<wolfspraul> xiangfu: hey there...
<wolfspraul> I committed a small cleanup, but when I did 'git push' I suddenly had two commits I pushed :-)
<wolfspraul> did I do something wrong? what is the procedure again we should follow now?
<xiangfu> wait. let me check.
<xiangfu> see something under :"Some Advice:"
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: oh
<wolfspraul> thanks!
<wolfspraul> hopefully this time it sinks deep enough into my brain...
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: so what is the problem people like me are causing that forget to rebase?
<wolfspraul> when do these merge commits cause a problem?
<xiangfu> wolfspraul: no.
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: with 'no' you mean they don't cause a problem? only cosmetic?
<xiangfu> the 'git rebase' advantage is that the history is easier to follow
<xiangfu> wolfspraul: also the 'git rebase' will try to rewrite something.
<xiangfu> wolfspraul: like there is one commit already into master by another one. (like mirko have modify the /etc/banner)
<xiangfu> then you have local change something like that commit. the git rebase will take care of that.
<xiangfu> git rebase may remove the same commit.
<xiangfu> (I have already change the banner in local). so I use git rebase to remove my local commit.
<wolfspraul> ok
<wolfspraul> thanks for the explanation
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [config.full_system] group up it a little http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/3d875b9
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: why do we need the ntfs-3g and mount.ntfs-3g packages?
<wolfspraul> are there some dependencies or other interesting things hiding inside those packages? I cannot imagine any real need for ntfs support on the NanoNote.
<xiangfu> maybe I just select that without thinking. I can not remember that ntfs* package.
<wolfspraul> xiangfu: maybe they are pulled in by dependencies and removing them will cause some problem? if nobody knows any potential use case then we should try removing them, see what happens...
<xiangfu> ok
<kyak> xiangfu: hi! i noticed, when you update the Makefile of some package, and this package is downloaded from git, you must change both git commit ID and the PKG_VERSION (for example, change the date accordingly).. Otherwise, the..
<kyak> ..old version of package from dl/ will used
<kyak> this is the case when you updated gmenu2x/makefile just now
<wolfspraul> kyak: if you have some ideas for nice icons we should add to the launcher, please let us know.
<wolfspraul> icons linking to useful apps :-)
<kyak> wolfspraul: the one i could remember is nightsky
<wolfspraul> good.
<wolfspraul> what other apps are you using on your Nano?
<kyak> i can't think about any other gui application.. there are some console apps currently missing from menu - vim, abook
<kyak> a file selector for mplayer would be great.. and splitting mplayer pacakge to patented and free is in my TODO list..
<kyak> wolfspraul: btw.. kristianpaul had some problem building uClibc with locales on his machine. May i have an account on build host - this would help to test things not only on my local machine
<wolfspraul> sure of course. can you email me your public key?
<kyak> will do it
<wolfspraul> great. thanks for asking! I saw the chat between you and kristian paul yesterday and should have offered the account myself...
<kyak> i'm using wolfgang at sharism.cc, right? or is it your malinkg lists only email?
<wolfspraul> yes that's good
<kyak> wolfspraul: it's sent
<wolfspraul> kyak: ok, you can try, kyak and root should work
<wolfspraul> kyak: the setup of the server is documented here: http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Server_setup#fidelio.qi-hardware.com
<kyak> wolfspraul: worked fine, thank you!
<kyak> wolfspraul: btw, pretty 29 EUR/month is pretty cheap for such machine
<wolfspraul> yes, hetzner is good
<kyak> do they work with private individuals, or organizations only?
<wolfspraul> kyak: absolutely everybody.
<wolfspraul> I am sure you can use them as well, if you like. the only unfortunate thing is that they are charging German VAT, and because the service is being operated in Germany, they cannot refund/deduct the VAT even if you are outside the EU.
<wolfspraul> so you are 'loosing' 19%, but it's unavoidable in this case
<kyak> so it 29+VAT
<wolfspraul> no it's included in those 29 EUR already
<kyak> ah ok..
<wolfspraul> hetzner has to give 19% of that to the German tax people
<kyak> need to feed them! :")
<wolfspraul> theoretically you don't need to pay this since you are outside of the EU, but practically you still do, because the servers are operated in Germany, so they treat it as if you travel to Germany and, for example, buy and eat an icecream there :-)
<wolfspraul> if Hetzner would one day operate servers outside of Germany, or even the EU, their customers outside of the EU would not need to pay those 19%
<wolfspraul> anyway
<wolfspraul> small detail
<wolfspraul> just see it as the 'cost of doing business' with Hetzner
<wolfspraul> it's still 29 EUR / month, charged to your credit card, and done
<wolfspraul> what I like about hetzner is not the price, you easily find cheaper ones
<wolfspraul> what I like is that they are really professional
<wolfspraul> their operations are thought through, it's efficient, scalable, and growing
<kyak> well ok, so it's +1 for hetzner!
