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nerdy joined #ruby
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<Avi`> apeiros_: just to close the loop on this, found an answer
<Avi`> :collection => closedItems, :as=> :relation
<Avi`> and it all just works
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<chiel> When using'path', 'mode'), is there a mode that will create the folders required when attempting to open the file?
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<chiel> Or, perhaps a way to check if the directory structure exists if the filepath is set in a variable?
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<fgro> hi i have a filename i.e. "test.txt". I want to apply a method to the substring of the filename (everything before the do). For example, uppercase it => "TEST.txt". What is the best way to do?
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<SegFaultAX|work> What actually gets yielded into a block passed into Net::HTTP.get_response?
<SegFaultAX|work> The documentation is unclear, is it the HTTP object or the HTTPResponse object?
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<aces1up> whats the idea called behine methods like active_record find_by_id where the method name describes the control processing inside the method?
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<supergiantrobot> Hello, all.
<supergiantrobot> I am trying to build 1.9.3 on Mac OS X Lion
<supergiantrobot> But repeatedly get the same error.
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<Avi`> i have two arrays and i want to call a function (That takes in two single values and returns a true or false) with every iteration of those two arrays and if any of the results are true, exit
<Avi`> so i keep finding myself in some silly nested .each do
<Avi`> is there anything built in for this kind of instersection?
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<Avi`> i know there is .includes? but thats only on an array, and not the results of functions
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<heoa_> require 'flowdock' --- causes err "no such file to load 'flowdock'",
<heoa_> any idea why?
<heoa_> <-- running it with my API token -key
<heoa_> $ sudo ruby gem install flowdock
<heoa_> and then running the code (with my token) ignites no 'flowdock' -file?!
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<RubyPanther> how many hours does it take to find the perfect emacs font?
<zedUNDginger> RubyPanther: i heard you can cut the time in half by uploading naked pictures of your girlfriend to and linking them here
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<blaenk> what is the way to get the index at which a regex was matched?
<blaenk> or indices
<blaenk> oh, string#index accepts a regex
<blaenk> ohh I get it :)
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<briandoll> love it when that happens :)
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* nafis_ hello
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<nafis> hellp
<shevy> lol
<shevy> best hellp message ever
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<liekzomg> hi i'm having a problem with my ruby pausing on large scripts (a download script i've made but also gem installs). It stops doing anything until I press a key even though there's no user input required. (Ruby 1.9.3/Win7/ and powershell if that helps). Any ideas? Could it be powershell?
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<rupx> In ruby 1.9.2, updation of a hash is giving me a run time error, but in ruby 1.8.7 is working. Could please tell me, is there wrong with ruby 1.9.2?
<ryanf> I think 1.9 might be stricter about changing a hash while you're iterating over it
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<briandoll> liekzomg can you paste the script somewhere and tell us where it's pausing?
<rupx> def self.rehash(params = {}) return {} if params.blank? total_params = params params.each do |key,value| has = {} if value.kind_of?(Array) value.each do |hash| hash.each do |k,v| hsh.merge!({k.to_sym => v}) end end end total_params.merge!(hsh) if hsh.kind_of?(Hash) end total_params.delete_if{|key,value| value.kind_of?(
<rupx> in a iterative block if I update a hash, it through run time error
<aces1up> what state ment would i use if i want to see if a regex returns true on a string in 1 line?
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<rupx> if /Japan|Ruby/.match('Ruby') p "Its matched" else "Not at all" end
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<aces1up> (entity_value =~ != nil
<aces1up> this seems to work, any gotchas i should look out for?
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<ryanf> you don't need != nil
<ryanf> it will be truthy if it matches and falsy if it doesn't
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<ryanf> but sure, that looks fine otherwise
<aces1up> i just didn't want obscure postion values munging other things.
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<ryanf> oh yeah I guess that's fair. people would still usually use .nil? though
<ryanf> instead of == nil
<aces1up> ohh cool didn't know that was around.
<aces1up> will use that thanks.
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<jehoshua02> I'm new to ruby... I'm installing redmine, which requires ruby, rails, rubygems, rack, rake, I18n, and mysql gem. I'm not sure in what order to install them, and whether to use apt-get or gem for each?
<ryanf> avoid apt-get to the maximum possible extent
<ryanf> use rvm to install ruby and then gem for everything else
<liekzomg> 2nded for rvm, ruby from apt-get does not play nice
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<jehoshua02> according to my experience so far, I would have to agree...
<jehoshua02> But I'm unfamiliar, so I wasn't sure.
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<ryanf> also just install rails first
<ryanf> because everything else there except mysql will install automatically with rails
<ryanf> and rubygems installs with ruby
<jehoshua02> ryanf: pardon me for being tedious, but I am required to document the procedure, 1) install rvm, 2) install rails, 3) mysql gem, and that's it?
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<ryanf> that should be it, yeah
<ryanf> uh
<ryanf> I guess 1.5 is "use rvm to install ruby"
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<jehoshua02> ryanf: 1) rvm, 2) ruby, 3) rails, 4) mysql...
<ryanf> sounds good
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<liekzomg> just remember redmine needs specific versions for a bunch of stuff, like ruby 1.8 and rails 2.3.x
<liekzomg> there are guides for most OS on the wiki
<ryanf> also it might be safer to install rvm system-wide instead of per-user, I've never tried to use it on a server
<ryanf> not sure how it's usually done exactly
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<jehoshua02> ryanf: I'll need a) rails 2.3.11, b) RubyGems 1.3.7+ lower than 1.7.0, c) Rack 1.1.1, d) Rake 0.8.7, e) I18n 0.4.2.
<ryanf> the only thing that changes (probably) is
<jehoshua02> (You'd think that the requirements would have scared me away by now! :))
<ryanf> you might want to get rubygems 1.5.3
<ryanf> that's easy with rvm
<ryanf> after installing and switching to the ruby you want
<ryanf> you just do rvm rubygems 1.5.3
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<rkk> how to parse a url including a chinese word?
<jehoshua02> ryanf: Ah, I see. So, basically, all versions are at my fingertips. That's genius.
<rkk> i always get a URI::InvalidURIError
<jehoshua02> Thanks ryanf.
<ryanf> rkk: you need to use the escaped versions of the characters
<ryanf> where are you getting the URL in the first place?
<rkk> manually generated
<ryanf> ah
<ryanf> try URI.parse(URI.encode(url)) I guess? maybe there is a better way, but parse doesn't accept urls that aren't valid
<ryanf> and valid urls have any non-ascii characters encoded
<rkk> let me try it
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<rkk> it works
<rkk> thank you ryanf :-)
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<blaenk> how would I find the string at the end of a string right after the last space? "asdfasd asdfasdf asdfadsfas needle" I want to extract 'needle'
<blaenk> oh I know :)
<blaenk> I think /\s(\w+)$/ might work, gonna try
<blaenk> perfect
<ryanf> yep that'll work
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<jehoshua02> ryanf: forgive me, so like this: rvm install ruby
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<ryanf> rvm install 1.8.7
<ryanf> it's all ruby :)
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<jehoshua02> ryanf: thanks. And then: rvm install rails 2.3.11
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<ryanf> no
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<ryanf> gem install rails -v=2.3.11
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<jehoshua02> ryanf: so after using rvm to install ruby, switch rubygem version, then use gem to install everything else (with -v option).
<ryanf> you also need to follow the instructions rvm gives you when you install it
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<ryanf> about putting stuff in .profile or whatever
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<jehoshua02> ryanf: I haven't run any commands yet. Documenting the process first. Here's what I got so far:
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<shevy> can you add to this gist that ryanf likes penguins please?
