwrage> Ruthenium: do you do any web work?
<Ruthenium> no
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<sdwrage> I am basically trying to write a script to allow dynamic content to cut off at a certain length in a fixed height div without js or css intervening...
<sdwrage> don't know if that even looks sound
<sdwrage> I think I just need to sleep lol
<Ruthenium> what is word_key?
<sdwrage> whoops… 38 should be character_limit
<sdwrage> it was left there from something I was trying
<sdwrage> I will remove that
<Ruthenium> "paragraph" and "word" are always == nil
<sdwrage> also need to add a fourth param called row_limit
<sdwrage> revised it
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<Ruthenium> paragraphs.each do |paragraph_key, paragraph|
<Ruthenium> why two parameters here?
<Ruthenium> paragraphs is an Array
<sdwrage> I didn't need two params really
<Ruthenium> Array#each only gives one parameter to the block
<sdwrage> I was testing something
<Ruthenium> so paragraph ends up empty
<sdwrage> revised
<sdwrage> the + 1's are to compensate for spaces that were removed
<sdwrage> because those act as a single space
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<sdwrage> basically I needed something that acts like I can cut it at a specific row based on character limit but, in the browser, if a word is too long, it drops down to another row in the paragraph. so just doing a character count wouldn't work
<sdwrage> thats why I was creating this
<sdwrage> I don't know how flakey it looks code wise :\
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<Ruthenium> so if the word doesn't fit in the limit you want to move it to the next line?
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<sdwrage> exactly
<sdwrage> because that is what it does in the browser
<sdwrage> Ruthenium: ^^
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<sdwrage> needless to say, I need to use a monospaced font but that is fine
<sarmiena_> how would i match all alphanumeric sequences in a given string? doing my_string.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]+/) only returns the first occurrence
<Ruthenium> sarmiena_: String#scan
<sdwrage> sarmiena_: scan?
<sarmiena_> ah i think i found it
<sarmiena_> scan
<sarmiena_> thanks
<sdwrage> lol
<sdwrage> :)
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<disappearedng> do you guys normally write code like this? @entries = retrieve_entries(current_user ? current_user.tags : nil)
<disappearedng> is this "idiomatic" in ruby
<davidcelis> that would be rails
<davidcelis> p.s. that is a horrifically open-ended question
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<ryanf> I don't know what property(s) of it you are referring to
<ryanf> the ternary is pretty common
<ryanf> the rest of it seems straightforward
<ryanf> also there's nothing inherently railsy about that
<ryanf> "current_user" isn't built into rails or anything
<davidcelis> ryanf: it's rails
<davidcelis> because
<davidcelis> he's also in #rubyonrails asking about it :)
<ryanf> haha
<ryanf> that's cheating
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<Taos> Whats the @ in classes? instance?
<fowl_mouth> Taos: it's indicating whether the class is private or public
<fowl_mouth> @ means private
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<Taos> Ewwwww public private :(
<Taos> Im only learning ruby for completeness because I learnt python first and i have to say nothing is really jumping off the page at me
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<fowl_mouth> Taos: i was joking
<fowl_mouth> Taos: @ indicates instance variables
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<Taos> fowl_mouth: were you really joking >.>
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<Taos> You still have public private and that is evilllll
<fowl_mouth> Taos: Almost every single object oriented language has private/public
<Taos> Its an evil concept and ill be happy when everyone gives up being a stickler
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<mutable> Hi. I'm trying to figure out where are gems installed by 'gem install ...' kept in Fedora. How can I find it please?
<fowl_mouth> Taos: Why is it an evil *concept* ?