<roh> wolfspraul well... i wouldnt say thought through ;) but they do good work for the tiny bit of money they get ;)
<wolfspraul> they have very nice online admin, reverse DNS, traffic and uptime control, rescue system, etc.
<wolfspraul> roh: fair enough, but you have many years experience in this. so in your bottom line, considering everything, do you know a better hoster?
<kyak> i've been looking for some vps to host my private IRC server for a couple of friends.. i know it sounds strange, but i've been keeping it running for years on my home server and no i feel like i want to shift it to some more..
<kyak> ..reliable place.. so it won't depend on me. But most VPS providers prohibit IRC, so a gave up
<roh> wolfspraul depends for what. they are ok for everybody-use. if you need an sla or want to host your own hardware you will be better off somewhere else.
<wolfspraul> roh: what is 'sla'?
<roh> service level agreement. only worth something if it has evil penalties
<wolfspraul> roh: is om/harald still hosting his own machines at hetzner? or switched to hetzner's hw now?
<roh> om never had own hw
<roh> afaik. atleast not in germany
<roh> and yes, its still there. will change soon, but i hope we can keep it
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add nanonote input.conf.nanonote http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/42ae826
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [gmenu2x] update, update version to 2 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/4cc6ae9
<xiangfu> kyak: (PKG_VERSION), oh, yes. thanks. now fixed :)
<kyak> kristianpaul: btw, no problems building uClibc with locales on build host.. have you managed to reinstall debian? :)
<kyak> xiangfu: np!: )
<kyak> xiangfu: oh.. i meant, PKG_VERSION, not PKG_RELEASE
<kyak> you see, there is gmenu2x-20101113.tar.gz in dl/ dir
<kyak> so it will be taken from dl, not from git
<xiangfu> kyak: I remember the release also works fine. let me test now.
<kyak> maybe you're right, it would work
<kyak> but it's still better to have 20101115 instead of 20101113 :)
<xiangfu> kyak: ok. will do that. and the download is depends the PKG_SOURCE.
<kyak> ah ok
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: [gmenu2x] update to 20101115 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/c8743e0
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove the ntfs package http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/94dd1a9
<kyak> i noticed that i had xwrt and luci repos disabled for some reasons
<kyak> now that i enabled them, i discovered some interesing packages
<kyak> like zoneinfo
<wolfspraul> kyak: let us know which ones you think are interesting and we'll add them. Or feel free to add them to config.full_system yourself...
<kyak> first need to have a look.. what are they
<kristianpaul> kyak: it compiled (openwrt)
<kristianpaul> kyak: (debian) still getting the ISO hope got it in the morning
<kyak> kristianpaul: so it compiled fine on your machine though it couldn't compile before?
<kristianpaul> yes
<kristianpaul> after back to the commit you pointed
<kyak> ah ok.. let's ee how you fresh installation will work out
<kristianpaul> yes let find my nanonote
<kyak> fresh debian installation :")
<kristianpaul> ah yes wel.. hmm let me get my usb stick and laptop to keep in touch
<kristianpaul> kyak: how is build going on fidelio?
<kyak> just fine
<rafa> wpwrak: I set a proper opkg.conf so opkg-target works okey to install new libraries on toolchain. If you want it just tell me. I am not sure if I should add that as default into toolchain. The problems are the paths.. if user wants the toolchain in a different path than default he should modify that opkg.conf anyway
<wpwrak> rafa: sure i want it ! ;-)
<wpwrak> rafa: for the path ... there are few ways to handle such things. not sure what would work best in this case:
<wpwrak> 1) just pick a "standard" path
<wpwrak> 2) make the program(s) in question figure out its own path, then calculate a path relative to this
<wpwrak> 3) like 2, but make a wrapper for this purpose
<wpwrak> 4) have an installer script that sets the path at installation time
<wpwrak> 5) make the paths depend on environment variables, and set them either manually or, if using a script like environment-setup, using method 2, 3, or 4
<rafa> wpwrak: about paths: did you see that the toolchain tar.gz has thist path ? :   ./usr/local/jlime-2010.1/..etc.. ?  I do not know yet if that means that toolchain should live from /.. so it would /usr/local/jlime-2010.1/.. etc.. or if we can install it under our homes for example.
<rafa> wpwrak: anyway.. here is my opkg.conf :
<rafa> wpwrak: and I have that opkg.conf at /usr/local/jlime-2010.1/mipsel/mipsel-linux/etc/
<rafa> wpwrak: after that.. you could try :
<rafa> . /usr/local/jlime-2010.1/mipsel/environment-setup
<rafa> opkg-target update
<wpwrak> (paths) it does look suspiciously like root-based paths. at least that's how i interpreted it
<wpwrak> interesting: Updated list of available packages in /usr/local/jlime-2010.1/mipsel/mipsel-linux//usr/lib/opkg/lists/all
<wpwrak> note the double //
<wpwrak> opkg-target shows a gazillion of things :) now let's see what i can install ...
