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<vaninwagen> hi, during writeup of some literal section in the tutorial i found out that it is not possible to have empty array literals. is this intended? if not i would just open up an issue in ponyc repo
<SeanTAllen> ive always assumed that was intentional but never asedk
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<vaninwagen> one reason might be that it is harder/impossible(?) to infer the type if none is given as in: let empty_array = []
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<vaninwagen> would it be possible with: let empty_array: Array[I32] = [] ?
<vaninwagen> to infer the type of the literal?
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<SeanTAllen> you could there yes @vaninwagen
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<Praetonus> vaninwagen: It'll be possible once this PR is implemented:
<vaninwagen> Praetonus, looking forward to it :)
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<endformationage> Given bare lamdas/methods don't have a receiver, can I not call back into Pony code at all with them? Is there any way to access state outside the bare lambda/method?
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* endformationage thinks he's found a solution, by keeping callbacks that need to access state Pony side, and calling them via a function called via bare lambda/method.
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