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<mutable> it's 'gem which'
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<shevy> Taos, @foo is an instance variable. You use it to store data that you want to fetch, use modify
<fowl_mouth> Taos: the idea of differentiating between public and private interface is sound and is one of the cornerstones of OO
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<Axsuul> Is there a way to define a method for +=
<Ruthenium> += is just a + and assignment
<Axsuul> Yea but is there a way to define a method for a class that utilizes +=, for example I can define a method for +
<Ruthenium> += just calls + method
<Ruthenium> then assigns result
<fowl_mouth> Axsuul: self.x += 10 is the same as: self.x=(self.x + 10)
<Axsuul> ah thanks
<fowl_mouth> well, self.x=(self.x().+(10)
<Ruthenium> self.x=self.x.+ 10
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<fowl_mouth> Ruthenium: what's up
<Ruthenium> nothing to see here
<fowl_mouth> Ruthenium: u seem like a nice girl
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<Ruthenium> am not
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<MAD> Hello everybody…
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<shevy> Axsuul you can at least define + class Test; def +(i); puts "Adding #{i}."; end; end; test =; test + 'Hello World' # => "Adding Hello World."
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<nemski> hi
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<nemski> can someone explain to me why this returns an error on the second call to 'a.each'
<Ruthenium> what error?
<nemski> test.rb:5: undefined method `each' for :IP:Symbol (NoMethodError)
<nemski> so why does the to_s only work the first time
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<nlko> what is the best pdf generator in ruby?
<nlko> im looking at prawn and sme princexml at the moment
<nlko> am i overlooking anything?
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<shevy> nemski for whatever reason, the object where .each is run, is a Symbol
<shevy> you'd prefer an array usually for .each
<nemski> yeah the last element
<nemski> it's an IP address
<shevy> isn't an IP Address a string?
<shevy> nemski what version of ruby do you run
<shevy> works for me without an error
<nemski> 1.8.7
<shevy> same here
<shevy> print "#{a} = #{v}\n" shorter would be puts "#{a} = #{v}" btw
<nemski> are you require ing any libs
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<shevy> nope
<shevy> "a" is a hash
<shevy> works here
<nemski> yep
<shevy> :)
<nemski> weeeird
<nemski> OS?
<shevy> linux, knoppix
<shevy> but it doesnt matter, the code you have on the pastie works in ruby nemski
<heftig> nemski: this will work in 1.9, but not 1.8
<heftig> you reuse the variable "a" within the block
<heftig> don't do that if you want to be compatible with 1.8
<shevy> oh
<shevy> indeed he does
<nemski> stupid debian is always behind
<shevy> nemski, it's not good to use the same names
<nemski> i just came across it playing with irb
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<nemski> silly me
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<xissburg> how to define ++ operator?
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<nemski> def ++(var) var += var end ?
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<nemski> i would have no idea
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<Tasser> nemski, won't work, because you can't define macros
<Tasser> ehh xissburg ^
<xissburg> ?
<shevy> xissburg does not work in ruby
<xissburg> not possible
<xissburg> ?
<shevy> yes. not possible.
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<rohit> Can't you define that method in the Kernel module?
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<rohit> oh you can't define a method named ++
<Tasser> xissburg, learn some lisp and the difference between macro and function :-P
<xissburg> yea
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<sie> Does ruby have some XML parsing libraries by default?
<Tasser> sie, install the nokogiri gem
<Tasser> how do I get the current namespace in Rake?
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<shevy> sie you have a funny nick
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<shevy> I find Makefiles easier to understand than Rakefiles :)
<Tasser> yeah, Rake is a PoS :-/
<Tasser> but well, it does get shit done
<Tasser> I'll probably use something else later on
<shevy> hmm what are you doing with rake?
<Tasser> creating indexes with lucene / generating relevancy scores from them
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<sie> Is nokogiri fast/fastest?
<Tasser> sie, kind of
<sie> shevy - Also, check the wave generator I made. It doesn't create WAVs(yet), but it's prettay! (check the .rb's ending)
<sie> And tell me how shitty it is.
<Tasser> shevy, I'll probably switch to thor if I need some metaprogramming
<shevy> wave generator where?