<wpwrak> rafa: excellent. works like a charm. thanks a lot !
<rafa> opkg-target install libsdl-1.2-dev
<rafa> that will install a lot of packages which libsdl-dev needs :)
<wpwrak> Package libsdl-1.2-dev (1.2.14-r3) installed in root is up to date.
<wpwrak> seems to think i already have everything in need
<wpwrak> s/in/i/
<rafa> yep.. it looks like that
<wpwrak> what i have installed are just libsdl and libsdl-gfx, though
<wpwrak> perhaps libsdl-dev doesn't pull in al the rest
<rafa> wpwrak: paths: yep.. somebody should read a bit how to use external toolchains built from OE :D (me perhaps?)
<rafa> wpwrak: you can try to remove that libsdl-dev and re install
<wpwrak> rafa: thanks for volunteering ! ;-))
<wpwrak> intersting. remove/install does pull in the whole collection. so there's a bit of an inconsistency
<rafa> wpwrak: well, I just installed libsdl-dev and it installed a lot of -dev packages more
<rafa> I do not know how you got the first libsdl-dev installation.. because it does not come with toolchain it seems
<wpwrak> whole collection:  alsa-lib-dev alsa-lib libasound2 alsa-conf-base libxext-dev libxext6 ...
<wpwrak> i downloaded and installed the first one manually
<rafa> well.. libsdl manages audio, sdl on X, sdl on fb, etc... maybe it needs all those headers
<wpwrak> maybe some of the packages are just "recommended" and the manuall install skipped those
<wpwrak> anyway, if the automatic dependencies work, this shouldn't be a frequent problem
<wpwrak> 'cause people will just rely on opkg-target to find and download things for them
<wpwrak> hey, this is great ! now jlime has a fully featured host development environment. i thought it would take much longer to get there.
<rafa> cool.. I am building kernel and uboot to test :)
<rafa> wpwrak: now you just need the SD to test :).. or install it on nand
<wpwrak> found one. 1 GB. is that enough ?
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: yes
<kristianpaul> but if you want wikipedia later try get 2gb
<kristianpaul> ;-)
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: my bens tend to be relatively immobile ;-) in fact, they're quite naked, too. just the main pcb, with all the rest in a neat pile on the side :)
<kristianpaul> jeje i have one ben for that
<kristianpaul> the other just on my pocket ;)
<kristianpaul> is really handy
<kristianpaul> most if you dont havew internet and need an english dicionary :)
<wpwrak> heh :)
<rafa> wpwrak: so just do an ext2 first partition
<rafa> wpwrak: and untar there the jlime image.. after that [M]+power button to boot
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: any plans to get jlime with last OE commits?
<kristianpaul> sorry
<kristianpaul> rafa: ^
<rafa> kristianpaul: I guess that wpwrak will like bootstrap image.. just 9MB (or 10) :)
<kristianpaul> :D
<wpwrak> rafa: i reflash boot loader and kernel as well ? or will it also work with the openwrt ones ?
<rafa> wpwrak: it just works with current qi bootloader.. so you just do the work on SD and try
<wpwrak> kewl. downloading ...
<rafa> wpwrak: bootloader will read the kernel from /boot/ in ext2 first sd partition... THe jlime images have the kernel there
<rafa> wpwrak: if something does not work maybe your bootloader is not the current qi uboot
<rafa> and you will need to flash a newer
<rafa> kristianpaul: btw, last OE commits has patented stuff
<kristianpaul> ok
<kristianpaul> rafa: i just tought qmake may get compiled in this last version
<kristianpaul> now i wonder i just can crosscompile qt apps like wpwrak is doing
<rafa> kristianpaul: no sure if qmake works on the nanonote.. I have tried to find some OE recipe to build that.. but I just saw the qmake sdk for i686, no for mips
<rafa> el
<kristianpaul> :/
<kristianpaul> ok lest siwch 100% SIE to sdl gpx?..
<rafa> kristianpaul: crosscompile.. if you want to try I can give you the instructions.. We did a new toolchain which seems is working fine
<kristianpaul> i think wpwrak will be really usefull :)
<kristianpaul> rafa: are thos instruciotns on the jlime wiki?
<rafa> kristianpaul: the new toolchain lives on qi-hardware
<kristianpaul> oh
<rafa> kristianpaul: and I have not written documentation yet
<rafa> kristianpaul: because I am not an expert on toolchain. But I have learnt how to install and use basicaly, and how to add libraries and packages to the toolchain
<kristianpaul> never tried openwrt SDK?
<kristianpaul> librairies <- thats sound hard?
<rafa> kristianpaul: I mean.. I know how to use toolchain.. That I did not know is how to install/use the toolchain built from OE. BTW, the new toolchain is the proper one built from OE. The previous one, which you tried was not built properly for external use.
<rafa> kristianpaul: add libraries is on your pc something like : opkg-target install libsdl-dev ;)
<rafa> kristianpaul: i would not say that it is hard :)
<kristianpaul> ahh is chrooted !
