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<achamber1> how do I statically link my pony binary?
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<achamber1> im having quite a lot of trouble building a pony binary on one machine, and running it on another
<achamber1> i just get out of memory: : Cannot allocate memory
<achamber1> Aborted (core dumped)
<achamber1> on the remote machine
<achamber1> build machine is 4.4.0-92-generic #115-Ubuntu, server machine is 4.4.0-93-generic #116-Ubuntu
<achamber1> though I wouldn't expect such a minor kernel difference to screw it up that bad
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<doublec> achamber1: I don't think statically linking is possible right now
<doublec> achamber1: I don't know why you're getting the issue of allocating memory though
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<achamber1> can anyone else reproduce this?
<achamber1> I have tried on 3 platforms, 2 fail, 1 builds
<achamber1> no clue what is going on
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<doublec> achamber1: fails for me to on ubuntu 16.10
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<achamber1> cool, thanks for confirming
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<SeanTAllen> I found this to contain a number of very good ideas so I thought I would put it out to the Pony community. Not as gospel but as things to think about: "On Troll Hugging, Hole Digging, and Improving Open Source Communities" =>
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* endformationage hugs SeanTAllen
<endformationage> Interesting article.
<SeanTAllen> thank you.
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<SeanTAllen> Pony 0.19.0 has been released!
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