<jehoshua02> sure.
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<jehoshua02> shevy: can't guarantee it will make it into the final draft, but it's there.
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<jehoshua02> What I need to do is take a VM snapshot, boot up and try these commands.
<jehoshua02> ryanf: thanks. You've been a huge help.
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<aces1up> i have a problem, i think enumerable could help with, but have no idea what methods / combination to go about using.. here is the example.. any help would be appreciated!
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<ryanf> aces1up: I'm unclear on exactly what needs to happen
<ryanf> can you post the methods you already have?
<aces1up> ryan sure
<aces1up> its not fully finished though one sec.
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<ryanf> aces1up: fyi you can replace entity_to_array with just Array(entity_value)
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<ryanf> oh wait
<ryanf> so you have like
<ryanf> an array of users, and you want to call .days on each user and .elements on each day, and then return an array of all the elements
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<ryanf> right?
<aces1up> yes one sec i will make a mod to the code to show ultimately what happening.. made a comment at the end
<ryanf> that seems pretty close to this random code I have lying around (which I didn't write)
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<aces1up> nice :) weird you just had that lying around? cool, ok will check it out.
<aces1up> i had a recursive version before this, couldn't get it to work.. this looks good.
<ryanf> I don't love the syntax, you have to do like :meth1 => {:meth2 => {:meth3 => :meth4}}
<ryanf> I'd prefer just taking them as arguments
<ryanf> it'd probably simplify it a bit
<aces1up> well the search is loaded in via a yaml file, which if i could just edit a symbol in the file it would be easier for me.
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<ryanf> aces1up: this seems to work
<ryanf> had to switch the args around to make it work with varargs
<ryanf> and now it isn't meant as a core extension, unlike the other one, which is probably for the best
<ryanf> >> get_path("hello", :chars, :to_a, :upcase)
<ryanf> => ["H", "E", "L", "L", "O"]
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<ryanf> the name also sucks, but I could never think of a decent one myself
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<jonathan___> Hello all
<jehoshua02> ryanf: bumpy road trying to get past "rvm install 1.8.7". First it complained about there being no valid C compiler, so I "apt-get install gcc", then I run "rvm install 1.8.7" again and get "patch -F 25 -p1 -N -f <"/home/projectadmin/.rvm/patches/ruby/1.8.7/stdout-rouge-fix.patch" \n patching file lib/mkmf.rb \n Hunk #1 FAILED at 201..."
<ryanf> nice
<jonathan___> I've install rvm on my Ubuntu by using the package manager, then I did a rvm install 1.9.2 and a rvm use 1.9.2 --default but when I try to do a ruby -v it can't find ruby ...
<ryanf> right, you probably still need to add rvm's loading stuff to a .profile somewhere
<ryanf> I don't know, maybe apt does that itself, didn't know there was a package for it
<ryanf> did you restart your terminal?
<jonathan___> yes I restart the terminal
<jehoshua02> ryanf, jonathan: the rvm install dialog told me to add this line to .bashrc: [[ -s "/home/projectadmin/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/home/projectadmin/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
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<jonathan___> How did you get an install dialog ??
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<ryanf> presumably he just means the output of the installer?
<jehoshua02> I followed the install instructions on the rvm website.
<ryanf> yeah that is the line I was thinking of
<ryanf> that sounds good
<jonathan___> ok I will try to add these lines at the end of my .bash_rc
<ryanf> no underscore in bashrc
<jonathan___> yes ...
<jehoshua02> jonathan___: and only the first line.
<ryanf> however the fact that you installed rvm again with apt-get concerns me
<jonathan___> yes I know
<ryanf> becuase I have no idea what crazy thing that package might be trying to do
<ryanf> maybe it's fine though
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<jonathan___> the second line is to install rvm from the source
<ryanf> oh ok that sounds pretty innocuous
<jehoshua02> That's why I run everything in a VM :) oops --> restore snapshot.
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<jonathan___> but I think I need to adapt it, there is no .rvm in my home folder
<jonathan___> rvm must be configured for all the users of the systems
<jehoshua02> jonathan__: I just followed this:
<jonathan___> yes I read it
<jehoshua02> For Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS, I needed this before hand: sudo apt-get install curl git-core subversion
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<jehoshua02> On the crazy command that installs rvm I piped to less. There was some stuff in the install dialog that mentioned multi-user.
<jehoshua02> But I'm still having trouble with rvm install 1.8.7
<jonathan___> hum looks ok
<jonathan___> a ruby -v works now
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<jehoshua02> ... I think I need "patch".
<jonathan___> I added this in my .bashrc
<jonathan___> [[ -s "/usr/share/ruby-rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/usr/share/ruby-rvm/scripts/rvm"
<jehoshua02> jonathan___: yep. That's what I got from the install dialog.
<jonathan___> jehoshua02, I needed just to adapt the paths
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<jehoshua02> Ah, oh, I see. Speed reading kicks my arse sometimes.
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<jehoshua02> When I run "rvm install 1.8.7" I see an error about "patch -F 25 -p1 -N -f ....." but I don't know what to do about it.
<jonathan___> but I need to install ruby 1.8 to have the ruby by koans tutorial working well like before
<jonathan___> jehoshua02, sorry I can't help you
<jehoshua02> It seems to have gotten past configuring and now compiling.
<jehoshua02> ... installing.
<jonathan___> I will install the 1.8 on my machine and I will tell you what I'll get
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<jehoshua02> Looks like everything installed fine except for that patch.
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<jonathan___> I need to go out now, I'm sorry I can't help you more now
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<jehoshua02> jonathan___: it's alright. It's a chat room.
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<dyjytyl> how would i take a ruby file and convert the code into strings with newline breaks like this:
<ryanf>"file.rb").gsub("\n", '\n') ?
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<dyjytyl> oh is about all i needed to do :) thanks ryanf
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<aces1up> how would write a regex to detect at least thress dashes in a string?
<aces1up> dude-this-is-cool-you-know
<aces1up> -{3}
<aces1up> i have that but that wants them to be in a row.
<shevy> what
<shevy> hmmm
<rippa> -.*-.*-
<aces1up> the 3 needs to be variable
<rippa> "-.*"*var
<rippa> here you go
<shevy> the 3 needs to be pink
* shevy waits for rippa ...
<rippa> 3
<shevy> aces1up, you can use variables in regexes too /lala#{here_my_variables}/
<shevy> hmmm test
<aces1up> "-.*"{3}
<aces1up> :( no go
<shevy> testtesttesttesttesttest
<shevy> oh I found pink!
<shevy> what the
<zedUNDgi_> shevy: good morning shevrolet
<shevy> what is {3}
<rippa> aces1up: / #{"-.*"*3}/
<shevy> noone said that aces1up !
<shevy> there. what rippa said
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<aces1up> rippa that not workin.
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<rippa> works here
<rippa> without a space after /
<shevy> aces1up you should pastie your code
<aces1up> i'm just using the ruby regex tester online
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<rippa> it wouldn't work
<rippa> because regex is generated from a string
<rippa> you need real ruby for that
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<shevy> aces1up you should really write a ruby script and test this ruby script and use pastie
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<aces1up> rippa thanks ok works, but how would i do it if its more than 3 thats what i really want.
<aces1up> >= 3
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<rippa> aces1up: change 3 to something other
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<rippa> /#{-.**42}/
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<shevy> aces1up assemble your variable before putting it into the // regex
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<fgro> this is rails 3.0.1. Isn't something like Mode.find("174-somestring") supposed to call "to_i" on the parameter, resulting in Model.find(174)? Doesn't work for me...did something change on the api?