<kristianpaul> coold
<kristianpaul> cool
<kristianpaul> or at least there is a script to set proper ENV variables?
<rafa> well.. it is not chrooted I would say.. it is like toolchains built from OE work I guess
<wpwrak> untarring ...
<kristianpaul> k
<kristianpaul> damn my debian installion hungup..
<kristianpaul> hope is not a harddisk issue :/
<wpwrak> booting .. let's see what happens
<wpwrak> hmm. no output on idbg and no response to ssh :-( is this normal ?
<wpwrak> last message was: turn off boot console early0
<wpwrak> kernel said  Linux version 2.6.34-ben (rafa@nodo3) [...] so this looks good
<rafa> wpwrak: output idbg is okey.. kernel config.. for ssh you need to set the proper. You usb pc ip shoul be
<rafa> nn is
<wpwrak> ah, you move it ;-)
<rafa> wpwrak: nn also has as default router so if you use another ip on your usb pc you should set the proper default route in nn.
<rafa> wpwrak: password of root.. let me remember.. :) "root"
<wpwrak> hmm, i  see the ben on lsusb, but still can't reach it. odd.
<kristianpaul> plug again
<kristianpaul> somethimes happens to me
<rafa> wpwrak: btw.. if you install the image with GUI it should have libsdl already.. no libsdl-gfx I think.. And other tips that I need to write on future jlime wiki for qi version:
<rafa> wpwrak: for installation of new packages:
<rafa> jlime-pkg update
<rafa> jlime-pkg install libsdl-gfx0
<rafa> (it is just an example of course)
<wpwrak> ah, now it worked. i had a on eth0 too
<wpwrak> kewl. logged in ;-)
<wpwrak> btw, for the prompt, why not PS1='\w\$ ' ? that gives you a nice '~# ' by default. doesn't get much shorter :)
<wpwrak> btw2, turning off the serial console is vicious :)
<rafa> serial console.. it is there for a long time and I have never changed that.. well, I changed when i tested my idbg.. but then I never put that change on final kernel uploaded (I forgot)
<wpwrak> now .. which of my little devices did i lose by giving 192.168.1 to the ben ....
<wpwrak> ... ah, re-installation of my wireless routers. okay, that's tolerable.
<wpwrak> we need more idbg users :)
<rafa> prompt: the prompt has an error.. but well, there are a lot more.. it is just a huge set of ideas on top of some rootfs from OE :)
<rafa> idbg users: there are not more because I did not write the how to install yet.. or you or wolfgang
<wpwrak> bah. it's not that difficult :)
<wpwrak> i figured it out on the first try, too :)
<wpwrak> does it make sense to use different IP addresses for OpenWRT and Jlime ?
<kristianpaul> NO
<kristianpaul> rafa: why not just a ip in same range?
<wpwrak> that's pretty much what i thought too, including the capitalization ;-)
<rafa> kristianpaul: well, I used a similar ip as openmoko used.. so I continued the chain..
<rafa> :)
<kristianpaul> :/
<kristianpaul> just change it to the openmoko aswell, problem solved !
<rafa> kristianpaul: wpwrak : and I am just kidding.. I would like to be compatible.. but I did it like a hobby.. IT IS REALLY HARD TO KNOW THE CURRENT STATUS OF OPENWRT
<rafa> ip/partitions/bootloaders/etc.. all change a lot.. Well, no ip.. but the rest do not look so static
<rafa> to be considered as default to immitate
<kristianpaul> yes this talk is about IP's no more, and since i remenber thats like a default since years ago
<rafa> kristianpaul: openmoko was before
<rafa> :D
<kristianpaul> no i meant openwrt
<rafa> well, I continued the chain.. openwrt did not
<kristianpaul> any way..
<rafa> kristianpaul: hey hey. .kidding.. btw. the current jlime ip is not in openmoko anymore either.. it is just similar, but no the same range
<kristianpaul> well, so are you going to change it to same range like in openwrt ben?
<kristianpaul> please :D
<rafa> kristianpaul: I am not going to do much for this thing.. sorry. No time
<wpwrak> i think it would be beneficial. that way, people can use the same names/scripts, etc.
<kristianpaul> np
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: scripts <- yeah really helpfull
<rafa> kristianpaul: we can convice other jlime devs to support some version for qi as well.. no idea if they would like to work with that "patent" thing
<kristianpaul> but is just an IP..
<wpwrak> also reduces support overhead ;-)
<wpwrak> rafa: the patent thing is something pretty much all distributions have to face in one way or another ...
<rafa> kristianpaul: if you mean, to put an ip to the version recetly uploaded to qi .. then I can change that.. no much effort needed.
<wpwrak> rafa: besides, it can't hurt to make people more aware of where patents are interfering with their life
<wpwrak> rafa: and at the same time, steer them away from such stuff, this reducing the value of those patents
<wpwrak> rafa: kick the patent owners where it hurts them :)
<wpwrak> rafa: (the IP) where does it come from ? i would imagine it's some ben-specific package somewhere in OE, no ?
