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<happynoff> Hi. How would you test a method supposed to call require ?
<happynoff> (Using rspec)
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<burgestrand> happynoff: test just that
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<happynoff> burgestrand: ok but that's the point :/ I don't know how to test it
<burgestrand> Oh, I see
<happynoff> I tried Kernel.should_receive(:require)
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<burgestrand> And the result?
<happynoff> called 0 times
<happynoff> but the script is loaded
<burgestrand> *shrug*
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<happynoff> And google is not my friend tonight :(
<burgestrand> How about you require a certain file that declares something, instead?
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<happynoff> I tried to think about it
<happynoff> a constant is not an option
<burgestrand> Hm, I ponder, since the method is on Kernel, you might need to mock it out in the object calling require
<happynoff> I thought about a method but it didn't work and I would have to undef the method before each test if it worked
<happynoff> mocking Kernel ?
<happynoff> or just stubbing :require
<burgestrand> No, the object the method is defined on
<happynoff> I just stubbed require on the object and it worked \o/
<happynoff> thank you burgestrand !
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<burgestrand> :)
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<happynoff> have a good day/night
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<marcamilly> aren't .first and .count Ruby methods? even for version 1.8.7?
<marcamilly> i am pulling data from an API, and I stored a collection in a variable
<marcamilly> and when I try variable.first and variable.count
<marcamilly> it keeps giving me nil
<marcamilly> but when I do variable
<marcamilly> it shows me all the items in the collection
<marcamilly> thoughts?
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<atmosx> marcamilly: it's an array?
<marcamilly> it returns this: => #<OpenStruct total=253,
<marcamilly> ahh, you are right
<marcamilly> so it's not is it
<marcamilly> hrmm, so I should declare the variable an array and then set them in there?
<atmosx> type puts variable.class
<marcamilly> ruby-1.8.7-p302 > q.class
<marcamilly> => OpenStruct
<atmosx> depends the most common mistake is that you create an array of arrays
<marcamilly> that's what i see when I do .class
<atmosx> marcamilly: array.first is available only in ruby19
<marcamilly> ok
<marcamilly> what about array.count
<marcamilly> same?
<atmosx> same
<marcamilly> hrmm
<marcamilly> damnit
<atmosx> what os are you at?
<atmosx> I write code only 1.9 so I was not sure but just checked
<marcamilly> i am on OS X
<atmosx> these methods are not supported
<marcamilly> but the weirdest thing
<atmosx> okay, then install macports, or rvm or brew
<marcamilly> so some of the stuff I am seeing says it supports only 1.8.7
<atmosx> I'm on osx too
<marcamilly> but when I read the source
<marcamilly> of the library
<marcamilly> look there, they even use .first
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<marcamilly> inside the source, even though they say only 1.8.7 is supported
<atmosx> the native version 1.8.x of macosx does not support these methods
<atmosx> just tested
<marcamilly> but when I query the API and get back the results, I can't iterate through the data using those methods
<atmosx> y don't you just install 1.9?
<atmosx> it's better to use it anyway, it will last more than 1.8.x
<marcamilly> i have it
<marcamilly> lemme test it
<marcamilly> i was trying to get it to work
<marcamilly> with the gem i am using
<marcamilly> sec
<raz> hmm, how do i write a simple parser that substitutes tokens like "$foo" in a string with the corresponding values ('foo') from a hashmap?
<marcamilly> .gsub?
<raz> marcamilly: yea, but what's my pattern to make it generic? (work for any $foo)
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<raz> or rather $foo, $bar .. etc
<marcamilly> hrmm, good question, /\$\w/ ?
<marcamilly> something like that, i am not a regex expert
<marcamilly> but that's just off the dome
<marcamilly> would have to look it up
<raz> ah interesting, gsub can take a function on the right hand side
<atmosx> I'm off to bed
<atmosx> good night all :-)
<marcamilly> hrmm
<marcamilly> atmosx left me :(
<marcamilly> yes, it can take a regex string
<marcamilly> does that make sense, raz?
<marcamilly> the regex that I wrote?
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<raz> marcamilly: sort of, i'll sketch something up
<raz> thx for the pointer
<marcamilly> k, np
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<rcs> Anyone have a nice way to do something like ary.slice(1,ary.count-1) ? Something like ary[1..] or ary[1..inf] ?
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<flazz> rcs: first, *rest = ary
<flazz> rcs: rest = ary[1,-1]
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<heftig> you mean [1..-1]
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<rcs> flazz: Yeah.
<rcs> heftig: Yeah.
<rcs> Thanks both of you.
<flazz> heftig: yep
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<Cerales> Is it possible to have subclasses modify class constants without it affecting the constants in the superclass?
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<Cerales> I'm trying to write a superclass that has an array as a constant, then a bunch of subclasses which push additional values to that array, but I only want the subclasses to have those other values. i thought this was pretty trivial subclassing behaviour, but i can't get it to work without all the values being global across the classes
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<bpfh> Cerales, like this
<Cerales> oh! thank you.
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<indstry> NickServ identify apple
<indstry> great
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<Stuffness> What's a way to check if a string is one of the names of the subclasses of a certain class
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<shevy> Stuffness what
<shevy> if a string is what?
<shevy> can you give an example data
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<Stuffness> shevy, let's say I get a string from the user, "Wheel". I want to create a new Wheel object, but only if it's defined as a subclass of my Car class. What's the best way to check this
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<shevy> Stuffness
<shevy> turn that into a method ... and ancestors should become dynamic. but that's the general idea, one way that works.
