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<SeanTAllen> A new "Last Week in Pony" is out =>
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<isido> a quick question. I just compiled ponyc from the current master, on Ubuntu 17.04, *but* I used Ubuntu/Debian provided LLVM 3.9 - I didn't download the upstream binary as suggested in the README. I could compile the compiler just fine, but when I try to compile helloworld example, I get a linker error:
<isido> /usr/bin/ error: ./helloworld.o: requires dynamic R_X86_64_32 reloc against 'pony_personality_v0' which may overflow at runtime; recompile with -fPIC
<jmiven> isido: hi! You need to compile ponyc with default_pic=yes
<isido> oh, that was quick!
<isido> thanks!
<jmiven> :-)
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