<rafa> wpwrak: yes, of course. And I like the idea. BUt no sure if other devs wants to work on that. Remember that is is just a hobby for all. We are few and do some linux distros for Jornadas, and some hacks. No much more
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: is an script in /etc/mufi..
<rafa> wpwrak: the ip is set in a start script wiht ifconfi, that script does a lot of settings. Let me point you it..
<wpwrak> killall: Input/output error ... interesting :)
<rafa> wpwrak:  /etc/muffinman-extras/final.sh that script does everything
<wpwrak> ah .. the killall ... of course. it's because i'm trying to talk to the uSD slot :)
<wpwrak> hmm. next stop: nand install :)
<rafa> wpwrak: did you try your sdl thing?
<kristianpaul> stop?
<kristianpaul> he cant
<wpwrak> rafa: yes, and it killed my uSD. which is of course what it should do, in a way ;-)
<rafa> kristianpaul: :)
<rafa> wpwrak: maybe you would like to install bootstrap on nand.. so it is faster
<wpwrak> but it started. that's good. the ben in question has no display attached, so i couldn't see it work anyway. last time i tried to attach a display, it didn't work. so there may be some hardware problem, too.
<rafa> xhost +
<rafa> ?
<rafa> lunch time
<wpwrak> ah, SDL works over the network ?
<kristianpaul> same question
<rafa> sdl can work on X.. so if you export the DISPLAY and tell sdl to use x11
<rafa> then that would work perhaps
<wpwrak> kewl. that's nice.
<kristianpaul> indeed
<wpwrak> (nand) i'll have to host the whole system there. the application is for wpan, so i need the uSD slot.
<wpwrak> but that can wait a bit. for now, i'm happy to know that things work in general. now i need to get back to that damn antenna tuning ...
<wpwrak> it's amazingly difficult to extract that one number i'm looking for from a sample of 1 M complex numbers ...
<kristianpaul> damn my cdrom unit is fuck3d up
<kristianpaul> :(
<rafa> :(
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove the useless PKG_INSTALL http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/7070616
<kyak> xiangfu: what happened?
<wpwrak> rafa: jlime-pkg update  says it only understands "install" and "search"
<kyak> xiangfu: git pull in openwrt-packages complains about a number of unmerged changes.
<kyak> xiangfu: why you removed the PKG_INSTALL? some packages use PKG_INSTALL_DIR
<kyak> not PKG_BUILD_DIR
<wpwrak> "Shrinking packages DB" hmm, sounds like a potential optimization to do this before making the rootfs snapshot
<wpwrak> (sounds like ...) that is, without me knowing what exactly goes on there :)
<xiangfu> kyak: hmm... is there any relation between PKG_INTALL and PKG_INSTALL_DIR??
<kyak> PKG_INSTALL instructs the build system to run make install
<kyak> then the installed files are in PKG_INSTALL_DIR
<kyak> and some packages rely on that
<kyak> and it is usually better than just copying files from PKG_BUILD_DIR
<xiangfu> kyak: ok. I just found it at include/package.mk:201.
<kyak> xiangfu: you should run build now and see how it fails :)
<xiangfu> I have try to search the document in openwrt. can not found the PKG_INSTALL. then grep. then I think I skip some info. will revert my commit. thanks kyak
<kyak> and i wonder what happened to git.. it gone crazy
<kyak> $ grep -R "PKG_INSTALL:=1" feeds/*/*/*/Makefile | wc -l
<kyak> 323
<kyak> used a lot
<xiangfu> kyak: try git pull -r first.
<xiangfu> kyak: my fault.
<kyak> xiangfu: git pull -r shows lines like:
<kyak> M       zimreader/Makefile
<kyak> Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files.
<kyak> xiangfu: i haven't finished the git reference yeat :)
<xiangfu> kyak: if you don't have local commit. try 'git pull origin master:master -f"
<kyak> i have some local changes, they are not commited
<xiangfu> kyak: ok. I remember if this is a merge , git will goto a temp branch. which branch you current on ?
<kyak> on master
<xiangfu> kyak: 1. check the 'git diff' see if there is something you still need.
<xiangfu> 2. if don't , just "git co -f"
<xiangfu> 3. git fetch origin
<xiangfu> 4. git rebase -i origin/master  , paste the result. :)
<kyak> xiangfu: ok... seem to have it fixed
<kyak> xiangfu: i branched from master, then i git pull origin master:master -f and git reset --hard
<kyak> (in master)
<kyak> no i will checkout to the branch, commit my changes there and merge it to master
<kyak> this is what my poor git knowledge says to me
<xiangfu> kyak: it's good. :)  always many solution :)
<kyak> oh, and the bad new is that.... when i created branch all changes in working directory have not got there -\
<xiangfu> kyak: you can use 'git stash' save the local change. then 'git stash pop' can apply them again.
