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<coopernurse> fantastic
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<achambers> oh, the compiler does exhaustive checks for matches now? I am sure the docs said it didn't
<achambers> maybe im confusing blog posts with the official docs however
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<SeanTAllen> achambers: it does, yes, that was added a few months back. i dont think the official docs say it doesn't.
<SeanTAllen> blog posts can definitely get out of date with a pre 1.0 language like Pony
<achambers> By the way, I notice the website refers to sync calls. Are those conference calls between all the core developers?
<achambers> are those public?
<SeanTAllen> achambers: yes! they are public.
<SeanTAllen> anyone is welcome.
<SeanTAllen> join the developer mailing list and you will get a couple notifications a week about the call
<SeanTAllen> its at 3:30 Eastern on Wednesdays.
<SeanTAllen> all the recordings are available as well.
<SeanTAllen> our basic format is 30 minutes to go over RFCs, PRs, issues and then we open it up to questions, conversations, topics that anyone attending might have and then back to issues and PRs until we fill up an hour. Often we don't go back to issues or PRs
<SeanTAllen> We always break around 4 to open the floor for other topics.
<achambers> Where do I access the recordings?
<achambers> Thanks for all these answers by the way.
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<SeanTAllen> You have to be a member of the developer list
<SeanTAllen> Join that group and they are all here:
<achambers> Thank you
<achambers> am able to listen now
<SeanTAllen> you're welcome
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<SeanTAllen> 0.18.0 has been released. Upgrading is recommended:
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