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<doublec> I noticed that too. Lots of "foo(x)?.bar(y)?" in my code.
<doublec> Which is probably a win since I didn't recall they were partial.
<SeanTAllen> same
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<SeanTAllen> jemc: how does the makefile decide which compiler to use?
<SeanTAllen> im trying to help gordon get llvm 4 working on travis for osx
<SeanTAllen> and its finding llvm4 now
<SeanTAllen> but it wants to use clang-3.9 for some reason
<jemc> SeanTAllen: it respects `CC` and `CXX` env vars
<jemc> for example, I run `make` with either `CC=clang CXX=clang++` or `CC=gcc CXX=g++`, depending on which I want to use
<SeanTAllen> those arent being set that i can see
<SeanTAllen> but i also found an issue
<SeanTAllen> ah ha
<SeanTAllen> thats the other issue
<SeanTAllen> i told him to change that
<SeanTAllen> not sure why it wasnt
<SeanTAllen> ok
<SeanTAllen> thans i missed that
<jemc> np
<jemc> honestly, I have no idea why those are `CC1` and `CXX1` instead of `CC` and `CXX`, but it seems to be working, so /shrug
<SeanTAllen> ok i think push should fix gordon's issue
<SeanTAllen> there was also a wtf in the Makefule
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<autodidaddict> I was just looking at the RFC for the new promise methods. You have no idea how happy this makes me. These new methods are awesome!
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<cquinn> @jemc question about pony-explicit-partial-calls.bash : should the unix version of the script work on MacOS?
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<SeanTAllen> cquinn: in theory. i was the one who was going to test. i didnt have a chance to test so it might need updates.
<cquinn> ok. I did run into a couple of incompatibilities
<cquinn> bash features that I wasn't familiar with
<SeanTAllen> perhaps you and jemc can work out fixes.
<cquinn> sure. I'll look into it again. I was going to just run it on my ubuntu vm, but getting it working for MacOS is probably more important
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<cquinn> @jemc on line 56 there is `declare -A errors`. The `-A` doesn't seem standard and is an error on MacOS bash. `-a` is supported, but that defines an integer-indexed array and then line 69 fails.
<cquinn> Ah, MacOS bash is version 3.2.57 and I think `declare -A` requires version 4+
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<cquinn> Need to install bash-4 on mac...
<jemc> eek, that sucks
<etc> Is there a way to access C enums from pony?
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<cquinn> @jemc turned out to be fairly easy. bash-4 is on homebrew, but then you have to do a few tricks to get it set as a standard shell
<cquinn> worked fine then
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<jemc> hopefully that's enough to get MacOS devs going
<jemc> thanks for looking into it!
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<etc> Hi! Is there a good way of dealing with a C ffi that exposes a union-of-structs type?
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<jemc> I think union-of-structs FFI situations can be hard to handle in pony
<jemc> some initial discussion happened here:
<etc> Ok no problem! I'm indeed playing with the SDL library which was mentioned in the ticket
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