<kyak> xiangfu: ah, nice hint!
<kyak> ok, it is restored now
<kyak> xiangfu: why did that happen?
<kyak> it seems that git failed to diff gmenu2x/Makefile
<xiangfu> kyak: sorry. I can understand. which command you run when you try to diff gmen2x/Makefile??
<kyak> first, i did git pull, as usual... but git complained that it can't merge gmenu2x/Makefile
<kyak> i edited gmenu2x/Makefile to resolve the conflict
<kyak> (btw, i didn't change gmenu2x/Makefile before i git pull)
<kyak> then i git pull again, and there are these files...
<kyak> a lot of them
<xiangfu> kyak: after you resolve the conflict. did you run "git add gmenu2x/Makefile"?
<xiangfu> when you do git pull again. what 'files' do you mean?
<xiangfu> kyak: after resolve a conflict, I think we should run "git merge --continue"
<kyak> xiangfu: no i didn't run it...
<kyak> xiangfu: all the Makefiles without PKG_INSTALL
<kyak> popped up
<kyak> in git status
<kyak> ok, i'll remember it for future
<xiangfu> usually, 1. git pull, 2. resolve conflict, 3. git add the file. 4. git merge --continue
<kyak> xiangfu: ok, thanks!
<xiangfu> kyak: I think we can do this. 1. rename you local master branch to temp, 2. git fetch origin 3. git co --track -b master origin/maser 4. cherry-pick  commit from temp. then git push again.
<xiangfu> kyak: I am really sorry I delete that 'PKG_IINSTALL' commit. not using "git revert" . sorry. that's why make your git confure. :(
<xiangfu> s/confure/mess up/
<kyak> xiangfu: that's what i thought i could do, but i didn't save my local changes before a branched :)
<kyak> xiangfu: it's ok, now it is all restored as i said
<xiangfu> kyak: just commit it.
<xiangfu> kyak: oh. ok.
<kyak> that changes were very few
<kyak> i added "workdir" to ash-rus gmenu item
<xiangfu> kyak: what is use for?
<xiangfu> kyak: I am plan to add as much as possible gmenu2x items.
<kyak> it would chdir() before starting ash..
<xiangfu> :)
<kyak> so the ash would start in ~
<kyak> i thought it's more convenient
<xiangfu> kyak: is your git ok now?
<kyak> yes, it's totally fine
<xiangfu> kyak:ok, I need goto sleep. 2AM  here. see you.
<kyak> night!
<rafa> wpwrak: sorry.. maybe I forgot to add the last jlime-pkg.. which image you installed?
<rafa> (bootstrap or full GUI)?
<rafa> wpwrak: yes, I think that I forgot to add the last jlime-pkg on bootstrap :( If that is the case please download the last jlime-pkg from : http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/jlime/misc/jlime-pkg  and use it please (you can replace the one under /usr/bin)
<viric> :b1
<viric> oops
<qi-bot> [commit] Jiri Brozovsky: Updated to current version. http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/2828400
<qi-bot> [commit] Jiri Brozovsky: Updated to current version. Now can create PDF tiles with "mandoc -Tpdf" http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/c27b445
<kristianpaul> ha debian german repo finally saved my day
<rafa> kristianpaul: haha :)
<rafa> kristianpaul: what happened?
<kristianpaul> rafa: seems US repo have an old key ring for the repo wich my squeeze installer was rejecting
<kristianpaul> or viceversa ;-)
<kristianpaul> at least is installing now :)
<rafa> great
<kristianpaul> damn all this because broken autools :S
<kristianpaul> since now all chrooted or in /opt
<kristianpaul> no more system breaks i hope
<wpwrak> rafa: i have Jlime-muffinman-image-2010.1-ben-nanonote.rootfs_READY_beta4_01nov2010.tar (~80 MB)
<wpwrak> rafa: hmm, jlime-pkg install is still "Shrinking packages DB". it's been doing this for about 2 hours now.
<wpwrak> rafa: there's no CPU activity but i see a sed -n /^Package/p;/^Filename/p; ...
<wpwrak> hah. ^D ->  - the package does not exist.
<wpwrak> let's see if the new jlime-pkg is better
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: didyou ran opkg update before?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: ah, no. let's see.
<wpwrak> tha's better. thanks !
<wpwrak> intersting. no package "file". hmm ... let's see where it is hiding ..
<wpwrak> hm... no file ? don't see it with jlime-pkg list either
<wpwrak> err, i mean  jlime-pkg search
<kristianpaul> btw how long take opkg update to run?
<kristianpaul> i wonder you said thanks too fast
<wpwrak> it was very quick
<kristianpaul> not normal
<wpwrak> ./jlime-pkg search 'e' | wc -l -> 990
<wpwrak> jlime-pkg update-> 11.2 seconds
<wpwrak> no "file", no "psmisc". hmm.
