<kyak> xiangfu: hi! were you any luck getting rid of that "no job control" message?
<xiangfu> kyak: no.
<kyak> me to -\
<kyak> i think gmenu2x is detaching itself in a way, that such tricks don't help
<xiangfu> kyak: when we run 'bash' don't have such message. so is that maybe busybox problem ?
<kyak> xiangfu: maybe.. or maybe just bash silently ignores it
<kyak> did you try if the job control is actually woprking in bash?
<xiangfu> kyak: oh.. job control not working in bash.
<kyak> bash is a good software, makes you feel better by being silent :)
<kyak> xiangfu:  about that "alsa .." messagfes... i think they are due to the fact that load_modules in /etc/init.d/boot is called later then gmenu2x is started
<kyak> and gmenu2x is trying to do some things to alsa.. maybe adjust the volume level
<kyak> but the kernel modules are not loaded yet
<kyak> xiangfu: yesterday i tried redirecting all this crap from gmenu2x in /dev/null, but unfortunately, the io of child processes (ie.. shells) is redirected there, too :)
<xiangfu> kyak: ok
<xiangfu> the job control on 'ash(default)' and 'bash' not working. but in fbterm works fine
<kyak> fbterm is a terminal emulator itself, ash and bash is shell only
<xiangfu> ok. so shell must attach to one device (tty1, ttyS0) for make the jobs control working. right?
<kyak> indeed
<viric> Hello back
<viric> question...
<viric> is anyone using an ubifs *Without compression* in the nanonote?
<viric> I wonder if it is a slowdown or not
<viric> I use lzo
<viric> also jlime?
<rafa> viric: zlib IIRC
<viric> ok
<viric> do you think it's a big advantatge?
<viric> I mean, 2GB is quite a lot :)
<rafa> viric: for that experiment lzo as you use looks sexy ;)
<viric> I mean, lzo was the default
<viric> I did not change anything :)
<rafa> there is not a lot of more space with zlib, and the speed looks a lot better with lzo
<viric> no wonder it's their default
<viric> what about size, in jlime... a usual installation on the nanonote, does it take much?
<viric> rafa: those tests do not show if the speed is CPU-bound
<viric> rafa: I'd expect that the read speed would be higher, if the bound is the nand-reading speed
<wpwrak> would be nice if someone made a comparison
<rafa> viric: jlime currently uses the whole nand as just one partition for rootfs.. I mean, bootloader, kernel and rootfs
<rafa> no datafs
<rafa> viric: those tests could be different in nn, but well, those shows something to think :)
<wpwrak> rafa: i think we have very slow nand, so the question whether the increased amount of data or the processing time is more important may get interesting :)
<viric> wpwrak: I'll try to test a bit
<viric> it can be changed at runtime for new files... so it should be easy
<viric> btw
<viric> I already decided to make public how I play with the nanonote
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: usrp: support DCT in addition to complex FFT http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/83d2162
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: ants: 80% antenna and adaptation of CAM script for various antenna sizes http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/404a0ee
<rafa> viric: cool ;)
<viric> I enjoy all this :)
<viric> nice toy, the nanonote
<rafa> viric: yep.. and it is one of the best being copyleft hardware
<viric> yes
<viric> I don't go beyond 500KB/s (average) transferring using ssh
<viric> (dropbear in the nanonote)
<kristianpaul> viric: can ou try netcat?
<kristianpaul> are you sendint o NAND o usD
<kristianpaul> is NAND using DMA ;-)?
<viric> NAND
<viric> nand with dma? :)
<kristianpaul> i just womder
<viric> is there a nand controller that can do dma?
<viric> [    0.930000] jz4740-nand jz4740-nand.0: Successfully registered JZ4740 NAND driver
<viric> that's all
<kristianpaul> seems not
<viric> 50% flush_ubifs, 50% dropbear
<viric> I remember wpwrak said much higher numbers
<viric> here I go without compression...  netcat from my PC (/dev/zero) to the nanonote (to /dev/null): 735kB/s
<viric> 75% idle
<kristianpaul> remenber is uboot have a NAND R/W test
<kristianpaul> i jsut wonder if the OS is limitng something
<kristianpaul> (just curios)
<kristianpaul> curious*
<kristianpaul> viric: dd?
