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<mahmudov> hi
<mahmudov> is there any rpc server example in pony
<mahmudov> jsonrpc protocol
<SeanTAllen> there is not at this point in time mahmudov. a couple people have started on building one but i haven't seen any announcements from either of them. i'd assume you would need to write one for yourself.
<mahmudov> btw i am compiling ponyc from src
<mahmudov> it should be llv3.9 ?
<mahmudov> i am using llvm 4.0
<mahmudov> 4.0.0*
<mahmudov> i downloaded 0.19.0 version
<SeanTAllen> we dont currently support llvm 4.0 although work is underway. 3.7.1, 3.8.1, and 3.9.1 are supported
<mahmudov> hm will it be support ? or when
<SeanTAllen> work is underway
<SeanTAllen> Pony is a volunteer project so its being done during folks non-work hours
<SeanTAllen> The LLVM 4.0 branch now compiles but we get segfaults that we are looking into
<SeanTAllen> The volunteer portion means that its somewhat hard to say when it will be done.
<SeanTAllen> You can track progress here:
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<mahmudov> thnks SeanTAllen>
<mahmudov> lemme look
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<ShalokShalom> see [frequently asked questions]((/faq/)
<ShalokShalom> guess this ( is too much
<jemc> ShalokShalom: thanks for reporting - I've filed a PR to fix it:
<jemc> feel free to file your own PRs if you see any other issues that need to be corrected in the learning materials
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<ShalokShalom> is Pony whitespace indentation based like Python?
<jemc> ShalokShalom: no - it may aesthetically appear to be so, but that's due to other parsing tricks - Pony isn't indentation-sensitive
<ShalokShalom> aha, and what is it based?
<ShalokShalom> i mean, what does it use for block building
<jemc> the trick is that certain keywords trigger a "reset" of the parser - for example, the `class` keyword introduces a new class, so if it's seen while the parser is "within" a class definition already, then that means the current class must be over, and the parser resets to start the new one
<ShalokShalom> sounds superb
<jemc> some other keywords are a "partial reset" rather than a "full reset" - for example, if you see the `fun` keyword, it means a new function is starting (within the same class/actor/struct/primitive definition)
<ShalokShalom> and what is to consider?
<ShalokShalom> i mean for me, as a programmer
<jemc> but for other keywords like `if` and `while` that occur within a method body, having an `end` keyword at the end of the block is required
<ShalokShalom> ah i see
<ShalokShalom> next
<ShalokShalom> :P
<jemc> yeah, the big two rules to remember are that starting a new method marks the end of the previous method body, and starting a new type definition marks the end of the previous type definition
<jemc> which are pretty natural and straightforward for the programmer
<ShalokShalom> >> the big two rules to remember are that starting a new method marks the end of the previous method body, and starting a new type definition marks the end of the previous type definition
<ShalokShalom> this might be something for your documentation
<ShalokShalom> aka tutorial
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<ShalokShalom> its more or less indentation inference ^-^
<ShalokShalom> i think OCaml does something similar
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<SeanTAllen> thanks ShalokShalom jemc!
<ShalokShalom> sure
<ShalokShalom> ah, you are the creator
<ShalokShalom> nice to meet you
<SeanTAllen> I'm a member of the core team. Definitely not a creator. Sorry to pop in and run, but.. I have to run.
<ShalokShalom> i suggest to officially call it indentation inference and mention it in the tutorial
<ShalokShalom> currently, there is no mention about the block building
<ShalokShalom> SeanTAllen: RUN :D
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<SeanTAllen> jemc is also a member of the core team. (and away I run again ShalokShalom)
<ShalokShalom> ah i see :)
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