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I regret a little that we stopped working on the atben/atusb casing
that asks for resurrection :-)
I just want to embed the whole thing in a blob of epoxy or so. or a transparent plastic/glue, then you can still see the innards. it should not deteriorate the rf performance though.
kyak, this build is for release
wolfspraul: having atusb upstream would be so much nicer than a casing!
xiangfu: yea, this looks good for release.. most fallouts have been fixed
kyak, Hi. since you have the directvnc. do you have the Makefile already? I would like try directvnc here.
yes, i got the Makefile
should i commit or rather upload it somewhere? it builds and runs, but the screen is mangled
kyak, do you think if a normal openwrt router can running a vnc server?
kyak, commit is better.
kyak, it builds and runs. better then those @BROKEN packages. :-)
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xiangfu: i didn't see any vnc servers ported to openwrt so far.. i also think that X11 is a requirement
which may be problematic for routers
just asking.
if there is vnc server running on openwrt router. then Ben Nanonote can be used as 'Monitor' :-)
kyak: what can we do? [atusb upstream]
let's break it down into smaller tasks
don't underestimate the casing though, I think the current bare-pcb makes the boards essentially unusable, confining them to a lab-only developer desk
every time I even carry them around I have to take special precautions
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wolfspraul: ressurect the atusb software development :) i might be mistaken, but i think it is currently in a half-tested stage, and not able to compile as kernel module (only monolitically).. when it's nice and clean and working and tested, then it perhaps can be accepted by upstream
and helping with atusb driver development is beyond my limits/knowledge.. so i could only help by testing
yes, ok. let's see.
my use case here would probably be that I have an atusb in an openwrt-based router, and atben in the Ben
(for networking)
that should be super easy to setup and get to work
*should* :-)
agreed? is that the use case we are targeting?
yeah, putting atusb in openwrt router is the use case.. putting atusb in a laptop from time to time is also a use case
the latest commit in ben-wpan-stefan is from 25 Sep 2011. .this is the problem
that's probably a little harder to achieve initially, so I'd rather target openwrt on the other side first
sure, it's, let's say, "on hold" :-)
so you mean, upstream it to openwrt, then perhaps it will find its way to upstream kernel.. sounds good
not 'perhaps', but yes
ok, 'yes' :)
I am thinking about the shortest path to a practical use case
I want to use this thing
(other than looking at it, which is a start but not enough :-))
and like I said I think I also want to experiment with some casing
probably in the form of an epoxy or glue blob
yes it takes away 'hackability', but what exactly would one want to do?
so it makes more sense to document some good materials and how to exactly get it sealed, and impact on RF performance
kyak, I try to disable it under './configure'
re-generate the rootfs now.
don't worry, be happy
maybe just add faad2 to rootfs?
kyak: have you found any time to play with your milkymist board?
kyak, it's patent package.
really? oh..
it's for AAC. mpeg-4
wolfspraul: not yet really.. but it's on my desk in front of me, so i won't forget :) just need some time
kyak, how to find out the ./configure option. ./configure --help give me nothing .
lemme have a look..
the fpga is really a new angle/dimension to think of, so having it there for a while is good
xiangfu: --disable-faad should do the trick
i think this can be put into CONFIGURE_ARGS under the else for CONFIG_BUILD_PATENTED
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kyak, v
unrecognized options: --disable-faad
kyak, easy way is just './scripts/feeds uninstall faad2' :)
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Can anyone assist me in the process of hooking up the Ben Nanonote to a Fedora Machine through usb? I can ssh into the Nanonote no problem, but I can't seem to get a ping sent from the Nanonote to a web address (e.g.
xiangfu: some package pulls that faad2 as a dependency, i guess
it seems that CONFIG_ALL makes it so that all packages are built; but only those packages not depending on BUILD_PATENTED are actually installed (i.e. actual ipk created).
by looking into build log i see that libfaad2 is built, but no ipk is created with "WARNING: skipping libfaad2 -- package not selected"
this is pretty strange.. i would say that BUILD_PATENTED must be stronger than CONFIG_ALL
make sense.
report bug again :)
so we need to disable shit very explicitely..
there are other packages that exhibit the same behaviour
i think i get it now
package pianobar has libfaad2 as PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS
so BUILD_PATENTED must be stronger than PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS and all others.