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<fgro> sorry wrong channel
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<Brozilla> quick one: `class Release < OtherClass; [blabla]; end` == `Class Release; include OtherClass; [blabla]; end` right?
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<dlitvak> Brozilla: no... its not the same... one is a mixin... the other one is inheritance
<dlitvak> can get simmilar results with either one...
<dlitvak> but the ARE NOT THE SAME
<dlitvak> s/the/they/
<Brozilla> mm, that's good to know, thanks :)
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<dlitvak> the first one is inheritance
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<dlitvak> second one is mixin
<dlitvak> with inheritance... you gain all the benefits from inheritance... like extending methods of the superclass
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<dlitvak> in the second one... u can just use them or re write them
<zedUNDginger> fuck bono is a cock
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<Tachyon> Hi, is it possible to set a callback for assignment? I need a hash that would be immediately written to file when changed.
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<bjhaid> hi, I am trying to connect to sqlserver, mysql and oracle, from ruby on cgywin, I have dbi gem installed, please what additional tools should i have installed, thanks
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<RLa> you must install all those databases too?
<Barbaren> hello, I've got a quick question: anyone here know if there's some good utility out there for converting non ascii characters to their html-code equivalent? e.g. & to &amp; and ö to &ouml; ?
<bjhaid> i am not given assess to install them, i can only connect to them remotel
<Barbaren> i mean, ruby library or gem or whatever
<bjhaid> RLa: I can only connect to them remotely, I am off the client location
<RLa> you might need dbd-* packages
<bjhaid> dbd-* you mean drivers??
<RLa> i guess dbd stands for database driver
<RLa> yeah
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<bjhaid> RLa: can you please help out for links for database drivers for oracle and sqlserver?
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<RLa> small googling will help
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<RLa> connecting sql server seems bit harder
<bjhaid> Rla: i have been googling, keeps looking complex, active record has really made life easy but here, I am looking for connectors and everything, i have not done such before
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<RLa> there is odbc which you might or might not getting to work with sql server
<RLa> you would need dbd odbc and sql drivers for odbc itself
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<bjhaid> Rla: can you help me with the links for that?
<RLa> no, i cannot
<RLa> last time i tried to use odbc i gave up
<bjhaid> well here I am helpless, i have to deliver to the client in a short while, should be an easy task, but connecting to the database is seeming difficult
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<RLa> welcome to accidental complexity hell
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<JonnieCache> HAHAHA yeah welcome. try and enjoy yourself. we're all friends here.
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<shevy> complexity is my enemy
<shevy> unfortunately, sometimes it seems to be my friend
<shevy> right now I am wondering about loading configuration option for any given project
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<shevy> CONFIG.name_of_option_comes_here
<shevy> any ideas for a better way?
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<RLa> what about making it configurable :)
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<JonnieCache> does it need to be configurable from within the actual app itself?
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<shevy> hmmm good question
<shevy> JonnieCache, well, actually yeah
<shevy> users should be able to both add new config options at runtime, and modify existing ones
<JonnieCache> well you could do the EAV pattern in a database table, which is ugly but works
<shevy> what is EAV?
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<JonnieCache> entity-attribute-value
<JonnieCache> its a way of pretending your RDBMS is a key value store
<JonnieCache> its so ugly its an anti-pattern IMO but its better than installing redis just for a couple of dozen key/value pairs
<JonnieCache> or writing your own system to read/write yaml files or something
<shellox> JonnieCache: nop
<shellox> wget redis, extract, cd redis/src/;./redis-server
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<shellox> this isnt much work and takes just 2 mins
<shellox> if its on your testing machine
<shellox> w/o authentication and stuff, else you have to write a config file
<JonnieCache> yeah but then you have to set up process monitoring and stuff, its another process to manage in production. thats the real issue. it adds so much complexity to the environment
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<JonnieCache> just for a couple of K/V pairs
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<shellox> JonnieCache: i use it atm too for a sinatra app for session data stored on the server
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<shellox> JonnieCache: sure, you could also go with textfiles
<shellox> depends on the needs ;)
<JonnieCache> yeah then you have to write all your own shit to read/write the textfiles, eventually you run into locking problems and before you know it youve rewritten most of redis
<JonnieCache> whats needed is some sort of redislite similar to mysqlite that can live entirely in a library
<JonnieCache> *sqlite
<JonnieCache> so it can be self contained without an external process
<shellox> just googled it ;)
<shellox> im not sure if it's good
<JonnieCache> SWEET!
<JonnieCache> definitely gonna have to check that out
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<becom33> whats a good way to ask (y/n) questions in ruby . do I have to write a method to identify yes and no ?
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<jensn> becom33: Yes.
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<vauban> become: seems simple enough to just use gets, if, else.
<apeiros_> becom33: you can also use a library like highline
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<becom33> ok this loop puts the next value after the value right ? I want the value print over the 1st value . like stay screen with the intro method and and loopout keep looping on the privious value
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<becom33> anyone ? Im sorry if you didnt underatnd the question plz tell m
<becom33> me *
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<apeiros_> becom33: use \r to set the cursor back to the beginning of the line. use print instead of puts as not to emit the newline, use either $stdout.flush or $stdout.sync = true to disable the line buffering.
<becom33> apeiros_: I also need to know if their is better way to do a console designs
<clockwize> colleague just got me a cars 2 advent calendar :D shes awesome!
<apeiros_> becom33: that's too vague
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> becom33 he told you what to use!
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<becom33> well you know stay screen on the console , but number and stuff changes without rolling down
<shevy> right. ASCII countdown
<becom33> yea somthing like that
<becom33> btw when I do def loopout(count)
<becom33> print "#{count} \r"
<becom33> end
<shevy> you just use stuff like print "\r" and STDOUT.flush (I don't know why I use STDOUT and not $stdout)
<becom33> sorry for the flood
<shevy> do you flush
<becom33> sorry forgot the flush
<shevy> first the flood, then the flush!
<becom33> he he well its not much a flood is it
<shevy> yeah I have seen bigger ones
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<apeiros_> becom33: oh yeah, also, please don't use :: for method invocations
<apeiros_> I think you're the first to do it in the last 10 years. it looks ugly.
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<becom33> apeiros_: just a . then ?
<becom33> btw is it right to call the other method from inside of method just naming the other mothod name ?
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<apeiros_> becom33: yes, just a dot
<apeiros_> and yes, unless it is fine to call a method just by its name
<becom33> ok :)
<apeiros_> errr, what's that 'unless' doing in there?
<becom33> still stuck with the flish
<apeiros_> and yes, it is fine to call a method just by its name
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<becom33> flush *
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<shevy> lol
<shevy> the flish!
<shevy> that must be a fish that is in a flush
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<apeiros_> don't flush fishes that's mean
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<Zeks> what is a god book to "get the feeling" of ruby. I do not intend to learn it fully as I do not have time but I want to be able to install and maintain ruby applications without the pain of guessing each time something goes different from the manual
<Zeks> ?
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<Zeks> or possibly a tutorial
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<shevy> Zeks it's hard to want to maintain other people's code
<shevy> Zeks the best would be for you to download ruby, start "irb", and then work through this tutorial here ONCE:
<Zeks> shevy, I've run into countless "wtf?!" problems installing redmine and gitorious and it made me want to understand ruby *just a little bit more*
<Zeks> especially the latter >_<
<shevy> I don't know either but don't both provide easy means to install?
<shevy> Also, what kind of problems precisely
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<Zeks> not understanding why something does not work. especially in the process of rake db:migrate or gem installations
<RLa> Zeks, too much of rails monkey patching? :)
<Zeks> yep
<skim1776> is there any GUI library for ruby which allows to create a cross-platform application?