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<Stuffness> shevy, thanks!
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<warlock_handler> hi.. is there a ruby version of
<warlock_handler> something like a computer based automation system
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<shevy> I swear rewriting code takes way too long
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<banisterfiend> hi
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<banister_> who can deny the cuteness of a system that allows something like this to be expressed so simply
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<banister_> burgestrand: sup burgdiggity
<burgestrand> mornin'!
<burgestrand> Going to play some Skyrim :)
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<banister_> burgestrand: we have bash-style aliases in 5 lines of code
<banister_> burgestrand: awesome, i bought that too, but only for my ps3 and i find the controls too unwieldy so i dont actually play it :/
<banister_> burgestrand: you have it on pc?
<burgestrand> banister_: heh, got to love ruby
<banister_> burgestrand:
<banister_> forgot to paste it ;)
<burgestrand> naw, ps3 too, got nothing against the controls really, only time when I think it matters is for FPS games :)
<burgestrand> rofl, that’s awesome
<apeiros_> banister_: oh, so you'd disrecommend buying it for xbox too?
<burgestrand> best implementation ever
<banister_> burgestrand: well looking around is kind of hard, mouse look feels a lot more natural i think
<banister_> apeiros_: well this is the first game ive played in about 4 years so maybe im just not used to gaming
<banister_> but i found it hard to control
<burgestrand> banister_: that is true, I’m not too much of a look-arounder
<burgestrand> banister_: did you know SotC got remastered and released to PS3?
<banister_> burgestrand: i bought it ;) haven't played that either...
<burgestrand> hehe
<banister_> i think i'm too ADHD to play games now
<banister_> i should probably give skyrim a proper go though since it looks awesome
<banister_> burgestrand: in skyrim i got stuck at the part where u have to climb stairs and it tells me to jump
<banister_> i couldnt' seem to get to the top of the tower, but i gues si was going the wrong way. Right at the very start after the dragon attacks
<burgestrand> banister_: I vaguely remember it, you’re meant to jump out of the tower towards the burning building
<burgestrand> I think
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<banister_> oh ok
<burgestrand> get-naked command!
<burgestrand> \o/
<banister_> yeah a guy chained that to one of his pull requests and i didnt see it ;)
<burgestrand> hehe
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<abonec> hello, is there way to open ruby console (like irb) but with executed rb file?
<banister_> abonec:
<abonec> i try any arguments of pry but it can execute only string of code via "pry -e 'class My; end'
<banister_> abonec: what do you mean 'with executed rb file' ?
<banister_> abonec: do you want runtime invocatino? then put 'binding.pry' inside the file at the point you want the console
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<erwinpdev> Hi I've got a Ruby question. Let's say you have a sbyte with value of -91 in C#. How would you represent the same in Ruby?
<abonec> banister_, i need a ruby console with context of executed file (like rails console with rails application)
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<banister_> abonec: then put 'binding.pry' in the right place in your file?
<banister_> abonec: or maybe you want: pry -r ?
<banister_> abonec: please watch teh railscast here, i think something is confused:
<banister_> abonec: here i mean:
<rippa> erwinpdev: a = -91 ?
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<erwinpdev> rippa: that's what I tried but I got the feeling something is going wrong. It's a xorkey in this case and I am not getting the results I was expecting.
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<abonec> banister_, hah, pry -r it was i actually try find, but it not work as 'pry -r file.rb', only for 'pry -r ./file.rb', thx
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<banister_> abonec: yeah taht's a ruby 1.9.2 thing
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<apeiros_> erwinpdev: maybe show a simple xor example. input and expected output.
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<erwinpdev> apeiros_: Ok, here is the function and below is some input and expected output:
<erwinpdev> Hmm, I marked it private by mistake, are you able to see it?
<apeiros_> erwinpdev: simplify it down. I'd suggest to make an example based on `bytes[0] ^ xorkey.to_i`
<apeiros_> i.e., what do you expect 'a'.bytes.to_a[0] ^ -91 to be
<erwinpdev> Good question I only got input and output for the whole algorithm and not for this specific step
<apeiros_> erwinpdev: as I understood, you have the same algorithm working correctly in C#?
<erwinpdev> Yes
<erwinpdev> But it's not mine, only trying to implement it in Ruby
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<apeiros_> yes, but you got the C# code, so you could see what individual steps result in…
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<apeiros_> one thing that could be a problem is that ruby has no upper limit on integers, so a negative integer in binary in ruby basically has an infinite number of 1's at the beginning
<apeiros_> (if I remember correctly) so when you do >> 4 on a 16bit int in one language, you get at least 4 zeros at the most significant bits. you don't get those in ruby.
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<erwinpdev> Ah, ok. Is there any way to get the same behaviour?
<apeiros_> use unsigned arithmetic
<apeiros_> you can & 0xffff the negative number to get its equivalent
<apeiros_> (assuming a limit of 16bit)
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<erwinpdev> actually the xorkey is of sbyte type in C#:
<erwinpdev> So, shouldn't I do & 0xff in that case?
<apeiros_> also, why do you pack("U*") at the end?
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<apeiros_> yes
<erwinpdev> To convert the decimal ascii values back to ascii/string
<rippa> U is utf-8
<apeiros_> you want C, not U
<apeiros_> also, are you sure your algorithm is correct otherwise?
