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<Ayla> DocScrutinizer, who's bashing uBoot?
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<kristianpaul> DocScrutinizer: first cpu was pentium II 133Mhz wih MMX ;)
<kristianpaul> and i still have it, other board that compaq box died by 2004 :/
<kristianpaul> visual basic and turbo c first compiler..
* kristianpaul feel bad about visual basic
<kristianpaul> but there was not internet and i got the book for near free
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<kristianpaul> let see
<kristianpaul> ha !!
<kristianpaul> uses kicad and fed plus a makefile !!
<wpwrak> (fped) kewl ;-)
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<DocScrutinizer> CONFIDENTIAL! ;-P ttp://
<DocScrutinizer> (in case you wonder: I intentionally crippled the URL, so it doesn't get spidered)
<kyak> oh, what a huge leak :)
<wpwrak> kyak: all this is code. when you visit STE the next time, innocently ask about project Laura :)
<DocScrutinizer> You might cause eyebrows rising - we got EVB Jenny-v1 and Jenny-v2
<kyak> Laura is deprecated now that they've got a dish washine machine (or DWM) :)
<DocScrutinizer> there's no *Project* Jenny though - it's just the baseband CPU core iirc, on Thorium
<DocScrutinizer> I should check if the other core is actually codename Laura
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<kyak> we already know too much
<DocScrutinizer> indeed :-D
<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: what's wrong with uboot bashing?
<DocScrutinizer> well, on #maemo I had a discussion with a guy who claimed meego uBoot was buggy and SHR uboot useless, so he "implemented" ext3 support
<DocScrutinizer> he didn't get the point why meego had to remove ext3 support due to size limitations
<DocScrutinizer> I OTOH don't get the point why you *need* any of that, as it's not particularly hurting to have a small dedicated fat partition for kernel
<DocScrutinizer> or a plain unformated raw partition
* whitequark prefers raw ones
<DocScrutinizer> also the term "uboot booting into ext3" made me frown, as it's the kernel that boots into a FS, uboot just loads kernel *from* some location
<DocScrutinizer> on GTA02 I had a 16GB uSD with a ~14GB VFAT with kernel and all my MP3, and it was very convenient to use this card in a USB stick cardreader with any PC
<wpwrak> when u-boot was young, it laid awake at night, dreaming of being an operating system
<wpwrak> now it's old, fat, and thinks it's an operating system
<wpwrak> btw, for booting from strange file systems, there's always the option of establishing your own mapping. almost 20 years of booting with lilo say it works ;-)
<DocScrutinizer> yep
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<whitequark> it's a variation of jwz's law
<whitequark> "every bootloader expands until it becomes a horribly incomplete operating system implementation"
<whitequark> "those who do not are repalced with those who do" (grub1/grub2)
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<kristianpaul> s/fed/fped
<mth> hmm, why is JFFS2 enabled in the nanonote kernel defconfig?
<kristianpaul> openwrt legacy?
<mth> if there is no reason to keep it enabled, we can save some ram by disabling it
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<whitequark> oh, stupid me
<wolfspraul> just got my ColorHug! :-)
<blogic> whitequark: looking for see mips run linux
<blogic> and G points me at
<blogic> could that be you ?! :D
<whitequark> blogic: oops
<whitequark> that's a symlink to /var/to... no you haven't seen that.
<blogic> what ?
<blogic> who are you
<blogic> anyhow G lists you as hit nr1
<blogic> :D
<whitequark> lol
<whitequark> (what) a symlink to /var/torrents.
<whitequark> I'm the only seeder for that book on tpb.
<blogic> haha
<blogic> seed and copy
<whitequark> because I've had a hard time finding it and I wanted to make it easier.
<whitequark> but hit no1 is funny
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> for me, that's amazon
<blogic> "see mips run linux" filetype:pdf
<whitequark> and is 4th
<whitequark> ahh
<whitequark> yes, that.
<whitequark> I don't care actually
<whitequark> I'll let it stay this way.
<blogic> yes
<blogic> i just wanted to say "thank you" :D
<whitequark> thanks:D the world is smaller than it looks like
<whitequark> maybe I'll go to Germany next year and meet DocScrutinizer accidentally...
<blogic> that did happen to me once
<blogic> well not with DocScrutinizer
<blogic> as a 10 year old child i was on vacation in denmark with my parents
<blogic> the house next to us was a spanish family and i spent the holidays playing in the garden with their 10 year old son
<blogic> at age 23-24 i was in london and on a random street a guy taps on my shoulder and says ... "you are john"
<blogic> and it was that exact same spanish dude that recognized me
<blogic> very bizarre
<blogic> specially as i have been in londond for a total of 5 days in my life
<blogic> :D
<Ayla> cool story :)
<whitequark> heh
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<zrafa> wolfspra1l: ColorHug : cool ! :)
<wolfspra1l> yes, a very nice open hardware project
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<whitequark> wanna something funny?