<shevy> ah
<Zeks> since we have no one proficient with ruby the process was *painful* :)
<shevy> rake
<RLa> i think the best thing would be to have as best as possible debugger app
<shevy> I best avoid that :)
<shevy> skim1776, ruby-gnome works on windows and linux. no idea about mac
<RLa> skim1776, qt bindings
<skim1776> shevy, does the end user need to have a ruby interpreter to run it?
<Zeks> RLa, ?
<Zeks> explain pls)
<skim1776> I mean, if you build any program with ruby, does the end user need to install ruby interpreter for running the application?
<RLa> Zeks, graphical debugger which would allow to step through code and would show variables you have on objects
<shevy> skim1776 yeah
<shevy> skim1776 perhaps you want to use C or Java instead
<Zeks> RLa, for that I first need to at least know ruby program structure and a bit of language syntax )
* Zeks reading shevy's tut
<skim1776> shevy, anyway, Java needs jre
<shevy> and end users need JRE too!
<skim1776> shevy, that's what I mean
<skim1776> actually, is it possible to build GUI app which wouldn't require anything?
<skim1776> no, I guess it's impossible
<shevy> hardly skim1776
<shevy> you need to use something.
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<moshee> you're gonna need something to draw pixels on the screen
<RLa> Zeks, using such debugger when learning to code is very helpful
<shevy> and you also wrote "cross-platform application"
<shevy> so it gets worse :D
<Zeks> RLa, thx
<moshee> shoes!
<skim1776> shevy, but it's possible to sew ruby installation within application installer for user not to mention what's being installed anyway, isn't it?
<RLa> sure
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<shevy> not to mention
<shevy> if you are lucky and everything works!
<RLa> even if you use windows own tools to create gui apps, you need to distribute their crap too, visual c runtimes and whatever
<shevy> skim1776, here is something perhaps
<shevy> "RubyScript2Exe transforms your Ruby application into a standalone, compressed Windows, Linux or Mac OS X (Darwin) executable. "
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<frem> Are there any good ostatus libraries around?
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<Volodymyr-UA> Hello guys :)
<Volodymyr-UA> Is anybody alive?
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<shevy> Volodymyr-UA WE DIED FIVE YEARS AGO
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<apeiros_> is today 28 days later or something?
<apeiros_> why everybody keeps asking for alive people?
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<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> perhaps some want for movies
<shevy> like resident evil, part 87906786
<shevy> also, zombie stories always sell a movie
<Zeks> zombie scores
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<becom33> looking for a good flush tut on ruby
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<Volodymyr-UA> I need to have multithreaded application and limit number of threads for example to 10 . It's obvious to use semaphore like Mutex, but is only supports one one thread. So I need semaphore which can hundle any number of threads
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<Volodymyr-UA> any advices?
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<burgestrand> … mutex supports only one thread? What are you talking about?
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<burgestrand> Oh, you must mean the semaphore count
<Volodymyr-UA> yeap
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<Volodymyr-UA> I want to limit number of parallel threads to 10, but it supports only 1 thread
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<Volodymyr-UA> Because Python have Lock for 1 thread and Semaphore for multiple threads
<Volodymyr-UA> I want the same in Ruby :(
<burgestrand> I don’t think ruby has any counting semaphores; you could use a Queue to implement one yourself I guess
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<burgestrand> Or make one with Mutex/ConditionVariable, but still, it’s odd, maybe I’m wrong
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<burgestrand> Yeah, looks like it; no counting semaphore in ruby, only Mutex (lock), ConditionVariable and Queue/SizedQueue
<burgestrand> You’ll have to use those to make yourself a semaphore if you need one
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<Zeks> "semaphore creation kit - have some fun on the road!"
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<Volodymyr-UA> I found "Add Semaphore to Ruby" ticket and some simple counting semaphore implementation on another site, so I think it's a problem
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<Volodymyr-UA> that Ruby doesn't have such thing
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<burgestrand> Yeah, except nobody added any comments to that ticket for a year, you’re the first one I see asking for it :)
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<JonnieCache> semaphores
<JonnieCache> im having flashbacks to compsci
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<JonnieCache> my advice: use a higher level concurrency paradigm and keep your sanity
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<Volodymyr-UA> :)
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<burgestrand> Haven’t tested it very well but it’s a start
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<Volodymyr-UA> there is also this implementation
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<burgestrand> Volodymyr-UA: won’t work on ruby 1.9.3, probably not 1.9.2 either
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<burgestrand> Nope, not 1.9.2 either
<Volodymyr-UA> Ok, thanks
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<burgestrand> I wonder if mine works on 1.8.7…
<Volodymyr-UA> who knows :)
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<Know1edge1> Any of you guys use hpricot?
<burgestrand> Yeah, mine works in 1.8.7 too!
<Know1edge1> am trying to search by doc/"a :not(:has(img))"
<Know1edge1> but getting errors
<burgestrand> (was not meant to you, Know1edge1 :p)
<Know1edge1> :D
<burgestrand> Volodymyr-UA: added synchronize method and aliases for inc/dec :)
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<Volodymyr-UA> burgestrand: great :)
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<burgestrand> Volodymyr-UA: and now better example output: :D
<burgestrand> Sorry, I’ll stop bugging you now. :p
<booginga> hey all I'm looking around for a system resource monitor like nagious but written in ruby anyone know anything like that? can god monitor system resources or only processes?
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<cassarani> hi all
<cassarani> so, say I'm writing a pure-Ruby gem (i.e. no Rails), and I'm using RSpec for my tests, and I have no intention of using Cucumber
<cassarani> where should I put my high-level integration tests?
<cassarani> obviously if I was using Cucumber they'd end up in /features
<burgestrand> spec/whatever sounds like a good fit :)
<burgestrand> spec/integration
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<cassarani> so how's this for a directory structure:
<shevy> ./
<shevy> ./pr0n
<cassarani> spec: [integration, gem_name: [cli, core, etc]]?
<shevy> ./todo
<cassarani> where gem_name is my gem name :P
<cassarani> i.e. I'd be mirroring the directory structure of /lib inside /spec/gem_name
<burgestrand> Yeah, sure, sounds good
<cassarani> ok thanks, just wanted to hear I wasn't making a glaringly stupid mistake
<burgestrand> As long as you don’t put it in spec/you_will_never_guess_what_is_in_here
<cassarani> indeed
<JonnieCache> we really need an rspec --init command
<burgestrand> spec/ or test/ is the usual standard locations anyway, personally I even use spec/features for cucumber specs even in rails nowadays :)
<JonnieCache> there's a ticket for it but its just been a debate for like 8 months or something
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<cassarani> well JonnieCache, Rails users will just use rails generate rspec:install
<cassarani> so I can see why it wouldn't be a massive priority
<JonnieCache> yeah thats why theres been such a debate, they dont want to conflict with that
<cassarani> fair enough
<JonnieCache> i guess if youre writing your own gem you should be able to make your own spec directory structure
<JonnieCache> i always forget what to put in spec_helper.rb
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<cassarani> yeah well it's just convention over configuration isn't it?
<cassarani> it would be nice if everyone did the same thing, unless they had a reason not to
<csavola> cassarani: exactly
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<Icehawk78> What's the fastest way to return an array with each possible match on a string subbed?
<csavola> Icehawk78: substituted?
<cassarani> Icehawk78: as in - { |s| s.gsub(/foo/, "bar") }?
<Icehawk78> ie something like 'AAAAAA'.suball(/AA/, 'B') => ['BAAAA', 'ABAAA', 'AABAA', 'AAABA', 'AAAAB']
<cassarani> or am I misunderstanding your question?