<wpwrak> no strace :-((
<wpwrak> is it normal for jlime-pkg to exit with exit code 1 ? http://pastebin.ca/1992527
<kristianpaul> nope
<wpwrak> there are no complaints. i only noticed because "time" mentions it
<kristianpaul> but jlime-pkg update i never eevn tried to run
<wpwrak> it seems to do something
<wpwrak> it runs for 11 seconds and some steps take longer than others. so this suggests real activity.
<kristianpaul> wait i min
<kristianpaul> rafa: jlime repo is ok, no more 403 errors?
<kristianpaul> ah but you're using qi repos wpwrak ?
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: it seems to use only the jlime.com repo. probably because the rootfs is from http://jlime.com/downloads/releases/muffinman/
<kristianpaul> oh np seems server is okay
<kristianpaul> hmm what happen if i ignore complex data for now..
<kristianpaul> no better just separate it from raw data
<wpwrak> struggling with the math ?
<kristianpaul> and format it to fit schar especification
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: yup
<wpwrak> sounds familiar :-( still trying to get that darn FFT to produce usable results
<kristianpaul> you have more issues than mean, at least -1 +1 is easier to handle comparted with 16bits data..
<kristianpaul> i think*
<kristianpaul> (-1, +1) because just 2 bit resolution adc from sige chip
<wpwrak> not sure. isn't the -1/0/+1 just the same but at a higher rate ?
<rafa> wpwrak: kristianpaul : jlime-pkg in full jlime and jlime for qi are a little different.. the same thing but just a little different anyway
<kristianpaul> in fact it is
<kristianpaul> rafa: why?
<rafa> wpwrak: strace is in its package.. and it uses bash ;) .. so you need to install both
<kristianpaul> rafa: is not tyhe BIG keep patent stuff away just in the repo ?
<rafa> kristianpaul: because jlime-pkg is a workaround to avoid opkg.. full jlime image is already two weeks old perhaps... jlime for qi is two days old
<wpwrak> rafa: bash:  - the package does not exist.
<rafa> kristianpaul: no.. the patent thing was worked in the images as well
<rafa> kristianpaul: so images are not the same with jlime.com
<kristianpaul> ah
<rafa> wpwrak: mmmh?.. that is imposible! :)
<rafa> (bash)
<kristianpaul> rafa: wait a min when you said tow days old from upstream?
<wpwrak> jlime-pkg search bash
<wpwrak> Looking bash... (wait a while)
<kristianpaul> and wich upstream?
<wpwrak> Jlime$
<kristianpaul> oE?
<kristianpaul> OE*
<rafa> kristianpaul: no, I should write a bit of info.. too many stuff confussing :(
<rafa> sorry
<kristianpaul> yes
<wpwrak> how long is a   jlime-pkg update  supposed to take ? are ~11 seconds reasonable ?
<rafa> kristianpaul: it is not released yet.. just wpwrak is faster than devs
<kristianpaul> rafa: ahh ;-)
<rafa> wpwrak: let me check with my nn
<rafa> wpwrak: 11 sec looks okey.. maybe a little more.. but the time sounds good
<kristianpaul> yeah you said 15 sec was the good time before
<rafa> wpwrak:
<rafa> Jlime$ jlime-pkg install bash
<rafa> Getting installed packages list... (wait a while)
<rafa> Shrinking packages DB... (wait a while, around 30 seconds)
<rafa> Package: bash
<rafa> Getting dependences :
<rafa> so it is there.. (bash)
<rafa> wpwrak: can you show me  /etc/opkg/opkg.conf ?
<wpwrak> hmm. here i get   - the package does not exist.  right after  Shrinking packages DB... (wait a while, around 30 seconds)
<rafa> wpwrak: wait a moment :)
<rafa> wpwrak: i am faster than you :)
<rafa> wpwrak: well, no.. I mean. I uploaded new files : http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/jlime/images/
<rafa> two days ago
<wpwrak> hands the title of "Fastest Mouse in all of Argentina" back to rafa
<rafa> wpwrak: and you downloaded old files
<rafa> (old images)
<wpwrak> aha !
<rafa> that explain a lot of things
<rafa> :)
<kristianpaul> ha
<rafa> (for me)
<wpwrak> indeed .. i just followed jlime.com
<wpwrak> now i also understand the :bootstrap" reference :)
<rafa> wpwrak: no no.. I uploaded all the files to qi.. because we need all of them in both parts.. The images at jlime.com has a lot of problematic stuff (problematic=patents..etc..)
<rafa> wpwrak: so images are different.. the ones at qi are okey to work from this side :)
<wpwrak> yeah, right. not sure why to went there in the first place. must be the alzheimer, sorry ...
<wpwrak> downloading now ... meanwhile, i'll take a shower ...
<wpwrak> back. downloads complete ...
<wpwrak> (i also got the nand image, just in case)
<wpwrak> wolfgang: (why ash is not preferable over bash as an interactive shell if you have the choice) touch $HOME/foo; cat ~/fo<Tab> (file name completion. doesn't work.) neither does  cat $HOME/fo<Tab>   with bash, both work
<wpwrak> *hmm* with the jlime image from qi-hw: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
<wpwrak> oh .. now. took about a minute. odd.
