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<DocScrutinizer05> latest hottest news¡ NSA exploited heartbleed since >2 years
<DocScrutinizer05> *yawn*
<DocScrutinizer05> It's shocking to see which delay TV news have when it comes to IT stuff
<DocScrutinizer05> I think I heard first TV news about heartbleed yesterday
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
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<eintopf> morning
<eintopf> wpwrak: so now I use some timings from the datasheet... then I need a driver_data for each chip which have the right waiting from the datasheet
<eintopf> :(
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<eintopf> To minimize this influence in
<eintopf> Extended Operating Mode RX_AACK, refer to Section 7.2.3 “RX_AACK_ON - Receive with
<eintopf> Automatic ACK” on page 51, the acknowledgment frame response time can be reduced to
<eintopf> 32 μs.
<eintopf> grml
<eintopf> forget it, it's wrong
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<eintopf> :/
<wpwrak> (timings) or just pick the worst case. i think they should all be pretty similar.
<wpwrak> (diego garcia) i like the idea of hiding an iphone in one's behind. that ought to really hurt :)
<eintopf> :D
<eintopf> mhh
<eintopf> there was a lot of electronic experts on this plane
<eintopf> it's a job with risk if this is true :/
<wpwrak> there's a factual error in the story,though: the date it was posted.
<wpwrak> some freescale production engineers, it seems
<wpwrak> the risk is putting a lot of your people on the same flight. this means that either freescale don't have a policy against this or they didn't care
<eintopf> but want they want from the freescale poeple? I think about like iron man movie to built a iron man body :D
<eintopf> that's a new theory
<wpwrak> there's actually a documentary (film) that describes exactly what happened. look for Millennium (1989)
<eintopf> ah, time travels
<wpwrak> i you don't read the plot, then it's more fun to watch
<wpwrak> the story has a few surprises
<larsc> right... the exif location information in an image is "hard to forge"
<eintopf> :D
<eintopf> I remember some friend on facebook... he said, he is surprised because he copied/rename his photo file local and then upload it and facebook still know the location
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<eintopf> After completing the frame transmission, indicated by IRQ_3 (TRX_END), the PLL settles back
<eintopf> to the receive frequency within tTR11 = 32 μs in state PLL_ON.
<eintopf> and that's not true
<eintopf> I waiting 32 us if i am still in the TX_BUSY state
<eintopf> grml :(
<wpwrak> larsc: for the vast majority of homo sapiens, that statement would be true ;-)
<wpwrak> maybe the TRX_END was here before you started sending ?
<wpwrak> also, how do you initiate the sending ? i.e., are you sure it actually has started by the time you wait those 32 us ?
<wpwrak> ah, don't mind about the latter. i was thinking of something else.
<eintopf> wpwrak: I don't know but I need to figure out what's going on there
<eintopf> I need some hours
<eintopf> then it will be working *I hope*
<wpwrak> oh, another thing: you can't count on always getting a TRX_END after RX_START. see page 53, that little arrow between "Promiscous Mode" and "Reserved Frames"
<wpwrak> also, on FCS (CRC) invalid, the TRX_END should be omitted. though it says differently elsewhere.
<eintopf> i don't use the RX_START interrupt
<eintopf> anymore
<eintopf> RX_START could bring some performance to read the buffer while filling
<eintopf> see page 152
<eintopf> but I don't know if I can do that under linux
<eintopf> i don't think that I can disable the SCLK while async transmit
<eintopf> ehm s/transmit/receiving/
<eintopf> wpwrak: I can reproduce the step when TX_BUSY doesn't change to PLL_ON. It's when a RTT takes 10 ms and I try a ping with less than 10 ms interval
<eintopf> then I don't getting out of TX_BUSY
<eintopf> but I can't send two xmit
<eintopf> I mean the xmit callback should be synchronized
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<eintopf> i think i need some interrupt busy spinlock
<eintopf> yes, that's a bad word... spinlock
<eintopf> wpwrak: because I have a chain of spi_async calls
<eintopf> and at the end I clear the interrupt busy flag
<eintopf> and if it's set I return IRQ_NONE; insetad IRQ_HANDLED
<eintopf> I don't clear the irq status register
<eintopf> mhh
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<wpwrak> now we're getting somewhere ;-)
<wpwrak> being stuck in TX_BUSY seems odd, though
<wpwrak> "The following packages will be upgraded: ... apt-transport-https" *grin*
<whitequark> oh?
<wpwrak> why could that possibly be, eh ? :)
<whitequark> nothing in debian-security
<wpwrak> maybe they did it earlier
<wpwrak> hmm, nice storm. the building is shaking and the clouds are racing across the sky. funny that the weather forecast missed that one.
<eintopf> :/
<eintopf> the building is shaking?