<burgestrand> Oh, fun.
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<Icehawk78> I know I could just iterate over the length of the string and call sub with the current index value, but that seems like it'd be longer than needed
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<Icehawk78> I wasn't sure if there was something that would work better than doing that, though.
<burgestrand> It’s what I’d do, unless I can figure out a better way to do it…
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<burgestrand> Nope, got nothing.
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<JonnieCache> i dont think there's any way to do it massively faster, it looks like one of those problems where youre going to have to touch all the data whatever you do
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<burgestrand> Yeah, I was just thinking there might be another function to use that’s prettier!
<Icehawk78> I assume there's no way to have regexp return overlapping result groups, right?
<burgestrand> … sorry, I sinned, I meant method.
<d3c> I need to work in a temp dir in a class and make sure it's deleted when script is done no matter what happens. how may I do that?
<burgestrand> d3c: Tmpdir, ruby has it
<Icehawk78> Something like 'AAAAAA' ~= /AA/, but that'd give all indices, rather than just the first (or last, for rindex)
<burgestrand> … for some reason all the ruby stdlib documentation has started sucking lately
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<burgestrand> Well, we have scan that returns all matches, which in turn you can map for all indices… :p
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* apeiros_ loves: class String; def match_all(regex); scan(regex).map { $~ }; end
<apeiros_> + end
<d3c> burgestrand: so in order to have it removed, I'd need to do Dir.mktempdir { |dir| ... } ?
<Icehawk78> burgestrand: scan doesn't return overlapping matches, though, does it?
<burgestrand> Icehawk78: nope
<burgestrand> Icehawk78: it’ll match as much as possible, and for the next run it’ll continue where the previous match ended
<Icehawk78> That's what I thought
<Icehawk78> Huh, sub won't let me give it a starting index, either
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<d3c> I'm having some strange issues where tar will set a completely wrong user and group when extracting an archive via system. won't system calls run with the same user and group that ruby does?
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<burgestrand> %x{whoami} # => "Kim\n"
<burgestrand> Looks like it.
<burgestrand> I’ve had a similar issue in the past, specifically related to archives.
<d3c> I use --touch with tar, maybe that changes something
<burgestrand> In that the archives themselves were extracted and the resulting files had the same UID as the user on the system that compressed it had.
<d3c> I just want it to set the timestamp correctly
<d3c> burgestrand: exactly - I think that's it
<d3c> burgestrand: might very well be the case. how did you solve it?
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<Jake232> Anybody using Sublime Text 2 with Ruby?
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<burgestrand> This was like two/three years ago, I don’t quite remember. It’s a really retarded feature/bug…
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<burgestrand> Are you untaring it as root?
<burgestrand> d3c: ^
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<d3c> burgestrand: yes
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<burgestrand> d3c: from the tar manpage: -o, --no-same-owner extract files with owner set to current user (the default for non-root users)
<burgestrand> Hm.
<burgestrand> But yeah, no idea actually.
<d3c> burgestrand: oh, that might work. will check it out
<burgestrand> I’d probably run another command after the extraction just to fix things up :(
<d3c> burgestrand: hacky but probably required. thanks a lot for your help, appreciate it!
<burgestrand> d3c: good luck :)
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<JonnieCache> Jake232: yes. its brilliant.
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<Jake232> JonnieCache: I know, but I'm strugglign to get it to work
<Jake232> when I press ctrl + B
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<Jake232> I just get
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<Jake232> Syntax OK
<Jake232> [Finished]
<Jake232> I want it to display the output from my ruby code
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<JonnieCache> whats that meant to do? build? im on mac so the keys are different
<Jake232> Sorry, Im on mac too
<Jake232> Cmd +
<Jake232> Cmd + B*
<Jake232> Shouldn't that, run my Ruby code, and display the output at the bottom?
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<JonnieCache> i never use that functionality, but i just tried it and it worked
<JonnieCache> i had to save the file first
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<Jake232> Yea, my file is saved
<Jake232> and
<Jake232> THen how do you see the output, from your code?
<JonnieCache> I just tried it with `100.times {|i| puts i}` and it printed the numbers and then said [Finished]
<JonnieCache> in the panel at the bottom
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<Jake232> That's what I'm expecting
<Jake232> But not what I get
<Jake232> I just get: Syntax OK
<Jake232> [Finished]
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<JonnieCache> hmm i dont get Syntax OK just finished
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<Jake232> Hmm
<Jake232> What version of sublime
<Jake232> are you on
<JonnieCache> the latest dev build
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<JonnieCache> 2144
<Jake232> So mine should work, It just isn't :/
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<JonnieCache> weird
<Jake232> Ill try redownload I guess
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<VxJasonxV> You guys have an onjoin channel notice, and it links to , I suspect that isn't intentional; One because it's not in the channel topic, two because: "It Works!" (go view the domain)
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<Jake232> JonnieCache: Still the same
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<Jake232> Weird.
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<Jake232> JonnieCache: Got it working
<skim1776> anyone speaking Russian here?
<Jake232> Deleted Packages directory
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<Jake232> then reinstalled sublime
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<JonnieCache> ah
<JonnieCache> have you got the package manager thing?
<JonnieCache> its much better than managing packages yourself
fgro joined #ruby
<Jake232> I'll grab it now, I havent usedsublime
<Jake232> in quite a while
<Jake232> I used it when Sublime 2, was in really early alpha stages
<Jake232> I believe its in late beta stages now
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<JonnieCache> yeah its coming along very nicely
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<Jake232> Hmm
<Jake232> need to find something
<Jake232> to finish ruby syntax for me
<Jake232> eg: something.each do |f|
<Jake232> and it auto completes the 'end'
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<JonnieCache> press tab after do
<JonnieCache> its like textmate
<jamiejackson> i'm trying to install rvm in multi-user mode, on ubuntu 11.10, via these instructions:
<jamiejackson> at step 3, i get:
<jamiejackson> jamie@icf109118-Ubuntu:~$ type rvm | head -1
<jamiejackson> bash: type: rvm: not found
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<jamiejackson> please help me get rvm "found?"
<Jake232> JonnieCache: Does nothing for me :9
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<JonnieCache> jamiejackson: ask in #rvm
<jamiejackson> i don't think there's an #rvm? at least i can't join one, anyway. am i wrong about that?
<Jake232> jamiejackson: /j #rvm
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<jamiejackson> yeah, not working for me. maybe something's goofy with my freenode registration
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<jamiejackson> nope, i'm identified, but can't join #rvm
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<bjhaid> hi please who has installed ruby-oci8, i keep getting issues installing it
<bjhaid> /usr/bin looks like a full client
<bjhaid> *** /home/abejide/ruby-oci8-2.0.6/ext/oci8/extconf.rb failed ***
<bjhaid> Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may need configuration options.
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<skim1776> if you are to write an questionary application for about 200 questions with variable number of variants on each given in a text form where would you store the data?
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<Jake232> skim1776: A schemaless database? such a Mongo?
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<Jake232> or am I mis-interpreting the question maybe
<skim1776> you sure? database just for 200 questions?
<skim1776> isn't it kinda wasty?
<benj_> does it need to be persistent?
<Jake232> Well, I suppose you don't need a database, but mongo is fairly lightweight. And, You're probably going to want to store your answers somewhere, right?
<shevy> hmm
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<benj_> is it multi-user?