<kristianpaul> last time i tried dd was not too much verbositty..
<wpwrak> ssh is very cpu-heavy
<viric> wpwrak: the numbers don't change much... 90% of CPU for dropbear can handle all the USB bandwidth I see.
<wpwrak> a better test would be to, say, untar a kernel or such
<viric> (when ubifs starts taking 50% of cpu, then it goes down)
<wpwrak> hmm, if this doesn't change much, then there are spare cycles for the UBI. this would mean that you're always limited by NAND speed.
<kristianpaul> ssh heavy <- indeed
<kristianpaul> 8 bits bus isnt?
<kristianpaul> or 16?
<kristianpaul> data bus*
<wpwrak> thus, better compression might improve speed
<kristianpaul> what abut another FS?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul:  i think so, yes. and ram is only 16 bits.
<kristianpaul> Where is the 32bits system!!
<kristianpaul> :)
<kristianpaul> bus always are the bottleneck
<viric> wpwrak: a netcat to /dev/null gives 735kB/s. there is no nand or ubi in that
<kristianpaul> :/
<viric> (maybe I built something wrong. Who knows :)
<wpwrak> viric: what happens if you just move data locally, without involving usb/ssh ?
<kristianpaul> sdram can work at 32 bit data bus
<viric> you mean to check the ubi cpu usage?
<wpwrak> netcat seems indeed quite slow
<wpwrak> yes
<viric> sory
<viric> netcat was in the PC
<kristianpaul> ah?
<kristianpaul> ahh
<viric> in the nanonote I typed: cat /dev/zero > /dev/tcp/
<kristianpaul> that explaina bit
<viric> I used bash for the connection. But most cpu is taken by cat.
<viric> (~15%.    75% idle says top, in the nanonote)
<wpwrak> top may misrepresent idle time. a better test is to run something at a low priority in the background. see how many cycles that background task has left.
<viric> so you think that cat+bash maybe at 100% of cpu
<viric> ?
<viric> # time cp doom.wad doom.wad2
<viric> real    0m11.947s
<viric> user    0m0.060s
<viric> sys     0m5.730s
<viric> 'sys' may be the ubi cpu time, not waiting for nand
<viric> (12MB file)
<wpwrak> viric: if cat, bash, and kernel don't eat all the cpu, that would mean that usb itself is the bottleneck. hard to imagine with high-speed usb. well, maybe check if the ben really registered as a high-speed device.
<viric> I check...
<wpwrak> also, is doom.wad cached when you start or not ? yuo can flush the cacke with blockdev --flushbufs
<viric> mmm
<viric> I forgot to mknod the mtd devices :)
<viric> I can't flushubfs
<viric> I don't know what we are testing, already :)
<wpwrak> ;-))
<wpwrak> you could  dd if=/dev/zero of=file bs=1M count=100
<wpwrak> do this to two different files. that should clear out the buffer cache too.
<viric> for sake of science
<wpwrak> ah, and include a sync in the timing :)
<viric> same numbers for both, and the sync took less than one second
<viric> real    0m13.690s
<viric> user    0m0.020s
<viric> sys     0m5.240s
<wpwrak> that's not so bad 7.3 MB/s
<wpwrak> now, time dd if=file of=/dev/null
<wpwrak> of course, nulls should compress really well ;-)
<kristianpaul> xD
<kristianpaul> how you get verbose mode in dd at openwrt..
<kristianpaul> ?¿
<wpwrak> for the next test, maybe use 100 MB of data from /dev/urandom. will take a while to generate, though.
<wpwrak> dd and verbose ? :)
<kristianpaul> i meant resume
<kristianpaul> it fiinshed no speed/stats..
<kristianpaul> as in my computer..
<kristianpaul> uramdom is heavy
<wpwrak> just use  time dd  ?
<kristianpaul> ah
<kristianpaul> he
<kristianpaul> 1M count 100 takes real 15.856s
<kristianpaul> sys 5.390s
<viric> close to here
<viric> then.. quite normal
<kristianpaul> ah
<kristianpaul> can i do FS on ram with the current kenrel?