<apeiros_> because you access array indices that aren't set…
<apeiros_> (ruby won't complain upon that, it'll return nil, and nil responds to ^ too…)
<erwinpdev> I probably mixed it up the pack bit.
<erwinpdev> The original code reads the password as a byte array in UTF8
<erwinpdev> and outputs the result in ASCII
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<apeiros_> erwinpdev: I'm talking about your first for loop
<apeiros_> line 12
<apeiros_> you access index 1 of the array, but in the case of 'a' as input, you do not have an index 1
<MHD0> man, ruby is great
<apeiros_> your array consists of a single element at index 0…
<erwinpdev> Hmm, yeah you are right. I have to have another look at the original code
<erwinpdev> I see the difference now. I come from a C background myself, so I am used to writing the for loop conditions myself. So basically it should something like for (int i; i < bytes.length; i++)
<apeiros_> for i in 1...bytes.length
<erwinpdev> where int i = 1 btw
<apeiros_> though, for-in loops are actually rarely used in ruby code…
<erwinpdev> Ok, but is it < or <=, because that's an important difference in this case?
<apeiros_> ... means end of the range is excluded
<apeiros_> for i in 1..10 will have start with i = 1 and end with i = 9
<erwinpdev> Ok, so it should read for i in 0...bytes.length in Ruby?
<erwinpdev> Ok, I get it.
<apeiros_> yes, as I pasted :)
<apeiros_> so for a string 'a', the loop won't be executed
<erwinpdev> Sorry, you were just a bit quicker then me ;)
<apeiros_> for 'aa', it'll be executed once, with i = 1
<apeiros_> you probably want the same in the second loop…
<erwinpdev> yes, that's the way it should be. Thanks, I'll change it.
<apeiros_> beware, the conditions is only evaluated once…
<apeiros_> though, since you keep increasing the size of the string, that's probably what you want…
<erwinpdev> What would be the Ruby way to do this, because you said for loops are rarely used?
<shevy> In ruby code you rarely find for loops because other ways are more natural
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<apeiros_> well, I'd stick with the for-in for now and first fix the algorithm
<erwinpdev> yeah
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<apeiros_> but we use things like 1.upto(bytes.length) do |i| … end
<apeiros_> actually, `1.upto(bytes.length-1) do |i| … end` here
<erwinpdev> What's the backtick for?
<apeiros_> delimiting the code within my irc message
<apeiros_> it's not part of the code.
<erwinpdev> ah, ok ;)
<erwinpdev> Is there a way to make line 3 read the string as UTF8? I played around with the pack option, but only received errors?
<apeiros_> you want unicode codepoints?
<apeiros_> unpack("U*")
<apeiros_> but unicode codepoints are not restricted to 8bits…
<erwinpdev> sorry, working with Ruby 1.8.7 here, so no codepoints
<apeiros_> ruby 1.8 has no issues with that
<apeiros_> 1.8 is just encoding unaware. but it can very well unpack("U*")
<erwinpdev> I thought it didn't support codepoints
<apeiros_> it doesn't understand encodings.
<apeiros_> that is, a string is always just an array of bytes to ruby 1.8.
<apeiros_> but as said, unpack("U*") exists in ruby 1.8.
<erwinpdev> I know
<erwinpdev> I changed it now to bytes = string.bytes.to_a.pack("U*")
<apeiros_> that makes no sense…
<apeiros_> you unpack a string, not an array.
<apeiros_> string.unpack("U*"),
<apeiros_> -,
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<apeiros_> but again, as I understood, you want to do arithmetics on a per-byte basis, not a per-unicode-codepoint basis.
<apeiros_> the former is guaranteed to be always 1 byte, the latter can go much higher
<erwinpdev> Yes, per-byte as far as I know.
<apeiros_> then you do not want unicode codepoints.
<apeiros_> bytes = string.unpack("C*") (the same as bytes = string.bytes.to_a)
<apeiros_> ruby doesn't care whether your string contains unicode or not.
<erwinpdev> Ok
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<erwinpdev> So now I need to add & 0xff to the xorkey variable
<kke> corkey
<kke> life goes on
<apeiros_> erwinpdev: is what I tried, but I think the loop is still not quite correct. result is correct for 'a' as input, but longer strings are wrong.
<apeiros_> care to show the original C# code?
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<erwinpdev> I'll have a look at your code to see where it differs from mine
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<erwinpdev> I changed the xorkey, but mine and your code show different results
<erwinpdev> while I can't find any real difference in the code.
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<erwinpdev> Ah, found the difference in the code
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<erwinpdev> apeiros: I think it's going wrong in the last loop
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<apeiros_> erwinpdev: you did notice that line 32 is ++index, so index is 2 in the first iteration…
<erwinpdev> No, I did not, argh.
<apeiros_> also, the C# code works with 2 arrays
<apeiros_> input and output
<apeiros_> while you work with (and modify while working with it) a single array
<erwinpdev> yes, I was going to change that. The main reason they probably do that is because the new array is twice the size of the old one
<apeiros_> hm, I'm wrong
<apeiros_> ++index doesn't cause index to be 2 in the first iteration
<apeiros_> at least not in C
<erwinpdev> This is C#
<erwinpdev> I have to check as well
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<alexhanh_> Who else thinks handling net/http 's exceptions blows? I mean really?
