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<chancyk> Could anyone point me in the right direction of properly iterating over a `Array[FilePath] iso`
<chancyk> I'm working towards having actors asynchronously counting lines of files... I have this so far:
<chancyk> refactored out the possible error raising code into the Main actor, as in the Supply Chain section of the Patterns Gitbook
<chancyk> so the separate actor is now receiving an iso of file paths, and now I'm in reference capability land ^ ^;
<SeanTAllen> taking a look chancyk
<SeanTAllen> question 1 chancyk, why is your _files variable an iso?
<SeanTAllen> do you have a reason for that or just learning and trying to get stuff working?
<SeanTAllen> Here's a working version chancyk:
<SeanTAllen> But I fixed it by not having the field be an `iso`. An iso field is rarely what you want.
<SeanTAllen> `ref` is an easier mutable to work with than `iso` so, only make it an `iso` when you need it.
<chancyk> I was mimicking the Supply Chain example just trying to get it working
<SeanTAllen> in this case, you need this to be mutable yes? but you wont be sharing it out this actor?
<SeanTAllen> is LineCounter going to need to share _lines with another actor?
<chancyk> I'm moving towards passing out files to actors to be processed concurrently
<SeanTAllen> ok but the _lines Array
<SeanTAllen> are you planning on passing that Array to other actors?
<chancyk> _files you mean? I don't think so, I'll probably read the files first and pass the file contents.
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> in that case
<SeanTAllen> `ref` is easier to work with than `iso`
<SeanTAllen> go with the change i made
<SeanTAllen> _files is now a ref
<SeanTAllen> another question
<SeanTAllen> _files
<SeanTAllen> are you ever going to add or remove items from it once LineCounter is created?
<chancyk> Nope, just that initial list provided by glob
<SeanTAllen> ok then
<SeanTAllen> it doesnt need to be a ref
<chancyk> next I'm going to try to read them and farm out the contents to another actor
<SeanTAllen> a couple basic Pony rules when getting started
<SeanTAllen> start by making it a `val`
<SeanTAllen> if you need to mutate it, make it a `ref`
<SeanTAllen> if you need to change it and then share it with another actor, make it an `iso`
<chancyk> Awesome, that's working!... let's see what I run into next. : ) Thanks for your help.
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
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<scooter> Hi, I'm Scott Steele. I organize the Rust DC meetup ( I was wondering if there are any core Pony designers/contributors familiar enough with Rust (and with enough time) to talk to our group about Pony's reference capabilities and how they compare with Rust's ownership, pros, cons, etc. (Or is someone could point me in the direction of someone else who might be willing...)
<scooter> s/Or is someone/Or if someone/
<jemc> scooter: hello and welcome
<jemc> unfortunately I'm personally not as familiar with Rust as I'd like to be (I've always wanted to pick it up)
<jemc> if you don't get a significant response from the IRC channel, you might try the mailing list
<jemc> though I think many of the regular contributors read the IRC logs, so you may get someone dropping in an answer tomorrow
<scooter> it looked like there was some cross-polination in the projects (e.g., the rfc process, the pony playground) so i think someone is definitely out there... thanks for your help... i wasn't sure where to direct my query so figured i'd just dive in here
<scooter> thanks! will keep an eye on this channel and ping the mailing list if nothing turns up here
<jemc> yes, we definitely have a lot of respect for the Rust project and community - I believe SeanTAllen is personal friends with someone on the Rust team, and IIRC we picked up your RFC process after they had a chat about it
<jemc> plietar was the one who ported the rust playground to pony - not sure how familiar he actually is with rust, but he might be
<jemc> also I seem to have a general feeling that theodus may be a rust user of some level, but I could be wrong about that
* scooter goes off to look up the GitHub profiles of the users mentioned
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<SeanTAllen> I was also a contributor to Rust 1.0 in a small tiny way.
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<doublec> It might be useful just to have someone talk about rcaps then the rust people can talk about the rust features and everyone can compare in real time.
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<SeanTAllen> AND... I finally did it: "Pony Performance Cheatsheet" =>
<jmiven> awesome!
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