* whitequark read that as "binding"
* whitequark is debugging a seemingly random memory corruption. indeed, the binding is shaking!
<wpwrak> whitequark: since you languages are safe, it must be a hardware problem :)
<whitequark> wpwrak: it's a binding to a C library
<whitequark> when in doubt, blame C!
<wpwrak> eintopf: yup. 15th floor. wobbles a bit when there's a lot of wind.
<whitequark> I mean seriously, something is broken on the interface between libffi and libsodium. *shrug*
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<eintopf> wpwrak: page 64, I can start to read the buffer at TRX_END but when I am finish and I am still in BUSY_RX_AACK, then I need to wait the full 192 + 384 us?
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<eintopf> 192 = the stupid 802.15.4 timing to sending an aack then 384 = sending the ack frame
<eintopf> okay it's not stupid :(
<eintopf> wpwrak: maybe I should work with jiffies there
<eintopf> save a jiffies at TRX_END
<eintopf> check then wait when I finished the frame_read
<eintopf> then save another jiffies
<eintopf> calc the us how long it takes
<eintopf> then make a substraction of (wait_aack_send + tansmit_aack) - frame_read_takes_us
<eintopf> and then wait the rest
<eintopf> sounds good?
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<wpwrak> well, first ... wait do to what ? switch to PLL_ON ?
<eintopf> okay
<eintopf> I getting a TRX_END while BUSY_RX_AACK
<eintopf> page 63
<wpwrak> yes
<eintopf> then TRX_END occurs
<eintopf> means, I can read out the frame buffer
<wpwrak> no
<wpwrak> you already have the TRX_END :)
<eintopf> ah yes
<eintopf> yes, but then I read out the frame buffer
<eintopf> and wait's on completion
<eintopf> okay that's a little bit more complex first I read out how long the frame is, then I read the full frame...
<eintopf> but simple we say I read out the frame buffer
<eintopf> but this takse not long, because on BUSY_RX_AACK after TRX_END the rf231 send outs the ACK Frame
<eintopf> and then I need to wait at completion time
<eintopf> and then I clear the interrupt_bussy flag
<wpwrak> by the way, do you have this ?
<eintopf> that's the programming exmaple?
<wpwrak> (interrupt busy) you mean the flag in the rf231 ? or something in the driver ?
<wpwrak> it's a lot of things :)
<wpwrak> including message sequence diagrams
<wpwrak> and yes, a bit of code, too. hidden between the charts ;-)
<wpwrak> bwahaha. NOW they put out a storm warning. more than an hour after everything is calm and nice again.
<eintopf> :/
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<wpwrak> grmbl. with that storm i'll get seasick ...
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<wpwrak> sometimes i wonder if certain companies post job offers specifically looking for an "overengineer" ...
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<wpwrak> hmm. that radio has about 250 registers ...
<wpwrak> yet they forgot the subspace modulation ...
<roh> hrhr
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<wpwrak> the radio also has a CMD_PING. alas, without payload
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<DocScrutinizer05> seasick? subspace?
<wpwrak> seasick: because the building is shaking when there's a strong wind. should reach 80-90 km/h tonight.
<DocScrutinizer05> dang, you're living on top of a skyscraper?
<DocScrutinizer05> actually I know such shaking only from really really high skyscrapers
<DocScrutinizer05> or 60m high light posts that are only a maybe 2m diameter at base
<DocScrutinizer05> or cranes(?)
<wpwrak> my office is on the 15th floor. not quite skyscraper but tallish. and high enough to notice storms.
<wpwrak> (or earthquakes :)
<wpwrak> yeah :)
<DocScrutinizer05> hmmm, strange. I've been in a number of 10+ floors, incl OM-apartment, when there were storms. Hardly ever noticed any movement
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe your skyscraper is a special type of building
<DocScrutinizer05> the usual 'joy' with KDE akonadi and nepomuk:
<wpwrak> it's relatively thin. only some 8 m wide. so it flexes easily.
<DocScrutinizer05> oooh!
<DocScrutinizer05> then yes, I can see how you might get seasick in 15th floor
<wpwrak> well, the base is wider. but it narrows at the ... 4th floor i think
<wpwrak> and it's very exposed. so the wind has all the attack surface it wants
<DocScrutinizer05> and that's also where your terrace with your BBQ and generator is located?
<wpwrak> that's one floor up. and no, no generator. but my acids are there :)
<DocScrutinizer05> then I also can understand why all rocks fly away from there
<wpwrak> well, i hope the wind didn't blow them away :)
<DocScrutinizer05> ever considered placing a windmill there instead of a gasoline generator?
<wpwrak> ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer05> I bet you'd be the first one to place a windmill in BUE
<DocScrutinizer05> and we could spot your place in google satview then
<wpwrak> i can help you with that ...
