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<SeanTAllen> A new "Last Week in Pony" is out. Did you miss anything that happened with Pony last week? If yes, you can catch up with "Last Week in Pony":
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<autodidaddict> So I started using the new promise functions. Join is spectacular.
<autodidaddict> But I think it's forcing complexity on the caller. If I build a promise array in a for loop that I want to join, I then need to head/tail split it so I can call join. If there was a primitive that let me do a join on a single array it would simplify my code quite a bit
<SeanTAllen> autodidaddict: i'd suggest writing such a primitive yourself then opening an RFC showing how it improves thing and it can get included in the standard library.
<autodidaddict> That was my plan 😀
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<theodus> autodidaddict: Could that be solved using Promises.join? (
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<theodus> It's does the same thing without depending on an existing promise
<autodidaddict> That's exactly what I wanted
<autodidaddict> I didn't see that when I went looking in docs
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<autodidaddict> I was even going to call my primitive Promises
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<autodidaddict> blog post that includes some 0.17.0 `Promises.join` action :)
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