<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: added README and COPYING.GPLv2 http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/78006c5
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: Makefile cleanup and added OpenWRT target http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/9481934
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg/TODO: cleanup and added new task for consideration http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/07a4422
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: added copyright headers and changed name to emphasize speediness http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/3d1ef02
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: turn pkg->installed into pkg->flags, allowing for future expansion http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/a63823e
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: towards "struct id" without jrb reference - change iteration and lookup http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/7058115
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: towards "struct id" without jrb reference - change ID creation http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/44e4434
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: give ID2S macro a more "offical" status http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/dd0ee66
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: record Architecture: tag http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/f14c041
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: perform sanity checks after parsing a package entry http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/83c7164
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: added regression test harness and a few tests http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/2c953a5
<kyak> viric: great! could you document it for non-nix users? i.e. kernel options, cmdline, pecularities of ubi creation and then qemu parameters?
<wolfspraul> kyak: which backend are we using for NetSurf in OpenWrt?
<wolfspraul> framebuffer? sdl?
<kyak> sdl backend
<wolfspraul> what are the pros and cons between the two? why did we choose sdl?
<wolfspraul> (just curious)
<kyak> its linuxfb is broken
<kyak> netsurf's linuxfb
<kyak> the guy from #netsurf said
<kyak> < kyllikki> right now its been reduced to a stub untill i get round to  it
<kyak> and reason is that
<kyak> < kyllikki> the API usage changed with the invention of kms and i  never have figured out why netsurfs usage blows up
<kyak> however, netsurf has gtk2 interface
<kyak> but i think it will be slower than sdl (need to check of course)
<wolfspraul> ok got it
<wolfspraul> sdl seems like a reasonable choice then
<kyak> B_Lizzard tried gtk interface in OE (with X, however). Very slow
<wolfspraul> sure let's focus on sdl, and maybe linuxfb one day if they fix it
<kyak> they fixed already some things "for us"
<kyak> i don't know if they are willing to go on
<kyak> currently sdl interface has limited support for keyboard
<kyak> in fact, only arrow keys work :)
<kyak> but it becomes more or less usable with keymouse
<wolfspraul> on the Ben, I think of NetSurf for 2 use cases now: develop 'local' apps in html+css, maybe later combined with some 'server side' (=local) scripting, or JavaScript if NS adds it
<wolfspraul> and (along the same lines) offline document viewer, for example for offline wiki content
<viric> kyak: I'll try to document that, and send that to qi-hardware
<kyak> viric: awesome!
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: gmenu2x : disable log message http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/65934ce
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove /usr/bin/ben-ash, since we setfont2 in /usr/bin/gmenu2x http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/c8f893a
<kristianpaul> offline wikipedia in thtml is *huge* i dont see a way there
<kristianpaul> is the same problem with thhe xml dumps
<viric> kristianpaul: and that compressed file format... I can't remember the name
<mstevens> offline wikipedia seems to fit nicely on a wikireader
<viric> ZIM
<kristianpaul> noo
<kristianpaul> sorry
<viric> no what?
<kristianpaul> noo zim
<kristianpaul> is like reivent the weel
<viric> is zim bad?
<viric> what was there before zim? :)
<kristianpaul> i'm not sayin that
<viric> I only know chm
<kristianpaul> before seem in wikipedia we have xml compressed dumps
<viric> compressed how?
<viric> seekable?
<kristianpaul> the only tink i dont like from zim is that is not easilly maintenable
<kristianpaul> not seekables
<kristianpaul> bziped
<kristianpaul> not byt it self
<viric> xml, compressed, not seekable...   it sounds pretty bad
<viric> :)
<kristianpaul> you can create the seek-index file
<viric> even uncompressing a whole bzip2 block is heavy
<kristianpaul> this process look bad for me http://www.openzim.org/Build_your_ZIM_file
<viric> I think the format has to keep in mind the cpu cycles of the 'reading' device
<viric> and a very specific format for that seems to me like the best approach
<viric> ah, you mean that zim does not take the XML dump?