<benj_> why re-invent the wheel; an embedded database like SQLite is a fine alternative to rolling your own file storage
<StitchedKite> skim1776: not really a DB would be more efficient than hard coding everything
<skim1776> why not just xml or yaml if we know the data won't be changed definitely
<JonnieCache> if theyre never gonna change then just use csv or something
<JonnieCache> or just linebreaks
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<JonnieCache> the thing is, they will change. even if your client has told you they wont change
<JonnieCache> in fact, ESPECIALLY if the client has told you they wont change
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<benj_> if you have the final versions of them in a format easily convertible to, say, YAML, then that sounds fine
<Jake232> ^ The words of a man thats been fucked over by clients in the past.
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<JonnieCache> not really fucked over. i just know enough to not believe that anything in a project is ever set in stone.
<benj_> however if the questions don't exist yet, someone needs to do some data entry
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<benj_> if that person is you - go ahead and write raw YAML. If not, make a sqlite database and give that person an off-the-shelf database admin tool to do it
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<eighty4> I'm trying to create a symlink from ruby using the following puts %x[ln -s #{base_path}application_support/#{item} #{library}] where #item is the name of a folder. The problem is that the folder name can contain white-spaces and if they do the symlink fails. I've tried to gsub the folder name with something like gsub(' ', '\ ') but for some reason that gives me a folder name with two \. Anyone know how to
<eighty4> replace " " with "\ "?
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<JonnieCache> eighty4: maybe use the FileUtils.ln_s method
<JonnieCache> it might handle it for you
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<eighty4> JonnieCache: thanks! I'll read up on that
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<emiltin> how can i make a rake task depend on the header files in a folder - plus a few cpp files?
<elliottcable> o7 all.
<elliottcable> How can I quickly/easily tell if a Net::HTTP request suceeded?
<elliottcable> there seem to be a lot of possible return values, like HTTPCreated and HTTPClientError
<gener1c> is there a way to protect my code>
<gener1c> ?
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<shadoi> define protect
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<JonnieCache> eighty4: oh yeah btw the reason youre getting multuple \ in your regex replace is because \ is the regex escape character. to replace with a slash you actually need \\\\ or some crazy shit like that
<isaqual> Yo, If i had hash like {"a"=>{"jee"=>23, "cee"=>24}, "b"=>200} , How I should delete "cee" ?
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<eighty4> JonnieCache: yeah I realize that the problem was caused by \ being a replace char but googled it and couldn't find a solution for it ><
<JonnieCache> isaqual: the_hash["a"].delete("cee")
<eighty4> JonnieCache: but no :/ FileUtils.ln_s doesn't handle white-spaces
<isaqual> JonnieCache: Thanks :)
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<JonnieCache> eighty4: also double and single quoted strings handle escaping differently that might be something to do with it
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<musee> limited number of escapes in single quoted
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<rrrreimer> what is the difference between a webserver and a webserver interface?
<rrrreimer> I just don't know what rack exactly is
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<apeiros_> rrrreimer: a webserver is the thing your browser talks to
<JonnieCache> rack is a standardised way for webservers to talk to web apps (rails apps, sinatrta apps etc)
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<apeiros_> a webserver interface is the thing the webserver and your ruby app talk to
<apeiros_> iow, it is: brower <-> webserver <-> rack <-> your ruby app
<musee> *browser
<ReinH> apeiros_: app(s)
<shadoi> s/rack/tiiiiiiits/
<JonnieCache> rack is a very thing layer though. its more of a protocol or a standard than anything else really
<musee> shadoi: yew wish
<shadoi> musee: don't I know it.
<apeiros_> sapp his bowser!
<musee> hahaha
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<shevy> what bowser
<apeiros_> shevy: y u not kno bowser?!?
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<shevy> is that something chinese
<shadoi> lol
<rrrreimer> can rack be compared to the php parser which sits between the web app and the webserver?
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<JonnieCache> its closer to the fcgi interface i think
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<shadoi> yeah, more like the apache module, etc.
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<joshsmith> if anyone here can help with this, I'd be most appreciative:
<shadoi> joshsmith: using bundler or something?
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<joshsmith> shadoi: what's bundler?
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<joshsmith> shadoi: my usage of Ruby is limited to Heroku
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<zastaph> if I have str.split(%r{\t}) suppose I want the split regex in a var called splitVar = "\t" .. how do I insert it in there? {\t} is not really a string is it? so I guess %r{#{splitVar}} wouldnt work?
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<rippa> zastaph: try it
<rippa> should work
<zastaph> ok, just the color syntaxing didnt seem so :)
<musee> :P
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<zastaph> seems not to work right
<zastaph> though no errors
<zastaph> just the split regex seems off
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<zastaph> works
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<becom33> I dont get the correct hash :/ one.txt only has "test" (without the qoutes) . test hash is 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6 but its givving me d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249 .. help
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<becom33> anyone
<becom33> >
<becom33> ?
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<becom33> anyone ?
<becom33> oh for crying out loud
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<brauliobo> hello all, 'bundle exec rake test:units' is translating to 'ruby -Ilib:test /home/coletivo/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352@noosfero/gems/rake-0.8.1/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb "test:units"', anybody know why?
<bradhe> isn't there a way to unpack { "my_key" => { 'id' => 1 }} in to key = "my_key" and val = { 'id' => 1 } as a one liner? I thought that doing something like (key, val) = { 'my_key' => {'id' => 1} } for some reason...
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<bradhe> Closest I have to a 1-liner is key = hash.keys.first, values = hash.values.first
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<csavola> bradhe: is that the only thing in the hash/
<csavola> *?
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<bradhe> csavola: yeah
<bradhe> it's a json-deserialized array of hashes
<csavola> bradhe:ugly but key, value = hash.to_a.first
<bradhe> ahh
<bradhe> hmm
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<bradhe> does the job I guess
<csavola> bradhe: not sure what you are really attempting to do :)
<bradhe> csavola: Array of hashes representing some objects, looking for a specific value for a attr of an object...really kinda silly. i.e. [{ "some_type" => { 'id' => 1 }, { 'some_type' => { 'id' => 2 }}], does the array contain a hash where 'id' == 1
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<bradhe> csavola: here's what I came up with, open to more idiomatic solutions:
<bradhe> (or just otherwise better ones :))
<csavola> bradhe: check the gist... that's on way
<bradhe> ahh, nice
<bradhe> dig it
<csavola> I really need to get with the markdown
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<yfeldblum> anybody in the know ... does `` clear the method cache?
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<zastaph> if I have a hash symbol myHash[:mySymbol] how do I put "mySymbol" in a var foo? myHash[:#{foo}] ? it would be easy if the keys were just strings
<zedUNDginger> zastaph: :"#{foo}"
<negative> grammar check please: Here will open a brand new networking service.
<zastaph> yoda says: A brand new networking service open here will
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<joshsmith> whoops
<joshsmith> that is not the link!
<Guest64889> what's the best way to get a new array from an existing one without a specified element ?
<joshsmith> and that is not work safe depending on your work, so don't click!
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<Tachyon> is there a function like stripcslashes in php ?
<Tachyon> i cannot find it
<apeiros_> Tachyon: I try hard to forget php, so please explain what you want the method to do instead
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<Tachyon> i have string "some \"escaped\" string\nblah"
<Tachyon> and i want to convert it back
<Tachyon> so it would look like
<apeiros_> do you mean "some \\"escaped\\" string\nblah"?
<Tachyon> some "escaped string
<Tachyon> blah
<Tachyon> no
<apeiros_> the former is just a string with double quotes in it, no backslashes.
<Tachyon> yes
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<apeiros_> puts "\"" # => "
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<Guest64889> what's the best way to get a new array from an existing one without a specified element ?
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<apeiros_> there is no convert it back from that - to what would you want to convert it back?
