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nice provider :) and always remember, just because you're paranoid, that doesn't mean that they're not after you :)
sorry OT but, whitequark i use n2n for bypassing those restrictions
also dns port is most cases unmonitored, even when i havent pre-paid the mobile internet service *g*
wpwrak: they're all like that
cladamw has joined #qi-hardware
there are three cellular operators in Moscow, and they form a cartel
ssl sniffing, yeah the no trust ssl has begun :)
kristianpaul: pft, I don't care about restrictions. even a clever child can bypass them. I'm just extremely angry about the fact.
you could never trust ssl
but back in those days you didn't know about that
it's better now
oh, childs are very smart in your country then :)
depends on who do you call "child"
(ssl) where does the idea come from that there's anything trustworthy in a global commercial CA-based system ?
whitequark: (child) anyone in drinking age ? :)
wpwrak: (ssl) I dunno, from ITU? I won't even say they had something malicious in mind while setting that up
just dumbness
(child) well, then definitely a lot of them can bypass that.
I'm somewhat surprised that DNSSEC has been allowed to live
because it's a direct threat to CA selling business
duh, gmane easier to read than pipermail?
not in my book, but nm
you don't like having navigation and content on the same page, without having to switch ? well, you use small screens a lot, there this may indeed be inconvenient