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<shevy> Tasser I think the only piece of metaprogramming I did so far which I liked was
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<shevy> CONFIG.some_option
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<shevy> which is basically a sugared hash... CONFIG['name_of_key']
<shevy> my meta foo is very weak
<sie> derpp, didn't paste the link
<sie> shevy - ^
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<Tasser> sie, see openstruct :-P
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<shevy> sie do you have an example? I mean how to use oscgen
<shevy> I mean an example.rb file something
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<sie> __END__
<sie> It's got this there: ./oscgen.rb | aplay --rate=44000
<shevy> oh yes
<shevy> now I see it
<shevy> hurts my ears hehehe
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<sie> Turn your volume down. ;-D With this you can generate all kinds of waves! \o/ (and most importantly mix them)
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<Tasser> sie, why not use pack? Too fancy?
<sie> I didn't have much time yesterday and I was lazy.
<sie> Does it look somewhat good?
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<fowl_mouth> Tasser: can u stop eating for a few days
<fowl_mouth> just 2 or 3
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<yatiohi> Hello, I am trying to fix some broken utf string with ruby 1.9 and I am having some problems
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<yatiohi> my test case is here:
<yatiohi> any ideas?
<Tasser> fowl_mouth, already did that, but then I just start gaming
<Tasser> sie, <- fancy
<Tasser> sie, but not useful
<sie> Meant for inclusion, right?
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<Tasser> sie, it's too general. your #math is simple enough
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<shevy> sie dunno, I did not try to understand it. It takes me too long to understand code written by others
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<sie> No, I mean is it just pretty code? Not the functionality that much.
<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> well
<shevy> I am not sure
<shevy> it's hard to say as everyone may use another style
<shevy> I myself don't like @@vars
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<shevy> sie what would be nice to see would be a solution that tries to keep it as simple as possible
<shevy> and then compare
<sie> It's not about liking @@vars or not, it's just that IMO in this case they should be the same across all instances.
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<shevy> yeah, I dunno. I can't stand them
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<AutoMan> GM, I am getting this error any idea what to do with it?:Fetching source index for
<AutoMan> C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb:239:in `rescue in fetch_path': SocketError: getaddrinfo: No such host is known. ( (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
<AutoMan> Has anyone ever access CIS (Composite Information Server) with Ruby before?
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<derchiller> i would like to do the following, but it won't work: help will be appreciated
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<ggtoo> i want to do this. Pls help me.
<Tasser> ggtoo, I hope you're aware that XML isn't a regular language.
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<Tasser> and what should the output be exactly?
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<sie> Has anyone ever succeeded to compile-collect rb file into an exe? How big was it?
<ggtoo> in the xml, characters are like \u044F\u045F
<ggtoo> i want to convert them to actual readable character.
<AutoMan> Has anyone ever access CIS (Composite Information Server) with Ruby before?
<derchiller> ggtoo: this may works
<derchiller> oh
<derchiller> this is the paste
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<poppiez> when should you use a rakefile?
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<AutoMan> Also has anyone seen this error before?
<ggtoo> derchiller thank you. but it is not working. it is printing \u0430\u0430 only.
<poppiez> my colleague says you should ONLY use Rakefiles when you install something and I believe you can use it for whatever task you might have
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<ggtoo> derchiller: i put a sample input here.
<derchiller> if i use put the following string, i got the right character of it: "\u{0434}"
<derchiller> so u may convert the "\u0434" string to "\u{0434}"
<ggtoo> derchiller: how would i do that?
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<derchiller> hard to find it out without the content of the file. i also was wrong and it isn't neccessary to make the characters looks like '\u{0430}' ->
<derchiller> @ ggtoo
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<ggtoo> derchiller: the file xml file contains onlye \u0456\u..., i wanted to replace those with the actual characters you just showed. If i read from file i read \u0344 string not the actual character.
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<ggtoo> derchiller: this is the content of the file
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<koala_man> does rubyzip support reading a zipfile without modifying it? are there any libs that do?
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<derchiller> ggtoo: thats the only solution i've found so far. i'm sure that there's a solution which is more elegant, but i can't find it:
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<ggtoo> derchiller: Thank you very much. This is what i wanted. Wow.