<viric> time dd if=file of=/dev/null
<viric> 104857600 bytes (100.0MB) copied, 15.515232 seconds, 6.4MB/s
<kristianpaul> why it tells you speed..
<kristianpaul> and not to me..
<kristianpaul> anyway
<viric> you may not be using nanonixos! :)
<viric> I use to test the speed with openssl..
<viric> what do you get?
<viric> Doing md4 for 3s on 16 size blocks: 172734 md4's in 3.00s
<viric> for example
<kristianpaul> it sitll doing dd wiht ramdon
<viric> :)
<viric> the 100MB?
<viric> I try.
<viric> it takes time, yes! :)
<kristianpaul> yes 100M
<kristianpaul> B
<viric> Well, I'm multitasking a bit... I want to test some things :)
<viric> (but the test goes on too)
<kristianpaul> then do it later
<kristianpaul> i got at least 10 min so far to stoped
<kristianpaul> /stoped/so i'll no stop it
<viric> ok
<viric> well, we'll see
<viric> 104857600 bytes (100.0MB) copied, 480.781610 seconds, 213.0KB/s
<viric> from urandom
<kristianpaul> ah?
<kristianpaul> oh wait
<kristianpaul> used ramdom..
<kristianpaul> ..
<viric> ahh
<viric> then you have to press keys :) lots
<kristianpaul> brb
<kristianpaul> nap
<kristianpaul> 8m24.966s
<kristianpaul> real
<kristianpaul> 6m34.880s sys
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (random) use /dev/urandom, not /dev/random ;) /dev/urandom will make up fake random numbers if there's no real random data. that's good enough for what we need.
<wpwrak> 12 MB/s with random data ? not bad
<viric> hm
<viric> 12MB/s ?
<viric> why dd tells me 213KB/s ?
<viric> you mixed seconds and minutes? :)
<viric> rafa: uh. I lost again the link to the keyboard map
<viric> may you find it again for me, please?
<viric> qué desastre; lo perdí al saltar la luz, ya que se apagó la máquina con el irssi
<viric> Btw
<viric> do you have proper unicode in the console?
<viric> I use fbterm meanwhile.
<wpwrak> oh, right :)
<wpwrak> quite bad :-(
<viric> aha
<viric> but I don't see it much in affect.
<viric> effect
<viric> Ah
<viric> I noticed that 'loadkeys' does not complain, but 'dumpkeys' is not showing the updated keymap
<viric> hmm I can't believe that file is the keymap I want
<viric> wants the openwrt keymap...
<viric> With that keymap, shift-comma does not bring the backquote, but a double quote.
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: what is for /dev/random ?
<viric> rafa: please let me know if, with your keymap, shift-comma gives a backquote or a double quote.
<viric> I mean shift-quote. That next to \.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: /dev/random gives you real entropy. but if the entropy pool is depleted, it waits for it to refill
<viric> kristianpaul: /dev/random gets entropy from keystrokes, mouse moves, ...
<kristianpaul> damn SIE is lying me !
<kristianpaul> at leat kicad layout..
<kristianpaul> least*
<kristianpaul> ha that happen whe you use non-free software and just forgot update the kicad layout ;/
<kristianpaul> wich is not correct
<kristianpaul> sigh
<kristianpaul> now lets verify other pins
<viric> wpwrak: halt works now! I fixed a problem in my sysvinit
<kristianpaul> ah just was 3v3  and GNDpins, seems no more
<wpwrak> viric: (halt) great ! what was the problem ?
<kristianpaul> ha 3V and still running, i wonder why manual said dont go less that 3.2
<viric> wpwrak: so... I did not have sysvinit programs in /sbin, and it had hardcoded references to /sbin. I fixed that so it finds the programs.
<viric> Can someone check if the backquote in the nanonote console types a backquote?
<rafa> viric: sorry.. was sleeping.. let me check the link of jlime txt documentation files
<rafa> viric: i can not test right now.. my nn is 1000km far from me today :)
<viric> oh! :)
<viric> do you happen to understand keymaps? :)
<rafa> viric: you mean to fix the keymap file?
