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<wolfspraul> ah, I had to rebuild the planet cache and now email subscribers get all posts again ;-)
<wolfspraul> oh well
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<whitequark> wolfspraul: what about ?
<whitequark> I think it has proven itself to be pretty stable
<whitequark> last outage was four weeks ago, and it was due to flaky IPv6 connectivity at my hoster
<whitequark> well, it was "beta" but I thought it would work
<whitequark> it would not.
<whitequark> that is, each week it would mysteriously get partly down for a period of time
<whitequark> and my bot would reconnect until it'd run out of nicks
<whitequark> and then it died
<wolfspraul> ah yes
<wolfspraul> next time I do server work I should just install the software, right?
<whitequark> yeah, that'll work
<whitequark> or you can just point a cname at
<wolfspraul> I would probably want to integrate it with some css or so, but I need to do the design cleanup first anyway
<wolfspraul> I think it will definitely get done, just not very fast right now
<whitequark> can your work be integrated into upstream?
<whitequark> because I'm tempted to add support for changeable themes
<whitequark> that would be quite a nice feature
<whitequark> "dark" and "light" one, for example
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<wolfspraul> I'm not working on it actively right now, but of course we are both in this channel, things can go 'upstream' (to you :-))
<kyak> whitequark: is there a way to change a year fast?
<kyak> side question: where are the logs for 14th and 21st of Dec? :)
<kyak> yep. it's much better than today's logs (increased usability, fast search)
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<kyak> the search output would probablt look better when grouped by date rather than each line prefixed with date
<kyak> now, i might be wrong, but i can get to a specific date much faster with the current interface
<kyak> wrong because it is unlikely that someone wants to go to a specific date
<kyak> hw would rather search
<kyak> then search is very important
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<whitequark> kyak: you can change year in the address line. that's why I made sensible URLs
<whitequark> I may think of a better way, through
<whitequark> the logs for 14th and 21st of Dec? simple. IPv6 outage. afther that I've switched to plain old IPv4
<kyak> address line, of course :) but it
<whitequark> I'll refill these gaps
<whitequark> the search output, hm
<whitequark> that's a good suggestion
<whitequark> can you write an issue on github so I don't forget it?
<kyak> i can do this
<whitequark> thanks
<whitequark> (Search) yes, it is important
<whitequark> that's why I am maintaining a rather large index and a huge mysql runtime
<kyak> yep, the search (speed) is great
<whitequark> it also has modifiers like "and" and stuff
<whitequark> and it's better than "just Google" in this case
<kyak> can i apply time constraints to a search? i.e. search within specific time range
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> I think no
<whitequark> any ideas for an interface for this?
<whitequark> DB is indexed by both timestamp and text (obviously)
<kyak> maybe introduce some special word for that
<kyak> from the other hand, this would increase comlexity for nothing..
<whitequark> that'd interfere with the plain querying, won't it?
<whitequark> yes, and that too
<whitequark> "and" and friends are quite obvious
<kyak> don't bother :)
<whitequark> you already have that in google
<whitequark> I'm not afraid of complexity
<whitequark> the logger is, I dunno, like 200 lines of code
<whitequark> and maybe the same for logging bot
<whitequark> s,logger,log viewer,
<whitequark> ruby is similar to perl in the amount of code, but quite dissimilar for its readability ;)
<kyak> the best thing is that the author (you) is interested in this project.. Unlike the author of current irc logs web interface
<kyak> i just submitted the issue btw :)
<whitequark> <trolling-mode>that's because the current logger is written in python</trolling-mode>
<kyak> :)
<whitequark> that's why I won't be a migen contributor
<whitequark> user, maybne
<whitequark> but not a contributor
<whitequark> *maybe
<kyak> i see you didn't specify any well-known license for irclogger - did you do this for a reason?
<whitequark> nope, just a usual attention deficit
<whitequark> it is MIT
<whitequark> I'll add the LICENSE when I'll get to that
<whitequark> maybe a few days
<whitequark> as per the time range, I think I may add "extended search"
<whitequark> with two fields
<kyak> or maybe do it google way
<kyak> "last 24 hours", "last month" etc :)
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> maybe
<whitequark> wolfspraul: any ideas on this? what's more convenient?
<wolfspraul> I need to use it and compare for a while, don't know now
<whitequark> ok
<whitequark> I'll do both variants
<kyak> whitequark: another thing we already had discussion about here is what to log. Many were concerned by joins/parts/quits being logged, as it reveals the host name
<kyak> i think the decision was only to log public chat
<whitequark> kyak: it's public
<whitequark> anyone can join and see the hostnames
<whitequark> /who, etc.
<whitequark> I've already had an argument with some partici^Wtrolls on #ruby-talk
<wolfspraul> logging the IP addresses does not create any value
<whitequark> hm
<wolfspraul> which value does it create in your opinion?
<whitequark> well
<kyak> first, it provides no information. second, it may be found ocasionally by googling
<whitequark> to be honest, I've been replicating irssi's format
<whitequark> it can be removed, of course
<wolfspraul> at the least it's clutter
<whitequark> but I think that logging joins/parts _do_ has its value
<wolfspraul> in which way?
<whitequark> I have found that useful quite a few times
<kyak> third, i have a vhost here; so i keep my privacy even if someone joins. But sometimes i can join unidentified and without vhost and wil be cought by logs
<kyak> i don't want that
<whitequark> kyak: as I've said, I have nothing against removing hostnames in joins/parts
<whitequark> no problem with that
<whitequark> and it's clutter, yes
<kyak> removing hostnames would be great
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> do you have any experience with mysql?