<whitequark> I've just written a decompiler for AS3 flash bytecode
<whitequark> just look at this miracle of a compiler they have
<whitequark> 317, 318, 325
<whitequark> 318 is never reached
<whitequark> and 325 is invalid opcode
<whitequark> I repeat: their compiler emits invalid unreachable code, and their verifier eats that >_<
<whitequark> so fucking incredibly braindead
<blogic> AS3 is what soc ?
<blogic> the apple thing ?
<whitequark> err
<whitequark> Flash ActionScript 3.
<blogic> ahhhhh
<whitequark> that banner thingy.
<whitequark> I am continously amazed by its stupidity.
<wpwrak> 325 looks valid in thelisting
<wpwrak> anyway, if318 is never reached, then neither is 325 -> no problem ;-)
<whitequark> wpwrak: 325 jumps past the end of function
<whitequark> there's no L10
<whitequark> and why the hell a sane compiler would emit something like this, ever?
<larsc> debug information
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> larsc: can you provide an example?
<wpwrak> moore's law :)
<larsc> whitequark: i have no idea what i'm talking about ;)
<larsc> and i have no idea how action script works, but my first guess would be that this simply aren't instructions, but data
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<whitequark> larsc: nope, there's a LOT of metadata accompanying these methods
<whitequark> really a lot
<whitequark> and the debugging info has another format
<larsc> ok
<whitequark> it's also stupid enough to do things like:
<whitequark> negate
<whitequark> iffalse
<whitequark> etc.
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<whitequark> want to see a piece of modern art?
<whitequark> a CFG of a big method in bytecode.
<whitequark> oh, nevermind. I think I've just DoSed imgur.
<whitequark> sent a 6MiB png which expands to ~1 gig bitmap.
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<viric> :)
<larsc> whitequark: you do strange things today
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<whitequark> larsc: well
<whitequark> a friend of mine asked to deobfuscate him a Flash file
<whitequark> ... and I know Ruby, in which it takes one day to implement entire Flash binary format (compared to a week in C++)...
<whitequark> and I have been working on a static analyzer for OOP languages recently
<whitequark> so I've had a ready to use dead code elimination pass
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<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: m1nor: lock the read-only portions of the flash after flashing (master)
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<viric> oh, I saw uboot picked the nanonote support on october
<viric> do you run the latest uboot?
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<whitequark> LOL
<whitequark> I've reduced the code size by 100k
<whitequark> without impairing any functionality
<whitequark> *10%
<whitequark> that 10% were dead code.
<whitequark> are Adobe developers too stupid to read, maybe, LLVM tutorial? or a 40-year-old book on compilers?
<whitequark> I assume they are.
<whitequark> what did I do? I ran a single DCE pass. In, maybe, 100 lines of code.
<viric> what do you talk about?
<whitequark> a friend asked me to make a deobfuscator for a certain Flash file
<whitequark> the obfuscation consisted of a jmp and 9 bytes of random invalid opcodes
<whitequark> I made a simple dead code elimination pass
<whitequark> it eliminated all of the obfuscation and also a whole lot of dead code which was emitted by Flash compiler
<whitequark> circa 10%.
<viric> ok
<whitequark> no wonder it's so slow and cpu-hungry
<whitequark> I guess the VM is written in similar style.
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: fbcon: continue parsing parameters after an error. (jz-3.2)
<qi-bot> [commit] Paul Cercueil: fbcon: optimize parameters parsing loop. (jz-3.2)
<wpwrak> whitequark: you probably care more about that pile of junk than anyone at adobe ;-)
<whitequark> wpwrak: probably
<whitequark> at least my code is way more complex than theirs
<whitequark> I doubt they ever heard about DCE or CFG
<whitequark> ... or that their lookupswitch opcode and jump 0; returnvoid is a psi node remnants
<Ayla> hi
<whitequark> hello
<Ayla> can anybody enlight me about the __setup() macro?
<Ayla> it takes a callback as a parameter,
<Ayla> but I can't find a documentation about what means the return value
<Ayla> on some drivers, the callback returns 1 all the time, even when everything went right (e.g. on drivers/video/console/fbcon.c)
<viric> Ayla: I'd also like to know
<viric> Ayla: how people learn about those macros? __init, ...
<Ayla> on other drivers, like drivers/iommu/intel-iommu.c the callback returns 0
<Ayla> viric: I guess experience :)
<whitequark> lxr?
