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<bitcrusher> woo wallaroo!
<bitcrusher> reading the hacker news post is like the annoucement of react using a different licensing. they start questioning about react native...
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<srenatus[m]> Re: windows -- Does anyone know how to do string replacement in a file from make.bat without breaking a sweat?
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<dubmass> hi
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<SeanTAllen> srenatus[m]: did you check out how ponyc is supporting that for windows? might be something to learned from it (I have to admit I haven't looked into it).
<SeanTAllen> hello dubmass
<srenatus[m]> SeanTAllen: ponyc does all that via C defines, which behave like variables (unlike the flags in pony code, as far as I can tell)
<srenatus[m]> (hi btw)
<srenatus[m]> that's the PR introducing the compiler version bits, but yeah, it's a different realm
<SeanTAllen> hi. hmmm.... i would suggest pinging kulibali on github. He would probably be the best one to give feedback. I'll also send him a link to your PR.
<SeanTAllen> I think the approach Ponyc uses is probably the best approach. But I haven't look to closely. I'm going to disappear on your now. I need to go back to sleep.
<srenatus[m]> thanks!
<vaninwagen> wallaroo still on HN front page :)
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<xcombelle> hi,
<xcombelle> if I understand correctly in pony actor model, the different behavior are processed in the same order they are called. Am I right ?
<xcombelle> I suppose that it implies there is a queue to linearize the parameters Am I right ?
<Praetonus> xcombelle: That is correct for a single actor. But messages sent to different actors can be processed in any order
<Praetonus> Actors have a message queue, yes. You can find the implementation here:
<xcombelle> Praetonus: I suppose that it is implied by the term of sequencial. in tutorial, but I believe it would be clearer with this example with appropriate definition of before and after: a.first(); a.second(); b.first(), b.second() can gave this result "a first;b first;a.second;b.second" but not this one "a first;b second /* Impossible:b.first() is called before b.second()*/;a.second;b.first"
<xcombelle> I did the pull request to clarify the sequential story
<xcombelle> the sequential story is very interesting, wonder if other language has similar thing
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<SeanTAllen> xcombelle: so at the root level, any actor model language could have it. however, erlang for example allows for "selective receive" that allows you to process messages in the mailbox in a fashion that would be "out of order". There are pros and cons to each approach:
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<xcombelle> thanks a lot for the reference
<srenatus[m]> I wonder about that list of logos on the bottom of ... is it users of wallaroo? (I'd love to know if one of our teams (chef) uses it, but I'm not aware of any...)
<SeanTAllen> no, that's a "can work with these things"
<SeanTAllen> srenatus[m]: perhaps we need to clarify that. we saw it on a somewhat "standard" thing that lots of sites do for "things that we are compatible with"
<SeanTAllen> how long have you been at chef srenatus[m] ?
<srenatus[m]> SeanTAllen: ~7 quarters
<srenatus[m]> thanks for clarifying -- it looks a bit like the usual "these guys love us" listing
<SeanTAllen> ill bring that up
<SeanTAllen> we dont want to give incorrect impressions
<SeanTAllen> how big is chef these day srenatus[m] ?
<srenatus[m]> SeanTAllen: 300ish?
<SeanTAllen> I know some folks who used to work there and i think one or two that still do
<srenatus[m]> :) let me know whom you want me to say "hi" to. it's about time west coast wakes up...
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<lungaro> is there a tutorial to follow?
<lungaro> i see a playground, so I can try things while I stumble through the docs
<lungaro> here we go
<jemc> lungaro: have you seen this?
<lungaro> just did
<jemc> also, welcome! :)
<SeanTAllen> if you havent' see in lungaro, check out the "learning" section on the website:
<lungaro> awesome, hope to spend more time w/ it tommorow