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<derchiller> gladly
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<netzapper> so I'm hacking on my DSL for graphics fx in a game. I'm trying to figure out how I can get a block to close both over the instance variables of the object of the method that's defining the block, and over the instance methods (though not necessarily variables) of the class that the block is instance_exec'd inside.
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<netzapper> if I use local variables instead of @variables, things work fine. Do I really need just just do "local_var = @instance_var" and refer to "local_var" inside my blocks?
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<shevy> netzapper what
<shevy> show code on pastie pls
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<mkulke> hello, i have a string which is an xml string plus a custom string appended
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<mkulke> i get rid of the appended string when doing 'awk "/<*>/"'
<mkulke> how would i do that w/ ruby regexps?
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<derchiller> mkulke: if string =~ /(.*)<.*?>/ then result = $1.to_s end
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<derchiller> u may also want to use the string.match() or string.scan() method
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<mkulke> derchiller: yeah, it kind of works (altho i need the xml, and the appended non-xml string to be thrown away)
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<mkulke> but i have the problem, that using this regexp i get: "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>"
<mkulke> which is kind of right
<mkulke> if content =~ /(<.*?>).*/ then content = $1.to_s end
<derchiller> if u want to use regular expressions, thats the options u may want to use. but if u want to parse the xml file u may want to use a class, not a regular expression
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<mkulke> i get an output from an app which is appended w/ a more or less random string (not easy to cut out).
<mkulke> like "<a.....z>\nblabla"
<mkulke> i do parse the xml
<mkulke> but i need to cut the frigging stuff at the end of the app
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<mkulke> err the app result string
<derchiller> can't help u out there. building up the regexp is your job :) but, if your source is always valid xml, u may want to try out REXML or XmlSimple
<mkulke> i DO use rexml
<mkulke> i just wonder whether i can replace the ugly awk call
<derchiller> :)
<mkulke> right now my call is: %x{java -jar nagios_to_xml.jar #{filename} | awk "/<*>/"}
<mkulke> works great
<mkulke> but its ugly
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<derchiller> yes, that looks like the sourcecode of a bash script, but not ruby ^^
<mkulke> *then* i can parse it w/ xml
<mkulke> rexml
<mkulke> i guess i could basically search for the last ">" and chop everything off from that on
<ccooke> hmm. Anyone know if puppet is stable on Rubinius? Can't seem to find online.
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<derchiller> should be possible
<Tasser> ccooke, run the test suite on rubinius and see what ahppens
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<mkulke> (and pray that the app will never output a string containing >)
<mkulke> ah whatever
<derchiller> mkulke: u can use String.sub or String.sub! resp. String.gsub
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<derchiller> with regular expressions to remove an unwanted string also
<mkulke> derchiller: exactly. but what would be a regexp for a non "< >" enclosed string?
<derchiller> replace /<.*?>/ with an empty string -> String.gsub(/<.*?>/, '')
<mkulke> that would throw away the xml
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<mkulke> not the non-xml string
<derchiller> may gsub(/>.*?</, '') ?
<mkulke> neither :)
<derchiller> may gsub(/>(.*?)</, '') ?
<derchiller> should work IMHO
<mkulke> no, it doesn't. i am beginning to doubt it's possible at all
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<derchiller> everything is possible
<mkulke> not with regexp
<mkulke> its not a parser
<derchiller> it may be one
<derchiller> depends on the pattern
<mkulke> i thought there was a logical limitiation
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<derchiller> not every problem is solvable with the use of only regular expressions, thats right
<derchiller> but regexp helps. but u're free to try it another way also
<yekta> Somehow with some setting I've set in my environment I have lost the ability to (option + left) to jump left over words in IRB and rails consoles. Instead of going left it gives me [D for option + left and just 'D' for CTRL+left. Anyone have any ideas for what setting might be messing that up?
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<macmartine> If I store a timezone in a variable - "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" how can I get the 3 abberviated name? ie. PST
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<derchiller> yekta: sounds like a terminal problem
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<derchiller> macmartine: use a table for comparison. but sadly i can't help u finding one
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<Narcissus> Can anyone explain why, when I am using rails 3.0.9 with ruby 1.8.7, I get the error on line 7?