<apeiros_> alexhanh: you're aware you can put them all on one line?
<apeiros_> rescue Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, …; nil; …
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<apeiros_> also check for common ancestors and/or included modules.
<alexhanh> apeiros_: yes :) the thing is that it took me a long and painful road to discover all of these various exceptions
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<apeiros_> alternatively: rescue the exceptions that you actually can handle
<apeiros_> what sense is there in rescuing exceptions you can't actually handle?
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<Tasser> apeiros_, I once saw 'rescue Exception' a piece of code...
<apeiros_> if you really want to rescue all, even if you don't handle it - rescue the ones you do handle first, then rescue StandardError
<apeiros_> Tasser: I do that too. but then again, I know what I do :-p
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<alexhanh> I guess I'd want Net lib to throw exceptions with better names and with unified namespace
<alexhanh> we have libraries such as HttParty, but for some reason they don't address this issue
<alexhanh> maybe I'm thinking fundamentally wrong here
<apeiros_> alexhanh: well, all Errno' errors are thinly wrapped exceptions from the underlying C code
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<Tasser> apeiros_, I'm pretty sure the guy didn't.
<apeiros_> well possible
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<Tasser> apeiros_, and I assume the fact that you're op here and don't have tits should give you enough reputation to be allowed to use 'rescue Exception' ;-)
<alexhanh> I think majority of the time when people fetch something with http, they are mostly interested whether the request was succesful and *maybe* handle different http errors
<apeiros_> I liked the idea of having to declare all exceptions your method could raise (including those raised by methods you use within your method)
<apeiros_> but I think that'd lead to other atrocities…
<alexhanh> but now, it's not possible to do rescue Net/SocketSpecificException => be done with it
<apeiros_> alexhanh: as said, `rescue => e` then
<apeiros_> though, Timeout isn't a StandardError, which is slightly mean
<apeiros_> so `rescue Timeout::Error, StandardError`, should have you covered.
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<apeiros_> hm, seems that has been changed
<apeiros_> finally…
<apeiros_> ruby-1.9.3:359:0>> Timeout::Error.ancestors # => [Timeout::Error, RuntimeError, StandardError, Exception, Object, PP::ObjectMixin, Kernel, BasicObject]
<apeiros_> alexhanh: also be happy you have exceptions.
* apeiros_ fiddles with C, exception handling *sucks*
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<alexhanh> well, catching StandardError is almost like a 'catch all exceptions'? I mean we want to filter out socket/net/http specific errors and bubble the rest up.
<apeiros_> it's not all, but close to it, yes
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<alexhanh> and the thing is, I haven't seen one place that would list all of these various exceptions (Errno, SocketError, EOFError, HttpError, etc.) that the actually can throw
<apeiros_> alexhanh: and you solve that by limiting your begin/rescue block to the relevant code
<apeiros_> instead of putting just *all* code in there.
<alexhanh> like how the hell I'm supposed to know all of those?
<apeiros_> s/throw/raise/, throw means something different in ruby.
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<apeiros_> you can't be sure with large blobs of code whether the origin is really net/http anyway
<alexhanh> oh, good point.. hmm, maybe it's not that throws all of those
<apeiros_> or how do you know your EOFError is not caused by nokogiri?
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<apeiros_> but yes, I'd like ruby to have a proper attribution of something like 'packages', which could be extended to exceptions and warnings.
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<alexhanh> Well, Nokogiri throwing anything except EOFError doesn't make sense.. so we are left with Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ECONNRESET, SocketError, Timeout::Error and OpenURI::HTTPError
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<alexhanh> rest-client gem seems to patch things up
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<alexhanh> For the more common http error situation, they provide more specific exceptions, otherwise they give you RestClient::Exception
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<alexhanh> that's my point, majority of the time, we are not interested what the cause of failure is if it's not httperror.. we just want to handle that case (and for example, re-queue the http get for later)
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<alexhanh> but still bubble up other, non-http/network/socket specific exceptions
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<shevy> bubble
<shevy> rescue Bubble
<apeiros_> bubble trouble?
<shevy> trouble in my bubble
<alexhanh> :D
<apeiros_> alias bubble raise
<apeiros_> rescue Foo; bubble; end
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<apeiros_> begin doesn't introduce a new lexical scope. you don't have to do io=nil. but yes, better…
<alexhanh> oh, so io will be available outside of rescue block even if it gets introduced inside it for the first time?
<apeiros_> same for data={} btw.
<apeiros_> you reassign it later anyway
<apeiros_> alexhanh: correct
<alexhanh> what's good practise here.. is it a convention to do the kind of "forward declaration" as i did?
<apeiros_> alexhanh: I think a normal method should be short enough that it doesn't need 'declarations'
<shevy> what forward delcar... declaration
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<shevy> you mean you set the variables you use to some value
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<shevy> well, it doesn't hurt
<alexhanh> Yeah. Thanks a lot guys!
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<HNDavid> using ruby with cgi, is there any way to get the path that the user requested? e.g. /cgi-bin/foo.rb
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<shevy> hmm PATH_INFO or PATH_TRANSLATED ... you can also output the result of __FILE__ perhaps it is specified there
<HNDavid> PHP has a REQUEST_URI variable, but i don't see an equivalent...