<viric> whitequark: you mean reverse engineering? :)
<whitequark> viric: I mean "the code is the best documentation"
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<whitequark> afaik no other docs exist on these macros
<viric> sometimes there is not a big difference between source and binary
<whitequark> (except for developer's brains)
<viric> also some people use to name the electronic schematics 'source'
<viric> while for me it's still some sort of binary
<Artyom> kristianpaul hello :)
<viric> usually with zero information about why those components and no others
<whitequark> magic
<whitequark> you have to accept that ;)
<viric> people go through a process for the design
<viric> if that isn't document, it's like no source for me
<viric> documented
<kristianpaul> hi..
<larsc> viric: ldd3.pdf is a good start i think
<Ayla> larsc: is that a problem if one variable has the same name as a structure?
<Ayla> should I name it differently?
<larsc> nope
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<larsc> variables and structs live in different namespaces
<larsc> i actually quite often write 'struct foo *foo' in drivers
<Ayla> ok, thanks
<viric> ah ok
<viric> larsc: I always wanted to read that... good reminder :)
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<viric> a program I wrote (and in openwrt by xiangfu) had an article in linux-magazin.
<viric> I'll take a cup of 'Cichorium' to celebrate
<larsc> got a link? or is it offline media?
<wolfspra1l> viric: congratulations, that's a nice recognition
<wolfspra1l> what is Cichorium? (searching...) :-)
<wolfspra1l> interesting
<viric> yes, very nice. the only cite known by google of that software :)
<viric> I thought I was alone in the world using it. and maybe there is someone else
<viric> also long ago they published about "Task Spooler"
<viric> so, I can only flatter their good taste, even never having read that magazine :)
<wolfspra1l> viric: sorry I still don't understand. is the new article online or not?
<viric> under payment
<wolfspra1l> viric: aha. reading 'other varieties [of Cichorium] are grown for their roots, which are used as a coffee substitute'
<wolfspra1l> that sounds more familiar :-)
<viric> hehe
<viric> I didn't imagine you would engage in an investigation ;)
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<wolfspra1l> oh you can imagine me strawling over the winter meadows tomorrow, color wikipedia photo in my hands, searching for that Cichorium
<wolfspra1l> or maybe not, ok. have to try usb-midi :-)
<viric> haha
<DocScrutinizer> whitequark: how comes you think meeting me might be a desirable event? ;-D
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<whitequark> DocScrutinizer: because I've seen your work and it's awesome. Even if we'd have radically different opinions on some- (or every)thing, an event which I'd not disregard as entirely impossible, I'd say that it would be the time for me to shut up and listen.
<frdminc> Anyone around who could help me / point me to doc on how to get a DMX light working with M1/Flickernoise?
<whitequark> frdminc: try #milkymist
<frdminc> whitequark: thanks, will do
<wpwrak> DocScrutinizer: maybe he thinks it's generally desirable for you to be well fed ? :)
<wolfspra1l> frdminc: welcome to Qi Hardware btw. You have a Milkymist One?
<wolfspra1l> if so - what are your plans with it?
<frdminc> wolfspra1l: trying to get it set up in time for a small college party tomorrow night. we have a projector and 3 LED DMX lights an alum donated a while back
<whitequark> wpwrak: how many innocent people has he consumed already?
<wolfspra1l> frdminc: oh wow, nice!
<wolfspra1l> ok by all means, if you run into trouble holler here or in #milkymist
<wpwrak> whitequark: dunno. i've heard he's kinda skinny. but i'm not sure if this means that he doesn't eat much or just that he's hungry
<whitequark> maybe both
<whitequark> it's or and not xor ;)
<pabs3> whitequark: will you release that flash decoder thing? sounds useful for web hackers
<whitequark> pabs3: hm
<whitequark> on one hand, it has already generated an enormous (for 2500 lines of code done in three days) amount of profit for me
* pabs3 is the Debian maintainer of flasm, a flash disassembler (only works with old flash)
<whitequark> on the other hand, anyone clever enough to understand how that works could possibly write the same
<whitequark> so, I think I will
<pabs3> awesome
<pabs3> poke me if you do
<whitequark> a colleague plans on writing an IDA-like IDE
<whitequark> but that'll stay out of my reach, and I think it has some changes to stay closed-source
<whitequark> my library will be packaged as a Ruby gem
<whitequark> so I think there's nothing you can do
<pabs3> there is something like that here:
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> pyew
<whitequark> is that in python?
<pabs3> yes
<whitequark> also, very ambituous. that's sad.
<pabs3> why sad?
<whitequark> ambituous software projects in python are almost always written by novice developers, and tend to have quite bad code quality.
<whitequark> I'll look into it anyway
<whitequark> x86 is hardcoded everywhere
<whitequark> that's what I was talking about