<whitequark> I have something like 2 million of rows
<kyak> nope :)
<whitequark> sigh
<kyak> what is your problem, maybe i still could help?
<kyak> or someone else here
<wolfspraul> removal of hostnames and ips would be welcomed by most I think, I fail to see the value
<whitequark> kyak:
<whitequark> this
<whitequark> it's my "storage format".
<whitequark> and it sucks (I know)
<kyak> probably you can have different tables for different channels
<kyak> other than that, why it sucks? it has int id for what matters :)
<whitequark> er
<whitequark> I can remove the hostnames in the logger bot
<whitequark> but I'd need to run some sort of regexp on 500k rows
<kyak> update [table_name] set [field_name] = replace([field_name],'[string_to_find]','[string_to_replace]');
<kyak> this is what google says :)
<kyak> probably 'replace' supports regexp or there are other functions supporting regexp
<whitequark> hm
<kyak> you can also filter on nick == NULL to find those joins/quits
<whitequark> sure
<whitequark> that's how I highlight them in viewer
<whitequark> well, I'll look into it
<kyak> whitequark: do you think it is hard to make bot connect via SSL?
<kyak> it occured to me that some of my channels are ssl-only
<whitequark> nope
<whitequark> it's ruby
<whitequark> just a matter of substituting one class for another
<kyak> oh god, time to update my distro.. my RubyGems is tool old to install "bundle"
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<whitequark> oh yes
<whitequark> that's a _really_ old rubygems install
<kyak> 1.3.5 :)
<whitequark> okay... trying to talk with four or five people simultaneously isn't a very good idea
<whitequark> especially if you consider the fact this channel is in English and it's not native for me
<whitequark> so, latter
<whitequark> *later
<whitequark> I'll be here at evening (something like 22:00 at UTC+4)
<kyak> bye, and thanks :)
<whitequark> you're welcome
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<cladamw> (VGA DDC failed :: 6 / 90) wpwrak, I'm thinking this problem...even you mentioned that intermittent problem, possibly
<cladamw> caused by software.
<cladamw> wpwrak, but i'm not sure and don't know if existing another potential reason, why i'm thinking this? since i reviewed R2 known issues and compared to R3 known issues about L3 and L19 shorted to fix frozen problem, would it be also likely to "ground problem" to cause noises?
<cladamw> wpwrak, sorry that wrong channel again., ;-)
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<wpwrak> lovely news: nokia sells out ... to sisvel.
<wpwrak> the reg puts a friendly spin on it, but not everyone would agree with that ...
<wolfspra1l> we can see - sisvel is doing great :-)
<wolfspra1l> hey that's our friend Bill Ray, I would totally disagree with him on that one
<wolfspra1l> "big friendly troll offering FRAND licenses to anyone who wants one"
<wolfspra1l> ha ha
<wolfspra1l> can't be more backwards
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<wolfspra1l> wpwrak: you know my guess is that Nokia is testing sisvel, giving them some starting business.
<wolfspra1l> for sure there will be payback to Nokia depending on how much money sisvel can make, and so forth
<wolfspra1l> and then nokia can decide later whether to expand busines with them or not, but then they have reliable historical sisvel performance data at hand :-)
<viric> what is sisvel?
<viric> ah I read.
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<wolfspra1l> waste of time actually, the kind of thing that after you learned about, you wish you never had
<larsc> or the kind of thing after you learned about it, you wish you had known about it before
<wpwrak> ;-)
<wpwrak> sisvel is the unfriendly face of philips and now nokia
<wpwrak> the reg has an interesting comment: this could be a ploy to outsource litigation. that way, there may be less risk of retaliatory lawsuits
<larsc> well, you could still sue nokia nayways
<wpwrak> yeah, but it may a) be less clear whether they're really behind it, and b) it may also cause a different public perception
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<wolfspra1l> larsc: no, I'm sure. the first one :-)
<wpwrak> how's the tendency in ben sales actually ? stable ?
<wolfspra1l> ha, yes, you could call it like that
<wpwrak> hopefully non-zero, too :)
<wolfspra1l> a few here and there, slowly moving
<wolfspra1l> the important part for me right now is to keep it in stock, and that's the case
<wolfspra1l> power forward the m1, then marry the two eventually :-)
<wpwrak> heh :)
<larsc> nn
<larsc> nanomist?
<larsc> milkynote?
<urandom__> the people should be educated that the nanonote lacks w-lan and slide keyboard cause of patent shit
<wpwrak> nanomist sounds like this:
<urandom__> wpwrak: we have to many boooks like that, people are already overscared by new tech, we need them to believe in progress not in stagnation
<wpwrak> oh, a little frisson now and then doesn't do much harm :)
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<wolfspra1l> and for our English learners (including me), I looked this up - frisson: a moment of intense excitement :-)
<Ayla> I think that's a French word
<Ayla> but it's not exactly the same meaning in French
<larsc> half of the english language is french
<Ayla> I wouldn't say half
<wpwrak> wordnet says "an almost pleasurable sensation of fright"
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<Qwin1234> Hey all
<Qwin1234> I wonder if anyone can help me out here with an external drive problem
<Qwin1234> after unplugging from tv the partition is unrecognizable ...
<Qwin1234> So i can format it but there is important data on it
<Qwin1234> I tried getDataBack to repair the partition but it give me IO errors
<Qwin1234> gives*
<Qwin1234> So I think it has to do with house of the harddrive but I am not sure. What do you guys think the problem is ? ( Also any recommended tools of fixing the problem )
<mth> I think you have the wrong channel... this channel is about building open hardware (Ben NanoNote, Milky Mist)
<Qwin1234> Hmmm true :/
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