<HNDavid> think i tried those, but i will try again
<shevy> I'll try in some minutes, I broke my ruby, need to fix that
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<HNDavid> shevy: what's the right syntax for getting these? i'm a bit of a newb -
<shevy> I think ENV['PATH_INFO'] should work
<HNDavid> nil
<shevy> hmm
<HNDavid> also, the docs say they are 'read-only attributes of the CGI object'
<HNDavid> how do you access an attribute? just like a method, isn't it?
<shevy> should work
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<shevy> HNDavid, did you try cgi.query_string
<HNDavid> i can try it, but it's not what i want
<shevy> mhm
<shevy> can you try cgi.path_info too
<HNDavid> that was already in my first paste
<HNDavid> it's nil
<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> and cgi.request_uri ?
<shevy> ENV["REQUEST_URI"] will give you /test.rbx?test=1
<HNDavid> nice, that works
<HNDavid> thanks
<shevy> cool
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<HNDavid> what i was working on:
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<shevy> and what's it do
<shevy> and will it blend
<HNDavid> gets through boston globe's leaky paywall. i wrote it out of annoyance :)
<shevy> hehe
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<jonegg> hello, I'm new to the Ruby community and I'm looking for a solid web framework. Not too huge (Rails) and not too small (Sinatra). Fast and clean. Any suggestions?
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<apeiros_> are you intentionally removing the two best options from the list of available frameworks? :)
<jonegg> that's why I ask
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<yxhuvud> ramaze? padrino?
<jonegg> Rails seems to be dirty and slow
<jonegg> and Sinatra doesn't quite provide all tools I need
<jonegg> but maybe my intention is wrong
<jonegg> I'll take a look at Ramaze and Padrino
<jonegg> something with REST would be beautiful
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<jonegg> or what do good ruby developers use for medium sized projects?
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<jonegg> I come from PHP and I'm used to that the framework includes everything (Validation library, ORM, email-library). Is this even required in Ruby with the Gems? Is it a good idea to use Sinatra and install a couple of gems for the rest?
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<wookiehangover> jonegg: in that case, its a good idea to look into rails
<wookiehangover> but beware that "learning rails" can be distinct from "learning ruby"
<jonegg> but precisely because Rails includes everything, I perceive it as dirty
<wookiehangover> I'd call it mature
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<wookiehangover> it has *just enough*
<jonegg> It doesn't feel natural
<nelsnelson> A dirty old man?
<wookiehangover> eh, any mvc framework regardless of language can "have too much"
<nelsnelson> JBoss has wayyyyyyyy too much. For instance. (Not a mvc fw, admittedly.)
<wookiehangover> just because people have made tooling for common tasks doesnt necessarily mean that its bloated
<nelsnelson> Spring is a better example of a bloated mvc framework.
<wookiehangover> sure
<nelsnelson> Coming from a Java world, rails is pristine.
<wookiehangover> but rails is really great in terms of rapid productivity, finding answers for common problems, etc
<wookiehangover> its still really easy to create a bloated rails app
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<wookiehangover> but that comes down to the person(s) writing the code ;)
<jonegg> so rails isn't as bad as his image?
<wookiehangover> exactly
<HNDavid> what did you use in PHP?
<jonegg> Kohana
<HNDavid> mm, don't know of it
<wookiehangover> but for the same reason that jquery is becoming the lingua franca for interacting with the DOM in javascript, Rails solves a lot of common problems and has a LOT of people actively testing each release in production
<jonegg> or FuelPHP
<jonegg> and Lithium seems also interesting
<wookiehangover> which is an easy point to miss when using stuff that's less widely adopted or "rolling your own"
<wookiehangover> ya I used to do Zend framework stuff in php land
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<jonegg> my intention was that Rails is not really good, but Ruby developers were too lazy to build something better and just use rails
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<jonegg> apart from Rails, there aren't many popular Ruby web frameworks
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<wookiehangover> only if you adjust your definition of "popular"
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<jonegg> Should a ruby framework include everything or nothing and you have to install a bunch of gems?
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<wookiehangover> IMO there's a fine balance between framework bloat and gem bloat
<Mchl> there's sinatra that is gaining some popularity
<wookiehangover> sinatra has been popular for a while
<wookiehangover> padrino is great, IMO
<Mchl> oh... so it's in fact losing popularity now? ;P
<jonegg> Sinatra looks good, but I'd have to install gems for everything
<Mchl> I'm always a step behind everyone it seems
<jonegg> and because I'm new in Ruby, I don't know the "best practice" gems
<yfeldblum> the last time someone thought "Rails is not really good, let's build something better", they did - and then refactored Rails to be that better thing
<wookiehangover> jonegg: padrino solves a bunch of that
<bpfh> jonegg, what changes do you propose to make rails better?
<wookiehangover> yfeldblum: merb ;)
<wookiehangover> jonegg: but if you're just getting started... learn about sinatra and rack
<yfeldblum> yep, the merb crew were like: "this is how rails should be"; the rails crew were like: "please make rails that thing"; problem solved
<jonegg> bpfh, I guess it looks less dirty and huge if it gets faster and more modular
<wookiehangover> and make sure you have familiarity with the ruby runtime (dependency loading, configuration, classes, modules, etc)
<yfeldblum> obviously, glossing over 99.9% of the history
<wookiehangover> yfeldblum: and yehuda was like "sure"
<wookiehangover> similar story with sprockets / tilt
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<wookiehangover> "rails frontend support is garbage, lets fix that"
<yfeldblum> wookiehangover: what's this sprockets/tilt story now?