<DocScrutinizer05> I wonder why you need blinds in 15th floor
<DocScrutinizer05> sun?
<wpwrak> the building in the middle,-58.4124362,231m/data=!3m1!1e3
<wpwrak> hmm, no zoom in those urls
<wpwrak> yes, sun. too bright during daytime (my screens face the window)
<wpwrak> icon too small :)
<wpwrak> and no, the one to the right
<wpwrak> that's the same ?
<DocScrutinizer05> took a while to upload
<DocScrutinizer05> I been too fast
<wpwrak> yes ! correct
<DocScrutinizer05> :-)
<DocScrutinizer05> hah!
<wpwrak> there are four apartments per floor. i'm in the northwestern one
<wpwrak> the one with the smaller northern "outer" terrace (and the larger southern "inner" terrace)
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh, so this is not your table?
<wpwrak> the little "house" between the terraces is the head of the stairs. and in the middle of the building is a larger "house" with some of the infrastructure stuff, water tanks, pumps, etc.
<DocScrutinizer05> aaag
<DocScrutinizer05> aaah even
<DocScrutinizer05> infra
<DocScrutinizer05> prolly the ideal place to mount the windmill on top
<wpwrak> naw, that's on the shared terrace in the middle. (well, or rather "no used except for infrastructure things")
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<wpwrak> the new google maps may actually have an image from after i moved in
<wpwrak> there's a dark spot where my grill is located and a brighter spot where i keep a box (thought the color seems wrong)
<DocScrutinizer05> the wonders of (image)stitching, or you got really futuristic architects in argentina?
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wpwrak> that's what happens when the storm breaks the barrier of sound :)
<wpwrak> on bing the building looks even thinner :)
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe. might be beneficial for you, I wondered if you need the blinds because of this particularly wry building
<DocScrutinizer05> I haven't counted but seems it has even more than 15 floors
<DocScrutinizer05> 18, now I counted them
<wpwrak> well, street level is 0, terrace would be 16. no floors below street level
<wpwrak> anything else are optical illusions or incrementer bugs :)
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway seems there are higher buildings in your neighborhood. Thus the blinds?
<DocScrutinizer05> I hate when other people can look into my windows
<DocScrutinizer05> that's why I always keep the "curtains" closed - actually it's deco paper pinned to the windows
<DocScrutinizer05> need to change that stuff for fresh ones eventually
<DocScrutinizer05> it suffers from my smoking
<DocScrutinizer05> hmm, dark spot grill?
<wpwrak> they're not very close. i don't feel observed. no, the blinds are only for the sun
<wpwrak> they're great when there's wind. you can just close them and nothing will disturb 'em.
<DocScrutinizer05> and you think it's there between the "house" and the white spot?
<wpwrak> that's where the real thing is located, yes. dunno if that spot is the grill or some artefact, though
<DocScrutinizer05> dang, I always forget you're living on the other hemisphere. got puzzled when trying to find out which time of day that photo been taken
<wpwrak> the sun is always in the north :)
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah
<DocScrutinizer05> o.O
<DocScrutinizer05> would prolly kill me
<DocScrutinizer05> and it moves "from right to left", correct?
<wpwrak> you hardly notice
<wpwrak> yup
<DocScrutinizer05> hardly notice? hardly!
<DocScrutinizer05> I'd probably live in a constant feeling of time running backwards
<wpwrak> you're the first person who even mentions that. i think we automatically adjust within a few sunrises and sunsets and aren't even consciously aware of it
<wpwrak> well, maybe except for sailors
<DocScrutinizer05> maybe my mind works in a certain way not exactly standard
<DocScrutinizer05> I suspect since long time that my filter layer does less abstraction than usually
<wpwrak> we probably tell the day mainly by height of the sun and whether it has passed the zenith or not. so rough guess / memory plus exact position
<DocScrutinizer05> some think this is also the root cause of autism
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<wpwrak> what's much more noticeable are changes in day length
<wpwrak> yeah, different data processing
<DocScrutinizer05> then OTOH I actually adapt pretty easily to new stuff, like gas and break pedal swapped in one of my former cars
<DocScrutinizer05> luckily it been an automatic
<DocScrutinizer05> so no clutch to operate
<wpwrak> what ? pedals swapped ? what sort of madman does that ?
<DocScrutinizer05> a one legged woman
<wpwrak> okay, so not a madman ;-)
<DocScrutinizer05> I can't recall anymore if I used left or right leg to drive this car
<DocScrutinizer05> which is a bit concerning since I owned it longer than a year
<DocScrutinizer05> I think I tried both
<DocScrutinizer05> but actually the gas pedal been too far left for confortable operation with right foot
<DocScrutinizer05> throttle?
<DocScrutinizer05> accelerator?
<DocScrutinizer05> thrust? ;-P