<apeiros_> Guest64889: ary - [ele]
<Tachyon> apeiros_: if i could get the output of the puts it would be sufficient
<Tachyon> something like converted_string=puts my_string
<apeiros_> Tachyon: I think you're not understanding inspect
<Tachyon> ?!
<apeiros_> x = "\""
<apeiros_> x does NOT contain a backslash
<Tachyon> omg
<KarlHungus> is there a way to set system wide irb config info? specifically, i'd like to log all irb commands in a central location
<Tachyon> i have got the string from html scraping
<Tachyon> i don't assign it to the string
<Guest64889> thank you apeiros_
<apeiros_> KarlHungus: ~/.irbrc is loaded by irb at start
<KarlHungus> apeiros_: correct, but thats per user env, not system wide
<Mon_Ouie> Doesn't it try to use something like /etc/irbrc too if it exists?
<KarlHungus> apeiros_: and tracing irb doesnt show it searching for /etc/irbrc
<Tachyon> if i assigned it, it would contain my_variable="some \\\"escaped\\\" string\\nblah"
<apeiros_> KarlHungus: there is none systemwide. you'll have to add an irbrc for every user. or modify your irb executable.
<apeiros_> Tachyon: that was the first question I asked…
<KarlHungus> apeiros_: ack. thanks, i'll replace it with a wrapper for something
<Tachyon> i didn't get it
<Tachyon> :)
<apeiros_> Tachyon: gsub
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<apeiros_> gsub(/\\(.)/, '\1') should probably do
<Tachyon> i try it
<apeiros_> ah, though, for \\n it won't work
<apeiros_> what version of ruby are you using?
<Tachyon> i think 1.19.1
<apeiros_> that's highly unlikely :)
<apeiros_> ruby -v # that gives you the ruby version
<Tachyon> ok
<Tachyon> D
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<Tachyon> X:\programs\ruby\bin>ruby -v
<Tachyon> ruby 1.9.2p180 (2011-02-18) [i386-mingw32]
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<Tachyon> apeiros_: is there a way to redirect puts into string ?
<apeiros_> Tachyon: won't work that way
<Mon_Ouie> Using StringIO
<apeiros_> puts there will just rpint it with quotes
<Mon_Ouie> $stdout =
<apeiros_> *print
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<Tachyon> ah
<Tachyon> right
<Tachyon> hm
<Tachyon> i could use eval
<apeiros_> you could
<Tachyon> but that is _VERY_ unsafe
<apeiros_> you could also give me a second…
<Tachyon> since i gather the string from web
<Tachyon> :D
<Tachyon> ok, /me stfu :D
<apeiros_> in that is a piece of code to interpret strings
<apeiros_> don't know how complete it is…
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<Tachyon> O.o
<apeiros_> line 74-88 is of interest to you, that builds a hash with all replacements.
<joshsmith> I can't install the addressable gem for some reason
<apeiros_> and line 184
<Tachyon> hmm
<Tachyon> i could use it
<apeiros_> hm, I think that needs a change in line 184, though :-/
<apeiros_> string.gsub(/\\(?:[0-3]?\d\d?|x[A-Fa-f\d]{2}|.)/) { |m| DStringEscapes[m] || m }
<apeiros_> ah, wrong
<apeiros_> string.gsub(/\\(?:[0-3]?\d\d?|x[A-Fa-f\d]{2}|.)/) { |m| DStringEscapes[m] || $1 } # better
<apeiros_> no, still not, damit…
<apeiros_> string.gsub(/\\(?:[0-3]?\d\d?|x[A-Fa-f\d]{2}|(.))/) { |m| DStringEscapes[m] || $1 } # now, I hope - maybe I should test it…
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<apeiros_> jupp, the last one works at least for your sample
<Tachyon> apeiros_: i try it
<apeiros_> I wonder, though… that should be doable easier on 1.9…
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<apeiros_> you, can be simplified.
<Tachyon> well i need the dstringescapes to be defined
<apeiros_> Tachyon: there
<apeiros_> with that, you can just do: "some \\\"escaped\\\" \\string\\nblah".strip_slashes # => "some \"escaped\" string\nblah"
<Tachyon> wow!
<Tachyon> it works!
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<Tachyon> apeiros_: thank you very very much :)
<apeiros_> fascinating, isn't it… doesn't look like it should…
<apeiros_> ;-p
<Tachyon> it seems to me like bit of black magic
<apeiros_> if I omitted an escape sequence, just add it to the hash
<apeiros_> e.g. I just noticed, that "\s" == " ", didn't know that. so you just add '\s' => " ",
<Tachyon> yes
<Tachyon> no problem :)
<apeiros_> hm, there's a couple I omitted…
* apeiros_ wonders why…
<apeiros_> \v e.g. is missing as well… maybe I was in a hurry when I wrote the first one…
<Tachyon> i think this will suffice to the rest of my life :)
<Tachyon> i've only seen \n \" \\ \' and \t
<Tachyon> :)
<BrokenCog> is wxrubey2 still the GUI framework of choice?
<apeiros_> I updated the pastie. added some I missed. doesn't do ruby's \C-… sequences, though.
<Tachyon> not a problem :)
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<joshsmith> anyone here use the taps gem?
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<Avi`> is there a bot here that can link to documentation etc?
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<Avi`> cause asking google about "=~" is a total fail
<apeiros_> Avi`: afaik no
<apeiros_> don't use google. use ri in your shell
<apeiros_> or, or, if you need a browser based one.
<Avi`> ri fails on =~
<Mon_Ouie> No, it doesn't
<apeiros_> does it also fail on `ri Array` (also, define 'fail')
<Avi`> ri =~
<Avi`> Nothing known about .=~
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<Mon_Ouie> ah, yeah, if you don't have the documentation installed
<apeiros_> you probably have not installed the docs then.
<Avi`> it works fine on ri Array
<moonunit> where does ruby store libs on UBUNTU ?
<apeiros_> Avi`: did you install ruby using rvm?
<moonunit> new to ruby
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<apeiros_> moonunit: that'd depend on how you installed it.
<Avi`> apeiros_: yes
<moonunit> apt-get
<apeiros_> Avi`: rvm docs generate
<moonunit> ruby and rubygems or something elase
<apeiros_> moonunit: #ubuntu then. ruby devs are not in control of what apt does.
<joshsmith> while we're on the topic of how we installed ruby
<moonunit> well normaly were are they?
<moonunit> on windows or for you personaly?
<joshsmith> I think this is an issue with how I installed things and my OS:
<apeiros_> moonunit: you can try `require 'rbconfig'; pp RbConfig::CONFIG` in irb, a couple of things are listed there.
<joshsmith> if someone can help me resolve that, I would be eternally grateful
<moonunit> ok ty apeiros_
<joshsmith> I think it probably has something to do with my PATH or where the gems are installed or how
<joshsmith> because I can use `taps push` just fine
<apeiros_> moonunit: well, for me, all stuff is under ~/.rvm/rubies/<selected ruby version>/
<joshsmith> but not `heroku db:push`
<joshsmith> heroku acts as though taps is just not installed
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<Avi`> apeiros_: ah thanks
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<joshsmith> apeiros_: can you help me figure out if I have taps installed somewhere inaccessible?
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<moonunit> can anyone tell me what im doing wrong? started teaching myself ruby today and am running into a simple problem
<moonunit> im trying to use ARGV with user input
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<csavola> moonunit: what's the issue?
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<moonunit> Its not working?
<moonunit> without the gets.chomp it works fine
<moonunit> but i dont know how to get user input in my script
<csavola> moonunit: just pasted it into a file and works for me... what version of ruby? how are you executing it?