<wookiehangover> just an example of a psuedo game-changing external project getting pulled into rails
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<jonegg> I heard that Rails merged with Merb. So Rails 3 is something completely different than Rails 2?
<wookiehangover> and generally making things better
<wookiehangover> jonegg:
<wookiehangover> yes
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<wookiehangover> and rails 3.1 is much improved from rails 3
<wookiehangover> jonegg:
<wookiehangover> just start watching
<wookiehangover> and watching
<jonegg> ok, I'll take a serious look at Rails, I hope it turns out that it's not as bad and huge as I think
<wookiehangover> its really
<wookiehangover> not
<wookiehangover> but watch a few railscasts to get started
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<jonegg> is it easy to replace the ORM used in Rails?
<wookiehangover> jonegg: yes, but activerecord is really nice
<wookiehangover> IMO you'd only need to use something else if you're planning on using mongo or couchdb
<yfeldblum> yes; the rest of rails depends on the ActiveModel public API, not on ActiveRecord; so any ORM/ODM which exports that public API will integrate perfectly with your app
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<yfeldblum> ActiveRecord implements the ActiveModel public API; so does Mongoid and many other ORM/ODM's
<bpfh> jonegg, can you point us some framework that represents, in your opinion, a faster and and more modular software than rails or you think rails is dirty and huge based on your subjective impressions?
<yfeldblum> and that's all ActionController/ActionView need
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<jonegg> bpfh, it's based on my subjective impression and what I've heard, I have't took a serious look at rails yet, but Kohana or FuelPHP are good frameworks in my opinion which would be even better if everything would be modular. node.js is kind of nice because it includes nothing and the express framework is extremely clean, mostly because it's quite new
<jonegg> I guess Rails just has to improve his image
<jonegg> Can I replace every component in Rails with another Gem?
<Norrin> at the rate cpus get faster, and if rails/ruby can become more multi-threaded, the perceive performance issues should fade into the past
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<jonegg> Rails feels bloated because it cuts off bad in performance comparison
<decoy_octopus> hello
<jonegg> *does poorly
<wookiehangover> jonegg: performance problems in rails are generally a non issue
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<wookiehangover> i mean, you're gonna be let down if you want to do tons of real time shit
<Norrin> wookiehangover: true that twitter dropped rails for performance issues?
<wookiehangover> eg) live chat
<lennyks_> jonegg, I agree, if you have seen talk by Aaron Patterson, he shows how bloated the middleware stack is in Rails 3, 30% slower performance than Rails 2.3.8
<wookiehangover> Norrin: they didn't drop is per se, they just had to start augmenting it because they had really insane needs
<Norrin> insane eh? like the need to be profitable?
<apeiros_> Norrin: even if they *did* ditch it, people forget that it enabled them to become that big in the first place.
<wookiehangover> 500-1000 of anything PER SECOND qualifies as insane to be
<Norrin> apeiros_: true. it's a good start, even if it has to be ditched alter
<Norrin> later*
<wookiehangover> s/be/me
<wookiehangover> github is still largely rails based
<apeiros_> of course, you can design every little poop-ass website to handle a couple of thousand requests per second, but then you'd probably be obsolete by the time you're done…
<wookiehangover> granted, there are like 30 separate apps in there
<wookiehangover> but twitter is a really special case in terms of performance
<wookiehangover> rails experience very few traffic issues with "normal" amounts of load--meaning what most developers will experience on a given project
<Norrin> its a company based on a web application. if the app is going to be computational, i can't say that's an insane case
<lennyks_> twitter still doesn't scale, 'fail whale' occurs quite often in hight pick times
<Norrin> groupon is a sales company, so twitter's needs are insane to groupon. but they're different type of companies
<Norrin> seems normal for a computational website is what i mean
<shevy> titter
<wookiehangover> ok, gotcha
<wookiehangover> but I'd even say that groupon's needs definitely exceed what's considered normal
<Norrin> seems normal for a company that's actually going to make money
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<wookiehangover> hold on, groupon makes money?
<wookiehangover> ;)
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<wookiehangover> I thought they just bought out entire consulting shops and then had IPOs
<Norrin> i wouldn't lump every individual devs test projects into this pool of what's considered average. those aren't sites/apps that actually earn anything
<wookiehangover> Norrin: that's a bit cynical, but I see your point
<yfeldblum> Norrin: same applies w.r.t. every language/framework
<wookiehangover> i'm just saying that rails is really good for the majority of people's needs
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<wookiehangover> and then there's a lot that can be done in terms of optimization, if your traffic warrants it
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<wookiehangover> so IMO it has nothing to do with the ability to make money
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<jonegg> is there a ruby framework with a really good architecture? Modular, fast, REST, good OOP (DI etc.)?
<shevy> jonegg they all suck
<shevy> also "fast"
<shevy> this is ruby man!!!
<wookiehangover> shevy's right
<shevy> Modular. Fast. Rest. OOP. Ponies.
<shevy> decide!!!
<wookiehangover> jonegg: and they're all on teh githubz
<shevy> oh
<Norrin> as up and coming sites/companies run into rails performance issues, i think hardware will eleviate those problems in the future. pressure will be applied to rails core-team to improve performance also. so probably a good idea to use rails for what its good at. making ideas into reality quickly
<jonegg> Ruby frameworks don't use good OOP?