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<envygeeks> Narcissus: does your Gemfile declare and explicit version of rake?
<Narcissus> nope
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<envygeeks> or does it declare rake without a version
<dch4pm4n> Narcissus: Use bundle exec rake db:migrate
<dch4pm4n> or rvm get latest if you have rvm installed and you won't have to run bundle exec
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<Narcissus> dch4pm4n: bundle exec rake db:migrate works, thanks :)
<dch4pm4n> NP :-)
<Narcissus> dch4pm4n: can you explain why it did that?
<Narcissus> envygeeks: it doesn't declare rake at all
<dch4pm4n> I am not 100% but my theory is that it's trying to use different gemsets
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<Narcissus> ah okay, that seems to be quite a big annoyance with ruby (to me), there are so many different versions available it's difficult to know what I should be using where
<yekta> derchiller: well it does work when I ssh into production servers
<envygeeks> I'm a bit confused at how caller(n) is working: it just doesn't seem to be lining up with what the docs say
<Taos> Anyone here had experience with MySQL Workbench, I want opinion not help
<dch4pm4n> Narcissus: it is annoying. I use a different gemset with every new project and have no gems in my default gemset. This was there are no conflicts by putting everything in the default global gemset (i.e. the problem you've just experienced)
<dch4pm4n> s/was/way/
<envygeeks> same reason I had to finally cave in and modify rbenv to work without a custom shebang and use it to manage custom gemsets
<envygeeks> bundler gets annoying for development :(
<dch4pm4n> indeed
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<yekta> Taos: works great for me
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<Taos> yekta: can I have more than that
<Taos> yekta: do you ever do ERD diagrams in it?
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> what is an easy way to use Readline for multi-line input
<yekta> kz44umwty
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<BoreK> sup
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<mztriz> could someone help me with this script?
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<ccooke> mztriz: what's the problem with it?
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<envygeeks> mztriz: I think it would be better to do line =~ /regex/ then use $1 and $2 would probably save a couple of lines since you could do something like /^([0-9]+)\s(.*)/ => $1 $2
<envygeeks> well \s+ would probably work out better :P
<sodani1> hello, if I do [].inject, inject is defined by the enumberable module correct? How can I know that this is defined by enumberable and not class Array?
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<envygeeks> sodani1: type ri Array#inject and it will tell you where it's defined (for example for inject it says it's defined by enumerable)
<mztriz> envygeeks: thanks I'll give that a try :)
<RedGoesFasta> or
<ccooke> sodani1: well, you can call [].method(:inject): => #<Method: Array(Enumerable)#inject>
<RedGoesFasta> Array.instance_method(:inject)
<sodani1> hmm, ri Array works for me but ri Array#inject does not. I'm getting a return that Nothing is know about Array#inject
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<sodani1> [].method(:inject) seems to do the trick though. thanks
<sodani1> I wonder why ri Array#inject isn't finding anything
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<ccooke> sodani1: works in ri on 1.9.x, doesn't work on 1.8.x
<envygeeks> I did my ri on 1.9.2p290 with built in ri if that helps
<RevDrSpectre7> I am having a really hard time getting libv8 and therubyracer installed on BSD
<RevDrSpectre7> Can anyone help?
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<mephux> mztriz:
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<sodani1> when you say "an enumberable" that could be an array or hash or anything else with the enumberable module included?
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<RevDrSpectre7> I am having a really hard time getting libv8 and therubyracer installed on BSD
<RevDrSpectre7> Can anyone help?
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<envygeeks> I still don't understand why caller from repl root prompt is acting different then caller from inside a class method
<envygeeks> :(
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<sholden> Does anyone use RubyMine? If so, do oyu know how to fix the syntax highligher to recognize methods ending in ?
<sholden> minor issue but its activating my ocd :P
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> ruby editors in general kinda suck
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<devinus> could anybody explain this: ?
<devinus> wrong channel
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<sie> Can I pass arguments to the proc, when I'm instance_evaling?