<kristianpaul> i agree if is easy to maintain, did you see the graphs for builidn zim files?
<viric> Yes
<kristianpaul> is crazyness !
<viric> well, you dislike the fetching from wikipedia?
<viric> the rest looks fine to me
<viric> someone could write another kind of 'fetch data from wikipedia'
<kristianpaul> all the data is fetched from wikipedia, bt then you need t create other mediawiki serve plus a expotr plugin then compress again..
<viric> I imagine they did this process in order to get ZIM workign sooner.
<kristianpaul> i dontlilke that cycle
<viric> But what is important for the reader device is having software + data that it can use to show things quickly and well, with little filesystem usage
<viric> The way to generate the ZIM files is irrelevant for the reader
<kristianpaul> sure
<kristianpaul> i'm not talkign from the reader side ;-)
<viric> ah :)
<viric> zim looks hard to beat, on the reader side
<kristianpaul> http://humaneinfo.com/
<kristianpaul> viric: hard to beat? dont think so :)
<viric> I remember this humane pc
<kristianpaul> rafa: did some work around it
<kristianpaul> and it works !
<viric> ah he has one?
<kristianpaul> one?
<viric> one humane pc
<kristianpaul> no no
<kristianpaul> the little computer all we use here :)
<kristianpaul> is in jliem beta4 i think
<viric> he used the humane pc software in the nn?
<kristianpaul> or sorft of
<kristianpaul> rafa: can exaplain better what he did..
<viric> ok
<kristianpaul> when he wakeup or came back from trip
<kristianpaul> viric: command line vesion http://www.jlime.com/wiki/documentation/user/nanonote/videos check last video
<viric> I'll check
<jekhor> got ncmpc running on NanoNote :)
<kyak> jekhor: nice! you could post the patch to mailing lists :)
<jekhor> :)
<jekhor> i know.
<jekhor> kyak, posted.
<kyak> viric: hey, are you there?
<viric> sí
<kyak> good :) i'm following your message in mailing lists
<viric> brave :)
<kyak> so far, trying to boot a bare kernel.. however, qemu is just doing nothing -\
<viric> a malta kernel?
<viric> nothing?
<kyak> i mean, it definitely doing something, but no output
<viric> ah
<viric> try -nographic
<kyak> no, i tried to build a nanonote_defconfig
<viric> nanonote?
<kyak> yep, tried -nographic, too
<viric> qemu cannot emulate the nanonote
<kyak> hm-hm
<kyak> does it care?
<viric> sure
<viric> it's about the *board*
<viric> at what IO address there is the serial port controller, ...
<viric> at what other the PCI bus...
<kyak> ohhh!
<viric> every board is different
<kyak> ok then
<kyak> will do malta
<viric> qemu emulates other boards
<viric> I did not see a big reason not to use the default
<viric> qemu -M ?
<viric> qemu-system-mipsel -M ?   I mean
<kyak> i understand now...
<kyak> thnaks :)
<kyak> ok, selected block2mtd, ubifs and ubi to be built-in kernel
<kyak> everything else is default
<kyak> let's see how it works
<kyak> viric: what is called as "rootfs.img" in your e-mail, is actually the ubi image?
<viric> yes
<viric> resulting from ubinize
<kyak> so i assume i already got it from openwrt.. only need to pad it with 0xff
<viric> yes
<kyak> viric: /dev/hda,524288
<kyak> how you got 524288?
<viric> 512*1024*1024
<kyak> so, despite of the fact that your ubifs is only 50 Mb, block2mtd emulates a 512 Mb drive?
<viric> no
<viric> that is the PEB size
<viric> how much you padded of 0xff?