<shevy> perhaps github is a good framework
<wookiehangover> so you can read the code and figure out if they meat yr REST, good OOP (DI etc.) needs
<shevy> jonegg I don't know what you mean with "good OOP"
<shevy> is Java good OOP? C++?
<yfeldblum> jonegg: DI is great for Java, but kind of useless for Ruby
<wookiehangover> shevy: objects, lots of them!
<shevy> what is DI?
<shevy> ah
<shevy> Dependency Injection?
<jonegg> I'm still used to the PHP "OOP" and DI isn't bad there, but rarely used
<shevy> I am writing classes in ruby, then translate this into PHP as much as possible :)
<shevy> one day I need to write a code-converter ...
<jonegg> I need to write my own Ruby framework.
<yfeldblum> jonegg: as opposed to writing an app?
<jonegg> This was irony, just to be clear. I expected far faster reactions to this.
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<apeiros_> we use ruby. we're supposed to be slow.
<jonegg> The thing is it seems I can't befriend me with the existing ruby frameworks, but the language is beatiful
<jonegg> *beautiful, not beatful
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<bpfh> just out of curiosity, does anyone here make a living programming ruby and not rails?
<Norrin> any language that can perceive what the author's intent is as well as ruby is going to be slower. a framework built on that language is going to be slower. why does it matter?
<Norrin> either you want very readable code, which fewer lines than most, or you want to have to be very specific in your code. have to choose
<Norrin> s/which/with
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<jonegg> I want clean code and no black magic.
<Norrin> try jsp
<Norrin> or .net
<Norrin> magic isn't real however. its just the stuff is predefined in rails. lots of stuff. all documented however - no magic involved
<jonegg> I don't like this link_to_xyz thing
<yfeldblum> bpfh: i use ruby for multiple things: automating infrastructure with chef, various scripts, etc
<Norrin> that's deprecated syntax i think
<yfeldblum> bpfh: and rails
<tommylom1ykins> is there a preferred way of executing shell commands in ruby? is `command` generally acceptable?
<jonegg> I'll learn Ruby and rack from ground up and start experimenting with Rails and Sinatra soon, then I can choose
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<bpfh> yfeldblum, nice but in this case for me you're still a rails programmer :)
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<apeiros_> jonegg: any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science…
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<jonegg> nah, IRC-client crashed. Thank you for your help and suggestions.
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<yfeldblum> bpfh: or did you mean "does anyone program webapps in ruby with other-than-rails?"
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<bpfh> no, I meant someone that codes(in ruby) things unrelated to webapps and makes a living of it
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<Zal> Hello, any particular tutorial/book recommendations for an experienced python programmer to learn ruby?
<Zal> also, which ones should I avoid? ;)
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<shevy> Zal if the python programmer in question is experienced, that person won't need any books!
<shevy> Zal that python programmer should read through at least once. It won't be any challenge but that python programmer will understand most about ruby afterwards
<Zal> shevy, excellent, thanks.
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<bpfh> Zal, why are you learning ruby?
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<Zal> bpfh, for a job
<Zal> bpfh, probably eventually to use RoR
<Zal> I like coming at frameworks from the language up, rather than learning the language through the framework, generally.
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<Zal> bpfh, is that what you wanted to know? :-)
<bpfh> yes
<Zal> Any tips are appreciated.
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<apeiros_> Zal: many people new to ruby seem to like the ruby koans
<Zal> apeiros_, cool, thanks, I will check it out.
<apeiros_> haven't done/used them myself, tho
<GoldenPie> I'm (trying to) run a sinatra app on heroku, it uses datamapper and I get a few errors when running rackup locally
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<Zal> in python, string concatenation works but is frowned upon for all but the simplest joins. Is it more freely used in ruby?
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<ycy> hi
<ycy> when using 'case x', where x is an instance of Integer, is it possible to specify a condition like '<= 10' in the 'when' cause?
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<Guest81719> ycy, no, but you can use Ranges
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<ycy> mksm: what if I do not now the inferior range?
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<tommylom1ykins> 'require 'FileUtils'' ==> cannot load such file
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<tommylom1ykins> (1.9.3-p0 via rvm)
<tommylom1ykins> any clues?
<shevy> Zal string concatenation is just sending a message to String objects in ruby. You use it whenever you need it. In the simplest form, in Ruby you use "<<", which means append, more or less. So for instance, x = "foo", and then x << "bar"
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<Zal> shevy, gotcha, thanks. I just read that strings are mutable in ruby, so that pretty much answers my question too.
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<yfeldblum> tommylom1ykins: `require "fileutils"` lowercased
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<tommylom1ykins> oh
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<stacchio52> !list
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<stacchio52> !addon
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<Sil4nc4_> hi guys, can i overwrite a after "deploy:finalize_update" do ... ?
<Sil4nc4_> capistrano does this, but i want to overwrite it in my config file
<Sil4nc4_> so i do not need to modify the lib itself
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<Norrin> what's the ||= operator do?
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<Norrin> if does not exist, assign?
<apeiros_> Norrin: like all <op>= operators, you can think of `a <op>= b` as `a = a <op> b`
<apeiros_> e.g. a += b --> a = a + b
<apeiros_> (technically, ||= is *slightly* different, but the analogy is close enough)
<apeiros_> and a || b is a if a is anything else than nil or false. if a is nil or false, then the expression evaluates as the value of b.