<viric> yes
<viric> I think it's broken
<viric> I changed some word, and the key changed
<viric> but I don't know how to make the backquote appear :)
<viric> rafa: because I'm already using that keymap
<rafa> :)
<rafa> viric: so you alredy know the key code right?
<viric> mm maybe. I changed one that said 'comma', and the key changed was that of the apostrophe.
<viric> :)
<rafa> viric: to know the exact code of the key you need the "showkey" command
<rafa> and run it from console
<rafa> press the key which should be bckquote
<rafa> and check the code
<viric> I was about to ask that :)
<rafa> then modify the file and look for that code
<viric> I switch on...
<rafa> then there... you could try to modify the key with "grave"
<viric> it's key 40, and shift is 42
<rafa> I think that "grave" is the word to make the backquote appear
<rafa> s
<viric> Aha! It says 'quotedbl' instead of backquote
<viric> keycode  40 = apostrophe       quotedbl
<rafa> viric: no idea if the proper word is backquote
<rafa> maybe it is grave
<rafa> but no sure
<viric> I'll check
<rafa> great
<rafa> remember load the keymap from console
<viric> how come people use such a broken keymap for so long?
<viric> sure sure
<rafa> :D
<viric> I've been an hour believing it was not loading the keymap
<viric> I've straced and almost gdb-ed the loadkeys
<viric> I simply could not believe that keymap was wrong :)
<rafa> viric: well.. keymap file depends on kernel as well
<viric> I know
<viric> I'm using that from openwrt
<viric> (2.6.35+openwrt patches)
<viric> that matches the keymap, for what I understood
<rafa> maybe nobody use the nn keyboard? :) (all doing ssh from PC?)
<viric> uf :)
<kyak> viric: what's you trying to achieve?
<viric> type a backquote
<kyak> ` this ?:)
<viric> yes ;)
<viric> and now from the nanonote
<viric> rafa: backtick
<rafa> viric: that is the proper word to add into keymap file?
<kyak> viric: i guess you don't have the keymap that openwrt has?
<viric> hm maybe I'm wrong. I saw it grepping, but loadkeys does not like it
<wpwrak> interesting: http://arxiv.org/abs/1004.0263/
<viric> kyak: do you have a nn around?
<kyak> yes
<viric> can you type backquote?
<kyak> shift+button up to the red arrow
<kyak> is a backquote
<viric> fails here. it prints dblquote
<viric> if you run showkey...
<viric> what key do you get for that?
<viric> (number)
<kyak> and it is called "grave"
<viric> ahh grave
<kyak> keycode  41 = acute            grave
<viric> 41? you get 41? hm
<kyak> acute is keycode 41
<kyak> shift + 41 is grave
<viric> rafa: the keymap you gave me says:
<viric> keycode  40 = apostrophe       quotedbl
<viric> keycode  41 = grave            asciitilde
<viric> kyak: is shift 42?
<kyak> yes
<kyak> wait a sec, i'll link you to openwrt keymap
<viric> what kernel you run?
<viric> kyak: please. I have a checkout of trunk, but I could not find it
<viric> (:AB0B8 :8@8;8F0 >B;8G=> ?>:07K205BAO 2 ==)
<viric> rafa: but isn't jlime using the openwrt kernel?
<viric> kyak: I am running the openwrt 2.6.35 kernel. Maybe it's a difference?
<rafa> viric: openwrt kernel is something general to say..
<rafa> viric: qi distribution uses 2.6.32 qi openwrt kernel
<rafa> viric: lars works on 2.6.36 kerne I woud guess
<rafa> viric: jlime uses 2.6.34 kernel from qi openwrt.. and blizzard from jlime is doing some work with latest lars qi openwrt kernel as well
<viric> And all them have different keycodes from the keyboard matrix?
<viric> How could all this become such a mess? :)
<rafa> viric: and those kernel could be a bit different, maybe no with keyboard.. but i can not be sure
<rafa> viric: maybe you need the keymap file from kyak :)
<viric> Ok, so... I adapted that 'grave', and the shift-volume keys for scrollbuffer... and I'm happy.