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<fowl_mouth> sie: yes use instance_exec instead
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<billy_ran_away> Does anyone know how to use the Differ gem to print line by line differences?
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<billy_ran_away> of a multi-line strings?
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<sIbOk> hi, i'm trying to install ruby-debug but it wants ruby > 1.8.7 when i'm running ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux] Any tip? thx :)
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<sIbOk> envygeeks: Thx a lot, now ruby-debug works but chiliproject still complains about non installed version
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<GoldenPie> Can anyone help me with this?
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<deryldoucette> envygeeks: thank you on that ruby-debug19 link. I'll also pass it on to mpapis and see if we can't get better rvm specific support as well.
<deryldoucette> looked like someone was doing the same with rbenv (if i read that right)
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<Algorith> hmm, I'm probably doing something horribly wrong here... does all computation in a recursive def in ruby not stop when 'return' gets called?
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<sie> return just returns value from a function. All recursive functions must be stopped with some condition. if arg == 0 then return x else the_func arg * 3 end
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<Harzilein> hmm
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<alex__c2022> anyone ever run into an issue like this? RegexpError in xxx unmatched (: /^(E\373\307\237$\227\016\t\204\^Ez\357(E\005)+/ ?
<alex__c2022> could it be I/O related?
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<gearaholic> How can i get the mime-type of a file?
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<billy_ran_away> Anyone familiar with Differ? How can I get it to only show differences?
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<billy_ran_away> Got it! Differ.format = :color; Differ.diff_by_line(string1, string2).to_s.lines.each { |line| puts line if line.include? "\e" }
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<tightwork> ruby on windows is a mess wth?
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<Asher> windows is a mess
<yxhuvud> so is everything else
<yxhuvud> just a matter of degree
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<muraii> This perhaps belongs in #cygwin, but it seems to fit #ruby better. I've installed Ruby 1.8.x via cygwin's installer, and RubyGems 1.8.x via "ruby setup.rb". I've since compiled Ruby 1.9.x and I *think* I need to remove the separate RubyGems installation.
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<muraii> Trying to set up Jekyll, but I think the error I'm getting is due to Ruby/RubyGems version. I'd like to remove the separate RubyGems install, but setup.rb doesn't seem to have an option for that.
<muraii> What's the best way to proceed?
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<Morkel> What is the best gem to build a webscraper? mechanize, capybara or else?
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<burgestrand> Morkel: no idea, sorry. I mean, I use capybara daily but it’s only to drive my tests.
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<Morkel> burgestrand: i use it too for this case. But i dont know how usefull it is as scraper :-)
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<SegFaultAX|work> Is there a hash method to merge/update one hash into another without generating any new keys.
<SegFaultAX|work> Only update existing keys.
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<shadoi> Morkel: scrubyt is built for it
<shadoi> not sure how up to date it is though
<Morkel> shadoi: thanks but scrubyt is only 'Hpricot and Mechanize on steroids'
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<muraii> Not bumping, per se, but curious: what's the best way to uninstall RubyGems 1.8.x in cygwin? I assume that's necessary upon installing Ruby 1.9.x.
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<shevy> rm -rf *
<shevy> rip it apart!
<shevy> out with the bad
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<ion-> how can i get a repl that stays alive in the same scope as a script?
<csavola> ion-: like starting irb and requiring the script file?
<ion-> csavola: yes. do i need to export objects somehow to access them?
<ion-> i suppose i can look it up. didnt think about making it as if it was a module
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<csavola> ion-: it depends on what you mean by "script" all a require does is load the file and make sure it's only done once
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<ion-> csavola: i just want to poke around in this simple test script. it pops a json string from redis and at that point i want to use the interactive interpreter
<ion-> i was thinking there might be trick like python -i
<csavola> ion-: sounds like you want a debugger like ruby-debug
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<burgestrand> try pry
<burgestrand> ion-:
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<burgestrand> ion-:
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<davidcelis> Ruby 2.0.0-dev?
<davidcelis> jesus......
