<cfy> xiangfu: i reflash debian,when i boot it
<cfy> xiangfu: it stop at one step
<cfy> xiangfu: why the log on the taobao is missing?
<cfy> xiangfu: i have seen i have sell none?
<xiangfu> cfy: what you mean "one step". OpenWrt screen come out?
<cfy> xiangfu: no,the debian
<cfy> xiangfu: i have reflash the uboot
<xiangfu> cfy: hmm.. I can find out the the log inside the taobao account.
<cfy> xiangfu: i guess the reset is the software button?
<xiangfu> cfy: what you want do about taobao log?
<cfy> xiangfu: yesterday someone ask me where to buy it
<xiangfu> cfy: the "reset" hole (at the back of nanonote) is hardware.
<cfy> xiangfu: i find your shop,but i found nothing about the sell log
<cfy> xiangfu: i stop at:  Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
<cfy> xiangfu: s/i/it/
<cfy> xiangfu: oh?i know
<cfy> xiangfu: do you know this step mean?
<xiangfu> cfy: hmm.. don't why Taobao delete the log. too bad.
<cfy> xiangfu: yes,so someone may not trust you.
<xiangfu> cfy: which kernel and Debian rootfs you use?
<cfy> this
<xiangfu> cfy: checkout this: http://dating.taobao.com/q/6155834.htm?lo=9&w=%B3%C9%BD%BB%BC%C7%C2%BC+%C3%BB%D3%D0%C1%CB this is why there is no "sell log" anymore.
<cfy> xiangfu: oh,that's bad
<xiangfu> cfy: have you run "usbboot -c "nerase 0 4096 0 0""  are you sure you have follow those steps: http://pyneo.org/howto/debian/nano.html
<cfy> xiangfu: i follow this
<cfy> usbboot -c "boot"
<cfy> usbboot -c "nprog 0 openwrt-xburst-u-boot.bin 0 0 -n"
<cfy> usbboot -c "nprog 1024 openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-uImage.bin 0 0 -n"
<cfy> usbboot -c "nprog 2048 debian-lenny.ubi 0 0 -n"
<cfy> but the uboot is bad,so i flash the uboot
<cfy> xiangfu: i try it agian
<xiangfu> cfy: you better erase the rootfs. before you reflash the rootfs.
<cfy> xiangfu: oh,got it
<cfy> xiangfu: you mean the 'reset' is the hardware?but booting is stop.but  now i press it but not work
<cfy> restart my emacs
<cfy> xiangfu: êý­5�†
<xiangfu> cfy: I can sure the "RESET" hole is hardware reset. whenever you press the "RESET" , it's will reset the CPU.
<cfy> xiangfu: ÇM(debian/¨£Ì6†reset¡Hœ?
<cfy> xiangfu: ÇMa(debian/¨£Ì6†reset¡Hœ?
<xiangfu> cfy: `(ÀH„reset?
<cfy> xiangfu: 4
<cfy> xiangfu: G*†°((usb bootÌF/reset_¡Í”
<cfy> ÇåM/ïå
<cfy> Í7'
<cfy> xiangfu: 9؆uboot,(Í7kernel„'
<cfy> Å’rootfs
<xiangfu> cfy: yes.
<cfy> usbboot -c "boot"
<cfy> usbboot -c "nerase 16 4079 0 0"
<cfy> usbboot -c "nprog 1024 openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-uImage.bin 0 0 -n"
<cfy> usbboot -c "nprog 2048 debian-lenny.ubi 0 0 -n"
<cfy> Ù7�Õ}†
<cfy> xiangfu: /¨Ø/a(
<cfy> xiangfu: —†>†openwrt}†�(sd
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (non-commercial) that's just childish. "i'm not making any money with it, so nobody else should". they'll be sorry ever after when they grow up and realize that they've just prevented themselves from using the projects they contributed to.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (N pF) you'll need more driver strength. e.g., an oscilloscope will add ~10-20 pF too.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: i'd recommend to make i as strong as you can. this may cause noise that distorts the RF reception, but you can probably worry about that later.
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: i.e., if you have otherwise good reception, even a noisy RF circuit will pick up enough of a signal that you can do something useful with it. once that part is done, it should be relatively easy to adjust drive strength.
<wolfspraul> wpwrak: nothing with non-commercial or no-derivative clauses can become part of qi
<wolfspraul> I'm not sure whether it's written up somewhere or not, but we all agree on that, long time ago already
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: (one way would of course be to just watch the digital signal with a decent scope. since the probe adds a significant capacitative load, the signal will be better after removing the probe)
<wolfspraul> gotta run
<wpwrak> wolfspraul: (nc/nd) makes sense
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: schhist/gitsch2ps: removed redundant quotes in assignments. http://qi-hw.com/p/eda-tools/a1d1182
<wpwrak> xiangfu: (getting fped ready for debian) nice work, thanks !
<xiangfu> and Wolfgang in Ingenic Office now. :)
<xiangfu> wpwrak: still working on that. hope I can fix the last problem today. running Depends .
<wpwrak> xiangfu: ah yes, the list of dependencies is quite long :)
<xiangfu> wpwrak: there are steps in debian.org how to find out the dependencies. I will work on that later. then let you know.
