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<endformationage> I am getting a SIGABRT.
<endformationage> After pushing a callback to a mapped array, pony tries to grow the array, but look at the len parameter:
<endformationage> I am not sure why this is happening :\ Any idea where to dig further?
<endformationage> I am using FFI, of course could be the contributing factor, though this code seems unconnected to my use of it.
* endformationage rests.
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<SeanTAllen> thats quiet a len endformationage
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<endformationage> SeanTAllen: Yeah it is! 128 TB of render callback space :(
<SeanTAllen> got to be a bug somewhere...
<jemc> endformationage: can you file an issue ticket about it?
<endformationage> jemc: Yes, Going to see if I can come up with a simpler repro..
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