<wpwrak> jlime-pkg update now take a lot longer. good :)
<rafa> wpwrak: and repo should have strace and bash
<wpwrak> and the installation of psmisc succeeded. excellent !
<rafa> wpwrak: and gdb if you want something like that
<wpwrak> the "shrinking package DB" each time you install is a bit annoying. that's your shell script, right ?
<rafa> wpwrak: yes, one little update would be to do that just once and to use it for ever.. but well, that script could be re written now that I know that it works :9
<rafa> :)
<rafa> wpwrak: it was just a workaround for the two bad boys bugs in opkg
<wpwrak> one could probably make it a lot more efficient by rewriting everything in C :)
<wpwrak> urhg. and you have some particularly evil incarnation of vi (busybox, of course)
<rafa> wpwrak: vi.. there is vim as well
<wpwrak> already installed :)
<wpwrak> now .. the "shrinking package db" seems to suffer from a particularly slow sed
<wpwrak> let's get a real sed and see how it goes
<wpwrak> before: ~20 s. after: ~11 s :)
<rafa> ah yes?.. wow!
<wpwrak> i also got rid of the cat, but i think that's almost unnoticeable
<rafa> wpwrak: real sed:.. is it into which package?
<wpwrak> just "sed"
<rafa> ah :D.. easy
<rafa> I will install sed and psmisc.. I have bootstrap currently
<wpwrak> one of these days, i'll adapt myroot. then it'll be very easy to make a custom rootfs.
<rafa> busybox awk is for women.. better to install gawk
<wpwrak> yup :)
<wpwrak> in my opinion, the ben is already outside the range of devices where busybox and friends are a good choice. particularly not for developers.
<wpwrak> now, time to do a bit of shopping
<kristianpaul> curios
<kristianpaul> installing build tools in new install of debian squeeze
<kristianpaul> at least to the ascii spectrum analizer ;-)
<wpwrak> ah yes, UHD. next construction site ;-)
<wpwrak> at least it seems they're rewriting much of the documentation. so now there's good stuff in the UHD world while the pre-UHD world rots in peace. not a great loss, though. there's basically one useful document. the rest is more confusing than helpful.
<wpwrak> the real information is in the sources and sometimes on the mailing list
<wolfspraul> should I add the GNU Radio blog to the qi hardware planet?
<wolfspraul> looks like it might fit, maybe they blog a tad too frequent and about too trivial things, but there seem to still be valuable gems in there...
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: oh, there's a blog ? :)
<wolfspraul> sure, kristianpaul just linked to it :-)
<wpwrak> aah. but i don't think this is "the gnuradio blog". that looks like just some guy who does things with gnuradio and has a blog, no ?
<kristianpaul> is not gnuradio blog
<kristianpaul> there is one?
<wolfspraul> could be. should we include it in the planet or not?
<wolfspraul> sometimes what I do is if I run into something that is potentially interesting, I add it to the planet. If after some time I realize it doesn't fit, I remove it again (just remember the URL in the wiki).
<kristianpaul> well this guy is somr sort of related to gunradio and radio space ham, i dont know how that will be interesting..
<kristianpaul> s/somr/some
<kristianpaul> s7gunradio7gnuradio
<kristianpaul> this loooks like gnu radio blog http://sdrblog.wordpress.com/
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yup. that's the new docs. less complete but a lot more accurate than the wiki ;-)
<wpwrak> (or ettus' own sales material, for that matter ;-)
<kristianpaul> hehe
<wpwrak> of course, UHD is still experimental, so ...
<kristianpaul> i just ask my self why they call it universal
<kristianpaul> even so  when USRP is not so universal to adquire :-/
<wpwrak> "Ben Brosgol (of Adacore) is describing how C and C++ are unsafe [...]" yeah, i thought i'd say that too if i was into ada ;-)))
<wpwrak> oh, the usrp can do quite a lot
<kristianpaul> sure
<wpwrak> the tricky bits are the math and the frontends
<kristianpaul> oh god, maths...
<kristianpaul> :)
<wpwrak> there seems to be an opportunity for an "SDR for dummies" ;-)
<wpwrak> what i found so far is really trivial material and then stuff that's very far from any practical considerations. what's missing is something that goes through the various concepts and explains what they actually mean.
<wpwrak> sort of an SDR equivalent to "TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1", if you know that book
<kristianpaul> i dont
<wpwrak> well, maybe such an SDR book exists and i just haven't found it yet :)
<wpwrak> TCP/IP Illustrated explains Ethernet, IPv4, and TCP in a comprehensible way. so after reading it, you understand what all the fields in an IPv4 packet do, you understand how the TCP windows work, etc.
<wpwrak> it doesn't go to the last extremes, but does a very good job at covering what matters in real life