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<ion-> burgestrand: pry does the trick, ty
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<ion-> ruby-debug required an older ruby... tried ruby-debug19, but i had some lib error
<shadoi> hey.. pry got a nice new logo.
<shadoi> cool
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<envygeeks> can anybody explain this shit:
<envygeeks> why are the exceptions being suppressed by the original raise?
<Afal> burgestrand: wow whoever made that pry tool must be a really cool guy ;)
<burgestrand> Afal: not me, even though our names are similar, but yes he is :)
<shadoi> banisterfiend yeah?
<envygeeks> yes
<Afal> erk >_<[1~
<shadoi> envygeeks: that makes my eyes bleed
<shadoi> envygeeks: isn't raise a keyword?
<envygeeks> the keyword is an alias to Kernel#raise
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<envygeeks> Sorry Kernel.raise
<shadoi> ah.. yeah it's not reserved
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<shadoi> hmm… beyond me.
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<envygeeks> yeah i tripped me up at first when I saw that there were suppressed exceptions but there is nothing in the bundler source suppressing them :S
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<fowl_mouth> envygeeks: you're only defining a singleton method on Kernel
<fowl_mouth> you need to redefine the instance method
<envygeeks> fowl_mouth: raise works on Kernel.raise
<envygeeks> that is not the problem
<fowl_mouth> are you sure? im pretty sure it's just a module_function
<fowl_mouth> let me check
<envygeeks> yes I'm sure because I've been using it :|
<envygeeks> if it didn't work it wouldn't have printed out the *args either when I ran rake pry ;)
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<fowl_mouth> envygeeks:
<fowl_mouth> ah
<fowl_mouth> you're note defining 'raise' on the singleotn class
<fowl_mouth> not*
<fowl_mouth> nm
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<envygeeks> you're right
<envygeeks> lol
<envygeeks> I just noticed that too
<shadoi> fowl_mouth: aha! trying to hide from your hordes of fans now?
<epitron> shhhh
<shadoi> lol
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<envygeeks> fowl_mouth: that's not the issue anyways the issue is the fact that there are random suppressions of raises in Kernel#raise
<fowl_mouth> hehe bbs
<envygeeks> but I have feeling this could be a rescue in a rescue without an explicit return
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<shadoi> envygeeks: I was just thinking of a place where I did that, and it bit me.
<shadoi> I didn't realize it was suppressing the actual exception though
<shadoi> possible
<envygeeks> I might just file a ticket on bundler and call it a day since it's really his problem and this could be the source of quite a few slow downs I've been having with bundler
<shadoi> envygeeks: you tried bundler 1.1?
<shadoi> it's like…. 8,000 times faster for me.
<envygeeks> I can't use bundler 1.1 because of a critical issue with :git gems :(
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<shadoi> fix it! :)
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<envygeeks> I don't have time :P since this project I'm working on with bundler is for a much larger project and we can live with slow startup times
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<macmartine> I'm getting this error when I go to my app locally with Passenger on Apache. You can see it's caused by pointing to a gem directly on :git and apache/passenger can't find it. I found some mentinos of some approaches but they aren't working. Here's what I have and the error any ideas?
<macmartine> sorry, wrong room :/
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<michaelbarton> I'm struggling to compile 1.9.3 on OS X lion. I'm NOT using xcode but instead the recommended osx-gcc package that can be downloaded. There error I'm getting is outlined here:
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<michaelbarton> There is a similar issue for this on the RVM github repo:
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<dekroning> how can I print the hex value of first character in a string, e.g. "abc"[0] because now it's returning the decimal value of the ascii table (ruby 1.8.7)
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<blueadept> is there a way to get rails to recompile css without restarting the app using the asset pipeline?
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<epitron> dekroning: yeah, string[n] gives you the ascii value
<epitron> string[n..n] gives you a 1-character string
<epitron> you can also do: string.each_char { |str| str == a one char str }
<epitron> i hope you're not doing character-at-a-time parsing though
<epitron> that's bad!
<epitron> ruby has much better ways of parsing strings
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