<kyak> the image is ~186 Mb
<kyak> i padded up to 200
<viric> it does not matter the size of the image
<viric> matters the volume size told to ubinize
<viric> (I think)
<viric> you need to pad more than the volume size told to ubinize.
<viric> let me look for openwrt...
<kyak> ah ok
<viric> ah it has no volume size
<kyak> the volume size ot ubinize is 256 Mb
<viric> really?
<kyak> yea, the size of rootfs
<kyak> or no?
<viric> target/linux/xburst/image/ubinize.cfg does not say so
<kyak> hm .
<kyak> i guess it's dynamic then?
<viric> yes yes
<viric> it may work for 200
<kyak> see, i got thies error
<kyak> UBIFS error (pid 1): ubifs_get_sb: cannot open "ubi0:rootfs", error -19
<kyak> VFS: Cannot open root device "ubi0:rootfs" or unknown-block(0,0)
<viric> that's ubifs
<viric> does ubi work for you?
<kyak> what do you mean?
<viric> (look above)
<viric> above in the kernel log
<kyak> UBI error: validate_ec_hdr: bad VID header offset 4096, expected 64
<kyak> i guess no
<viric> Ahh
<viric> the openwrt build with -m 4096 instead of -m 1
<kyak> i remember you got this error :)
<kyak> or similar
<viric> (the minimum subpage)
<viric> block2mtd has a fixed minimum subpage of 1
<viric> while the nanonote has a minimum subpage of 4096
<viric> I don't know how to make the block2mtd have a minimum subpage of 4096, or how to tell ubi to use a minimum subpage of 4096
<kyak> yeah right.. below 4096 is uboot and kernel i guess
<viric> no no
<viric> it's about being able of getting blocks of 4096 bytes
<viric> (I think)
<kyak> since i can make openwrt generate rootfs.tar.gz,  i think i will ubinize it by myself
<kyak> with appropriate options
<kyak> how do you think?
<viric> you only need to change -m 4096 to -m 1   in mkfs.ubifs and ubinize
<viric> (I think)
<kyak> nah, this will break my regular build :)
<kyak> (i think)
<kyak> i suppose also that block2mtd  has some options to be able to support blocks of 4096 bytes?
<viric> well, block2mtd supports subpages of 1 byte
<viric> I don't know how to make it support only 4096byte subpages
<viric> wait
<kyak> can you share the script or config you used to ubinize?
<kyak> waiting
<kyak> :)
<viric> kyak, try in the cmdline: ubi.mtd=0,4096  ?
<viric> hm
<kyak> UBI error: validate_ec_hdr: bad data offset 8192, expected 4160
<viric> ah. bad.
<viric> I wish all this were easier :)
<viric> kyak: you need to pass -m 1 to mkfs.ubifs too
<viric> not only to ubinie
<viric> ubinize
<kyak> uhm
<kyak> what's $deviceTable?
<viric> ahh
<viric> well, I don't know if openwrt uses it
<kyak> and ensureDir?
<viric> forget those around :)
<viric> I just copied what I have.
<kyak> ok :) thnaks
<viric> nix related things
<viric> The devicetable is there because I don't want to become root to prepare the image
<kyak> i don't really understand how the files will get inside the image?
<viric> what files?
<viric> I have all the files in the subdirectory 'root'
<viric> -r root points to it
<kyak> ah good
<viric> How would I reflash my nanonote with that ubifs?
<viric> booting in that special mode, right?
<kyak> yeo
<kyak> yes
<viric> M-power ?
<kyak> u+power
<kyak> and then using usbboot
<viric> ah
<kyak> m-power is to boot from sd card
<viric> I'll try if my ubifs image works on the nn
<viric> I think I have nothing of value there
<viric> why usbboot wants to be run by root?