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<Norrin> ok, kinda what i said than
<Norrin> well not exactly, but almost
<apeiros_> nil exists ;-)
<Norrin> it doesn't to me lol
<Norrin> but i still have to learn that about ruby
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<apeiros_> nil is something that represents nothing. but it still is. otherwise you couldn't invoke methods upon it.
<apeiros_> nil.class # => NilClass
<Norrin> "if a is anything else than nil or false." -- usually ends up lumped together with false
<Norrin> and false is returned when things don't exist
<apeiros_> yes, nil and false are the falsy values in ruby
<apeiros_> that's a bad way to think of it IMO
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<apeiros_> false is just one of the two values in binary logic.
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<ryanf> actually if you just referred to a var that didn't exist, you'd get a ReferenceError normally
<ryanf> ||= is a special case where it's ok for it not to exist first
<ryanf> (it might actually be a consequence of some weirdness with the parser instead of being strictly speaking a special case, but close enough)
<ryanf> wow, that conversation was a while ago huh
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<greenwall> hyyy
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<erwinpdev> apeiros_: Just want to say thanks again for your help, really appreciated. Had to leave earlier today
<apeiros_> erwinpdev: yw
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<erwinpdev> good night all
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<bonhoffer> super runs the rest of an overloaded method, right, is there a way to get the first half of a method, then overwrite the rest?
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<bonhoffer> if a method has steps 1,2,3, overloading that method would do step 0, super, running 0,1,2,3, right?
<shevy> what
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<shevy> bonhoffer just write example classes and test
<bonhoffer> shevy, to me?
<bonhoffer> shevy, i will do -- but is super the only way to get back to the parent class?
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<shevy> the parent class? you mean the parent method?
<bonhoffer> yes, parent method
<bonhoffer> and super runs the full parent method from the beginning, right?
<apeiros_> yes
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<bonhoffer> and super is the only way to get there?
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<bonhoffer> what if you want the whole parent method to run, except for the final line?
<bonhoffer> do you have to copy the whole method then?
<apeiros_> you can't do that unless the method is designed to do that
<bonhoffer> got it -- and it would receive a block or something to allow that line to be changed
<apeiros_> you can't do either
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<apeiros_> so why would super be different?
<apeiros_> but you can reach the method on other ways too
<apeiros_> e.g. by SuperClass.instance_method(method_name).bind(self).call
<bonhoffer> got it
<bonhoffer> never used bind
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<GK0199> hi
<GK0199> hi guys
<GK0199> any recommendations on learning PHP?
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<bonhoffer> just start playing around with it
<friskd> How do i instantiate a dynamic class from a string.
<GK0199> any books you guys recommend that teaches PHP?
<friskd> ex: I have 3 classes.. . Agent1 , Agen2, Agent3
<bonhoffer> i got a quick learning book -- but #php would be better able to answer your question
<friskd> I only want to include and instantiate 1 of them.
<friskd> but i don't know until runtime as i extract the # from data i retreive.
<friskd> So Ideally i could do, agent = Agent{#agent_id}.new();
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<apeiros_> friskd: since Agent1 is a constant, you can use const_get
<apeiros_> Object.const_get("Agent#{id}").new
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<friskd> apeiros_: very neat. So i could do a require on /agent_1
<friskd> and then do agent = Object.const_get("Agent#{id}").new('local')
<friskd> ?
<friskd> Which would include the correct agent file.
<friskd> And then make agent an instance of Agent1
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<apeiros_> friskd: sure.
* apeiros_ off
<friskd> apeiros_: thanks!
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<asQuirreL> hey guys, quick question about hashes in 1.9.2 vs. 1.8.7
<asQuirreL> the code is super long winded, so I won't go in to details
<asQuirreL> but essentially
<asQuirreL> in 1.8.7, somewhere along the way, when the hash got passed around, it just magically turned in to an array of tuples
<asQuirreL> which doesn't happen in 1.9.2
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<asQuirreL> this would be fine, but this is for a computer algebra system that's going to be running on rails
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<asQuirreL> so I was wondering if there was anything in particular making this happen?
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<ryanf> asQuirreL: I think there are some Enumerable methods that, when called on a hash, return a hash on 1.9 and tuples on 1.8
<ryanf> or Hash methods. I guess that would make more sense
<ryanf> I don't remember the specifics though
<asQuirreL> ryanf: thanks man
<asQuirreL> I'm already a week behind on this :P
<asQuirreL> I switched from Haskell to Ruby pretty much at the last minute
<asQuirreL> so that I could save myself some trouble and write the UI in rails.. :P
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<banisterfiend> asQuirreL: Hash#select in particular iirc, returns a hash in 1.9 and an array in 1.8
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<toddmorrill> anyone out there know of any sites impementing fb chat api?
<toddmorrill> i want to see it from an end user experience
<asQuirreL> banisterfiend: ah, perfect, I know exactly where I used that...
<asQuirreL> thanks for all your help
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<toddmorrill> anyone interested in taking a look at my new side project :)
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<toddmorrill> Its an open source mtv replacement project
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<jbrokc> is there a way to .map with an index? I don't think .map_with_index |f, i| is right
<banisterfiend> jbrokc: which version of ruby?
<banisterfiend> if you're using 1.8, use: { |v, i|
<banisterfiend> if you're using 1.9, use: { |v, i|
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<ryanf> the first one still works in 1.9 right?
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