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<whitequark> how's the inverse of frequency of arbitrary events called?
<whitequark> (no, there cannot be a wavelength of http requests, although that'll make a good novelty function name)
<whitequark> I guess "period" works
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<DocScrutinizer05> (([2013-12-19 20:48:44] <whitequark> surprisingly, FSF just did something sane)) BWAHAAAHAAA They endorsed a closed undocumented firmware! in the HDD
<DocScrutinizer05> ooh lekernel beats me to it
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<DocScrutinizer05> whitequark: that's "period" indeed
<DocScrutinizer05> period = 1/f
<DocScrutinizer05> f=10/s period = 1/(10/s) = 0.1s
<DocScrutinizer05> Hz==1/s
<DocScrutinizer05> FFS a 2 weeks ago I at least had a sort of day/night rhythm that was like "go to sleep 1200, wake up 1700". Now it's totally damaged. Like sleep:1900, wake 0500
<DocScrutinizer05> and then a 48h awake
<DocScrutinizer05> and a 2h sleep from 2300 to 0100
<DocScrutinizer05> and another 24h awake
<DocScrutinizer05> then 48h sleep or so
<DocScrutinizer05> :-S
<DocScrutinizer05> i'm pondering to answer RMS' mails to me with a "Hello Mr Stallman! I wonder how you could reject endorsement of Neo900 while same time approving a laptop with a closed blob firmware in the HDD(!!)"
<DocScrutinizer05> you guys elaborated above how HDD isn't a threat for privacy of user in that X60. I say the modem in Neo900 is even less of any potential threat to user's privacy than any HDD. after all you don't boot from HDD
<DocScrutinizer05> and ANY data you send to or receive from the intarnet is considered 'unsafe' and tampered by definition, since it moves thru 2 bazillion possibly rogue devices, so your own modem is your least concern
<DocScrutinizer05> so what remains of the potential privacy and security threat from modem? inadverted listening? moot on Neo900. inadverted GPS and cell tower based disclosing of your position? moot on Neo900. Anybody anything else?
<DocScrutinizer05> on a sidenote: I found our subway has a very convenient single BTS distributed via pipe antenna in ~7km of the subway tube (with 1 or 2 dumb repeaters)
<DocScrutinizer05> means they can't tell where in that subway tube you are
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: (sleep) how can you pull this at all? it's not like you're 17
<DocScrutinizer05> exactly. maybe that's why I feel like a turd cone
<whitequark> try melatonin, it's nice for fixing the pattern
<DocScrutinizer05> prolly restricted here in germany
<whitequark> seriously? why?
<DocScrutinizer05> supposedly intended for medical use
<DocScrutinizer05> you mustn't sell medicine here without approval
<whitequark> I'm not sure I understand... I'd buy it from a drugstore here
<whitequark> otc
<DocScrutinizer05> that doesn't apply for "nutritional additives" though, like vitamines etc
<DocScrutinizer05> it's really complex nonsense
<whitequark> oh, seems like it's indeed prescription in germany, for some reason
<whitequark> and uk, france and canada. what the hell is up with them?
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, they are mad. they sell Ascorbin acid like nothing (sane) and mix Iron salts to popcorn and cornflakes and milk drinks and whatnot, so you get a 10 times overdose with "normal" eating, but same time they make ephedrine containing preparations non-sellable at all (even with prescription) while ephedra officialis tea is still freely available
<whitequark> it's really hard to overdose on water-soluble vitamins so I won't sweat it.but I see your point
<DocScrutinizer05> but then they sell paracetamol as painkiller, and in the fineprint they tell you about "taking 200% of the recommended dosage is a sure killer"
<whitequark> I read that paracetamol overdose is a rather significant cause of death overall
<DocScrutinizer05> yes
<DocScrutinizer05> you cough out your liver
<DocScrutinizer05> particularly when taken together with alcohol
<whitequark> now that you say it, paracetamol-containing stuff is everywhere here, too. flu? take four 500g packets a day, that'll help
<DocScrutinizer05> for good
<DocScrutinizer05> never again flu ;-P
<whitequark> nah it actually helps
<whitequark> but I can easily see why people are overdosing
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah it#s in wick medinight and 3 dozen other flu meds
<whitequark> :S
<whitequark> it's called "teraflu" here
<whitequark> mainly that and its ripoffs
<whitequark> but yeah
<DocScrutinizer05> take two of them, and paracetamol tablets on top, and next day you're finally cured from flu
<whitequark> we have a saying, "you can take meds and flu will be gone in 14 days, or not take them and it'll be gone in two weeks"
<DocScrutinizer05> same here
<whitequark> oh and actual doctors recommending insanely expensive homeopathic shit
<DocScrutinizer05> with sufficient paracetamol however you have a chance it will go away faster. like the latest when the doctors signs the decease-paper
<whitequark> both literally homeopathic and just some drug which was tested once in 1970s in ukraine and usa
<whitequark> and only ukraine found it has any effect. guess which results the vendor uses for their 'medical' reasoning
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, worlwide best common practice ;-P
<DocScrutinizer05> test and make studies until one shows an effect, then sell
<DocScrutinizer05> OMG interferon
<whitequark> what about it?