<kyak> maybe it needs some low-level access to your usb port, dunno
<viric> my user has access to the usb device. I think it simply uses libusb... it should not need root
<viric> maybe I have the permissions wrogn
<viric> hm no
<viric> kyak: hummm the '-e' on nanonote and block2mtd also look like being different
<kyak> viric: i think the best is to generate ubifs manually from staging_dir/target-mipsel_uClibc-
<kyak> using your mkfs.ubifs and ubinize settings
<viric> maybe
<kyak> will try do it tommorrow.. time to get some sleep
<kyak> viric: thanks for your help!
<viric> what is your timezone?
<kyak> GMT+3
<viric> ah ok.
<viric> good night!
<kyak> :)
<viric> argh. It looks like 'nerase 16 4080 0 0" erased the uboot too.
<viric> I can't understand why.
<wpwrak> viric: meanwhile, deep in the mind of your computer: "hmm, he made me erase u-boot in a pretty convoluted way. I can't understand why."
<viric> convoluted? :)
<viric> aren't 16 blocks the offset for the rootfs?
<wpwrak> naw, i don't know what happened :)
<viric> I imagine that for ubi, it's always the case that the flash has to be fully erased?
<wpwrak> dunno. never touched UBI. way too complex for my taste.
<viric> don't you use ubi?
<viric> and, what has that to do with ubi? :)
<viric> it's uboot that got erased :)
<wpwrak> (use ubi) well yes, but i don't understand its internals much like i don't really understand the quantum physics going on in transistors, yet i use them ;-)
<wpwrak> (what to do with ubi) well, you asked about it ;-)
<viric> ah I already had forgot my question about ubi :D
<wpwrak> your computer and you *are* similar ! you forget about the question, your computer forgot about u-boot. have you considered the possibility that you might be an AI running in a different virtual machine on the same hardware ? a hardware with memory problems. ;-)
<viric> hehe
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg/qpkg.c: tighten detection of inconsistent use of Filename: http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/8922383
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: rearrange things in prereq.c to free the stack paradigm for other uses http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/d0a1a9e
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg/prereq.c (prereq): removed confused false error avoidance http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/5a0444f
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg/prereq.c (resolve): cleaned up the debugging output mechanism http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/9272f50
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: store dependencies and conflicts in file order http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/6c66fa6
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: change prerequisite resolution order to be fully depth-first http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/0229051
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: added detection of cyclic dependencies http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/0bc4b60
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg/prereq.c (print_debug, resolve): moved debug output to separate function http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/e1404bb
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: option -d to enable debugging at run time, and some cleanup http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/a0c0e85
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: qpkg: moved comp_versions from prereq.c to id.c http://qi-hw.com/p/wernermisc/dd8bb6e
<qi-bot> [commit] Yauhen Kharuzhy: Add libmpdclient package http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/5e68f89
<qi-bot> [commit] Yauhen Kharuzhy: Fix ncmpc compilation http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/70138e9
<kristianpaul> damn why all people uses the same Cypress MCU :/
<kristianpaul> such honor copying usrp closed hw ideas..
<wpwrak> honor or horror ?
<kristianpaul> good question :)
<kristianpaul> last !
<wpwrak> thought so :)
<kristianpaul> hmm A-GPS is linked with GSM base stations?.
<kristianpaul> how google amps can enable Maps in no gps phones... is it using gsm atena and dsp stuff to process gps data ?..
<kristianpaul> questions for future devel.
<wpwrak> afaik, agps downloads additional data (by whatever means) to improve startup time
<kristianpaul> ahh download
<wpwrak> you can use wifi and/or gsm to fake gps, yes
<kristianpaul> gprs
<kristianpaul> oh
<wpwrak> gprs, wifi, floppies, ... ;-)
<kristianpaul> haha
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add msmtp-queue package. when it goto upstream, we will delete it http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/f9cc7d5
<xiangfu> set the image default wallpaper to open.png http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/File:Wallpaper_Nanonote_open.png
<FrankBlues> Nice wallpaper!
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: set the default wallpaper to open.png http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/6773ad7
<wolfspraul> it should say free, not open :-)