<viric> all the rest worsk
<viric> Well, there is a circle over 'A'
<rafa> cool
<viric> which I can't imagine what it is.
<rafa> an angel symbol? :)
<viric> ° ?
<viric> 5°C
<viric> maybe this.
<wpwrak> viric: it's a nordic character. i think something like a long "A"
<viric> ahh
<viric> in swedish it's an 'a' that sounds like 'o'
<viric> (iirc)
<kyak> viric: ok, maybe it's too late, but: target/linux/xburst/patches-2.6.32/500-modifier-keys.patch is a patch for linux-, and then defkeymap.c should be generated, but it is in fact replaced..
<viric> but also other nordic languages use that.
<kyak> ..with target/linux/xburst/files-2.6.32/drivers/char/defkeymap.c_shipped
<wpwrak> prominently features here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angstrom
<viric> kyak: ah you run 2.6.32
<viric> wpwrak: yes, I remenber the distro
<kyak> viric: cyrillic in nn - yes, shows fine
<viric> kyak: for me, only in fbterm. Do you use fbterm?
<kyak> this package add support for cyrillic input/output in console
<viric> kyak: oh, input
<viric> kyak: is it in openwrt trnk?
<kyak> it's in openwrt-packages
<kyak> this is a separate git
<viric> I'll clone it
<kyak> you should add it to feeds.conf
<kyak> not really necessary to clone it by hand
<viric> what is feeds.conf?
<viric> no
<kyak> you should :)
<kyak> it will give you a kick start
<viric> ahh
<viric> I'm not very interested in 'building openwrt'
<viric> I think I cannot run that in my system
<viric> I'm not using a LSB GNU system
<kyak> then why did you clone both openwrt-xburst and wanted to clone openwrt-packages? :)
<viric> I cloned openwrt trunk
<viric> I use the xburst patches there for 2.6.35 to build the kernel
<kyak> ok then
<viric> I don't use the "qi openwrt", I use "openwrt trunk"
<viric> how bad is it? :)
<kyak> i got it
<kyak> who knows?
<viric> This is what worries me. hehe
<kyak> it's rather weird
<kyak> using something in the middle
<kyak> not the stable backfire ( or latest qi-kernel (2.6.36)
<viric> I'm taking notes of all this... let's try to summarize with some links.
<viric> kyak: I used 'the latest' when it was 'the latest', but it's no more 'the latest', and I did not care to follow 2.6.36 still, because I'm not sure of the benefits I'd get.
<viric> And at that time I even did not know people where not using 2.6.35. :)
<viric> I'm quite new in all this.
<viric> kyak: so, how do you know that the stable backfire is ?
<viric> kyak: and, is 'stable backfire' the name of anything official? any official download image?
<kyak> cause we are following the backfire, that's why
<viric> - if there is anything 'official', I don't know
<viric> backfire is an openwrt major version?
<kyak> yes
<viric> (sorry, I really know little all this... I don't want to annoy)
<viric> kyak: qi-hardware openwrt-packages branch is following backfire. It has 'features' one day to be merged into openwrt?
<kyak> qi-hardware openwrt-xburst is following backfire, and contains additional features
<kyak> then these features are picked and commited upstream
<kyak> and then they return back :)
<viric> ahh
<viric> and what is openwrt-packages?
<viric> in qi-hardware
<kyak> there are packages, that are not ready yet to go upstream
<viric> but in the usual openwrt, packages and 'xburst' are in a single tree, right?
<kyak> openwrt base system is differenet from "feeds"
<kyak> no
<kyak> that's the point
<kyak> "OpenWrt uses so called "feeds" which provide packages for software beyond the default minimal system."
<viric> ah
<viric> openwrt-packages is a feed for that?
<kyak> yes, it's one of the feeds
<viric> openwrt-xburst is also a feed?
<kyak> no, it's following backfire, the base system
<viric> Ahhh
<viric> I think now I get it :)
<viric> is openwrt-packages any related to 'backfire'?
<viric> openwrt stable is not openwrt, trunk, right?