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<moonunit> not sure, i used apt-get ruby and rubygems 1.8
<ccooke> moonunit: ... the error looks like it's coming from file system access, which you aren't fdoing
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<moonunit> and hello.rb first second thrid
<csavola> moonunit: ruby -v
<moonunit> 1.8.7
<moonunit> 32 bit
<moonunit> linux
<csavola> moonunit: and you are just running ruby some_script.rb?
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<moonunit> script.rb blah blah blah
<moonunit> hello.rb:5:in `gets': No such file or directory - eat (Errno::ENOENT)
<moonunit> from hello.rb:5
<csavola> moonunit: there isn't a shebang line... is there stuff you removed in the link?
<moonunit> oh weird, i think im running it wrong
<apeiros_> moonunit: Kernel#gets works off ARGF
<apeiros_> which means it'll treat all args passed to your script as files and try to read from them, and only after that it starts to read from $stdin. you probably want $stdin.gets instead of just gets.
<moonunit> ok ill try that
<moonunit> Combine gets.chomp() with ARGV to make a script that gets more input from a user.
<moonunit> that is my problem set
<moonunit> or exercise
<csavola> apeiros_: that is something I totally wouldn't expect
<moonunit> havent used $stdin yet
<apeiros_> csavola: most don't expect it. one of the biggest source for bugs.
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<linduxed> why does ruby both provide send and __send__ ?
<apeiros_> cost myself quite a bit of my time too (but that was ages ago)
<apeiros_> linduxed: because send might be overridden.
<linduxed> ooooh
<linduxed> that's sensible
<linduxed> thx for the quick answer
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<apeiros_> linduxed: generally if you don't know the object you're calling send on, use __send__
<linduxed> ok
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<moonunit> how can i run ARGV with gets? if i run it like script.rb it works fine
<moonunit> but the vars are blank
<moonunit> but when i run it script.rb first second thirst doesnt work
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<moonunit> do i need a comma or anything to run it?
<apeiros_> moonunit: you may want to re-read what I just wrote to you…
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<linduxed> hmmm
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<linduxed> i don't think i quite understand what send does... it looks like could also be done with foo.send(:bar)
<joshsmith> can someone PLEASE help me
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<joshsmith> I have been blocked on a project all day long
<linduxed> but does that mean that every function is also a constant?
<linduxed> or sorry
<linduxed> :stuff are not called constants... forgot what they're called
<apeiros_> :stuff are objects
<linduxed> ok...
<apeiros_> :stuff.class # => Symbol
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<apeiros_> you can do foo.send("bar") too
<linduxed> symbols, that was the name
<apeiros_> if that helps you.
<moonunit> ok got it apeiros_ , so i need to use $stdin.gets everytime i have a ARG in script if i want user input?
<cantonic> hey guys. i am trying around with ruby for a while now and decided to write my first gui app. Can you recommend me a good starting point or a framework? I have googled and the choice is quite overwhelming for a semi-newbie :)
<apeiros_> but yes, every thing that has a name in ruby will define a matching symbol.
<apeiros_> moonunit: I'd just always use $stdin.gets
<linduxed> joshsmith: you haven't described the issue you face at all
<linduxed> joshsmith: do that first
<moonunit> ok ty
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<linduxed> apeiros_: i see
<joshsmith> linduxed: I have, an hour ago. and multiple times before that
<linduxed> joshsmith: oh, i wouldn't know, i just joined
<joshsmith> linduxed: ah, my bad
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<joshsmith> I *think* the issue here is that the heroku gem can't find taps
<linduxed> apeiros_: so what does send do then? ask a function to do its thing? i'm confused
<joshsmith> I don't know ruby whatsoever, but I still dug around in their code trying to figure out what's going on
<apeiros_> linduxed: x = "foo"; bar.send(x)
<apeiros_> that's what you use send for.
<apeiros_> you can invoke a method by its name using a variable.
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<joshsmith> the logic for checking for taps can be found on line 173
<joshsmith> actually, it's 202
<joshsmith> def load_taps
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<joshsmith> and it throws the load LoadError error
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<joshsmith> I have taps 0.3.23
<joshsmith> but my guess is that it's installed somewhere that's inaccessible to the heroku client somehow
<joshsmith> I'm on Mac OSX
<joshsmith> I believe I installed Ruby with RVM, but not positive
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<frem> can someone recommend a jabber gem? I'm trying to use Blather, but it appears to have starttls required, which the server I'm connecting to doesn't use.
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<moonunit> hello
<moonunit> For somereason if i have IF DO or return in a string after a puts
<moonunit> example "puts "if you do want that, hit RETURN"
<moonunit> they go bold and break the script
<moonunit> as if they are not in a puts or something? anyideas?
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<littlebill902> why can't i do: m.message == "1" || "2" || "3" || "4" || "5" || "6" || "7" || "8"
<littlebill902> warning: string literal in condition
<moonunit> not sure what i am diong wront
<littlebill902> is that the wrong or operator?
<bean> littlebill902, ~= is what you want, I think.
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<apeiros_> littlebill902: that's always the same as just m.message == "1"
<apeiros_> "1" || "2" || "3" || "4" || "5" || "6" || "7" || "8" #=> "1"
<littlebill902> how do i check to see if the message is the number 1-8
<apeiros_> I'd concur with bean
<littlebill902> i thought i was saying message == 1 or 2 or 3
<littlebill902> ?
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<littlebill902> ~= gives a syntax error
<apeiros_> he typoed. it's =~
<bean> littlebill902, i meant =~ i believe.
<apeiros_> and you can't just replace == with =~
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<bean> =~ /1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8/ is what you'll want I think.
<littlebill902> regex is the devil
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<apeiros_> o…kay…
<littlebill902> :(
<moonunit> nvm forgot a "
<aces1up> anyone know of any good project tracking software, that is free or inexpensive? just need something to keep track of like feature updates and then have a list of features / time to add, then a project milestone / estimation.
drizz joined #ruby
<bean> littlebill902, this explains regex pretty well:
<Zeks> aces1up, rednine?
<bean> and is pretty badass for testing.
<Zeks> redmine*
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<mksm> littlebill902: (1..8).include? m.message.to_i
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<rpowell> hey does anyone know of a good library for parsing RSS feeds?
<rpowell> gem, whatever
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<rpowell> oh wait, there's a built in class for that
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<annon> Any way to force an encoding when pulling a file using Net::FTP::gettextfile?
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<annon> I have a file that is being detected as ASCII-8BIT that is breaking
<annon> Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
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<heftig> annon: well, obviously it's not utf-8
<annon> I have a workaround using getbinaryfile, writing it to disk, opening, and then deleting
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<annon> but it would be nice to just use gettextfile and not write
<heftig> annon: or is it? do you know what the encoding of the file is?
<annon> the file is UTF-8, but i think the gettextfile ASCII mode is confusing the encoding
<annon> here's the workaround I'm currently doing:
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<heftig> try that
<heftig> err whoops
<heftig> annon: forgot to remove the local filename
<annon> ah, that works
<annon> thanks!
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<i8igmac> im looking for a way to dump output of a program to a file
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<i8igmac> there are a few ways of doing this but my method does not work with specific apps
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<mksm> i8igmac, code?
<i8igmac> IO.popen("app options -lmksiw > log.txt")
<i8igmac> im looking for other options
<mksm> open3 gem
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<mksm> actually
<mksm> it's in stdlib
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<i8igmac> really im trying to process output from airodump-ng
<i8igmac> ill have to check out open3
<i8igmac> this app does not print output in the same way as other apps
<mksm> i8igmac, it uses stdout/stderr/stdin, right?