<DocScrutinizer05> friends of mine had a hard time pondering and deciding if they want to really do a interferon therapy for their hepa-C
<DocScrutinizer05> it has *severe* side effects
<DocScrutinizer05> that usually don't go away ever
<whitequark> oh well, I guess that's a different drug. you know, the one which works
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, possubly
<whitequark> tilorone is pretty much placebo
<DocScrutinizer05> tamiflu same
<whitequark> 97 papers, most of them russian, most of them not even very relevant
<whitequark> afaik tamiflu actually shows some results
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, it used to, years ago. meanwhile it's as effective as tetracycline is for antibioticum
<whitequark> it's a neuraminidase inhibitor with an understood mechanism of action
<whitequark> oh, you mean flu adapted?
<whitequark> hm
<DocScrutinizer05> yep, particularly the virus understodd the way it works ;-P
<whitequark> first time I hear this, interesting
<whitequark> hah
<whitequark> yes, this sounds believable. flu mutates like hell
<whitequark> first suggestion by pubmed to "oseltamivir" is "oseltamivir resistance" :S
* DocScrutinizer05 is short on milk for coffee :-/
<DocScrutinizer05> so my whole nutrition is at stake
<whitequark> can't you just live off electrons?
<DocScrutinizer05> well, the better half of it. other half is the 100g sugar per cup
<DocScrutinizer05> the elctrons are needed by my peripherals, not by my central processing unit
<DocScrutinizer05> I really wonder if RMS ever got my answers to the mails he sent me
<DocScrutinizer05> and if so, them what a dude that is who doesn't answer back again
<whitequark> depends on the meaning of "got" there
<DocScrutinizer05> hehe
<DocScrutinizer05> yeah, maybe he read it but didn't get it
<DocScrutinizer05> ;-P
<DocScrutinizer05> but even then...
<DocScrutinizer05> if you're not a too arrogant individula, you send a "please elaborate" answer
<DocScrutinizer05> you seen the tmo post where I quoted my answers?
* DocScrutinizer05 idly glares at JollaPhone, then at mixer in kitchen
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer05: (post) I don't think so
<DocScrutinizer05> o.O
<whitequark> I've seen it scroll through the backlog, but I was busy at time
<whitequark> lemme find it in the logs...
<whitequark> oh, thanks
<DocScrutinizer05> yw
<whitequark> > If the modem firmware can't be changed, it is effectively in ROM, so
<whitequark> > it might as well be a circuit. It doesn't need to be considered
<whitequark> > whether to endorse a product.
<whitequark> > as software. For instance, the FSF can disregard it when judging
<whitequark> what the fuck, how exactly does it change whether it's possible to add a backdoor
<whitequark> (apart from the regular my-head-is-in-sand wrt/ mask rom and flash)
<DocScrutinizer05> exactly
<DocScrutinizer05> I think qwazix is about right regarding RMS' and FSF's intentions and motivations
<whitequark> yes, that makes sense
<whitequark> doesn't make the whole affair seem less silly though
<DocScrutinizer05> yup
<DocScrutinizer05> sorry for lazy link, clicking upper right post number returns you to full thread left-adjusted display
<DocScrutinizer05> Thread: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900
<DocScrutinizer05> is the link to click
<DocScrutinizer05> this vBuletin setup is a tad silly
<whitequark> you could just have an option of a device without modem firmware
<whitequark> for the one guy (RMS) who would actually buy it you can erase it manually or something
<whitequark> unrelated: google's robots.txt sure has a lot of weird entries
<whitequark> Disallow: /bsd?
<whitequark> Disallow: /linux?
<whitequark> Disallow: /microsoft?
<whitequark> Disallow: /mac?
<whitequark> Disallow: /unclesam?
<whitequark> does NSA follow robots.txt now?
<DocScrutinizer05> lol
* DocScrutinizer05 idly googles for eten glofiish m800
<whitequark> oh, glofiish. familiar name.
<whitequark> windows mobile 6... that's ancient
<DocScrutinizer05> WTF it has a compass??!
<DocScrutinizer05> never noticed
<DocScrutinizer05> sure, the thing is like 4 or 5 years old
<whitequark> Coolnessfaktor ?
<DocScrutinizer05> abysmal
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<DocScrutinizer05> just a knockoff of GTA02, with better modem, hw qwerty, and cameras
<DocScrutinizer05> I never managed to get to know about the whole true story beginf E-ten vs Openmoko
<whitequark> a knockoff of GTA02, sure :p
<DocScrutinizer05> behind*
<whitequark> wait, you're serious?
<DocScrutinizer05> yes, I'm serious
<DocScrutinizer05> same display/digitizer, same CPU
<whitequark> a coincidence? you don't have too much of different parts accessible at the time
<DocScrutinizer05> at some point in time early during OM somebody must have gone the spinoff path
<whitequark> or was there some other link between OM/E-ten
<DocScrutinizer05> I honestly dunno. I never heard the full story, just every now and then somebody mentioning it. IIRC their office even been a few km from OM office even
<whitequark> huh
<DocScrutinizer05> Harald during one of his intercontinental flights to TPE RE'd the kbd driver of the glofiish M800
<DocScrutinizer05> to port OM/SHR to that platform
<DocScrutinizer05> wpwrak: ^^^ any coments regarding E-Ten glofiish M800/810?
<DocScrutinizer05> and the OM vs E-ten story?
<DocScrutinizer05> been before my time with OM
<DocScrutinizer05> anyway the 4 capacitive "buttons" been a real pain in the ass
<DocScrutinizer05> and the joystick not been much better
<DocScrutinizer05> the battery been a terrible monster with a 5pin connector. Never seen anything similar
<DocScrutinizer05> and I wonder where my klofish battery hides. I probably should recharge it
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