<cfy> xiangfu: i still can't boot the debian
<cfy> xiangfu: either from the nn,or the sd card
<cfy> xiangfu: whats wrong with your blog?i can visit it
<qwebirc97155> from where i can tap 3.3V from Nanonote ?
<qwebirc97155> anybody here who can tell me the TP to get 3.3V
<cfy> xiangfu: boot debian from sd card,i wait about 30s
<cfy> xiangfu: but boot from the nn(debian),i wait more than 30s,but still stop at one step
<cfy> i failed flash the debian or just booting debian on nand is just slow
<cfy> xiangfu: ssh root@
<cfy> Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer
<cfy> i can't ssh to nn
<cfy> the default nameserver  of debian on nn seems don't work in china
<cfy> i use
<kristianpaul> :O
<kristianpaul> curios about xiangfu and Wolfgang meeting in Ingenic
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: yeah i was reading about probe load and signal will be better indeed (when not seeing it from it), i hope found in the lab good quality probes  too :)
<kristianpaul> methril_work: hey :)
<methril_work> kristianpaul, hey!!
<methril_work> how are you? I see you resolved the OpenOCD problems
<methril_work> :)
<wpwrak> qwebirc97155: you could use the micro-SD slot or get it directly from the pcb.
<wpwrak> qwebirc97155: TP9, right next to the black GND line in the picture above
<qwebirc97155> thankx
<FrankBlues> waves
<kristianpaul> methril: some of then , actually now i need ad support to the CPLD
<qi-bot> [commit] carlos: lm32 loader http://qi-hw.com/p/nn-usb-fpga/7b666c0
<kristianpaul> What's the best way of creating files using Lib C/ANSI C?
<kristianpaul> i guess stdio
<kristianpaul> hmm
<wpwrak> file = fopen("name", "w");
<wpwrak> well, do you just want to create it or also write to it ?
<kristianpaul> both
<kristianpaul> if no exist create then write
<kristianpaul> btw reading unix design principles it said that avoid uses binary formats
<wpwrak> that's a good practice, yes
<wpwrak> (create+write) fopen is what you want
<kristianpaul> i ok
<kristianpaul> :)
<kristianpaul> hmm
<kristianpaul> the sd-like memory will put me away from IO bottleneck
<kristianpaul> :D
<kristianpaul> woo this projetc is really moving on documentation http://www.gps-sdr.com/wiki/gps-sdr/Acquisition
<kristianpaul> This channel is getting so quite as some moths ago :/
<kristianpaul> why the universe behave like a Wave in some aspects.. !
<wpwrak> hmm, quiet ? :)
<wpwrak> did you somehow miss the jlime/patent discussions ? :)
<kyak> !seen uncloaded
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: i try to ignore pantents discussion, remenber qi is free of patents :-)
<kristianpaul> wpwrak: what is this #define    REG(n)    (*(volatile uint32_t *) (mem+(n)-GPIO_BASE)) ?
<kristianpaul> why you stope usign the memory allocation fuction on  blinkenlight example?
<wpwrak> that's an access to a register. mem is the pointer to the area where the GPIO registers were mapped into the process' address space. n is the register address, GPIO_BASE is the offset of the GPIO registers.
<wpwrak> the cast turns this into an unsigned 32 bit integer. the volatile means that the compiler is not allowed to reorder writes, or to cache data
<wpwrak> (mem alloc) erm, what do you mean ?
<kristianpaul> malloc
<wpwrak> where do you think there should be a malloc ?
<kristianpaul> i dont
<kristianpaul> you already got the pointer..
<wpwrak> mmap allocates the address space. i don't need to malloc it.
<wpwrak> (it's also address space where the memory doesn't come from the space malloc uses)
<wpwrak> i.e., the underlying memory in this case are some of the memory-mapped SoC registers
<kristianpaul> ahh yes sure i was confused
<kristianpaul> yeah malloc is for when i want let said 12 ints like a pointer
<kristianpaul> sory i tend to swap names :/
<Greek_o_nikos> Do I have to be a developer to use the Ben Nanonote?
<Greek_o_nikos> I don't expect anything from the device other than transferring text files to it and reading them.
<bartbes> well, why would you have to be a developer?
<Greek_o_nikos> bartbes: ok, that explains it. Thanks for answering my question.
<qbject> Wow. I'm surprised ever time I get the qwebirc captcha right.
<kristianpaul> Greek_o_nikos: you dont, actually if you are no way related with development, your comments about the nanontoe are very helpfull
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: The selector filters will now match also the files with an extension in uppercase. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/5cd92b7
<qi-bot> [commit] Ayla: When adding a new link, the default brightness is now -1. http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/69c702f
<qi-bot> [commit] Neil Stockbridge: There is now a tool for creating un-fuzzy fonts http://qi-hw.com/p/setfont2/ecd17dc
<qi-bot> [commit] Neil Stockbridge: There are now two example Pre fonts http://qi-hw.com/p/setfont2/267d166
<qbject> djbclark: do you have any plans to sell replacement batteries for BNN?
<kristianpaul> MOstly OT^
<kristianpaul> hmm may be video part can give clues for his repdrocution in the nanonote using free-of-patent software
<kristianpaul> 4:2:0 !