<kyak> well, you can add this feed
<viric> ok
<kyak> and use it in backfire
<kyak> openwrt stable is backfire release
<kyak> trunk is trunk
<viric> ok
<kyak> :)
<viric> It may look evident to that used to it... but a few minutes ago I had a completely distorted view compared to now
<viric> And where is written, what kernel openwrt-xburst takes in?
<viric> (I'll try to find by myself)
<kyak> it is located in target/linux/
<dandon> hey
<viric> kyak: yes, got it. thank you
<viric> And then... rafa, there is jlime. the jlime now distributed in the web uses that same 2.6.32 kernel, right?
<viric> kyak: openwrt trunk has many patches for xburst, for 2.6.34, 2.6.35, 2.6.36, 2.6.37 ... who maintains that and with what purpose?
<dandon> does anyone know a website that reviews apple notebooks? but websites like xbitlabs or bit-tech or similar that also have non apple laptops
<kyak> viric: i'm not sure about that...
<kyak> you might wanna check svn commit logs
<viric> aha
<kyak> to see who and why added those patches
<viric> I'm making a summary...
<viric> argh
<viric> I thought it was timeline for xburst. ignore it
<viric> it looks like larsc maintains openwrt trunk
<kyak> =C7NN
<kyak> yepp :)
<viric> I remember I use 2.6.35 from there because larsc pointed me to there when I asked for "the latest stable kernel"
<viric> That may match the qi-kernel branches.
<kyak> probably it was the latest kernel at that time
<viric> yes
<viric> stable kernel
<viric> (sorry, long urls!)
<kyak> viric: openwrt-packages is just one of the feeds
<kyak> there are others provided by default openwrt feeds.conf
<viric> ok
<kyak> basically, we use openwrt feeds + openwrt-packages feed
<viric> the official qi openwrt image comes from openwrt feeds + openwrt-packages, right?
<viric> I'm not sure what do you mean when you say "we" :)
<viric> that 'we' does not include rafa, for example, right?
<kyak> yes, the official image contains packages from both openwrt feeds and openwrt-packages
<kyak> i guess i mean "qi-hardware"m and i say "we" because i use that, too :)
<viric> ahh
<viric> ok
<viric> also wpwrak ?
<kyak> i think he was using jlime lately
<viric> can you reload that page? Now better?
<kyak> i think it's good
<viric> great
<kyak> are you preparing it for qi wiki?
<kyak> or it's something else?
<viric> hmmm no, it's something like my scratchbook about this
<kyak> ah ok :)
<viric> I'm making that 'nanonixos' (the distribution I use in the nanonote, let's say), and I take notes of what happens :)
<kyak> sounds great
<kyak> viric: what's your progress so far?
<viric> it was not trivial :)
<viric> kyak: I have all I need
<viric> :)
<viric> I started on...
<viric> four days ago
<viric> I have prboom, lynx, unicode (output), network, sound, mp3 playing, and the system I use to read RSS offline
<viric> I can't compete with a big distribution... but I enjoy the game of doing all this.
<kyak> are you using uboot?
<viric> yes
<viric> why?
<kyak> i was hoping you had grub :)
<viric> :D
<viric> kyak: did you find what framebuffer driver you needed for the malta board? I can't get it right :)
<kyak> i think this one
<viric> that's what I thought
<viric> I just enabled it, and nothing
<kyak> i enabled several, to be sure
<kyak> :)
<viric> do you have the traces, whether it's cirrus?
<wpwrak> we need this game on the ben: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBr7EhL6Jpg
<viric> did you use any kernel parameter to make the kernel output to the framebuffer?
<kyak> viric: do you need "grep -i fb .config"?
<kyak> viric: yes, i found that it is cirrus
<viric> kyak: no... boot it. The kernel should say something
<viric> I have CONFIG_FB_CIRRUS=y
<viric> argh
<kyak> viric: http://wangbj.blogspot.com/ here
<viric> sure sure
<viric> I just found it was not :)
<kyak> no special parameters
<viric> great
<viric> 2ks to build the kernel...
<viric> I'll see it tomorrow
<kyak> wpwrak: m, where's that game's home page?