the problem in this particular case is that the package pianobar provides several packages, like 'pianobar' and 'libpiano'; and only 'pianobar' depends on libfaad2, but 'libpiano' doesn't depend on anything patented, so it gets build. And it leads to building of packages in PKG_BUILD_DEPENDS, which has faad2
in principal, this particular package is just poorly packaged
but there might be more packages like that
it could also mean that some other ipk's might require patented libraries as well, because they were present at build time, but (luckily) ipk's for these libraries are not built anyway
so we are not limited to mplayer problem
kyak, please report a bug to upstream since you already dig such information
I think dependency issues are potentially and in reality infinite. so I would try to clean them up carefully on an as-needed basis
rather than trying to fix "them all", which must be the ultimate job for sysiphos
but little by little we can make the dependencies both more accurate and flexible at the same time, sure
xiangfu, nice now, you can back up me. ;-)
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tsunami warning cancelled
DocScrutinizer: in nuernberg ? that must be a big one
I raely spam IRC with nuernberg local news
so it's a global tsunami ? even scarier
at least not the "global" channels of IRC
nah, only indian ocean, like 2004
so 'only' a few millions affected
not exactly *global*
a global tsunami would mean either a) yellowstone exploded and took USA with it, or b) some meteorite size in km-range hit some ocean. In both cases I think you couldn't globally cancel the tsunami warning
well, sometimes meteorite trajectories get mis-calculated
aftershock quake 8.1, tsunami warning still extended by 2 hours
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anyway of upgrading all openwrt packages from nanonote?
qwebirc39331, Hi
qwebirc39331, first you needs make sure the nanonote connect to Internet: openwrt-xburst.full_system-20120409-2355
qwebirc39331, I think so far no one have tried to upgrading all packages.
a new image? so I hace to use usbboot instead?
usbboot is faster.
I was trying to use a command I saw on a website, but didn't work.
sorry. what you mean "low quality" ? leak feature?
incomplete, buggy
the parts I mean
kyak: not sure if X11 is required by VNC server, I've seen it working on an Android plateform without X11. Android was just using the OMAP3 framebuffer (omapfb) in /dev/graphics/fb0
so I guess there is a way of using VNC server with a framebuffer
wpwrak, adam please check the NORFlash sheet. I just finished it.
I am not sure on junction. please give some advice.
check log tomorrow.
hmm, LibDir is a bit of a problem
if you have /home/qi/kicad-libs and /home/qi/board-m1, then the components aren't found
(substitute /home/qi for anything you like)
and yes, shorting all the FLASH_{RESET*,etc.} lines together doesn't look right :)
you also picked A3 paper. does everyone around here have an A3 printer ?
I think we should merge those styles & units things into a file in the repo, no?
and remove it from the wiki
yes, there should be a proper manual
not sure how to deal with the current flurry of changes, though. my current plan is to wait until adam runs out of steam and then start fixing things :)
well it's better to discuss early
or wait until the current status has reached consensus quality level
LibDir has an easy solution. good :)
are any of the things you see being done a waste of time and need to be redone?
as long as we are lifting each other up that's ok. but if someone goes in a wrong direction we should notify early.
there are several font size issues
i'm also not very happy with naming negated signals FOO#
the pin number in TPxx is useless. there's only one anyway.
sheet size is probably the worst time-wasting risk
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Fallenou: are you sure what you've seen wasn't vnc client
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kyak: it was a VNC server running on an Android gadget
wolfspraul: btw, i couldn't build kicad bzr 3493 (pcbnew didn't link). so i bumped it to 3494.
and that worked?
it compiled fine. there was a change in just the area where the problem appeared, which i take as a good omen. (didn't try to dig deeper)
let me know if you need upleveling
I think next time I can do it in 1h
I have a simple test bench now, the uplevel steps are documented, etc.
your patches applied fine to 3494
afk for a bit
it seems kicad is moving to metric here and there
so in the modules position file for example, I changed the default (and only) to metric
and front and back in the same file _all.pos (before it was _Front.pos and _Back.pos)
just fyi
I don't think we are using that anyway
the .pos file ? of yes, we're using that for fab output
then my upleveling certainly broke that
kicad now has a dialog with some options there, metric or inches, 'force smd', front and back in separate files or in one file
what do you want?
right now, pos2fab (from eda-tools/fab/) assumes inches. not sure what "force smd" means. not sure whether fabs are happier with front and back split or together.
pos2fab takes the .pos file and turns it into an excel-friendly .csv table
just tell me what you want :-)
you can look at the dialog now, see the options there