<viric> I have a friend writing a clone of Zoop
<wpwrak> kyak: something makes me think it doesn't have one ;-)
<viric> It should work clean in the nanonote
<kyak> wpwrak: ;)
<viric> (no zoop fans? :)
<kyak> i'm not into games at all ::)
<kyak> viric: on usb0
<kyak> you should make it owrt -compatible :)
<kyak> (and jlime)
<viric> kyak: That's the IP I use...
<viric> kyak: why the IP matters? :)
<kyak> "Find proper cyrillic fonts for fbterm" - no need, unifont has it all
<wpwrak> here are some more interesting game references: http://www.adavies.org/blog/2010/03/15/gaming-the-crowd/
<wpwrak> the marathon sounds nice :)
<kyak> viric: cause i ssh into ben
<viric>                 http://www.adavies.org/blog/2010/03/15/gaming-the-crowd/
<viric> ouch
<wpwrak> rafa: a BUE version of this one could be nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBxFiNxdso4
<wpwrak> viric: so that's what they play on proxima centauri ...
<viric> uh? :)
<viric> He got new graphics... this is a bit outdated.
<viric> :)
<viric> he now ends the multiplayer deatchmatch variant
<viric> network.
<viric> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRzsts7tj-c this is the original game
<wpwrak> not the most enthusiastic review ...
<zear> a gaming discussion on this channel and i missed it?
<zear> wpwrak, isn't desert bus a genesis game?
<wpwrak> zear: it says sega: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penn_&_Teller's_Smoke_and_Mirrors#Desert_Bus
<wpwrak> ah, sega platform. published by absolut entrtainment
<wpwrak> absolutE. important :)
<zear> if sega, then it must be sega genesis :)
<zear> ah, it's for sega CD
<zear> still, there's a quite decent sega genesis/megadrive/CD emulator for the dingoo
<zear> i don't see a reason why it couldn't be ported to the nanonote
<wpwrak> zear: have you looked at the video ?
<zear> of the game? I know about this game :D
<zear> this is actually a sort of game i would enjoy
<zear> if it wasn't THAT long and boring, of course
<zear> but a simple bus/track simulator where you don't have to do much but watch the road would be interesting
<zear> just would have to have a very varying scenery, so you can't get bored that easily
<viric> wpwrak: (that review was quite bad, yes! So... I know some fans of that game. I'm one of them!)
<zear> about that tokyo bus game, this is quite a funny coincidence, but i got a dreamcast few days ago and was about to try this game out :)
<viric> wpwrak: at university, a friend and me were given a board with an fpga, and pins for a VGA connector and a PS2 input. We made the videogame in an Altera fpga. :)
<viric> making the vga signals (digital, no DAC... but it gave enough colours :)
<viric> anyway, guten nacht
<zear> speaking of simulation games, you guys ever played Densha de go? It's a japanese train simulator, a really cool thing
<wpwrak> zear: this one looks kinda nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBxFiNxdso4&feature=related
<wpwrak> zear: combine it with OSM, and maybe you have something usable
<zear> OSM?
<wpwrak> zear: ah ... you commented on it. hadn't seen it
<wpwrak> zear: OpenStreetMap
<zear> ah
<zear> open street map is a little.. incomplete :D
<zear> at least the city where i live :D
<zear> so i basically use google maps on my freerunner
<zear> i know, it's a shame
<zear> but they have better maps
<zear> and with the street view of their, you could pretty much hook it up to a bus driving game like this one
<wpwrak> viric: (game in fpga) nice :)
<zear> wpwrak, they even have some sort of 3d models they generate for every street view pic
<zear> so they can know if the part of the pic is a building or not
<zear> and the transition between pictures is very smooth, sometimes it feels like you're really moving from place to place and not changing pictures
<zear> here's an example: http://mapy.google.pl/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=pl&geocode=&q=japan,+tokyo&sll=35.423819,139.936552&sspn=0.016262,0.023453&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Tokio,+Japonia&ll=35.768835,139.766049&spn=0.008061,0.011727&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=35.769187,139.766419&panoid=M1SNVuzoFvYEstH7nCnyUg&cbp=12,167,,0,5
<wpwrak> zear: alas, all closed and proprietary.
<zear> yeah, i fully understand this problem
<zear> but the technology is interesting